Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, July 20, 1888, Image 6

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Tin-; Democrat. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY by CLEWJ. C. MOORE. f /.M IV l'0 HD VILLE, GEOLOlA. Enured at the p aU>flice at CrawfcrdvIUe, tPorg a, a* gec^nd-clMH uiail uuU'cr, LATEST NEWS. Gilbert S. Phjvnly, a Brooklyn railroa/1 man, insured bis life for $.V),O00. and then, oitcr di 'il>erat<‘ly arranging the details so as to make it apficar that burglars had rnnr* dcri^i him. committed suicide, Jic was fie xjwndent '**1 a 'count of unr ciprocatcd love. TffB Bepublfca.'i National Committee or~ runi/A- l at Vew York by selecting United «**« M a . ...... of b, T Oa„,a as ( JiaCffnan, an l Hon. J. SJoat I asHott, Of . .-w York, as Secretary. Hunky Blodgett, a young man who lived , I ji*ar Efctriek, W;s., while hunting saw a swarm of bees passing and Bred his gun at them. They at once nettled ou him, and stung him to death. William Bolton, a police officer, was brutally murdered at Hot Springs, Ark., by two men whom ho had arrested by mistake. Torn men wore burned, two fatally, and eighty mules roasted a live at a car-stable lire in W icliita, Kan. Thk Executive Committee of the National American party hits agreed to call a National Convention, to moot in Washington City on August 14 to nominate candidates for Presi¬ dent and Vice President, Tin: Pr..--(.lent has iipproved the Taisia, . Ls-cutivB amt ...... Judicial Appropriation . Inc bi!l .'aid the Diplomatic and Consular Ap jfuW'riat.ion bill. He.nok A ntonio Floufs, a former Minister to this country who has just Injun elected 1’residnnt of Ecuador, was given a reeeptjon in Washington by President Cleveland ou his Jcj-arture to assume hi,office. Heavy gales have provailod on the River Tyne and in the English Channel. The weather throughout England has been ah normally cold. Snow fell in the suburbs of London, , i „ ami , the ,, peaks . of . Sklddaw u, * 1 , , and i other mountains wero covorctl with snow. 'I’liis is the first time snow is known to have fallen bUleu in m Em/land Ln^land in in July. lulv ! BASE BALL NOTES. Tfn-., Bemvett ui.i r-_ i is doing j a *. all i. the n catching . , - , for f „ Do* , . n ^ Detroit received its first whitewash from OhJcaga. *or Tp!s the Now York Club will not; release Gore present. The London (Canada) Club has signed Larry Cor norm _ Dethoit load the League continues to in mam batting and fielding. Wity-eight, Klvmldw, of Dm Londons, has caught in consecutive games. Wakhixoton would like to have pitcher Iranc, but mmrm New York won! ..... s-II . TT 1- *TT - T Light mmm r thuuMim T\"T ili.nm-s wore lost on tho Mnmphl* team hoforeit disband -I. Tiiiike brothers on one team is a novelty j ] presented by the Ntnv Bedford itlonn.) t.'Ju!i. Bings John Irwin’s reianso the IVaslimg- j 'ons have placed Slio k permanently ' *»t diort, 1 ('ah urn Miu.itii insi .l . (lint (talvinof Uir S Rittsburgs league. is the speed tent pitcher iu th< . Feh 8 «>n is doing hy far the best twirling j ( Df all tho New England League pitchers at . present. this Boston has won eight, games hv one run j mwmiii ami let eleven by the same s'.... I dw margin ....., HmS'h. h-, ., ;,i"lh, ‘ JSl'VhS , ' TZ ai ldlvcr . ,, 1 o l Walker and Higgins, th© colored plnv<*is tiio.r M Syracuse, N. Y., arc jiopuinr among fallow players. 