Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, January 25, 1889, Image 4

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The Democrat. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY CLEM. C. MOORE. CP.A WFOIWVILLE, GEORGIA — Entered *t the pott-otHc* kt Cruwfordwfll*, Cteorg.x, *» «*eond-clM« tnnil tn*t-ter. ~ With an aver sire cl < - ci les a month in tho German r.’.my, remark* tho Kow York (iraphSt, France may eonnt upon r»cttin;f i i her revea^d if he only has the pattenco to •w.tit *oag enough. The a^J^torian t iles that since the passage of the ex • fort act th Chinese servants ia Astoria, Oregon, huvo be /'ome wonderfully ; iUopcndent, and •‘won’t even think of working at the former rate of wn;o \ M The Sultan of Turkey n •» experienced an attack of patriotism. Knowing that hi* fleet ought to be stronger, and .nowing also that tho national excheq¬ uer is empty, he has resolved to build ,i new Iron-clad and pay for it out of nls own private purse. Uobcrt Turner <*f G!i •: t county, !vy., diod a »hort time 1130. In 1850 ho Bought two slave* at auction and ma la 11800 by tho transaction, and now hii will direct* that that amount bo di vidfiil from hii estate among tho four A'rlcnn churctio* in Gli/v t. One of the Irnluro* of the educational system of Mexico i* tho introduction of schools of mechanical training for women, (iirlx are taught carpentry, wesring, nnd carving just ss they are instructed in drawitg, painting, and music. The theory of agiiculturo is an optional study. Tho subject of changing the Jewish ftsbbath (Saturday) to Sunday is agi tatod. Tho New York Jlobrow Stand¬ ard sad the Rochester JowRh Tidings favor tho <hinge. Tho latter paper *sys: ‘'Viewed in tho proper light tho question can rocoivo but ono decision the chan go must come." Sbfiw bbaw nniVQUiiy univcmlv (colored (cenort i) ) of or umoign, N. 0., i* thoroughly *eif-iupportfng, ann^d, ha* more than 400 pupih ».« _ ■ tub |lliSU % W» Wt tog aB-l fscilitlos for f- t a, .U 1>«* f«ca bktfeiy tsud -wod !>y uortll orn phi anthropists, and is still domin¬ ated by their Idea*. English statesmen nit n-.-reo in tho opinion that tho French republic i. in a bad fix, mid its downfall Is imminent. These di-cournging views all appoar to be based upon tho fact that lioulnigcr i. growing more popular every day. It is possible that “tlie liltlo go i of tho mudchdia" will yet play ft Napoleonic part* _______________ F’i ance lin* now a national Icaguo for tho promotion oi physical education, designed to lit lmr citizens to bo sol die*. Tho programme which b./* boon completed includes out-door giun.-a throughout tho laud, for which tho local Authorities will se! apart a "groan," whereon tho children shall regularly **pl»D" _— According to tho Atlanta ( cnstitu tlon for fifty years our ertv rnment ' * paid A |800 A a year t for : uaullng i- * th 1.. “Crypt” constructed for Washington’* romtins In tho nation tl cnpltol. Tho laetthat \Va*hb . , g ton tit had h c # ,ntcrr e d i at Mount Nom on d, i not liter cro with gresstuan ZZ": obj .S“ ett 1 and :,• It J» Tcrj erident that America i* , fast , becoming nation of w riter*. From Statistic. furnUhed by tho Post Ollico urod out that last year the postal carried thirl, "letters for every man, xxoinsn and child in the country, to say no-hing of postal rard«s newsnaiHjr* *ad package* of ▼* riou. , kind*. , e_. This . is a *h. y, A _i. win, _ #i»«# that \» s truly remarkable, aud greatly exceeds that ot any o'hcr country. Twenty—ev. u aa hour, with no heated journals nor break down, is a good record for tho trial trip of any •tearner f tan * rot that if th« rate the ' " United State* dynamite cruiser \csu *iu» ma ‘ do in » twenty-aino minutes * . trip recently. A fleet of auch vc<-0.s, hard to hit on account of the co’.erity which . , they . change w # their i poai with cm tion and of their comparative y *tn*U * 11 % would be a formid iblo defesce for turbor*. A physldi , .. - * Bine lift th t the practice o! bsgmntog t rc*kfasi w ith oatmeal , , hi* caused , more d-rereiA 7 P J thin any other stag!* habit that bt'recall*'. ,, .... L |>tacc*, he *atS "A liver J Ol Stic *v, n»»tv CArbohACe* ns , , , start gastric secretion*, ciejjging mass liko tho rocaf, that day long woika ill until it is gotten rid ot," THE DEMOCRAT, CRAwjFORDVTTLE. GEORGIA. THE INAUGUABAL BALL. I I.OltA L III SW\S A\I> ms ion rut. i \ isT. !.!