Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, June 09, 1882, Image 1

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VILLE DEMOCRAT. By Edward Young & Co. POETRY. bkuno. He was only a little iad, Barefoot and brown, With large eyes, wistful ank sad. And dark hair waving down. Over the vine-clad bills, Tift sans *, T>ut his hft&rt wus sflu At the heedless hurrying town ; He mas only a little lad. Barefoot and browne! There were tears in his little voice, He sang and played heard ; No mother had ever he made: The sad, sweet song him. Bi t only in dreams to On the vine-clad hills, she sang And ever sweetest when they grew dim, And the beils and vespers he had, rang., Fone knew the drerms In tlie friendless, pitiless town ; He a was ntilv only a a little little lad ■» Barefoot and brown! ALL AROUND US, GATHERING THE NEWS FROM OUR EXCHANGES. BEING THE DOINGS AND HAPPENINGS OF OUR NEIGHBORING COUNTIES AS CONDENSED FOR OUR READERS— OGLETHORPE, WARKEN, GREENE AND OTHERS HANCOCK. [Sparta Iehmaelite .] Richmond Daniel, a well known negro of Sparta, made an attack on a plum nur¬ sery on last Sunday, and died of plum £olic on Monday at 11 o’clock. W a. Buckner, now comes to the front with an onion tnat measures 18 inches in circumferance and weighs two pounds. Air M. D. Hobby has a hen that made nest near his house last week and her it, when a partridge, ayed three egtrs in they liking the situation, joined her and now lay daily in the same nest. Bishop Pierce preached one of his able and characteristic sermons in the Metlio. d st church in Sparta, on last Sunday., Many hands are still quitting theii un ployers in various parts of the county. Seme being inveigled to Florida to Work the railroad-others simply on account on of the contagion. Capt. Baxter killed a large rattlesnake his place the other day -the seventh on Ids land this »ne. that lias been killed on >« ar - U i*« Clam!ft K. Simmons lias returned from jHawnlon, with t."0 gold medals. Students from Sparta usually return from tneir alma mater with the boners of theii institution. Four turkeys and two cats constitute t >e death toil at the residence of bro. Roberts’, on “pove.ty-slant,” last Satur¬ day morning before breakfast. BALDWIN. [MillxlgeciUe Union and Recorder.] The annual parade of the Second Geor. gia battalion was held in Eatonton last Tuesday. Burglars entered the store house of Mr. C. n. Wright, Saturday night lust and 'stole a lot of bacon, sugar, flour, etc. En trance was eflected by boring through a window and removing the bolt. it, is probable the thieves will be detected. Mr Jercme Tuttle killed a rattlesnake last Wednesaay about six feet in length, with sixteen rattles. Heavy and continuous rains last week seriously interfered with the ffarvesting of the small grain. Many farmers in the county have already ploughed their fields lately sowed in grain Some are planting Jcorn and peas, and a few putting the land in cotton. Mr. J. B. Pounds’ acre of prize oats turned out 93 bushels and Six pounds. Frank Bel!, colored, made 81 bushels of oats on three-fourths of an acre of land. WARREN. [Warrenton Clipper.] Cabbage worms are very destructive this season. There is no liquor sold in Warren county by license. Cousin Tuddie Rubert brought us a stawberry which measured 5 inches in cir¬ cumference. A young Mr. Mathews, living with Rev. Dr. Cicero Gibson of McDuffie,, accident knocked .one of his eyes out a few days since by violently sticking a hoe in the ground. A pebble rose fron. the spot and struck the sight of the eyeball so severely as to result as above stated. Our gardens are looking very fine for iad laud. Unele Billie Sharpe whe culti¬ vates Dr. Cooper’s garden has corn silks ; and in about two or three weeks will have roasting ears. We are authorized to state that Mr. James Whitehead will not be a candidate for legislative honors. Marriage licenses are threatening the community, and