Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, January 11, 1889, Image 4
The Democrat PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY CLEM. C. MOORE. CRA I WORD VILLE. O EOl'.G l A Eu*?rod «t th<j pofi' fRr# at Cr* wford*:J«, %, u »<yronff-cJM« wail matter. The mortgages on farms in Ohio, it is said amount to more titan *700 ’ 000 000 * •' gradually am* , «*•’, and arc increasin', too, in so old, well-developed, rich farming country. It was an old woman in J ;a who invented the* whi- k broom, a..^ .niilion* of them are whisking fromdaylight to dark without her having made a cent out of tho invention. A fi^ritntuiag Data aft* been . bunt „ at . Porlsmcutb, England, for the benefit of pauper children, nnd nil children at guirc'i -r to r learned b z J to r §wim h t' r.“.« a* a part - oi their . regular . course. Tl,n „« nf tobseco at Yalo College decreasing each to the , id year, owing <Iini , ,. nin P u .«♦ t iV y *h A ntbletir* ‘ ABflorlations ’ which do not allow their me in bora o smoke smoke orcnr.w. or chew Gymnasiums ./mna.i ns have a Whlc inffiicnco ov ;r - be health of colic gistes. A Philadelphia 1 court has juit do tided in tbo . cafio of , »omo rival . , candy , makers that “ Jitisy’’ appliod to a woman with ... ii t , mt , to . , belittle ,i, her l „ a libellous term, and one for whoso us tbede , endant In that case must pay roundly. ja." ■ — — . A railroad conned , Ada . witn ... mis to country which 10me Wustorn parties aro sgitaltng, sounds rather chimerical, but asserts tho New York Tologram, it is not ,„„i,l,n,i,,..»i,nw much more »0 now than than a' a railroad rai ro from the Missitsippl to the I'ncillc was T „ m .*0 An ..cbooK. call. l.uJIy for . orn harvester. It says tha. our corn plant or* and cultivators have assumed a won derful degree of perfection, and by tboir aid . , ono man witli a good team of , L.„„, horse. can grow an Immeosa C >rn crop; but there , the mat ter stops . and i rapid ii progroa* is at an end A “marriage trust" is tlio latost in combinos. Cue Of theso organisations has boon ttartoil in New Albany, In I. It is intended to facilitate matrimony , for etoping , . couples from Kentucky i,„ y providing tho spoedlost ! way of per ' ” tho wodd'ng , cgtoi^y, „ *•* ----—----- - Our ''oxprnss” syslom is about to fol low tho bagttago-c'l.ock system in Eng. land. Tho London Standard predicts tout .a . tho .. promotor* a o* f tlio .. scheme . villi m flod some difficulty in making it work * th , number of Hritish . . . . « ® r0 nro ft com- 1 panic* Which distribute tho functions of an American exproas company among thomnelvea. 8ir Lyon Playfair says that during so von teen yours service service ns ns niomnor member nf oi Parliament ho c»rao in contact with tho mott «mia«nt , mod ... leal mou of , Lngland, . . and lie put tiio question to most ol them: “P'td you, in your extensive practice, ever know a patient who was afraid to diet” With two exceptions they answered ‘‘No.’’ The icoaoclast is abroavl even in out «poech. Ho toll* u#, with n mighty air of authority, th*t 'England means merely ami only “meadow-’and,” end comei much moro from the Eag-or folk of , Get _ many, who , dwelt . , among t. <* polders, than Irom tho warlike Anglic, wucm from our youth Upward We hove been taught to regard as tho ‘ godfathers oi Juho null n lsltno. An iofiuoatul paper of Huda-Pcsth Hungary, advocates a reform in the , up per home of that country, making titles of nobiilty . descend . * » the , eldest on.y to •oa, And having them in»e parable from . a seat .... in in th. the h h >use, V h ,„l tglish .k fa.hier fa.lnor. Tbe reason is fantastic cnougb-that so-called barons and duke» have becu killiug themselves lately because they l ad no money to support their dignity. The nations of Europe will not al¬ ways be satisfied, according to the At¬ lanta Constitution, with sending artned expeditions to Africa in seaiuh of their exilorerii. They will come to some agreement by which they will jvartition out the Dirk Continent among them selves. When that time comes the world will be astound 'd »i tho poten tialities involved in this land of my* tory. Dstnttk’i recent celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of King Christian’* reign was marred by one circumstance, and that was the Folk thing's refusal ta present tha ususl congratulatory address. A quarrel has long existed between tha king and the majority in thst popular brat ch of the legislature, oa secouat f the iermcr’i obtti; ate reteutioa of • i unpxjpu'.ar