Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, January 07, 1882, Image 1
# CRAWFORD VILLE y*4&R if <i DEMOCRAT o By Edward Young & Co. WONDERFUL BARGAIN . TO ALL WHO ARE IN WANT OF - FUBWIT UB c :o: Our HANDSOME, WELL SELECTED STOCK and LOW PRICES lmmc give . s the advantage over other dealers. AU the Latest Styles and greatest vanety us . y ‘ Stock Stock, and . all say y we offer the Every one who , calls upon us admires adames cur out Greatest Bargains „, S3) onn . They have ever seen. Think of Parlor Sets from si, to ; mb er Set8 H°yoi convince All we ask is a trial. rwill call or send for prices we will you. We ■will duplicate any retail bill bought in New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore. of charge, All Goods packed and shipped free COME AND SEE US. r. €. HEGGIE «& CO., S39 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Dec.17,’81, ly. ESTABLISHED 1S5«. GROCERIES—61* Dread Sf CARPETS—713 Broad St. George JL» Bailie _tiie live— Carpet and Grocery Deal Of the FOLLOWING GOODS,LOW FOR Cash OV its EC>UI V ALEN L OFFERS A full LINE Body Brussels Carpets. Cotton and T«^stry WoolAaip.ts. Brussels G»[Pefcj. i ^stri'ped’Veu All-Wool W.w.l Garnets, Carpets. «?<££.STSk&TmoxAw Mattings. M&. etian Oil Cloths, Carpets. all widths. S*“Sffi, —.-----_ Jablc ■■ Oil Clotlm, ni .n f dow Shades, all sizes, for Curtains. Cornices Mosquito Nets, Beautiful ( hromos. GEOCEEY DEPARTMENT. Ferris’Hams. Magnolia A. ImiUl Hams,Flour Best 1 MUb'crfuk ris- Smoked Beef- Geo. s • RUsins, Fruits, Etc. ers Fancy Crackers. Best D as anu o n . Clothes Baskets. . LAID. CUR bUILD1NUi AUGUSTA, GA 1( , UALL DeC.47,’SLly. __________________ F*ixrnitur© Boom. We have just received TWO CAR LOADS of a bIj Vi 'j a a Uw j-yLi.ivii •» Never has there been sucli a Stock in Augusta, and we bought them to sell to keep. All who have seen our Stock agree we have the handsomest, and STYLISH they have even seen South, and as cheap as they can lie had in East West or North We never misrepresent goods—everything sold on merits. Satisfaction guaranteed. Our Stock is complete in every Everything in the Furniture line you Rill find heio. Agents for the Best and Cheapest BED SPRING ever sold, every one anteed for Ten Years. Write for prices if you cannot come. J. L. Howies & Co., 717 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Dec.l7,’Sl,ly. Fine Opera Glasses, BRONZED JEWELRY, EXQUISITE IVORY GOODS, FINE DIAMONDS, WATCHES and JEWELRY. BIGGEST and COSTLIEST STOCK ever on the Augusta Market. IF'o Tlie Holidays ELEGANT SILVER SERVICE. GOLD HEADED CANES. FANCY FRENCH FANS, SATUARY, PEARLS, F. A. BRAHE, Jew®®!’. Dec. 17,’81. ly. Id TIBS & MARCUS, JOBBERS IN DE¥ ©HOBS, T<f otions and Hosiery, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CLOTHING-. rpHE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully inform the merchants of Taliaferro and I andadjoining counties, that their Fall Stock is now being received, and in price assortment is unequaled by any that has ever been brought to this market. A special feauture of our business is the establishment of a BOOT,SHOE AND HAT HOUSE, Entirely . distinct from Dry' Goods, Not ion? and other Departments. Inner our store will be found the largest and Lest selected stock of SHOES and HATS we ha ever had. and we feel satisfied that it will be to the interest of purchasers to inspe our stock before purchasing elsewhere. MYERS & MARCUS. September^, 18sl.—yl. 280 and 288 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. r or JANUARY ■ CRAWFORDVILLE, GEORGIA, SATHIDAY, 7, 1882. Georgia .Railroad Banking Co. I Office Genekal Manager, . ) \ I Augusta, OA., December 10, 1881. /COMMENCING SUNDAY, lltli instant, will i the following passenger schedule i *>« operated : I vo. 1 west-daily, ho. a east-daily. 