old bachelors, old maids. widowers,'widows, and all other ab ,es carried of by Hmm ^nless the Ordinary s office is quarantined and ti e other vaccinated. Mr. Jordan M. Nonis, near Brier Creek church, has been severely afflicted for some days in one of his feet by inflama tion which was caused by his knife’s point grazing the skin while he was en deavoriug to pare the nail of the big toe CRAWFORDVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1882. &REENE. [ Herald and Journal -1 There is a kind of bug called the lady bug, that is doing considerable damage to vegetation. We noticed in one garden in particular, that they have* nearly destroyed all the collards and cabbages. congratulations i The Herald extends its to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Park, Jr., upon . the birth of a fine baby boy, who! 1 declared ; on Sunday last his natural right of supreme dome.,tic government over the household of his parents. Major Swann claims the largest onions in the county and comes with one it inches in circumference, with Capt. Bryan just behind him with one 13 inches. Honey seems to be abundant this spring and of an excellent quality. Mr. J. F Hart has taken and will take several hun¬ dred pounds. Messrs. Knox & Carlton ground their first new wheat on the 25th of May, mak¬ ing 40 pounds of flour to the bushel. The protracted meeting at the Metho¬ dist church here, which has been in pro¬ gress for over a week, we learn gives fair promise of accomplishing permanent good for our community. The Woodstock people say they have the first good grain crop since tlie war, and they are jubilant in consequence. The grain crop will he harvested sooner this year than usual, which will afford a fine opportunity for a crop of field peas and late corn. It is now believed that the negro hoy who was reported knocked down and rob¬ bed a few miles 'above us, was not knocked down or robbed, but that he hurt himself in jumping from the train while trying to steal a ride. WILKES. [ Gazette.} The salary of the post-master at this place has been raised to thirteen hundred ! dollars, nearly twice what the office lias paid heretofore. Lincoln county suggests Washington as the place to hold the congressional con vention. A gentleman in this place expects to have strawberries all summer by Keeping the vines well watered. It is said this plan has proved a success. A series of very interesting services have been progressing at the Methodist church during last, week |p<l this. There ore about twC^ this threshes that will run in the county year, some of which will turn out a thousand bushels of grain per day. ' T/fuSt* 2";e v .V no further 'develop ments in the attempt to have an Athens man imported to take the post-master'I place in our town. Thejcovering over the pump on the square has been vevv much improved by paint A gentleman of tiiis place accidentally vaccinated himself on the hand with a needle that lie found lying about tlie room. Grain is about to become as current in this county as greenbacks. We will have to issue grain certificates of deposit. The adjourned term of Wilkes superior court met on Wednesday ahd is still in session. Tlie grand jury is not in at¬ tendance and there is a small crowd in town. The case of Sue M. DuBose vs. Iordan is now being tried, it having been taken up the first day. Tlie evidence was concluded yesterday and tlie argument will probably be concluded to-day, when the case will go to the jury. General K. Toombs, and Messrs. John A. Stephens 1 and W. H. Toombs are attorneys for Sue M. DuBoso, and Messrs. W. M. & M. P. Reese and F. H. A J. T>. Colley are attor¬ neys for Mrs. Jordan and children, claim¬ ants. Messrs. F. H. Colley ami John A. Stephens spoke on the case yesterday, and Gen. Toombs and probably J edge Reese will speak to-day. OGLETHORPE. lEcho}. The land of James Appling, on Indian creek, advertised for sale under levy, was hougnt