Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, October 28, 1892, Image 1

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I.\Y. Xeaion, Prop, j M. Nealon, Editor, VOL.XVi. ENGLISH KNIGHTHOOD. ritit-i liostorreil S« Oavislily Th.j; It [Ins fhlieii luta Disrc|i...a. Knit: lith-.-.)• I confers 110 political privileges and it is not hereditary, and consequently it seems to have Iwcorae an tulrmtt 1 piindple that tiny!, my ami every! ;y lias a prnna .. m .-’tiiiu la if. Iu the last twenty |.cri8 :>iai;y more than a thouH.rtl lmiahts ha^e been dabbed,and tho > :8t h£:t eh or per, ,0 r eeiw t! W T ^ ,r ''‘o'''", ‘ v- ■ ;• t)l ' 1 v names tonsis. ] ; : l Uvh c ] :,>s - ......ernes:, • nr. . :• lonacriy ai Eton colts|r.ov.- oj tii© G-uil.lhr.:!, ... ‘!ti 1 1 ue f i j l- aji o, fc , ; ,-t !^ :.‘ n \.V^ \> in-isor I . A.........-L ..icso gon-i.emen personal In y we every nave.. what; yu.d-yv.-o v. r t , , y. v ’ missKijii intq tn^. wa^ £ih 3 Jb lj v .1, -,i they n°vv belong u, .-looily .ro.stii'd. i.nt >at^..^. mAomv or- mists n: 1 to teachoi^ l)e iaairuU of f.:!i h.iiul.\ proper bemaui- per*>ns l unr.htaoou : .Fl, “..X is .j 0 conamw ‘F; lU "‘ to , n , be U:at re ’ the ftpprepnato 1 rard of pubuc serva©s.m whatevercaoa ‘‘A^TCre • tae> onaj \ • ' es;.e tuaUy is t,i i^Tthoy ,yr x , -lutiou to ■ ■ themselves , r ft All - A.' for assuredly if knighthood is a ^ifilpicnt recogni riou of th© eminence of bir Arthur Sullivan and tir Charles-Halle it is infinitely mhpe tli ua sufficient roc I.....' l-ait, Dr. tnic’tha^s-.hiplc Iiarul#kmd .-a*. knighthood, Ckiaius. • It is as distirguisliiYi from knight com roaudo-.vh’p ofptUe Butli. St. Michael Juiiia, md St Gdorg© mul the S:ar.of to say nothing tho Dart r.* the Thistle and f.t. T.itriek, ivnot and can sianely b ■ cxpectetl-to be held iu any groat y aienrtion. C’ustom cign to ecu'f,:? Jt on a uuuibar of pn-mswlmse social status w alto gether diiVereui from fhat of those who are admitted to tho rs.yal or ders. But howe ver promiscuously enjoyed, the honor, sia-h as it is, is invauuhly shared by tho judges of the laud and the law officers-of tho crown, and even city sheriffs and provin-fi: 1 mayors lie vo some reason to < ...ipi-tin when its ’value is stiff further elopret ted ho doubt the disrepute o. l-msd.tliood in no now thing. Lie raids .,re accustomed to dale tho commencement from the rreian of Jumu* X -wlio cfc.u* •»! :;oo Tctm-I-ik in six xvn -and that of his .«on. Charles 1 . who knighted among ■' : v the queens du max .u«d ,- r iteoige It, who dis^ov ©rod in the mere ihr..ut of adumiis terin -tiic 1: \ .d ace: ; sieun diix’iiad protci-tioii tu© pivsentaoon n/. c.nv 1 a’em© undresses, and mv.,r William 1 \ . wuo km: :hted every bo-’.y -matt<-rs ’..-ho vyouhl in this .ulh.w resj),.-ct to do not so - were much mendc-d. In tho cei-hcr years of the t queen's . jvigu, liowcvt-r, when . >• eom.s. Is ■ h» the icceiici.c-fi, k i ■:: .ittiooii vae vehy sp.irmgly ' oiii.Tre i, and its p.o K.tion as a social. distinct.011 was ;*ro jiortionat :y raised. B it it is not | too much to s.;:y that of h-iumt lias .cen d:stvihi:fTd wi/i so little cir cum.-ipfctiou that it lias Income al ( valueless for the for | most purpose winch it w -qiposed and .. ught to exist. Boueoji vhim. ........