1 Lv.Augusta “ Milledg’ll 9:05 am; tu.Ar.1Vash'g'2:55;p-u* “C’wf’d’U ldOpjiu “ W’sh’i’n lt:2<),a |p Al , (j’f’dv’ll 1:12 m “ Milledg’ll 4:jffp;m ‘‘Atlanta ISS!" Augusta LiffpL NO. 3 WEST—DAILY. no. + east 1 —daily Lv. Lv. CrTvMl Augusta5-.55yym.Lv. «;“Pjm Av CT Atlanta8:30i dCII 2:5ji,a Pi m m ; ; ^^i^Anagm ?’ G en. PaEs'gmAm n | “MILES ' ICKES Georgia Railroad Company, ) < Offu eGeneual Passeng kk a gent. ; Augusta. April 5th, ) I /COMMENCING MOND VY, 7tV. ins‘ / this Company will sell ONE 'illOi AND MILE TICKETS, good out U.aj 1 line ami branches, at TWENTY-F!/ DOLLARS each. These tickets will l.. issued to individuals, firms or families, but. not to firms and families combined. K. R. DORSEY, May!), 1870. General Passenger Agent ' AIR-LINE. THE PIEDMONT Tile Sfirt and Direct Route North. Schedule in effect May 15, 1881, upon the Richmond and Danville railroad—At¬ lanta, Charlotte and Richmond divisions : U. S. Mail N. Y. i UTSTPast Northward. Express, No. No. Mail, No. 43 47 I -fit Lv, Lula Atlanta 0:4(4 4:00 jun j3:15 lti:00 pm y'07 iL.'iO^hn “ am ’,7:30 pm pm “ Toccoa 8:45 am pm, 0:!7 pm “ “Greenv’l Seneca 10:29 9:21 am |icl:22 |8:41 pm ami 11:2 1:05 pm am am •• Spartn’g 112:15 pm 111:42 pm 2:12 am “ Charl’te I 4:15 pvu j 4:05 am! am) 7:50 (5:15 am Saiisb’y Danville! <4:07 pm | 110:21 5:5(5 amjurn am z 0:09 pm am Ar.Rchiii’dl 7:2S am I 4:18 pmi 4:43 pm “ Washt’n 1:00 pm | 9:30 pm 9:30 pn: “ Baitimo’ 3:25 pm il4:25 pm 11:25 pm “ I’hiladel (5:50 pm i 3:25 am 3:25 am* “ New Y’k l0:05 pm ! (1:50 am (5:50 afh ______ |U. S. Mail. N. Y, I . S.Kas! I Southward, r, 48’ ; No. 42 Xo. « LwTNew I’hilrdelplu Yki 8 ;;<> am to uO pm 4 7 80 ant " 40 am ! 1 oo am 05 CS “ Baltimre 3 20 pm 5 05 am 9 45 Ci Washt’n 5 00 jmi ! 7 00 am 11 lo « “ Richm’dllO 45 pm 112 00 am 2 65 “ Danville: 7 27 am | iio'38 (i 18 pm 111 ! 7 91 05 ZL “ Sallsb’ry 11 1(5 am 112 prti Z . “ Char!ote|12 80 pm 20 am (2 10 CL “ Spart’hg 8 50 pm 4 05 am 2 53 iltsi “Greenv’l j 5 07 pm I 518 am 4 (>5 am •‘Seneca (5 51 pm i 7 02 am 4 05 am “ Toccoa 8 oi pm | 8 15 am 0 8o am “ Lula 9 id pm 9 31 am 7 89 ft ill Ar. Atlanta 12 05 am j 12 20 pm 10 00 pm Close connections made at ali or terminal >iuis herein imir. Js0f* Pullman Sleeping Car service dail;; without change, between Atlanta .am New York, on trains Nos. 47 and 48. Tiekets'sold and baggage checked troll and to all points North, South and West A. POPE, Gen’1 Pass Agent; TkTTToutlit | U furnisiied free, with tull7i structions for conducting the mutt profitable in. business The business that any one Fan ei gage is so ‘*asy |o profits from the very start. No one e;m fail who is willing to work. VVonien am as successful as men. Boys and girs can earn large sums. Many have made it the business over one hundred dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are .surprised i.t the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do nothave to invest capital in it. We take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us t once. All furnished free. Address Truk A Co., Augusta, Maine, SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, —FOR— Boys and Girls. Hard work, fine dicipline, pleasant locality, and school-rooin comfort l.ave made. SHARON BUSINESS INSTITUTE among the .leading schools of the coun¬ try. People living in cities wishi 3 'to send their children to a hording ™ .e. ni will find no better place than Bhau’in Business Institute. All boardiug pupils will bu under Him strict change of the principal Good board from §B to §10 pir