Newspaper Page Text
. o
By Edward Young & Co.
“One kiss," I pleaded ; “just a tiny one,
For a good-night.”
A deep carnation swiftly sped before,
Across the face so pale graceful head,
And modest drooped blushiug the red,
A!* the sweet denial lips, that the foreswore
Trembled eyes
“Ati'ye*”—still pleading—“see we are
* ""tU Love’s good-night.”
The crested head raised like proudly diamond now. light,
Ami flashed tho eye
And the white face was pounet purest snow,
And the red lips, they swept from so, sight
As the lady fair my
An owl—a philosophic one he proved to be,
Who saw tho whole occurence from his
BlinkeiTonce, blinked twice, then flapped
a lazy wing, and claw a
And cracked his bill gave one
“Young silly,”—here he paused to scratch
his head, owlship’s gravity, lie
And plume his ere
said— yours—if i but .
“To plead for what is you
make it! shed , , , let
T* give she could not, bnt you
take it!”
.A___■iJ ' J
Belug the Latest lulormatien as Cow
denned from tile Newspapers—A llriet
Review of IViiat the Country is At.
Culled tor the Readers ot tlie Demo¬
—Guiteau lias been found guilty.
—Texas has 4,()00,000 sheep, valued at
—Work on tlie Charleston jetties seems
to be going on satisfactory.
—A new company lias been formed to
carry on tlie English channel tunnel.
—The London Financier says the Roth'
chids will intervene to aid the paris mar
—Neal, the Catlettsburg murderer, has
been confronted with the death penalty at
—Tlie Illinois secretary of state lias li'
censed two elevated railway companies fo r
—Congress is prying into the South
American correspondence with zeal and
profundity. in
—Newark manufactures, §66,985,706
1880,show a growth of one third of one third
in ten years.
—The Spanish minister of colonies in.
structed the Culmn authorities to abolish
the corporal punishment of negroes.
—An imprisoned girl at Burr Oak, Mich.
«nt every button from her clothing and
swallowed them in pm ineffectual attempt
at suicide.
The Atlantic. auA-Pni-lTt v nvVir* fto 'eom
*pany is apout. to issue-a call upon its stock¬
holders for $0,500,000, with which to com¬
plete the line.
—Of tlie assessment on the Mechanics’
National bank of Newark, SUtiO.o'po out of
#500.000 liave bean paid, and the receiver is
preparing to sue for tne rest.
—About half tlie divorces granted in
Chicago now are said to bo on account of
the drunkeuness of wives. Chicago men
are getting to be very fastedious.
—The English revenue receipts arc al¬
ready 311,000,000 above what they were at
the same period of the fiscal year in 1781
and a considerable surplus is expected.
—The Fortification Appropriation bilj
has passed tlie House. It is said to appro
priatea pitiably small amount and will no
protect our harbors from tlie torpedoes and
the whales.
—The north Australian natives detes 1
the Chinese, except as food, and have late*
ly eaten several members of a Chinese col¬
ony which was engaged in collecting bich
edemer for the Pekin market.
—Judge Porter and Guiteau exchanged
* ‘liars” aud crossed compliments severaj
times Thursday. The Judge is the only
person who can hold his own with the able
assassin in a polemic encounter.
—The bodies of nine Confederate sol¬
diers have been exhumed In Coieago. Theij
dust will be moved to more congenial soil
where none will “speak light of the spirits
that are gone ; nor o’cr„t,heir cold ashes up¬
braid them.”
—Gambetta’s Ministry is coming to a
crisis on the constitutional revision quos
tion, and its sail is predicted. The Premier
has found out already tlie difference be
tween fattening on popularity and ac :
counting for power.
—In Yorkshire, England, lately a bur
glar was found in a [very tight place in
deed. His leys were hanging down a chim
ney in which he had stuck, and it was nej
cessarv to takedown the mantelpiece and J
part of the chimney to release him.
—A Providence woman went no further
toward murdering an enemy than to get a
false advertisement of her death into the
the papers, with the age set down at 38
years, and the “Miss” inseretd to remind
the reader that she was still unmarried.
