Newspaper Page Text
jji 7 j . o
By E l ward Youig & Co.
Oxr.Y Absolutely' Safe
In the World.
. ■ I-■
Stewart & Smith,
Sign of the Big Dogs,
09 Whitehall Street,
popularity of
Allcack’s Porous Piasters?
Because they have proved themselves
the Best External Remedy ever invent¬
ed. They will cure asthma, colds
coughsp rheumatism, neuralgia, and
any local pains.
Applied to the small of the back
they are infalliable in Back-Ache.
Nervous Debility, and all Kidney
troubles; to the pit of the stomach
they are a sure cure for Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint .
PLASTERS are painless, fragrant,
and quick to cure. Beware of imita
tion that blisters aud burn. Get
ALLCOCK’8, the only Genuine
Porous Plaster.
-■ v.*rrw r -;m veep 'RE ;■ v FC'SS'SSSSffl
S fp 1
it; 31 liH M lif
BUleg, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Ammuni¬
tion, Fishing Razors, Tackle, Skates, Seines, Nets,
Knives, Hammocks,
Large Illustrated Catalogue FREE.
WANTED! Ladies and Gentlemen, Household to engage
with us to sell several llaeful light.
Article*. I'rofits large. Labor is
Exclusive territory given. No competi¬
tion. Terms liberal. Circulars FREE. Address,
Hewitt JDnufact’g Co., Box 868, Pittsburgh, Pa.
or. is:, .Tohustovi, entsburith. P».
of all kinds for sale very cheap.
Catalogues free. Address, RICHARD
HULL & CO.. BOX 838, Pittsburgh, Pa.
lunu'.i 8-’
And nearly llecipes,
Worth $25. Fost 25c,
By the author of
“Plain Home Talk” and “Medi¬
cal Common Sense.’'
128™; Advice about Dally Habits
mm pea for Cure of Common Ail¬
ments; n valuable bock ofReMN-nce for every
Family. Only 25 by m*' 1 , prepaid.
The for Hand-book all contains Common chapters Sense on on Com¬ ^Hy¬
giene Ills, Hygienic reasous. Curative Measures, How to
mon Knacks Worth
Avoid Undesirable Children, Bathing, Nursing the
Knowing, Hints on on
Sick, on Emergencies, Hints of for the Pregnant Private
Women, together with some
Formula* of Dr. Foote, and other for physicians preparing
yiC-'uij of high repute, sr.d directions WAN1ED.
! j food for Invaliuo. AGENTS
Murray Hill Publishing Cc.,
132 East £3*.i Street, Va~ 7:ri City.
CHRONIC New ^ ha i fc
nodal an<1 sexnxl pci •-< u. Plain Home Ialk and
Medical Common .-knse. Ivpar ;v pages, 200
illostration-: by Dr. E. H. Fo^c. Purchasers are en
titled to free cocsultati either in person. ittheCHEAPt^T * r by mail.
A $3.25book refUiocsi m iking
Dr. Foote's Health Monthly with li-it of nearly
”BS co„ n. y. ciw
Notice of Dissolution.
day A between Croake & Edwards, is this
dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. “Vt
Edward Croake will contuine bu ine
the old stand. All indebtedness of the firm
will be paid bv him, ami all accounts due
said firm will be paid to him.
Edwabd Croake,
N. C. Edwaud-.
Sharon, Ga.,May 22,1882.
_ 0 . __
2 -**<**«•* «-“*>
meats of their l nesm of*'
my late part e ■ . - ...
patronage that lural
upon the late i Respectfully,
Sharon iaay28-»w* ,Ga. May 22,1882. N.C. En wards,
[A la Attanta Constitution .]
