Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, May 26, 1882, Image 1

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• jgfrc * ii 7, - ;. ~Y~ ~w......^ /' % * I ! ~~ 71 7 fl I.—<£ y V i/ /i 9. i V \ A -ififi- Y7_nL_ •' % IA © . I v Edward Y mu 1 (r tv St / 'n U. Q V- mm >; ■ •:? i tiT ■89 imI .. HRs? rm ™ *jg f- A Reliable FOR ALL Remedy A DISEASES OF THE "“•»* ’ Such SKIN, Tettc--, , ’ as i • QMACCCUXsTCFA.L* ERYSIPELA3, Ringworm, LAYING THE lNTEf;3S ITCHING AND iNSURlNQ Barbers* QWEET REPOSE, ;T IS .■ar-/ ‘rS. Itch, ESS OP /• fos Dn. The KKOWW Swayne Itching Gseat BY MANY Piles,'* & Cure Sou, *3 »//, PUIU. • •=4 f, mik MSf Ibn. , m \,L= “ ! * BY SOLD ALL w DRUGGISTS. v X , 7 WHENCE COMES THE UNBOUNDED POPULARITY OF Allcock’s Porous PkirArs? Because they lmve proved themselves the Best External Remedy ever in .elrt ed. They will cure asthma, colds coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, and any local pains. Applied to the small of the back they are infalluible in Bp k- Ache. Nervous Debility, and all Kidney troubles; to the pit of the rlomach they are a sure cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. ALLCOCX ’ S PO Tfi O U S PLASTERS a re rNrh'-x, iVrgr.’.’.it, and quick to cure. In-tvere of Imila tion that 1>1 iso rs a d 1 rn. Get ALL CO Cl K ’ 1: ■ * o; ’y Genuiu. Porous Plaster. t sKsvxacm*:; ' ■ . ssagEi^ss^Jsa or EVERT KIKD CHEWSS’WS EVES. KWes, Shot Guns, Ttcvoi vers, Ammuni¬ tion, Knives, Fishing Razors, Tackle, Seines, Nets, Skates, Hammocks, etc. Large Illustrated Catalogue FREE. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, PITTSBURGH, PA. A£ WANTED! Ladies and Gentlemen, to engage with us to sell several Useful HouseSiold Articles. Profits large. Labor is light. Exclusive territory givc-n. No competi¬ tion. Terms liberal. Circulars FREE. Address, Hewitt Hanofaet’g Co., Box 868, Pittsburgh, Pa. A NEW CURE FOR p * OTAT AND ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN. Paid, Cafe, sure, cts. cleanly AGENTS and WANTED. cheap. Sample Address, Package, Post- 30 J*. H- ST olxnHtoii, Pittsburgh, Pa. M llftl UolbAL A A ■ IMAYnillUICMTl> IN& 3 nSInlEn ! b of all kinds for sale very cheap, Catalogues free. Address, RICHARD HULL t CO.. Box 863, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 may5 82’ “JUST LET ME SHOW YOU" A « HAHB-B2BS JDK. t? FOOTE’S HEALTH HIKT3 a A ud Ready Recipes, a Wortli $25. Coast 25c. By the attfhor of “Plain Hothk Talk’’and “Medi¬ cal Common Sense.” & 1281 PAGES of Adviceabre JLe„ ut Daily Habits fS ...lurt.liboA nd Recipes for Cure c of Common Ail £g waU; valuable bookofKefe Ce Lrev.ry “u SSMV Avid Und.-Urable Uiiliiren, Kcncl. Worth Knowing, Hints on Batbidg, on Nursing tha -M Sick, on Emergencies, Hints for Pregnant b / ‘ Z^S^er&tWZSraf. Murray JEll PaUisMog Co., 123 East 23th Street, M<sw York City. UllllUllIU PHROmll liio-t’i.o;,:,;:.!-b<ro on ificirai, a,™ t social and S xnal science, 1 L 'x«iriy 0 'LO'io J piJc?, a’o MSDICATi MON SK" ;ssE. illustration; SSfoohm so Udtrf&D : 100 premiums; urbay hill cents i LBLibiiiKG a rear. co.» n. a., ; Notice of Dissolution. ! rpHE 1 PARTNERSUIP HERETOFORE iwVnis. t’; I I between Croake Sc E ; is day dissolved by mutual ••••■;; •. Mr. ; Edward Croake will confine, -ie - i t the old stand Vtl iivU-i. fi. -.•• will be paid by him. and ail acco ::;; due said firm will be paid to him. Edwabd Croake, N. C. Edwards. Sharon,Ga., May 22,18ro. TO my FIHESUS. — ’O:— TN 1 CROAKE* RETIRING EDM FROM AI.Dfi THE lb- FIRM ! 