Newspaper Page Text
E i $$%£&■% v ■* o$i*jj
ttm .. fr. ■ K AT
- _U*. <S r* " I 1 >EM( )(J i I
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mm % , V 1 sijC
v »!S H
; ff I; II . • : r; r .* a
Voluirxe t
------ rr~r~T£
x; V.. ME commit:
»({! • ' •) S7» , CT
OF cm: '1% AT US¬
ER’. Y &KVL.
CajstaSn Henry Jacfewtis'* Address*—Mr.
ate pile »«s Wslceae Reply—Mr- Vn.II
mau’s Compliment to til* C'rcat Geor
•jia Cummuitr.
• At.Di4»Htt rarwawnr —n—urirrir handaatr-oly -'aoorfctei. nr.
icons’ s*»»«-td«-T’t’tSr name painted on the pane..,
’ reached Crawfordyilte- on Teesdsy
- asor nine bringinE the fcllow'og gentle
tn«n : JuHus r.-.cT Tt.riws Bf© s, Esfs ■+•* Gala -F.
Henry ._ W. Wt-J
32, Howell and “•
tors Constitiition, <2, >7. rngHsh, may
m- Atlanta Eobert Lowry, Alderman
and a u-vnr Mayor Protem Irotem Atlanta, Captain
Henry Jackson, OhairtCivn DemS „ -
Executive Committee, of tfa , W. l-,..
TT,,!. 1 r'Kjirn-an Democratic Executive
Z ’ roufatv H6n M.C.
• toiaautuoeof ... b alt
Candler, ex-tuembet of Congress, os
F6' police comnfissioner, Atlanta,
, At’anta,
J?’ « r xr PW n-, n A' dtv attorney,
Elgin . lAschraueandA , ,\ x L.Kon^. r irniif’z Thev -,pe
came as a committee from A u p
4esc£ thii new governor to the Capital
I? 9 Tlte car'was'sent oh$ bf Mr.
G^orge^rruUman^H^wpiuneuL ' Vr P«n.uan -is a oempUiuetif. to
the great Georgia statefcimm, and . ic
i guests- vrere iavited by »r; ( «tiln®’
The committee t-emaiiied
as1ee , l> , V im | «heir hB!r car * ufl u^u til u tuny were
awakened by a messenger from Mr. ms
phen’s stating tbat-hewowlil be gnwt to
hxve them breakfast w*t3> JU».» fc ha5f
-^eigntoc .»-ht o’Wocl? Tlie noteyftte then :
. ^
Tiatr M^m£:irli«h’ ocraticfeocutive Committee and
- Mayor Kugtmn. of Atlanta. They, were
met in %hh s-aH* _ by »H. <f»„ h 'Sn** '
V CapC Jackson to whom- pedi^s moie
B<iy having
Whelming u.ajmttj as
, „
■-% . u-ri,
presant, to %•%> -t* that w * - - J"^3,5 j j
escort to the ptpiUi. tu '’ eor S la ’ 1
you the fuse- j
where vo« vfiD assume
-.ver»I.O»is e **»«* |
honor \wz bor-fi coufeirtvl rtyo.i j ou „ ;
the ♦ u- otg.t«iz nr <?-tni 7 ed' dhut'oeraoy, constitutes
j’ut proper tubina . 1 . ’ „ rin .
a ■ " ' -,
toted to the best interest of yom
This triumph itt Georgia has been f<» -
’o.-ed>„■.w> hope
there is good reason north vO and west ■* soon - to
elections at the %
; S = U ’-, .-in pi«»* ’A”
We have cots* for yon in a car
TU ,-i ' i-v J Vfr George Pullman, an ai>
"‘- ’
dent republican. - 1- ils equipment n is su
This compliment from a poiiti- lif .
pevb. evinces the estimation in
mi! opnonent, by those who
which von are held even
with W,t L you. y0 Vge will take y«iu to
lifter • w this
Atlanta, through H.e the cou.U»v coui -.
a-entleman with surroundings aW 0 *
to tlie pmt ►««>
•"I-* - **
v M'liteb Mr, Stephens r.rieity Re *
a plied.