Brilliaiit Wedding,
The elegant reception rooms and parlors j
of Mr. Colonel Louis Hawkins were tin own
open on Wednesday evening last, an l a |
large audience of invited guests ceremonies! gathered
therein to witness the nuptial
of Monsieur Adrien Yerisonht and Mads
moiselle Le.ciie d'ifuchado The ceremouy
was performed by Mr. Augustus Blunder
buss and was truly impressive. The cos
ttumept the bade was remarks- f< v H.
splendor and’radiance, it was -ado by
Madams Camille Jones, the cevlirated
dressmaker of F ve Points, We are told
that this dress east near §2,000,000 in Mr*#
eon and limns wick railroad scrip. Wo
would describe its luxurious m.igniileeneo
but our feeble pen is inadequate to tell its
beauties. TU.; dress was cat a la lumlin.
ziue. and was of the tluest texture of ale m
finished calieoettsi, with green hog’s hair
and line rut glass trimming?. The flowing
red tresses were done up ifPtfiu ■ tissus
paper, expensive but not gaudy.
The bridesmaids were ilrevse-l ilj.white*
ecrue sheeting, with yellow trimmings Of
mutilated chroinns. Th bride and her
attendants wore elegant jewelry imported
direct from the twenty-Jivd-ueni‘ ;-cat-this
out-and-sead-it-on jewelers of NjwJCng
The groom and attan lant-i vv-rn >Hired
in blue linen pants—short who'-Dp eat—
with spik -Vait«*l yellow coats, blue cra¬
vats and dog skin Alexander kids.- 'They
bad on no bats but wore cap ;—which they
discreetly hung on the goto pasts as they
came in. The bridegroo.A unthoughtediy
hung his up on the floor, but it unsworn 1
admirably for the reception of the liac-eu:
navy which ihe guests industriously mas¬
It was the most brilliant event of the
season. The presents are too numerous to
mention in full. vV.; enumirate a few.
Handsome dumb watcll, of finest roiled
■a -kettle gold.
Elegant damask, all wool, yard wide.
From the emporium of Saloshinar, Atlan
Fin;' necklace, inlaid with blue window¬
's. n»>»n material n < wiihdi
s>. * T - -„n ■,
'^Jilt'd coin. Demijohn extrg. - .
’T.h$i floppy couple left on an extan 1 id
trip to Little river, will enjoy a sail on the
limpid waters of Suckluile Lake, and lay
in a supply of fish for the summer cam
pilign. the occasion
The only drawback to wa;
that a few street gamin—who had dept in
unobserved—persisted in chucking old and
decrepit apples and wads of paper at the
head of the bride during the execution of a
hornpipe by the young couple. This token
of honor was at first received with rounds
of applause, but It got to bn so monotonous
finally as to disturb the audience. We are
happy to state that the perpetrators wore
immediately sit down on and fired out.
The refreshments consisted of a gallon
of Mountain Dew and full two pounds of
ginger-cake. We are proud to state that
full justice was done to the sumytuous re¬
Wedding Cards.
Elegant wedding cards are out for the
early marriage of one of Tenpin avenue’s
fairest hollyhocks and a handsome cross¬
eyed hickory wytlio from Narrowguage
Laiie. The cards are printed in fan-tail
scrip on elegant manilla wrapping paper,
tied together with yellow dog-fennel rib¬
bon. They are unique but elegant. The
imprint of the publisher is not on them. It
is our presumption #that I 13 was satisfied
that he had accomplished life's grandest
work and immediately died.
-Corn-stalk canes will be fashionable
this season.
—Free lunch counters will be tre rage
tliv-j season.
—Chewing gum should only be worn on
i the left check.
; —Lawyers, doctors and red-headed news
! paper men will he charged admittance to
—The “Cornfield Galop ’’ will supersede
the •‘German’* at masquerade balls and
i —Dump-carts will give place to the more
classic wheelbarrow as a fashionable mode
I of conveyance.
1 Corn will be the fashionable morning
! drink or peach to alternate and honey. at noon with pure rye, j
_It is no longer fashionable to mop the |
finger-nails with foot-mats. Scrubbing
I brushes are now used. |
I —Two fingers is now the regulation re¬ !
freshment, taken at intervals of fifteen j 1
miuutes. Sugar may be used at will.
