Newspaper Page Text
1 ’j a 1 M ’ ' II ^r> r
I s i - it 'I JAJ 1 _JA . o
By Edward Young & Co.
G. U.
Tr« ISIusic H ousa of T*. S outh.
Rost Manufactured.
Important Improvements,
“b eautiful O oml)inations *
E. O. M.
Enable GO QOBINSON & CO. to Save
2t) to 80 Per Cent. Saved.
Lowest Prices a Easiest Terms evgr offered
sU KEi™C, iLiiS
And everything pertainiugto a FIRST
T. M. 11. 0. T. S.
L. P, Q, s.
831 Broad Street, AUGUSTA,*»A.
application for letters of
GEORGIA—'Taltafkhko County.
"STTIIEREAS John AY. Ellington Ailmm
\y istrator on the Estate of lyre,G.
Ellington late of said comity deceased, lias
implied to me for letters of Dismission
from said Estate. These are therefore to
cite and admonish all persons esneerned
to show cause if any they cau on or by the
first Monday in April next why said letters
' * G hye n 'nude rwy lnui % < 1 and official signa¬
ture. This January 1882. DBazlfy,
' Chables A.
Ordinary, T.C,
Jan. 7,-tiL
i; '> 1 X>1R-tIA—X aliAFEHT io County.
-V A
tuu f{ •
M x I
, (iontaiiiing lands 182 Evans acres
inure or less bounded by of J.G.
and J. M. Poss and others, it being the
lower, on which Sarah G. llixon deceased
lately resided, said land beln r sold as part
of the estate of Geo. llixon deceased, for
purpose of distribution among the heirs, at
Saw of Geo. llixon m ceased, Administrator
de bonis non, of GEO. Ill SON
GEORGIA— Taliaferro County :
VTTILL W be let to the lowest bidder at
public outcry, before the court house
door in said county on Saturday the 6th
day of May next to the building of a new
arid substantial bridge across the North
prong of Ogeechee liver near Moores mill.
The contractor to give bond and good se¬
curity for keeping the same in good repair
for tlie term of seven years, from the day
of completion. and
Also will be let at the same time
place, to rtie lowest bidder the covering Both of
the court house in said county. jobs day
to be completed in forty days from tlie
of letting : The light reserved to reject
any and all bids. April 4th, 1882. Com¬
By order of the board of County
Attcst, C. A. Beazley,
An). 7-td. • Clerk, B. C. C.
GEORGIA— Taliaferro County.
"VTt VV THERE AS, John P. Moore of said
county lias applied to me for Let¬
ters of Administration on the estate of
Mrs. Elizabeth Kendrick, t ate of said coun¬
ty deceased. These are therefore to cite
arid admonish all persons con irned, to be
and appear at my office, on or before the
first Monday in May next, to show cause,
if any they can, why said letters should
not. tie granted. hand official signa¬
Given under my and
ture this April 3rd, Charles 1881. A. Beazlf.y,
april-7-td-* Ordinary. T. C.
STATE TaliaVerro OF GEORGIA, County. Close Petition tofore-} Attoi- :
W. O. Mitchell, > ney’s Lien Su- in j
vs. Taliaferro
Betsey Meadows. perior Court, [
j Feb’y Term’82. j
W. O. MITCHELL,an and Attorney at Law,
having filed asserted his lien‘for fees
on a certain tract of land in said county
end claimed the sum of one hundred dol¬
lars for services rendered, said tract con- -
> vml ^infsrtoJ'thst p fn / 1 county 1: I .t tb fi . ft> Ar I aer ld0WS ] es : anfl re
Alabama! ,A ^ ff f f r a Umleg n i *’ and ;
State of
do It show is ordered, at that the said next B; August t ey Meadows |
cause term of
this court, why said lien should not be en
forced and foreclosed; and it is further or?
dered, that a copy of this rule be served
hy publication and in also the Ckawfoedville
Democrat, in a newspaper in
said county of month Talladega for four and State of A!a
bama, once a months.
Given under my hand and official signa¬
ture this March tlie 1st, 1882.
E. H. Pottle.
Judge S. C. N. C.
1 hereby certify the foregoing to lie a
true copy from the minutes of Taliaferro
Superior Court. 27tb,
This March 1882
■J. D. Ham.mack.
april-7-lam 4m Clerk S. C.
