Newspaper Page Text
, k 11717/1 VV v ¥ M t ^Xli/ t i' K \- H \ 9* V i PBU^fv^ | ' V V 3 I .¥ - V cm vJJL &X1. a t Jl. o
By Edward I
The Ti imocrat.
a T -s—
' FR1D|T JUNE 80, 188ft
- ,
Outside the Bar,amid winds the breaking surges,
By mighty capriciously who misled ;
Toy The of ship the tempest-god toward reef that urges Kes.ahead;
Night, yon darkling clenda
Beset by whose are
Across a sky that show with no canvassriven friendly, star,
With rudder broken,and
Ilow wih she reach her goal witiun the
rtntsUle ° the B«r like “ smntr ® creT+ 1 ia
The laboring bark bamoams the
hour; •
Tou’tbrmigh cstV the ni;R- t'-e
* Ah! povw. ;,h gi
e»n.she conqu-. . b -
I0V '
Has _ reused , itself . man’s . hand , work , to
Their angry crests aiTord no restful pillow
To one Who longs for peace v.;the
" ar *
Outside the Bar the storm-fiends, wiltlly
While rude; their .
m ruthless grasp the ship is
A rocking, to demon’s changeful mood.
Theway prey to every is through
standing part those breakers,
Like foeman-sentinels in time of war,
Their iron-clad and hostile forma com-
1 he haven or w her hopes within w hw» *i,« the Bni
Outside the.Bar the ocean voices thunder
And frown; Night bends over alt her deathly |
Within the Bar some tcndoi hearts to
If ships will find their refuge near tin?
Now, for the sake of those our spirits cher
Pray Who that toss the upon bark tempesteous beleaguered seas afar, not
But anchor safely yet within the Bar.
—nbamber’s Journal.
jnvok.mati 6 n .
n'iDirvh pfivni v/w> on
v tlteiii.....s,' jol
fefi” to Wi,»« result • is ■ McDnniel,
Blount, i. .
_The Atlanta Photograph complains of
that some of the postal letter carriers
that city cannot read.
—Andrew (ackson (''Old Hickory”)was President
first suggested fertile office, of
of the United States by a paper then pub¬
lished in Athens. So says the Banner
—Tho construction of a railroad from
Columbus to west Point is talked of.
—Col. G. J. Foreacre wdl probably , ,, , be
general manager of the Atlanta division
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
—New Georgia wheat has been shipped
qo Baltimore, Richmond, Chicago ancl Ci* 1 '
cinnnti. At Cincinnati on V, dnesday of
last week No. 2 new yheat from Georgia good
sold at $1,32 on the track, which is a
prlc f: f ,mt Coluo.t)-s
—It Is , stated ... as a fart
wmrfe^iem^ewer hours than almost any j
an permanently established,
there will be but ove engine house, chief which the
will be the headquarters of the of
department. Tfie fire alarm and telegraph
will be in operation by the first of July.
—Mr. Stephens, In a debate in Congress
Saturday, expressed himself against the
entire interna) revenue system.
_An angry mob paraded the streets of
bv -Emraettebyrg, tornado baturday la., was and I'U.^n aOO to pet PVMM sous
-The State- tax in Virginia on all sales
made by samples has been declared eon
—Only one white man, so far as. known,
has been condemned to the chain gang for
carrying concealed weapons, and he an
*gg5 sffi.M&'SS W
and perfect teeth.
—Mr Enkle, at Lula. hr.« quite a collec
tion of snakes and ins-• t and for one
rase of butterflies he ref used $300 freni a
Northerner last week. Hq also has a
S iar i with twenty 1 varieties of snakes in
m .
nnpof the richest mica mines on this
continent has been discovered near Har
mony Grove, but the finder refuses to
divulge its locality until he can buy
projxH'ty. Whatley, of Columbus, . ,
—Miss Angelina connected, attempted suicide
respectably Saturday by takiug_^»n. It »s
on that she will not
thought recover,
—Air. Mound, of Worth county,"who has
been before Judge Warren in Albany on a
charge of murder, has been admitted to
bail in the sum of $4,000.
pver before. Willis Kowsey, a colored
Sffi farmer made twenty bushels of wheat to
sown.' Mr. Buffington land who
threshed it, says it was made on poor
without fertilizing; but the secret w that
S r "o.* r “ r
—A. muchly married man calling him
seif £. I). Attaway. married lifts. S. A.Ful
term floyd county Sirs. it; A880. Martha It Richards. seems in
1*8 he married
Cherokee county, who is still living, and
now it turns out that in addition to these
he has a wife in Atlanta also. He is a
slfeek-appearing He has retired bald-headed man ot fifty
to parts unknown.