: Monsieur Dutch Dan has sent out the
i specimen book of spring styles He
states o™ that the ladies will wear china-berry
tops their hats.
f:i,-nds, for> iwx*. >aal.i. aul
will on ttiat dayaved Mis* U. Belt, daugh
*'*'* T
stinging, . smarting, irritation of the ur
l\ ar ? passages, diseased discharge, cured
; Buchupabia. $1. at druggists. Ga. De
I not, Lunar, Rankin & Lamar, AtiauU aud
Macon. Ga.
o : ,T U J ■^7
la X
-Cash trade was good last Saturday.
—Miss Annie • ... Uayiey, i or w„ ivairen -ri.nion ,
visiting in Sharon.
—Young was in our town Sunday ^
ife enjoyed himself well.
—P. Carlton and family, of Greene
spent Sunday with A. Driven
-We wonder if we coa&n’t visit
Point once withor •*“?
knowing it.
f fcl >* “ 'attendant "IfSrnn-m _
| u a at
Llrirt i.*quite s u «»in il
lever. Wo ho^e he m s 1
up again.
—Mr. John W. Darracott, of Craw
was down %few minutes last
Juesday. W e wan t * J
next Time. <% 4
faired fulfftl .
—Rev. A. I. Ifartly to
appointment, at tho^ Presbyteruki “
last Sunday. We learned •
quite sick.
__Manx, thanks for those nice
that we received last
.We will assure the young l*dy : i
they were highly appreciated. |
—Ourrfriend Col. J. W. ILxon bn?
admirers in this end showing of thf til
and stands a good
Lkiniext representative of Taliaferrtff 1
KemiricK’s.^ that'sjie She expreLf herself, ao|)
is perfectly charmed
superb village.
-.Ml* la,Ins K-lJ. «*• ft
Athens. Ni, () u.ll lun, i
weeas. e e.u stand ‘ '. it that ' , long. ' V
men cant
— Mr. Allen P.eazley our ordinal
CnvwforJviUe, was clown lust wet%<
He hasn’t been here before in sever;;
years. He thinks Sharon is a bcautuj .
place, also having men of enterprise,
—Our little mend Otta Mevs’eVn,
one of the greatest little hoys ever
lias purchased him a veluciped .
calls jsmirr around right often., 4
firm of Callen & laooks, ,Yashiu|«iGW.
was in to see us a few days ago.
was looking as bewitching as evcS. fo
Come it. a n Samrnie wo will be glad
see you. „ 1
II. T. Kendrick brought uj< foil twb r
stalks of cott n that measured
feet in height, and had a good n,.in;
squares » i them, lie del not s,iv how
much he had like it, Gut we suppose
that was all.
—Sharon girls and is noted boys, aud» for^ond the looking older
young don’t hurry iqnuiey will be
young men dance in the .chicken-trough,
left to
\Vo fear that we will bo one of them.
So mote it be.
_We had a rain last Sunday after
noon that made everybody fed good.
Wc also had a little wind and hail, but
did no damage. Our farmers have
Peon blessed with good seasons up to
t he present time.
Mr irTmvvs-i II Tones our that^ovcrv' nopular saloon
lr oner trick knov^ man
^niA-m limiors 1 should For
V ,rinn cull on him and buy a
Tyoo h nZ lie wi’ fiiftoSSfr t ike n'easiiro in tell-
1,0 1 J
—'Y ? 1 j! s t ,‘® , , ... „„
1 V
1 We -ccord believe of the it to po#ei be his. of“SiJ the two magnet ccrt, n
young ladies who dlaw two ceitain
f ll hi lfemvSunday of tS lWcsl
L. A. Moore ....., started , out . vvi,.h ...
— Mr. , Our
his thrash Tuesday morning.
friend Joe Fallen has charge of ’.t.