month. TUITION. For Spring terms, from 16th of uaryto7thof April, for the 3 ! ! ^0, SB, m j I romjth olApiM.for to7th ofJuly I 01 pujdls will^ e nLt b^’receiSd for less time than three months. The princi pal will have full control of the A course of three mouths. Book | Keeping, Perioanship and Business : Correspondence SL>.06. The music department will be under ! the control of MIA h. VV. i- l,Y N - Addr ess, X. E. IV ARE, Sharon , ha. HIE GLOBE HOTEL, COI!XKIt EIGHTH AND KROAIJ STl’.EET AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, J-. centrally located, and within five m u ales’walk of all the principal Busim- J (oases, Banks, Post Office, Public Bui lugs,Union In-pot,Opera House,Telegra i ’ffices and Express Office. Street cars pass the door,going to all pai of the city and vicinity, .every five minute: during The House the day. supplied with the is all con veniences of a first-class Modern Hotel,an< is especially well located,and provided witi all convenient facilities for Gommereia Travelers carrying sampeis. Each room connected with the office 1>\ bells. Telephone attachment with the city and Summerville n the office for the accom¬ modation of gli S. G. S. ATKINSON & SON, Prop’rs. Formerly ol Clemens House, Danville, Kv ■ POETRY. W V T r v ; V ^. . --- [ Wr/’f A the Democrat .] « - WCMHE THRESHOLD. When , , approach always the blindly haunts in; of sin, SoroeW'fH Wg -1> v\e f stop to trunk, and then, Astf o d.|ve beyond Virtue a doubt AH s.-m d i> nams of out, Th.^on 'e of fwearfa^d peevish gentlemen. *™ £j « ,, ^nd « Inost iXpal stt about A f* a din Ilowl-re the breath of f Heaven without! £ , lb .>■ b tainted there within . , e'nlght ’ ! Wild' i) hero the cheerful Cres fires; invite. j A lii iuty s are kind and blight . And ^- WaiU ‘' . A , (Jo „ '.._ ulld wu I-- Joih , . 77 7ryu^ I Ih.'G.LN * j AS ES4 FKOM TI51.EC11AMS i 1 ASD LETTERS. | J Bffj the Latest lutormatten as U® ihe M^fvspapeis- A i e ■ * ot iVUat ^ C**?«y'* At i ! lleiders ol the Demo „. id lor the j ^ | -I 100,000.000 ! The pacific cimsi will have ! ln’WUjs us grain. j j LAW Lake Cijty has imposed an annual ! lilfeiv free of $bjpo on saloons, l«dg‘\ Brock, of North Carolina, is «i is. t \ rUU , . his I.Seiiatiff Sherman is . . nursing j re,milling bill. j | fen j.; ,veiDera!L-htsliKved pea'e that Robertson J Ik, • iade his 1 with Arthur. i i f > I il'he failures during the , past . week , j J r 1 v. reduction from the figures of the j j ‘ V ■ espopdittg week of last year. I , \t the sale of the Florida Central I m 1, Yesterday, $ir Edward Reed became I purebaaer. f^ 1 ' the sum of *305,000. i 1 icfgeant-at-arm aspirant for iIuj Hooper Vermont is reported governor- to j j \ i an ; 1 The Ijondon Spectator makes the mis ,f (i , of nutting “Judge" Porter on the inch in the trial ofGuitcau. said Chicago has 50,(too girls _ r It is that P uliiyg at the various trades for average j 1 of S2 a.Week. aye ! w -- All effort ls'being made in Hartford to ?(( iCe and old blue law which makes eon i jf'i'l going <m Sunday nights a penal of k‘lise. , i^sdoh r —Application will lie made at (die next i of pavilninenC for the granting lip agland of absolute copy right powers to , aids no Cav eUm, of Virginia, in hi? ■he 1'mV.duro y„ * rday. Uuri visa y»t o. ihddleberger platform. —Senator ,‘‘urgent is to he secretary r of the Interior. Mr.'l^irkwood will nolp etire from the department until after the sena¬ torial election lu Iowa, —A single public building worth more than the entire assessment of Fulton county lias attracted the attention of our Philadelphia correspondent. —Senator Jones, of Klorida, asks for an investigation of certain