0^; ■ my friends for their lib-nal pn.v-na.te and assure them of my great rul .0 . ments of their many favors, i b yeai; lor my late partner that.has a libera! been-• .share of the V-stowed putilic j SKjsisast^fit.,:— patronage ug inay2S-8\v* CRAAYFORDMLLi; GEORGIA; EIDAY, MAY 26 1882. POETRY. TRUE l.OVE. How much I love you, mother dear !” A little prattler said : “X love you in the morning bright, And when 1 go to bed. “I love you when I’m near to you, And when I’n. far away ; I love you when 1 am at work, Amy when i am at play." And then she slyly, sweetly, raised Her lovely eyes of bine, ,‘T love you wljcu scold you love me.too.” me best, And when you 0 The. in filer kU-'d her darling child, And stopped a tear to hide , “My precious one, Hove you most Win n X am forced to chide. T could not let my dtarliag child. In sin and folly.go l •*>im>timos ; elude,— , -v < And.this is why J ’* f ’■ " J*—• SHAROjX 7 SHAVINGS; WEITTb!’!) OifF : J ,«lt! BtTUKV TRS3B li nr -r. A. KENOKIUK. SHORT SQUIBS ABOUT PROMINENT PEO¬ PLE AND CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS sandwiched together x ok iiiK palates Of our readers. —Pleasant again. —Ptams are getting ripe. — rises are becoming numerous. —Pitches are going to be plentiful. —Croquet has almost been abandon ed. —Ring marbles are all the go in Sha¬ ron . —Major Jadtason is having his store house ic.nodeicd in .side. — B’liy is love like a candle? Be cause tiie longer it burns I lie less it be¬ comii. Hill sup-plies our town with beef every Saturday, John is a shrewd trader. —There was a pic-nic at Moore’s mill last Saturday. A very enjoy able time was had. • —Miss Mattie Moore, a* fascinating Crawford Villa belle, is visiting the fam¬ ily of Mi. X). A. Moore. —A moonlight picnic will be held hero in June at (Jroake’s park. Our young people anticipate a line time. —Shat on is one of the healthiest pla_ cesainy wi.ere around. There is scarce ••ounty’d ter young Uuires, is visiting f. itud relatives in our vicinity. . At sty she enjoy tier trip. —What is the difference between an a/reeliminto lover and a rejected one? One kiss s nia miss, and the other miss¬ es his kiss. —Our farmers are having some beau til'iil weather to harvest their grain crops. lie hope it will continue good ferabout two weeks longer. —F. F. Darth n, is one of the best far tners around. He brought a sample of iris turnips in. They were the finest ones we have seen this season. —L. A. 31 ,tore i Inis had his engine | r. campaign. modeled. Also He is Croake now ready and for Ken- Hie I tiricu, vill tackle some of it themselves. —Meat is almost too high to eat. j, would be ;i good idea if the farmers would kill some of their old cows, as the merchants are getting short wind ed. i’rd. Ware is teaching writing in B o ihington, G'a. lie leay. s his school ai lam piace Friday afternoon and gels back on Saturday. We wish him sue cess. —Last Wednesday morning about ten o’clock a circle was seen around tiro sun. .Some of the people grew un¬ easy about it. We ueyer saw anything like it before. — Ed Young can tell a joke with as much effect as anyone we know of. He kept a crowd Tuesday roaring with a recitation of different anecdotes. He can tsro.v lots of vim and expression ‘ !l! ° CVCiythlllg ilC Saj’S. --Mrs. Dri Sheehan closed her eavth U- pilgrimage on last Jfouday morning ill liel' l’CSidel'ICO if) ituVtOWIJ. Ucl'l'e - . illtcrrCu. . , c'L . tiltj . . i i , , l < ill til 113 VVLJlli OKI Be cemetery. Wo extend our hem t felt sympathies to the bereaved family. -—Edward Gallagher has bought Mr. J. A. Cox out. Mr. Uox is going to retire to private life. Mr. Gallagher 7:11 make this his future home, and we wi hi the young gentleman an abuu dance of success iu bis new field of la bar. —It is thought by some that Mr. J. Y Cox will make a handsome living Hv hiring his JiorsH to IvPii driek and vloore. 