He could not have selected a better
y 0 „ nK man, .Joe. is a stirrer. Wc
know that he will make things june
while he has charge of it.
....... ?„*?■.***?
and they aie despondent thereat.
Those young men have our sympathy,
as we were left the same way several
times We hope they will shortly re
cover. '
—-Ihe Union union ioinr Point corresnondent coiTespona ni<
wanted nated. to We know bavn if t we yet; had but ^® will e 9 ll Y he 30 ® m 1 '
a few days. We are waiting on our
charming little girl, and as soon as
her’s takes we will have tlid “perfoi m
“““{ft J ^ ^ H ‘ y “ i ' i ' ‘
_ We went down with Mr. L. A.
Moore last Monday afternoon, and got
some very fine peaches. The trees
were heavy laden with both peaches
and apples. IPe have an extended in
vitation, and you can bet that we win
be there often. There is nothing like
anticipating and getting an idea of
Moore’s hospitality.
— Ed. Keating bought out our
maker. He is now ready to haJf-sole
fd‘-t • -•
P * so p „„„
For nartieular.s annlv to the
»g£8SSiKS3*S“ , * w ~
Tuesdav was aSs very nleasant We
found film as we always flnd nrj(J h nun, n in in
high spirits. He showed us around
his farm, and we can ;-ay that he has
I * i* crop. He * don’t use 3 othing but
I a.rhovol plow in his cott i until he
mV- it rpiiilv tn puts on
j»f sfsteps weep. altogether. Most of lie our farmers fails use
never to
i: ike a good crop with this mode of
tE '^tniing. If we had time we would
onr friends often; but business
biff i e pleasure with us.
rj A—Two of the Sharon bloods were in
ppinson last Sunday. They report
tfHfc they had a tine time. They said
tint Thomson had as many pretty
$lsasauy Y e will agree place with -anywhere these young around. men,
a we pave seen some of them ourselves,
fmiething must be up. Wo beard
u say that they were going back
in soon, and wanted to know if we
Jtild go. When you say, “Thomson,”
|« are Friend ready, McLaughlin, of the Union
it department, said hist week that
'ung man had resolve, within him-
1“ to beat us out m a certain aftairil
$ inwigmmo’i.Upainfnl,' dumb-foimded. 1 The wlf are present Lust
slate of affairs will not permit us to IL
Union Point Croesus waltz off with
■l-llars lie prize. The enormous sum of two
fFaik. and lifty cents lias done the
w illie of the youths
attending ihe convent at Sharon was
in Kendrick’s mill pond last
{•j .turday, while bathing. It seems
(,j>at j ie ventured most too far out and
H . ;iS seized with 'cramp and being 1111 a
to reacii the bank, was drowned.
.lis companions were iinablo to reach
him in time to rescue him. Tho pa
reiits of tho young lad reside luSavan
mill. Willie was well beloved by all
Who knew him, he was amiab c and
and his sad an 1 suddi ir end
i! u t bo a fe/ero bb w t ■ I .1
Jo them in their bercuve
,0SH o£ 01,0 **° > on '* «•»»'- The
camed tw hi ‘ Vi,U, ' a " f,ir
"" ’ . S , . , r ........ , ,
(, of Barnett and MfsS
or -I'lllar.iJ-..
Alwli They left that, ni^ff about B
for Jonesboro about two miles
tom 11i5h l>iaoo . Timm they .loims. went te
ho Vl , 8itl( llaiuiiictor, . 11( , 0 0 f Mr. Jim They
for un i whon ho got
Uiere- he foinid out that they were a
runaway match, so he declined to
Qj^rry tnern. The young couple then
xft for a pleasant drive of four miles
*haion accotupauigd jjyrUffg by inen, a to good ,J. many L. Ken- ol
. .tf- J, Ho.^cliiied, finally
P but
C, :r
iri) ^, f a j res t young ladles, and she
I t { |B heartfelt wishes of many
fiends. ll’e congrutuliito tho young
jouple, and hope that their lives may
V () ull e continued source of enjoyment.
jy H y they never have an occasion to re
g,.,^ t h«ir romantic marriage,
_ J’lie Editor in his review of the
u U sim.-HS men of Sharon, in his last
j ssu0 failed to make mention of N. G.