O’ PIUM S&SSfSr By B 51 WOOLLEY, Atlanta,
P Sena for' book The and
my ou it.,
Cure. Free.
APRIL ]4 1882.
Cure my little girl of fits. She was
also deaf and dumb, but it cured
She can now talk and hear as well as
anybody. Rotor Ross,
Has been the means of curing Fletch-: my
wife of rheumatism', J. B.
er, Fort Collins, Col. NERVINE
Made a su-e cure of a ease of tits for
my soil. E. B. Ralls, lliattsviile,"
me of asthma, after spending
over §3,000 with other doctors. S.
R. Hobson, New Albany, Iml.
Effectually cured me of
Miss Jennie Warren, 740 West
Buren- St, Chicago, Ill.
Cured our child of fits after given up
to die by our family hours, physician, Henry it
Shaving over 100 in 24
"Knee, Vervilia Warren, Co., Term.
Cured me of scrofula after suffering
for eight' years. Albert
eoria, III. NERVINE ,
!Cured my son of fits, after spending J. W.
with other doctors.
Thornton, Claibo ti, Miss.
Cured me permanently character. of epileptic Rev. .
(its of a stubborn
Martin, Mechanirstown, Aid.
Iliad my son of fits, a ter having Mrs.
2,500'in West eighteen Pot dam, months. N. Y.
Cured me of epilepsy of nine
standing. Miss Orlena Marshall,
Graniiy, Newton Co,, Mo,
.. ! i AM A \ v K1T . rrn AN v vr N xr E1!'VINE ry o ’
Has permanently cured me of epilep
sy of many years duration. J a co¬
ts ut er, St. Joseph, Mo. NERVINE
Cured me of bronchitis, asthma
general bebility. bemiity. Oliver Myers,
4 Iron ton, Ohio,
cured me of asthma; also scrof-_
of many years staudin B,
Covington, Kv. . »
Cured me of fits. Have been well
tor over four years. Charles E. Cur
Osalds, Douglass Co., Minn
Cured a -riend of mine who had dys¬
pepsia very badly. Michael O’Con¬
nor, Bidgwav, Pa.
Has permanently cured n o of epilep¬
tic tits. Du\ id Trembly, Dos Moines
y wife of a nervous
'of the head. E. Graham,
JSAM fits. He has
{Cured fit my for so,, about of four years.
Du vis, Woodhuni, Macoupin Co.,
Or may be had direct from us.
•further information inclose
our Illustrated Journal
of cures. Address.
World’s Epileptic St. Institute, Joseph, Mo
'A Mm
X ** X *
I I’ Q
Unfailing u FcrailSki?^
Remedy 6UC ha$ Diseases
ft? I j to
: <5® K
Symptoms are mpisturo, if stinging, itching, worse about at
night; eeems as pin-worms-wero crawling Asa
and positive cure, Swayne’s
OisTMEsT ia superior 3
Xk-K'-'’ Sl.2». Adorcea, ;,p?-
How to Get It!
Pays certificate of endowment for 82,000.
The money is made up by mutual contris
bution. The best people institution ever organized
to give young a start in the world,
Local agents wanted everywhere, Write
for blank By-Laws. applications, J. W. and Constitution
an SIMS, Secretary, j
4F i b,4,tf- Atlanta, Georgia, i
J. J. MULL AN, | I
T«BlK & Headstones. Elc. •
Designs and Estimates furnished.
DrSARnn—chmonda @EMammsfi wmmmmws
f For The Democrat. ]
T 0 * # * *
[•‘Forlorn my love no comfort near I
Far, far from thee I wander hero;
Far, far from thee, the fate severe—
At which I most repine love.”]
Repine not tho’ stern fate decroo
That yet awhile our paths divurlge,
“’Tis but a little while” and wo
Cau hopes of happiness indulge.
Tho’ near you not I still can cheer
And whisper soothing words to thee,
And sighing an earnest prayer
To bring thee safely home tome.
‘‘Far, far from tliec,” when kindred hearts
Too closely knit for time to sever,
An spirit miles of distance part,
And links the chain of love together.
Tho’ round tlioe scowls a winter sky,
, It ne’er can budding lmpe allay
For spring steals in with roguish eyo,
And languish tho biting frost away.
Ah, “shelter shade and homo” than host
In one warm heart that beats with thine,
What o’er eeasifto defaults be this the last,
“To be to thee but kind.”