# wri < «r turn An iff Fluvr« ri m»« 1 Exotic* Will ll«* N>«di’d. The floral decorations which have been de t uj■.<'<[ for t he inaugural ball at Washington pro mir“ to be more plentiful and elaborate than those of any entertainment ever given in thifi country. ’I he bail Will l»c K iv#-n in the now entirely ” »mpletwl Pension Budditc^ <n the patio or inner c Dirt, wliioh w probably by the most feet. ,a< iouH in the world. !■’ 4*0 Tt'.<- roof is iu thr< ♦ **rtiui»s w,th ft Inttif* in the centre. Fr> n the ceil w ill (jep*M <J gut uuui* f jJ laurel six •h<*s jn <i»nmeter. ft will take 5000 irris. At -Hii cpd of tl-.e bal.r om will u-p* • nriei huge glooem of flowers filteon fe**t in diameter, around which will be ihHrrWtml the words; Ball, : Those ar<* arranged U) op n in the centre, find by mean* of w»r«*s manipulated either by t(iH 111 ‘l, stationed below on ihv »u4 the f'rfeHftieiitial party pa-v*s luincath l.h‘- lr-;.'.rant hcriiisph*u'<*s ivil] the part, and ft shower l hjo urns will trow path of the i,.-wiy jrivialiod ruler and his «uit‘\ From fhe prent ibttnh will ban/a ship of flowers thirl v toi s ji t»g—the Whip of HU'iti.'—full* Vi.o tipper gallery are ranged terra ■tit va s. jn winch will Id piuecd tho pi, him, J ho -."u colurmrs supporting gar.atids of gui!«ry will be imped with IfturcJ* :ind Muilax. The eight iurga colutuns v.iiiuu n’ij>; ort the lofty dome Will lie t« •d with laurel, having palm rt i * in' - / AJI the gailer.eH will I*, !• *U>' "I laurel garian in and llosvi r n . ill be the gas fixture*end ehande ! i“i .. Su •<t d ld ofii the lower gallery will . , rie ■ •: mi‘!s »xlU feet, made entirely <d <■!•<.ice ilnttft , a panel being devoted to each depat tuien? o' . date, uf>on which will be uj ought in half relief some nuit tble de¬ Vir., ll o Navy Department will l>e«r upon n Moral baeWground ft man of war; He* Dep.irlincnt of the Interior, a pioneer pi File represent Dig u Jog cabin, ft newly foiled tie.-, u piow and n sheaf of grain; th * Post office i lepiirtmenf, a mail bag arid an eti vejop* duly ^tumped, rK>stiuarkod and ad* dre-ned in n Mowing hand to “Benjamin Harrison, Washington, H. (’. ” Uv«*r each panel will t»n tho name of the department it *ytuhoU/A-H and a quill of Mowers. In the center of the Diwelated pavement by sjirlngs n fountain. Jt. will I mi covered a .Japanese pagoda sixty f«*»t high and two storied. In this will be placed ( he two bands of niusi '.dans. Pa I ms,tropical pb-mta and Mow ers wdl cover the entlro structure. Atone ex¬ treme end of the building will be a conserva¬ tory effect arranged with palms and growing plants, and overhung by the inscription ‘'In¬ augural Ball, lKH'.f, Harrison and Morton,” in gleaming gas jets. The rccejitmn rooms in whh^| the IVesijlential party will receive are lr> bo upholstoreil in Turkish stult'a and provided with ruga and hangingM of the rlnliwt ami most co*tly dejoription No pictures or ornament* will be iritroducoa, (>ut there will l>e (lowers every where. In the centre of the residential room f* to stand m large tete-a-teto chair made of rare blojisoins, I pon the back of ono will lw» written "‘Harrison,” and upon choice the other “Morton,” and a canopy of blossoms will hang overhead. Mr. Neal, tie N<*a ^ \ ork, to whv>m ^ ^ ftwarJe , Um coljtrilct for all these decoratiomi, *ey* they will cost about $.000, MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. Mm. LAfiomr !■ wridoi l»r ITALIAN opera .. dead ,n this country Fred WaRUK, the Florence* and Dixey are in the West Thkiik are fewer pantomimes than usual in London tin* Tear. Mary Anderson never refuses a photo grapher’s request for a sitting. K.Mi-EmtU William, of Germany,its to hear to ”1" \h> '■ Rtarmi 7‘. , |! 7 l 7i—’U- next MS. I L—ri soil m ill ’a » muNuai nnarice comedy. The New Kngl.-md Conservatory of Music is asking tin- Mas-achum-tt* Legislature for a giant id z Oft000. Patti, at the end of her present tour, will prolwhl} return to the lari* grand opera and remain therefor good. Wautfii S. said M athkws, tho ymmg Ix>ni» ▼ill* actor, i* to bnvo memorised "H»m let” entire when only fourUv n Thi rk are over “O.orO vming women in (irout lntaiu studying music «nh the ul»*a of sonu* day blosmonunsj into stars. (uctic KlHALrv ulni” will present Kxeelsior.” his spectacular tho City r.i« ces, *Mu. and ‘ m 4) ^ \j,. X( dur ng the! r. * 11 ■* -on. An infant pianist, ttve years old,who Haoul Plays Chopin wonderfully ami is named K * zal*ki, has npjwared in Bt. Petersburg, Russia . 