Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, April 21, 1882, Image 1

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4 > ’Tt dv E DEMOCRAT ■<■ |1 . o By Edward Young & Co. G. H. U. -:o: The Music U ouse of The S outli. -:o: PIANOS and ORGANS Best Manufactured. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES Important Improvements. ^Beautiful Cfomblnatlcns. SELECTED FROM TWELVE OF THE MOST CELEBRATED MAKERS. E. I. O, -—:o: LARGE CASH CONTRACTS Enable GO QOBINSON & CO. to Save 20 to 30 Per Ceut. Saved EVERY PURCHASER. Lowest Prices & Easiest Terms ever offered MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; StFnUS, BBKEr BEST ITALIAN And everything pertaining to a FIRST CLASS MUSIC HOUSE. K EY X TE OF T. M. II. o. T. S. L. P, Q, S. G. O. ROBINSON & CO. 831 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. LEGAL NOTICES. BRIDGE NOTICE. GEORGIA—Taliaferro County : TILL be let to the lowest bidder at \Y public county outcry, before {Saturday the court tiic house 6th door in said on building of dav of May next to the a new and substantial bridge across the North prone of Ogeechee river near Moores mill. The contractor to give bond and good se¬ curity for keeping the same in good the repair day for the term of seven years, from of completion. let at the same time ,. and , Also will be bidder the covering of place, to file lowest Both jobs the court house in said county. from the day to be completed in forty reserved days to reject of letting: The right April 4tli, 1882. anv and all bids. of'County Com¬ By order of the board missioners. A. Beazlf.y, Attest, C. O. Apl. 7-td. Clerk, B. C. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF AD" M IN 1STRATION. GEORGIA—TaliAFF.RKO County. TirilERKAS, John P ’ Mooro of said county has applied mmejforl^t. aU f m therefore t >• ! and admonish all persons concerned, to KSSS"’ hand r and official Given under my *- *e» toygt, MUmy.T.0. A . bkaxijet, STATB OP (JEORGIA, 1 MHMto Tali afehuo County. close Attor VV..O. Mitchell, ney s Lien in * vs . Taliaferro Su Bctsey Meadows. {“• rp ^ n >£ W. O. MITCHELL,an Attorney at Law, having filed and’asserted iris lien for fees on a certain tract of land in said county and claimed the sum of one hundred dol¬ lars for services rendered, said tract con¬ taining one hundred and fifty acres ; and it appearing that said Betsy Meadows re¬ sides in the county of Talladega, and State of Alabama. Bet Meadows It is ordered, that said ey do show cause at the next August term of this court, why said lien should not be en¬ forced and foreclosed ; and it is furtner or? dered, that a copy of this rule be served by publication in the Crawfordville Democrat, and also in a newspaper m said county of Talladega and State of Ala¬ bama, once a month for four months. Given under my the hand and official signa¬ ture this March 1st, 1882. E. H. Pottle, Judge S. C. N. C. 1 hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy from the minutes of Taliaferro _ Superior Court. This March 27th , 1882 J. D. Hammack, C. april-7-lam 4m Clerk S. APrtTMl By B M WOOLLEY, Atlanta, flH UiiT f Ga. Reliable evidence given,and u RE reference to cured patients and ^Seud for my book on Tlie nabit and its Cure. Free. MONITOR OIL STOYE! Only Absolutely Safe OIL STOVE In the World. i fP 1 : Stov^ . \ j A > A t. FOR SALE BY Stewart & Smith, Sign of the Big Dogs, 69 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. SAMARITAN NERVINE $5.5-“ ”?‘LRichmoW W 7 " ' L“: a .a -—————————————.-—--—.— ~~~‘“’ 13mm ___ “*4 D1355 ' 5AM ~IT§51§T ‘ __~_~_~_~, 555 :35 555 5 ~ 15? 