by Geo, F. Platt for 8257, 70 acres, more or less, in this tract. Tlie undivided fourth of a tract containing 150 acres, sold bvthe administrator as the property Al fred J- Stewart, deceased, was bought by Samuel Lumpkin for 8100. po- 1 gieat (leal of complaint arnonJ th, farmers about cotton dying. We heard a man say the other day that he was going to sow his whole place in grain this fall, A party of young people met to play croquet Mondoy night and after yard, - * concluded -‘“vr,," that 1 r r* they dldn ?r t want ? ,r to I dlay croquet anyhow. A Distinc ion as Well as Difference. [Atlanta Constitution.) The New York Star says “the speaker of the house is not a fool.” Of course not. | | A foo , te brilIiant compared with an a ss. ____. ___ Scientific Man-smea [Augusta News ," 1 The . Tpnnt sheriff is for r e d to the disagreeable j >b of hanging a ma n, he should send for sheriff Hewitt of Carroll county, Ga. Tlie two men he hanged last week were executed in pro fessional style, without a hitch or flaw, The necks of both the victims were bro ken by the fall, and none of the horrible ! details of the late bungling execution in j Tennessee were visible. HOME HAPPENINGS. • WHAT IS BEING HONK IN AND AROUND CRAWFORDV1 L1.E, SQUIBS CAUGHT ON THE FLY BY DEM OCR AT REPORTERS.—NEWS OF THE COUNTY CONDENSED. A charmingly beautiful Exceedingly dutiful A regular flirter, young girl; An awfully Uugable. lugable, A terrible girl. . Too utterly utter, young —Plums. —June apples. —The luscious peach, —Mad dogs in the county. —Strawberries almost gone. —How about that subscription ? • —Send us in all the county news. _Head the advertisements in The Democrat. —Hill’s Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown, fifty cents. —Council meets in regular session next Tuesday night. --Mr. Carey Jones lias a hen that lays two eggs a day. —It is said that Ilerscliel -Bctzley is the best wrestler in Taliaferro county. —Teetliiua allays irritation and makes Teething easy and not a period of suffering and dread. —Mr. J. Y. Andretvs had his thrash in town yesterday. lie made the grain hum. , —Nervous debility, the curse of the American people, immediately yields to the action of Brown’s Iron Hitters —Mrs. John A. Stephens, of Wash¬ ington. spent a few days with relatives in Crawfordville this week. —Ladies and sickly gills requiring will a non-alcoholic, gentle stimulant, find Brown’s Iron Bitters beneficial. —Dr. S. J. Farmer inis purchased him an elegant billiard-table for his private use. —Liver diseases, headache, and con¬ stipation, caused by bad digestion, quickly cured by Frown’s Iron Hitlers, —There was no business whatever transacted at tlie Ordinary’s court Monday. —Remarkable for overcoming, dis eases caused by impure water, decay ing vegetation, etc., is Brown’s Iron Bitters. —At last accounts, Mr. Stephens was rapidly recovering from his recent, accident. —Not a drinks not sold In bar-rooms. but a useful reliable at nuu-aicoholic^totHc 'all times, and in meii- all cine, Iron seasons, is Brown’s Bitters, „ ;£sey£'IvUle ' ^j. V Cosby lingered la long time in this week. VV Up tliusly, Tuesday. t..„V le C0l,r There ty commissioners met tiU iL' business was very little im poi p:u't‘M«l«rfcjii) on hand. —Fresh uts at Reid & Reid's' —Eggs are scarce. This scarcity is due to tlie fact that our farmers per¬ sist in shipping eggs to Augusta in¬ stead of selling them here. —Only a few weeks more and physicians, with their huge stomach pumps and saddle-bags, will be seen hurrying to the bedside. *■ — The colicy watermelon will soon besh'ge, and paragorie and sqills will take an upward tendency. Also will the yells of raiding urchins be heard through tlie long watches of the night. —Rev. Mr. Bradshaw preached Sat¬ urday, Sunday and Sunday night at the Methodist church, It is told us that his sermon on Sunday was a splen¬ did one. —Anybody who will bring us a club of ten subscribers, and $15 in cash will receive The Democrat one year free. —We want a correspondent in every district of the country. We want ev¬ ery man to take a personal interest in The Democrat. We make this ap peal to you. —Colonel W. F. Iloldcn, postmaster at Augusta, was in town a few days this week. The colonel was looking well< all( j reported Augusta on the pooni. _We are compelled now to burn a good deal of the midnight oil. Since we added our new department it en tails a great deal of extra labor on us. -Lewis Hawkins is one of the old land-marks of Crawfordville. He is L ” W “ “ —The VAu new comet . can , be seen night- . ti ^ a , i,., 0 C brilliancy* unde until* . r . crease ' in size and ^ the , . , r)art 0 f j unp „. . , . is They set an elegant table, the rooms are finely furnished, and we advise our people, when visiting Augusta to try tlie Globe. —The circulation of The Demo crat increases with every Issue. We believe by fall our list will be up in the thousands. People appreciate a good paper, and, without boasting, ThE Femocrat will fill the bill -Drnmmers do not besiege us much SU they ^4^^? their siege, but during the heat of the summer our merchants are free. —The moonlight pic-nie last Friday night was a complete success, and everyone enjoyed themselves hugely. We learn that another will shortly be given at the residence of Colonel James I. Iteid. —We cull attention to the card of Mr. E. L^ebsclier, Augusta, to bo found in another column. IIo is agent for the celebrated Cincinnati lager beer, which* has the reputation of being the finest made. Mr. Liebscher also 1ms on hand ice, fish, etc. Read his advertisement. —The up-night express now leaves Augusta at- -9 ,£>0 instead of 5:55 and reaches Crawfordville at 12:38 instead of 9*31, as formerly. There is no other changes in the schedules, save that the dinner-house is done away with at Ilarlcm. —lion. W.~ Ilj ^ntt, of Thomson, well-khown to all our readers, will make the race m McDuilie county for the State Senate. Than Colonel Tutt no better or more talented gentleman is, and it would be a source of great pleasure to u$ ", see him elected. fn r - \.i-E.*tteid brought us ■ jollier day a Hue specimen of oats 0 f tl»e llulless variety. The bend measured full two feet and a quarter, fully tifty-Vvo (developed. pounds to These the bushel, oats weigh and prodube about eighty-five bushels per acre.' —Jim Kendrick, Tfaltev Mershon, Ed. Keating, Major Jackson,Joo Moore and Felix Wright came up to the moon¬ light pic-nie lust Friday night He think the boys"did wrong in not bring¬ ing some of the young ladies with them. —Colonel William Smith, of ( thorpe, a gentleman whom we knew m boyhood, is in live city to-day. Colo¬ nel wrjfi Smjth glad paid to us a him. pleasant He visit, reported and we see Oglethbrpe county all right. —A Yvnmber of mad dogs have been roaming around tlie county. At Mr. J V. Andrews’s place one chased his lit¬ tle daughter for about a hundred yards. They Irffve been biting cattle. At Mr. George ltixon’s they bit some sheep. They arc being killed wherever seen. —Dr. IS. E. Parsons, of Warrenton. the excellent dentist, writes us that he will be in Crawfordville on the 10th of the present month, and will remain the entire week. Those who need dental work of any description should await the doctor’s coming. II.s reputation for satisfactory work in his lino is un¬ excelled. — IFo inquired in the last Demo ckat for the emblem of the cape jessa¬ min!. A friend brings in the follow¬ ing : "Court me home quick in ; the/middle many me o' soon June. ; ’ Take me —After the pic-- : cf the other night tlie vi'itng gentler)* ufe serenading, Mr. They (J|>' itT T(' inaic. ,iita, with an ,)D, »> ‘‘rt Gorham >ih n T YianT- 1 * < to it. The disUfJary quantity c. showered _ J»t-jaeks ami the leather-bouoaets swore on sere under __A lout Ji notice Ji. of tile va t estab¬ lishment W. Pollard, Augusta, Ims been