1 ' t> ' ” 'Vw °f " liliam lb.i s * now , 1^*!"^- In . ilk At ^ ^ , won vary, needfully produced at ^ % ( o( ... ...... „ , UI -> ri ng from ssw.-st ss t, s &?&k to *m.- wiih her srm in a sling. Mu u \ is Zxnot. th« American Lisbon. prirna donn*,lm« had «n inimi tiw> *uc,-e*< in , T . .. , viU of .| oh „ l.e.rer \\ ..Hack, the A G ^■ '!u U l h>r l l l . h^JrtV^iion a q ai w |* nut de lK ah tohf. wifo tor The city authorities of Worcester, Musa. ',-"ViLsheit'Temale hbe *l“!i"r whistle It -7Sun red lliy contort, uulcts agreed to ^a* v mufiiQ Si*. n,.r But*, the wonderful little niagi ,-ian who thirty amuse,! the boys aud by hi* gir.s perform- ot the country v-s.tia* iu»tVen y.wr* sent ago the insane asylum on to at IVnn. Y- NO tVningsby D.*r t i, tlie nephew and heir of the late Esri of Mcncon*tield. hss I e,-ii nchit ving great *m*ce * ** the leading low vornedy nun of La tv ! olkst,,ue* un» trnr theatrical entortmnien! in London. W ikk v urtmuH urv i;. .v uswi t\ ht»n J&mM „ ( o'tVuor. tlie “urn-rush. .1 tragedian," «( t*vir* on the stage tiire i-rete-t him from recurringbJi ftivis<>f <i. n,*i»eg.ta which the gal.wy g.*i> contribute f.-r In** brnetiu Oi’KRA i* mllier furiously Hungary. performs! M. h t ,; u d» l>*th, vie capital .4 has Iwn sing¬ i J*. thu famous i*anto: o. ing; iit!a |vtrl m Mevcrb«’r'i‘ ,, L'A(rK'auit‘’ m T Knenoh tongue, tao prims tion* a in an. thft t»ihoi prill .pa.» ill Cierntan autl the ‘ o.’ u-* in C t 'li. - Tin a.:.* piua. ha* rein* lbe »rg.« samry ncr el an Ac r-.can a-tor Tie New V-,rk «’«* no Co titviuv Lane:* de* t ing to have h m a x. «f 4Vii*on. who leave* offered the ,>mi,in» next $*VaX> t. star of fitly for himself, weeks h m a a ear wiife* zvmrmnU* ot the same (or thr*e?mra> The oS«-r was refusal, as Goodwin has out s,,.e mtertsis to attend to, Uwtkx j -ncunionia »»u£ssr i diphtheria ire; time there were r.agea NEWS SUMMARY. Fasiern and Middle States. The i tin irder Umbria ha* made the east¬ ern voyage across the Atlantic in six days, t wo hours if, apd forty fire minute* from Sandy Hook. N. to Iirowhead, thus beating all previous record?. The bodies of the dead were all recovered fh-V* r ' t,,,! ’ . an | d i a r !fi'S it ' iled^bv'the storm numbered twenty-three. J. B. M“Kr:ron. a prominent suicide dentist lit of I’ltiv urg, lenri., inmitted in a of dyspeptic melancholy. Samuel Bn Ki th< i resident at an iron . N. J.. foundry company in Arlington. inhaling com rnitt-d suii i i-at hi, homo t y ga*. T,,,,. iru .'r i b'-'inu fr :. j „«• the mite h»* i-n made over the lire.-" new 111 veriin. A It .'.airte at u.-laware water. rm It: was n complete -uc- d* the • -cl attaining a *f» e-i of 2 afloat. kr.-t , v.f j. b mak. her the fastest war ship < hvri.D Jutil Crisi- was kiled and Xlrs Herk inner in lai.illy on the ixiog island Railroad. y . Vi ',i.',.,| ( wife of a’linK<-riii"' .Jav Gerald iiieess the j,.’ after K ' " at J. \ -Hi broke k out ir, the five vorv brick , 1 , .....••P*'*' , , >•"“■■■■ ‘ rft « . j i rw n A tiaity, N i It was only aft-i a h'-h; cii lire- hours that the tin- wa, extm gni.-h-d. The lo*. s alsiutf0 H n.r.iAM Car:; ll and a boy named Uo»tlev Wajf-r ’A rt' killed bv the fall of an elevator at the X Wool Mow.-ng Machine j Work* at l(no*aic Falla. N. V. ti Ahern elevator, and an80 the other pav enger ■ n e were ir.t .11 f injured. A i f.HT oi'fwt'i-n riotous Hungarian and it,i , .■ i inner, near Scranton. Penn., n suite i in <!:**■ deaths L- i.i .AM CUM : R„ II ID- Mile*, w •! ?p-*si v‘ sasaKtsss i i \mV"‘ v ... ii\vli \v,rL- Uni dVvl 1 ,' i .,n •„ the - s,el s return from Haj th is<h w a<l. Tib; Republican caucus of Ma-sn -nu-elts iiiimiuntod, by acclamation. Ucrg" Boar to line- I himself as 1 nim . .