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''i n
$ ..jJi ) \ ! i K-W. ~!3 0
By Edward Young & Co.
IrrTT1|[MTrrllBrr n
333;?4 S. .fié t g1<“‘“"a‘§:’gjm:‘:rw~=£1ESQAMARITaN
2W I. : . ;.A , N ER
g . p-vr-T :~-Z"'.. . . 1-4:?! :AC MFG $95G H993 V?C D1726} fight EQC‘D V '25"?! IN E
$c»:v '31:»: ?..-.-Z ’3: T ~ A ‘:~IZ' ”‘2‘ A 7:51!“ 41.390456“.
mv little girl of fits. She
deaf and dumb, but it cured
can now talk and bear as well
Peter Ross,
been the means of curing
of rheumatism. J.B.
er, Fort Collins, Col.
Made a sure cure of a case of fits
my son. E. B. Ralls,
me of asthma, after A e. di
to die by our family physician,
KneeGYwil'la SAMARITAN 0 Warren!"Co., NERVINE
Cured me of scrofula after
for eight years. Albert
ured my -son of fits
with other doctors. J. M
* Claiborn, Miss.
mo stubborn permanently character. ot
tits of a Mecbamcstown, Md.
Wm. Martin, NER\ INE
Oured my sou of fits,
had 2,500 in eighteen months.
Cured me of t Xp
Has permanently em-wtm ‘ ot
sy of jnany vears duaitJigjR
(hired me rtf lnxmebi-.r-. u -to::: ’ am
general ludfiiity. Oliver
' : '" U
cured me of astlnvai; a •
of mar. v> ■■ - -'.'.nding.
eW oII. Covington, IIv.
me of tits. Have been
over four years. < )har!es R
Osakis. D’ou " Mine
Cured a friend of mint*, yvho had
verv badly. Michael (■
1 ’’ Ridtrwav. Pa. NERVINE
pernmnei’Gv "David cured ice
liK trembly, Dos M >ii.
Cured my wiG of epilepsy of ;;r. ye ar.
in ding. Henry Clark,
(' u re •ft !,iv wife of « ttervor.s
tli- .t ■ head. E. Gruiiaui,
mv i ;-:>a Of fit-S. lie
i J.A-i it tl,|- V t t|H*P
may he bad direct from up. Foi
information inclose
our Illustrated .Journal
of cui;e Address.
DH.S. A. Rlt
World’s Epileptic St. institute, Joseph,
Montiy to
F.ut.ies wishing to borrow money on
real estate for five years will do well to
call on the undersigned. If the securi¬
ty is all tight, tlieie will be no difficul¬
ty in obtaining the money,
J. W. lllXON,
(Jrawfordville, Ga.,
Greenesboro, Ga.
Only absolutely safe
In the World.
rr‘? •**§
f-. :
7&L---T- - - - -
V : L : -
i U-. .'3.L Y.1L. B i
Sfcewa it & Roberts,
09 jvliitehall Street,
LA DIESmtHtmn-r t ruts q 1 -
c.'l Washington life ever nablish A
history ef eyery administrat on from \r,
ington to the presenttime. Tah’I' \x<
personal published. and Illustrated private history with never than ic?
steel portraits of the ladies of tli
Fouse; Garfield, including “Mother a sketch Garth and Id:” , f
Mrs. a
of the President and the history of id ■
sassination. Agents wanted, Send v, >r
circulars with full particulars. I !r a w.ey
& Co.. Pupllsh- r~, No. 06 North
Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one min¬
Dr. S. A. ’: Rlchmomd iL-r: - v: 93: EL: 51.»: 1 5'1 :3 SA “:3; r :5 ~t -‘- ~= m ”11* ~ 1‘5..,~.,.,- -— v. “3-”; -s ., '2 s! "' A .M ’3 ,5»: ‘i’:‘~;."~f'" : =5» ““é*?«‘« w ;; -.-2 “3’“?3' .1, rwa 5.5 ~~~ fixsfivxm , _: , '1" r a ~ .23 1
2 s1 5 : ‘itr': 5“ =. 2%.: ‘z‘ ,' tn: 1, —r r » x 1,: ~ ;-- .g. .— _- 5 .~ ,m :.«.——.u-r A »-- ._. ....:'. ._ -
Application for Leave to Sell Laud ■
the real estate Stephens, belonging to the said estate of
- William G. late of county
deceased. This January 16th 1882.