crowded dut f >r two issues of The Democrat. It will appear next week and the perusal of it will repay our readers. This much we say now that whoever wants any kind of farm machinery or limn implements, en¬ gines, threshes, separators or the like can find what they want at Pollard’s. — Judge J. D. IlamniRck, our admi¬ rable clerk of the Superior court, This went out of town this morning. is tlie first time Judge llumiuack lias cat a meal outside of Crawfordville in twenty years. The absence ol the judge considerably mixed tilings up at sxsrs able -o,»L“ tell gift-saw s ' .k; haven’t been to a from a wlieel-bdrrow. A gentle rain lias been pouring ail day. —Poor Jim Kendrick! From the hot torn of our lonely heart there wells up a great sympathetic well for him in his sad condition. His column this week teems with tlie wails of a tortured heart. Jim marry. Try your own medicine. Get married. Ihinl and last call, get married ; to a pretty girl, and a good girl, if ye can ; but get married. _Mr. Joe Myj s' of the firm of Myers k Marcus,. alvj Augusta, was in town Wednesday yesterday. Mr. Myers is an old resident of Crawford vllle, and a brother of our excellent fellow-citizen., Mr. Caspar Myers. lie paid The ..jurat office a pleasant visit, and entertained with recollec tions of Crawfordville -irs it once was. Mr. Myers is an agreeable and affable gentleman and his old friends and w^h Je l^'next "“si^will fmore .....Wliile lpn „ th y in Augusta tl,. o«1k* (lay, So^oafiStM'llIaittbiJmn” Harrv Oates, would shortly be in crawfordville for the purpose of put ting instruments out of order in first class repair. Young Mr. Oates has the reputation in that section of being one of tlie finest piano-tuners in the i k isms ‘szj’srt [.jm —Mr. Charles Bostwick, of Atlanta, lias been in Crawfordville, for a week or more pa8t He is in tiie interest of the Estey Organ Company, of Atlanta. Ife represents a sterling house. The Estey organ is unexcelled for purity of tone and excellence of manufacture. Mr. Bostwick will, in all probability, have a sample organ here by Sunday and will give an exhibition of its purity and sweetness of tojw Sunday hlve'nodo^ mST^i! ^ grand and everyone will attend. —The whistle of the engines and rat' tie of the threshing machines are heard near our town. —Why eat paste and half done sweetened dough, when you can get the purest article of candy from Hal Flynt. . j . M MAJESTY MOCKED, Tile Young Men Have a Murder Trial— The Victim Is a Hen—Scenes at tile Trial—Attorneys’ Speeches—Verdict. There is no doubt that we have socially as well as .otherwise—one of the livest towns to its size in middle Georgia. The young people—and old, for matter of that, are continually studying up something that will afford amusement and relaxation from business cares. The young and am¬ bitions gentlemen last night held a mock trial at the Academy. No admittance fee being charged a goodly ciowd of ladies and gentlemen honored the embryo Ilills, and Cobbs and Stephenses with their pres¬ ence. On yesterday, but one day, young men with terrific legal faces and legal strides could have been seen rushing around town witli huge legal looking pa¬ pers peeping Suspiciously from their pockets, Yesterday evening amateur-sheriff J. P. IYarracott, arrested Luther A. Boline upon 4he charge of murder. The citizens of our quiet town might have been thrown into a perfect furore of excitement—but they were not. The bill of indictment found against Boline was that-, on the first of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ciglity-two,he did with n knife a stone and a stick, BEAT, CUDGEL, POUND AND KILL one innocent and inoffensive speckled hen with malice afore thought, etc., etc. Hi^ trial sot for last night, at 8:30 o’clock, prompt, (Atlanta time) the prisoner wa s removed to the academy nml the agony be. gan. There was all (lie solemnity of a re¬ corder's court. Tlie judge looked very