1 here is littie proba bi ity of#Ioore keeping him up; but j Kendrick is about exhausted. He had <”>*»• f-" w -, » —MessiS, Croake a: Edwards ai-solv . copartnerahip last Monday morning hy rautuuT consent. Mr Croake bought Mr. Ed wards s interest. Tins Vdwards in town We lln to Mr as a citi zen, as he is too good to loo.. . Cn. C. Edwards told us this morn in» tint lie ' had rented a nart of the storethat are in. He will sell strictly provisions. He says his old customers will find in him a triend . Thanking them for the past patronage, L he solicits a continuance of 1 ’ t ’ —If you want the best ... cigar m . town , ca n on Kendrick for “Brock Bros, No. “ElegantLeisure,” “Silver Moon” had the pleasure of selling .Toe IXarra cott two" boxes recently, and he is per¬ fectly’carried away with them. —Ed. Keating succeeded in catching the negro that cut Bob Portwood, some time back. Ed. picked the negro up in Sharon last Saturday night, and deliv¬ ed him to the Sheriff in ers wfordville. Ed. is a keeir one at this and we would like to know if he would act as sheriff should his friends elect him for the next term. —We sold J. J. .Moore, of Raytown, one of our grain cradlers. He was in¬ to see us a few days ago and he remark ed to us the cradle that he pur¬ chased from us was one of the best cradles that he ever cut grain with. We have just received uuothorlot which we will close out at roclFbottom prices :V~Thei»- is a gentleman that wants ria 10 tieesdu nine rows and live iu oacii fow. He says the first ynergetic young man that will work it him, can h*Yo his accomplished. daughter, Luie We is sweet pretty and have the diagram of it; but our advice to her is to leave n^off. town last —Court was held in our Monday night. The gentleman tried was found guilty. We will not give fhe particulars as our friend Young! was present, and besides we havn’t j time. The case was one of the most interesting cases I ever heard. The | j aW y era were men of fine natural sense, ! and the Judge did credit to himself. —Mrs Kuyi Mershon is one of the most business Judies we know .of^ She can have as much done, and keep' eve¬ rything in as good style as any one garden. can.. She has an extraordinary good JFhen you go to her house you can al¬ ways count on a real good meat She keeps an excellent boarding bouSe, and a good many of the drummers stop with her, — 1R> would like to When give some ad-, vice to the fair sex. a young man with gets so “soft” ho can bo “dipped” up a spoon, the best thing to do is io dip him up and pour him over the back fence, lie is not of much conse quenee when thus afflicted* A jjuung lady told us of this and request (1*1 hat we publish the information for the ben¬ efit of our lady readers. —Col. A. xv. ii/eishon has a severe at tack of sore eyes. Thomson,mid He very pri^iably doubt caught them in no if he remains in our town lie wifi ..dis¬ tribute them promiscuously, ’ .Yfejfltjiro Bin a move to have him sent bag son,.until ho recovers. Wo M ■s*4CbC lieve that be will momeut’sufpSi.taUfm. comply re quest without a m*w 1 he suit colonel of eiiiHics, js • steppfftff,.ardmut audTIie Sharoiiiti: iu ' Milhk that w ' •> ffjge’ff badlyx tiiihe.i'' in W&mBST' ./dire. a..or. looting, ____ FiTKijivai'd of the l>r.r.rocL.\ spent Monday ahd 13(lfe4ery Tuescbiy friends m Sharon. popular here—among both belies and gentle man—who welcome him always with pleasure. Ho also the day here Sunday. Reluming from (Jrawfordyille vve met him. He had a lovely bouquet on the lappel >f bis coat. We asked him where he got it and he said one of Sharon’s most beautiful young ladies ave it to him* Tuesday lie also car¬ ried off a magnificent bouquet. We don’t exactly understand how tilings arc working, but we fear Sharon vvill shortly lose one of its lady citizens. —E. 1*. Moore, and year (orrespon dent visited up in Greene last Satur¬ day, found the grain crop splendid, bad corn and cotton looking a little in some places. The condition of the farmers iu Greene shows that she is blessed with energetic business men. We stopped at Mr. Darks Carlton’s and 6 ok supper. We found him and his good lady in splendid health. When ever we yisit the>’e