John A. Stephens, Administrator,
i ,j “"*«•___
-- .
^E^ iSLltete W^Admln- "as^l!
of said coumyd has
avftUe" te
citfl an( j admonish all persons esneerned
Jan. i.-td.
! ’
rsvHERE j will be an election held at the
j respective election Precincts in Tafia
: ferro county,on Tuesday 21st day of March
next, for one member, of toe Board of
County Commissioners for said county to
i m the vacancy, caused by the resignation
i of Hon. E. 1 Anderson, one of the former
, Board of Commissioners This February
16th, 1882.
Attest, C. A. Beazley, Clerk,
llfeb’8’82 tf’
ADM1NISPRA10R mn vt«tr a tupn S sALL. c v i w
GEORGIA—Taliaferro County.
1 ) Y VIRTUE of an order from the court
I* of Ordinary of said county will be
on the first Tuesday in April, 1882, that
b-tu-enthe legal hem of sale all
tract or parcel or land, being- situated and
lying in said county, containing J.* 182 acres
more oriess bounded l. v lands of j .Evans
and J. M. Poss n-.1 itiiers, it being to
dower on which dm G. Ilixon dee asi
lately resided, s 2 ! Ireiu-r sold as pa
of the estate ■ ; Geo Hixon vices ,-ed, 1 ‘
^ ^ ^ 'di-iribu ^ : . on among tfie heirs at
- - !ir
1 ISON, Id nil
t v,' v non of GEO. HI NO
i. li-tC-Ji-wi
GEORGIA—Tauakbruo Oounty.
'I vv v; 5TIIEREAS ......--- Reuben S. West Arl
f ; , mimslrator ' ' ' ‘ the Estat-p of
v on on
James ............ West lute ............ of said county deceas
. .j ; ( 0 n!? f„ r JctieVs of 1 HsuiiS
sion -from jaid therefore estate. to cite and ad
Those ai;o
moni-it ali persons concerned to show
cause if if any they can, on or by the first
Monday in March why said letters
: should not'be granted- official sig
Given under my hand and
Tiiis ]>; ivcmbev 21st 1831.
( 1
ijLj v.>
A Reliable Remedy CM REa,3t
Such as Tuttors,
Pimples, Blotches, Soreo,
*■ * Ragh, i --fSiSfitn m / ow ACCOUNT of Au»
Ringworm, Erysipelas, L. / fff- W Itching CAVINfl THE Insurino INTEN6S
Barbers 1 § eW?ETfiCP08t # |T I*
1 Itch, |t .1 KNOWN BY MANY AS
__ ’ Ths Great Cuds
Redness o» ' -/
Nos: £ for Itching Piles. 1 *
Face, AND Dr. Swavne * Son,
^------- PMIU.
Burns, /Jmk®
6CALS3/fiWaJwallfj ...
J&ssm ■ 1 "
m m fig
1832. 1000 o jB.
Thc present year will be one of ttfe most
important in tlie history f Geogia.
Ncw parties, new ideas,new growth,new at
enterprises, new conflicts, all press for
teniion, provoke inquiry and to: ■-■ discus¬
No man of intelligence, no man who
W Uid male Hand the situation, that 1><’
may fill-tlie iul! measure ot his auty ana
improve his opportunity, can afford to be
vv tin, id a good newspaper.
1 ;... i LAN A , ,.nvLTm'TTc.v AMsJ II. 1 *N
1 , ,
In cither its daily or weekly edition, offers
a thorough and compr diensive paper
anV'-fioeaT' l’niilrlicd at tl:<- ■■apinti, 'wlth^tn funY 'unequalled e T 1 .'I’ 1 ’:’']
comspofidentscovering forces’, theeiiMn*
corps of
country and nothing every interest. The
Constitution is
T1 cons t ii:< ol its 011 s 1 i j - fins
2* mled an inc; icrvici ant:!
e-. i rv nti-al it less est ib
la if
fhe Leak.; era CW: xper,
A its
i r j i
v>i 11 , in cl
}f eh
Atlanta, (.a.