ministry. THE DEMOCRAT, CRA > F 0 RDV 1 LLE, GEORGIA, governors inaugurated. I III It KXEf'VI ins IN > I II. I n l\ I ft UK 't I T IS. Lov rnor Amrm «> HiM»«ach«Wfil8,Fi»vfln \\ oinan ‘‘uflrniif Governor Oliver A me* was inaugurated in joint convention of the legislature at Boa ton. . Mas*. In ... his maugura a* I • „ I.. - that the funded debt of the * ommonw. altb on January 1 18*9 was *28,351,61*165. to’f^.WKM The sinking Rands' amounted a de reaseof *.1,078,061.25, due to the payment '•< portion* of tbeTroy und Greenfield Rail road loan, which matured during tire year. A ,. tua i expense* of the Government as far a* a ^ rtHln ,. tl w ,. r „ *4 <is.Yia5.47, against $ ,. 0 d 8 Ai.OR for the pr«v jous year, a no t . es) finales for tbe current year are A , rinsemn, neerts Institutions the deDos'ts In the saving, hanks and at the .ml of the fl*-al year a» *(|.5,lb5,i);o.:.7. an itierea*. of $1 .*■'.*;*i UU 1 *, V tho tmmUr of open ac* counts being '.Kb matter* that Amonjr the raootnirwii'lationM re bo th« tpimtion of conatitutiona) people: prohibition that, law promptly li nubimttett to the municipal a enacted conferring the right of upon women; that the subject - for the appointment of a suitable j*eiwn to that. ^Fr^'r’irsr^ MflH~aehu**us should b* ntJ> repn New seiib' l at the Washington wmtemoal in York city on April • 0, and that tha initia live should lie taken at. onen for the repre sent itiori of the Stale in the exposition to las opetx.l in Washington ihr< >* ai- lien. e. The imJuntrh** at the H«nt« J rmort nr * re ported In a very »ry eowditmo, bu it is suggested that the law governing prGon labor Hhould Imihiih J'* 1 " * era may have the no o ■> -ot <• | '^ with such H.iproyed ma. - ri <0 then.i ur of jh • l»iM»fM« m wimh i. a ^ ^ mav demand. - I lie work of the Ktafee Boar J of oonUnue.i. Arran a tion t‘*eGovernor has b en w.ih inerensing Is-nellt to employer and am J ) Who have come within tli. w-one of its lrt on _ — Governor Iliirlciuli of Maine. J"!!; . , . , ■ ov rnor 1!" ■ " M.ui..“ ■ took 1 pbec at .Z'-mn- ^Augmta “he ^ “Vtnttsl (|i j,,,.), ’ (Immcml n t , fl( . that, tlv condition of the State Is one which will soon justify a further reduction of taxation. The nm „ u y,t of annual interest, with the refund ,„ K the debt, cannot, exceed if, .,ok) per annum, and. If the direct tax should b“ re paid by the National Government we may fairly no|m, says the Governor, 1100 to -•e it_ I re he ,IS l " w ,l “ •'A p i mmum. total taxation may safely be reduced for the year l-'.Kt t«. V mills, «he li would bu n ro " f GI7 .nc.-l .^nnnm ^ex^nn^on ami J llliiir j tlll .,.„ u „„d ihe Stab- Board He- of Health have dm.,, valuable work h iring to fisheries and game lie lakes ()( .,.„ sl ,,ii to say that tlm reje, tad lisle cries treaty »»- oppo 1 by “b over -helming maturity of t n people of Maine, id™ .,f changing the date ef the biennial Rtttt,-election from Koi-temter to the date of the National election in No vembor, but recommend* that th- l ngisla tui-e> memorali/e (.oner ess asking l lint Rr si .....dial electors and Heon -ntatives shall he chosen on tho wh'OUu! luesduy of October, beguming m lbU.\ Governor Morehouse, , of r « Missouri fi . Jett-(*Jy Misaourf v by ,*"<w tlio Uuri«iiiturfc*irgunt/.ed '-lioi*,.. «• nousn ... J --sshTl. Jleuiocrat, of -dcsfssippi i ,unity, ns Sp.'uker, and K. D, Nab-s, of Lewis County, a* Ch.ef ( lerk. In the Sen-La V,. ^.^'“"L^Tprolcm cLlumbi,,’ .Secretary.' 0 ”'* c 'hT ‘ Orav, of Morolionse, as Governor A \‘. sent in his f ft rewatt mwaije, t-nxiihl" wealth, which nat<n rapid n *'Xtin;;uiHh- largo in oivamt of n meat of the public dabt, sound oondithui of tho public school system and Stain inatitu tiollH um i shvh m no i^riod of the state’s history has p^h-nty Ink.,, a weler mnge or baon moro luviih in her gifts. J ho gross lll dahU'dm»ss of the state i I'.M.OOO, uiK>n which t here is $r.lO,*J00 interest pud. This, the Governor thinks, will ia* wi|iisl out entirely in eight or nine years. Tho Governor recommend* the ap think f any radical of , change m railroad '] ’V’ logtsla- n , ot tion i* needed at pnsv-nl. Miggc-j* that the laihor ihirenu be nuttioriWHi tiy law to arbi trate alt laboi* troubles, rc^arffs tho inttuciic*e of dram shop* as dcmorali.