Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, June 16, 1893, Image 2

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■I ik foiit " wn ' AXDt ' oux - TY. Tpon the editorial page of this i«ue 0 f the Democrat will be found a card signed “Taliaferro”, which urges the people of Iowa and county to work io advance the material interests of the community, and suggest as one way of doing this the giving of proper sup j )ort tll stepheds High School. ‘ We have for some time been urg ing the imponanee of the people doing something to advance their material interests, and we are, glad to see so aide •m advocate of progress as “Taliaffer iit"' nt minis? coining out out on oh tlie u c same line. His Idea about the school is a good one, . hi#mention of the different springs in tin county is most opportune. A a he say#, the school is under splen did management, and deserves libera! support. And as in shown bv his article there arc a number of health-giving springs iuthe county and we see no reason why ( ^ ()f lj|( . m s | l0l ,j,i not becomes sum mer ie.»ort, Hillman ,, is alr.-.vl} f., la mous won .}"*'* vet it is possible to draw larger ” crowds there than have yet assm rl • Not only this, but there tire mine .........„, y a ..rocs, ...ow after would prove source of woiih to their owners. It has he,n shown that we possess a pleasant healthy climate, good water. 111,11 nil wealth and other desirable pos HCSHioilN WI I'll " i* need is to let the ^ ^ ^ . ".....' sJ . . lu t ],,. } )a( ' .^ “ ’ ->round. W tnu-l let them ; see us, »<• e - tUl . w W el ■ conic and counsi - tie into in. Willi us. Just now th- name ,, '" Vl , " nlU , T i„r ,, 11,r eves tlious nmis of persons all <'\er the countn. , ,v Every account -peaks of ••iho unveil ing of tho MnUio of Ah-xunder H. stP| ,!•,.„» in iho quiet village of | ()| .,| v j|| c . >* Let it- cause thorn lochmigo that description. ,,cre wake up and W< >rk to »# 1:1 k * * the town n eily, so that when persons come here to visit lin horn-' of the great statesman wlm is )|ljmin . ] | )V a |) Am.-ricam they will St*0 ;| prospi rous people and will desire io bueonle u par, ol she it. •1 AM ! <1 Tllll ()’’ is a common exclamation at this season, Xhere is n certain bracing effect in "old 1 air wliieli Is lost whoa ’.he w.either grow win m ir; ami when Nature is renewing he i youth, her admirers feel dull, sluggish mid tiled- Tins cun litl-> t Is o.vhig main ly to the impure eomlitiou of the, hlootl H nd its failure to supply heal tin ti-ue 1 W l» the V various organa ot , the body. I, Itusm- ,. imul how *twOi*j.?il»l<* tin* syntmi to the nelp!- - licrive-- mo--- a g-<->u llu | i of IIP ut tills HetiMHi Pii-ses-mig just those purifying, "' luilldlug-tm t| ' .nilties which the * • In. Iv craves, „ liao I S ■s _ irs,tt)t .,, ill i ovete nil es tliiit tired feeling, restores the appetite pmiliestln- hlomt, mid. In short, imparts vigorous health, Its tlmiHainls of friends ns vvilli one voice declare. ‘Its Makes the Weak Sivomi.” — a person is pienmturely old when hnld m-ss oi-euis before the forty-fifth year, l -e „ Hull ... s llidr llenewe, . , to , keep „ the setup Iiortlthy ami prevent baldness. I'HYSU'l AXs AS AI tVEli i'ISLKS Very fov persons will envy the usi - tulnc-s and tlu* necessity of our having eampatcnl medical advisers. The. profession of the physician is a noble i.