—The Chinese six companies nionopo.
lize the laundry business in Montana, and
an enterprising Mongolian who set up o\v u
book woke up next morning to find a piae.
rrd offering §!,80<J to any body who would
kitl him, ami was sain to appeal to th e
—The bill for Mrs. Lincoln’s pension and
relief has passed both Houses. It wilj
speedily become a law and benefit. It is
said, a ne dy a : 1 ' .-offering woman. Mrs.
Lincoln s ar valid from disease of the
spine ai d k legs, and, in addition, is
p‘ t 'ose *r eivesight.
—A Wisconsin farmer has been put un-
28 ) 1882.
dcr bonds to keep 'the peace on account of
his attempts to mm State, an olcL lady whom
he believes to be a v.Hch. lie avers in de.
fense that sliichw- be Itched his cattle and
has repcate^jnttera* ehimne^sjp&ey-Jiole his domicile through
the and other incon¬
venient and impropriate | apertures, eon
rary to ills wish-ami to hiagrgat torror and
distress. mtflriK
Georgia Cl eahlngK from alt Sources—
Everything of Interest our Little Man
with the Scissors Sees—All Manner ot
Accidents, Crimes, and Casualties.
—Patti, the great singur, gave Atlanta
the slip. She refused to sing there and
went to New Orleans instead.
—Tlie vote in Walton county on the fence
quwstion resulted^. .Fgpcc, D45 ; no fence,
582 ; more fence arid Wtcr feuce, 89.
—The Consolidated Gold Mining Co. of
Georgia report^earnings for November of
57,105, ond expenses §1,800, leaving a liet
esrvice of §5,305.
—II. I. Kimball having closed up the
exposition now proposes to build Atlanta’s
canal in eighteen months. The Post-Ap.
peal says lie can and will do it.
—Mr. Homer Dudley on last Friday
found the body of a dead negro lodged
against the limb of a tree in the Chatta¬
hoochee river; twenty-five miles below Oo
—A Mrs. Jackersou, living on Wheat
street, Atlanta, was caught by a nego just
at her gate after returning from shopping,
lie grabbed her pocketliook and made off
in tho darkness.
_Catoosa county is out of debt and has
$109 cash in her treasury. She lias repair,
ed licV court house, built a new jail, and
made many improvements in tho way of
bridges and other public conveniences.
—Griffin News : We learn that Jas. F
White,who so cruelly shot, Mr.James Rose,
in Upson coudty some weeks ago, has been
captured, and will be speedily brought to
justice. He was apprehended in Mobile
county, Ala.
^ around Rou^
—Things are getting shaky
juditigir.g from tho following taken from
liie Tribune: “We were informed by a
gentleman yesterday who seemed to under¬
stand what lie was talking about,that there
would bo a larger number of assignments
made for the next two months than there
had been for several years.”
—Savannah News : The British ship
Ardmore was on Saturday cleared for Liv¬
erpool, by Cliarlc’s (Jreen’sSon. with a car
go of 4.570 bales of upland cotton, weighi¬
ng 2,104,705 pounds ; valued at §23:>,. r >13-30.
Mr. Antonio Georgoza, ou Saturday, clear¬
ed, for Montevideo, tlie Spanish;,bark An
tonieta, with a cargo of 230,000 feet of J lum¬
ber, valued tt*< SflJioth—'
^-Augusta News : A little negro boy, Al¬
ien Moore, was committed by Recorder
Webb this morning, to await the action of
ti.e grand jury in a curious case of killing.
Last May, Allen was fighting with anotlie,
small negro named Robert Griffin and
struck the latter on the head with a brick.
Griffin died three weeks since and tlie lit¬
tle fellow who caused his deatli is now
committed for trial. He cannot be more
than thirteen years of age and his parents
say lie is only ten.
—Griffin News: We regret to lern that
another failure has occurred at Hampton,
Mr. W. S. Brooks being tlie unfortunate
gentleman who lias made an assignment.