it seetns as if we were at homo. They are so v ery pleas ant and entertaining that no one could feel any other way. After viewing ov erything 1 pictured to myself how hap¬ py they must be. Everything around them showed Unit no lazy persons lived there. They have only one child, Dar¬ kle, about ten years old. lie is a bright intelligent, and obedient little boy. Next morning we left for Union Point. We went to Union Point, and Mo ore he went to the “Point.” We had a pleasant conversation with our fried O. A. McLaughlin, lie is a gentleman of fine seyse, and a good conversation¬ alist. It is a great pleasure to be in com¬ pany with those who are our superiors in intellect to get some of their good ideas. Union Point is blessed with two good Sunday schools. This shows that they are religious workers. I like all tha people whom I lutye inet up there. They are sociable. woman. better than the bmiles of kings. To bring health and happiness to the homes of suffering women is a mission be- 7 lanS pare with one which protects from “That dire disease whose ruthless power Withers beauty’s transient flower ?” which smiles nives for tears, ease the for pain, of joy health for sorrow, for the j roses pallor of disease, the light elastic step for j bounding rigor for languishing duHuess, i the swelling line- of full grown beauty for the sharp and life withered-form of cmacia tion, a long of mental, physical, social and domestic enjoyments for a few sad days of pain and tlie gloom, ending in an early «r results a ve ? Such is mission such are the of Dr. J. Brailhelds Female Regu lator, which isi hence truly and appropri atelv styled “Woman’s Best Friend." ILpph.e,-and blautv a* oEvomen disappek like magic before single bottle o this wonderful compound. Physicians pre-, scribe it. Prepared by Dr. J, Bradfield, Atlanta, Price- Ga. For trial size, 75 ctsdarge ’ size, *1.50, sale by all pruggists, may28f —— -- —Reid A Held have the finest lot of ssstt ^. wta ^ tr ‘ w - m ds DIYG US WORD. sK$ vrt: • !'• “OPR KEIGUHORING TOWNS ARE DOING. II OflL. } i'ON, BARNETT,'RiUON. FOINT i OTHER PLACES AS WRITTEN' UP I! democrat specials. * * BAH --- NUTT. \ * X lairs of That Thriving Place— ion Various Topics—News Mat Itemized. ifiP’ Correspondence Democrat ,] ih , and oat crop magnificent, 'it .land corn both loqk better si . ’ turned warmer. o had a splendid rain last Mon Ja ijgpe weather’ia line now. 1(j .Fielding ia taking pretty pict | er all, for the girls in town. worms are very bad this sea mot' wiri jtV'Vip MheJ cool nights seem to agree a{... r A. a J. Hillman passed Barnett 8 m, jL, ijrtnient torning at Elim. on his way to fill his him -’lev, A. I. Hartley preached at the Ban « L #hurc]u last Sunday. There was fwi'A co^pegation to hear him. ? ght Itev. Bishop Gross dined ■Pripsf wiri .;jtnn(Ed. S. O'Brien last Monday: on his way to Macon from Sin' in • # A. T. OTaptuan has purchased M an * 'no and separator and will be j) thresh grain its soon as it is hav ed. * f A. Wicker was in town the0(.lier day. When the colonel fails to Ijtve atjy news, we may know that the o it none in the country. .KiMr. Ed. 8. O’Brien, of this place, Mp*e;»rly A ife. When completed finished his it elegant will bo resi one jpPbost iifTt' finest this sitUs of Atfgnsta and not less tliiin 110,000. N-s’tiero is not as much corn sold noSi 'jRitfil.ii %i*re was a few Afeeks ago. oati.which liters are beginning to for feed on is much better horses anjx%suh’S than Western corn. - Mnneett j sv. • Father ’James O’Brien was “ in i Monday, lie came up lutosje IrSii.tfon with the Bishop, and took at Mr. Ed. O’mien’s. # lie're¬ tail fi ia the afternoon to v IMtehiug xTr. F. P. Johnson rode out in the co< trv fast week on horse back. Ke ui g about dusk his horse became i W wed, ran against the fence with j ud hurt Ids arm so that he could »Jt for