ThankiRff Captain Jackson fvr the
complimentary nLrv remarks remaiss with wu. which he
!l;l d addressed him and * ’ ‘
thanking the committee to •*-- ^
itmntioti and their tendered eroert ho
Atlanta tr» “® a'so “ «-n>ressed 'V r
•— compliment ca’li Hiu
sense of the great l *
- oy VI- Mi. Pnti Pullman m » and At his high f apprecia
tionofit. As to the majority be -e
ceived • a m •„ theUte n,o late elect*.* n he expressed
the profoundeet grautuue to t I
- pie to nf of Georgia Geo b* 7 tins' unmistakable man
„ •
ifestation of tue.i cor.toe fd To Cap
tain Jackson hesatef for thidnfajdnty
C imv indebted to him for his
- “ su 'ht—
Executive Committee.
by snying that it was his earnest bop*
that the effect of this e,ect,or. in xeo.
gia would be of tb* character stated by
-he Caotain. and that it would add to
the peace, and harmony not only of dit
ferent elements in Georgia but to tne
safety and prosperity of the entire un
on Now gentlemen we will retire to
he dining'room where will we be will ready take to
Veakfast and then I
^cfOtDpany you to the depot.
CRAWFORD’ ' TV* (T» A .1 iSDAY, OCTOBER 25 1880
.' »'T , .
»■ ~ . * * i ; /i v-.-- >
iiMMf •
Mr Ficiiard E. )■: ex a worthy jrompg
man of Sayancih, ,dii?d in Now York
i slii: dgstar. fonowtid *< oj Rn wr.
Mr. W C Smith, of Bartow, Gsc, had
bought up to «»e lf>th of this thontli
(Octuberi one thousand balps of cotton
of this vesirs crop.
There are hut three Rads tiieGeor
gia.Legislature, and two of them are
negoes, For once they got Site Jion’s
share of the spoils.
.Almost,,3*000,000 pounds of oats have
Seen shipped frete one South Ten Carolina
railroad station this fail. years
‘ State didn’t raise enough oate»
a gc tbe
io feed one horse through the winter
A burglar entered the house of. Citi
sen Moffett, ,uf Atlauta, and litorall
.- weut through it.” Having good con
sc j enceS( tbe nvetnbers of the family
slspt gently through: the whole cam*,
saiga. ^ The loss was considerable.
- Mr. A R Cooper, in the
lower part of Ifall county, was kickted
a mu j 0 A ; e w dam ago and instantly
Mrs.-O BOleftn.Mrs.Barbaay W Avaftt; Cuts
MrsTolly Duggan and Mr «
mSn ^ *, fed rewc Uy- in WasLuugton
Judge-Edwafd • Dihtiw. ordinary *f
Monroe county, died very siuldenly on
8 , m day evening hist of iieart disease,
ftt m res1dttlUi e in Forsyth.
Mat it Georgia lititneni are rtortga
gitig their property to ImrtPnrn money
lenders. T) i0 W lanmoa will be home
kjM f(! , 1o! £s M,k« llte ywkf. .
States senAtoi^hip,that Cnl. d (.UImck,
iff Augusta, will grtii. lost yeSfe
A W r, c’olomon ,of WEacon,- %
book g^^ on the c.i-rs bet h cot, -.Hedge
ra m.ucobi,o@ thei.ftu met,, cm.
a negro child who ivas ro.i oi-r-. and
iusUnUy killed by am ox ttsam.
i'lur ' W*»Y^ ,j
wrgou rai^Pl'driw near Cooley y r
i>S'i ... ........»" * teoeutly xi;
Ututug $->0 m money, wute
stolen from the rest dot tee of Mrs A t*
li -deli 1 in that city.