-iintes Senator. The Dem .atm caucus nominal , I Genvrrtl P. A. t'oliin*. Miss Aha Walker, a teacher in a Sprint field, (Vt) public school, committed suicide o. drowning in the Bhv k River. Shown the daughter of .limn'* it. Walker a well known tanner anil writer on agricultural subjects. _ Senator Hoar ha* been re elected by the Massachusetts beg'slutur,*. The vote stood: In the Seliate, Hoar thirty-two, General Collin*, six; in the House, HoarlTl, and Col¬ lin* fifty six “• ' vtob Frye, of Maine, ha* been re elected, i mu K girls lost tlcir liv--> at a fire in a cigar box factory in Fifth street, New \ork cm. South ami West. ..u’i'.fn.aM An . immeiMe "<-w . atR . tiledIt e fun-eta, survivor of the "Harper* seventy-four Kerry tragedy, at I'nx ideun ' CuL He was year, ,,1,1. A , , ' ! , m ic of diphtheria prevail* at Ar , Minn Ak there is neither ice nor sn c*. * Faul, AFnii, the projec «r tne ice und carnival has .alien tnrougn. Ja.mkn Bahuhu, n prominent farmer Spring Hill, K»n , has luvn gored to deail by a Holst in bujJl which he was leading H the btitu. *,*«? Kl MKI . g ffAl ^v. Eaton, Ohio, with hti t er because U>,J,S wnW 4 lw '’ ° V! ° h ' " mails! county. _vy * are amoni'tneruill^j 1 paoph- in ;h< Benwood.W. Va., an unoccupied hoibc j •» «* detitol shed by an explosion of gunpoy- ; Tk t, aboi,. —I' 1 " 7' ............J.....IT,...... Jot . kml Urwll in her r.n.m ut am and, satui almg her uloihes with ioiIo... them on tire. .She was burned to dt.itU p, U. Driscoll, City Marsha! of Florence, Mo., » * killed by Isaac Willi, who e- .qi;4 from tall souse time ago. \ Hit w.i* o otvei and killed. A rattle took place l^tween over .1 , — ..... ””‘ : y ri ' "" 1 * .......... X " E||gliRll nu ,j John BIBm, two killed of the leading | citizen* of Cimarron, were and a score ! of other* wounded. The crowd wag dispersed by the State militia. IsnvM G. Harris was nominate.! by the 1 tcnincratir legislative caucus at .Nashville. Tenn., to succeed lumself as tutted Mates Fernnor. The nomination is equivalent t.; election. Hknatoh Mavdkkson has received th« unanimous vote stators of tho for HepubUoan Inited States cauoiw «t Nebraska leg himself. 'I lie also ator to succeed prehibitiou caucus resolved to submit the question to the popular vote. Governor Alvin I*. HoV*T, of Indiana, was inaugurated at Indianapolis; Joseph o. Fifer t*»°k the oath as w-'s'iio st augutated Springfield, Govortmr « t of -*«. 5.. urt. •“ “ _ «* • Umh k 8 t *tia SENAT.tii ‘ ' s ; cS by • >'h* } H.- a.ivda vohij lt , ^ ^ James M> Mtlan.of 1 »r°'. t “j 1 “**" ‘ 8:ato ' t.: States Senator s zz: from i. y Colorado a to *n *• ‘ Thoms* pubm an M. “ l Bowen. f 1 d lu v ............, the notorious ha.« ‘.'v.t'kffl’.*l A"' ‘ 1 «k* ^Htorv .Wn: lb- th- leader of ‘h.eve* and out aw* m th. Crock Washington Thk Senate and House of Indiana nwt )» couvonUon at Indianapolis and iisfrowd the farewell me*ago of Governor Isaac I Senator Pi - 'in has been renominate.1 l-y ^ „j n t Republican caucus of the Kausat D-gis.ature. shepherds A khiht between cowliojr* an 1 too j, uv ,„,, r Holbrook. Arizona, in which . men were kiilesi ami three fatauy woundred. <i| N , h AR r,mvn i* hanl at v.vrk at i* bom- .\\ a ar apd' on his inaugural. issued i <*vri »;uU Wt T v mum. si haa actr* « ul»r in ii'car l Tt' Use t»f ti t* it manV Sftvuurs ami Trust t'ompauy. u » ‘•' h j, sa v s; “No divi;it*n l has Ivvn titvlar* '“■* Mav'r*iw 1SN . an t h ' i ts ;ii ' K n !'v% of ft noth* s it . i< u l’RKsiDKNT Ci.kvki.and hs« sent t - the tw-nat'- tile nomination of Hours 1 ■* *■ Will of Ii mo s, to be l U.led Mate* Consul . At Mern.ii.ia. s K rktaky and Mrs. Whitney inauga ■ which the> 1 enterbAmed a disUnguished com F-* 4 »*f- „ . , Over.*XU persons »tu wlo.C S-kassr Carlin* has apnomtwl a® t. wwfem-e* d the par* oftho-Hoo* *' sider the qu st . n of conoirren.'e witn me tua. Ttnwaas C. Anderson, of Iowa, to b* ssoeiate Justice J. of Munn the Supreme Collector Court of of tab, and Henry to t,e Customs for the Pamlico District of .North (Carolina. ■ Secretary of the Navy has issued in The ruction* to Hear Admiral Kimberly, com a riding the Pacific station, to proceed in the United .