Slowly but surely moments fleet,
And times high power fading wanes,
Years melt to months, wc yet shall meet
And love alone shall be our chains.
UrawforddlU, Get., April 8 thi 1882.
We Can Be Prosperous—The Advantages
We Possess—Independent of Everybody
—System add Economy All that is Need¬
ed-Interview with Mr. John W. Dar'ra
cott on Taliaferro’s Condition.
Ouv interview last week with Judge’J.]
D. llammack on the condition of the poo
pie was favorably received. The opinions!
of men of dpep thought carry much
with them. The other day we subjected*
Mr. *4
john w. daiuiacott .
to the agony of an interview. Mr. Darrq*
colt smiled when wo told liirii wlmt ws!
wanted; but after a little persuasion
'Our part lie quietly submitted to the.i'unrj)
ing operation. . :
i 'Yj" a* fYrffgV
‘ Mr. Darracott, you read The Demo
chat last week, did you not? AVIiat do fyiw
think oftlie ideas advanced by Judge Ham
“Wiry, they were sensible, as bis views
always are. 1 agree with him in every
particular. Tlie whole question can be
summed up in one word. Our people aro
involved, heavily involved. No one denies
that. I reduce the cause to one wold: Ex¬
travagance; I reduce tho remedy lo one,
“Then you tlijnk tlie two E.’s constitute
the whole tiling? Cause, extravagance;
remedy, economy?’ ’
“Precisely. Our people must realize
their condition. It ie not hopeless. Why,
I tell you, wo have tlie
In the Spring we can raise wheat, barley,
oats- In the summer wo rest. Then
comes the fall with tho gathering of tlie
eotton ; the winter we can raise turnips
and such tilings. It is folly to tell me that
we should be subject to anyone. Our
farmers can easily make themselves the
this country. They have the other peo¬
at their mercy.”
“1 haye heard it said M r- Darracott, that
farmers in this section are absolutely
need of tlie necessaries of this life. Is
that true?”
“It may be. If it is who can they blame
but tbemselyes. Now, here is the idea. A
rmer can raise enough in the spring of
tlie year to last him the whole year. Why,
cau do this almost without any real hard
labor. After iiis wheat, rye, oats or barley
been planted all he has to do is sit
down and watch it grow. No labor is re
quired- We have land here a mwi can buy
for five or ten dollars an acre. Say ten
one acre ho can raise 80 bushels of
wheat. Wheat is worth about a dollar and
a quarter a bushel. That makes 840. Ili L
labor will not cost him over ?10, leaving I
him ?80 clear. So you see he has in one j
season paid for his land and has a surplus :
of v-2f>, and this without any labor on ids j
P art - ;
“Then yon have no fears, Mr. Darracott
that our people will eome out all right this’
year?” “Weil, I can’t that
say much. Tlie,truth
is we need more system in farming. Men
must work more. Not only must they
work, but understand what they are work
ing at. Another tiling is farms must of
necessity he self-sustainin ;. Not a dollar
must expectation he expended of unless receiving there is a reason
able an increased
“Then wliat vvould you advise our far
mers to do? You have studied the subject.
How are we to act?”
“It is simple. Other men have advised
the same tiling. Ja:t our farmers wake up.
.Let us work hard this year; let us do with
out everything In the fall we are not compelled to
have. we will have accum ula
ted something. We must not stop there;
we must j»eg away next year, and tlie next,
VY’e must work ltard and save.”
“We are obliged to you, Mr. Darracott,
for what you have told us. We are eonfi
dent The Democrat readers will appro
ciate it.’*
“You are welcome. I would be willing
to talk ali day, if I thought my advue
would do good. We have a grand country;
\V(‘ f’.tli he independent if wt* in s t
CG61 omy and hard work win mrike us
vv ithv and independent ”
We submit these facts to our readers
11 icy are worthy of consideration.
Eustfr Time—Fine Feathers on Second.