— l’' ^ r ; P :;,1 \ - Ae.s.i natn.s A s.u.rt , time . ago a. London piun: gist took up ms qm ; Iters in .1 house at Lanuouiu, it ; -.c mg in tlu appuhiifioa of by t ry dwonoinie .,1 Tn-re- lms ni.-a»is the “upper house.’ One morn mg the journalist was astonished to t‘ v, - ; ... 1I.T r - To crown it rniirdh-Sti^i ah a teV-ram for tr 1 him uunwiin with the tnomeagerairect.on, <m Kn«for5to?^t.4Bco'^hXnSjof Sl^dSa?v epSL ^<Ul ha ve c ue astrac. Thf r-xplai a tio-.i subsenuentlv vouchsafed bv his friends was that they thought ho was staying with one Timothy Fry.— Pail Mall Gazette. ssiiis of Edeu. As a matter of fact, pins claim a very high antiquity, tin historic times pins were also made of the small bones of fish and animals, -Washington Post *miy One Way to Toll of rt “Will you tell the jury what the prisoner said to you. Mr. O Hanlan >•’ j "Yer honour, if wan of thejury min vnillatipoverforexunst me from K. ;yant there, it's with piisure I’litell ^r^sem,: Te fl the jury ^ ?u rslif” 0 ^ ^ Whttt thei ' m ' ’ -W, fair iTSr tow«n i T : Z' iV 1 ? wicM-h om/ qxke , to me w.l bis bouL —Londijn TiPBits. HE I"? ;.'- • ;-C .-.*-** E £ ^11 "1 il > A’ - H =S A I/! ■ u / v ji A... -a- v # r She Had a Novel Kemwly. The six girls wrro eburus and met ' ;•*. } I.. -i til.- ii. •’•••«. ,.f enLu^ftwk.lfMi :, 1 T--i« ........ onsmoothly lionr. wheasud ,T , 1 . . L.,,..... .... ..ii SmeihS fnl snidire ?\ >u ' .X'-~ Ir'E ..... 1 ihm-liW-!h ” 11 mf t-'<) ‘ ‘ l. ' H;.. ir-'Hea rnat. ••WellbraSo in mmsiaa ,. • Bat eold not atverd iT'* "'m "saidthestronemiiid- rK:siLiveh'siioche(i:'’ P ■" d V., T.F., yAj, f aui r *~tl L.taia. w ts.*., ». W g > 11 "c!; X ig R. is bvBtor?oalrbroko h / in , nam . ?.Vv:?« “tr g b ^ ®^£ShdrTh i P : eitv’’ «,*-r-*-o.l L ‘y:^ 1 5 ^ ;,':;;A , w uh hysto-V , ,n 1 •, ,. . , * - ‘ ““ . L it Hh-ti 5htr <1 s .1 the ti-Tj .. y/ f or nd's sake t^npi speak’” broke m- ** the 0 • * -is 3--'of ....... ; n ^ 4 ^ 81 1 r.£* n '* y i01 ‘ I ^ a ^ ° ‘ w ‘‘ ' _ ____ cmuieu ideal. ria ‘hi kom> At tmf-dlin^ *s Vith-o lirmor imidod | v 3 m ■ end delicate X ......p w ,.. ,. bonrs 0 f. t . « Thackerav’s^rut ... t ... u_ , 8t ^ orv of meeting tSv Bro-do? Tim intense creaNuv had idealtoedTluu-k to her J - v _ • f j., nn" ti ^ lion .. ]; . , mieih out of thn ‘'J / .'. rl ‘ . , ,1 Tr'ea nnberhor Vu> drawing breath ... ’ ' ^Wkerrv ,V 5 r T:-“,. Jolllill ° „ bnt , rtev 0 f an lislim ravenous “ for nv ' } din . ,,,# A * dinner Miss Bront© was p’aced 0 it „ x'i-wT* hvhor own re S “And bmufitotL I bu a ”Vid lie “U M > ablo of sc ohm S her ‘ (liea1ipG . in .„, d<nv my ™ irt S «, until atTast at kist. as as I 1 took Uimt mysftfth my nit 1 potato, “^hiSSiSw^ sheb amed un-osswithda^c ‘ST ;!! b UI el 4r» * w* Mr * ioiK'keitiy! , Lout. r> of. .♦ on uu ----------- --------- ffisuam. . “>■; ..a west . ~ harmony between the action of tlio muscles (chiefly abdominal) which expel air through the larynx and that of the intucles wliich gturd tho orifice by which it escapes, with that ( ,f those which modulate tho sound t ., the form of speed 1. Over e 1 iher of ’ the groups of muscles by its.