-tales ship Trenton to Samoa,for £he purpose of protecting American interests on that island. Secretary Vilas has reported to Con gross &th that a commission, after conference the Ute, of Southern Colorado, bad in¬ rtuced the U b s to agree to cede their lands | or a new reservation in Utah, to which they Lf agreed to remove for a pier capita payment $20 JO S),000. $29,000 worth of sheep and to each of the five leading chiefs and the Establishment of a new agency on the new reservation. The new reservation will con Bain tfiV-t.OQQ am-t ? The President has approved the act for the relief and civilization of the Chippewa (Indians in Minnesota. j The Her, ate has confirmed the nomination of Walter C. Newberry to lie Postmaster at •Chicago. Pin: ■ im:\T Cleveland has transmitted to both houses of Congress a report from the |Secretary of State, with correspondence ex hi luting the progress of the disturbances in j Samoa up to the present date. __ Foreign. , A »jF AT hr „ " «y u «T*dl m the E. renth ' Arondla ment of Laris. lue school build i ng g were destroyed. f The Bank of England rate of discount has hern 1 reduced from five to four Der ‘ cent ■* r ! aril ®? e wrought . . 'Or . . *« e c > cloI!e , . ln Canada is estimated at v , The Ku-sian budget for lHfiit has been is sued. It shows a surplus of $2,250,0J0. The insurgent tribes of the Zanzibar /Africa, coast attacked the German miss-ion at Dares-Snlaam. A stout defense was made and the blaeks were repulsed The losses in several davs at Lindikeiwa between boat from the (ierman squadron ami the enemy Th8 na tive villages * have tsjeu ' ‘ th k h almost totally d . stroyed - tr v „,i ihe the town town of of (biannre Guanare, X'enezuela. Venezuela. I’' ' ia has increased her army by from 00,000 to 100,000 men. The yield of gold in Queenstown for ISSg was 420,000 ounces, an increase of tiO.OOO ounces over the yield of 18ST. Snowstorms are reported in Eastern Eu rope. Railways in Galicia and Roumania n r>* blocked by snovi^irifts. The steamer Phyopeket has been sunk by a collision with an unknown vessel off Singa pore, India. Forty-two persons were drouned. A duel was fought in Paris between two journalists, Henri Rochefort and M. Lissa garv. The weapons were swords. Both combatants were wounded, if. i.issagarys wounds were dangerous. A house at Marseilles, France, inhabited by Italians, collapsed. Seven nine injured. of the oocu- ihe pants {, were killed and u i Mi ng bad been undermined by floods. The Parnell Commission in London has resinned its investigation. While on a shooting excursion at Buckow, ;ha Kinperor of Germany, having by acci dent wounded a citizen of Berlin, who was looking on at the sport, expressed arid begged his deep the regret for the occurrence v q <? tim of bi* misdirected aim to pay him a v j s j t as 60 on os he recovered from hi* WO unds. NEWSY GLEANINGS. < 3 * India ha* IS, tar m,.— . Montreal is building a fine ico palaco. y,, r jHi e is lower than over before re . . ov ,ied ™ “ * — “ , buyer of francs Ii- Income « large f, ^ * ......................... ci oinn t i. Thb rin ,. in nati police arrested 15,997 per , OIls in j N *s. p T ... b ns i ne ss failures last year _. . j, ' . , am carg ca rry annually nearly ’, ’ noil uassetteers. aairvmen are giving increased TUB TripoU.of th. Italian navv.ia tlia fastest vessel to our \ esuvms. j uy fishery dispute between France and Newfoundland is growing bitter. ‘ 1SS8 in Thj£ jeld of w ine {or the season of California was 17,090,000 gallons. J H’he unusually mild weather has upset calculations m in the 1 ■ butter l u market. A f i e^islaturc. iuced 4 in the * c ) - a -» « hi » . New Oat kans is going to nave an ex tion building: constructed or cotton A.trSTRiAaGerm»ny anil Italy are all adopt ing the Lee pattern of magazine rities. There are now sixty-four ‘‘wet’ and ^venty-four “dry” counties m Georgia. g IX Illinois railroads during 18^8 failed to earn enough to pay operating expenses The tobacco crop of the United States avenwos about 50J,b00,MW pound*»year. The consumption of tea in Great Britain Imraasvd over 8,900,000 pounds during ISSt. T?<v *»xr»orts of apples from American ^ becn i, 0W ,748 bar re * for B oxnn or Trade clearing* 1*'. _____________ . .. 1 'to , freight amounted 191 car » °t H e output of American ** copp-r.mines "*“* for !*fsj?“ M,! " 8 *°“ “ *’ “Massachusetts f Xw banker* has just at 2.9-18 placed per a cent loan wi h York .ueeessor named after President elect Harrisons in augur ation. International On the 15th of May an l on cress of Scotch- Irish will assemble at Co lur#>ia, Tcnn. rate of #20 per head. Owixotothe failure of the rice erc !P j n Cvrt& the Government has prohibited tne pxpot tation of other cereals. The Japanea* Rsnl Cross Society is about fo 0 „ t.