1 x Cincinnati they have cowh* to the con* elusion that there isn’t a snap club in the As sociedlon this season liosTviNKsK. ttiink highly‘J Tg’i (i.u iy a «telling and consider tuc Chicago player the greatest in tho business 1'hk Iowa Btate I aiversitv lias asked the Jj«gis)iiturc for f.u o-'o t> buy a 1,1 - ■ ground tor the Nku \ Giik S >ct»at Id o p" »rr«rW. gnmes "”c d \ i. >•> . and especially not 'worthy .bmv A liwis the we 1 lot AVU t"ii | cr. h IhMtas mrt'b2t'a ^ gam' i'"U’a m ^Scalcher. i ’A"" ,V.V‘ y L'j’l- te ."VUt A tt.'tolian' t". fimls in i Thf exact distance from tho h > & , ..... t 'ooiid base . catcher has a lame arm he thinks it is about n mile. H istox paid $1750 fiir Hay Indiamjiel tflVrod more, but batnu wanted he p pJayiT tt> go to a New I'n^lanti club, so R s ton got him cheaper. Durint a practice game at Pittsburg, K it'd Dim lap was struck m the face with u Utuxl hit bad an l bis right aw lu -d.ui will not In' diallgure 1 . C incinnati has iuMUgurats Day, n One© a week fair aO = game will be admitted fie , and on other occasions half price will Ikj charge i. The Washington^ boast of po - ing tho ltost outfield ill ttie league In ui'ttin under everything and throw th.; i uiirut dv.Wiimot, Hoy and Daily an'lauded as fitting wi > it superior* Here VETER when the regular n: to ap’H>ar oil the ground in t in hr ' 1 ;>f t he opposing teams will have tho r sehvt a player, and the double nuip.w will U* trust for that contest-. The Chicago Club is playing t:v* iu^vicst of ball in the gu •. \nson w,U idmit this, for the nine has ;ost but one . tin * by one run anl woo nun*. In numen 5 :nm s they have Iven out->attod. “Oi4j 8 nA EiC I is rarelv allow ed t ?atch for the Chit He has y > 1 1:; only eight mi Dal : Farrell are fllimg h s I S; fieing Usvtl to tr im y tng p B\ the time the season is ■ and rf t!ie s win t i ■\noi able to st a s< oi h i ng s\ He has be 3 ago* will ca’, ttue lirsi t \RSKi ar of tbe Moait . of New York *tru k ’■ the New York Re-erv ia a reoe lie is i*onsidere<l oueof the nuist p ■sf all the young pitehers iu and ar-* i Nev York Cuv The attendance at t went ven nii the Ro'C h uis been mbstiintiaUv 9^ to. 'vs; - - Phi p MONS M hull Pitts iitiM.i, 1 vti.iit \ w Turk. U.reM U -h All puv’p.u art ou au e^xuaiit when thev gel mud. THE DEMOCRAT, CRAV'FORDTELLE. GEORGIA. RACING WATERS, rm. !<> vov; i in r i ovum loth M i l II MSA*TJtOVS llPSlJ.TS. !lf.w*€S* HrUUe*‘» ami Kftvr >!»»■< *^‘vVp|»t Sway br the V’>a ««!»• Haavy rains at the h:A f l-waters of the Mcaongabela and Cheat Kivers jr» Penmyl vania started one of the most #ui bten and perhaps ot the most diei<rjiis floods 1852. At Greensboro the river rose thirty-two feet in twenty-four nouns. Early the oilier nmming the water measured twenty-five feet in the channel at that place and was at a stand. A great portion of Brownsvilk wa« fix feet under water, ana much damage was done. A t * ./clock a. m. the water reached forty three feet an ! began slowly to recede. It. was eighteen inches higher than the flood of ’by. From Brownsville to Pittsburg and all along Cheat River reports have Then re ccivel «f tremendous To** to lumbermen from breaking booms, to coal operators Sprite & deuces and property ware Jldoded U»*orge (letter wns instantly killed by the parting of * c able rope ? with which he was rh(;( . k ,,y . a Ioade(1 ( oa i j jar ge at Walton’s finding, Tele,11.011.. »h>r, the and tek-kvapn «irre A V • r„,m Pinrks l-urK. V. V« ...... -.V I. tor-, of IV Mon on ahf> i ' « ; ,'.v:o vo Vb-,. ' t! .at twenty dv ' iliii'; .n had |a- n sv.-.'pt away, and i• i /• pr i» r! y . ;tim 'iuL'i A mmi , - iron' ;ot « v .<> b i be, b • ” i ."•"VFral Jary :u’v miUr, 1 l »;th /firm tilH H of lumb' f mid b-.- > nt do a n witlitne Ac ■ i ;!,• n nb i ' A ],!v ... r U Hii - lefs at that place. ’ l,.,!,.!!:.: Lol.-I r Ity dll t:, - l..w -> pii t of , V u: "i trmn th"ir - -..... '■»»*■> »> )>,i> l'Vrb m in thr n'TmTng the heavy Ic'i'K drift in (}„ ■! (Ml l.r, I , .. coat I... hanti.M and III some nista,." dwellings • ! rea died 1 i "xburg. and They against the bridge pier* by tho Over- were snapped )«'lmlng and broken like twig* , v fores of the current. At lu:n5 a. i., the river marks showed 21 foot, inches and rising. Every boat and Kt«‘» hi float on tho river was in peril minutes from the tho heavy drift, and every few whistles of the advance guard of the line of Boats soun'loil now alarms of approaching ^"wheeling Belt,(mere, special Ohio says Railroad that tho between