-id dignified one, and geuurallv the physician is a man posse, sod <>f intelti i find many other good ipnilities. Hut tlit*v bnvt* one fault, itud that a protu-m-s to look down upon any¬ one of their number who show* enough enterprise lo julvi -rise iiis ealling. Some physicians have triumphed over till-, to U-. fo di-li idea. i ii - ntedii a) men consider it* a vto id ion of i ii e code of ethic-to advertise, Why tins i- the ease i- a mystery to ns. Me eat) 11 adi'y limit-island that it would l e di-honi'tiihle for a plivsieian to advertise liiniselt a- able to do ,4 tiling which lie was not able to do. But where i« there any reason for hi ■a t i_ si; ting a tnnliful advertiseinei.t 1. itiug tin puhlte know what he ean id- M i think it would he mote diroi lied in tlu* mcini^is of lino pinfes^iim to pav for advcrlisomont-s than to so u il “pnflV’ and m one way or another, try to secure mh ertiMttg iu<Tireetl\ umt free. The\ vhouiil remenihir that tho tn-w-paper man must live and that they lu n-t giit- htut'i'ir tree. thefi fiee should not expeel -ue'.i a f.; \ n I,.,,, An i. Inn her. wi know- ,>f no more -i merit i of draw iu . patrotia 1 «e t i H Ut ? 1,1 111 111,1 mpn tar. open t.) lhe inspc, ;ion of all •U'. Ot .moth. WI. , uo:heto!cr.,t- . , ” t- merit,Hi - 1 i 1 ' ; , ««» ot »>“• ru!s and cat-liup with the ag-. ~• * — j. l>t ' M d Davis , i- a prominent , physi cit i i *>*• «*«»ut»i\, low *, ami H •> aHivHv iu t*ie praethv of m *<}•<**•• it that pine.* f >i the n;nt thirtv fit; u -« on the h of \i <v * ' , 1 ••*" earoiFe to . *• « t*niy taken with attack of a * llavion > > <! i h tm!»f*rlahr Ctfoli r.A suii Ibanlu* i Uenosi\ for t * j>a<! -. \ ■; \ t*:ir*»and kiunv iii ’ 1:4 1 t\ -»edit b«>ttb* x\ »iob e uv .1 him, The fieU?in**nt at • diAiisr** of w ii»t and tecidfllt f*> ft v i(i^* often |»n»il«''t* «li *rrho-a». Ktvry one >ho firveltlce i K ,p> of tlu is Keitirdy *ef ’ havi;;^ The ITemocrat. FgHUSHED EVER¥ FRIDAY T. W. XEA LOS. Proprietor. i J. M. NEALON, Editor. 1 CBA WFORDVILLE, OEOROLA. S j 1 petered »• fte poetofflee at CratrfortTlIU, ff-org,*, u aecond-ei*« mail matter. i NE = | FRD.YY. JI 16, - The next mu ting of the Georgia Bar Association will lie held at Rome ’ Ga., on Ju’y 5th. I Blow,blow, blow’ That disagreeable - itanli e:v tie c* red l>\ taking Hietd s bai-apai ina, the const it ational remedy. Mu». Frank Leslie li.ts been divorc¬ ed from Willie Wilde. She says that Mr. Wilde is a brilliant journalist, but is iutcmpeiate. >(•, 1 Ha it,son, ot ,|„. the Rinaaold h.nggom NewS have reformed, Wonder if. like Rip Van Winkle, he ...... ............... b : • g hi poem on 'flow the Georgia Gi ds K s-.” rev f ul nights result ^ ri A > - .-a rsa paiilla • J t so funrtioiiH «u<l strengthens the lcrvous system I it | comparatively ■ < worry and fatigue an* un k iwn and lift r f’t'i - « > i'<‘i tin- i *i«:.-»! »ylt*i \iiUH at M.iuin, «' a woman Hltall not m , <‘hun , ,. , .. M'S. »j, H i I * uUo., ,i) too need . . ul net - 0 -. sue generally speaks when ..i,,. ,v |,i ' . 11 .d people 11 generally ' Is , , , K tty cents is n email dot-ior hill, but \ in lij 1 1 ! will cost you to cure. Hiiy or- 1 »ry A •»** >f iTit-umaUsm If you use t ■; in J .‘rEtSnS )*nh 1 Balm. Try It and 1 will be ut 111 -< <1 ut Hu- p.-impi relic 1 , j It a (folds. Tliu lir-t application will quiet the pain. W cM*nt hnltU'h f«»r mi It* l»y Dr, ! 11 .1 15i* id | N< that Mr. Iog.ilis, > 111) in OHO | of t io brlgliU st men in - repubit- ! Clin parly, b os declared that Hie negro, 1 as a voter, is a fa lure,the negro *8 will ' have to turn f • r sympathy to ihdr win c soul hern iiien«ls who have ul way-shown their friendship by deed i. her than by words. -m. . +m /.vih of! be jiutbcni pit} era arc kick in jt ti f j u > rcfiu fuss on ilccount of the u j i' *t s!.•.i '.a 11 it* tlit? u imtins of .I<*tT ci.