STii i, iU Um. to M. \u\v$ ‘W. ^ •- un
ever% t/iat ha )s going «i
„ 0 i.brough to Ohma '
*alton News: A farmer bought a
.. - preasey nvolasscs from a .Vlon
t a „guage : ’’I'bew weie tbe mickest
things I ev« saw , my w *
^ i*r»™ e
wife could jjcook '«»• My boy sopped
^ hjjjj two wr tbree ti08 ,8 ami cctildn 1
SmSAtSx ot ' e r i,
A Ma t M m««ilal CempUcattou. |
We learn of h curious occurred matrimonial
combncalion which in Jones
a 8ho rt time ago. It I
S#9 „ !S \ hat a certain young lady was ,
Al , le(lt5y Konghl after by two young
gentlemen. Each pressed his sulk wtth
so much zeal that the young lady could .
nc t decide between them io gam
t :me she engaged herself to both, duly ;
a W 0 i,,tmi! a time ( 0 , Co.
made happy. Ihd other no less prompt
ly interviewed the mother, with
j‘ v satisfactory results. Neither father
nor * mother mentioned the affair tc
t( r T(ie young lady then wrote
to >t 0 i postponing the marriage. But
. a»d No. 2
the appointed having tune came made on every ptepa
carce wit b it,
ratieu: but at the very last moment he
was informed cf the other engagement
and ana retired letirea Fo. J hearing hew Ho. 2
treated, aod .' I-artng f . a. t*ke ..k fate
wan -hereupon . -
withdrew from the race
Ho. 2 renewed hts suit, won tbe Tactl
latiug fair one, and everybody was
jpade mace happy.—Macon u«-Pk-* -----L__ Telegraph.
A , »: .*arr*\. arr .w Escape. **■ o»r
doctor, who , ha.*. ’Ust . .
A young Austin
gSJSft I zssrjsAs sSf^ssx
ing tte matter with him—wbat
wou ceto’ofate - 1( j suggest'that he set up the
wJne to his narrow o»c»i>e
from ^aviBg me to „teat him,
monally.^ reply of have the old a heap doctor t*
^arn, tbe
For a ^ e ,j men women weat ano
sickly children, without a mal^ Wnl
not cause headache.
-5 **s* jl
mitten 01 ’£*
iffe It: Brooke, Cfcairnttsn- Exfeeik p
Corr.irMi-iee, who stated toafet tjwt Jdelejr t'.»«n-- v »
of themeeGnij* w&*
to attend tike, Democr:.tu; Cot-tat ,
didate m l- unexpireH T 1 ’'
Hen. -chec, .n, Os
^seyfeid •vr „ Ur-'
A" nnh,
elect .A.fjrCi awwt^A
VI " tet spsp ,,‘feg -.-i'seted ,
and ^ e’eceil
r>. pUd author
Are .
lag the t a irjjmmiU'eo
of live .. Cd ba' Voted
asdeleruft, to.. . onyentfot, the
Chaim ’m amvintod Lroeke,
E. Crcako, W\ r . T. Stephens, .lohn
Chapman’ and V. 0.-Kitodes, wtm*
ported Farmer, tbp foliowjug.-ttamia^it J{cut,,C. .vlyoia, £ J., > £*
Bristow, Croat*. F. L. Haidon, E.
O. 'Vrirht. wni. T. Flynt, I. An
dersdn arvPJolp! rfehnsbit, and suggest
ed that they go iminstructed : Thb te
port of the com&ittee was receiud
and adoped. * of these
Bcsolwtf, That a copy thectawfovd.v'.lle 5 pro
bv umtished Jtcbcouicm
Democrat and Augusta wilh
and OonsUUutUmaGsb rwmeat that
they publisf y , meefeiug adjourned. *>,
On motf the
T.Txynt, G..T, Coogs,
Secretary** Chairman.
-------- • ——-
A tfuh’itSsista'id to nature in vestor
ing ttio'sfsietivto perfect health, tim*
ertaUing it to resW disease, is lit- -d; X
i n ,n Bitters.
- *- “ - -
Brown's Globe f^otel;
During our stay In Augur i
W eek, wo stopi ed ufcHlio Ul.-h
vvilchis ohe :>i the best holt’r J- -
wu tieman. midis *x u,rh , -d r.
Uotei httsth^. Mr. Louis ’.n bry
Ute-clerk, 1» u Bidpai v#v c,-,ix.' (,V-e m-t
w tH lu . 5wl . thr
visit August*. *
, P h
.\,.-t h-r..- tri'-HtTie p.i- . --y -
more .that*, to listen ton ■ acr,: vrug-’,
f fm*'krto«s could .mt -a.