line of tli ■ .V Wheeling bli'i-keil. and Parkersburg I'urkorsburgbraneb was unprece dciitly On tho three Uiimels enved in. '1 he Kowle-itmrg bridge over Cheat River is down, and other bridges covered were swept feet away, deep while tli- track was points. many jtll ,. artb ilt tt mun ber of Several bridges between Wheeling and J’ittshnrg were badly damaged. At mount tho now iron bridge of the New Rng lau „ (ias Company was destroyed, involving a loss of 300 , 000 . Beck's Run, barge parts of Williamsburg, M- K» es{>or(,, California, Alonongahela City,and City, Bello Vernon, llrownsville, Fayette reported oj .j jor ^ 0VVJ1S a ]ong tho rivor were partly submerged. The water in some j,!;i< vs was above tho first floor of the houses, while piles of lumber, timbers, and drifts in many cases were jammed against the doors and windows. closed At McKeesport all the mails were and hundreds of people were homeless and destitute. The Chartiers natural gas main cr0 ssing the river at that point was broken during the night and an iin ru uise pressure of gas forced into the air. Mr. Knight, the watchman of the Pitts b»r*ham]lYoujfhioney Railroad,crossedAhe trustlu nt Sitltaburif a short,., fcme i" ; ignited tho BUS, cuusiu* fatally o t.-.Miicndous explosion. Knight tiro, was but the |„, rn ,.,l and the extinguished bridge was sot before on it was de fiames were stroyed. dispatch from heeling says, from A later reports received from the flooded district Iras oi West Virginia, it looks as if the money woukjroach *J,(i0tM)(l' 1 ’ "pV 1 . p d have been lost Not less tl u tuty t;v dp l . 1 luges slig W.d'rM.IvS‘wmrihb'hV Uw,s % anda,b haveiw.'nswi'pt’nway T:ivlurcouiit#tho loss.H or arobadly r'ifl.OpU; damaged. m Har III in Wood county, risen as umcH more; proportions elsewhere. *101.0(10 and in like believed The sudden rise in the river is to pave been caused by a cloud hurst, which covered a large section of Southern Pennsyl vania and West V irgiuia. LABOR NOTES. The button industry is booming, thanks to [b© political badge wearers. Mit. l’ovvnciii.Y wants the workmen to boycott coffee until the corner is over. There are prospots of great activity in railway construction in Southern Africa. More hands are nt work in England long at nresent tliun have been employed in a The German Federated Trades of New York have started a reading room i New Jersey wire manufacturers are far oishmg the Austrian cable railways with There are about JO.)) locomotives in use In the State of New York, mid about J V'00 In the United States. Kreit. the German cannon maker, is so rushed with business that ho 1ms to build large works elsewhere. A BOSTON company has put up $500,000 to mike welding m whines to do all kinds of welding by electricity. The iron and steel manufacturers in the Mahoning \ alley ha ve formed the Iron Man ufactunrs’ Association. Many Knights of Labor in Buffalo (lap, Dakota, have taken twenty acres each iu t ve new oil and alkali fields. Aroi t KKi.OtKi.iKlO h ad iH' llc ' ,s are >nanu [actured in the I niteil States annually, one fourth of which are exported. Thk Pennsylvania llailroad Company will build a mmitier of new workshops in Altoona, Pennsylvania, in a short time. HorsKs made of corrugaW iron are being erected in England inste id of brick or stone. 1„ -v are to be mtro vd mto tins country. The Bigelow Carpet Company hands, mil have s at Clinton, Mass., employing of V the ; >0 scarcity of ihut down on account work. Au. railway employes of Minnesota have igretnl to unite for the common good. Kn j gioeers, firemen, bmkemen and switchmen . ire included. | More than ld’OOJXK) working idle. In people New in York thf 1 United States are now ?ity alone t«7,0(K) men and 50,090 women are ml of work. Also* J. Streeter, the nominee of the Union Labor party for President, worked his way through college by cutting shingles au Saturdays. Miners employed af Shamokin. Penn., have begun suits against their