“Fourth” with band, gas fan
, a new brass a
. tastic parade, a few balloons, five thojji
sand ffieions. country .negroes, and cheap water
--The repairs belli oLthe J^Iinfc river bridge at
Aiflertcus iiuve completed at a cost of
i:fl,23864. *
i -The Sumter liennhlienn and tV> (i'v
I (jounci! ul ; Ainerieu-- are at legal issue
j 4bout the tlie latter, payment the Amount of a bill involved of the former being
The case will go to the courts for
; final adjudication.
••-Charles Winthal, a srarnan of 'the
sqiiomicr Menawa the was drowned
I-vf’liL:-.' 111 "bto b;ai^»n.V u^b rer on Sunda y
ar,;:. vciTf ‘of 1 ■Ail-.;^:
. < r-i lino
y-y. l t .,
cart, tlie’vvaeer.-rojover T-.- >c!y,
he died in
feiTfroiif .-.ionday *' U 7^1 ' J • 7' 'T c.',’:.7ml i 1 ' •.■ aV
’ mm was
the shoulder, and his face was badly cut
nll< I Lririseil.
-3’SWsKsrs.IT cords, Cr.lhouu-cnt Ivy two three s$?s times
wun a va:;: r cn.< Hod. Ivy i:-l.. «i»c
gashes mid the stums
fined —Sanford Dothard, cf A Gan la, was
£25 for wbippiitR In:; wife. Tla!
punishment vas iniinoilcrateiy ligi.t.
Wife-beating might to he stopped, it it
should require hanging to
—A young man of Bavomiah fell cut of a
buggy squarely in a runaway scrape, sinking
on tne top oi his head. J lie
R ronn ^ ' TO!5 somewhat torn up.
Giibei' —D’Oyiey Carle has bought ;--d outright
■' , :V. u: 'in ; ■•■:•
be which, following the rale of the i’s, is to
called “Princess Pearl.”
—William Toll Is not the only man whose
reputalton must suffer. President Porcher,
of the South Carolina Historical Society,
claims that Whitney did not invent the
cotton gin after all. He has found a let-.
tpH^len Iloliims^of GooVgil'for a sim"
liar device, which he produced in 1706.
•—Miss Anna Louise Cary is now enjoy
iug excellent health, but has not recovered
the use of her voice. Tier physician tolls
her she must not attempt to sing again ;
avear. l_THs
said till! Pnoee rinvics Vousumcs of Gor
many, in-other of the, Empm-or.
daily ter. from eighteen to twxntv-four strong
cording to his own design.
St. t j 1 governor! G.-oVu,J X
;• soldi!- for
u !, 'Oic eh •on/niRod and
T'U *'*».>
hot id? hiH adv • r b • i *tis. *!
—The ColumbiF Fun a-:'* it. 1ms l«>en
developed by the eu? 1 ns ; : 1 tlu 13 v,;>
one cow to to every every ,fc\Vei icwiuvu ve in tit : ct0itiit * no
average average man man must must liavo have ^ineUnng to
drink, mid whan the <• w goes d>- rt ’■■r ; n
e\v,; u
there are mdro cows.
customer in a ludicrous tnanucr, but tb«
police justice looked at it from a uifievent
point of view, and. telling the barber that
he had been guilty ot a serious assault,
largfestf' m' in frete^d. 6 Thc^andlord is
the --Mr/ gaiiK
/ilhs Biggers, a well known At
8Sa&SSS5?aaA."“ rho Atlanta Const!- ' ■
chap sned the had
tution for telling the truth about him, He
the satisfaction of paying |400 costs.
ia probably tickled half to death about it.
-Miss Aenrietta Kessly was bitten by the a
rattlesnake while pieking blackberries
ot A i 161 . day, / ’ in. Effingham county. She died
ft sho t timc afte r horrible sufferings.
— Gen, Wm. Raymond Lee, of Boston,
car n es j n his pocket book a little slip of
b^drew,® when a pritmer
handed, in retaliation for the sentencing
pirates was happily commuted, ana Gcu.
Lee and bis comrades were fiuV.r-uquentiy
exchanged. B. and O.