91:5? VEENE SAMARITAN NERAINE . Cure my little girl of fits. She was Malso deaf and dumb, but it cured pjanybody. ^[She can now Peter talk Ross, and hear Spring ns well i H »Wis. SAMARITAN NERVINE ^ Has been the means of curing wife of rheumatism. J.B. Fleteli-: er, Fort Collins, Col. HI SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for L my son. E. B. Ralls, Hiattsville," Kan. H SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after over R. Hobson, $3,000 with other doctors. New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. Miss Jennie Warren, 740 West Van Buren St, Chicago, ill. SAMARITAN NERNINE Cured our child of fits after given tp having die by our family hours. physician, Henry ft over 100 in 24 Knee, Verviila, Warren, Co., Tenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after for eiglit years. Albert Simpson,! Peoria, Ill". SAMARITAN NERVINE iCured my son of fits, after spending witli other doctors. J. W. Thornton, Claiborn. Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently of epileptic fits of a stubborn character. Rev: Wni. Martin, Meehanicstown, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after having had 2,500 in West eighteen Potsdam. months. Mrs. E. Fobes, N. Y. SAM A RITA N NERVINE Cured me of Miss epilepsy Orlena of nine years’ standing. Granby, Newton Co„ Mo, Marshall, SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epilep of many years duration. Jaco SAMARITAN St. Joseph, Mo. NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma and general fronton, bebility. Oliver Myers, Oliio, SAMARITAN KERYINE cured me of asthma; also serof of many years standing, Isaac Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits. Have been well for over four years. CharlosK. Cur¬ tis, Osakis, Douglass Co., Minn SAMARITAN friend NERVINE Cured a of mine who had dys¬ pepsia Bidgway, very badly. Pa. Michael O’Con¬ nor, SAMARITAN NER permanently Trembly, cured n fits. David SAMARITAN NERVINE my wife of epilepsy of 35 years Henry Clark, Fairfield, SAMARITAN NERVINE t i u d of a i 1 ,'’ 1 '; 0118 « ™ E. (, North SAMARITAN rimoift-fdaryffitrs.- NERVINE — Macoupin Co.,* Xj Woodburn, n| samakitannervime , BY alldbouoists For r may be had direct from us. G” 11 ” WS» JSSS3S StSg co„ World'. EpUepUc IraMut., % ■t is s tP t .Vi ^Unfailing v ForahSkinj Diseases Remedy such as TETTER.ITCH.SORES. PiMPLES. WORM,^ 1 kERYS)PElAS^4 WRING tc. t, WBLOICHESV b T THE GREAT CURE FOR I WHINS stinging*, PILES itching, at Symptoms are moisture, crawling worse about night; seems as if pin-worms were often affected. As the rectum; the private parts are a pleasant, economical and positive cure, Swayne’s Ointment is superior to any article in the market. Bold by druggists, or Bend 50 cts. in 3-ct. Stamp*. 3 Bo— 81.25. Address, Db. Swayne & Son, Pbila., Pa. n M jwm ... How to Get It! THE KE MEN : AND ^WOMEN'S^MUTUAL OF ATLANTA, GGOIIGIA Pays certificate of endowment for 82,000. The money is made up by mutual contri¬ bution. The best institution ever organized to give young people a start in the world. Local agents wanted everywhere, Write for blank applications, and Constitution an By-Laws. J. W. SIMS, Secretary, 4 F ,b, 4 ,tf- Atlanta, Georgia, J. J. MULL AN. 14 SOUTH BROAD ST., ATLANTA, - GEORGIA —MANUFACTURER OF— MONUMENTS 9 Tombs & Headstones, Etc. Designs and Estimates furnished. Sept. 2.12m. CRAW FORD V'lLLE, GEORGIA, F li ■ VY, APRIL 21 1882. POETRY. AM ECHO OF IS YOON E YEARS. _ A song comes back from the bygorle Whose melody never grows old, And Vears* 1 agai "’ throufih my smi!es and ’Tis Though the singer by lay dead and cold, a song so sweet, a voice so rare, Far purer than any