Chjss Birds—National Will Catch Land-League— It—Chateau
S-p Sisfer -Routers
Applies for tho Appointment of
C- ■rvator to the Assassin.
pedal Correspondence Democrat. ]
Sun.% W [Ihington, D. C. April day 10.—Easter the most
w« ■ as brilliant a as
a; :" t-s belie could have wished until after
Cl i time and then an old fashioned rain
st. set in which has continued almost
t intermission until to-day. The
hub '.ducoycd by the bright sunshine came
oi t.;o ne\V hats and suits which fashion
dec shall come out with Easter, and
ev* feody In-self seemed happy and contented
wit i. and the world. But there is
any adage which says “All pride shall
ha ■ A fall” and a heavy one it had this
t i i nr ,* ‘i’lie rain came on j ust as the pastors
wer< dismissing their flocks and tnon it
was using to see the handkerchiefs
i In Elia,
the. ng ladies scurring along to reach
bon, before.the rain sliauld spoil their
finei j , and the gallants anxiously searching
for L *#kIs to lend them umbrellas ft to take
the la files homo you know.” Tlio Kplscc
pall., '%nd Catholic churches were decorat,
ed pi -'I'uie j &jsely with flowers and the music
vvas finest, for Easter is the greatest
feast day oWlie year with them, but its
off? was spoiled for tho belles and mat.
10 ’ bso “new spring bonnets'’ suffered
in t'n}n. No profuse decorations ol
civil • . studied sermon of learned pastor,
gran, chant or happy carol can console the
fair ML “ hose new spring bonnet has been
mim ,'U its first parade.
willi, vtm convention at Lincoln Hall, in
$Bs < von Wednesday 121a Inst, and tin
fas!, . yens are making grand prepara
Sir ;,lie event. The attachment of the
.orienns for the land of their birth
All ii.. , oudcrful, surpassing even that ol
' •imiiman for “La BelleFranco” oi
>o£,th -erman for his“Fatherlaiid’ Warm*
.Kean i . brace and impulsive, no matte'
nil.” may be or with what hard cqn
of fortune ijwy may struggle, tin
Story ' “Erin's” wrongs and the suffe i
iuUi • people never falls unheeded
u,y* ur 'Jjhey tell it to their chi!
* ^l,
; u !■ “’Green Isle. ” The Ilarj)
•} .mover silent but its music haj,
reach j across tlie Atlantic, and the Irish
man . J; always a blessing for Ireland, a
clioer jr her flag and a curse for England
Tli, -mite has confirmed the nomina
tions Willlam Chandler to the Seorcta"
ry or Navy and of ex-Secrot»ry Hunt
to he ’lister to Russia. Tlio veto of the
Chine: 'Bill has caused quite a stir and
them sai'i I’Vfr'e since been introduced several bills covering
the j } ground In Congress.
Those ve been referred to the proper
committl s and will probably be pigeon
hold so lie “Celestial” laundryman will
still “VM ishoe-wasliee” unmolested, while
there wt IIdoubtless be rousing Democratic
gains on tlio Pacific slope at tho next elec
tlon. Tl le House committee is still exam
inlng Mr). Shiplierd on the Peruvian mat¬
ter. Th i newspapers are persistently
striking jit ex-Post-Master General James.
Tlio latent now Philadelphia is that lie had to Harrisburg a special
train run] from
alioad of time at an expenso Jof # 240 ,oo a
year to olid go a friend whose newspaper
went by jliat mail and didn’t get there
soon enoutgh to suit him. Wliat next?
Judge to-djiy, Ir'ylie in the District Criminal
tMurt refused to grant tlie motion
tV quasli'Uie Indictments against Gen.
Thus, J. Brady, John W. Dorsey and
others of ('Me Star Route Gang, and set
May 4th hnj fur the trial. Hon. Richard T.
Merrick been retained hy tlie Govern,
ment. It Hs very probable that justice will
be done now though it lias been long de¬
layed. Till: court has issued a bench-war¬
rant for tii j arrest of John \V. Do rsey , ami
others will probably follow.
Dr. Mary 1 Walker is again in trouble.
She lias beejn arrested for opening another
person’s letter. She claims, however, to
have had <• j .-sight and that not looking
closely at fhc address opened the letter
thinking it Was for her, but on discover
i"g her mistake endeavored to find the
right person^ but was arrested before she
had an opjwirtunity to do so. She was re
ieased on h.tjI furnished by Mrs. Belva A.
Sockw •j' woman lawyer.
'ITEAU’H sister.
On:'**:, i, i iter, Mrs. Scovilla, has filed a
, , "ippomted , _, , , of ...