^n-bes thrcusrhoutthe school for Empire and rst lbUsh a training nurses. Herr ----of Bonin, Presiden the Ministry - of j . i-!4 us<K by dve lew, stufrfn Jr hThunting SUkin^’ fr-tThXr a' f^whereihera-esof of hank failures are reported inter r»t have been -en ■ - --• The cars for frtug and by mere, by railroad* U.9r • a; , or or *2.190 “V“ in all. » * Wxty -six , feet . thKk. ■ hasformed A eield of ice. s ven f.«a. Rarkly a week passes without without some AOme car in the Austrian army committing Auicide, the almost invariable motive being m»o.v eocy. joint stockenter- , Ire total capital of the tfcepist nrises recistemi iu Ix^uion viur.n U w ooo gainst $*41.00 >,«w m ^ t-unm-eu PROMINENT' PEOPLE. Henry M. Stanley's real name is John Rowlands. The Afar.ill bicyclists^ * of Toma UnW is “ the M latest reCla4t recruit to the ,, -( .. oaoRessman C. H. Singleton, ol Mississippi, is dead. Congressman Laird, of Nebraska, has softening of the brain. Lord Wolseley, Con.mander in-Cbief of the British army, is seriously ill. Mark Twain hasn't made a funny speech nor written out a joke tor two or three years. The Empress of Austria is said to live almost entirely on milk, boiled eggs am biscuits. Rutherford B. Ha yes is now said to be one of the most assiduous book readers m the country. General Schofield has been re-elected President of the Military Service Institution Ui >1 cRiiilCnvUll. 1 !f E Emperor of China , has strong y°ung a dislike to missionaries, and will make it un pleasant for them. Presidi.nt Cleveland does not bother about the details of State dinners, but leaves them all to his wife. Mr.-. Zegelda Wallace, the venerable mother of ut General I ew Wallace is sneaking P woman _ sunrage in p, ArKan^as. irkanSM Max O’Rell. author of “John Bull and h^vilv neavny by^he’pananTcanal'Sro" oy the rananm canal nasco. 11 “ Captain James, the wealthiest steam boat owner in the United States, died re cantlv at Memphis, aged eighty-three. The people of Fortuval call their Queen, Maria Pi a. “Angel of Pity,'’on account of the prominent part she takes in the charities ofherrealm. The Duke of Portland, .Master of Horse for lbe Vueen , is the youngest of English :ss'“ »*** ot * £ ° ... The friends of the Pnnce of . Wales . are . becoming considerab y exercised over the condition ot his health. He is said to be very irritable. Count Herbert Bismarck is very popular among t! , 0 youn _ officers of Berlin. The reason may be that he gives recherche bachelors’ dinner, Bostoh Corbett, who killed John Wilkes Booth, and has of late years been confined in a Kansas lunatic asylum, has escaped, and is supposed to he in Mexico, General Albert Pike, of Arkansas, who is the most advanced Mason in the world, is seventy-nine years old, and was born on the same dav as Gladstone, Edward O. Wolcott, of Colorado, and Anthony Higgins, of Delaware, their the respective coming United States Senators from States, are Yale graduates, Iris said that Mrs. Harrison, wife of the p re ,ident-eleet, is in receipt of so many letters each day that she has been compelled to employ a private secretary. Senator Sherman is fond of smoking, but fiis cigars are small ones and the mildest that can be obtained. He rarely drinks, beer. although he occasionally takes a glass of Ir the House of Commons will consent, Prince Albert Victor, son of the Prince of Wales.will soon havean allowance,aseparate Establishment, with a wife and a Ducal title The new Governor of Minnesota, William R, Merriam, is a banker. His chief oppo nent in the fight for the office was Albert Schaeffer, also a rival banker, and the third competitor for the nomination was likewise a banker. Mrs. Cannon, wife of the Illinois Con¬ gressman, is a handsome matron, who for many years has held a capital. conspicuous She position is in tlie social life of the very skilful with the needle, and many of the ■ she-wears ere «i*kr 'torod. by her- p HK young Umperor of Germany, on his recent visit to Breslau, was shocked to see a transparency bearing the words: Honot thy Re made s vow noser w \^ot lSoS Congress.’ l.’t",; if the men ... h« about sixty rears of age, with a strong and clear-cut face.' He dresses plainly and a i W avs wears gray trousers an i a navy-blue high roat j{ 0 one ever saw him with a hat on. a fire at Wayne, near Philadelphia, de of stroyed the house of Robert MeV. atle, one g), w . Chillis, Mr. MeWade thu proprietor and inform of tho d sent for him that his bonse would be rebuilt at once, t | mt a ][ expenses would be defrayed, and that h» need have no worry about his loss. , LATEST N EWS. MinsCauiue Platt, a wealthy young lady, w as killed by the car* at Danbury, Conn. Joski’h Moorkhouse, aged sixty-eight, l oss dyer at the woolen mill at Webster, Mass., an! Id* niece, Ella Cooper, of Wood ttock. Conn., while crossing the railroad track were struck by a train and throw n fifty feet Their skulls were crushed and both d ied in a few minutes. n r*-i« R^nita a cowboy, dressed nnd die Indian, made a descent Mexican herders in the employ of Don upon .......- - wounding one. and Two m nail boys, Sidney Watson Hai-pcr, playing on the ice in the Joseph through pud were liai V K>r at Chicago, broke drown, ' d ’ The public schools at Alb rt Ua, Minn., have been closed on account of a diphther.a •pidemic. The Exchange bank of failed with -V0,000 liabilities. The Michigan Senate ml House, in mMx have formally declare 1 James ^ States Senator to McMillan etected Untid ,u.,~d Mr. re-r. AiEURY Evans, a farmer, whose fortune estimated at $'-0 1.0 0. hanged himseit ai is lnd.. because of the his hc-me near Elkhart, death of his favorite dog. P Printer Benedi t has tran* the ’ mitred nutted his lus annual annua report * for year - - - to the Cenato. The most elaborate rver seen will mark the inauguration of thw ,. ouutr v AVa-hmgtom ^ prison in The President has d.rected the b. ere.a ® 0 # War to order Judge- of bwami. nowmm n ,w un ler ter court-martial t w sentence be w?p .. ns; „n. ixffore a ’ ; to to incapacitate in -I him for duty. nr<HK»ed International Ma. .time . Gon -«». , TJ* J^Jbeen Sntemler postponed from April Bayard to has the ,nd of beptem Secretary formed the d _ ecent vernm . n ts of the tn -.vunonement i i of thecou.erence. Upnrv MStanler, the s -«*<—»*•«** Indies. CONGRESSIONAL. The Senate. ~~ D Day.—O nly Mr. six Senators moved were present U of « the opening Butler * the Senate. The Chair declined to entertain the motion. After an hour's delav a quorum assembled.... The Senate then resumed con sideration of the Tariff bill, the pending question being on the amendment offered by Mr. Plumb, to strike out of paragraph.557 the words “except when frozen or packed m Lad simply “fresh fish” dree). M-s-rs Hoar and Frye opposed it. After a long debate, fresh tisli was struck off the free list of the Tariff bill and made dutiable at one-half cent a Day.—C pound, onsideration of the Tariff bill 23 d was resumed. Quite a number of minor amendments were adopted , After the , read ■“* 'lie protons pnmmittJ? Wholeweiw inlornially Wk to t which had been passed i over. _ A number of ~ verbal amend ments intended to make clear portions of the till were made totheadministration sections. 34 th Day.—T he Senate proceeded to the consideration of the Tariff bid. and. Mr. Alli son, on the part of the Finance Committee, reported two new sections, which be proposed to offer as amendments. r lhey related to a bounty April.' on sugar, shall and provided Lie paid that the until 1000, there to pro i nf su;r . ir from bints Unite/statea sonrhum or su»ar grown within the a boun ty of one cent per pound.... Mr. Hoar intro duced a concurrent resolution, which was referred, providing for the counting of the votes for President and Vice-President in the House of Representatives, on Wednesday, February 13. 25 th Day.—T he Senate discussed for five hours and a half an amendment to the Tariff bill, which proposed to strike from the free listatter of roses and substitute salt. No ^".he^amendment^^rtilf 6 wndihe OUn,e4 The v TO . bees, Aldrich. Hiscock and Plumb. o« TH Dav.-T he debate on the Tariff bill was continued... .The correspondence seizure in the .Samoan affair and about the of the steamer Haytien Republic was laid before ihe Benate. The House. 2-1th Day.— Chairman Dibble, of the Pub¬ lic Buildings Committee, succeeded in offer¬ ing the conference report on the Milwaukee Buil ling bill, and it was adopted, as also was a report on the Omaha Budding hill. Then Mr. Dibble tried to offer a third conference report, but Mr. Weaver moved that the House adjourn, and filibustering was the day en gaged in over thi? motion until both and night sessions were consumed without accomplishing anything. deadlock which has been 25th Day.