several days. * ” '-. psb’f!' '• operator Mt * I'***, the the position Augusta oi in RtW‘ wdiiod private secretary to ^tajor ! T ^ r * Huest is a thorough j JM.V 1 * man, and wo miss him very u.ipp- * Mr. Edward Young, of The I)km 0 (; rat, paid us a visit Monday. We we -0 indeed glad to see him. He is .q.jisant and agreeable in conversation ;in ,I makes friends at once. He dined W j|h Mr. Ed. O’Brien, and left in the u f(;jernoon for Slmion. We hope he wl ljl visit us often for The Demgcuat j 8 j), splendid paper and he could work U p a large list here. From our short Iju). pleasant acquaintance with him,we be! ieve Young will never grow old. UNION POINT. S | u irt SqililiK of Interest to Democrat Headers as Penned by our Special. (Special C>rrespinilencc Democrat.] -Warm days. -Cool nights. -Gardens are looking fine. - Mrs. J. C. Thomas, of Crawford, is \ dsiting relatives in the village. -Our farmers are cutting wheat anc I oats. The yield will ho unusually got id. -Mr. W. T. Heard telegraph opera¬ tor at Florence, S. C., is visiting his son at this place. -The coal scliutso and railroad a |i(,]is are lining white-washed. This is quite an improvement. .-Yiccination still continues. Won jj er if the Sharon localist lias had the “pi irformanee executed. ” ..-Miss Celestia Gox, a popular young lad f l’roin Atlanta, and Mrs. O’Kief are on a visit to their old home. -Wo are pained to chronicle the S(3r ous illness of Dr. Moore. IFc hope l„, will soon be restored to his usual her 1th. The railroad company is digging OIie , of their mammoth wells at this , , e and will move the station from Jef Person Hall back to the Point. - Mrs. J. F. IIart, who has been _ S)W adhig several weeks with friends in An irustii and Thomson, has returned h*>i to th© delight of her many friends, -We noticed a couple of Sharon ls jn our town last Sunday, c[U<e nfc, and our young >—>*«,w nien had better tr \,yj t to their laurels. -Torn Ilendry says he has already tur ned n <x1 loose loose sixty xixtr-five nvew-iiis cents on a cei* tail 1 young lacy a. this p.ime, and , he , int mds to get ahead of Jim Kendrick takes two dollars and a half. “ / r ( >k out Jim or it may be lively for ^ ‘-- T ----- , ! &*nHatehisoh Lefsbcro AnrilW 187b. J 4 Wat It affords me 1’^ virtues of r “Neuralgia” for the cure of neural and sick lieadache. It is the best ram ‘u 3 c„r these most distressin* shouid^je complaints a ,-e ever used. It in every c-« a “ illy In the country. Fours truly, Geo. R. Head, Mayor of Leesburg, Va M ALL AROUYD US, gathering the news from our EXCHANGES. i Y t BEING TITE DOINGS ! AND HAPPENINGS of OUR neighboring counties as , CONDENSED FOR our readers— i Oglethorpe, warren, Greene AND OTHERS. HANCOCK, t Sparta Is hmaelile. J Mr. Henry Rogers, an honored citizen of Hancock,is dead. Mr. M. W. Harris has just, received a | fine engine ami separator j Dr. Watkins lias onions growing in his ; garden fifteen Indies in circumference. Mr. II. F. Riley has a chicken, about one month old, with three legs and five feet. The walls of the new Court house ave steadily rising. The foreman cleared the foundation of intruders last Thursday. WARREN. [ Warren ton Clipper.] Stella Lodge of Knights of Honor No. 1080 have over (ii) names on their roll. Some one broke into Mr. Ben. Mayes’ store at C’aumk last Wednesday night, and made a big raid on bis cigars tobacco and ground-peas, They get in at the hearth as is usual on tlm (ia. It. R. A sad occurrence took place near Mesona m this county last Saturday evening. A young man by the name of Mr. Virgil Newsome, on Mr. J. M. J. Thompson's place, wept out into the fields for pleasure after dinner and took along a gun to shoot rabbits. lie had proceeded scarcely a quarter of a mile when the gun went off accidentally, pouring the charge into the upper put of the left chest nearly under the