employers to uvure senu monthly pay days, as provided ! for by statute. The Government of Chili has ordered six (X’omotives of home manufacturers.. They w,l\ each cost $21,909 tu gold, and will lie like our engines. The dry goods ami carpet manufacturers fhnmghout tlk* Now England and fall Mi Id e . Statea are quite busy, and a good arid winter demand is m sight The 'Ve-tdighotise Klivirie people of PitN OurK have recently taken r:e'> for 12.0 M ' lights. Tlio tinkers of electric 1 ire about tbe t siest paople in the country. NEWS SUMMARY. Eastern and Middle States. A KIP.': lias destroyed the village of Glade Pun. l’enn. Nearly every business place arid some hundred forty dwellings were burned, and two people were rendered hnm»l<wa. Thirty' persons were injured in a railway collision at Xantieoke, Penn. Three persons were killed and man v in jured by a boiler explosion at Pittsburg, Rmru 'Eire visited JPnja.zi.ihux the publication office of Cen'vry Now York city, i.% ai>'> caused damage to the amount of %, Ut-VEHAb SHK.mnA.y was safely landed from the Hwatara at -Nonquitt, Mass, and at his cottage there, feeling better than for long time past. A FO( r year-old child of Mr. John who resides in Windsor township, Penn., caught in the machinery * grist nf ill started ' rushed to death. By some means the the mill. Jb. at were killed. Three others were injured. the .NW York Republican State tee h r decided t o hold the State at Saratoga on August 28: Edward 1 A. >\s, convicted of the morder of Mrs. Ada Stone in Rochester, X. vOQ Aug. lb, 1 - banged in c ‘ t 'V* Soui Ir and IVe.-r i drunken fanners on gaged in A fa* ^ht at Mansfield. Mo., and five nf were killed. Delaware peach growers in convention recently, at Dover, estimated their crop 12,00u,000 flaskets, of which the Petlnsylraniti railroad ccin trartspdrt baskets. Ky.. CoU.vrv shot and Judge killed Fulliam, of Hardinsburiif tiou before him who a took man engaged in lltiga\ of his rulings. except on to (; , s |„„ :! , ESi a bootblack of Texan, nineteen years old, who v.'illiam Morgan in the Creek Nati ,u v yec.ri ago, has been haneed at Fort Smith, Ark. I TiiKentii" business portion of Lake City,! «»• county seat of Missaukee County, Mich.,| has been destroyed by fire. CmzK.vs Of Joliet, HI., placed obstruc tions on tho track of a railroad, to the build! ing ot which they objected, thereby derail mg Um construction tram and silling th, engineer and three Italian laborers. Four persons—two men and two ehildrei —lost their lives in the burning of a farm house near Sf.uit Sfce Marie, Mich. W illiam Landieth has been hanged a Dallas, Oregon, for the murder cf January! his step daughter, Simmie Ellis Antle, last J under circumstances of peculiar atrocity. A train Ind., ran killed into a three land slide near LafayJ ette, and train men. At Henderson, Ky., Robert Ryan, a colors man, sixteen ytars old, stabbed and kille« Riley Hancock, started white, Ryan sixteen years old Three men with for the jail when they were overpowered by a mob, wh< hanged tho murderer. K. J. Jcosta, a young man proniim nt iu business and social circles of Birmingham, weaitiiy young lady of Charleston, S 0 ' A disastrous Mo., rain flooding storm the prevade l m AJ Kansas City, sti -ts. HmiJL?* fOUP PeFW “ S nanWd WUBa ,SW, U1 ° Serious floods arc reported as the result ' continuous storms in West Virginia. d> loss by damage estitated to buildings, $1<D.0 crops, ro c and bridges have is teen lost. at over )0, ui some lives Bernard Krugg, cornfield, a farmer, and his v quarreled in a near Grafton, N about the price of a pair of rubber boots. battle with boas followed in which K TiUtAitoJ A FKV „ between the Bose and . u o)ans has culminated in a fierce battle ius the L aur( ,l Fork (Tenn.,) meeting-house di i n g the progress of the sermon. Six me were killed and a dozen more or less senousl. wounded. the town of Suiauc , seven-eighths o£ Cttl lmv0 been destroyed by firs. i