other And I near it again, though troubled by “ ,l0 “' And I hear her voice in a monotone, Like the rise and fall of the tide. H* e days So **y» till the end of tinn Miw’theMngermBve? forget her^h’yme Till her bliss and mine are blended. —Foster Coates in New York Mail . THE WEEK’S DOINGS news from EVERYWHERE IMS TILLED BY DEMOCRAT CON DENSER^ CRIMES, CASUALTIES AND OTHER MA T TERS- -NOTES OF SHOltl LENGTH TELLING WHAT PEOPLE ELSEWpLK tS ARE ENGAGED—VARIOUS ITEMS CK INFORMATION. —Atlanta has a horse that trots in 2:17. —Griffin lays claim to 6,000 population. —The machinery for the water works in Atlanta is arriving. —The Atlanta police are charged witl levying blackmail upon the sporting men, —There lias been an advance in meat and groceries o ? . 33 per cent, in the lastfev j days. —Haas & Co., Brokers, of Atlanta, are^ paying about 33.00 per thousand for Coo-* federate bonds. —John Lyma, who murdered Elias nai ris in Savannah last December has been captured in Brunswick. —The stone foundation of the King mil!, in Augusta, has been completed, and the first brick laid. —Fifty bales of products of the Sibley Mills,; the first consignment, were shipped Augusta to New York on Friday. —The Cincinnati Cooperage Company's woik were destroyed by fire Saturday.Tlie loss is about $) 09,000, insurance 889.000. —A little boy named Morris, living near Keys, DeKalb county, was choked death by a gi a : u of pop corn a few days —William Beck, twelve years old, com. suicide in Racine, Wisconsin, be¬ his father reprimanded him for oi t late.the night befqiTi, ’ —Ben Jones, the son of a _wei,-io-do ' killed a negro named ^ , ot rodfder. v breadstuffs ( the —Our exports of during three months ending March 31st last amounted to 836,537,452, against 830,139,613 for tlie first quarter of 1381. —Work on the Gainesville,Jefferson and Southern railroad is progressing rapidly. Eighteen milc3 of track have been laid,and that divisiou is open to passengers traffic. —In a cutting affray near Marietta, Saturday night, J. VV. Bankston cut the throat of G. M Shearonse. Tlio quarrel was about a young lady. Shearonse’s wound is not fata'. —VV. D. Hoxton, white, shot and instant¬ ly killed Sandy Powell,3colored, at J’oulan, county on the’ 8th instant. Sun¬ an inquest was held and the jury re a verdict of murder. Monroe Advertiser : If the next Legisla¬ has any regard for tlie o.her papers in y Stine, it will require the Augusta and Constitutionalist to shorten its name. 7v WLWV 7— ° -: C: ’4 {—4 '5 —" U :5 3:5 NW. b 5 ‘5: S39 .‘7 fl. ._.____7_ _—____V W ' D1229»;A35310h9410nd’S SAMARITAN _ ._ VINE! . _. . that they have determined to d ; s coio one tbe’r di y goods pod manufactur¬ business, and offer their stocks of mer¬ and mill properties for sale. —Gov. Colquitt has been named as a trustee sor the Siator fund of 81,000.000 left by a Connecticut man for- educating the colored race. The fund is in the hands of a board of ti uktees, —George Wallace, colored, has been con¬ victed of the murder of Martin L. Jen¬ nings, a Norwegian, in Savannah, on the l 8 ih of March last,and sentenced by Judge Tompkins to be hung on tlie 16th of May. This is swift retribution and reflects cred¬ it on the Chatham 'officers. —Two freight trains on the Columbus road collided at Jones’ crossing, about eighteen miles from Columbus, on Sun day morning, and the passenger coach of the incoming train did not reach the depot at Macon uatii^li o clock Sunday. No damage was dene e.cher ra>n beyond smashed pilots. Cause, misplaced switch. —A gentleman with two ladies came up to Brunswick from St. Simons in a row boat, and on the way back