grave ; the jury very stupid ; the attorneys very nervous, tlie prisoner very defiant ; the audience very exspectant. These are tlie usual symptoms of a first-class trial. The writer was hid down under tlie ju. ry-box with a huge palmetto fan and a bottle of 1 Iostetter’s hitters to keep down the ire of tlie attorneys and to prevent his own thermometer from gaining boiling point. The state w -s represented by Young, of The DemocA and the defense by Belle Browne ; while Professor O. T. Boegs sat, with solemn face and courtly demeanor, upon the judge’s bench—an impromptu pine-board affair. *Tlie attorneys announced ready and the invisible curtain was rung up. Tim jury; the judged the attorneys the prisoner and tlie audiatce cleared the; phlegm from their throat* and tlie dance began. Witnesses were introduced. Homo swore the chicken was red and again brown ; others that IT WAS A GOOSE ; the audience and reporter (and I would not be surprised if the court, did not think the same) couldn’t tell whether Boline had killed a chicken, burned a hpuse, <>r killed -an Atlanta policeman. The evi¬ dence closing and the evidence leaving the mind of the jury in such a hubbub, the attorneys began. Greater was the chaos. Young rolled up his sleeves and launch _ ,.q ou t ; he grew eloquent; in live min. utt . s |,e had Boline out in tlie Sandwich j 1 ls j an( j s feeding on persimmon pie, and j s,,1 ‘ d for tUc '»,rr-c ( *ousUtutmn at 840 a thou sand ; he pounded the bench; he hugged the-sheriff ; lie cast withering glances of contempt at the quaking prisoner ;he jerk, ed off tlie wig of the judge, ami FULLED OUT A C A UN1NG-KNIFE on the jury. The audience grew alarmed; but the tempest passed and Yonng took his seat amidst a gigantic sigh of relief i jj-,,],, fj 1P audience, Browno then bagnn. He grew eloquent ! and pathetic ; witli tears in nfs eyes lie ap¬ I pealed to tlie sympathies of the Jury, Those of the jury that had managed to keep awake during Young’s brilliant flight look(,(1 stolidly unsympathetic. .... Browne .. aPP‘‘ aled t0 the audience. He warmed : up to the work, and pulled the throttle open. He mopped the perspiration from his brow and took great, long draughts of water. He slung the dipper around his fi e ad and brought it down with terrific force on the back of his opponent, A scene of confusion ensued. The au¬ dience screamed ; tlie sheriff yelled “or¬ der tlie judge jumped out of the back window, and the commercial traveler—who had imagined himself on a night-train— w oke up and called “change cars for Athens!” The excitement having finally abated, and Browne having closed his ar gument with the brilliant peroration above stated, the jury retired and shortly re¬ turned with a^verdiet of “guilty of justifiable FownciDE. ” j The sentence imposed was to liang by tlie big toe of the right band foot until he wouJ(1 hpt u „ iemon:t<le to the cturt. The ; prls01 . v ,._, not i„. in „ prepared for that aw fui , task . , immediatelp hung up, and . wos maybe hanging their yet for aught we knpw to the contrary, The audience sleepily retired, and the court adjourned to the postoffice for re fresbments. Another trial will be held in two weeks, wherl a collection will be taken up for the , ’ ____ , r __ —ladies if you will buy your dress goods, white goods, dress laces and millinery goods of C, Davis k Co., Greenesboro, you will get pretty, fashionable and satisfactory goods, lol, 6.