eonstruetio m Br the spreading ^ of railsa , wag nrJed offi a fifty-foot employ^ trestle a Cameron, Mo., and four railroad Miss Hattie Pepavn, aged eighteen, . b „ been murdered at. lecumseh, Inn . by ., r mint, The.unfortunate^girlwent Mrs. Mary •! u . n ^\“Umfri into the'iiinl the JuiAuU ill' or ,hard to take a musket. few apples, when her auftt killed her with a CHAin>I 4K Huge, of the Grievance Engineers, Coil,. mittee of the Brotherhood of a., d Chairman Murphy, of the Brotherhood Firemen, have been arrested at bio Chicago wilj, the charge of conspiracy of the Chicago, to v Burliu^.. up dynamite pvwtions Railroad. ton and Quincy chU Two brothers named Combs, mere dren, vvero sentenced to imprisonment fi),. ff r life in Breathitt county, brother, Ky.—one and the murdering a younger othb r for killing Ids younger sister. - Washington, investigatif,™ The sub-committee which is Finan,.f the tariff on behalf of tho Senate expects to have a Tariff bill coi u “ . pletods horthU The bill will be tbe will substiti offer 4^. e which the Republican Senators them, tin. Mills bill when that measure ready* The President a few days ago anwotjej act^ pensions to thirty Warrants have been issued by tho SeeL tary of tho treasury for the payment ;ot *ld,7(>7,0b'J The nomination on account of.Colonel of pension.. i nomas G; j n . cohi Casev to be Bnga. lor Gemral and Cli,; e j ^n^ntTo^he'leaaxe bi ■ ' by^he PreridSt.’ The l-rosident has wnt - ,„r th« the foltowmg followimr nc . New’York r't to nud le John Chief W. Justice Judd,of of Teimesi.,, the’jtS M c OU .^ the Supreme Co^t be . Xgs0i te Justice of of Utah. Hugh Justice, 'V. and Weir, Charles of Pennsylvan^ H. Pan-y, t0 [, e Chief Associate Justice of ,,f Jliimesota, to be vp,, Supreme Dakota, to Court be Associate of Idaho. Justice Roderick of Ruse^ the g„. of prciue Court of Dakota. John H. Keatl^y i of Iowa, to te .Limed States Judge of the District oi Aia-'Ka. Puksiiient Clkvblanh has approved i.he act providing for nil international “gV *£ Mar. ue Conference to ‘ite ^‘X^ L s P f t !?Kp% numUrof R vv -f certain prh^tot-ts. cadetengineei® 6 ‘ Foreign. Thf. Eec esiastieal Synod of Belgrade has annulled the marriage of King Milan L n j gueeu Natalie, of Servia. I Cu ARLES STEWART Parnell, explanation the in Kish leader, Etigliah ro-e House to a of jiersonal Commons and deno n/iced the the 1 ter> publisbetl by the London - imrli■-atins him with the Venian dynaimtera as base forgeries. A m " }>u>>ian Governm -nt decree Al&ace- l^rraiiie lawyers to keep their Hols ai German. The locust plasue in Algeria is becotr.jag wor sc. Bixty thousand laborers and 200;! soldiers are powerless. The whole country is devastated 1 . and it is feared that fa%j Qe and pestilence will result M any shops in the market place in Atl e n N Greece, w« re destroyed by fire, caus \g 3 loss of $750,000. The burned town of the Berbers, in Somaliland has be®> to ground. Forty pe >jns. mostly children, invalids and cripples, per ished. Ki ectios riots have occurred at Bolginm. The gendarmes fired upon the n,ob Many persons received bayonet wounds Mr. O'Brien declare,! ir the British H ouse •f C uumous that the death of the lau :d r Maud ville, the Irish le&der, was caused by the i.i-treatment and deprivation of food while confine 1 under the Crimes t&\ m the TuUamora Prison. mittee The attempt the House by- Mr. o£ Parnell Commons to get appoint a com ot to investigate the charges made against him hv the London Times and Attorney General w ' ,t) * t ' ar Wi « defeated by the Government Porfirio Pi A?, has been re-elected Presi deD ! tHexioo hy W - )a « ctorel CoUe 8 e W3tbout opposition. Ban-7 am insurgents plundered Tj&egon. 1 ;" Java and killed the native and a*l the European mhaoitants. NEWSY GLEA5INU3. Turke* v*nnt& a $10,000,000 loan. Thf B<dl Telepnor^ Company is paying 2t >er cent, dividends. A girl, sixteen years old, has been arr^st^} ” Detroit for forgery. campaign Judge Tbfuva.n will make a in Brooklyn P, September, The yiroperty valuation this year for the -' Ir y of Ne ' v York is tl,500,000,0«K;. Five-eighths of the flour imported irfto Brazil comes from the United States. Mrs. (.