-If a stfimmu er may have ns much power j j aa other peoplo, but ho camiot liar mouiously arrange their conjoint action. Norvouaaoss is a froquctir i-ulso of btanmicring. It is p<: sill) tiiat the do feet in some instances may r. s'ult from malfonnatiou of tho parts atoiut the back of tlie mouth, The fact that stammeiiug people arc ; j-ble to sing words better than to speak tlam has been usually ex plained on the supposition that in smgiugtim glottis is kept open, so^ thutfheritisless liability to spasmodic | ................. fmlcrick «.• f <>• -*t looked w tb sereue i: Afi:'atamo on ,-dl that In. eii ,.. a i| f!rf Uljjr a,..,,;., | lt f . !;V of him. Olio day, h( , . B . !in, ho s.i,. a (>JW<1 of pcr iT ilo staring up at some t , * OJ wall . ul ,d ou sending hi oom iu! J , ;iil ^ v , hat it was it to bo t aneafuio of him ]f — it was difficult to read it. so Fredonck ................ ,ij! " tho ^ ld not haVu t,f efivtch out theu-.a-ks. Tho W(>n j s W ere hardly spoken wht ' 11 ’ v;ith a W oas fiIlout ’ tll “‘ ^ card was pulled down and tom into a E^ 08 ’ "'hue a hearty cheer f/'uowcd t.m kmg ao ho rode away.— routes Companion. UelutlvA llxpeiiMf. A certain minister, not a thousand sniss bridegroom pays what he pleases, but I never charge less than ten del work went in with your regular sal ary.’’ “Oh. no,” exclaimed the minister, “salvation is free, but it costs money Heavy Subjects for Plowboy*. In a homicide ease a police pen* aoner wa« being examined. The witness volunteered the start- . •••^^ed^^mga^anirnai-point C 7 into Greek. I! i . -Munster *'?*"" M w T Oreland, U tV' Ex press. __ CRAWFORDYILLE. $ ~*f g ' -f f 1 i, OCTOBER 23, 1 S 92 :r . >■ ' HE KNEW HIS CV 5 IN 2 SS. T1 "' ' '..... . ‘"it it v. .u h:m, „....,.....,oua. A ot •••.'•> l>uv ,-t were ox . ruaiu ::ig i-m:: -aw,., wneu the tluxt Ui-rMti,^ ke up ia a tone invmi-. ,1 a good 1 “I «m tell y«-.u aa u>.perk>neo I he& ' rhc ‘ n I ' v ‘ h!l tr.giaecrins I'rr y ia n r «• yo;v ■ .• :ro. A > ■ itVaa • denly r, ....-, ^ : F' ■-«'.• jernao Jerk, a; he was familiarly, knov.-u-irr.s ,nv. *" 1 K ■•"••’■kv. liar 1 ;-liy wtis a tyjn«:l Tifcd tvesi«v::rr. twi Tn>vn in the west, ll!VC(1 ij3 tho wwt for y; ^, aad it p OS Without that he w. w an r>’ >rt at pokor ami a evadt shot. "Thero were ttlwadv down notch f tipon tho handle of his revel yor "hin I mot him. Il© was absolutely rorof tho camp. Kotwithsfemdio& the s-uspicitms that arose, concerning the old colonel’s disapy.eariuice, there was no poeitivo erklehce that Hwr pby was the murderer, and prohably t!:e right arm of th© law would have P rov ed a little weak anyv.-ay in a case imwhich Jlurplfv was iuvelwl. -I was jdavi.iu j • .'u. r one oveuir.K. I had a d:.-i .W - h . I time.-nt. on my opponent, mid the chances were in favor of my becoming richer by about when 1 tered in. He lounged around for a few minutes, but thuling n else to interest him ho swaggered over to our table and watched the ^n pa mo. Seeing tln.r ! wr.s about to ^ remarked iiisoloutly. to companion. ’Don’t 1 -t that lender foot get tho best of you. l»ut down that ten/ “I fired np in a second sad waa ready to knock him down. “ ’Stiddy, now, Billy; stiddy,’ I10 said to me jecringly. called “Of courso I lost my temper, llini a mui-dercr and licensed himof ^ knew it. Ey mg mo coolly, drew out a silv.r mounted demuger, with tho remark: “’Young man, I'll give you just one minute to take that back/ >’ “You killed the ceoundrel with his own gun of course,” remarked a Iw *** h ' ^ (lf ' who hu(1 anticipated tli©point of hia strty. Tim narrator tilted lawk his choir thrust Ins thumbs in tho arm ho] ™ of Lis N 06 * .. Gt>Jli]oUt!n< W-uino “ 1)0 remar secoiSs ked dryly, g UJ ^ jTOt spare. ”-Ncw York Herald. ^ a rw.aLw&H^. --r A 1 FI .’