" ~ %, >.S! •tQOUIAi
151 SINF^s-i 1.\IVFP. V ITY
?5 t' >1Z |5"? Allaj-Ui, Ga.
ir it. A it /fuc t>»al Bids A; esa
the way ok the world.
i eai'o sacred token.
* And kept faded as a ttowfrs and letters uivn,
j There are that have rained above mem.
With tears
mat tau„ui US
There ar0 gjg^ that come in our
hours . , A
| ^ ji VlSHm
I F t l b ^dS t ^nnnir ”
Ami lips «tot wo kissed In ^udesUeve
M ill Simla o
That perish with the using.
Summers blossoms and winter snows,
H ^Lq «i‘ '“"frits n f® 1Bn r f-Untino vision ;
D v-',),,"’ ni aiid failing pulse
Yii«f !ohed . ,m i-t-mmies hover
m with the seal of death
And the mrui duam r - m is s o r '
TJSI51iU. :
A Scene on Pennsylvania Avenue- ; l
The Flashy and the Modest Ladies
Ui„i,-Toned Africans--Star Routeis
Indie ed-Minor Matters. -
J.'icial Correspondence of thi Democva!
W -\sim' (,ton D.< '..March Ah ’82.-- ,
Take Pennsylvania Avenue any ,, ,, blight h,-? ,i,f
pleasant at :r.o-»u and what, a vanyi. ,
assortment of humanity can be
Probably the first person we meet is a ■
Sen--itor or ttepresi ntalivo n turning
h:s % sl-a--ly ltoiuc quietly and i
plainly ns the toil-staiiie ' labor, r on j
stieet. Next,one meets lady most ‘
the a
elegantly and fast ionably her attired and throat, with j
jewels sparkling at ears i
The forced complacency with which,
she walks is amusing to the looker on, j
who if initiated, can toll at a glance
that she is unused to such BplendbV.She j
is mob bly the wife of aomo polil10i:U‘ Be-1
or sneculiitor from the far west.
hind nercomes a demure looking yoi|*
lady, whose plain attire is
iaoro strikingly plait* by the eon "r
nut wm :e air of qii iej. f .-iM
Depiutmrn (UeTt V">minenl f ’pulftt, I
of a man mice shortlAye in
life, now dead. But meet
youth whose ilathes are orVtVto most
stylish cut. whose hands arevcoverert
fflS £&'&gS®JSS£!%: He looks liken tailor’s dummy
rette. is
that has stiayed Horn home, but he
only a Government clerk whose salary
is barely sufficient for cigars und drinks
and whose tailor, landlady and wash¬
erwoman are paid by driblets dt uot*at
The colored people are another pecu
li,v I uiiG.ol ,,(• ,111*st on htiuts. reefs ’Plie i no stun sit.p from urn"
slavfiy to cttizewslnp was a gie.t 1
and lias brought wonderful changes m
the life of the race. They seem to have
almost as many social giades as their
Gaucassian bretheren. There is the high
official in his broadcloth and diamond
pin, the “belie,” in her sweeping train,
showy hat and tinted gloves, the old
fashioned servant witli gingham -dress,
and bandanna turlutn, the street labor¬
er and the rollicking boot-black who
will ‘-shine ’em up” for a nickel.
The attempt on the life of Queen
Victoria has called out many expres¬
sions of warmest sympathy and earn¬
est regard from the people hgre who
wt11 lb* remember the kindness and sympa
! if,<a§r* 4^'' expressed the late for President’s Mrs. Garfield assassi- at
natu>f.'i The doctors have pronounced
- her assailant insane, but tlie convic-1
tion of Guiteau has given so severe a !
shock to the insanity dodge in this i
j country that our people are loath to be
]j e ve in it now to any great extent,
| Aluding to Guiteau reminds one of j
the f act lh at Mr. Scovilie his attorney i
. is }n town now looking after his bill of ]
; exceiKioiu . ( an.l . uiotiou f lot a new t <• • 1 1 i
jit i not probable that the . . !