Edwards. Wo the representative of
the Sharon department cannot consent
to let this pass without protest. Mr.
Edwards is a good business man, and
progressive views. Wo like Mr. Ed
wurf j 3 because ho has i»roved to bn a
good friend of ours, and lias done
much towards advancing our interest.
When our farmers bring in notion, lie
never fails to pay them the highest
rfljrl.Y-t prices. He will keep oon
stantiy on hand ft full supply oi corn
and moat. VFo hope he will do v-eii,
because when everybody else is thriv
ing we ar<! bound to realize seme of it
ourselves. Wo hope to lme to see the
time when our people congenial are more what pros
peroOs find more than
they uni now. Let us ail wm k to one
another’s interest, for instance u all
0l,r merchants would agreo^ to buy
meal from L. A. Moore he would get
coni liy the car lots, and sell is meal
a8 che . ip as W() could lay it down here
from Atlanta or TY.mesre. Why not
patioiLZe home indiistiy .
—Reid & Held the fines* lot ol
pure apple vinegar to be found tixw
I foidville. Try it.
—Soda Water at Reid & Reid’s.
.................. * in, Fivne.
,ynt 8 18 <le
—Ginger ale at Reid w Reid I? s.
-Try some of that fresh cider just
C eived by Hal l' iynt.
I ftpjd’s —Fresh parched peanuts at Reul &
that pure apple vinegar _____ so .,,,. >
■.eid A Iteid.
| soda water, ginger ale and sassapa
___Fro u patched peanuts at Reid &
I Iih parched peanuts at Reid &
■—Have you wen vaccinated" If not
A to Held k Heid’8 amt get some pure
virus. You can vacillate yourself,
Avoid a possibility of srnall-pox by
vf ( dilating yourself with pure virus.
Ispt by Reid .v Reid. tremendous
- -Too busy ! too busy !
prices, thousands of ensto
n™**, >ven at this dull ® season. G A
su .,. m
, \ f,,i t: . < ’
m t shows that people far appreciate
' Cure ^, „» T r. Th. Ujt J.
tlm market. Over two years old at
K«id A Reid’s.
.-V ... acme virus. . lure. ,, Wairanlea
to "take” every time. Reid <x- l«*id.
squitis CAUGHT ON THE FI.Y ltv hem
" l’wo souls with but a single thought,
Two hearts that boat us one,
Two. Ups that for an instant meet,
Two little smacks — youin I vum !”
—Will Hold.
—And moie burglaries.
--Damp weat her early this week,
—Ordinary’s qourt next Monday,
- “Moonlight, in the park,” to-iiight
—’Lisha Heal lias some line peaches.
—Strawberry hunts are fast waning.
—Now are the Holds yellow with
—A very heavy hail-storm Sunday
— A splendid rain Sunday jmd Wed¬
nesday afternoons.
•—(luiteau will Vo hung four weeks
from to-day.
—Net prayer-meeting was held last
Wednesday night.
—Professor Hogg’s school is in a
flourishing condition.
—Thanks to little Miss Gtissic John¬
son for a beautiful flower.
Seven houses in one night, Is kind
of “whooping” tilings up.
- -Now is melodious Imm of tho june
bug to be heard in the land.
--Colonel Seaborn lieeso passed down
the road Thursday.
—Will someone who knows tell us the
emblem of a cape jessamine V
- Atlanta young Indies wear huge
uinllowors pinned over their hearts.
—Moonlight ; spring poetry ; lerno
nude. Indulged in at the Park to night.
—Mr. Charlie Bergstrom is making
a complete success with his Ash-pond.