-oil Div. Tim opinion of these couiiigcoiit (?j and high luliidi-n'?) jonniulists, Will Irouhh the people ol till. South very litt*-• tiowev r. G, ■ <•* t’ A-:' rllllltftrd witii in udet, brought in n verdict of mnustaiighti-i 1 he ittlonieys lot defense will cany the case to I ho supreme court, i’he pun ist muiit is fioiu mu to tw-nly, yeiitSiis the court m y determine. J n another cdiiiim will he found la the S eplieus High sel m>! Wi lie uTily iippmve of ever) wi-id the wt Her says in praise of i’nd . A ul I U)’ mtl ins ext-eUent J.issKstant iYi ;. AltUioii) u'-dks hftii) t<> make ) Vlie j-cb - -1 i Ma n ss. ami in all lintigH endeavors tu heu-IU Ills pupils, an I lie d'stivtrt the be.iii> support ot evtuv one. i ! Tilt movement to make the future Mailings at the ( gia Wiekly i’ress Associtttion ; tnctlv business meetiiigs is a good ono. Tia ie ale many news j v ( * i an .» in («»* i»ia v ho would In* vviUltig to la lp make ibe associution a . .! I would Wolk to protect the iitl.silie.-H iiiferesls of the press; put f t; t in i- it alTi'rd to lose so much time foi a Dii'ie M t t; !-• i r , i; t Slid'll*., act ion in i. as mg i nil iiy ti* at provides tl, a tu matt , - all hi dt-l ti'ed tiefore drawing a j-- ns f. i dtiibditv It. s raised a bowl >se who havu la**“ii flllmg fh.e els with money which was 'ad glitfully tlieirs. it hapiHuis Ilia' t ;n emmgh honest, in'elHgent I* ‘ e in Die counry to assure I'm *■» ai) that the pcopk) are at his ti < V 1 y ot bern ban been criticised ud’ii'i's I^cahhi* he cammu ‘* nc 1 I K. \ on Tol iit i v -ten i»f wife iu rder at Z ISbi term of Sti\H»tiot i»i iture eouaty. it develops i Urn! = governor did not =. ei e » of Von Point! i after mature delithuation !*u at i* ia quest ai th j ri T’u* the urosecutii g Mt’ >0 |S“ him! Um? gr.tihl jury of l Me ilttr >11II tv r*tr. old Ford oivei a < b JDgtOli, IX i\ , t in wh < )>»* b lien tb * <-.a.**a» UAt&d President Liu felt Frdav. Tim Luildina was I -ed l-v w at dejiai tm mt cleras ! , wl| , ,w * '•**■ , , . If ,1 i ire' HH’Fb -r wvrt* ! 8 *r.\His!y I,, ir (I. T i.f* bn! liii? frit long t r) i i> , 4 , ie. », I •> u*»w V. - e i - t d that K i IV •-♦tli su 1 if it;#* siii r it a l £*-*1 I • »IIV in rt 1 (ear IV tl I * (I (*a re slih'iM 1 - Ir* D xid r» £ .1 ttii» sjviiit » < 2* j 1 1**4 from •e t V»U (prig \ v WHS b \ e»ift A ai ! er t be 1 r* vri.c 'ii di^*r offer li*\ | •ua ! li tf» J to ♦ • •< tlix d tO bOkise gHTH • | the Stephen's mini school. Citizens of Crawfordville and Talia ferro county, are you doing your duty towards this school? Or are you pull ing the ether way like a sulky steer, and complaining of high tuition? Stop, think ! “knowledge is power” the wise man said. A well-stored mind foryour child is worth paying for, worth prav for, worth struggling for. Besides this, what is a lively, go-ahead school worth to a town? Get out of the ruts. Remember, .education is cheap at any price. The building up of your town is cheap at any price. Y.,u have as principal of your school a teacher whose , name and i :p t, > i is not bounded by state lines. IIis as mt i- equal U nj teacher in Geor gia. Otlier assistants can be calmd as needed. No shoddy —no mere show, The scholar* learn and understand as they , go. fjome of ci. jou liave seen them _ tested. Y‘s, fellow citizens, you J have done a good work. You have placed , Alex ; ,i,d.-i Sui-ln-ns in marble at his own loved liberty Hall. How he loietj school childr.-i.: Ti.ere h- stands, his . . , bps l ,i,r *' ' * l . ;' “ a • n thorough education . j yearned for a more of the masses! how he helped any and all—not Slopping at race or and ... black , color , but sending white to school and to college. And Crawfordville! You will bo ■ ami purest and ^reatent of men. lolmn ( iiwfonH die was-the spot of earth - supietnely blest, the dearer sweeter tlian -,I1 the rest.” Wake up! , honor hw memory ... an.l n „ i help vonrselvcs yourselves. Your elevation above the sen, gives you the most equal climate 01 . earth, .Midway between Augusta and A llama , you are ncct -ssiblc from all points, only short . north, eoutli, cast or vest, a while, hotwecn trams, l ho ua i is the purest on earth, as it hursts from 1 1s bet! of granite, and be L‘ the “nectar that Jupiter sips.” Should you wish to put on a little ton and try mineral waters, why at tin- old Stephens Home -P ad a little over a »>Ue from town, is a noVeelialyb 'tto spring m mb resorted to v,* it "<»u-* !»y. V ' dit I if? ■'Ji’fi * dis- 11 , s ta'ic.