-itig and tlimU Huffkuunt for the State’s v\elf,ire. Herccom mend* teat the Australian system of voting Governor Luce, of Michigan The oath of office was administered to Governor Cyrus G. Luce at Lithsiiig, M elt., before the assembled State Legislature, and in entering upon his seiatitd term of oilh*e he delivered an address, a considerable portion of which wasdevotisl to the question of tem Iterance. On this topic he sai l m part: “Believing that the sentiment of a large portion of the State is ripe and ready for it, 1 eemmeml to your consideration the passage „ hx*al optiitu law, if one can V*e d'*visisl f^'e from objection, If our constitution effieieut law for prohibits localities, us it from does securing not prohibit an a genial prohibitory law, ami if we nr* do u*nd other op\v>rtunities, no doubt m the future this course wiki lie resorted to. Governor Thayer, of Nehrssks Governor John M ihayer as' has teen in augurate 1 at l. uon Govern w of No braska, to servo tus stn oiid term, tkrraroor l4»n\t»w and statT. of Iowa, were prwwuit as the guests of tho Btata. The utiugurai address «>f the (Jov aracr liMlt ballot iFTincipally with the tha legislature, que.tmn of m, honest ; ur K mrf to ^mmena^ The'im^uS toll in th. awning wa. one of the moal brilliant social erenu of the year. PENNY POSTAGE Tho Champion of Cheap Trarisnt tan lie I’osral Kales Mr John Hcnmker H<wten. member of the Fug s i *'.u ns; i.-tit. lias a.svpted an iu iiui mi to > ;su the United Ntnte. <* *ri V tins ywtr. He to have of spptiinng is-for* t engr s- m suvocs.-y- of o.s-sn pi'tinv itw-.i - i.: i - i..--. and much of the time of h s ' is.: w ill i devot^U'Mhe lurther.uivv of cbetpposUg* H.s idea is that at letter-arv -u. f Vm nCa " In TS actual'v rry n- i>h impton to f '.' r J my pach -that H . forty o the t pou ,-. ant te ra e I vi to ’ll ft*! tract steamers is poun 1 As te pr *nt*. y iitn at*! hs Vedsb 1 i«t o to I an Aat’ri'w tiers, an I r 5?- Tie iper*, eto., w for which ttie s?i 9 mr r*w:vt\l that the r, ttjlish IWto lkv ncarfti mom tuai NEWS SUMMARY. » Eastern and Middle , The new United htates Delawaref eruiserfevesuvius made three trial runs in i iay with satisfactory i>-suite. t Broker E. Graham Haight, >u tenant of Company G, Seventh Regim thirty seven years old, committed siiicjSe by shoot- hi* mg himself through the right Despondency, temple at residence in New York city. caused by the death of his broth r and dissi Ration, w-iui the cause. .’oski-fi small A orlt , jobber . .. BOLom.-V. a New „ in lace* and linens, in a drunken, jealous fr ,.„ 7y fatally shot his wife Dora and after ward killed himself. ... ,r. Haw.n a the Eaidern p'/oeath ja jp, deliberate) v' set p,,. to his .-lothes and lay on the floor until death came. The Old Colony line steamboat Bristol, plying bet ween New York and Jloeton. w-a burned at her dock at Newport, R. (..shortly ,[t*. r the passengers and freight had been l«nrl»wl. Competent authorities place the tot ** losrftat &*iil),000. Hfnfv G. Hticknet, fw ton years booh keeper for the Che sea Balt- ta.mpany o M ***-* ,?JS difappeared *ith<4>,0 (fO " f tliat fir "> s m ""'T GoiernoK Hill was inaugurated for a s mo l term at Albany, N. \ with - ivic ami mart)i.-.l pageantry- Both House. or the Legi* utjtreorgatma d. J. Sloat kas-etl wc- elected I resident of the Senate and Kremont Cole was made Speaker of the As sembly. % Huott J. Grant was installed as Mayoi of New York city. .. ..... - a «. kj ,j i (; j- j>,. y who had come to tahvhim ™ “1 an , asylum. -- South and Wect. The Citv Gas Worki at Big Rapids, Mich. w ,, re destroyed by fire, leaving the city in »}arkric*«*. 1|(K bucking tub and lont? hanging in by the modeaoC puuisbm^nt, vogue at the Ohio i'emteiitiarv. Warden at Columbus, Coflln Iwvg „ bo | Wl «. 1 by os t„0 w-voro and nffiuman, and the dark dungeon will be mibutituted for them. A ciuu> of Joseph wo". nj»ed sixteen . months, was burned to death at, Westminster. Mil., a three year old brother setting its clothing on ffro during the mother's atieenco. A hvNamItk cartridge placed under Va.. the corner ot a house near McGaheysvilie, in which a party of colored people were hav ‘"R 11 .......« l-l"ded tuid almost totally^ st.roved the building, fatally injuring Amos Moore and two women. Martha Hmwi.v, a killed girl eighteen .Morns, years old, of Jullico, loan., Letts who was trying to murder her father. “Pi i'’ Overton was hanged at. Hearsay Bastrop, f„ r the murder of Frank m April last, and Ling Sing, a Chinaman, was hanged at San Francisco, Cal., for the mar der of Ids unde. Kim originating in McArthur Brothers’ ,i rug s h, rt . at ItoHineaux. Dakota, destroyed Ul( . hudnass portion of that town. \V,li , a m IVisTami John I.airey, after a rs&ss^rSSs^tlSSS «-**'?.........'***»“; whitest dt!