Thorn was an acsthetical miss
Who thought, il the acme of bliss
To do what no one dare do,
So And she with caught his wings her a made bat hat
And this was “too utterly too,”
- Somebody should put a stop to
young hoy,‘i jumping on the trains. II
is dangerous aud dome of them will bo
hurt yet.
—Crawfordville’s fame bus gone
abroad as ono ol the boss towns in
Middle Georgia.
---It is said on the road that our
merchants are celebrated for their ex
perltiessin playing “knucks.”
that the
easiest riding conveyance they have
struck up with.
— JIM have it from good authority
that a handsome Sharon gentleman and
tho most accomplished and beautiful
young ladies in this section will ived.
— A liickle elult is being organized
by tho young gentlemen ol Crawford
—Tho laziest man wo have heard of
lives in Grawfonlvilio. Writing to a
parent about Iris child who was ill, ho
said to save time, “U Or is<>.”
Do you owe us anything V Then
can you not bring ns in oats or wheat
to pay us. We have been very indul¬
gent. You can pay us and not cramp
yourself. Do so. Wo need the money.
- Does our city council never intend
to take any steps to establish a night
wiu^.t. When the t. ..n has been car
nod off, pot Imps they may. Their pro¬
crastination in so important a matter
deserves Consule.
—Hi McWhorter, the negro who cut
Mr. Boh. Portwood, had his trial before
Justice Boggs last Monday. 1 ho charge
was sustained and McWhorter was le
manded to jail In default of $M> bond.
—Mr. Titus Rionatds shipped seven
ty-six sheet to Ids brother, Mr. CJuln
liw Kjchards, Hamburg, tho other
Mr. Richards raised the sheep on
| liH plantation a few miles from Craw
f on lville.
__In another column is published a
f r o,n Mr <■' Quintus Richards of
I J.unbu . k, ■ s • offering K HI . iwr I - husbel ■ •
lor oals m liquidation oi all indebted
ness to nun.
—'The oat crop lie ng fine wo shall
poet our delinquent H.ibsenbers,to
price for them.
—“No one to love me, no one to
moan,” now sighs our friend Joseph
D. L.
77, ! 8 ' “ruled
ou,y at Umon i ,,nl.
—Claude Browne brought us a fine
lot of plums yesterday. Thanks,
__Tliore is to lie a grand moonlight
,,i C -nic at Liberty Hail Park to-night
| moat enjoyable time of musical fs anticipated.
- Can’t some young men
organize a brass band V It see ins to
us there i ; plenty of material.
Thcie Is a young lover h ere who,
when writing to bis girl,no mailer bow
much 1 ane hi as a ays s “xeinc;
haste. ”
—Mrs. Marshall Andrews has !ud -f
relapr" of fyphoid f<• r. We are m >»
to chruiiichi ilia her i ndilion is very
_< t II llllli ' ll,
st.arou, suenl xiuday vd li friends
hope, he
i-e him often.
'■'» ibi.r. B
ton, a splendid watchmaker uSHM *><1 jewi
_J, e of tho
cent ! %cents<
t«« M
na-r-it purai
Yol. 6.—No. 22
- Major <7oss and Mr, Halo, two of
the best known drummers on the road,
were in town yesterday. They naid
i Till! DEMorii\T a pleasant Visit
I —John Mahoney thinks Crawford*
i Vl "° il pretty place. Yes, a pretty
place, John, but its fair inhabitHht*
are more beautiful by far.
---Miss Smith, of Milledgeviile, is
visiting friends and relatives here.
She is a sister of our popular towns¬
man, l)r. 11. S. Smith, We hope her
stay will be a pleasant one.
A lino lot of Hour-pots will he re¬
ceived at II II. Klynt, s this week. .Ill
parties wishing to purchase should eall
o i him.