got into a creek and were left by the tide in a marsh. They were gone from Sunday night to Wednes day afternoon without food or water, and were finally rescued by a search party, in a half famished condition. -Intelligence has been received from Riode Janeiro, by way of Lisbon, that jewels ,,, to t tne va i . f xtor, - ooo belonmnu " ° to | ihe ladies of the Imperial family of Brazil . havfe been stolen. There was no clue the peroetiators of the robbe’y. —Macon Telegraph Gapt. I.asoul gone North, and will purchase for | Central railroad six fine locomotives the same number of trains, of five each, for winter travel. It is the of the road to run a fast schedule .Atlanta Atlanta and Savannah, - making the dis * I tanee in nine hours. : —On Monday as the jailer was them their food, two negroes :f ” ^ Bulloch county cliain gang during L |L fptui ^ . to e ™ run ° over f t! > eS the “P«'><>r jailer. Court, One was at I oessful in making his escape—the other rfi jailer retained by a hard fight. J f d -Last woman Wednesday, named Margaret one week Sims ago, a at col- the ; ] dence of Mr. II. H, Epping, was clean | ii. , fish when she accidentally pierced her ®d with a cattish r£ fin s;.r.”.z The next morn >1 wt . r ta 5 “ a ' eased nnui she soon was compelled to her bed. She suffered violently with itil yesterday she died. Ai'ens Banner: The other day, while ning man was indulging in a quiet of tobacco, he injected about a quart ibier out into the street in«d a vmmrr came sailing by. Hef dress caught mtire charge, and for a few a seconds * dr pedestrian thought she had come j J™ tact " ith 1the no « l « ot the IIo P e tmer At last accounts the young man apologized to five irate brothers, an in -wm father, seven uncles and other i rad too numerous to count. Th * _ ei . 0 ldMeeV.ofi.f , , T{ w J! - ar * noon.* her’s at this kitclmn‘and He sold part of his house-hold furniture. Robert Hill, (lie is a good one you know) was the auc tioneer Wc were not present to take m t he fun, but some of the boys said it <RffiHecI a side-show, and some said it was better than a theater; while otb- 1 C "?'L. ll0 ', V to com P» r e it nu, ,, o^lv . on^dmi** „ 1 ' 3 W .? 1 'nV ? collected ant E. amount. Keating’s We see a lot of furniture Tn that they bar-room, wo imagine were partners, -— --- Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the uri¬ nary passages, diseased discharge, cured Bucluipabia. $1. at druggists. Ga. De¬ pot, Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, Atlanta and Macon, Ga. • Brain and Nerve. Wells’ Health Renewer, greatest remedy on earth for impotence, leanness, soxual debility, Ac., fi. at druggists. Ga- Do pot, Lamar, Ilanhin & Lamar, Atlantaand Macon, Ga. RAYTOWN RAKING 8 , AS FILED UP FOB DEMOCRAT HEADERS. CROPS, NEWS ITEMS, EVERYTHING IN GENERAL WITH A L TTL*5 STICK AND PHILOSOPHY THROWN IN FOR FLAVORING. [Special Correspondence Democrat .] —Cool nighta and mornings. —Mrs. *11. Ivey has sixty young chickei ;. —Mr. ChRpman has a most magnlfl W « ?f«4»e • . • ^ —Mi, Z. Darden has the ihTkdst <»nru melon vines we have seen. —Mr, Will Woodruff has the finest milch cow we have seen lately, —Mr. John Wright had cotton up some days ago. It is looking finely. —Mr. Charping has about an aero of superb grain. It is the finest we have seen lately. —Mr. IPest Taylor has forty grown hens This is a good supply for a one horse farm. —Miss Fannie Fallin, lias a quilt pieced of one inch squares ; it contains 7,675 squares. —Mrs. James Holliday went up in Greene last Friday to visit her parents. She returned last Monday. —Misses Rhodes and Darraeoti, re¬ turned home last