‘let eland has received two sixty :wo pound watcfrmelmis from Georgia. The New York and Pennsylvania farmer? lave advanced the price of milk to 4 cents quart. challenges 4h4 Davitt, the Home Ruler, Government to arrest 1'arneJl an,. tt " nseJf - A Flortoa plaster has extracted . . to fur . . nisli a New York dealer witn tao bages this year. landing in British Swarms of Chinese are border into Columbia and stealing across the fcbc United States. The people of the United States now have $C4h, 000,001 more in their hands than they had seven years ago. Seatti.e, in Washington Territory, hae ? grown to the extent oi eight hundred dwell ngs since January 1. Farts of the bi ? Nova Scotia raft have been found 20)« miles from the spot where it was broken up last fall. The Burns county IDalcota) Commissioner! have this season paid a bounty of three centl eac h 0 n 07,000 gopher tails, M j H . .JKN'KS, of Montclair, N. J., is tbe ^ youngest grandfather in the State. He ia 0 ly thirty-eight years old. Chicago boys painted an Anarchist who tried to tear down the stars and stripes, red, white and blue, and the judge let them off. Professor Powei.i. has devised a system of irrigation by which 50,000,000 acres oi arid Western desprt lands can be reclaimed and made fertile. The recent Gettysburg reunion has taken more money into that community than it has seen before in some years. Some esti¬ mates place the sum spent as high as $500, 000. Among the private the pensions Houss bills recently reported favorably to who was one for the relief of John Chase, was wounded iu forty-seven different parts of his person during •>zkms?£s&$. the war fullo f fish that his boat made headway with qjificulty THE report of the coroner of Cincinnati diows that there have been more suicides in , hafc city for t h -3 first six months of 1888 than there were during the whole of 1877—forty three in all, of whom thirty-two were men UJ( ’ j eleven worn *n ^ BQX of flre . eracko „ costs six ty-fiy e cents toinu, each box containing S50D crackers eatly packed and subdivided, all ready for . he retail trade. A million of these boxes were imported by the trade for the season of 5 -g miff-Wue all sold. No doubt the_same mount—that is, 2,500,000,000 tire crackers— vv iv cracked away this year. The two grown daughters of Jacob Nye, a well-to-do farmer, living eight miles south of Princeton, 111., Jacksonville have been adjudged insane and sent to for treatment. The father and mother and another daughter are also insane. The family of fixe were all stricken with this strange malady ou the same day, and physicians are unable to ac¬ count for the cause. PROMINENT PEOPLE. Gi.adrtoke has been in Parliament fifty lix years. Henry Georg® contemplates visiting Australia. G i:\F.RAt, Fremont is spending the sum n r at Long Branch. The favorite flower of the new Emperor of ermuny is the violet. The brother of the King of Naples mar -,ed his sister’s daughter. Senator Cockrei.t. says he never gets a .’hance to read for amusement. Rev. E. P. Roe made enough out of his looks to pay his losses as a farmer. i ordinal Manning is now eighty-two years of age, but is strong and active. General Lew Wallace will xvrite the "ii npaign biography of General Harrison. F.mperor William lias four sons. The Hohenzollern dynasty has lasted 9-15 years. Whrn presented at the English court Mrs. Vanderbilt wore $175,000 worth of diamonds. C arlotta, ex-Empress of Russia, D rap¬ idly weakening, and is expected to die at any moment. Bland! William Sprague, of is Chief of Police at Karra ransett Pler . , fHB Q ueen of Belgium, has contributed to the progress made in music in her ijntr> - oi - ] ate years. It is stated that Mr.Thurman will take