charges concern¬ ing the part taken by the officials of his state in locating swamp-lands. —Mis Eliza Newell, daughter of Govern¬ or Newell, of Washington t<*rritprp, has been appointed by the legislature torrlto rial librarian. .. Mr. Jnines C. Flood distributed §(5,000 benevolent associations . aroong several m San Francisco Christmas morning, Proles tants and Catholics being treated impur tially. —Hanford, the Kansas bank swindler, is turning tho tables upon his recent cap tors. Ife is Iiaving them arrested for eon spiracy, and proposes to give them all that the law will allow. -Atlanta people am wild , vil( | ov( o\u , r vaccina- va. mi m 1i01 , The doctors are. busy I-’Dormmg die operation oilmen, women anil cbil i dren. The small-pox serre is a bonanza ir them. —Mr. Kurd von Schlozer, the Germafi minister, will sail on Thursday en route ! r liis new post iu Rome. Count Henry von Ueust, secretary of legation, will he in charge of the legation at present. —The jestheltic Oscar Wilde has arrived j | j ft tlilis country, and after a quite too and utterly uttali fashion will deliver lectures oli the sesthetiesm of which ho is the pro ' -eJ exponent. lie is also to inflict upon " <hama ' -Mianie Brooks, a Chicago white wo man, drew public attention to lx-rsc.l a y ,, ira go by turning her beer garden into i a religious meeting lum and taking ihe j j (1 rcvl - va j meetings conspicuous held anew therein. hy mar- She | , I0W become uinga •Dr Newman ceased to be a Methodist (because lie was given an unsatisfactory ‘ ; * ! " 1 h& * imU " 1 t!,e imt0 - L- of a New York Congregational ehuroh, hick is to be strengthened by the adhe of General Gran ! , Jay Gould and other capitalist 'S. The Sannary dividends and interest nWahlein Boston aggregate $10,288,309, ‘IvideA as follows; railroads, ti,79i,979, mhufactiires, 8905,110; bonds, 80,(543,587; a Iscellaneou 1 59J7,723. The amount last was ?9,557,37(5, and in January last i. f e /19 - ’ I The Temperance Coloniz.ation society >f ij iuada intend w It) t‘ tablisl: a coiony of 1 abstainers on a large scale. A mill iou lucrob ot government land has been se- for the purpose, and people who £ —During the Franco-PrussWn war, the ion o{ vacclnatiou and revaluation ,, tested. , , , T In the .. ,, German army, was praetieed. There »vaa a single death from small-pox. In the army it was not practiced, and two deaths ensued. -General Grant has created a sensation announcing that he has recently given careful reading to the testimony in the of General Fit*, John Porter and has the conviction that for nineteen he has been doing injustice to a gal and efficient soldier and now feels it incumbent upoi. hini to do all in his power ^ Sorter, by the judgement of a j[§, Sinea then he has made stronx efforts to obtain a reversal of the decision and a restoration to hfa former rank. Previous l( , this recent charge of base Grant has rc c 0 ned till nwong his most bitter oppo nents. As offers to restore Porter enuie from the Demoi-rMs, it is suggested that the action of General Grant proceeds from a desire to conciliate the Democratic members of Congress and secure the pass age of the hill placing him on the released list . Regulate the Secretions, Iii our endeavors to preserve health j 8 0 j tUe*ttoost importance that we keep the secretory system in perfect condition. The well-Urtowu rmneily Kuluey- Wort, liasspeeitic ae.ti.on oni Urn kidnevR, liver and bowels. Useht m- 8tea< iof ,losing with vile liittiks or drastic pills, It is purely vegetable, It and is prompt but mild in actiom is prepared in belli dry and liquid form nml sold bp Druggists every whore. Heading bugle. THE ELECTION. * “““ BM „„ »•» C...M1 M F,,r30me , weeks past some excitement has bee " m ™ fest f* «» regard to the man agement * ol the city * government * for the gul ~ " msday last . election , .. ... held an was JJ* , r 1,ttHi 'vm-.