-nm .. '> "1 t->. , i .c„. n iiiMcntl A . I that has womlcrlul powm, ! short drive or vhle on the train take- yon j fo ,great natural wonder, llillman. ^bout tho .*em« dlstmce north west j uio J>anh*P» Spline, the finest which in Mr. the state. Stephens tt-cd to say was 1 Our natural advantages ate gt- at-Otti j fniitv at»d vegetables in ahnn-l mee an | varl-tv compare well with the same in section. Lets work for the good of too , a. i I* i-ts t nill mil towel her. Let us offer in , , . . .. 1 to overflowing, and when “the - l the city shall be f«H of boys .,„d girl pat , t, ■ »im - *»rent, thereof ' ’ - l old , . , 1 | lu p.ig in in > j help themselves, t . l or them who is ni ,• philo-ophy. The Bible cheers and com • forts the diligent, in business. Wake up good old town! L-t no child he too ' pourto 1 .Min ~ access to your school, r ail . , Youi p 1 ,ple ar>‘ go i ' your hoys are noble and generous, you girls are putty and sweeb your churches fri . t . i, ms , year moral and reli cions iitillOsplieie is pure. Where would a school child he freer or sufei from per liiciaus influenees. T At, I. IKE 15110. STRKN'UTII AND UKALTIl. If you are nut feeling strong and try Fleetrie Bitters. If "La tirippo” has b ft \mi weak *ml weary use Electric Bitters. This iyiUimIv acts itiivctiy on Livei, Stonmeh and Kidm-v , gently aid j ing those orga as to preform their Headache function 11 y«u are afflicted with Sick , you will And speedy and permanent re lief by taking Electric Hitters, Or.e trial ii ill i-onviiu" you that this i- the remedy y ou need. Large bottles only 50c at It. J Ut id- I h ug S'ore. IIIVKUXS AKXICA SALVE. i Tlic h.‘d salve in the world for Cure Bruises, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Ulieunt. so.e,. Tetter, CHnpped '-'atids, Ctublaius Cams, and all sk n Eruptions, amt po»i lively cute- Piles, or ii" piv requiriHl. is gieai ;iot ta tl te cive pel feet or money retumled. I’riee eeuts (OX, Kei sale In Dr, U. .J. Keid Chambeilapi sCough Remedy t- fum u- us a i 'ore tor -ever- colds. Famous a> a Preventive amt cute for croup. Famous t >r the re tef it aT->.d- in case ot Wlmoping cougli. Famous a- a -at-- in I ;.t -a-ant Medicin- ft r cliitorcn. Trv it. ,Y cent -■>.! ■> f -i -a’e by Dr B d. Belli. j ; v»> to b*i harvested, which t-a heavv on the resources of rh. farm, and arranged t.>r with careful forethought entails much inconvenience. As *“ r ««s are usually managed the harvest com, - w hen ev ry nerve is str.ain—1 in axlu r care of the other main crops, * “'“IT' ((>8 1 1 :'" iDjjS Billet '‘T'l''Vj tt'.iiJW, 1 1; ‘ l> “ r ft ean he til,)\vp pro e«n U . bin 1 and n our lands admt “of • u»*. save the grain win, that. But if it is necessary to use era i * s as mativ nr. c-wnpeUe i to do. iiddit id Imlp tuu-t las hired, because the regular fofeemnst i»e .ept at the cuitivafed crons. S-i.-ck carefully ami cap .securely, thus avoiit mg the waste which t,«>' ofien resuhs from cnre)e $4 haste in these important particulars !>• careful manairt'inoT't tha barvasting can jfo oil. ami he other cru l« ih ur aue share of atten* tiou. Toe w -rx is imperative and ex acting, hut by prudence and foresight auy clashing of duties may be avoide.'. su.l the gen-rai work of tiie farm uv « uii ondi.uirttc l -• McElrer 3 Wine of C^rdul and TH£OFOKw S 8LAC*-DSAUn*HT are v>r bv the IbUowinjj mcrchanU in Fafiafetro count j; K. J. !v*id, rniwfordvi‘fc, II. F White, C’rawfftnfv >, W ir. mkwiiNesbitt. HIS MONTE Y TALK WITH THE GEORj'A T-- FARMERS On Snbjects o, General Interest Per¬ taining to the Farm and Garden—Good Advice. vSPART'-' VT OF AORICCLTCRE, Art..