—It is understood that tho
railroad will soon establish a Winded
freight line-to Atlanta, thus rendering
direct importions possible.
~ • --
Tobrias Iwaltb and is - he
homes of suffering women a mR-ion .
fore which royal favor sinks Into in.,:.'»lfi.
cancc- Wliatean nly ben-ffm.-fon can com
pare with one which protects from
“’1'liatdiredisease wl.-i.-crniiilc -power
Withers beauty’s transient flower ?”
... . Iherc^s { . h \k f-.r sorrow
health for the
the swelling lines of full grown foi.....macia- beauty for
the sharp and withered
tion, along life of nu nt; r : - li: - “ ;
and domestic cninymonm 1 * early
days of pain and g!.,-ora, ending in an
grave ? Such is the mission, such are the
results of Dr. J. Bradfields Female Regu
lator, which is hence truly and appropri
a .jj/vfimb 7^ v ?7' e ^‘‘^ d 0 ^f^,^ e f 7o®he n ?7\7arities health. of
7^„ so destruertve
happiness ;n , 0 . 0 and anA Uoniltv beauty nf of women, women, disamiear disappear
like magic before a single bottle of tins
W(mderfu i compound. by Dr. Physicians J, BradfleJd, pre
scr ih e jj;. Prepared
At i anta . Ga. cts;Urge . fl.50, ..
Price— x trial size, 75 ....... size, 281
_ For sale by all pruggists, • * may
Boys Here’s Y our Chande.
, , ,
to eet themselves up by investing a »mal
amount in the Mutural Keliei Fund
cUtton of.Atlanta whteh _
tificate ho.der .wo tio-, -ro l (. ■
niarnage aaJ m
W '
ALlLl ATT AllUUiMl/ APftTTMFl TTS! U Oj, *
__„___ , Me*
. ---- m
° r
condensed for OCR ftBAjW*
AJND others, ,
........» wi-m.-.
1 Ornette.]
Mr. Lorenzo Smith has one of the
equipped carriage establishments in-th«
Mr. T. B. Moore has two pretty fish hi a
glass tank hi hi*stove. One is a carp ami
t[ ie other is a gold fish. •,
Barbecues are exceedingly
Tb.-i^ pvch'""a lmi-c^beeu "A
; An' i.l . . “ 'Ive ffewi. b o? 'VatowfQ^ 1
, ;i i. • •
v a v> ; ■ : r - ",• e-mas
“ . ■ / • ,7 . : .' .
fci, a , ; h\^ t pulsing . ■ : ia . : .
' r
* tYnshiim’lm A'V’,. x . ..,F.w,r4 Bantu in
chnrc.ii n't will conclude
build a new church rather than repair th
J a „„ w
t no Jcounty court Monday for seel;/
a counle oi women, also colored. sputifvi! It.
that noy got to avgrifyin . wo ! ‘tho t
and as the woman a >fc iao a of
argum.-ni 1:. a o.dd <.f lii-.-m
stop their mouths : for which he was find
thirty dollars. '
The democrats of Wilkes will meet
convention ntWashingtou on the firstTues
day in July. "
‘The Georgiq R. U. engine-house in
Washington was struck by liglitning
Wednesday engine night and burned, 'j lie, pus
s ngcr The “OgicUiorpo” was burned
up. damage-was about $8,oou.
Washington ridltig. young ladies believe in
[Warrcnton Clipper.]
al) ';;7r U luigeUzing " ffi^hrou^Jeite" “
sou county.
i, ^ifi ou?iaUlion^l^ 1 , *^i, 1 J SUm ^nd tl< .
lt0 trtam alM nn 60 gHi ’
ions ot lemonade,
M,ss Leckum, daughter of Mr. .Jack
»* ,a ‘ «« 8 z£rF4 ? T ** in 8 ‘
Si.7* "'7 1,0 1 £,uty(i to VA V« the-but
Mr - I>a ' M WSiW while dUtDfff r^ P Ihc
7 •'“ >’• T. «• Latimer’s
g ue : f, "‘da> 1, '» coupling flip f
eoU^raE iit ' r m v
u Mi. eftned h I
Mr. W. TJ. Smith’s store was
from a back w.mlow Monday night |
a1 - Knit $tf)0 worth of goods extr,
■ , . f in tlie way of tobacco, meat |
_ -7
./ , j
A couple of luitT-grown negro lailed boys lust wore Sun
amfi ted in Tlionisor. and
, afternoon for lighting h and swearing on
Main s . rotit .
ll SSs3.S2£f r i
passed^throSUiilfwlfi'/s leg We and hurried glad 1
itself in a table in tiie room. serionsiy are
to learn that Mrs. Paul Is not m
’Siohm.i killed mad dog « ratlroau »»*
shot and a ou
street, last Sunday afternoon.