His liabilities are placed at §5,500, his as.
sets at §4,500. Of this latter sum §3,400 is
in stock, the balance being in notes, ac¬
counts, etc. $2,200 of the assets lias been
laid aside for preferred creditors. We are
sorry for our sister town, there seeming
to be a run of unfortunate luck in business
—Atlanta Constitution : Sunday nig lit
officer Crim returned from Macon with
two prisoners who were arrested in tha t
town Saturday evening last,, and
who were supposed to be Toni Malone and
Jack Smith, who were wanted here for aid.
ing several prisoners to escape from tlie
stockade about one week ago. After th c
officer readied Atlanta it was ascertained
that the prisoner supposed to be Smith was
not Smith, and lie was released, Malone.
was well known and gave bond for his ap
—Columbus Times: The incoming night
or through freight, which passat Jones’
crossing, collided, knocking three cars of
the former and the engine of the latter off
the’,track. Tlie Columbus bound train was
moving on Ui the siding, on which there
were several empty boxes that had to
moved forward out of the way, and befor e
it had cleared the switch the other train
came thundering on striking the three rear
boxes, including the cab. The passengers,
°f which there were several, seeing tlie
coining danger got off and out of the way.
After a delay oi several hours things were
ffotton to rights and the trains were on
heir way.
.eeiw. <- .it -.u.-.i o„.
R ^ v ' f Hartley, wJl preach at Siiaron
011 Sunday, the 29th instant, one week
from to-morrow. We understand that a
movement is on foot to establish a regu
lar station at that point, with Mr. Hartley
in charge. This would be an excellenr
Tre Fiesli Speedily Reunites.
When obstinate sores are cleansed
with Glenn’s Sulphnr Soap. Of drug
gists. and Whisker Dye, black
Hill’s Hair
or brown, 50 cents.
Jan. 7,’82-em.
The News of Neighboring Cull,
ed f rom our Exchanges,
By our Correspondents— ritten
ren, Greene, Oglethorpe, I War
ron Etc. ,’SUa
[Special Corretpondence oj
Geo. Mitchell was in out
Robert T. Kendrick has la >
new dwelling. ills
Master Eddie McCord, of
attending school here. >,*.
Sharon turned out in full
dance in Urawfordville and w he
enjoyed themselves well. all
Mr. Robert Edge was getti
wagon near the depot, the us
off, eausiug him to get a sever
Married on the 18th, Mr. Jo!
Rome, to Miss Fannie Dardui
Rev. A. C, Davidson officiates,,
Mr. JameASlocum, of Macon,
been visiting Mr. O. I). Moore’s
turned home on last Saturday. re
Our frien d W. A. Slone, Jr., of
paid us a visit on Monday, and
glad to learn that Ills health is in • fire I
proved. >i »m
It is rumored that we w ill lie 1
soon. Wo have been needing « botei
time, aucl we hope Mr. L. A. M »uic
give it las attention. V’ j
Messrs. Croake & Edwards r’
car load of meat a few days ago, 4
who would like to buy would th •lose
call and price before buying elsew li t,.-
[McDuffie Journal.]
Thomson is very dull.
The McDuffie Journal lias just cm |
its tweiftljjfear. ?***
Our cotton shipments up to d to
about 150 bales ahead of last season'. le
In Thomson, on Thursday the 1GU
by Rev A. B. Trasher, Mr. W.A.
and Miss Minnie Finch were married..
The usual quiet of orr town was e.
erably disturbed on Monday mornln,
by tlie report that a tramp was lying
Married at the residence of Mr* Ifov
in Augusta, on the lfltli inst., by Rev. S.
Ricliafdson, Mr. J.C. Watson am! Mi
Ophelia Jones, both ofMcDuffio eotinCj.
with small-pox in one. of the old Rpilr
shanties, about half mile from,tow4. ’
Ordinary being aprised of tlie fact sec
the services of Dr. IV- M. Pitts and st:u
to the shanties to investigate the matt
Upon arrival there, tlie two made a seal
for the sick man but failed to lined Id.
They learned that sev- ,:il str. inps I'
been stop™ng iu the -!... ’
thive <la ysj btlt Jiemutrl-t/iis notliiuji . lV»
could be ascertained. We liave made
gent enquiries and we cauriftf find the i>«•
son that started report. Tlie report lias'
proven to be a “false alarm.”