is mo.ion
be granted. The rulings of Judge GoX j
were very carefully considered before
' they announced and made 1
were were
after consultation with the other justi
, ces of the District Supreme court, so
i that they may be said to 1 .-present the j
I opinions of the entire ben.;h. Me«iu
j while Guiteau reomins in the jail, dose*
, l.v guarded within sight almost of t he j
scaffold that awaits him, the fatal 30tli
of June rapidly approaching. People
set m to have forgotten him mid though
many passers by stop at the store win
(low 0 the Avenue, w iis bust b
exhibited t nt upon i- there
a it a ho \vere in the c: d ur
t/A li; 1 ) think alKiut
z ^rl isoll’ t I li
u. .Vi it is ;
t D
ot* weeks, *1 ik
for rm and the prisoner himseif
n< know tiie metis iti T.
ishment till then. Muci rr-c- mpa
substantial 8 c i.itiiy too as iiMecn *'X
ires (1 for j r liitli; - fsuiiBy.
.si can w i r Gili vvtio
siiotat Guiteau while he was 1
ken to jail in the prison van. Echo .
lie lias dropped HO
far out of sight that no one even
Clinks Of him. II. will hardly be pros
and several others. Attorney-Geueial
Brewster is determined in those prose
- o ions and all Brady’s money will
: ’ him out of the
keep «,<*
-hid ;,“ that the savage attacks on CL oteldo
tlie lhe Republican which were directly
cause of bis death were prompted
- K 5 EH? — 1116
Vhe 104th “birthday
• Irish patriot, by
- Emmett the
mf Emmett’s trial, readings, recitations
si d speech* s by prominent men, and among lion. .were Speaker Keifer
o.'S. Cox. If lie hull was decorated
pith flags the “Stars and Stripes,” the
a-icoler of France and the green flag of
Ireland J> predominating. OaptAj’Meagh
'< ioudon, who was so long a prisoner
of thr. British Government acted as
naster pf ceremonies. ’ The celebration
: ' ulieiimrabk' one and the exercises
w\ue duly appreciated by Uio numbers
* Irishmen who tilled the hall to over¬
awing. Dion.
4 V out a li.
Her Health and Life
-/Depend more on the regularity of her
ueustrual functions than on any oral]
iuscs combined. An actual or a living
is the inevitable result of derange
lent of. i function which makes woman
she is in every respect, and especially
fin hor mvntal and luidily constitution*
ro see,immediate relief from such derange
« -s is the only safeguard against wreck
ruin, in all cases of Stoppage, delay,
( , ther )Iwgll , nriUl!S ()f thc “courses,’’! 'r-
1 J{ .. aaflt . w . s Fe male Regulator is the only
.... it acts by giving tune to tin*
, vous centres, improving the hlwMl, and
i nidning directly to t iu organs ot m n
*hni.' *t is a sclent i tie prescriptou,
■ <• the most Intelligent physii-iiuis use it
P *: trial size, 7.V; large size, fit.BO. For
& hy a ll druggists,
“I :u)i the Iaist ot Wfi.
jf u ()m , m iny forenoon, something IgsKtlinn
y ;|J . af , 0j a j, a io, cadaverous youti walk
j^to tins store of C. N. Crittenton, New
g , k, and in Bui weak, husky tones, in¬
frequently oy n dry, hacking
stated that lm wanted a couple of
' aide's Honey of llort'honnd uml
"1 am the last of six,” be said ; “the
en* a it died of e.iinsiimptioii, anil i am
r t will try iti'.di*' ’-his new veuydy.but it,[aud
* i- o -sy to
J ii Nt Vi it fii a i i
M to-day in i/erfect health--lungs
= eohgU gone, not a sign of pulmona
- sease remaining. Sold by druggists.
’ All our friends at Sharon and living ad
are eurcstly requested to bring us at
news they have. Marriages, births,
and the general state of thc croj 'S.
want Sim run to make a good showing
If we knew the cures md crosses
Crowding round our neighbor's way,
if we knew the little losses,
^qy grievous day by chide day,— him
\vou1«l we then so often
For his luck of thrift amt gain,
Tearing on his heart a shadow.