Thursday from a visit to friends at Raytown. finest —Mr. Billie Kendrick has the orchard anywhere in the country. He has fruit of all kinds in abundance. We see he has even a nice blackberry orchard. This is as it should bo for there is no better crop. ivannah Recorder: A commercla r of tin’s city who is on the road a deal, recently arrived home and br it with him a sample of one of the -lack biscuits that are put on the t an eating house in Millen, on the Oc 1 Railroad, The morning after he “* «>»“>»“ »»i,e In the Ii • went out and discovered that Ir :n had put the bulscuit oil the grmnd and had a live coal on top of it to ThtjjMhougbt e-t>the “'critter” it was a turtle, anil its wanted come out of shell, (if Mayor’s Office, > Leesburg, Va., April iu, 1870. j Httchison & Bro.: It affords me plea* are to testify to the great virtues of your‘S>’i; algia” for the cure of neural ad siHc headache. It is the best rem. .#-tl'. u most distressing complaints I ha»|| evi j used. It should be in every in the country. Tours truly, Gko. r. Head, Mayor of Leesburg, Va tflfrCHiSON <fe BRO., Proprietors, At Georgia. Bold by all druggists. # ^ The Secret out at Last. If if,Tong been a souice of wonder, as v j Courtney failed to meet Uanlan aCiilliug contest The general ex Cffy aigument was that be feared «fl Caiiabian. This opinion however, M by the authentic announcement he days fixed for the race, Court unable to sit tn his shell, on ac, «he intense itching and soreness the Piles. Having recovered >■ Use of Swayns’s Ointment, he i ■ ■ .that .Vftjw-’M row Hanian ■iitd.N SIlAv’INto, 1 WHlfi’LEU OK# FROM BULKY HER BY . A. KENDRICK. BHOl if- SCIUIKS ABOUT PROMINENT I’EO PJ.II AND CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS SAN DWICHED .TOGETHER FOR THE X»A1 1 TES OF OUR READERS. —The trees are looking beautiful. —Oh 1 Sharon is so very dull. _A very good time to shear sheep. Sore eyes are prevailing in our vicinity. above - B. W. Barber will move Athens soon. mocking - -The sweet notes of the bird | re heard Masseugale, daily. of Norwood, was --Paul in out town this week. -Charlie Herrera, who has been - sick fjor several days in convalescing. —Misses Katie Burke and Maggie Croaie have returned to Washington. —Mrs. W. G. Kendrick, of Wrights boro, ;js visiting relatives at tliis place. —Mrs. Edward O’Donnell, of Au¬ gusta! is visiting relatives in our vicin¬ ity. ‘ —We bad a nice rain last Wednes¬ day morning, wtiich was needed very much. finest --Sir. L. A. Moore has the peaefe-orebard we know of. He will have npe jieaches the middle of May. — A/rs. O. D. Moore, of Raytown, spent the day at Mr. L. A. Moore’s last Tuesday. —A good many of our are their wheat having^ . the complaining ru»t? of much We hope it will not do damage. —Messrs. L. T. Lewis and , _ I T Baoon , • tm Sunday. They last q{ the fair 8ex Sbaron ^ , j. a( j jitter spur up, as these Bay f e jj 0 ws are terrible. L - ari( j youl - correspondent _ Ci vi « lt j down in IFarren last Sunday, an(i had a magnificent time. The gj-aiii t( crop is and looking very of promising tlie farmers in j tba haviji geetion, stand some of cotton. I j a splendid broke j —[Last Tuesday night some one house at | i into] Mr. Ed. O’Brien'S store j Bariiett, and about $lo0 of merebau dise! are missing. An entrance was j from under tlie store, the hearth , rLB? “ irf-ing torn away, and r was howtbey^aped. found 0[«n next morrriug, j Ixye learn that a difficulty rtwood occurred and . , M j esse ]> 0 a gS£*f'^reral ...fallow one day last week. Mr. cuts on his xigiU arm. Mr. Portwood lives near ii,,. . 0 f VVilkes, and is one of Talia ’ farmers. fen oVbest learned through» col . ■ >!