“X,mi^l, „ , „ Mo„ was mnnlerecl in his bedroom in a struggle with a burglar. The weapon used was an a*. Tin ■!mas Vim s.assist.-int timekeeper of the Adams A Westlake Manufacturing Coin pany of Cbicngo, di-api^ared, taking w >'d, him the week's salury of 7(0 men and boys. Theamountwa about #ti>,<Vm, done up in TOO packages ready for delivery to theem ,d■,v e A . |,,i! , "? ! M , v ,. n colored ‘ ' ^ people * ral T t r ,S r It ” riot Ohm, owned . I i- to tho present time lb> Ivepubiicnn I an< 1.7.) Democratic candidates htive een fied to the clerk of the House as ba-'-WA his l 11,1 . . , . ....., .-ive* tnstru'-t* in doubt—two iu West Yir gjnia and one in Tennessee. In Tennessee t.he Governor de,-id,*l to issue the certifl.-ate t( > tlfe Hepubliian, but was restrained by an in unction Mr*. Uahh.ft "ifr Balt, ft, Kemmui, wife "f ' "\Va_"aic-'toi, M / l - i T.^ U iV r !„ , a^t’failare i' t 0, l'‘. l<l 'l'!!!T| "* ,l fdt " n d' ’ ln u u as,ungioit or of u nn i a uurt. (li.\ KRNi»u Tayi »h, of Teiinessoe, has ^i\t n a ft r.iff* ete to l.v«t»8, IvepuLiicnn. ns na iiiher of Co Harass for tho Chattanooga district. Iltisiissumn lteimblioan maionty t.Uy of M le thre- in the House of the Hist t ongiess, Ho far notices of contest have been filed in twelve cases in the next llouse of Heprcseiita tives, eleven of which are from K‘publicans <ontestin^; seats of Democrats, and the twelfth is the other wav. Y J. McConnell. Ghicf Justice of Mon , Hna T.-rritorv, ha* fm-wHidcd Ills resignation to President Ch velnntl.tinding the duties of t * um *. vlvsom , Judire Mct-onnell wu , upp igo. oiiiteil from Tenuessee about two years rm. stemubnat .Natchez, one of the finest on tin* Miss snippi River,was sunk near l.ake Provitlem-e, La The Richardson Drug Company, of St. Louis, tlio largest wholesale drug store m tlio West has been destroyed by lire. A private watchman was burned to death, The pecuniary damage is about i'. 0 i.tHXi Washington. A national convention of colored Cath olit'H l>eiran its sess on in Washington. President and Mis. Cleveland held their last \ew Vt'ar’s reception nt the White House A great throng attended. Foreign. •]', {K bursting of n shod in one of the fortresses of Messina, .Sicily, soldiers cxphsled and a jKiwder lunca/ine,killing sixteen injuring many others. The annual rvj»ort of the Minister of Cus¬ toms shows that the exports of l anada dur¬ ing the tKcal year ending .tune do were fb*,'J5o.0iK> anil the imports ^]ll.D0U.OOO, tho largest balance of trade against Canada since the Dominion was formed. Wkbb Brandon, who killed his wife, Mairi- while drunk, has been hanged at Wmmiieg, toblL KlllK a «troved most of the village of Dri ~. ,u . 'anwta The tatal tea is about IBklunO Fkirck KARAOEoRGKviTrH. brother of th© preteittier tt> the Servian throne, is dead. Hit immense fortune gtvs to his brother. Thk hangman of Mmas Geraes. Brazil. has died -tt tc: a service of forty-eight years. interesting individual w «s csaidemned te death, with Ins tatlier and mot In r. in 1S85, but ;earning that the office of public hangman was va ult offered himself n con¬ dition of commutation li *'f --iT-r his penalty wasacceptwl to im¬ prisonment lor life, s and his debut in tvs functiosis as executor of high justice was ma te in tile hanging ot Uts own pan-uls A RKHKi.t.ioN lias broken out in tbc IV*au country m Upper Burmah. The prisoners in shweU> Jad. in Burmah recently nm de an attempt to escape, kwvtral wt»re h 5,»uitoif?"oSStin h °r^-'taj^'hli "^rcuroff hiaXrt^aufi^ “TLX tas hrari end entrails l aff teen torn out. The W fc.t«H-h«jvt fiend is l*e.tev»a to have com nutte.1 Use crime. ,. ' . . jnisnel far * ( . . .. . . a, •> - 1 - -'- ' t iPn-ERA s! quulcn. on th* Majat ] nr coast, is s*Lkl to have v»rrk>d off t.vJ chrettans. T> NNFSsrx three per cent, bon !s haw cents, nidden and ly g one it is up aimed from sixty that iar-e to seve UKx-ks atv-fiej th- iu are changing handa PEOMINENT PEOPLE. Anna Dickinson i- forty-six. Leo XIII., the Pope, is seventy-eighL Secretary Bayard has a strong bent for farming. Ferdinand de Les-eps was born Novem¬ ber IP, 1805. Vh:k-President-elect Morton is a Con gregationali t. Gladstone has just celebrated his Seventy ninth birthday, BikMarck. Gladstone an.l Disraeli were all born on Kndav R ... ! ' ngU „ ' h h statesman ,taUS! ‘ n is * y -. j ‘*1 D-ew , , a fife ... President-elect Harrison has taken out a life Insurance policy. Kuaxg-Hsu, the young Emperorof China, has thirty cooks and as many doctors in his household Mr. 