shoulder, the same coining out under or about Hie shoulder-blade in (lie rear. He made towards the, house calling Ii is mother. She finally heard him and on ap¬ proaching and asking if lie was hurt lie made some reply, fell over, and was soon a corpse. Tills was a shocking, scene indeed for the eyes of a poor widowed mother depending on her boy for a sup¬ port. » VI* DIM-’U1 U. t McDuffie Journal.] The weather is entirely •maceounttiWo. Something is evhfenfly wrong. We hear of couskl^rahle damage to crops and (jhrileiis by the frost last week. The picnic of Prof. Fanibrougli’s on Friday atfafr^ las', vv.qs a very pleanant ami joyabte A sample of Col. Bush’s oat crop meas. lives six feet two and a half inches in bight, and has a head of its own. The interesting game of marbles is quite popular in Thomson just now. Marshal Si in Morris wears the champion licit. Many of our fanners speak of plowing up and replanting their cotton. There is no doubt that piuch of it lias been killed hy the cold, wet weather. But nobody has ever seen such abundant oat and wheat crops. Mr. Walter Curtis speaks of attaching a mill for grinding out meal ids steam flouring mills, in this placo. This is a move in tin; right direction. The surplus oat crop of McDuffie county is amply tail fieiont to supply the population with bread for a whole year. Willis Hillman has adopted another one of the Barling kittens. Ha was deserib ing his pet to a young lady, one evening last week, when she requested him to name the kitten for her, and right then and there Willis was foiced to confess that it wasn’t that kind of a cat* We do not remember ever to Iwye seen peaches ripen as early as the 13th of May, but oil that day last Mrs.L. Hardaway, of this vicinity, sent us two which, though small, were ripe enough for use; and we arc informed that I hey were sufficiently matured for shipping several days earlier. WILKES. | Gazette.] The Female Seminary lias forty four scholars. Mr. E. Y. Hill is having bis wind mill erected this week. Mr. E- M. Hines is superintending the affairs of the new hotel. The adjourned term of Wilkes superior court will meet one week from next Wed' nesday. The appearance of the cemetery lias i been greatly improved by white-wash!tig the fence. Mr. Hamner Smith left last week to take a position as express messenger on the Central Railroad. Mr. J. Madison Cooper, a most estimable citizen of Wilkes county, died at his home last Sunday night. A goodly number of steam threshes will be run this sea m, and the toil for thresh .................... •»• «• “ |j l( . fifteenth. it is rumom „,' j that there are two cases of sn , a n. l )C j u the county thoiudi the 1 doctors ”, . are very mum on the subject, . and , not)lil deCultc could be obtained from 1 - BALDWIN. 1 [MMedgsville Union and Recorder.] ! Milledgevilla had a fire the other fiigUt Loss light. Mr.H.Nowton, near -. cordon, . , hasahen , that lays two to three oggs daily. c Sevens , . s Pottery •> wants an ice-house .„a and cotton factory. The bovs about Gordon hide their con *»«*«**»**»***■ ■ i Yol. 6.— No. 21. Fast driving through the streets of MIN ledgeville is prohibited by a town ordN nance. The amateurs of Mllledge’viUe will short b’I'lay “Matrimony.” The city council of Milledgeville made their annual report last week in tlie columns of the Union and Recordin'. Receipts for year, §2,310.83; disbursements, $1450.GO. Balance on hand, §G81.24. MilledgevUle has a wagon factory in full blast. I’lum excursions will supersede pic nies, and in two \ve«ks the succulent blackbeny will “hold the fort,,” The teachers and children of the Metho¬ dist Sunday school had a pic nic on Friday near Johnson’s hill, oi^Fishing creek, Mr. Henry Newton from the neighbor¬ hood of Stevens’s Tottery brought us on Saturday a cotton stalk a foot high, that had several forms on