If we. knew the clouds above us,
Held by gentle blessing- there.
Would we turn away all trembling
in our blind.aud weak despair. shadows
Would we shrink from little
Lying on the dewy grass,
While 'tis only birds of Eden
Just in mercy ftyilig past?
If we knew the silent story
Quivering through the heart doom of pain. them
Would our madhood care to
Back to haunts of guilt again crossing, ?
Life hath many a tangled
Joy hath many a break of woe ;
And the cheek tear-stained in whitest;
This the blessed angels know.
Let us reach into our bosoms
For the key to others’lives,
And with love toward erring nature
Cherish good that disrobed still survives spirits ;
So that, when our
Soar to realms of light Father, again. judge
We may v* say, “Dear us
As judge J our fellow-nu n.”
—Peach trees are beginning to bloom,
__ “\ 0lir " U ' n '" n about through
nnci f i^.
_We bail some very warm weathc 1 i
last ' week. ' |
—J be blue birds btgining , sin„ .
aie >
thkir songs.
— J. 'I'. Wright commcneod planting
corn on Iasi Monday.
_L. S. Jackson will have fresh fish
oysters every Fridny.
__j >r ^ of J lay painted.’ town has had
hf dv nillff rt .c t mtly
—The younu people , ot .. Sharon ... are
anticipating a nice time easier Mon
—On 1: s Friday night for curiosity,
we went out and leao a iitlle bj moon
A. W. Mer.sbon has withdrawned
tame as a candidate fora county
o •
Baptist i —Rev. chinch Mr. Veazy at Bayto j»reacl»«l last at Situ-j the j
day morning. :
—Gapt. Flynt, the principal of tlie!
Academy of Raytown lias iu his charge :
fifty-two Miss pupils. iiilla ltbfkies and Mrs. An¬ |
drews, of Crr'.vfordville, are visiting
friends and r iv e at this pi .ce.
— I/iss Maggie Moore a m .st charm-
ing lady of TPrightsboro, is visiting
Judge Edwards family of this place.
I have just received a very large lot
of shoes, all kind and quality which 1
will close out at rock bottom prices.
—The dry and windy weather we
have had the last few days, has dried
the “noted” mud-hole of Sharon up.
—J. 11. and E. T. Waro the noted
fox hunters succeeded in catching a
very large one ou last Tuesday uight.
—Mrs. Sarah Ivey, of McDuffie, who
has been visiting the family of It. T.
Kendricks returned home last Monday.
— Improvements in Sharon is still
going on. We think that Sharon will
he the capiton of our county after
—Dr. Kendrick brought us over a
sample ofJWpotatoes. <?.gfied The one he
gave us, four and a quaeter
—Tlio young ladies of Raytown de¬
clare that Mr. S. I. would be the most
handsome young gentlemen of Ray¬
town if lie would only lot his hair grow
a little longer.
—There was an entertainment at
Mr. E. Croakes, last Tuesday evening.
A very large crowd was out, and all en¬
joyed themselves well. •
—On last Sunday evening quite a
large crowd of young people gathered
at James Holidays, and passed the
evening singing sabbath school songs.
—J. 15. Steele and O. E. McGahstn
with Edwin Rate & Co., of Charleston,
was with us last Tusday, They repre¬
sents a very lave dry goods and clothing
— IFalton Harris one of the most
cleverest drummers we ever met was
into see use a few days ago. We regret
very much ho hadn’t longer time to
stay with us.
—Mr. M. A. Pope, tax collector of
H’ilkes county, was in our town last
fair Monday. that No doubt brings him there in is to u certaii^ vi¬
one, our
cinity constantly.
- Miss holla Haws who has been
visiting relatives in Wilkes, passed by
here on the cars on last. Tuesday, en
route In Thomson She is one of Mc¬
Duffie's precious jewels. Miss McM'tok¬
ens, of Wilkes, was with her.
— Quite a nice little crowd gathered
at Mr. O. D. Moores on last Sunday
after-noon. Some of Raytown most
charming young ladies weto thero. IFe
had some splendid music by ,1/iss Tom¬
mie Moore. She is an excell.uit per¬
—Raytown will picnic at W. ().
