Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, December 06, 1889, Image 4

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GREAT FIRE IN BOSTON. Fearful Conflagration in the Iff*art of the City. F> U Million Dollars’ Worth of Property Burned. Just a- Boston was awakening to the most . - ntialiy Puritan of all feast days there •»JIlO from the old ‘*ity through the storm' he ringing if IHI*. not in thanksgiving, but warning, licraldi: to the bufttoesa men iu 01 11 part*-of the town that flame* were raging mi the in id ■ 4 t’.<- most valuable •ial district of Boston and that sttm tin, terrors of 1*72 were again before lFor nearly four hour* they saw cosily liml.Iinjjs and merchandise go up in flame and sniol.-. they ,itv structures. that have le-en .....J.-1 ill . ,,:ii|i»iativ>!ly ......... years, with yrrv niipi iveim'iit and -lifeguard against tliougli ■ir< -piiutnr and -rash incoir'Uiiential together a* mate* ,i,cv- were of the ID',4 long fight and U w.t only aftoi tin , \ {f j t iir *m n, v/h'» v.crc made <b :t>' rate by 11.. . fearful odds again.-' them, and afterrein lorcemeiitshad come from mure than a score , f the adjoining town-, that the li waw con r.led aftcl 'Mi ng ‘ loci of S>. 0 ) 0 , 000 , but rut:,on! lo- of life The district burned i ot 111 the hear- of the old town, and though of small itr.-a v.n.of great value, 'flu-re stoodot, Be lb i dond Kingston treats i m »] i* 11 v billlu ■** * A - it firJMM ranite building. iwi>*-di by- Jordu ! Mar-.h fi Co., the great by goods house and occupied in part liy tie-iii and m purl by Brown. Ihinvll .V Co.. 11.. 01e-ale dc ill .in notion*, and toe Unon a., In t Hnbbci < ouijijuiy It tin regarded t nor o\i, •hly ’ fire-proof. Not very long f -r o’clock a litter carrier glaie in the upper i-art of the building oi l i'c:-iy had he ird tie* roar of the tile viibiii before there wn.; an exiilosion m tno MlilJ.-l .ton and, with aflasii like that of the 1 |K« "I i field of artillery, the fl/mies lmr <J thr >uxh the .dmU' rs and Hashes of the truciur** and sent tic* deliris abool his cars, 'Hicrc w»i n »turn* for b *il«n< y. but it ■'• 111 : that f her*' U'flM sonic, for the alarm ft <*n i trio fire alarm 1 tor. nearly °v 1 1 * J.Hl t the burning building the was discovtfry not runs: of the m ; lor s vonl rnmubiH fire. It wa** raining iw hard u* Boston 1ms Li>f*rictr ** I in ica iy ycrir-. there was a very 1 » wind hl-.vvitiu and everythin'': was fav . i ;d»i * f‘>r a rapid extension of tie* ohv/.e. iSr# B building-* were all alxnit. jammed with Viiluabh* i»cTclmndi'.*e i h‘*. I'miu*-, which, ‘f wai vibv *pjv-»tly /nexTtaliuvi. itlfirtHi in the elevator shaft. I mil full opportunity to ol nun a paw erful draft ■ i:i■ 1 ui almost iih short a line* a v it rM|ttir>« f*> write it the interior nf flu Mfiifict* was as i furnace. Tlicr - was : * •thing human which cm dd stop tin? nrpp*ww of the flnrncM nurdra I'd through tin* party w»ii of tho u.Uoin building »»f t h«* 8ho * and • rjX' . and which w< rc making Uts tructurc Ln <lang touk t t he surround mg p. np. iy 4 f.lj * fir, engines ' one proved had arrived, to J#**. but Mcariwbilo tor Home i - »i» t he, firemen did not ■m ."ppreci'iie the ir>nmt.v of the dungc •. Tin y first sent in an alarm fora l-INtftll(*'l Imt it win ijot the dent rnt-von <»f tho Shoe and l rather Kxciiange 1 .va- imivitKliU 1 thai tho fimuert w *re aroused Then,aim tben mflv. Id t hey seiifl m a general alarm, a step which under the circumstance* discovmid win*ii the man first arrived should then have te»ou tukwj Thus the lire hail o headway of quit# half an hour Iwloro a lorco of firemen which would have bean i d .juate the beginning The of high the wind conflagra¬ fanned tion arrived on duty* Du* Hatties and ton ed them across Bedford # be. m, i dirtf tuiea of not more* than sevinty font, where they wore daintutidby tbc.cccuar ' building md foia*- m| airain westward across King mu* xml ulofig fkvliordstrtitto t’haun rev, wdic.