- seventy-sx Client rotes was cast, manifested. rhefol ' ' n ’ fi4 ’ J; t'X J ’ v YtergstroS' *U , g ’ 50 , r V *! w • 7~\» 'J; M 'f.»maa Alkemk 9. J. W. Farmer, 1. The following is the new council for 1XK2: W. A. Lejwen, AV .i. Norton, Edward Young, ( 'harles Bergstrufa ami II. S,Smith. The mew council were sworn in at twelve o’clock Friday. They will take charge In about two weeks. Aii Awlul Responsibility. Everybody has something to say about Consumption. We all deplore its terrible ravages, but only a few of us seem to have common sense enough to take the proper means of preventing it. It is a fact as easy of proof as that two and two are four, that ‘‘Dale’s lloney of Iloreliouud and Tar,” taken as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, Difficult Breathing, Hoarseness, or any other of tlie symptoms which, as it were, pave the vav for that terrible destroyer, will effect a radical and rapid cure of the ailment, and avert all danger. Who¬ ever, knowing tills, neglects to resort to the true specific under such circum¬ stances, assumes a fearful responsibili¬ ty. Sold by druggists. Pike’s Toothache Drops cure in one minute. Jan. 7,’82-em. ROUNDABO UT IN GEORGIA, —Bibb county has an election on the , fence question on the 2 lsl. - Sixty colored people wont through At. lanta on Monday lor Texas. I hey f lom South Carolina. —F. W. Londouberp, t>f Columbus, was taken into custody for selling cigars with out paying the revenue tax. —'The Columbus Times says Rev. Wat kcr Lewis was caned by the young men °f | St. Luke’s congregation. , —Augusta ghroniele : The track on gitsta and Knoxville railroad has been laid for a distance of forty-two miles, or within two miles of Dorn's Minos. —The Augusta people are making ample arrangements to take care of the A^ricsuIfcHrstl Look*? VVllf u< in that >n tu.Jiiuh nf Jt'elvnary ne —The lime-makers in Georgia, Alabama and South C’roiina held a meeting in At¬ lanta <m Thursday last. They produce over a half a million barrels a year. Throe years ago they only produced 150,000 bar eels. —Azhill, tlie exposition ex-policeman, who got into trouble in taking his premium before it ivas awarded, was released, and has returned to his home in Tennessee. —Augusta News: At Graniteville, on the 32d, a white woman, while in a drunken stupor, fell into the. lire, and fore assistance could be clothing was entirely burned from her body. She (lied in a few hours. llawkinsville Dispatch HavvklnsviUe has received nb to Saturday night last fifteen thousand seven hundred and twen ty p, a ] R8 0 f cotton. Estimating that there wo thousand bales yet to come iu, the falling off for the season compared with the receipts last season will be about four tll0UHal ,d bales, —McDuffie Journal: Our good friend , Mr. J. M- Morgan, brought to our office a short time ago a vegetable curiosity, it is a corn tassel densely covered with grains l of corn, many of which are of good ^ d.