US? - - "A klh le ^
feKSxr.fcir the. legal ss«"i.3fs hours' of n ;a tale
( . ountv< «n wit: One ijuu
n,,. |-„j|„ wing property to land .
dred' and eighty four (. M) acres c[
VX » t\m4s}bte SEffi
(; roa v :c Kjh. I: y!or and land of
of said deceased. aml.crcd
Sold for thebem-fit of the heirs
itors of said deceased. Terms cash. Onto
-j^ Moissisafistsiisss y IRTUE of an order from the court
ro , luSv , u the firs' Tuesday in November
n ,- xt iSetwoen the lawful Jicmre cf sale, the
vxxxxxjx fpixg
,, ; ased. lor ft.* benefit of tlm UeU i and
creditors cf said deceased fenns made.
or. die day cf sale. October knd
I8$d. Ov ).j D Moore,
Aarr. m s De bems >or.
a SALE. ;
the emut ’ 1
/ antff4 , . trom
. f r( tt na rv of Wilkes couoty, Ua*.
mu ljp 8oWoM firgt tuesday in Novemr
t)1 , r noy a J) m% at the court house do<>
in sait t county of Wilkes, between the ie
an 4 upon-the waters of Littla river and
jj ar( j ens f .,reek and bounded F. Moore. liy and O. ad- D,
joining lands of John A-Moorp,Johi
Muoro, R A. Fletnining, L.
Brooks, (foorge Wnght and others, ami
‘land bar
SU b d -, v j d (. d into four lots, each of
v , hi( .p v -in iH » , 0 !d s«perately Each tract
has a,considerable amount cf wood .at.u
and low grounds upon it, one tract cor
tain* about 34« acres, two others a ItWe
over £ve hundred acres each, and the other
2t 9 few acres over six hmntred. Persons de
rilJg to examine said lands can do so by
vide-It ( .^ijj, 5C , VW;n Mr. Geo. C. Fonche who re
the main homestead he will point
out the Iii-is of the different tracts.
Terms of sale-one half cash, balance it*
twelve months with interest. Bordtor
titles will be executed uy administrator
so f[ purchasers also plats of each tract whlcii
wi t;e exhibited on >aie and can be
^^5^^ Uiii road Covi-any i f i
0pf sbs ^k a< - r :
Augusta, April 5tb jo.9. j
C thiLLnnpMv vLu^LuMl-Tilors
AND Mip TICKETS main '£
issue d to individual? firms or families, but
not to firms and inufob^mBme^
May 9,L879. General Passenger: Agent
<#>*- NEW ADTEKT'tSftfR.V'l <r !
p 3AL! MEAL!
p: Eclipse mill at craw
»VILI H is now prepHii'd to grind
» new I1( . v , »et of ,. f r Ja) ' K iv -J
i»t iiiitl Honest attention gmiriutfeeit.
tj*-*' T- -r *»'P ,-imrvi. and I /■virj.rivri' I.TNMM. „i al«p
irotnplj. W. T. MARTI N.
"Id 'I t’yclopedia of lioaseimlft
lor the m.vst-i, j now
'y Iik, Coming fast, Low priced.
•ted, Vo raitliorstnp. ( Semi
- v nequt: m
J, listniction js notices and full jnu-tlctilai-s. Out
ft' I how to sell,- fme (<» « v -
Wtts. Snecess’giiaranteen. Stnto
\ Ijjpelpliia, Pa
, -O ies for Sale. 5
1& . « j IP 153 LOW.
p T- m jPi'APPA:^,
.........,u Plains, Ga.
ofc yt:. MILLION!
.u ..'d isasi of .Shark’s Oil
vu **TH* HtMkW, AXP
tsfU.ha'K M c.?Kt yon.
P- - kffoiyrv., ^ '
ted from c peculiar ,*|f
V* hehrinsr
Hgdm i >.n««t 4»ont
....... ■* ’ .^K. w v.uraotwoMs. '' r '- K . rt biiini-rous t.iiU
' i'toeii iiiuhI ov t -r
l, ;e lir-cauit* so pni
m. 'u,! 1 !’ m-->-n«*s.i people
jCI . ft!