; conservator ins
property on the ground that he is insane,
Mr. Scovilte has withdrawn from the case
and is lecturing on “Guiteauism” in New
Jersey. Mr t hus. jj. J{e*-d formerly as¬
sociate couuuJ will argue the motion for a
new trial,
wasPinoton _ condensed.
here Representative Saturday. Allen, of Missouri, died
last He will Hie buried at
Pittsfield. Macs., the home oi his boyhood.
for Engineer,M-;lvi!le Commander DeLong’s has begun iiis searcli
travelling toward the mouth party and,is Lena now
of tJiu
Liver where fen* Jeanette was lost.
} !•« Ia,,:st *««£» f,r "" Stanley, the
African . expim- r, show him to be explor
,n « far U 1‘ the Congo River. Dion.
• —
—A pure, idiant complexion is one
of worn an’a eatest charms. It is at
| tainable by Use daily use of Glenn’s
! | Sulpliur of the skin, Soap, cut which icular removes ailments blemishes of
description, apd is every
an admirable disin
J. A. KENDRICK, Editor
All our friends at Sharon nml living ad¬
jacent aro earnestly roflucRted to brine us all
tho news they have. Marriages, births,
deaths and the general state of the crops.
We want Sharon to make a good showing
—Quito a cliRngo In tho Weather.
—Most time for strawberries
—Sharon has n first class shoe-maker.
—Mrs. (Jroake has a beautiful Hewer
yard. last Sunday
—We had a nlco shower
—brood many of our farmers aro done
planting cotton.
—Ed. Keating is the champion cro¬
quet player of Sharon.
—W. T. Flynt and family have been
visiting at Union L’oint.
—Mrs. M. C. Sterrena, of Augusta,
is visiting Mr. O’Keefe.
—Mrs. Maker, lias two hundred and
twenty-five young chickens.
—Mr O’Keefe lias the fidest Irish
potatoe patch any where around.
—Gardens in and around our village
are looking splendidly.
—It is supposed that tliero is a gold
mine on YV* 15. Kendrick's plantation.
—Miss Maggie Croake, of Washing¬
ton, has been visiting in our town l'o
several days.
—There was a dance at Mrs. A. E.
Flynt’s last Monday night. Quito a
large crowd was out.
—Rev. Mr. Yarbough occupied tho
pulpit in tho Presbyterian church last
Sunday afternoon.
—Andrew Hillman made Dr. A. C.
Davidson, our very popular physician, watch.
n, present of a very fine silver
—Mrs. A. D. Kendrick, and Mrs.
I5etlie Brown, have been visiting
friends at Wriglitsboro for several days
—Linton Jackson has purchased him
very lino suit of clothes. 'Veil when
fellow buys a suit these hard times,
lie must ho in love.
—Mrs. Shannon and Misses Florence
Gallishavn and Janie Sharp, of Barnett,
have been stopping with Mrs. Wilson
Kendrick for several days.
2 —Joe Moore is feeling badly tins
week. Faster .Monday trip didn’t
agree with him, for we attripute it to
uliat, as we didn’t see his girl there.
—Georgo McCord, of -Wriglitsboro, Wo
was in our town last Friday. ware
i much pleased to see hliu up again, af
I ,er a painful lllnena of_Beveral^ month s.
-Mr. II. C. Hanson, representing
tho Macon Telegeaph and Friday. Messenger We
paid us a pleasant visit last
found him to be a very pleasant gentle
man. —
—Mr. L. A. Mooro paid tho Demo
chat a compliment. Ho said tho Dem¬
ocrat was better now than it ever
was, and one of tho best county papers
io knew of.
—Mrs. A. K. Flynt sent us a sample
nf her wheat. It measured four feet
md two inches. Bhc lias eight acres
just like it. It is tho finest wo have
seen this year.
—Ed. Kendrick says ho would like
to peddle through tho country, if ho
could blow a bugle. We would advise
him to go in with Lint Jackson, K,
hollow rags, and J. hollow, toot, toot
with Iris bugle.
— Miss Katie liurko a most charm¬
ing young lady, returned from Wash¬
ington last Sunday She is a student
at tlie seminary, and will graduate this
summer. She will remain in our midst
for several days. We hope she will
hare a pleasant time.
—One of Sharons enthusiastic lovers
spent two hours hard labor over a letter
to his girl and then marred its beauty
by spilling a drop of ink on it. He
first swore in a very scientific manner
for a few moments, and then drew a
circle around the Wot and told her it
was a kiss.