-veloried ^^na Each branch T of i»« mssei moss * smao 1 ear corn. Mr. Morgan proposes to plant some ol these grains to see if it will reproduce a ' l 0 ^' .. it , ,, „ „ pei^ lug tank oAh'iiwe a theatrical fonnance in that plate last Tuesday a of roughs invaded the hall and created considerable disturbance. Several ) a(!nt ],. mell interfered and kicked them 0Llt During all this time no policeman was to hr; found. Dead head tickets iiad even failed to allure them, and within listalicl! of several blocks none of the ,rusty guard.ans were to he found. H (.riffin New., devotes two columns to vent mg its indignation. l'c-r-ide J.adies, Those you°to languid tiresome segsatioris, , |si , „ feci scarcely able to be y „ur feet; that constant drain that is taking from your system all its elas ticity; driving the bloom from your v.taUomi renfieiBig you "removed irrUablVand by the fretful, can easily be use of that marvelous remedy. Hop Bitters Irregulanties and obstruc lions of your sys-erni are le once, while the ical pain is iKn inanentb iemovtl. Will you heed this ?—Cmcmuati Saturday Night. Bleak, chilly March , , anil , November . , are the two worst months of the year for those suffering wl *-I 1 ’ 1 diseases. Keep Dr. Bull’s Gough Syiup near by and such sufferers will be able to brave the rough weather without danger. Price 2b cents. VoL 6 .—No. 1 . Injured hy a I'all. Mr. Taylor, who 1ms been engaged at the Georgia depot at this place, received quite a severe fail the other day. The company j s i iav .jjjg ereatod on the platform of the old depot a nufnber of well covers. They are t„ he taken to Conyers. Mr. Taylor was putting the shlnglet oil tfie naif, when hifl foot slipped and he fell to the track below a( U jtaneeof about twidve feet. lie fell across tiio rail. lie fainted. He was taken up and conveyed to a house hardby. Dr. Stephens was summoned and the injuries of Mr. Norton attended to. The injuries caused by the fall arc pain, ful hut not necessarily dangereiis. At | (!R ^ accounts lie was doing well, Persons prematurely gray oan hav tliCiT Dy iiiICT 1 lAL-LTI,! Hull's r4r-sUw j-f/rii,,.hi (5,4*kir*, f y, using Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer the best article in the market. Very taking.—Colds. Very glad__ The Druggists. The very best remedy. Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Eminent Dr. J. J. Caldwell, Haiti more, Md., slates: “I have used Col den’s Liebig’s Liquid Extract of Beef Invigorator largely m De , anil 1 liavu found it one of the most reliable of nutrient tonics now in use or to lie found in pharmacy.” (Take no other.) Of druggists. Jan. 7,’82-em. Why H ear fMaatetn t They may relieve but they can’t cure that lame back foi the kidneys are tho trouble and you want a remedy to act directly on their secretions to purify ,, n( j reg p ore their healthy condition. Kidney-Wort has that tqieeific action and at the same time it regulates tho bowels perfectly. Don’t wait to get 1 Hick, but a package to-day, and cure I yourself. liquid of dry for sale at the druggists. -Binghamton Heplub * I ____ . ____ Tfce l‘ - tesli Speedily Reunite*. j When olw'inate sores are cleansed wifcl ' (ilel,,! ’ S S,,l ’ ,l,,ir SuH I'’ ° f dl "«' ^'jf’lil’s Hair and Whisker Dye, black j j or brown, 50 cents, Jan. 7,’82-em. | ~ j DENT tL NOTICE. WAuiti-.,TO , v, G.\., Jan. 2nd, 1882. To my many friends and patrons of I wish them a Han als . take pleasure in announcing to my patrons that 1 shall continue to be in rny office in Ciawfordviile from the 12th. until the 20th. of each mouth where J will be pn pared to do any and all kinds of Dental Work, 1 »} rU kce l‘ "» hand «Rro oxide gas, «•“» W"* »*« exj*Me or pains to give J® ^ a11 tl,e satisfactions ie ^ contjmieto , n8ert teeth at the Lowest Cash Price. Terms cash m all cases. I have found after long exi>eri e t( 8hort cre(lit Ula fc t . s } ong 8 {rien(ls Thanking my patrone for past favors assure my friends I will not abuse tbeir confidence in me iu the future no more tlinu I have in the past. Call and see me: have your teetli examined: uc charge for c-xauiiuution. Resuecl fully K. H. PAJBSONS.