V vat,rmeloMs have made their appear
a ji OC j n Thomson.
f Sparta hhmaolHe.}
The work on the court-house is pro
grossing, Mr. Smith says it will be com
Pl Slee
vines of Andrews* Irish po
weighed a pound and a ! al ■
,ns suumu va: o.ion at/some.
Little Sallle the five year old dauglt r
of Mr. J. T. Pinkston has been very o*
for several days.
The protracted religious services wl i
foye been in progress during the p?
weeks closed last received Sunday night.
Tne Methodist: church 31 wc*
differcut cimTCbealm^bo6u 1 i
wo nderf«]l.
rc !^3’ • d
au'^ X .?J^ion wt)rM e«ted In
: ; ' Burned at Greenes
, a t w e ek, liy Eli and Allen
Grant, i’.li was cl:.-Urman of the convm
lion and Allen a leader on the floor. Wc
are informed tliat Allen was on the fleer.
for four 1. mrs.
«ssj rs'aii .
:G.; Emmet Eendrlek, Rev.
Burnett,, to) Mr. S.
\y. a. Candler officiating.
]Echo], _ . .
Hon. J. C. C. Black will address the iju
ze ns of Oglethorpe on the 4th.
Lexington has a smoking club of len
Wear old boys.
It takesjrom 300 to 500 pounds
do Lexington . week. .
Lexii.iilou - aiid”ctawlord a W.U
. Tom Watson, col., ______________ sowed 2% bushel*, . . . of
w ^ eat an< j m£M j e 933^ after feeding a acne
of it to his stock.
Mr. Parker Calloway comes forv -;
with a bunch af oats made from
grain with 333 stalks and 8,330 grains.
• <?rkekk.
j Rum^ofsavi JforM and J<r<crnal. ]
a\ %.t Greenesboro wiii row
have “, r^ted a new tesant hotel, which wl.
PliillipTK upo^- * Doherty lot. To..
Little or Mr. Kora
f * • <* reenesboro, fell fMW an apple
I tv T lay last, and was caught on a
si jfoi cite course of his fall, inflicting an
n>■ g* . h treatment,The under his arm, which called
sinlcr wound was
fvflint >:>t serious.
&*> •Key is a negro W. woman lKdiig on the
. M. Lewis in th» Gray
* «t o recently ieftherhabe in charge
i:.r A .During the boy the with few hours heated absence of
' ' \«* 1 , a poker
. -1 he back of the babe severely, and
, _ it from a window in the cabin
% mind 8 or 10 :feet below, breaking
Irff 5 bone and otherwiseacriously in
• • •
' Baldwin* ‘ ’
- T
. ... Inum .. . and Bwnfer.] ,
'1 hrst watermelons, grown this year
. ‘neighborhood, to Millcdgg
W t 1 \ ednesday. »
; building at the Asj uni is go
rr v-.. Over a imllmu brick have
7 (
V. W. .6 S. Sutlici's nre building
■ E r;->vii, near Morriwether, fn
, > tine two-story dwelling
sparrow-hawk aiuWi HmoslTOs tamo ra*
U MUlo in
'it 'Its rooisieps
’• ^’ivUi iv.udiu-
V,. Csruri an ! Lvut. Joseph
if '7,^.." ! f l ‘r .7 Ul 7777’1
1 t.-.m .‘7’.!;“ «f”a ti'-'j ,1 v!m io lv \v W> (l)u < •, ' ,y i
*'Gl’ »• i-aa»r mlutim, »». TT •».> *»au»-
flf ’ |§ more.
0 f Used Golden’s Tonic 'Liebig's 'quid
•f.i .*■ *i Beef and and have boon i m
j .'.tie, mum ;mu a'I
® : % 1(J ,W swE;- As n toni ‘ in
* e ’ dubuilw, . wcakocs.-;, i.iuemta,
'<’•> ' cannot be, aii -
T’i*’ 1 •’ 1 IleraemiuT tho namu. Golden 8
—i no other, j vii druggists.