W Ssy
Tf frrnt iftr 'bVmeti a fritrgPf b;
I f-a-o .Ve i ugc-t:th|;.’
hear imicb better, . n-fiUd. , , ,
I Uave been greatly helped tie great (tvrti—’think , •;
Vv de-dfnew a
ai.a ',1 ootu* Will .11 erne . -
■‘Its viftnsfrare vif.Rm-stKinphhi absolute, the aiul writer its
cm-iitin cl-.araoticr as pjtpcri
cu, personally, testify, both from,,
•cue' aitd ohsoryatior. Vrlto at once to
11 v '.•IT i K ». ,Iii.VXE-V, - 7 Th'v Mtro. i
S- : Fork, ei.elo*i»s and you kvill
receive bv return • a ropuidy. that will ona
tib you id heap effects'-will bke anvlrndy efce. and
wlc--*-, e va'ivc be permanent.
Vr,i. will rmver -regret doing go,”—Editor
of Mercantile Ri-vinyf* in the Mails, " please
iwr To avoid, loss
•,.-n*i ti.cuev ■ bv registered letter. Only
i.uiMH-i’Ul by li.VYLOGK « B-INMiV,
agtiUxfoi Artiei’iCG, 7 1/ejP st.. X. 1
. —
'A ,, r wt0 -Hvillo will bn
A. ><.A y
loth 58S...
l.3fCOI2ia y j JtCh<Aill 0«1U
_ __
Banking Go.
Cift.-cu GeijEkai, MANAhrfp., ? i
ai olsta, <4a., »UMpA-Y, .Inly ), tens, i instant.
■ -yoMMKNCINIi following schedule will
»grated t j„, passenger
*:o : wK-T -i.In.Y. no. it last v.
j v ^„ KU staloaQjalm'Lv. Atlanta 8:-A».a;m
..’ >; - aW , h 7:V! cm “ Athens biir.a m
« Milled*’II m. “C’wf'd'll i i-t Pim
« W'sii’i’n n ..;oa g tn
Atr cTdv’lI Mtlledg Macon H 4:4»,p,m
“Athens 4:00- 1 »'m:“ i-jn
<< /.Hanta o:4i n m ! ‘- Augusta T.’ pon
m> -- .. - no. * KA~r'-DMi,v
.. -- r •— r- "IvFm u ~f -—
Lv. Augusta ; R:f ; i>p I'‘XL r. wm jL-'.'-l!
Lv. Cr t vi- aim
A r. Atlanta o:40 Ar. Augusta , . <>..-0 a m n
jou (L„ N W. GREEX, K. R. DORSEY,
liera t Manager. Gen. Pas* ger Agent,
Tombs & Headstones, Etc.
e.Agns and E-StunateB furplshad
'COMPARE IMV KEY, small d fur r«*(ly ke.«vy good., «»MbiblReM stock. h*.-*
been on a oorRjnuoutt 1.;.- been l> remarked m»u «iver since that the there oiwotini* of our ne.-.v, Fall anti Winter
was little trading ntitfl co'lfl itiiil ireather ac
tusx’.iy set- ib. This itjar.t-tirtfatie lna’ac- much enftirged, that we Kiwe s* coii»lant
ins- even Eefbfe the xiiidt ihixt tor the httlk of business.
We way to Account for TM .1
’ RXPLAXitWF tnii U Uktr fimf'd wW<‘dly hr tTie Bhirb ptoihewu* W-n eon.Utten et the
r-c-um-y, lmf in frtet our STOCK has ,p,uphased with
pxtrnorlliyta-v cure• it ewl>f"'*e3 ! l8rgef nt.mhet of lines, these Hues are ttwe -o'niirlete.
^ T -
. Nie Goods Axe I 'nerd . . Lo\v , r er.