-o M»a tlr-* Farlay, was Harvey stepped & for Co., a time the m ib * stur« of upper storm* of which wars burned. T1 ire * .1 .i’ t s along Cliauiu*<?y str<*?t- were also do • .li«,v,.d < >i« the south side of Bedford street «In* iIaiiiis hm| *»d across Kingston street from the funi.i •** that still ruged in Brown, Duri i’fi iN; Do a buiidiiig I. to t he big sandstone trm’t urc owned by F A inns and occupied by Vos lor Brothers, completoly destroying it Tbcr * won p. m‘ v - s fi *» uc ■ ’ssilde. but Dr* mciiu i of gett - to the eudaugerci property w**r<* • idly inadtspiate W It was not h*.ig before hteaiuir^ frmn n 1 llimn, i imbridge Malden, Melrose. J^aw cence and II ivt*rhill aiTlv«st, and Home time rtft<»r the ITovidaiic • flic laddies made their ii pp '.'train e with oil* engine Then NV alt ham sent m it* quote •* 1 it was with full ftp pm nation of the ^nithos «*( ii alt that file mffuu* f’r «u .ynn arrived Ther« Will i i lidM* which went up when the I*ovn cauie in nd went t«» work, though they hud sea. cly h id time to m.xiver from flu* great < aimedy which had visibal their own city Ibit the **ttecf of their pluckities* was c#mtrtgiotis Men wlio had not dom more than their share in to this time bent Vlusr hacks, and, with n whoewaiul a hurrah which ni '.ant all things save them defeat, badly Du* firemen, many of (tOiiviiei, want at the flames again with a will, and i.wisted by the stonu, made Iurt.lior ju’ogi-'v* < »f the tin* imlik«'ly l p t( Dus film* the nimb'i >f a\ailable men wn* i(M) small to MitTound the district and to fight tin* Heines from all quarters, 'the heat from t,pe flaon* i>»o,\v » % m»>r»* than fi was is^ssilil* for human flesh to withstand, so that the battle for the jfivAtlon of pl-o^HTty WHS coil* tiiimsl wit h the flames alwayaln the van and tin* firemen in their rear eiuieui «u*ing to qm ach them from the most unlikely point. The danger*, wm, of tit* big sparks and the rafter like h-* they w«*re borne many VOIN's of fant \tfi»' the an l»y the cyclone like eurrwntaof the w uuls about the n»m» o*iv of flames, falling upon some but tmprotet'bsl build mg were \ «*ry great it w a> through fortune rot he! than Uvmiim' ot any ether agem y that the-e ihreaU ot a further m! of the fire fell m pla«vs well p re j wired t *r their ms*ptuut The sc *ne in HalDnl street at H o\ lock W »piwilhug Bricks from talien walls t the svv*s**, to a depth of five feet, and \ w * hefidesM eugiu<*s and a w ater tower whieh bed fallen viciuus to the gjvat ava lanche of .toil* and brick mutely told of the ten d»le struggle which ha t taken nils* to stop the progreso ot d^triRs *,rw* At fhat h>*Ut th * fliv had suprcinc is»vv.'-■-sion ot ui:vnv luwaaive buiUlingN, and th* Ivget i <Hiaiib>rie hloCk «s*cUi»' mg the northwest col aei ot K »ngsi *u anvl Bedford st is was in m oxljmmiuy dmgc« ms eoudit! i. Th* fir *n !t w.u ked m and aroumi i at mo m ftitei y I ink if Kami engulfed beut.*at.h ih tettanng wah *f Its up ?vr .SUMT> At l .»'cUk*1c thetiiY* was ixuifinwl lotheuupei *n *s of tin* two large >tm»e buildings at ih incur iWf Bo Hard an I Chauwvv street M*vi, on** te H- - and the \Wv Z' Sr t >r a moment s n te tlu li: * it w,*u «.w then c-etnpletdy Messrs KEN’H.Rlt ,m«ms 1 sinlor \ r**m»a. have foiled, with !iat y ; H y). Ah Mdd*v-U:uen and lightermen went «• Bn>ioi. Kugiamt,« Ausmg the te be |Kiraiy ^ed nivu.i an 'ac *«or of the \tttr : \ wInch exploded have las* i *t .x*r, ami * ivr, M Delaunay, mhb lanced te enti i> v*f iropristuimenc * ha to foil Rhs and the latt to one As S k plac r ui a Bv* huui = by w! JZ tonrtoea jk i vrvrv kllbsl 2 four i - urixi. lu CssJimere .30,000 shawls are maOa v Ii lake* three men a year to weave a r It takes ten goats to fur lush the material for one and a hall yards souare TITE DEMOCRAT, CRAY 0RDVTLI-E, GEORGIA. Ragtern and Middle States. Wellington Hart an d H. A Smith, w»fl known old farmer a, were drowned near Woonsocket, K. J, Thk main building of the Hecla Iron Works of Brooklyn has been destroyerl by lire. Loss about %'J*).