—w° Wn noticed noticed in in a a letter letter written written to u
the Chronicle & Constitutionalist By
her correspondent It. M. Mitchell from that
Warrenton, naming the counties 1
the lion. Seaborn Reese would carry Jn
the next Congressional convention. lie !
'-nitted to natntj Taliaferro - In 0 „,
opinion Mr. 116680 will cairy tl ^>liu j
delegation from tliis county in the con- j
vention. YVe say hurrah for Hon. Sea- |
born Reese, j
— We attended tho pic-mc at W. >.
Wrights on last Monday, it was a 1
perfect success. ^attendance/ There, was and a very large i
erowd in every one
seemed to enjoy themselves. Dancing
w-is A. the tonic of the d iv (iood inanv V
of the elite of Crawf . r irdvillt, weie there |
and Aharon was well represented, and
also some of IFarien jeounty’s good
looking folks were there. Raytown
turned out in’full force, and treated
their i. visitors with i! .I much ! kindness K " l
About twelve o t ..lock , dinner . was „ aery r „ -
ed, and the company repaired to the
dining-room where awaited them a ta
ble groaning with—but we will not try
to describe it. It is necessary for one to
be present and anticipation to get an
idea of Raytown hospitality. IKc hojre
it will not bo , lottff , ci (5 wc will h;ivc tliti ,
opportunity of having an entertain
ment so wc can invite Raytown.
Mayor’h Office, /
J.ei-'s null.i, Va., April Iff, 187!E j
Messrs. Ifatefiison A Uro : It afford* me
pleasme to testiCy to tlie great virtues of
gia and si.-k lieada. ue. It is the best rein
e-ly foi these most distressing complaint<
I liavc ever used. It should lie in every
family in the country. Yours truly,
Geo. R. Head, Mayor of Leesburg, Va
JIUTC1IISON & BKO., Proprietors. At
anta, Georgia. Sold hy all druggists.
Mothers, sleep sweetly to-night hy giving
your child Tecthina (Teething Powders)
Yol. C.—No. 15.
flelug the Latest Intoruiatloii a» Con a
densed from the Newspapers—A Uriel
Review of What the Country itf At
Culled tor the Headers ol the I)cmo-»
—Mr. W. J. Reynolds, of l/ee county, Is
—An attempt was imtde to barn up Mil¬
ner Monday metaling.
—Cemetery thieves ale annoying thd
good people of Savannah.
—Thomasvillo Is oil a boom. Nevif
buildings are going up right arid left, and
thousands of dollars have been recently'
invested in real estate.
—A party of surveyors left Cedar! Own
on last the Monday projected to make continuation a preliminary of sw ft A* r-
vey of
Cherokee Railroad to Bii’niiiigliairi.
—Covington would Star! make Henry pair Grady of Geor¬ and
gia Emory boys Speer Congress that would a be hard
to beat for brillaney, wouldn’t they ?
—Mr. R. F Ilrannon, formerly of Co¬
lumbus, and a drummer the hoy during thirteen;- the
lias late been unpleasantness, elected at of age Woatherfordf of
Texas. mayor
—Two young men got drunk and w mt
to sleep on the streets of Savannah. They
were stripped of their clothing chased by practii by a!)
jokers, awoke, and were home
the police.
—Stone Mountain named is putting and on has city are. -at
She lias her streets si r
lamps. It is proposed to number the bous¬
es. siuitlicn schemes for a park and Wafer'
works system will be in order.
—Miss Julia Jackson the daughter nf
Stonewall Sackson, has a will of her own.
“Remember,” she once said to her mother- -
banglitily, “that 1 am a Jackson.” “Yes,”
said Mrs. Jackson, “and lam your moth-
—Tlie Columbus hundred Sunday Enquinr ami fifty-nine’ prcv
gents a list of one
property holders of that city who own each
over 85,000, amt tlio agfregate of wlioso 1
posessseds are away up among the mill¬
—Sandersvlllo Mercury : Some one set
Are to two fodder Tuesday stacks on Mrs. Smithy while'
Blount's place on and night last
the family Were at supper, when they
went out to the lire the house was entered'
and robbed of a trunk containing Lewis forty
dollars in dash, belonging to Mr.