Wrights plantation on easier, lie lias
a large dwelling house vacant, and the
young people are at liberty to t-nj* y
themselves that day. A very large
crow d is expected. IPaytown has given
Sharon a cordial invitaUpu.
- The merchants of wnftron has gal¬
lon? up a petition to have the name of
I Ini depoC" depot at If this pljfop j.iwavp-prone / hanged tnM.i-U *
has by the
of Raytown depot- The petition
been sent over to Judge Reese to
his influence to have it changed. We
the Judge w ill succeed in having
—We lean? that Henry ltivire has
more work than any farmer about,
has charge of Mr. Mershons planta¬
Ila is one of the most energetic,
vering and thorough going young
we ever met. Ila keeps bachelors
We don’t think ho can stand it
longer, as goal many of the girls
an eye on him.
— We were up in (.'rawfurdvillo last
night,, Wu went to a party.
course wo met Edward Young.
looked rrsplendant in a bran-new
secured by his trip to Augusta.
can make more friends and keep
longer by his impulsive and
smile,<1 ways than any other Edi¬
we ever met. Wo say hurrah for
Young an ! Orawfordvillo
—In our haste to make up bur table
items last week we neglected to
mention having listened with great
interest last Thursday evening, to a
sermon preached in the Presbyterian
church, by Rev. Green M. Kendrick.
Whom we said was visiting friends and
relatives in our vicinity. The sermon
was a model of pulpit eloquence, strong, and
fervent, convincing, inspiring hope
imparting joy to the humble taitbful
Christian; arousing the lethargic, care¬
less professor; and awe, inspiring to
the, unregenerate,. No dquht the large
audience who listened so attentively to
the Prophet of God went away greatly
benefited tuereby.
1 11 a iettei from Mrs. C hatlolte Lisle, of
( Iffi-ago, a lady well known as a contnbu
tor to the We&tern press, she ascribes the
cure of a dangerous the cough, accompanied Money
o/ by Wei-ding at lungs, to Bale's
llorchound and Tar suffocate “My cm gb/ .sbc
says, ’* “thventeiitMi to Horeimunil me * *
* but the Money of and
ar he* remived every trace of it.” The
fter was to a lady friend in this city, wlio
| WS |,iaeed it at the disposal of <2 V Chit
iknton, 11 ■”> I niton street, N Y.
Pise’s Toothache Drops cure mono min
Profitable Patieiita.
These most wonderful and marvelous Stic
cess iu eases where persons are sick of
wasting away from a condition of misera¬
ble ness, tluil no one. knows wliat ails them,
(profitable pati nt for. docters,) is obtain
ed by the use of Hop Bitters. They begin j
tocure from the first dose amt keep it up;
until perfect health and strength is rest,or- i
cl. Whoever is affleted in this way need 1
not suffer, When they can get Hop Bitters
—Cincinnati .Star.
(iaoi'iiv Vr. Allen ficcj atiy . I),,! idm.seif
in the hand on Friday.
Truth amt Honor 'v
Query:—Wliat is the best family inedi- I
cine in thc world to regulate the bowels,
purify the, lilool, remove costiveuess and
biliousness, aid digestion and tone up
whole system? Truth and honor compels 11s
p, answer, Mop Bitters, being pure perfect
ami harmless. See another column. Toledo
Vo!. 6.—No. 10.
Ucucral PrcucutmentH Rendered at the.
l.aat Term.
[PnbUthtd by orilar of th$ Grand Jury.']
We the Grand jurors selected, chosen
and sworn for Pol ruary Turiu Superior
Court, Taliaferro county 1S.S2, do make
the following general presentments,
through appropriate committees ap¬
points! by t he foreman.
Ipe find the records of the several
Justices of tha Peace and Notaries
Public correctly kept, aid all costs
properly itemized. We especially com¬
pliment Prof. C. T. Boggs for the neat
and systematic arrangement of his
*W’e find the records of the {Superior
Court properly indexed, neatly, and
correctly kept, except to tlie evidence
taken down by Air. Graham, steno¬
grapher for the court, in the case of
the State versus Sang Armor, charged,
with the murder of Amos Ellington,
who failed to furnish the lion. Clerk
Superior Court with said written testi¬
mony, and we would respectfully call;
the attention of his honor to the same,
and request him to have said Steno¬
grapher fumisit the required evidence
that it may go to record.