<**). Jsador H. Hn/rzBArH, retail clothing dealer of Philadelphia, has aligned. The liabilit ies are estimated at from $150,000 to $ 200 , 000 . Alt exploHiVm oe/airred at the Allegheny Penn. Bessemer Ste**! Works, in Dutjuesne. A night Superintendent named William Marshall and a man named injured. Cooper were killed and a number of others Frinckton defeated Yah* by a score of 10 to 0, winning the intercollegiate football as¬ sociation champion ship. Jacob H. Ha {.derma .y. ex-Minister to Swe¬ den, has died at Harrisburg, Perm., in his sixty-ninth year. Fi?TV*.vr.vE persons comprising the crew and passengers of the steamer Santiago, York burned in mid-ocean, arrived at New on the American ship A. J. Fuller They had l>een compelled to abandoj the steamer in four boat:, which were picked up next day by the ship. Wuilf. the Lehigh Valley coal train was entering the tunnel at Patteiiburg, N. J.. a landslide from the side of the mountain wrecked eight cars and a boiler house, and killed the engineer, William Rigley. T/fK large three masted schooner Germania, of Bremen. from Stettin to New York, went ashore off Wr.-.t End. fy.>ng Hr anoh. The life saving crew-went to her assistance, but she broke up in the surf. The mate and three of the cr.r.v were saved. Captain Windhorst, eight sailors and the cook were drowned. The captain is said to have been drunk. The schooner was very old. The bodies of four of the lost sailors were washed ashore near Handy Hook. The three-month -oM daughter of W. A. Rayburn at At glen, JVno., was found dead in b d with the family cat on the child's mouth and no Death was causal by suffocation. Soul h and West. At Anaconda. Montana, J. F. Hoklitz was shot and killer! by his son, who afterward committed suicide. Lyman H. f- asev, of Jamestown, has be -i» elected as tic* second United States tt nator for North Dakota. I’/iK Territorial Asylum at Hlackfoot, Idaho, lias been destroyed by fin*. Fifty* seven out of sixty-fivo ininat s were rescued, whi'e ci; it j)'*isons were killed. The loss is estimated at #$00,000. 1:kv, W. Little, of KlizabethtonA’enn-.shot nmi fatally wound d Daniel Hyde, a well known youny man of that place, for betray¬ ing the minister'll daughter. It is announced that the A fro-American b !i';tu*ls (.oiivcutioii,called to meet at Nash villo January date 15 next, will meet instead at Chicago, the remaining; the same. THK National 8il v<*r ('vuvention met in St. IxHiis; Dejieral A. J. Warner, of Ohio, was chosen President. Os n train at Taltic. Ark., a conflict oe currod bct-vtccii colored ji-i 's^ngcrs and the wiiito train <;row. and one erdore l man was killed and several others fatally wounded. AT Houghton, Mich., an explosion in a drift in the Huron mine killed two Finnish miners. Alexander Steinhaeh, me* of them, had the ton of his bead blown off, yet he asked for his partner, and wiki he would die if his partner was killed. Tin: North Pacific whaling fleet the arrived poorest at in Han Francisco. The catch was '" ^ School Tiulstkke J. W. Williams on to red tho High School at Petersburg. Vu.. and lief ore the pupils horsewhipped the head master for whipping his ten-year-old boy with a rawhide. Warrants gL ware issued for the arrest of M. and V, (Frederick** ‘ a, Mikh‘.