.'A’. h toe, • •'. : in,. lUfctan .. : NT- * • * , s; , . •; !:., • • • ii'-' ho kept ojon house, or rather open castle, in the north, sneered at the allegedlirnguifironco. "My fatlnu- docs liettcr than that,” said < .nffitbap Jo.a “At our very hist, party to fore I IJt Cmydrdl mnyndiyd we had twenty-four men cooks, all employed in dressing tho supper.” This would have gone down easily, and Oriflithap .Tones would have established his paternal magn ■■<) for td-er, had » .t a companion of jui inquiring turn of mind discovered the real state of the ease and an nouuced to his school A llows that, although the VA hiuir. n had aixfiron truly, tho <• impaiiy at the supper to which he alluded consisted of twenty four of his near relations, arid that every rnrni toasted hia ovfn cheese .'--London Tit-Bits. ...... l-xlu. »awag ( r that a domt bees kbor,... fi three miles from their hives would reach it in better time than a do,.-0 pigeons would reach then- eoto from the same distance. Ti.o competitors were given wing at. Lhynlieru, a Milage nearly a k«#«e from llammc, and the first Us, fm fe3u , d 8 quaI . te r of a minute toToro reached the goal .....>,,«r«»- before the Hocond detocl,1 a „a uts «». »»J»Mb uhn d teneously f' an instant or two « later. Tho bees, too, may be said to have been handicappejl rolled in flour the before race, atari- hav mg m mg for the purpose of identification. ft ankec- Ll.elo. “ Uie Liberty Cap, l When the Romans nianumittcd a 6laT f his head was oilomcd with a when ftetornius imaded the cap. boL—St Louis Republic. f - ™AiZSiJhi old gentleman was doing 1 it wi,™ bi. ,i.,, e „ tCT s£* i ii euse me, pap*, but Algy and Dare coovincfid tliat hannony promoted by the absence ot n h ? interference. * -shin ion If “John, you do not say wf tbi yon hke my pie or not.” , “It »«* necessary, Maud ; Pi good or tojh still alway, g oes,”-Ha rper's Bazar. people generally.' >* the oil US •*»,,. ’ * \ -.AND KEY. . * 4 ...Bid* !*»»••>• It uiu- f fOHOtik, Mr* T soll .\° y'J^Metcra. f v '~trq)erieiiet'3 Bdag a arocmf'.wj raaai. iV ji. • •—Jw»-.©vport.aiiity ^ “opiKU’lmiity di’.wrt tlnm • meu tr.>msjlr.‘J Jft tt> ‘-'e e. no other sox - at^vparar V) ' 11 !; • in thetai' V A' r ;'OniMfr .it • oH nud alk>\/<« 1© tndotaartof the talk* '.«'••»' | -H vehewam tho vrot T , ji : . it was to hn fttrntol. , tad oiiWa* T V v-t-.-i.stilt m tae fr.ii u,y., t l >>iTo>ft eho uh'Jhs e.vr d T, / the the of nua i .mo tiv , ifivemir.wr wnii-b * tnto.pnMty 0. f broad Ifiij 'f ; ' , '-' c P 5Wt * - course I- j-r f v- sh to make the acqtosi? ^ fair iheui -ft he', »' b ■ 1 ww . middoul^ y ' i- ’ iagly ST'' Lis'etguret,© in warned ••,'f 3 1 ee- >• fiitt f n «»•»:.• Wt: mi ’; * re:; stand, moi®* 1 7 i:0 ' ^ ^ her | '''! s .u ; , t. n ; ,u: ' door, « f' d v 1 •‘ u “'-' icr within. ..g ^ / I returned, spying, Almttet t§t l are >'he not aceus at.-aid.” ■ i to^ „J-f- \ > win. e vide; i al her d«u»b h 1»0W them selYes, .’