Mr. James Dorothy, while returning
home from a ueiglibors last Tuesday night
about 9:30, was met in tlie road by sonw
unknown person who asked who he wan
Mr. Dorothy replied that lie was a lnniji
who attended to his own business anal
didn’t whereupon interfere the with tlie said, affairs “D—n of otlicrjs I’ll
person you,
find out,” and drawing a pistol fired upon
him, inflicting a serious wound, tlie ba l -
taking effect about two inches above tile
heart. The wound though dangerous in
not necessarily fatal. Mr. Dorothy lias ilio
idea who the person was as it was vetly
dark, hut lie is of tlie opinion tliat;it wasj a
white man. We hope that every effort
will be made to bring tlie wouldbe assas¬
sin to justice.
[Sparta Inhmaelite.]
The roaes in the county arc in a very
bad condition.
There is an immense amount of granite
in the foundation of tlie new court house.
There will be preaching at Rock M ills
on next Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 28 jand
Jiylge Rogers reports business on the in¬
crease in liis portion of tiio judicial vine¬
We regret to learn that Miss Mat Stan
ford lias been quite sick for several days
Steps are being taken to either enlarge
tlie Methodist Church at Powelton, or
build a new one.
The Baptist Church is now without a
p as tor as well as a bell, but we trust it
wj) | „ ot i J(: 80 | 0 ng.»
Prof. Ivy W. Duggan’s school at Lin
ton ls on a re g U | ar boom. The first week
dosed with 70-odd pupils,
Tlie marshal aud all the deputies lie
c0lil( | get) had their hands full for a short
while last Saturday evening,
A negio, whom Sheriff Stewart was re
gently about to put in jail, broke away
when m . ar that rock house, and fled.
Mr. W. j'. Northen is thinking of estate
lishing in Sparta a depot for the storage
and sale of improved farm, implements.
Tlie indirect n-x on iron ties for bailing
co tton costs the farmers-of Hancock be
tween two thousand and four thousand
dollars, every year.
The progress of Linton within the past
few years illustrates the power of schools
to build up communities. A community
without schools and churches isn’t fit to
iivo in.
Mi Mary A. Hammock, daughter of
Mr. Ben]. A. Head, was buried at Jewells
on Suday, Jan. 8th. She died in Langley,
S. C., where she bad gone to reside. Rev.
Mr. Biniori preached the funeral.
We have been living in Sparta some
tune, but have never witnessed just such
scenes as transpired, publicly, on our
streets last Saturday evening. Should
spend the we
remainder of our days here, we
trust never again to witness tire like, tve
know the perpetrators must feel heartily
i ashamed of themselves. We beg them— l
I hw the sake of their families, if for no
other reason, never again to be the
f pal actors in such scenes. Whisky, abused
as it is in the using, is a monstrous Z evil
stakes one’s reason from an d con
verts him into a being lower than the
brute. But tile laws of our town author
i*e the sale of it, and we shall have to en
con8 * < * uonce8 «« • «iser po.icy
[ War ren t.m Clipper.]
Mr. Joseph Raley was re-elected marshall
at a salary ot §400.
The “No fence” ticket went down under
a mauling majority of 4 to 1.
Rev. E. li. Carswell acceptably tilled his
first appointment at Long Creek last Satur
and Sabbath.
Mr. J. M. Garland, tlie Maine Cotton
has bought Mr. A. 1). Kitchen’s
between this place anti Oamak.
Mr. Josepii Fuller reports a case of small'
at the Hjliuian place between Camak
Thomson. It is said to be a tramp.
Mr. Wm. Smith is tlie man who is gallanf'
*‘d neat ion in this county by keep
school books. Ho ought to be well
We learn that Mr. Dermody of Mayfield
Miss Parker daughter of Mrs. Frank
of Hancock, were married, a short
before Christmas.
The board of town commissioners have
passed an order for vaccinal ion to com¬
mence at onae, to prevent tlie small-pox
wave from sweeping down upon us.
Rev. John Puts has retired from the
Conference on account of lll-liealtli from
overwork, and now resides at the Kinsey
borne place which he recenty pureh.iicd.
In a lengthy prospectus the editor of the
Clipper informs us that he will during the
corning yearinhict upon liis long sulfeiisig
patrons tiie prophecies and ideas of the
iiTepressiltle Aunt Giiicv. In all sincerity
we mingle our tears with those of tho Clip-
I, [ Oglethorpe Echo. ]
I Two failures in our county and im.Ttf
looked rdr.