*cfK'V, Chicago, cuaiged amt W. F. Bmgoody their b with obtaining about § 1 , 000,000 by fraudu lent land transactions, Robert Rchselt, of robbery and Michael Chicago Foy and were found guilty at a jury fixed their punishment at “imprison¬ ment in tho penitentiary for the term of their natural lives.” This is the first conviction in Illinois under the recent “Habitual Criminal Act ” Dr. Wm. II. Wauinc, a well-known phy¬ fell sician of Atlanta, Ga., aged sixty years, down stairs at his homo and sustaineti in juri which caused his doafch. A nis^sxao s wreck has occurred at Credo, Ohio. The train was thrown from the track by a washofit. 'Hu* engineer and t wo brakemen u ere kill* d. Patrick' McUloin, nteiuvd to five veai v imprisonment at Deir. cr, Col., for grand iar <H*m*y, made a partial confession that he v.'as one of four men selected to throw l>ojnbs at the Hay market riot, Chicago. Nine men were arrest. .1 at Her win, In¬ dian Territory, on suspicion of havin' robbed tin* Santa Fe train. \ Ri»n.!.c.«-'.olotled on John Bridges’s farm new r Auburn, Kan., instantly William killing Bridges and fatally wounding Carr and Charles Webtx John MrlioFF ami John Carroll, a nite^ v*-!u v -old lad, wen* drowned in tin* Ohio Diver at BciiwihkI, West \ a. Met i-oft* drove his team into the river t«» wash the wagon, but he got. beyond his depth, and the team with the wagon and occupants were swc|#i a«ay. Wash in tet oil. President Harrison ha isapj s.inted Frank Hitchcock, of Illinois, to he i 11 itaxi States Marshal for th * Northern District of lllin ots. AlbertC. Rid*• wav, <»f Illinois, has been appointed confidential cl»*rk to the Com¬ missioner of Pensions, to succeed Miss Ada Tanner, resignwl. Seuhktarv Tracy has made arrange¬ ments bv which the Navy will lx? furnished w ith the and blown the new prismatic gmokclw ponder iKvwder for large for gVUVS smaller arms Sl’I’KKtXTKM'i NT PORTER, of the ( VllsUS OflL’c. has appointed T. H. Wines, spevia. agent for tho oolh*ction of statistics for th * eleventh census relative to pauwrism and crime. Thk Pivsiilent has appointed Otis II. Bin veil Post roaster at Kiclunond. Va. Tin: International Ma ri ae t 'on ferene. adopted an amendment that sailing veasols under w a v.shall k*vp out of th*' way of sail¬ ing vessels or boats engaged in fishing. The Pension Commissioner has issued an order that great care must lie » xeivis^xl m the reject ru. of applicaticus for pensions, and that all letters rejecting claims imi>; lx* by the t’omuussiouer. Mm icai. Director Francis M. Gc\ nm.u until recently SurgixuiAicneral of th Nava id be placed on the reiirud IGt. Foreign. A msrATCit f*\ t 'oustantinaple M.-han stab that th * stv-cunship India, with 500 iiuniau pilgrims on IhkuyI, had been sunk i the Aegean and that of all on boar* ouly tin* Captain and two passengers survi \t.u the «dgar factories in Havana, Cuba, up cent the tte factory. The Gener fact*>ry the only one that dins not kdong to the combination or manufacturers’ trust Twki.vk Hi Npr.Kn C'vde engineers at lajigaii', Scotland, went on a strike. f teutr ts do mauds \ u <v U ionguxg ? Bombay I ascws ran amuck in th imp of the regimen? at Bombay. India, and ki Commandant Hey la ml and two other ot! The Canadian Minister . SS19 tai nod the x. idison patent mo.-uidfscent hghtmg an <tuash>i! i, of the Koval Rlts-t mnv t Canada You should subscribe for this l>v ail means. PROMINENT PEOPLE, Bcn-ALO Bill in said to be worth J4 0K>, 000 : . Govsrxob-elsc? Campbell, of Ohio, is in inveterate smoker. Mr.. I;la dstqvb ha, written a letter favor ing local option prohibition. y jins I.VVEXTOP. to show Kkzly. the marks of of the motor fame, be[ \ age. Skcretaky Rrs*c is making a collection >r orchids and chrysanthemums. Mrs. Harrisox say, that the stare of the/ irowd is one of the trials of her life. .'Hts. Qc a V. wife of the Pennsylvania Sen¬ ator, was a great belie in her girlhood. 13u.n,r Halford, the President's privs secretary, has taking to horseback rifting. ' Robert Lons Stkvexsox, the novel! r will reman, in the South Seas this winter. f be Ho.v much Samt improved el .J, in Rasoall health and is reported’LT K::pj.orbb strength,. Stanley' will be able to eat (be like .'