«■« man, a and U we know not bow true n L| —Corn and meat is demanding bigli prices in our market. The grocery market is very Arm this week. Can a farmer more than half live, and pay one dollar and forty cents per bushel for corn on time, and meat at fourteen cents ¥ The past-experience ought to teach them a le8son long to be remem bered. „„ Tl ' ere Is a certain good looking " jsd astts^TuS if she desires her letters to be w““in"S send them to the Crawfordville published, DEMOCRAT, ami not send them to 1,a t , !° I’ost-maqter 81 puce takes a delight | ) | in reading thlD * H lo Y in ff- He never anything of ttmt kind often, and ^ ^ S ° g0 ° d ll0 can,t —• —. Preventive ot Malarial Disease, mi0H 01 ” ^ Annapolis, MIlrBNT Dlt Md. - «• R- Walton, • ,,, mItSuI? cdlent Beef preparation, InvklmSi! it' PF*? «*“ ° f 8U1>erior to cod-liver or’anythimi , , i?nv» tionVand*2^?' , oil I ventl’veof m‘?i'y 3tfl 1 or , beneficial "“Paired constitm 11m as a pre Of her druggists the name CoTnFv' B ea .!S’" <0 110 other.) generally ‘ .. J . w,la , 7----— ‘Gc". r.. Tige • —- Anderson Says ?jSui? I l"ive been^&° t n Oefl|!chien_ r!.H..voa e ery a il ^ {nOWI1 at ‘k« lasting le,l *e«Iy for without days 1 liail A ;««™.’YMN“l&Vn,i'S, , being y ^ , r r this {•;iii.™ painlul m>’:SS disease, and I jttSS syss; tcommeiul it to all who suffer can cheerfullv Y as I «lo. O. T. Anderson, Atlanta, ... April 18,187!). Chief of Police. Hutchison & Huo., Proprietors, Allan, a, Gn. Wold by all Druggists. to—~ • An Fdiiress. We received a ph/lsant visit last Wed¬ nesday from little Miss ltosn Gorham, aged three. Her bright winsome face and sible chatter enlivened sen¬ the dull precincts of the Democrat office. Miss Rosa-after a great deal of p irsuaslon on nurlpnrit— consented to assist us in the editorial man. agement of the Demcovt, and our read ers may expect a great change shortly- She e: p assed herself highly in favor 0 f the . press and said she read the Democrat every week. The advent of this ehaimlng little visi¬ tor coused a wonderful change In the eral appearance of the geu piled office, old exchan¬ ges were up in neat order, the turn* bled up editorial table straightened; the pulled frantically at his collar pressman rushed his hand through ids matted hair and the editor put on his most winsome smile forum proper reception of • Stoi-d - Ask druggists for-'Rough on Rats.” I clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaches vermin, flies, ants, insects. 15 cents, per box. a last week. Crops of small are looking unusually ”<>,11. Upon an average the crops are betwfy bt\ above Crawfordville, than Sharon and Crawfordville. —Brother Lewis of the Ishmaelite has a level head on the condition of af¬ fairs among the farmers. He advo¬ cates a change of the [farming it. Would system, that and we are glad to see the all our editors would urge same change. Hoodie Smith has two —Mrs. very rare pigeon blood rubies—gentleman old, shirt-front buttons. They are very set in j )ure8 t gold, and originally cost a goodly sum. Mrs, S. will sell them cheap for the cash. Here is a ciiance to get gems of the first quality for small figures. •> brought into —A little negro boy since, our fi“e village one morning not long large speckled cat-fisb. lie claimed y ia < t,|, e y were caught by “uncle Rube.” Who uncle Itube is we do not know, but be seems to be doing very well, in the fishing line, when he sends up such trophies of his skill, as he did then. _Some apprehensions have been felt by the farmers, for the safety of the wheat ami oat crops, these cool nights. I believe tliis