| ta, Ga., June 1, 1S93. The Ut i 1 aer and tli* Crop, From ^ lgg to the i8th of the montb we had seasonable rains, but these were followed by w.-ch high, cold winds that the jf cotton, « growth . especially, retarded, was serious- and jy a thin, ( . c t e( } > its lands of sections or; the graj? some .^nfitions ha/e° not only impose* Af£rxiOKAL work on the farmer in that he has in many cases been cotti compelled to plow dp and re¬ pi has an been t his left? *■ , but cultivation where a bare has stand been ™ ,re >n account of the care necessary to ave each , little plant, While the cr ( ; & in the northern portion of the state i backward, the weather broughtaWfet for the latte; irtion of the month has and develop., irftcouraging and growth ft as a rule the crops are shonj fair,t advanced. Every »' a busy one on the any other time, the work for is that, wliiehlrequires THijfeoWTH OF JUNE thought, f more closer attend if to the various needs of the different jps, greater care in the¬ cu In ltivatio' < v -ry w ;r re A intelligent mistake now direction may P rove fatal - f (i T»HN CROP sztsd 'krsrisrs? were put th^ uid their office is to take in its the growth rdemej rt development, of plant food and suited should to i they bo illju . the vitahtyof the plant is impaired» just that extent. How important, * ion sJlol t l, ?en, ’, that the plan ‘ of culti v< , t influeiro w 8nch a s to c£>nserv , every ^feve^nent of heat and light and grto Before the this*4c reaches the of farmers the plant, m the more cfljCiwill slmheru portion of the state. tho corn have been “laid by.” much but in o£ mi(p/e the and northern Georgia crop will have to receiv another winking. This difference i even more if irked than usual because of the very f ipropitious weather dur ing rule portiomof the laf April and May. As a to justfts working should bo given corn the stalks bunch to tas , sel. For tris purpose, arrange your scrapes to run as level as poosible, and where the work you%m-possibly manage to di SOW pF.AS broadcast, . . I rind wnu ■ you may recem no beiietit it the shape of m.itureil peas, | you % viil U> repaid in the fertilizing properties el in Which this crop has deposit your sail, ami your land will be put iu betho condition f or succeeding S ?,g S ,„ynter can regret sow iti, There a aVf is never gathers the crop an a that, this is wasted if r nev ,, r rea , j j. bo b!jr!li j )n t the grateful shade they ' the laod, the crowd ing out c,' xious weeds and grasses which t >jn the fertilizer and retun not.iltnj y-pt additional work aii' , ^ £ he farmers; the fertilizing wor ' 5 inaU . r ' the soil wiV. tli-r-.- i a-,; expended. crowd . w.n’t tins allow oilier work W om important crop. must re^orsjme of the elements ot ' furtiiit}' tr our exhausted lands, and - there cm no better time be found to j w)jnlKJ6 tics needed reform than just noV v. Oti voir Cat stubble scatter a phosphate an! sow a bushel of peas to the acre. With seasons you will get a good cuttingi>f vines for your stock. mid by turtnig the stubble under m th full, you lay Bie foundation for a marked improvement in)/ in the crops which follow. If you do need the vines for stock feed, leave titen tfiem until they attain tna turity au-i turn under. j [ unit eg ai'Ciona. Single JTarits in the row do hotter than in tin hills; insects do not get in their wort as they do in the hill. Af¬ ter all the danger from this source is about, pas, I thin out so that each plant is about hree feet from its neighbor This gi vh each an independent post tion. Tin!