it. By reference to our files we find that the cornerstone of Oglethorpe University was laid on the 30lh of March 18,'S7 Colonel Joseph II. Lumpkin delivered thu address. The annual May picnic at the Asylum will not be given this year, OGLETHORPE. Cello], ' * ] A young lady of Lexington—beautiful* good ami accomplished—has a temperance pledge which she makes her admirers sign. The pledge Includes cuss words as well as tobacco and whisky. She is accom¬ plishing much good. The young Indies of Lexington practice blushing. A choir has been organized in Lexington to sing at all the churches. * Our farmers are now paying lfi’^cents for meat on time. * A Lexington young indy—one jjiat is in a condition to know -gives thu following definition of love: “An inward inexpressi bility of an outward all-overishness.” Not many will go to the springs from Lexington this summer. We have beard of but olio man in this county that failed to get a st and of cotton. The recent cool spell killed out cotton so much that a great deal of it will have to be re-planted. There are nine reapers Wting run In tills county. Someone, last Friday night, shot a cow belonging to Kemp Thornton, a negro. Malice evidently prompted It TranffM are aliundant around Maxeys. I)t\ Mark Willingham will averags’75 I iKd ot outs to the* aero on his plants- 1 i»i "SL-t /#J »tfi 11 * • • • Catarrh of the Bladder. .Stinging, smarting, irritation discharge, of the ini nary passages, diseased cured Bnuhiipabia. Lamar, Rankin $i. at druggists, (fa. De¬ pot, Macon, (fa. A Lamar, Atlanta and THE WEEK’S DOUVGS. SHOWS PKim MV I f H V tV II ICIt 1C Ills, I I 1,1.I’ll IIV IMOMOCKATCON- 1IIONSIOK8. UKI.MKS, CASUALTIES ANDGi’HKK 5IAT TERS NOTES OK SHOUT LENGTH TELLING HOW PEOPLE ELSEWHERE; ARE ENGAGED- VARIOUS ITEMS UF INFORMATION. •There isn't a city ill Georgia lliaf would not he improved hy the enforcement of thu vagrant act. The towns could he bettered in the same way —Manp Georgia fanners, we fear, are still engaged in the happy pastime of ruls ing large quantities of cheap cotton to ex¬ change for dear provisions. The Glynn County Fair, to bo held this week, promises to surpass all previous disyh'ys in variety of exhibits and general iitlracliveivfps. — Bid, Peoples of the Gwinnett Herald says North Georgia is better titan any sec¬ tion he, saw in seven hundred miles travel in South Georgia and Florida. —The Beaufort News of Saturday says : Mr. M. M. Kingman left for the North this week via Sat annuli. His health is very precarious, and the sands of life have almost run their course. Ten brick houses will be built iu Jack son this summer. —Mr. Henry Rogers died at his residence’ near Sparta, on the 18th inst., in the 86th year of his age. He was the father of Mrs. F. M. Richardson, of Atlanta, and grand-father of Mr. F. II. Richardson, the Washington c ^respondent of the Consti¬ tution. —The U. S. Fish Commissioners placed 425,000 young shad in the Tennessee river last Saturday. * —A file at Llkton, Ky., on Saturday, de »troyed property to the value of over &0 r «_____________ I lie l nit< d btati s mtlulged .,, in 124 ... fail u ( ’ 8 ,aftt week. Of those 17 oecured in the Eastern States, 33 in the Western, 36 in the Southern ’ at in m the me Miuuu, Middle 12 1- in in H the a Paelnc and lerritones, . and 3 in New York This is an increase of 7 over last week T1)e failures in the cite J of v Q ew ,„ York V olk are are nwt me ^’“bcant. siVuifi.-mt and 1 business . ' r oub‘.’s have been seldom fewer than now, ton, Kentucky, Kent!ckv°bas has ^ been sold ‘i’i for *60,000. It includes 321 seres of choice lane’. —Bob Anderson, one of tiie murderes of the Browus, was convicted and sentenced to be liung at the may term of McIntosh 0 ourt iu mi, The jury did not remain out but a short time before they returned a verdict of guilty. Judge Fleming gran* — -* *•