— The maintained through ten days by tho fill* bustering tactics of Mr. W eaver has been broken... .The Pension bill, Consulate the Military Ap¬ Academy and Diplomatic and propriation bills were passed.... In Commit¬ tee of the Whole a bill to revive the grade of Lieutenant-General was reported favorably from the Committee on Military Affairs. 28TH Day.—I mmediately after tho reading of the journal. Mr. Randall from the Com¬ mittee on orted a resolution rescind¬ ing the rules requ : ring a dailv adjournment adopted at five o’clock. After debate this was by a vote of 155 to 85.... I nder the call of States, Mr. Cowles introduced a bill em¬ bodying the internal revenue features of the Mills bill. admission of 27th Day.— The bill for the South Dakota into the Union was taken up and discussed until the hour of adjournment and Chairman followed Springer bv Messrs. opened Cox the and debate, Gifford.... was lie estab¬ The bill which provides that there lished off Bandy Hook. N. J., a new lightship ■with a steam fog signal, the entire cost 0* “hail not exec- d >'<! 1,000, was passed. »y,—The debate in tile House '^s was (*d*'»•' earnest i e%au) Joseph, at' -’l' Nctico, i/. ’iv. i-rvl :.u of that speech in behalf of the admission Territory. Delegate Voorheer, of VVasning- speech ton Territory, delivered a strong in behalf of the admission of his Territory. 29th Day.—T.. e Territorial bill was dis¬ cussed by Reed Messrs. Macdonald, Adams, Gros venor, ami tVarner. A parliamentary wrangle over this measure consumed the rest of the day, and no decisive action was taken over any of the amendments to the Senate bill. LABOR NOTES TACK machines make 275 per minute. The coopers are to form a National Trade Union. Austrian cotton operatives get $4.30 to $9.60 per w eek. Philadelphia’s working people are con¬ tented and prosperous. New York has a $600,000 order from South America for locomotives. The Lehigh Valley Railroad has ceased almost entirely the use of soft coal. Thirteen cotton mills in and around Augusta, Ga , employ-4300 persons. The boot and shoe mailers produce an average of five pairs daily per operator. Arout 150.(100 carbons are burned daily in the electric lights used in tlie United States. There are 350 skilled tack workers in America. They make from $150 to $250 per month. National District Assembly 217,Knights of Labor, which once numbered 10.000 iron workers, has collapsed. There are 30,000 men in the Stationary Engineers’ Association, The union was formed in New York in 1882. California fruit growers complain of the scarcity of fie d laborers since the Chinese restriction bill went into effect. Carpenters in Toronto, Canada, get $''.50 to $5 per day, while bricklayers, plasterers and stone masons are paid $(i per day. There are about 70,009 lace makers in Normandy,and in all France there are nearly 200,OT> women engaged in this industry. The Order of Railway Telegraphers is ex¬ clusively beneficial, and imposes expulsion upon any member participating in a strike. An iron factory in Buffalo. N. Y., which has been shut down for over twelve years, will soon start up with a force of two hun¬ dred man. There were three firms in the United States during 188* w hich built over two hun¬ dred locomotives each, and seven which built one hundred. The Chinese are getting lamp chimneys from the United States. A Pittsburg firm recently shipped to China 1099 boxes of them, or 8000 dozen. Paul Misoknf, a Beigian who recently died at the are of ninety, had been in the service of the coal mining corporation of Amercoeur fc.r seventy-seven years. Peace has been secured for the year in tb* mills of Fall River, Mass., by the action of the Spinners' Union in accepting the new schedule drawn up fcy the mill owners. ' HaM[ltov & brown of St Louis demand n deI)0Slt of *50 irom every workman as a g-nj-j- ^ week, sum they hold back *1 per The Rev. George Guire.v. a Baptist clergy ^an of Paterson. X. J.. recently delivered a wnJ on in which he advocated tr.e passage of a -general law fixing the minimum of wages Ba tiinore the labors of the.r fourteenth a.n nual convention. Charleston, b. C., was se Jnuarv, letted as the l*H? place, and the first Monday m a* the time far the ne^t annual CLnV enion. q he Burlington railroad strikers have re ^v-d official copy of tae agreement by vTbich X the strike was terminated, and were 0 r e I , v the Grievance Committee to re gyMazr - *-