Lexington sportsmen own some line
Biter dogs.
he young me# of Lexington arc noted
he ir sobriety.
• ingteh is blessed with a plenty of
• ...Ron brought Mi&XU',i~
m lust Tuesday.
There are now three boarders with She.
riff Dostnr' All negroes.
Mr. Win. Gotthemier has bought out the
nterest of Mr. Win. Stewart, of the firm
of Gottheimer & Stewart.
Lexington is still in need of a black,
smith.—“One of tiio printers on tlie Echo
ought to apply for the position."
A soli of Dr. James Maxwell, of Louis¬
iana, an old resident of this county, is on
a visit to relatives and friends.
Died, at liis residence in this county
Tuesday morning, January tlie bid, Mr.
Etheldred Drake, aged 82 years.
There is a young gentleman in Lexing,
who, for the last three years, lias kept
a record of all visits made, to young ladies
and ail engagements lie has had withthem
the small number of 199.
tl ItKKXK.
[HeraUl ami Journal.]
Mr, Jas D. Arlington, of Greenesboro is
now in Atlanta, attending his last course of
medical lectures.
J, II Lumpkin, Esq. lias been appointed
Reporter of the Supreme Court, vice Hen.
ry Jackson resigned.
Miss E. A Young was married by Rev
Mr. Stration, to Mr. J.S. Cheney,of Bairds
town, on the 18th inst,
It is expected the Bnirdstown School will
open next Monday, under Rev, T. A. Har¬
ris a Metherdist elergymad.
The handsome awning recently added to
the Geisslea Iron Front store, quite a met.
ropoiitan oir to that building, and lends a
new charm ie inside attractio ns.
By the removal of Mr. .. T. ... N. Pulton „ and .
family to McDuffie eouut.y Greene loses
some good citizens i hut what is our loss is
McDuffie’s gain. Our friends are followed
by best wishes and the hope that, they may
ere long return.
W oman.
Hope for suffering Woman. Something i
new under the sun. j
By reason of her peculiar relations, and
perculi.u .ti! .o ots, woni.iu La . I>> , M i
compelled to suffer, not only her own ills, ;
but those arising from the want of know!- |
edge, or of consideration on the part of
those with whom she stands connected in
tlie social organization. The frequent and
distressing irregularities pecuiiai to her sex
liave thus been aggravated to a degree j :
which no language can express. Lithe
mansions of the rich and the . hovel of the i
!)00r alike, woman lias been the ipatien, j
v j c tj m 0 { j[] s unknown to man, and which i
but she could endure, and without a :
remedy. But now the hour of berredemp
tion has come. She neecl not suffer longer,
when she can fine relief in Or.J. lirad
fields Female Regulator, “Woman’s Best
Friend.” Prepared by Dr. J- Inadfn kl
Atlanta, Ga. size, 1 . 4 , large
size, §1.50. For sale by all druggist,
‘A Had Cold or Distressing Cougli.”
Dry, parched, sore throat, pneumonia, weakened
bronchial and asthmatic attacks,
and debilitated state of tlie system .all these
dangerous symptoms are e.ured hy “ Dr
Svvayne’s Compound Syrup of Wild Cher¬
ry.” The first dose gives relief, and the
worst cough and sore lungs yield to its heal
ing properties. An occasional dose of
‘ Sway lie’s Pills ” should be taken to keep
lie bowels free. They are excellent lol
oi pid liver and bilious complaints.
An Awful Responsibility.
Everybody lias something We deplore to say
about Consumption. all
its terrible ravages, but only a few of
us s em to have common sense enough
to take tlie proper moans of preventing
it. It is a fact as easy of proof as that
two and two are four, that “Dale’s
Iloney of Horelioiind and Tar,” taken
as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, Difficult
Breathing, Hoarseness, or any other of
the symptoms which, as it were, pave
the wav for that terrible destroyer, will
effect a radical and rapid cure of tlie
ailment, and avert all danger. Who¬
ever, knowing this, neglects to resort
to the true specific under such circutu
stances, assumes a fearful resiionsiliili
Sold hy druggists,
Hike's Toothache Drops cure in one
minute. Jan. 7,’82-em.