.ml into tint eerct etomf ,-m wldeh now 4 >- f F .wfmpenng and suppress#-j sing very j senora map; tR i a modest lm>l; ii.r| 1 of about nine & ■ i >’»»»:< or. All*. - «-’d with in t;msokhym Aft#*, - i e !•> ;■acriealdesire to laugh.' hemal and eep* ratemtr« 4 uo#*, -n-bo it. maed that th© 'b. »trod need to the genflm aty : wsufipeted b»ck in... j ■ wmbev, and their pupa t l be y on them. At tiiia tp»o-i uurunt of tho C usb -m u r/ •: -. » and in these out ot iJ X .laughters, ol toXrtLM wo mcn, o Fke wild <4 # '%> <«U nulled bea*r ,* *uiu to 4 to r ; lc wliV ? ; smM. £u answc *"to ’ <1 ; | u * u ,, bj> . [ "P > 1 A .... I asked. “No L h," i Jt . ,. , it , ’ '■ “nqt now : ia ’oitowu ” ridin/ They Sad all ksarued hortw-bnek when ch ifiveri. but hinee t lion they had been ahat un in feu house according girls', to tho (ur iom for respect able where th >y must remain until bus ban dn ben toi obtai.iod is" for them. Poor tliini.'sl It to lio hoped that there are few old rcids among the lissies of Brazil.—Now Orte8#Bim< s-Ik-mocrat. _ Aia»i vury rivi<i<>. “Fortune pla >/h ftoimmmd pranks tlio ” C M. CSov.'eu, addressing 01V Mendilffljr s-ifii Club Itetcinhled tlio ifoutln-rn ■,ellss. “I throe'times was three tunes a million:, ire and u paUTiCl'iu ftft&tfJShlT't ’«« year. Iu t:jG:t an uu &VB£ A, SfiS3%£SS£ f lluU Corttmol-11 , { U y, Uill(Jt) bJi( . JIk i!( . (l n at tim bottom oft 1... ,h SSffiS? Mai*?., and I went to Colorado -in] eiainm I tin, of Sy” the tick f st -silver in torn S ivK t d t d know ils Tl ie I SfltoHit’ ??? nS “}' rtv X Wrt T ..^Y-llhJw / to ' SSBTSXS an( i ¥ kLin ,^ t ....... » , ' a Hifcl of a million. It is said that fortfct6 k mp9 ODI . 0 ,, t ov „. y ,, M** a, haa thunderwl the©., ,M 1 did not know how to ( ® um the eequettiHl, minx. That irt y , aro no w malting nirtht tmin tf atffi-lworblng -/if railroad sandwiches. ,s Louis Glolie Democrat W A Re „, tlooh lAiV< r rtiai hook lover is like a horse / library; books being! require go<xl “ kuman and gas , tnc j ty are a y better than gas. wliich acts as rea/lily on bindings as it d<s , ei.aXver. In lieuof tarnishing, how {t •««*» tlicir elasticity and “* ^ luu ^ a A >ii*r»icuii»tio». • Absatft Teachc^Johmiv ho'v manv t»r<^ has the country ha<l? twelve ajmtles. Now, let me h<ar you count tho presidents. Begin!” "Ow. two. throe, four.” Whack! Whack! Whack !-Texa« &ftmg». the «»««>«• stirred Old D. to til© man who .up t |».» |-.,-.-ul ti.rtiM-liol.l Sit \' iu>ls.»i- “... thirty thirty years years n^ ago. m«-t most likely. Ukei.v. H» *>e was in hi uwmw a company that tkt h’.ut l«u! ll00U been uv ia lingo t>t of . Sltv-topUrv vited— vitixl- ‘'o-unuiaiuhtl.' ‘'c inuanuded." in ui the the royalty—to : play T:.© at .a hall tho the u^hI cwtlel#^ «.s t tor le tiwat* tho queen. to small one, SfSfSto? v ..'0 Davtoroicuicoe a ^ **‘ ^ the dreatSlng aimed almost rooms every every are are so so wl word near near ncn that tha t l» v\ { e : h >keu in a lowl t«>a©ran w front. It tvr.eoneof Slutke speLwe tragedira or .1 P*ayj tHnt tvaaVwh tlier v«'ero to do that night, that and it .1 of the uneen’a tho old ihpv ^,,1,11 be drresed in .^ OT n m t belonga to the eaatk*. v © grvator voridmilitudo ,a'morer, who hwaat-ptotesand was export m 1)utl5nr 0 ‘ u the t.M wait wnSf ,, lt byh ind to eould on ni ,uny. and litohammev |u:inU .......y now am ton. * Uwo( ,...., lensu ■ Vu i,. 