• —
To or i ret Guide.
cigbl* t i. w . Dorsey, Passenger the Agent popular of theGeor- mid off!
i< ir-ral
gG ■ftvr.-i; has sent out a very hnnd
'F niteil guido. for travelers to the
# Guii'da, }*« p.'puiar ’uinnesee resorts and in tTuoinia. Northeastern This
oJ47«H*Wo tori' splendidly route wa8 cquippcdlMid ‘ WBMt in bet
more IUraveis*»fectlmi umn
age?’ban now. of
cotmvy itilfeit’.vaUif uiwiirpassed Iti tho salubrity benu- of its
(is and the grandeur this and the
tv 'mfi ,;-f <;nery, AH along route
w find comfortable sleeping
^ %•-■’ pleasant and fashionable summer
m it- ^HsKaasaafic hrI.Cs of lave, «i.e*i»pljtat the tin*
^ %.s, and
„ 4 #trect, Macon. *
f i„t. \ ,, |,w cf iiijUNfide Turner m by deo; Go ■[» .] ( oh- In
, , u t ., ,|*hn V .
\n j U\ , oionitrg. Earner was convict wl ■ o
jj , | i-.umt to 1 kill m-'”
; t
Vnt j J Mii. - i. la the following year
im; pbev met id the minus, but no n
t.< jesab Tnrncr’H occasional l”' 1 '
dl<r over heard m; <ir vulopcrt to .when ni
bo 'c 1 4 innocensc. Now. however
on |lm Gfamy ^^Vf^.onvio" Sent: ntui'm Vomi^
, recently manifested symptloift of
J ! • hi the of
•,.. j , t0 p,. aroused in case fact,
„ I ""’ TUo statement was, ft
«-r! ion that lie, Young, was guilty oi
ed r 0 r which Turner was being punish- P^rdmj
we; An applies t,ion for Turner’s
n : at once prepared and endorsed will by
ha ... tutentiary olliciitls. Young prt«eni- now
sc ’ , ten years added on Ins!
*u [--im-, lci;ei ' “ ' '
il the 1JJ0.
; _
A Bargain tabLs Ial — j s opeaed i - by tj. !
^ '
<■ L of excitet*snt -«• *'?’« in Green* a
i J»io 11-, audlor ,1 for manv mduj miies uu around.
j- I'-mtS aborted styles H -J «
1 ), -,.i tables otU A- *-'•** * * ’’
Jireeneihoro, Ga. assorted colors
lu-i £ Drew ^ Lawns Davis
, sS b»™,oi ubbrt, O A.
< S
fMCH meiitaro TOMiJmS U« -T*.,vi*t taljalii & 51, : *
Y”* Bc« l ' ! Bboro, ’f Kd ’7 Ga. ’
i -One pound soap,
ina i;iv wrapped ou ljk 7 n i
’tables of G. A. David & Co., „ Gieenes-1 ,,
M1 (;
I soon for a lougcataloga
it he meantime conmy^ .,,i-one Jioro ani
f get^Some of the grf bargains or) tne
1; •■•yin Counters oi Messrs. 1)»V13 *
—We , are ooiigf* fid ,.f the
-neat rush to close our Bargain lables
oi, Saturdays and public days 1-he ; Open on
| all other business daya,, served. u
are great; first come, first
A. Dnvis A Co., Greenesboro, (>a.
1 5SSi «« with t™,
lev, iron and cinchona, lll
Known aromatics, taBrowM !i0, ’ j'
,-^d'aSSt. ^
__ A suro cur0 for impoverished complexion,
bb -ui 1)1 mi lies and sallow will
dmL^ ■„ «r,iwn’» iron Bitters. smooth It sain, pro- and
healthy color,
iB absolutely not injurious. ‘
Jhwu—tt. » ““ ts M> " n et
at w* I . Browne s.
Vol. 6.—So. 24
rii ' tai ' r« GUI TEA If IS HUNG AT
sTNOj>8is of ms crime and the trial—
On Saturday the second day of last
July, James A. Garfield, president of
tho United States, was shot by Charles
J. Guiteau. IVIdle President Garfield
in company with James G. Blaine,
then secretary-of-state, were crossing
the waiting-room at the Baltimore A
Ohio railroad depot. Washington,
enOT IX the rack
by tll0 assassiu. The ball, ns it felled
the leader of the republic, grated OU
the ueryeH of tho whole peoido, and
all over the country went off
nhouts . t of - execvyt>on 4 . a^atuAt . the ., mm
dmV '
It Is not to ilwel1 , „ tins .
necessary upon
heinous crime. It is a familiar story.
rp| 10 n:w(issiu was illTcited, was lodged
Tne ■:™“"r?; eighty long days ..... ! ;':r that succeeded ;,i
the assassitiaUou wore anxious ernes to
the american people. Oil tho lutli of
September President Garfield died. No
giaiider lesson of Christian fortitude
and resignation ‘was ever
than the example Set by the illustrious
leader of the republic.