PKOBLlf will trade where they can get goods the yir-npest. if Molu.tiv idamea them
for this. IT SHU H-'iy TMIKllt QUU.D S!i’.Ysti- Every .vO it ic Imcomiitg t*iore gen
tyiuiHy known that ntoui jdpre in oaiittiesboro, can tm laiviid the largest' A took, 'the, best in every <lcparUm-nt, tin-, lowest price on every grtioln is Soomnintt. to be found almost
where. There is wonder tUpu.that Uusinuss with 1 evAfr this
any 3-ufly iit the Miasod. Let no the reader this and maku pmclvasea us C.'3\ DAVIS A
note tlf .
$17 50 W I Liu f JET IT.
ih'g ,-'.M.oNC< ?U other prices with lower Hatisfaijtwy thU'imasi.n, \ve ipmtc—'I'lie Almost, Jfow body fiupfoved 'Davi« machine Sew
Machine r *0 a niwi •••imtantee. any can get a
pt this price- VVT use them id our limiily and can recommend them. An oitypint
Davis Machine with t wo drawers for,?- The White machine also at reduced prl
ep». AllVlio need nnu-ltinc.-i should ri-membci these figures and buy c-f L’. A DAVIS
*. U -., utUUCN l'.Sl!OUO, 0 A.
\ civets* '
•t>niii will he clad to know we have roetdved a now lot of thwe I amasuco Vo
vtat.«tw per yard, 'rips tipie.w,-. have tlwut in all the. desirable ttMU*ri>; U»{n«tk
j\avv lilllit’ - s ral lH|fyk. lirovvti, Bhu-'Waylil Aii. d We have ORBE.VKSliORt), also the ar-ndia ai d Bruumrfck
Vrkiitsft-fOiid <- A DA VIS CO., U.V.
10 .
-(iAitNE'lT DItI«S.’GOODS.
-flni vVeok'ti-c rider oiefeerting Tire*n* Fn’brir-.lts a rpacial in lino Cashmeres', Dress Hoods Damajisaa, in garnett ishorntas, and datnassea another .
/j r;0 nlaclr and rtoh red
shlnment tif th'st all' Wool doiilde fold black cashmere «t 40c per yartl. Also of ‘those
Amhr „ b trl«e*J npd haudsoMe piaidsat lg>fq.. Another invoiowBall Butt,»ns very fash
iol);l b| t . jnpp.ek and atTftcont assorted popular, as cunt colors; UO cunt still *t 00,*1 aiiothot- 25 «l lotfrUbhiar Btt per yard. Braid Trireming and sets.
^^y.irvM Toil silks ,Saiins.pigui dam,asg«n. all ttiocs. Ad colore fo silk and
^ sjika&o 7 C« fm yard. Ifl'k t® and In CA DAVIS & CO.,M REICHES
ui tin-aid. ’ Vest ' cu per ipoul. v
iiynp, oa. ; w 1 • • , t
▼ T> ***!»•
*§*** ***'
• -Tv
^ and fane 1
8 mm."'XTFTTid-'mmit-lIiU mi
% j '
l;k * i
N|Ilf 1)11(1 a liOV
ftf v
i ■ l > J ,
im it third Invoice of gentlcnieii and hoy’s fashionable lints, fust
eludes a large snpblv oUh'e latest things in sttrt hat* ; also the popular io
crowii and twn briui. See our boy.s l.*ts as ii*W a.s 2.1 cent. F*/s cap# At *«at
SelXta-g so Rapidly.
Two Hundred to Arrive,
r jjsj'ESfgs? xx -.“t inffaultt?
A -m-% Ui3L /m. “VirTTIG# V Ji-SSI *» m&t WV/a .*
* .
( 1 n y»Q . I \At*A ( ^ In
< f T \>/\> ( uCiMJO I (J, UtA.
. ,
______________________— 1 ---— :
^ /Illlcl^e NickfliSOIl. «*r WVBB W- - £S (>0
/laifSJ..,, ton ^ j
,SHOCKSSOK.'. r l‘0 NWMCKHfiQS A 00.)
Wholesale and Hetail Dealrs In
i: A K B W A. 11 E ?
ONTevils, Steel
Fairbanks’ Scale; Mid Findings,
Hollow Ware, Feed. (Titters,
Circular, Hand and Cross Cat Saws, Corn Shellsrs, the
1 ,\' 1 -; |}ST Eli WAGONS.
Harness Leather Cotton,