8 ik, the Corean representative at Washington, skill. p:ays the banjo with consum¬ mate Alphonse Daf'det, the French novelist, is look nearly sixty years of age, but does not it by at least ten years. There are live Grand Dukes Nicholas. three Grand Dukes Michael and two Grand Dukes Alexis. .Sergios George, Alexander amt Uonst-intine. The humorists of Congre * - are Allen, of Mlssi , si -, a , nev> of Mll:hif(atK \\ „| iam y Mason, of, and Wiihani G. l.a:d j au . of New York v iCTfiRtA IYoodhull has purchased a house in I-ranee for $400,01)0, mwtm-hsho hopes to found an institution :or the free t,, I 11 K • only • , two members ot the . Congress , of 1«S9 now Jiving are H. M. Wat.tersun, father of Henry U atter-on, and R. K Thomas, of Maryland. li is said that the Sultan of Turkey aspires to a literary career,and has ordered the poet iaur» at.e of the JCmpire to affix the royal sig nature to bis poems hereafter, Geohuk William <‘cutis, editor of JInr per't earned Weekly, by is laid up with a lurneness water on the knee. The trouble ing wa« brought about by over-exertion in play tennis Jast summer. Osman , Di»;na » frenchman, , of a or french descent, formerly a merchant at Sua kin. His name was \ inet before heahiured it and bis religion to marry one of the Jato Mabdi’s numerous daughters. The iatest story about Henry M. Stanley is that he is enamored of a charmin'' J'luln deluhia widow, mid that her col.tne-s wof such a phenomenal degree that it has driven him again to the burning lands of Ain a Hauji Kilym an Baba, of Constantinople. who died tho other day, was ninety-eight vears of age when he took his last wire, and lrved tobe HSi He had sixty sons and nine daughters and seven wives, and survived them 're¬ The senior lady among the wives of tlio justices of the Supreme Court is Mrs. Miller, "hose social experiences m Washington ex tend back to I Si J. .She is of English parent age, her father having been a Baptist min '««•”' Krlst ° • S'.To^ rssaft «»'K.StSS ' , t San Domingan hero. m ay J 0 yof Grifflfua"^ i-S il. wo®'voun^t ''’unH™ 6 n , • j ; s7)n , t • ^ l')^,Stewart jfe Is the () f Congressmmi I ' .. E 1 -' ul ,rlsoJ vvlu , he c heard ot .■ ^ > ' n '' 1 lu,1 ‘ -ft>HK Manamaker, the millionaire trier ‘'haut prince of I’Uiiadelphia, has a deep seated objection to sitting for a portrait. He fan By repeatedly and friends declined who overtures of his are anxious to secure a , mnterfeit presentment, mi l up to the a jit tjme transferred it is ■•c* i-•> ■« thte features .. . e tK.en to paper in any regu i wr manner. MCSLJAL A5IDDRASI1TI0. Ail “ QU8en Victoria ' s fl *voiite ^ mow Robert Mantki.l is presenting “Mon bars’’ iu Canada. Diney’s iK Adonis' 1 is nearing its two thou sandth perfornuuice. tr^is u Trkufi coveHu^ u tho famous French ron «■ Totrtv 1 , ll)on I ew T ' ion ? 1 . Macbeth . , , at tho , Ami 7 ,>n 0 oumwmoulya partial success. Mmk.^ka refused a salary of $150J a week to join the booth Barrett combina ,ion - THE Duchess of Cambridge pays a well known vocalist e-Hxm a year to slug to her daily. At the Theatre an der H':en. Vienna. “The Yeomen of the Uuard’ is announced to be suiiglin German. Patt charges more every year for her a fa solute farewell warbling. She is non singing in England for 83 >00 a night. The famous tenor Masini is to receive the comfortable sum of $180,non for a season ot Italian opera m Buenos Ayres. Mary Anderson is midersto ,d to have concluded an engagement fi r another Ameri¬ can tour under H. E. Abbey's management. Mmk. Bernhardt has declined an offer of Haw from tli- Sultan of Turkey for a single performance at his palace at Constantinople. JosKph IYhkklock 'e a- been engage l to play Macduff to the Macbeth of Charles Coghtun and the Lady Macbeth of Mrs. Langtry, The oldest musical society in the worl i, the Antlitzgeseilschait.ha- just celebrated Us 27Uth anniversary at St. Gall, in Switzer¬ land, with great eclat. Aoreeahle to the wishes of the German Emperor French the theatres theatrical have resolved to abol¬ ish ail terms which hate crept into the iunguajte. » Edw a HD Koy. who has recently made such a hit in New York, is the only comedian of prominence who battle* recognition b> h.s “make-up” on the stage. Sara Jkwett, who used to be leading lady at the Cuiou Square Theatre. New fort cil*-. is recovering bar health. auJ wiUreap pear ou she stage .text. season, Rt benstkin has written a cantata to cole brate the preservation of the Czar and Czarina ;ti the recent railway accident. It will be given in