We tin,l the books of the County,
Treasurer neatly and correctly kept.
Amount of money on hand at August
Term Superior Court XSSI. $1176 95
Amount since collected . . 1378 88;
Total (2882 83.
Credit l»y disbursements as per
proper vouchers ft488 04
Biiliuu-e on hand Feb'y. 27 1 882 fltHH 45)
We find all records in the Ordinary’s,
office properly kept and correctly index-.
We cannot speak too highly of the
manner in which the clerk su[>erior
court timl treasurer has discharged all,
the duties commit tod to his charge'
We find the roof of Lliecourt house
in a leaky condition, and recommend,
the same he repaired or r * jovored as
the county commissioners shall deem
beet, A Iso that the outer door of the
bo made more secure.
We (hid the records of county school
full and complete, with
vouchers for all disbursements, statis¬
ns follows; 'W
No of white schools in 188], 17
“ Colored . - 10 .
Total 27
No of Colored, white pupils admitted, . . 381
Total 771,
Average attendance 824.68,
Record of W-T. WooJrutf, ex-tax-col
in full of brought b-il. on forwardfrqmpre* poll tux 1881 $ 188 36 ;
vimw year 66 81
from “tate treasurer 876 88
j. Gurlmm, '1'- c. poll tax J.881 wo «>;
jJk. Ampjtn,
ain’t, paid teachers, for 1881 u,-i
per vouchers 1401 98
hand to date undistributed 220 87
31628 85
U'e recommend that the
commissioners hand in an ite-.
for sei vices rendered.
Wo have elected two members of the
of education as follows : T. E.
to succeed him.v>lf, ind Reuben
Mann to succeed IS. J. Jones, resign;
We find the county commissioner
managed nil the nifairs of tlio.
entrusted to them with econo¬
and prudence. with
In accordance an act pawed by
last legislature, wo recommend that
l>e paid por day for actual!
rendered since the 24lU, ,Sep-
1H81 to date.
We find the roads of the county are.
to try in as good condition ns
be expected call at 11 the s season of the
Wo would attention of
cominissiiineiw to the bad con¬
of the bridge over north fork of
Ogeecheo river near Moore’s mill.
also recommend that changes be
in the public road between Graw-.
ami Lvne’s store: First to.
tlio road in Reason 8t«wart’a ;
ho as to make it more direct and.
a butler road bed ; second to
the road so as to avoid the steep,
just beyond Steven’s creek. And;
allow the parties interested reasona¬
compensation for damages.
We recommend that jurors and bai-.
he [laid 31.tiO per day for services,
rendered during this term of court. We
also recommend that these present¬
ments be published in the Grawford
viia.k Democrat.
Wo recommend that the Ordinary he.
allowed fifty ($50.00) dollars as extra
We cannot take leave of his Honor
Pottle without expressing our
at Ids unifoimly fearless
impartial administration of justice.
We likewise tender thanks to our very
solicitor f >r hiv prudent counsel
generous aid wnen vr needed.
Signed Prior G V /cy, Miebae / Tay¬
lor, John M Mnrdeu, John ltliodes son of
John II Mit -hell, William M Ltincn
fiird, William 1 Womlr itf, J unes 8 Chap¬
man, George M Poos. Beniamin F M<*<>re,
Samuel A Daniel, It >bert S Taylor. John,
Fly lit, Janes A (fox, John T Mann,
Jackson Goiiam, Edward D Hadaway,
Robert T Kendrick, William Kncke, Wil
Ham T Gbapmaii, Owen D .Moore, James
() grooke, IJennls N Sanders,
Ordered hy tlie court that the forgo
ing general suggested. presenttnente lie published,
as t lerein
E. H. Pottle,
dge Su])'r. Court, N. C.
GeO. V. I’li-.ui.'E. Jit.
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