0 was lu ard, disui.r y miuilno tl> -tb© people in: t'rtmt. how* tho bloody blazes is ii*at blwla-niith. to th > ■ / " cU • . • • ■ queen nearly fed on from her du.u. York fcu« -----«- j, ..... of Draco, «•'»“'>"*, which , r ,. : r ,... ra I will remetnbot ns Uun;rtheui« soveTo cisto ever drawn.up. all ;:»w vobboi-a were put to <’«euth without trial. The old A tin niau laws pat boily ft ,.| . N1 . ,b-,ib for I >vl mg a : in the ot a after iutermuit; but case f|V0Uian a •vouttoeutis.i «>f nmom.y j. pyssitssiolia”'Aviw the P'-’oaH}. 1-th « "'o, . . . : & ,that tier huabmid had thd renmiUH of tho dead. At ™ on b'tirad'(in the Urn© of the seventh 0 . , wh H( .nrys. th© Knghsh uw h(>w lUnt “it is deemed unlawful to ^ ft ^inveipr a second iieieon. ox Apt for a huaband-or wif©/‘ no t!y tho.PKlvo liahloto ahovtlnno,imlessit a line and an for a took tho , M( 1M -bvcd that they body . ftVOC ;othon along with (ho this n .„son ghouls (real pr»f©8- ; HLim ,,, s) n ] Wil ys strip tho remaum 6tR1 .b ua ked before depositing tlioUl .., ou * sack” propamtory to , l()il .,,., m)V!l i to w»mo momeal col t Republic. *** . _ at . Louis wi, P r« m.« «k-i» hs» „ HoW ^^ do y0 u manage always to .fieturesque poses/ pho- was ^-.lof a Kum’ssful mothul amateur vory in huh cho’ . , »»m v i» I firt»fc .o,. » armworeil. “Wlioii . ... ph yy'ii’fi’U’ 1 "’»’ “/ - l;1 asf f •-it ■**»*? W$L afijiiming, gcnci’.fily to ruucii luo© ' V fin ^ suggesting fimJ t ^angie,; U» time the ’fired picture was taken tho subject wi1« out, and wnaethhig stiff nud unsatisfactory wa * tlio result. Finally I bit upon plan of cutting out from the il* hwlntfcd papers and periiKlicnl) every graceful and picturesque fig uro or group of figures I came ue o ,, until now 1 have a largo colk ft i..n, which I use to pa c people will.. I select an attitude, show il to my sitter and ask him or her to in-;car the posiimi. This i.tdoiicv.ilb 1 mic or •• •* ueoamey tu«l an 1 .i (•■ l*fctiwe ia 1.ii<ii->.ull. and in i.i.i • ‘ait of ten-it. is very sail Ihihalelpifia To U*»w tluekn (iroiv. Bocks do not grow in (!,■-> seir-.e that a plant grov.s. They may in crease by Kccreiion and they 1.1 ;y niulergo obomiral c’: <»,go. Yin- ! i scabi 1 toting iifi -1 up be an ■.: s.-nd stone and limeotomi; the yefieauk ash and lava nl rewri over the plnie becomes tufa, hard enough for build mg stone. The pt.-LUy J (> 1'I * ( >; S \ river bccosieH couglomemt The simple mineral dyes grow, hqwovcr, when it takes a crystal foini. The spark hug .prism of quartz inercii es from an aton'i to a cry>ti,l n > but;-.- as afori arm by a pri.e, ;sof addition and 1 ussirnilation, beautifully regular, wondei fnlly .netly slow, but j < ns erya tul « U> 1 V l'" tlw wil ‘ “ Av M j I Tim S'ltRiloh < unt’imil) »ml HU In Elisalxith's lime a i:nse of t<Kith picks in,'ale of wood wan carriislatomt by fine gentlemen A more violent «**mtHei*y of fa.- hi on is iMnted at l ,,vs,-ut who w m unreirtltfing »* lus «si of tho homely qu,II &"r. *>•« *««>. ru>»ty »t I hywwnns tcil us that tlio lower ss? ^ ryg- I f s tT stjss TT * would to; less frequent if each tion of the body received continually 5 t« full ahare of oiygeu.