—Mr. John H., with the
reliable Arm of Frank 10. block, At¬
lanta, was in town Tuesday. The house
Mr. Torrence represents is a sterling
one, and lie always does well in Craw
lord vi lie.
The low prices and large stock at¬
tract people far and near to the store
of C. A. Davis & Co.. Greeiieaboro,Ga.
A lino lot of flour-pots will be re*
Reived at II. II. Flynt’s this week. All
part ies wishing topuiclinse should call
on him.
— Information reaches us that thR
hail storm on Sunday last did some
damage in the eastern part of the
county. Fences in some places weref
blown down ; t he young cotton entirely
destroyed ; and the grain somewhat
-A line lot of flour-pots will be re¬
ceived at 11. 11. Flynt's tills week, All
part ies wishing to purchase should call
on him.
-An obituary drowning notice of Willio Bal
Icnlino, whose ia mentioned
in another column, was unavoidably
crowded out tills issue, JL will appear
next week.
- Luther Boline—our foreman—now
slashes around town with his hoifd
elevated, and a very proud air general¬
ly. The apparent cause of this sudden
change is that, lie now sports A ntiW
suit of clothes.
John Mahoney Imps in on us every
second Thursday. Wo understand tliafc
John lingered uncommonly long at
Union Point the other day. A
fairy form, and a beauteous face from
Atlanta brought about tho delay on
John’s part.
*- It was genuine mockery not to>
have that mock-trial last Monday
night. Tho audience was there, but
tho jury was mm cut inventus ; the prlo
oner ex habeas corpus, aud the attorneys
nixi oomeatuhus.
—A cei'tainCrawfordville bead write#
his love letters with blue Ink, “for,’*
says bo “blue ink locks like violets,and
f friends tm,' 1111 ,ov< ‘ , W-MW.-'L*!'
Innate recovery.
— Wo attended the meeting of tbtf
Lyric club in Atlanta last Tuesday of
night. It was held at tjio residence
Mrs. James W. Loyd, and was an ele-*
gunt affair. enjoyments Music, rueilafimis and
other were indulged and in.
The programme was a splendid one,
the large crowd in atten lance were
highly pleased at the entertainment,
- Those who buy of U. A. Davis &
Go , (Jreeiiesboro, (la., get a good »r*
tide at the lowest possible prices.
f-'ovei! houses were burglarised
Monday lflght. Stewart & Tucker 1 #
store; G. T. Browne’s store, aud th»
residence:'of W.J. Norton. Will Wynn*,
If T. Hammock, Wash. William#
blacksmith shop. An attempt wa» J..
made loonier the jewelry shop of A.
Siroin. But little was stolen. Nocluo.,
Waynesboro True Citizen: J.
Graham, Esq ,of the ('iu wkokdvillk
iMAioi hat, and stenographer for several) this
judicial circuit, has paid ns
pleasant visits during tlm present ses¬
sion of tho Superior court. Mr. O. 1»
one of the quickest and most correct
short hand report'-rs in the State. U«
reports Tub Democrat in a flourish¬
ing condition. Hu is always welcome*
in-.rrKH than tiij: hmii.esok kinim.
home-, To bring of suffering health ami happiness mission to the- ls>
women n a inslgnlfi
fom wldch royal favor sink* Into
'-nice Wiial earthly heiiefafttion can com-.
pare with one which proteoU from
., That(llr ,., Jiw . a ,, e wh(we ruthless power
Wither-, beauty’s transient flower?"
w i,j c i) gives ease for pain, joy for sorrow,
s „ liI( , fortca r% the roses of health for the
u,. : swelling line- withered of full grown foriu of beautyfor eauahK
the sharp and
^ ending in
day* of pain and gloom, aa e*rl,
grave'' such is the mission, mieh ar* T tte
remits of Dr. J. Brad field* Female Htth :
: which Is hence truly and Krirf® .iom
“White-,"n^^ei! .. B irretrsl i
the vouihMmmt0.’ to
j ^
': mta,
i ■ ,r sale j