Then came the trial of Guiteau. VI
though ., his had been a terrible crime
,, 10 V aa,yl tl ‘ ° i-,,„
Z‘ ' ‘i ,
i u nwyer <) ig , . n ■ . .
can : they tried every known method
. te set him free. c But n„i u it is i= not „rtt ,u,™a necea
sary for us to detail Unit trial. Tl Do. ,
spite „ (lie strong , influence , „ brought to
baur Guiteau was iound guilty and sen
ten ced , , to , ho
fStiil did he hope. Every quibble in
law 7 was ", tested. Tbs supreme bench
10 us *' ft w | a 1 ' 1 ' r1[ >
> '
Interfere, and nothing . was
dined to
>1 swiftly m»
«vt „.»,luct .( tlniUau-wliicli
,., u w
^ -,U -S . < .,.*“• a J ■• A
j r :c« • i ,-u <
muamuwiy. ,
; ; uno s*.vimv lh:w hy *m\ 10-iUy t
. , p.;., „, c j 0( . k (’i, a i ies J. Guiteau
j n r»;®|| explain® how he died and when.
’ [Snrrial J9ii>t>atch.l
l • - n
WAKlllNUTON, l).C.,June T 30, 1-M
at a Unto until about daybreak, when
hia frame kiivo way to sountlor sleep.
/ f d o’clock Guiteau a
10 fM . dinnor He begged that tho trap 1
nfU twclvo « dvo o’clock UO« < 1
bo sprung ad Boon „ > wt 0 .
(ls possible. lie got Mr. 1 Licks to on
timlne tno ,. .whi (llo no, ] ( i and seemed very
accident . , ,
a^preuenalyo “ lent some ..... •>
Knventv °u , n noliccman
tTl o’clock' 6
vefy a 1 Mrs. ScovlUo arrived
much excited, an demaruled an
iul ->rvlew with lid brother. Ilcr hus
0J , (juitoau. At 11 .o0 o clocn ho ato
i,.-.,,-iu heal ty ninopr nil net, had nail his moou lioota blacked)
and called for Dr. Hicks.
promptly at 12:25 ho nsceudccl
scauolu, ......i -• nu rareWkll address,
showing much less four than wad all
1:15 V. m. At 12:10 the drop fcl!
and rt 12:45 the crowd outside, hear.
; S , h .,r Guiteau 1» lam- • d , are about
Ulfe ‘ breaking ,l .® Into the jail.
died. , Instantly, , Ills , neck being i„ in» hroken. troKC
."* Just before going to the eonTold lu
t , 1)WU „ n(l w ,,. R’V, lu» t
0 f f b e scaffold with a > >• >
atl d the a A’ of a RinrtfC. Dr. Hicks .. .
lia> , s .. a ff 0 M. About 250
" "
tn-oplo , were pr*’:-.CIit ..... »*»■« W . p, iu< •- M -• ,.i ij - H • ,
execution. r v^ r ,iti 0 ri
And now the law lifts been satisiieo.
H}b w#> a grcV ious crime and ho has
. —. ev { ultf! ]y answered it. Those
MWol .£**. h» t e ,,»J »I boiw J*W
1.™ .!« >""» »
iu g 8 0 f pity. Gurfields loss was aH
r!ble loss, but how different Ids death (
l"» died with «« loving - faces —it artwnd fM,‘„ 1
with gentle hands bathing his leverel
broW . w jth weeping eyes watching his
, struggles ; and tottf hearts and
! Cartel ‘j. bca ting sympatheticly for him.
hi.MWt™ -)»""»
nation 8 heaa was bowed in grief; a na¬
tion’s tears watered hla bier ; end a
nation’s love enshrined him in Lheir
hearts a hero, and crowned him with
How different (he scenes of the 19th
of September and tlie one of to-day 1
In the jail-yard, guarded by a band
of soldiers, the quaking prisoner moun¬
ted the scaffold. In that crowd of fa
ccs,—as lie gazed for tho last time upon
them—there was not one sign of sym
pathy. No loving words were uttered
cheer him on his desolate road; no|li
ing but the stefti white faees ofjhis exe.