—New York Tribune. cremufVa fLe It im^-sibto u, set of teeth. Four thousand di gs, of lieat have been turned on to tl,e artificial grinders -St. without aflbeting them in 1 Uie least. Louis Republic. I WOULDN’T BE CR03S. b* «wiss, >le»r. It’s never worth l wonUtn't «t>ii« the*>„J[“ t, v wMtrioa lit { a •«“»•*• »«**;!» jut& twaft\»Mtj,wi<f 0 m-ver.»rm*., 1 1 u- Uw tM»ft >»■'* - ,,i,»u;wiiu .»>*>v8«t at imree-. count «*» tB^HiiotoU *<f 1 V uuwar ^vSic ph M^ad. brothrrir t*"? 11 ,'i 0 »W.aiH,«,b«.de*r. 1 ^ , , v „„),'. n 't c<-<■>"*>»* »,■ ««.» Mr «»tho *r*®. U» r i'fo ’riH°!. «•* w« «„•« th .« ................ . - ,n, « . ..... . (u t©cUw..atin«>awt*!•««•*.«•>• ■ . ' wf , i Ruimur# ^"iuh n »t muccr. 1,0 in 1 h»i f <• «*"• miida — n ^,„, v „ ei o ta««->ne » ! N(icnvy ,R,i, ,^00; by * r.d «.w » TUl . ..............* of y«-r UnuOi. w. n«> ^ R 1 „ lm , may. Hoar, of unnu. sad ., . w .„ • sroome- <>f tii» A ttovy is told of »* P’ltlonmn the b,. ainty who dn- .mtv , frt i K Tday Mr. full Mooney of .vwirs “f «h;J ».»e ,M \.‘ *2 . ,ui his fljfat visit to LA»i<lou > I bnw tt«o-perhaps... with ch|eabouU. It.....; '' 1 ( ^ d biuiself a t-d b ^ cusb, tind to put tin wellikn wu rftviation he turueumto Ad a lwiik< filled up n check it t0 t b© cashier, who to.d bun uun , u , W oiil«l Ihj detc.dded t<» !’ :l > ,.,-iy or V0 uoliod for i>y one ot their c a; . ,. t mld *l •• ■ «» ' ' * ' ’ ;,p w, >. v, roe a, ; ■ ■■ in lm e. uul>. > * l» •' , good taini j,,g a fair esfulo and it tho ... m] M, “But I'm Mooney of Iloweva, the < 'd a . iu u5b w «y « u wit. tvgrcUcd tlntl bo jj ( i lK) t know sura h 5 an ,i that oven if ho were Ihioity the moon'' ho could n*‘t comply wi bis request.-London World. working.«» Cm* ■ <**," k ll( d The w pcd Stony into ii-fino )rfi ® *■ j fl) , rlulwork. At»au hu.i < • , and put on the Uat ‘ w t t , might run ovu ' • ' over him aud the J ....... > | n .„ u .,»,t : mn .avid© d-d JJ- ^ in a verdict of • • tl who tow Hlig. • I m a diffmcUt \ ■ ‘'‘tig invcatigaUo.H. that k«l thenj» '" ‘ <*« train passed over Uw bod£ » U1 « * , ll( “ . tllo „ry the police Us.U no . (ao. Wilbur M. J'Xouta* mil-* ploy men t m nhUiou a ; ,aa BtOliy (jivok. to VYhtijO, # ! ,. 4I1 . »mmi who idesfiui, d *1 i 'iUo w,m who 1 Vr> dor wan convU-Lli, sitn.’u. Yul died in prison.-Ihnv 4 tou lu., Tnolll|,l(.|... (iltHA f1 11 my. Toothf)!eks are said to have been iu vented in Italy. Certainly they wore in common' quo arming tho Koiuniis. In Murthii'H “Bpigrama” there nr© frcquuub rcfoi'cnciiH to the “<hutiKtcalpiuiii,''Kouielimc«reviling abuse, I'lometimes it» praising its use. The parlii-ular form of loof.hjiielc which Martial preferred was a point ed strip of nmStio wood, but in do fault of (bat lie recommends a quill. Singularly enough, the UM-liil iiistm incut wuh rc^aiHicf! an an iniioVatiou in Queen’th'Htime. The lias turd in “King John” snci i s at V«.nr Iruvnlot— ll« 11 ml III* UioUlt-u k ,a uiy wovslftlt’w nw's*. Travelers in Franco and Italy, it seems, brought toothpicks hack and used them ostentation ly, and all those who affected foreign fashions sedulously imitated them. -Cimm burs’ Journal. riityfnic » Trick on MeCultoutflt, Will McConnell and John McCul lough were playing “ Virginias,” leiiius mill McConnell wuh doing lio had to go up to John and shale kands with him ho put a Imrd boiled '’K/f into bi : palm and left it there u,, ‘* MeLidlough being in I ho center of the sla;g) and alone ©wild not get rid at it Ho diiwlairged Will, us usual, that night, but he l stayed direlmrged, and ho vvas taken on again when , ,1 they found t, , him t on board the train on the way to the next stand. New York Hun. I tmu* n i« n„„,i 1 » ft . ’ , )uit |, 0 W ,, H Vnnitted l)M , t „ SCO that tho artist I,ad kindly .......