—No. 2 g HARNITT. Loral Attairs at That Thriving i*lae«S—• Notes on Various Topics—News Nst> ters Itemized; [ Special Vorreepond&hit Democrat J —Chickens and eggs are flush thin week. ( —Wo have had two or three cool days this week for June. —Coin and eottou are looking well, —Mr. A. Lesser and Col. Morgan, of Warren ton, were in Harnett Monday. —Major J. W. Green, gentral mana¬ ger of the Georgia railroad, passed here Tuesday. —Mr. N.C. Edwards, of Sharon, paid! us a visit 2 hursday. —Mr. T. 11. Wright, foreman of the rock crowd will line something valua¬ ble yet, among these huge rock pile* that he is hammering tip. lie bring* up specimens of rook every few days that tie says there is gohl in . —Mr. J. S. Chapman walked out tw<u or three miles m the country one rainy evening last week to play croquet. He* reports a n’ce time. There must be something besides 1 he croquet playing, that attracts him out that Way. —Mrs. Lane, of Washington-, cneb Mrs. Hakor, of Sparta, met herd' last* Monday, both intending to go back/ home the same day. Some one told them that they would have to wait two hours and let the trains leave them. They became very excited when they found that they were left, but it was too late then. They had to stay here until next day. SPECIAL LOCALS. —Soda Water at Reid & Reid’s. —No person of intelligi nee and who* takes an interest in the welfare of hie county, will fail to take ids county paper. — Fresh, sweet cider at Hal Flynt’s k —Ginger ale at Reid & Reid’s. — 1 That pure sweet apple cider at Hal X Fiynt’s is delicious. —Fresh parched peanuts at Reid & Reid’s. —Try some of that fresh cider just received by Hal Flynt. —Fresh parched peanuts at Iteid <ft Reid’s. —Vacine virus. Pure. Warranted to “take” every lime. Reid & Reid. —Pure apple vinegar. Tlie best in the market. Over two years old ati Reid & Reid’s. —Pure brandies for medicinal pur.- poses at Hal Flynt’s. —Avoid a possibility with of suiall-poa by vaccinating Reid yourself & lteidi pure viriuk. Kept by —Seelthose beautiful ginglums 10* and 12j( fcts. from the sale of A. T. Stewart & Cfy at O. A. Daria A Vo.’a ., Greenesboro, ua. ' > —Have you been vaccinated- If not go to Iteid & Reid’s and get some pur#' virus. You can vacillate yourself, —Fine fancy candy!. Tlie purest, and best in tlie market can bo get from Hal Flynt. 1 —Buggy umbrellas, hand umbrellas,, parasols and sun-aliades for sale by ©;>. A. Davis & Co., Greenesboro, Ga. —Soda water, ginger ale and sassapa rillaatlteid& Reid's. —A fine lot of flower-pots will be re¬ ceived at H. H. Flynt’s this week., AIL parties wishing t.) puicliaso should.calL on him. - i —The low prices and large stock at¬ tract people far and near to the store of C. A. Davis k Co.. Greencshoro,Ga. —No need of burning yourself up. wnen you can get pure whi iky from, iial Flynt. It invigorates and/ strengthens ; it does not kill. —Reid k Reid have the finest lot of pure apple vinegar to lie found Lraw lordville. Try it. —Marbelized mctalic caskets as¬ sorted sizes, common, medium and. fine wood coffins and caskets all sizes, at much less than city prices Trim¬ med at tlie shortest notice. C. A Davis & (.o., Greenesboro. Ga. —Try that pure apple vinegar sold by Reid k Reid. —Read Hal Flynt’s bran, spank new ad. in another column, and not only read it, hut pationize him. . . —All kinds of millinery goods manipulated by one of the best mill!-, ners in Georgia at C. A. Davis A Ce’s,, Greenesboro, Ga. —Hal Flynt has a lot of nice flower¬ pots. Cheap. tf —Good buggy cusluoifs $1.75 each. C. A. Davis & Co., Greenesboro, (in. t. —Read in this issue the new ad vertisemeat of C. A, Davis A Go., Greenesboro, Ga. —Tlie rush of business caused by the low prices at C. A. Davis ,A Co’s * Greenesboro, reminds one of October trade rattier than that of May and, June, —A line lot of flower-pots will be re cefved at IF II. Flynt’s this week. .All Parties wishing to purchase should cal* « ” him • i __________ |c r „ ra uiimer ftrintvii, M. D., MaHt^. more. “I have used Golden's Liebig's Liquid Extract of Bcvf aiul Touia*«rator IA isy practice, SJivk have bsea much gratfc fied with the result. As a topic in alt cases of debility, weakness, anaemia, «*»"**. passed.” (Remember the name, Coklon’a —take no other.) O# druggists. •• Brain and Nerve. w .. , _ . B leanowsTsexmL on fm debility, Ac., kan'kin tl. at druggists. Ga- Del not. Lamar, A- Lamar, Atlanta Macon, Ga. , ...