is the critic.d time now, w’.tlithe small grain. If ’ ' befalls it now (or a few weeks longer all will be well. But should the oat and wheat crops now be ruined, we shudder to think of the condition, of our farmers. Yet why need they place themselves in such precarious situa tions V -We met with Mr. Warren l drews,one of the moM successful ers in Greene county His success has b’ e i something wonderful, lie has bought up several hundred acres land since the war ended, an l | then lie was an old man. He i given every one of his children a Vol. 6 .---N 0 . 16. plantation, ami lie Imfl bought and pa d tor it all with frefe negro labor, but lie says he never btiys meat liud corn. II6 always raises enough flowed to run his farm and if he had the gene, ai plan of planting H cotton, lit would have been a poor man to-dav. Thus we see measures. There is , 10 excuse for a man to be poor in tliis favored land ? 1 * 6 everyUlin " 0,1 earth weneed we need, ami and common sense ought to teach us that if we do not drop present, smcidal system our tl at ten of farming ere years roll around we wil’l all be paupeis, where we should bo vSiouwiinnT'"’ N ° t,,in » l,,lt tater y tai- A Lcshoii in Equestrianism. Horseback riding as an art and as a ben¬ eficial exercise is one of the most judli iot:a habits that one could cultivate. opportunity^ While i affords the equestrian every or the cultivation )of graceful posing, ft comprises nil the healthful elements of the most invigorating pleasures. Like all else in tlm world, however, if indulged In im¬ moderately, the results arc extrftin ty pain¬ ful, mi oft times dangerous. Gulled limbs, and Piles that Itch intensely, particularly after getting warm in bed, are not fre¬ quently the outcome of excessive exercise in the saddle. In such cases, however,tlie evil can ho thoroughly eradicated by ap¬ plying Swayne’s Ointment,which,as a cum for Piles—itching or otherwise, has no equal. A Live Journalist. Our friend Col. Thornton, of the At ianta Post-Appeal, is not only making money and reputation as proprietor of one the spiciest and newsiest of Georgia, but is becoming known as a heavy’ investor in Atlanta real-estate. The colo¬ nel is a useful citizen. We have known him long and wei!, and we know that it Is hard to find anywhere a more industrious journalist, and a rnoreopen-hcarted,kindly natured gentleman than lie. Wc have seldom penned a tribute which has given ns more real pleasure than this, and we sincerely tryst that fortune may continue to smile upon him. Many of our readers, who will remember tlie colonel as a former editor of The Democrat, will reiterate tlie wish. — • Worthily Won. Nothing has afforded us as much gen, nine pleasure of late as tlie appointment, of Hon. W. F. Holden, of ties place, to the postmastership at Augusta. Mis high personal character and fine business ability are a guarantee that the duties of the posi. tion will he faithfully administered. Woman . Her Health and Life Df , p( , n(| „ )0r , on the ri . v ,iaritv of her menstrual functions than on tun or ail [ causeg combined. An actual »t a living death is the inevitable result of derange | ment of a function which makes woman what she is in every remmet, and especially , m*™ ’ in ,. nts Ss u „, 4m | y safeguard against wr.-ck aud ruin. In all cases of stoppage, delay, or other irrt'gularities of tlie ‘‘courts,” Dr. ^ improving tlfc nvrvous ,j centres, Mood, and e teniiining directlv to tne organs of men, strttation K is ’ scientific prescription , . a ; Price: and the, trial most size, intelligent 7.v large physicians size. $150. use For it ; | sale by all druggets,