Webster, and If It lulu not befell’ for the’
timely aid of Mr. B. C. Harris, other build¬
ings on tlio promises would have Wen'
burned. _
—Athens liannor: While Mr. Win.
Royal was up the river seining and fishing. small
Monday, lie suddenly stumbled on a
grave on the bank of the river, just above'
the Carlton old brickyard place. He dug
down which and tho found, box under filled, some tin* sawdust bleached' With;
was cwiiwiiy
ihoim-cdsui- iw r anb it htwe hem a
them a long time. As yet there is no sus¬
picion or clue as to who the mother of tlio
child was, or who buried it In this secluded!
spot, ami perhaps never will' bo.
—Walton Vldette : On the plantation of
Gwinnottand Mr. Jasper Thompson, Jackson counties, ott the Him op
there ofe-
eurred, that last created Monday much morning, a murder'
lias exclteinunt in tlmt
section. An old negro and Ids five growir
sons had and n fuss with another darkey oir
Sunday, decided to kill him ydien ho
came to tlio field .Monday morning. Sure
enough they were ia waiting, and when Inr
came in their presence they began tho
light, dead. and never Four ceased until their in vietim, Jail
was of tho parties are
In Lawreneoville, and two have run a Wav,.
Mr. Thompson thus loses seven hands,
who run six plows, five anil six for hundred whom dollars’ lie hail
Just, bought, or Mr. Thompson will lose
worth of guano.
at least one thousand dollars on account of
this difficulty.
0 —
Judge Claiborne Snead.
[Milledgevillo Union ami Recorder. J
Among tho the public State men and of people Georgia, wlur.
are serving in offi¬
cial station, we know of ho one who more
fully deserves the commendation of bis
fellow-citizens than Judge Claiborne'
■Snead, of the Augusl-u Circuit. Judge
Snead has served his Slate In the triple CA
pacify nf soldier, Third legislator and Judge, As
Colonel of the Georgia Regiment, he
displayed a gallantly which ranked him
among the lira vest or our Confederate he
rocs, ami won a reputation which will al¬
ways command and tho devoted respect fortitude. nf those Since whir,
honor valor •
tlie war tie served several yeais as a mein
f>er “ f th " > stiltn Legislature from- Itich
niwn<1 Buiioek country . j n the trying times of Mm
regime was one of tno most valti'n
hie members of our Legislature and ren
derod important several services Important to tho State,
scaving on committees’
whicli was the committee to inves
"«« %
() f Kjeiimond county, in whicli position 1m*
managed the varied affairs of the county
in a manner whicli displayed practical bus
iness capacity and judgement oftlie hlgh
transfeiTred to tin: bench oftlie Augusta,
Circuit. Ih this, the position he now oc
cupies, he has more than realized the san
gume P«»>!l<;. adticipaiions He of Ids mind friends and the
po.sess.-s a of great pova
(!r :ind which has bren trained anrfl
cultivated hy St.rdy and great experience,
|j ( , j )0s( . HH( . s j n mi eminent degree a judi
C j a j rnin<l, broad, comprohonaivo, just and
conservative, lie has fulfilled the full,
measgre of Ins occupied duty in every position,
which he has hut his chief fame
rests upon his services as a Circuit Judge
In that position lie ranks second to none.
such of his decisions as have been been carried
to the Supreme court have Kustoineif
in nearly every differ case by that tribunal, llis
charges to the been nt grand juries of Ids
circuit have a'ways distinguished t.y
an elevated tone, a clear perception of the
law and rare in beauty the of diction. .Judge*
.Sr.ead is now full maturily of a ri
porous manhood, and will, w»* trust for
many years to come grace the judiciary of
<>>ir Shite.
Tlie Supreme Court.
'the Supreme Court decided the other
day tin-following case. Having come up
from Taliaferro county, it may he of in
Ta iaferto. Charge of Court. Vinliet.
ksou, C. J. — l. Wlu-thei words de
ql-u-<1 uijoii ar.- libellous or n->t. is a ques
t ion for the jury. Uie eou * should not
instiuct them that the words declared on
are libellous, charged, unless whore crime is dis
tiy Th virdict is if at all. 51 <ia. 510.
2. : supported by the evl
w jiixon, Jollll c I!l . idi for
plaintiffs James F.Heid, in error. W.D.Tutt,
for def-n ’aji*,.-