i L I e.crsburg It has been definitely settled that Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr , will go cm the stage, probably under the management of Daniel Frohman, of the New' York Lyceum. This year there will be a celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Verdi’s debut as a composer. His first ojicra "Oborto di Ban BuonafaeiO, v was produced at Milan, on November 17, IS-Sk It is rej>orted that IVnman Thompson con¬ templates **Th© uhi Homest ad on the boards of she Academy of Music in New York for three years. Its presenr prosperity would indicate a long stay. . n read v tonic for the am it v lietweeu Tnr"nt-xt c<*iniv opera that will be brought from Europe te on.* b> Fret, m* Steppe tuat « j t ns * is h ''!’" t,l! ;.™ 7 1, Ta-TraY'iem ,7, Gluck L ‘ * literal.', i if u Hunt At h r u • Tbk building No. 16 Uramercy Park. New York city, presented by L*lw,t\ L - to t- r. ■ - * jVesidcut, . rya- cl Flayers’t'ub. , v } u> j, j. has been conv,-r: . ,nto aneWfant and I'ommodiouc c nb i.o ''*’ It w-,s f,a-.,;,iilv .raied on New \ wr > -' ! Thk (Teortia iAr^lature has ju<t now, for tb first tinas, m\>sjnu*od the i*iil public-school in NEWbY GLEANINGS. France had but a poor 1888 vintage. French mushrooms are , ' . n6 , J e ! • scarce. There are 1809 students in Harvard Uni versity. j Kentucky reports an excess of female pojjulation. West Virginians want their State called “Kanawha. ’ Yellow fever is rampant at Port-au Prince. Hayti. There arc 5U01 homeless women and girls in New York city. Every year will have a nine in it now antil the year #>00. Last year 1356 people died of delirium tremens in England. California's silk product this season will not be over 1000 pounds. HiXTv- five German Generals have been placed on the retired Jist. Know . lee. Tenn.,claims to be the largest railway center in the South. Land in the centre of New Haven, Conn., Is worth $K*>0 per front foot The greyhound Fullerton has been sold at auction in England -AN electric railroad H to to built from Dover, N. H.. to Berwick, Me. The total export* of American apples this season is fully 1,000,000 barrels. Pneumonia is said to be on the increase from year to year in the large cities. Southern pig iron is slowly forcing its ■way into the Pittsburg (Penn.) market. The overheated flue, as a destroyer of pub lie buildings, did not make its customary record in the autumn of 1888 The boomers are booming Oklahoma again . an.l expect to move on the Territory on the iirst of February. The United States furnishes seventy-five per cent, of the lard consumed in Canada. Balloons and parachutes have been sent to Suakin for the use of the British troops. The Connecticut tobacco crop for 1888, i hough small, was a remarkably good one. Over 100,000 dogs arc used in smuggling along the frontier betwem France and Bel A new political 1881)” organization formed called the “Commune of lias been in Ihiris. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is to be duplicated jn England. For the first time in years the Czar of Russia sent a friendly Christmas greeting to the Pope. The number of war veterans in Vermont is 6571, and the amount yearly paid to them is *832,: 01. The drinking saloons in Berlin number one y babitantS; ^ He ' delberg °“ e foeM 1 t --swen Jim CURRY, the Texas desperado, who has murdered nineteen men,has at last been sent to prison for a long term. The German army consists of 3,513,410 completely drilled men not count’ng the re¬ serves and the Laudsturm. It is reported that one hundred of the lead¬ ing business men of Denver, Col., will at¬ tend the inauguration at Washington dressed as cowboys. There are 2800 members of the during Michigan Anti-horse Thief Society, and the past year they did not have a cent's worth of property stolen. Osmax Digna has 1000 men and five guns at Handoub, Egypt, intends where, it make is asserted another by deserters, he to formidable stand against the Egyptians and blacks. LABOR NOTES. The .trike R iding ta Bel A STRIKE o’f silk ribbon weavers is inv Ruttent. Cleveland (Ohio) city workmen labor nine hours per day. ■ AT New Bedford, Mass., a new automatic shoo laster is at work. mum (M r .) cotton tnill, and men a week. Tilts country now leads the world in the manufacture of perfumes. The barbers are to have a national organ, and its name is to be the Shaver. The German-speaking bakers throughout tbc United States aro largely organized in un ‘ ons ' The „ Seamans , TT Union, . of , Buffalo, r, w A. v Y., has restricted its membership to American citizens. Or tho 6501 brick layers, stone-masons and stone-cutters in New York city, 4354 are of foreign birth. JJei.momco'k chief cook in New York city is said to have received over £700 in tips on Christmas morning. at Monte,e ?’ ^ iponi. _.l■ v, have . been i.He for years, are to be reopened ed aaul vigoroush worked. Bakkhs in Chicago are now required their to stamp the weight of the loaves and names on every loaf of bread. According to BradslresVs , there were fif teen strikes in the United States in December, 16S8, in which 2 J51 persons were concerned. Powdkri.ys salarv as Grand Master of the Knights of Labor is |3>00 this year. He much, was voted £5000. but would not accept so The Oxford Iron and Nail Company’s closed works at Bclvidcrc. N. J.. have been Indehiiitely, throwing 1400 employes out of work - Steam machines for cleaning out the re torts in gas works are being used in Pbiladel phia with great success. One machine does the work of eight men. A LARtiK amount of business has been done st the marble quarries, B est Rutland, Yt„ iu fulfillment of a Government contract for 20,000 soldiers' gravestones A company has been chartered in \\ash iugtan for the purpose of building railroad cars from sheet steel according to methods lately invented in California. Besides the 2S00 all-night bakers in Phila¬ delphia, there are 1400 male and female work¬ ers m twenty-two steam baki-ri-sfor the mak ing of cakes, crackers ami knick-knacks. The gauge of the Cleveland and Canton Railroad, in Ohio. 161 miies {in length, was entirely changed to standard on a recent Sunday. One thousand men were engaged in the w ork. Thkrk are twenty cotton factories in Ja j'an now in of'eration. with a to‘al of 32.680 spindles. There are twenty factories now in process of establishment or extension, with an estimated capacity of 180,680 spind lea The 1’i.p* having expressed a desire for the orgaui-ration ot workingmen's pilgrim a-os to Rome next September, M.OK) arrangement* French ai e being made for taking art i-ans thither, un ier the escort of the Arch bi.-hop of The International Trade Association of Hat Finishers of America was organized local in Philadelphia. June 5, IS54, with 12 It now numbers 15 locals with 4000 hattmS , - most comuiete complete control coo of } l,aWlIlg ( ^ nter * men: is r> weekly. They have an improved method of lasting shoes in some of the Maine shoe factories by of -which cement is made to take the place w .. ts and tackaThe device, which is patented. c c>sts twentr tier cent less than all oth r articles for th * purpose, and it is said to do three gups the work. The Trustees of the Metropolitan History Maseam of Art and Museum of Natural at New York have agreed to open the museums on Min iavs between the hoursof tweivenoon and six o'clock. LATEST NfclW^. Charles T. Dure, a highly respected gentleman of Wilmington, Del., has com , n itte(i suicide by shooting himself through the head. He was suffering from cousump tion, and the disease brought on melancholia, and he determined to end his life. The joint Republican Legislative caucus at Au£rusti ® Me has nnanfmously renoroi nate 1 Senator r **. Over sixty designs and ten models have teen submitted by American and European artists for the proposed Grant monument in New York city. W. E. Barrett, publisher of tha Boston Advertiser and Record, has been elected Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. White Cars have warned several persons at Ferndale, Penn.. to leave. John Sche.vck and a man named Krb were blown to atom- at James Miller * dyna mite factory at Trunnlytown, Penn., by the !osion of haU a lmrket o£ dynamite. The shock felt .... two miles , off. ,, , The r , men „ were ... „„ was blown into fragments. E. O. Walcott (Republican) has been nominated by the Legislature of Colorado a3 Lnited States Senator, to succeed Senator Bowen. J ames W. McMillan, of , Detroit, . ... has been nominated by the Republican caucus of the Aiichigan Legislature as I nited States Sena tor to succeed Thomas W. Palmer. Miss Mary B. Sherman, of Wakeman, Ohio, a member of the freshman class at Oberlin College, shot rfind killed herself at her boarding place. Overstudy is assigned as the cause of her action. All the business portion of Altona, IU., has been destroyed by fire. An ep ja e mic of measles is prevalent at pekjn nJ A „ th0 pubU( . schools j n the city have been elo-ed by the board of Health. Charles de la Graza and Jesus Barbo fought about a woman at Anagua, Texas. Commencing