cutioncr and it is guard, Xllff '’****- ■- *
adbi»t-M^in t-a^TcvrhJJr, atidGuif«“<f
was launched intxj etepiity. Jfo words
woro uttered save the deep murmur of
tho liatioii-nud it had echoed and re
echoed in Ids prison cell— “Justice !”
lie ii dead irow. 't’ho debt of blood
has been paid with blood, 1 and, from our
heart, , goes \\\\ the , prayer that , tho ..
Croat Judge may deal mercifully with
the poor unfmtnnnte Omtcau. Thar
last mill soci.o has been enacted; and
vindicated justice may now leavo his
Sharon fVovpl Have a Ulg Time Kro,
IcsMir V* ale's t-'.iiHcriatiimeua — The
Filter*’ i xiiibltluu—Other Celcbra
Moonlight PromcusMlc,
On HVdnesday night last J’rofessor
U.-Jl. ITare, I the principal el the him
ion ifistilule, r ... gave a re-union • atid ,
tnoonlighr promenade at Cvoalte’s .tteni park,
large crowd ,M In
d ftnce * ilt Hi while lt wascur mislovtime
not to bo able ,, to , be , present, .... we uuder
stand that a most enjoyable time was
hud. The scholars of _ Brolessor ...___ Ware
showed reimirkablt); proficiency in . tins ...
Panclng wna *
ha ^S ton erected iu thepark. Lorn
otiade ami other refreshments were
iudulgeti •“-T ia and a good time generally
"Vverjo,,. wlm aUonOed pnloyrl it,
y'af g> «>?■? ll °l e °' ; l I Tr/r 1 El*. **>
- u; 1 Jmvfib
( l.ij.h.t ftliTOft
s . cm | Heart, Sharon, v •
v n miiat v o ex.-
tiveip on vcpn't it was mSble for
cotihlsted, u ^ut. so wo understand, ti* enu^nm mainly
Tli@ boys slioweil tfliWKCid pi olio o y
everytnlng and the entertainment of
last , . night • ,. teHectea v „n n pi Pl i much muon credit creuiv upon *.
bishop of Savannah, delivered medals
diplomas and prenflmna and imub. a
sliort address.
hi attendance nml made tuRWoiBCS.
Tim I ho occasion ore ision wis w.i i a a pl'Hiaant'one, ni.uiad , and
those who wcio foiluoato oik i u
present 1 will long remember it.
Jhumh.j School . . bcUnUn. ..
Tlio Sunday-schools of tbo BnrncU
will hold their re-uuiou Rt ltay
,, owil next Thursday weak, tho 13tli ot
July. Jho cxercisca will consLt intthBy
() f Hinging and adiln aws by tho diftor-
*l»ECIAt. I-OUAIi*.
Soda Water at Held St llenl’s.
Try that pirn: apple vinegar sold by
Reid & Held.
, i lean , Hal Fly ill’s broil, spank now
a d, in another column, and not only
vpluI it, but p&itouifc© him*
x; 0 i;ml 0 f burning wlihky yourself from np
wJ , e „ ”j-)••• you can get pure invigorates and
t. It
strengthens 1 it does not Kill.
Heid -v Heid have the ilimat lot of
i.uro »|nJo vinccar lo bo found Craw
‘ R ! ° l ° ... f nice flower
. «***.**
.. .................. Held A
Fresh parched peanuts at
. Vncinn virus. Tore. Warranted
to ‘'fifiNil every time. Heid & Held.
1 urc ft, vlnc . 2 ar M. h _ i.„ s *- t,, Ji
- ; ’«- -
lbe market. Over two fears .. old at
Ruid A Hold’s,
—l»uic hmudieM for medicinal pur
p ()m;S j,t Ilal Flynt’s. by
J^B-UWWWgS Wold a possibility «f smiall-pox ^
” lt " "™
If not
virus. You can vacillate yourself,
-G'n«or.lo»UK.a*W- } , a „ t 1Iftl Flynt’a
—Tliret, a sweet apple otd«v at Ilal
p.-lynt’s is delicious.
_ A fSll0 j ot 0 f flower-pots will be re
coiV(S) , at n- \ »-* FI nt s this week. Al s
partlr dp;