. ,:w it. Y car * dinner in London if he tJL* Mil. AND Mrs. Kinross Blaine have taken fo^ fha winter one of the finest bouses iti B? The new biography of Itoo-oe Conklit* vril contain flOO j.age*. The author is Alin* K, Conklmg. ^ Stf.RETART I roctoe occupies the la: »« hous- m the Cabinet circle in Wasbiisgto, J it contains thirty rooms. achieved Virr-pREsmENT Moeton being'tSI ha? a?f the distinction of dress- d man in Washington. Mr. Phelps, who was recently tar \ ter to hugiand, has determined to tai his Com’ -• . permanent residencsi in New Haven. John H. Allsn. a United States from the new State of Washington is i 4 iio-ul .Ma.ite vho CalSn-nfe. «■ went to ’ forties. , ^ F ,\ v, > t' nt - benefit of the family o: f at * K.chard , l A. Procter. tb« astroncm«v has recently been started in London brant Allen. Isabella, of Alcantara, until the recent revolution Princess imperial , of Brazil, is very devout, charitable, self-willed eccentric and unpopular. William Henry Cilbv, who died re nently at Lima, Peru, was one of th<* ■ • kuov. n railroad projectors and cons* ora in South America. Oxk of ex-tmnperor Bom Pedro’s ..,st ofboiul acts was to confer the order of/the Hose of Brazil upon M. Naudin, an ertmri enced horticu Iturist. If (ienera! Boulanger wants to make money, all he has to do is to accent tin. re cent offer made to him for a course ‘ > of. let tares in the United States. Sim Benjamin Phillm*.*, who died l* e * in London, was descended from FJI famous Rabbi of Pa iua. Meir KatienallenEo of gen the or sixteenth Maharaui. one of the influential jJ»s century. Kx-Pbbki-usnt CliSvkland attracted sin cm hi e attention the other day in a ’ YV \ oi*k* l Haiiroad train because L* ot U|» and ;;hv(; his seat to a homely-faced >r< in}? girl, and then stood hanging Cvii V> a st raj i. THE LABOR WORLD. There aro over 20,000 coal miners in Wales. Three more cotton mills are to be started In Georgia . jt The tile layers of Pittsburg vast ■ > form a national union. The ironmoldersof Boston pro lose, to start a sU:k benefit fund There mo 240,000 men awl won • n cm ployed in Ohio’s factories. The Er.giish Hoard of Tra<! s m snikes iminzjigx., with {T^ ‘ , A (/OOP nmriber >( the f m ;7ant-\y * dgarmakers who struck imvo f uba. The Commoner and Glaaswo/ kr. I r.Pirte burg, mays that organized workmen m-© with flic Brotiierhood of Baseball Fla/er».lg Thk American Fo* ieration of Ltboiflas ap »X linted T. M. Grm lle. of bidiiinDpolflT !*wtk of a bit ter enemy of the administration the K. of L., a general organizer. The green-glu ks workers of Morrow^to Sw Fj'.^.aciscc have requested Congressman have the duty on beer bottles increased. They say it is necessary to save their trade. Samuel Gomeer-s, William J. Gannon, John id S. Kirchner International nod J. Cigarmakerk' F. Mahoney Union rej >re st ait the at the Convention of the American/Federu. lion of Labor. ! It is propo.v^l by the Knights o$ Labor, Farmers’ Alliance and American Fe<ierution to unite in a memovml to Congress .request¬ ing the passagv* of a bill restricting hour Irnmigra l ion. in the interest of the eigl t law. Strikes have even spread to Egypt. The ('airo cigarette makers are the first to intro duco this w estern system into the land of the Vharoahs, having .struck against, soave extra strict regolatkm.s enforced by their employ¬ ers. Kka \ tv K. Foster, well known Lalwir circles thousand in Massachusetts, union says in there BostoiK ajre and forty- he live men Urges them to demand ‘free park* employes and tho eight-hour rule for the city of Boston.” At the request of the Wood j Carvers’ Uttion of Germany tho BlassmaniJh, Union of New York city issued an apj >t ,\i for tinnncial aid to all wood and stona carvers' unions to assist the German Unifn in en¬ forcing tho nine-hour day. John Burns, the leader of tho London dtH'k this strike, has been the prevailed teres t of upon Organized to \nsit country m expected iu arrivt* early in labor. He is to February and will deliver a series l^tures under the auspice® of the American Federa¬ tion of Labor. A charter of employing incorporation !iors*4hoer3 w^fwcently of refused to the Pittsburg on tho ground that thefr purpose wa> to regulate Judge Ewing, the prices who and decided njtefchods of w«»rk. so re¬ cently, refused to order a union toqeclore tbs strike at O'Hara’s Glass Works to be at an end. Thk Seamen’s ami Firemen's j XTmon is making 4id giant strides iu orgaai Attyn cd*,vgtive It is ibis is done to scimre the co tn ecation of t‘i" American sailors ajjd firemen 1 case the Britishera are compelled to go on #;nke for the eight-hour day n erijuiu d May. A , ct*ut attempt to orgauiee the < • sailors laikai absolutely. LIFE-SAVING SERVICE. ■ Many People Kescnrcl ankl Much I*roj>orty Saved in a Yiar. General Sup^rinteadaat Ktmhjul, jiual of tht Iafe-Saving Service, in his a report says that at the elosd of the last I fie >tvl year the establishment embraced t date is, 17-2 being on the Atlantic. 4o on «i isges, i on the Pacific and I at the Falls **t the Ohio Louisville, Ky. The w ork of the crows during)the rear it sumtn&riz.xi as follows: Numb r df di^tsicrs. 5“> value of property involved^ I.V: value if property saved, $5,054.4,40; value »f projK'rty lovt. $l.Btfc2,335; number- of persons mvo’tvtsi. number of persqms lmt, 42; number of persons succored. 7x7; ve^els fiavs of sueciw atferaed. 1736; number of to¬ tally lest, b‘l; number of tmrkejl ves-4L otherwise aided bv arews, that is. iff when stranded, repaired when da!rated, pilotevi out of danger, etc.. 510; nwmbejr of vessels warned from danger of by signal* of patrol¬ men, 21*; number persons rescued who Yai fallen from wharves, piers, etc.. *J4. HE fUIOl'I.D If UE DIDSI’t, Po—He:e is a ; >kje I have brought Editar’(after yon. 'etiding That i is not a joke. “Rut I sa/ it is. I made; it, and I oatfht to know.’’—I On*. 1 - / THE GBAND PS • ' ^».aS8JR5*saSBsd 4 ’i it J J 3 0 t tapgaawgei a pi ixjms&m Blankets, Cassiineres, Shoes, Clothing, OVERCOATS. LADIES’ CLOAKS, Henritta ciotli and Sateen-finish alicoes, n CASPIQB MYEES m s... i: . 51¢ 5._ 5.. 5 fi' '3 . 5’ . a _. A § sr rz. " "w r :5 ‘3‘. -: ff 1} ‘ j u ma?" r: .- -: u-.- «1.3%» .-._ ._ 3.;me . .~ . 3% WW «m - .rmmmm . 2m- » ' .. WW?“ . .a W. ? ., 1 . .32.. 43%.: . 3??? ,- . T. 1‘ z $2522. «.33 - .4; -~.:1" .. . ». y m flag ‘x “.3”; .q‘ 3" g :.“.:v- ~~.A n-T ‘ ;? .» .:<:«: 5%...«1 _ “x“: MS £339; .._ \- 4%: .«,- wax . .. .2435 , ifs '. “ta .1." » “4‘ ‘ . ‘ . ‘ .. “E“: .-.-."~ $335.3 , ”*7" .2». t : a, .w V? :, «r.- ' ,3? 1- ' ???:???2: r1 x w. 1‘. 3 ' ‘ ljnj-k-th‘ 1?. 2;; 3* . {W ' .~ ' . 3*? ‘31:? ., . «am; :v "#0“ ‘ - ~ évm. g? 1;. . ~ 5:; 3:42 £133 ”f “~~:-;-f"-i‘-‘-‘. . > *2»- MW; ’;"”1?.- a .Mu‘ts J - ' , , 741449 ..s~ ~ 4.: aging; . ~A ‘ _: z z)“; 411 “'53-’94: 2*" z :5 : ans:-1:_ "?wfli—P. 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The New York Illustrated News will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the Unite dStates or Canad for three months on the receipt of One Dollar Liberal discounts allowed to agents, postmasters and clubs. News agents can sell tliis paper freely, openly arid above board. Sample copies mailed free Address New York Illustrated News, 252 Broadway. New York City. John L. Sullivan, the Tenor of Fake mJ Hippodromes, is the Spirting Editor Home Council. We take pleasule in calling the atten¬ tion of mothers to a home cure for all ■diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, a medicine so long needed to carry children safely through the critical stage of Teeth, iug. 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