their shooting on horsetbaek, they finished it afoot, dying with only a couple of yards’ distance between them. Congressman Springer has introduced a bill to extend the Presidential term to six years, with no re election. Secretary of the Navy Whitney sent to Congress estimates and recommendations for an appropriation of *50,000 fora photo¬ graphic telescope to be erected to enable tho Government to co-operate in a concerted international movement for photographing the skies, The public debt statement for December shoWs that the reduction of the public debt amounted to $I4yi'-7,5'i5.08; total cash m the Treasury, $fi!5,5‘Jl,078.58; total debt, less cash in Treasury, *1,134, 00 .',257.19. The disastrous Rhone floods in France are subsiding. CONGRESSIONAL. The Senate. 14th Day.— The Senate convt ned again as the holiday recess had terminated. A quorum was present... .The following presented: petitions, me¬ Ke morials and resolutions were ri ^‘^’the^s^ and of the coinage of silver of S jjver bullion dollars; in favor of including soldiers in the next Ho census statistics of surviving of t late war; in favor of woman suffrage in the Territories; and a resolution, which was •*”(-««, Great JSSK Britain the been had with concerning sea I fisheries in or m ar Behrings vessel Li.- its, of especially as to the seizure of any the United States or other country.. ..The Senate then resumed consideration ot the Tariff bill, Mr. A'dison going I *® I* ir *; f«ph 1*. -*^on "^ius 1 '']^ " three-eights of one inch in diameter" from ^ ^ merits pet- jiomid. Mr. Vance move d to amend the amendment by - making the rate thirty per cent, ad valorem. Mr. Vance’s amendment Allison's was rejected—yeas amendment lb, nays 21—and Mr. was agreed to without a division. The bill was then taken up at the point where it had been left when last before the Senate (scntdi:].-* 1, cotton manufactures! the question being on the amendment offered by Mr. Vest to ro duce the duty on cotton thread, yarn, warps, ^ „ valued at not e; , oe ,,lin 2 tw-nty five cents per pounds” from ten cents per pound to thirty-five per cent, ad valorem, The House. 16tii Day.— The River and Harbor Shill W as discussed... .Mr. Springer introduced a joint resolution for the admission of the States of Arizona and Idaho. Referred..... Two important amendments to pension laws were passed. One of the n provides chat tde ' N . „ r6 ex-imination th e ot |.er is design d to relieve claun o.t- for increase of pen-ions from a heavy burden of expense to which they are now subjected resolution ... j( r _ sp r i n g er introduced a amendment joint which proposing a Constitutional extends the Presidential term to six years. and makes tbe President ineligible fer re¬ election. It abolishes the Klectoral College and provide for a direct vote of the people. HANGINGS FOR A YEAR. Liogal Executions in tho United States During ISSN. The number of legal executions ;n the United States during the last year 1m-. fil¬ reased over 1>87, when it vras much smaller than for many- years previous. The total number was87. as compared with 79 in 1887, 83 in 1386, and IPS in itvto. The executions in the several States were as fo lows: A;a barns. 5; Arkansas. California. Cou necticut, 1; Delaw ate, 1; Georgia. 3: Illinois, - Indiana. 1: Iow- a . 1; Kansas, 2; Kentucky, 1 : Louisiana, 3; Marvlan 1, I ; Massachusetts, New 1; Minnesota. York, 9; New 1; Mississippi. Jersey. North 4; Missouri. ♦: 4; Carolina. 2; Ohio, 3; Oregon,!; Tennessee, Fennsvlvania. 5; South Caro ina, 5; 2: Texas. 6; Arizona, ! Idaho. ’£: M< ntaua. 2; Washington, >: Wyoming. 1; Indian Territory. 2. i f tins ruimb.-r all were tna'es but one, ;,7 were whites. 29 colored.and l Chinaman. A GOLD CRAZE. An Old Time Alining Frclteraent In Southern California. An old time mining excitement is in full blast in Southern Ca ifornia and Arizona as brought into Yuma a large ^antity of pure jro’d which they said they had outained in Southern California, about one hundred mil-s Loin Yuma. They had been prospecting in a,locality by that *«• aton-ioaed only recently toe'ife Indians, who lad kept miners out of the country for n aikr years. The Mexicans said the gol i " as eas .y worked, and the ■'"ou’d have remained there longer nad brought cut more if their provisions had lasted. Their story set everybody in Yuma the crazy fields with has tbe gold fever, and a rush to new begun. The river beats are crowded, and every possible conveyance is being fitted up te take miners to the diggings.