Arrested fur Olisiaucting the 1st reel-.
Last Saturday afternoon, Mr. John W.
Darracott was arrested by Marshall Goo
ger for obstructing - tlie, street. It will be
retnembvred that some days since Mr. Goo
ger under authority of tlie council pulled
down Mr. Darracott’s fence Mr. Darra
cott had him arrested, and put his fence
back. The trial came off and was duly re¬
ported in these columns.
Mr. Darracott was taken before the !
council and lined ten dollars for obstruc¬
ting a sorcct. Mr. Darracott gave notice j
through liii attorneys that lie would eerto
ran the case. Thursday Hits papvrs were |
filed by tlie clerk. i
A Lady's V4 Isle j
“Oil, how J do wish my skin was as elea. i
and soft as yours, "said a lady to her friend i
“You can easily make it so,” answered the |
friend. < *iIow. > inquired tlie first lady !
“By using i p Bitters, , that that makes makes pure! pure
aich bio id and blooming In-alth. It <li<l it
for you observe.” Utiid ot it.—Ca
iro Builentiii. i
"hat is licing Done at the Headquar¬
ters of the Government—The Guiteau—Mr. htepheus Health.
From a private letter written b a gen¬
tleman in Washington to a friend in Craw
fordville, we are permitted to glean ” the c
‘‘ lllu C ulteau tliaI wil1
’ be concluded
,J* n 5 XtW " ek ' GU, teau ' is tospeak liim
L? 1 SUPP ° S ‘ !
“i " 11 argument in be
, f Prosecution. Guiteau is
1 as
I J !*™ ‘ no Ca doubt " 1>0 myself no question upon
the subject
letter to the Constitution on
tlic subject is the most accurate and trutli
ful representation of the prisoner I ^
seen >™ V »y quarter.
tiunly one of tho most remarkable cliarac
bnt ho is undoubtedly insane^ But liTwili
nevertheless I suppose, for such is the cur
rent opinion here be found guilty.
1 am glad the Democrat is getting
trade issue un
a for our town I hone Hn»v
couid Will not lose, money by it. Now ,f wl
net .some suitable manufacturing
establishment started there besides our
flour mill, gin factory, and wagon making,
a new impetus would be given to tlie vil
lage. Exactly what sort of a factory
would be most suitable, not conflicting
with tlie others, 1 do not know. But enor
gethuonterprise might suggest some which
would be both profitable to the investors
well as most advantageous to our gio
liealtli continues about as
was last summer. Tho excrescence on
face has been entirely removed and
Doctors pronounce it perfectly well.
Congress has not got rightly to work vet,
the majority seems slow to begin
on all those questions or practical
they will certainly be very
divided. On tlie currency question,
the I'anking question, oil tho silver
on tlie question of coined certifi¬
ami especially on tee question of the
internal revenue law as well as
tariff they will not act together, the
number of Western Republican’s
with a large, majority of the Demo¬
that the Tariff should bo modified,
siver should be restored to its full
purchasing and debt pays power as money,
and that silver and gold certificates should
lie issued without restriction, thus keep¬
ing the heavy coin in the vaults of tlie
government, and furnishing the soundest
paper currency for tlie convenience of tlie
people that was ever issued in any couti¬
try. Such certificates will be better than
any bank bills Stale or Federal, or even
V e, ' r there will lie a gold or sll
[fir r«*asu y on
j *
'Ufic-ate* ; j \
three dollars for one of ( nn, in' tlie bill.
or in tiio treasury ; but dollar for dollar,
for every certificate issued there will he a
coin in the treasury to redeem it. This is
what tlie people want, there will he no
room for speculation, no room for expen
sion and contraction, or of currency," by
which panics are made. This together
with the Internal Revenue system of taxu
tion will soon lie the great and leading
political <mentions in this day.
No Sensationalism!-—No Immorality j
-iclfi uiml
——g—;o: -.......— ■
IMIE ’ Chronicle and Constitutionalist is
(t r|uip^Ui<>V.Xusst. established U iVi'U m ; United States'
been in 1785. While
Democratic in prmelplh, it is
of t |„. world, and is recognized as a
clas* paper,
A » an advertising in Meorgm medium, and South it covers Carolina tiio
to Augusta.