•**»•»»****-*—’> Companion. n„to, „n, K . Miss Do Imp had on tho longest °T ' "’f thttt 1 av,:r Haw ' c suss?* w ™‘ *“ “That s nothing. My girl buttons hem ail the way from homo to tho theater."-Exeha nu'a. ~ - — the g'' but you are last She—Am I really) Oh John tui i it makes mo so happy W y to think ' Exchange, Terms oo NO. 43 ret mSti-i . a tf BM A ASH IL A fcfcsi ® Lr-*J ^ *»■ / A tLb J » 3 ANu Aun ri R s Pfllj nriR [j! nifT iF I yyjUU t DUl.r u R.yA»--*«^- . , ' ’4 • ,, - T'T'A 'T | 1 *^* IT 'F' AT.' p ipA?? - "■ ■ ■. K F . W gl t, « (r | Id 0 C ® , » ; wjl fj grn H ^g | £: f ^ lUlSfM! < a « s—trfjSBPttolWwBS! F >■ ,'jfc .Coo :■ ' ". • , *■**<£ Vi r -’“T ;>->. B3ft 1 i »■ V . t £ .1 ft x ^£i..V;'',v.„ --r and h'ood U m " ” «ftl lrrfgnl-MU'tNr^gfp i r ; W fi A | | X U,« .1 jdj W M 4 4 i | W M w 1 ft ft ...... ... ii : . rf **». ; , "j w r apr , ■. s -? : > s t f ,v» .■ , , ‘ ■' - ; j :: ■ ; ;; v , ’ . ■ .SfcfU - p • nrug^iu.i.Uia->h.- -^ 3 ., u lVHUiat«J, SwABHU^OA* •*»« . “ < a v-k *,p ; A\. .* . , V ‘.4 | " 7 - , - j/;-\ Ai¬ T‘ i. ' , y .1 * • , ..a-.* / '■ %»d ■ ... % t/ | ■' y'fr- N ; MS - </ ,, - sfe / jt’i .*v / » "j* IKK-tft Pi S|‘ .1 }4 • ... *,#* u itf ■ 4 , j y I 1 n ' A imi 1 ‘ A .. At ^ tftnilHVill'* . <1, i n. Ill ! r to) L‘*V ,S A( v-lfUi, . k 4 /.-'dXi: . . , Ar 'forrlr;t'*wn f A r H. Afh# t; jift’K* i*.pi ji 2 \ H.m, r # ‘ 1 '« m. * jj' rn r» • 7M J : s |». era, rat, * r ,m " r .,1 -i.ri 1,. Ml ■>!u !I j a. ’. -? ' a n. it.rvj. .. _______ 1' .' !// I -I r ^,'^,„ K ,,, at I) 0“ ., j». iri b o,irn Si * t t c F'ln .n si.-’. M j-, k in Alo'fi!" «n<I Coif ‘ Z tr» J nek to (’ififiMH/ati, i*> iv|. v t)\) ihfftU M,ll tfluftn »H a#".’,' /'.t < / U. UlMMUj't* VVlUl J'iliman 'T-,!;’", < ! U|« Went, >:* 'mi.../, I* Utff .1 Ufi *V) lie I i k 1 ft, I h (’imUiifr 2 0 Mr .rn.cflftfw-i* ’ 4 i>t <, .mo, ndifiian Hb ■ “t»«r f'ir K‘idivilif W;i.i-r 4 H fit mtyii* y, I*ii 11 lrrpt*f for Ij'Fift tuxl Nt w ! Vftiii, tdid lif t MprinaHutitl llOVlIiit. ■ r.vt"* imioiTI‘‘KF. trnv<ij{r'I ; fS* 5 vff«> T M WO CF.N'T 1 t -f n.t|« itw.u- hciu-| > v ir.t ft, It-'MI, (’nod to limturtt mfnT" Knv l|t H«f Imrtft'lHtJ 1; i ru«*l -iTI ikeisl rrtAjvJC AM/OMfW Th k^t to No, 75 Wfc’.t , Jitoy ’f .f ji"ur tivillf-. A tie at, lu* J»t,, it f c tut ait, U, W. WM Ji. fi H, A«’>' </»■' ! I'«w (f... - I-.... a,- > A'tU.'.U, (i*.. Ji v et . 1 ... 'Ft;.VI* rify-rr:~> r *?r» * -r~% — ’^IsinuiV t urcr *»f GRANITE am! - fi/ iTi itt J RklF f tJ k.I. J f j! ’ll i I u[ NTS ) ana AT Ii A11Y * — Tjfi-oit'i Kit Dm tier — lOX l’It V, I It tut liuilrtlsg Slime, AOK.vI POII — CHAMPION il!ON Fi;N<’E ( *.. tmf I a* 15 - st in the VYerUi. New UmigtiH 1 . On iri.-'l! Low ptttClg OlliCi* aflti Mr«rn W - i ks, 1 M Al (ii; 3 TA,!-’a. All W m bijaraDift'd. ii • iiAU n DRT»!«w M M 01 AMD Wohka,— “ft*-St., Augusta, Gto. —___ _ J 3 J ' ■ if'I WorK Goaranteed. -H £E’'^stfwsaa spew ,*