the ituwp |’ in Ohio and Indiana, and afterward ntU Eastern states. Bret Harts, the social poet demand of the .Sierras, England is said to be in such in that he rarely dines alone. The son of the (Jueeu of Servia’s guarded m Wiesbaden wherever he goes by fourpow jrful Servian male attendants, j , ; TcRtfBUt.i. is the Jay Gould of Aus jralia.' His fortune is estimated Philadelphia, at *50,000, ^ He is now visiting in ^ ^ ^ ^ princess Regent o( Brazil is Isabella Christine-Lenpoldiue An -u-Cnc Michelli-Gabrielle Haphelle Gon a Veu. Prim 'ess Imperial of Brazil and Count ?ss DCMAS. the French author, a house-cleaning mania He is very orderlv. and is often seen, feather duster in hand lusting his study and changing pieces oi furniture. Josef Hofmann, the prodigy by'a celebrated pianist, is under treatment at Eisenac h specialist in nervous diseases, and his nerv ousness has been greatly subdued. He prac tiees an hour each day. When the late Commodore Kittson was a me naber of the Minnesota Legislature,in 1851, he represented the i’embina District, and in or j er to attend the sessions of the body he was obliged to travel 500 miles on snowshoes or b >" dog-sled. returned The Duke of Westminster is in “Bateman's Landowners of Great Britain as Queen Victoria's richest subject : and the cuing Viscount Belgrave, if he lives to in erit his patrimony, will, it is said, be tbe chest man iu the world. Admiral David D. Porter, the chief offi r of the United States Navy, is seveuty- of his four ‘ years of age. Sixty-four years beginning life have been spent on the water, with th * time when, a boy of nine, he sailed with his father m the expedition against the West Indian pirates. An English raet-hanif. residing at Pitts uurg. ciaims to have provide di* overed motive a pneumatic generator that will power to anv extent without the use of fuel Has Captured this Country --WITH HIS IMMENSE BARGAINS IN Bed-Room Furniture, {'hairs, Sofas, Tables, Cooking § tores, Carpets, 11 ugs, Mats, Lace Curtains, Cor¬ nice Poles, Window shades, Pictures, --AND EVERY! III YU NEEDED ABOUT THE HOUSE. Large Illustrated Catalogue free to those who need Furniture. 1110, 1112, 1114, anil 1118 BROAD STREET, A.TTC7 C3rXTaC^ a Factory, Harrison St* j s *4 yg r u 1 f W eV H ---IS STILL AT II 1 S OLD STAND IN- l®“ mini bh 1 h hot r § u l at the very lowest prices. -SUUII AS Dry Goods, Provisions, Clothing 1 , Boots, Shoes, Hats Ami Anything I3Isc Yon Want. Bergstrom’s Cash Store. IS THE PLACE TO BUY GOODS. ; I m§ mS T oj j m\. I rh. Hrn J W if SO, SEND FOB NATIONAL WIPE & IRON 00’S ill Illustrated Catalogue! Detroit, NIich N ■Wrought Iron Fences, Eoot Cresting, .Jail "Work, W ire Si:;ns, Bank <& Office Bailing, Window LJi y Guards, TVire Bathing and every rTTTTn description of Wire Work. W. Edward Piatt, DEALER IX FUBNEETT %'J CJi •t AND I0V1MH1S 710 Broaa Street. Augusta, Uii. Parlor Suits in 5 and 7 pieces sold at FACTORY PRICES for the next sixty days. The finest and cheapest lot of Chil¬ drens Carriages in the city. W rite for prices—No catalogue. mar. 23, 9 m. _________________— ORE THAST NINE-TENTHS of the Spices and Condiments used are adulterated. To introduce Pare SpiCSS all into every home, xve are sending over the country " (charges paid) “ PURITY " our jmsmmr /4®» brand taining full SPICE weight, quarter BOXES, pound con- can *eacE of ground Allspice, Cinnamon, Cl0Te8 Gin S er > Pepper and MuBtard - --JZSGw > '. Sent by^mail (or express) to any address ia the U. S or Canada, upon receipt o£ price C$2.0Q). Address, RflARKELL BROTHERS, PACA SPJGS MILLS, Eetr.rili^hecl 1S12. BALTIMORE, ADKINS HOUSE 811 Ellis Street AUGUSTA, Georgia. 11.110 PEE DAY; LESb THAK A DAY, 50 c. EACH FOE BED ASD MEALS Thirty new jomo ust been added, newly furnished and carpeted. Electric alara eblla in every room, Electric Ushts and Telephone. Elegant bath rooms in cons-cc tten with the house Hot and ooitl hath* free t» guests. A. J ADKXS». Hro-