We endeavor to exclude sensationalism.
Wo publish no articles of immoral charac¬
Week! Daily, one year - §10 00
y, one. year - 5 0(>
Til-Weekly, one year 200
Address, WA LSI! & WRIGHT,
13, Jail, 28, tf. A uousta, Ga.
Crawfordvil!>j Academy.
Tlie Scholastic year of 1882, will be
divided into two terms. Thc Spring
term will open on Monday the .’’0th of
January, and do e on tlie 7lh of July.
Tlie Fall term will open on the 21st of
August, and close on the 30tli of No¬
—Raths of Tuition.—
Primary, Spring Term, § 0.00.
“ fall “ 6.00.
Intermediate, Fall Spring Term, 12.00.
“ “ 8.00.
Advanced Eng. Branches, 15.00.
“ ‘ “ Fall Term. 10.00.
Ancient Languagas Ac Higher
Mathematics, 18.00.
Ancient Languages Sc Higher
Matliemrtics, Fall Term, 12 . 00 .
No deduction for lost time, except in
cases of protracted illness. Pupils
thoroughly prepared for classes in any
of the Colleges. Musical advantages
good. Location healthy. Board cheap.
Primary department under supervision
of Mrs. S. E. Hoggs.
For particulars address,
• W. Ii. Hrcokk, Esq.,
Sec’y Board Trustees, or
C. T. Boggs. Principle.
Raytown Academy.
School will be opened at tlie Acade
my in Raytown on the 30lh inst.
according to grade s“.00 S2.50 and 83.00
per month,
No student received for a less peri "Hi
tl ,an three months.
Music, painting,drawing and French,
will be taught b • MRS. S. J. FLYNT.
For particulars, consult
S.J, FLYNT v Fricciw0,
Yol. 6.—No. J .
Stultilig Cs.
The Augusta Evening K-m says : Tlnj,
exceJJaut sheet, publish, d at one of (lie
host points on tho Georgia Road, will
issue a trade number the coming week, it
is their intention to publish a large number
| liccclaJthll- Re eentlj they have U "‘ b made '‘ n '; (it,,f another advrrtil enter¬ *’ rs -
I prising move. Edward Young, the enter
| prising manager, ‘distributes each day on
tile trains—which pass at that point— copies
of the Democrat, lie docs this for the
purpose of advertising his town. Passen¬
gers now eagerly look for the Democrat
and read it with pleasure. If anybody
deserves success for liis bright ideas and
enterprising way of pushing Urines, Young
certainly does. We rrcomb end our mer¬
chants to patronize a paper so full of the
""" war
R ®*‘ l W,1 “ t Gc "‘ G T, ff e Amierson Says
Rio- I tawSe?a S" stifc Lorn Tys
-the attacks lasting for i had
®very known lvmody without beintr
!<v V< 1' <’» . In my SrSltfaK last attack [ tried your
f! h-tly
1 '? f * a f Last a remedy that controls
G. 'I'. Axnismiojr,
Atlanta,April l.s, 1879 . Chief of Police
Hutchison ,t lino., Proprietors., Atlan¬
ta, Ga.
.Sold by nil Druggists.
Eminent ]»r, J. J. Cal: I well ITilfi
den’s more, Md., states : “i have used boll
Tonic Liebig’s Liquid Extract of Beef
j "dity, 1 !. Bebiilo Invigoraror largely in Do¬
and Nervous Diseases,
:UH f, lv ,° fom id it one of the most
icialile . of
nutrient tonics now iu use
,,0 other ° tlie, ’> ""or T)f druggists, 1 'mrmacy. ” (Take
Jan. 7,’82-em.
Causc mi Effect.
Main cause of nervousness is indigestion,
and that is caused hy weakness of tho
stomach. No one can have sound nerves
and good'heallli without using Hop Bitters
lo stieiigtlicn ilio stomach,purify tho
blood, ami keep tlie liver and kidneys aet
live to carry oil all the poisonous and
waste matter of the system. See other