* each plant gets an etpia stmre of he rain on the lot. Shoul the root grubs begin to work on tin roots, which can be discovered hv the plant juft wilfing, dissolve nitrate of potash. o»e ounce, in a pint of water, and put a tablespoonful into a pail of water aui apply a pint to each hill in the e Keep this up for several days or until the first solution is all nsi-tl. 1 use seeds of several different kinds, at I plant of for the family best each use, and the se..its also year, buy and, wh n I plant next year, I so mc uev seeds of some of the green nutmeg varieties, and never fail to have lots of melons. I believe that by j this method I can raise a melon f- r every two square feet of ground tn the lot. At the Ctah station the Cory and Maule’s XX have proved go»xI earl; end the Everbearing and Ki;uuiitun’ good second early and late varieties ot sweet ecru. FertUSxir.g: Formulas. The- clcni nts of fertility abaolutel; necessary in a complete, commercial for tilizer are uitrogon, ;>ot,ish and phos phoric acid. Many other substances at { wind h all manures, both natural am; r.umnfa -tured. which need not he named Exjterii-nce , . has , shown , that , ItStcren' crops generally succeed best by tha us of varied combinations of the principal fertilizing elements. Hencs the leading manufacturers furnish the public wi - ! ma „ nrw f or different crops under differ brands, , as potato manure corn ms *>««. tobacco manure, etc., which they guarantee to contain ammonia, phos phoric acid and potash ,« the percem ages stateii Now that many of the state ex;>er: ment stations are analyzing them ->i*en tively and mannfactnrers have their rep¬ utations at stake iu maintaining t.» • quality o* their goods, one runs htrle no risk ii .ying a special fertilizer of whi-h *be composition is guaranteed in any of the leading makes. A quite com mor* and & i formula for potato manure is amnion 3 . 4. a) to 5 per cent; phos¬ phoric aciil. S to 10 p»-r cent; actual pot aah. 6 to 0 f t ceut. The potato brand trill lx. dir useful on mod garden vegetable*, dthough manufacturer? of fer many cpecialtiea, such as cabbage manure, omen manure, fruit and etue mazmre, tnanurei for different soil*, also coon t man ures fot* ft* era! &*•. Try ?r * f ° r HAVERTY’S Grand closing sale for spring and Summer goods. Sweeping bargains in parlor, bedroom, diningroom and kitchen goods, facy chairs, rockers, tables, wardrobes W* 111 tl Cl T I ■ IJ| Springs, etc. I Cleanest ' i and „„ „ "I cheap- 1 JL est furniture • . in • the . South. forget g% . the . i place. a c 5 1 JVI, TT I\. If * “""W lfTS Hfe » A ■ Cheapest Furniture Man South. 77 W hitehall an! Gt Broad 8t. Atlanta, j fl 1n » . ^ KEELY 00. SHOES. I ljeamer e - , 7 h r e r 1 ip eC -i >2.00 y L “sh ohoes r C ' tor oth Women T°P- are the best Back, value Patent ever finding' out the merit of these new specials, and their popu¬ larity is correspondingly great. Every size, style ai.d width now in stock. A dollar saved on every pair you buy. Hie ”\\ ear-Well Shoes at FOR MEN. I he'acme or $3 oo shoe quality. The multitude acclaim their worth and cheapness by constantly and continuously calling for them. Equal to ar.y $4.00 shoe sold in Atlanta. I he spring stock is ready in iustthe weights and styles that men of taste want. WOII’S OXFORD TIE. \ * y J i ^ rpT^Tl I ii.|L *r I Js A * T^T | J ( *\ IV t (Y\ I*'! r I’T p . . '' ' ' J fjkAe “ ' " ' We are now displaying the choicest effects in Women’s Oxlord Ties — ied, bronze, tan, black—and the more delicate tints ior evening wear. You can’t call lor a shade, style or quality but that we show it to you at a price less than can be found elsewhere. 7 i 9 ATLANTA. GA. eiLBCTM FREE. i 0W r rlds . - * ? > ^CHICACoKf :Or3fl S: I ■ >■ ’ » •• *311 £1* ii MONON ROUTE Aff- B r T~W V ri.FTAVTi.Y bnnnd A!ham of ZJ WoHciV’* Fait Views, published by / 1 tion the C. with H. if th-* D., Mnuon, which in fo-ms connec¬ the p-M'uhir WORLD'S FAIR ROUTE fr-^m C»nc»nn.ui t»* Chiuncn, will be *&nt 1 1 any ttddrees by K.O McCormi k, G PA T. A rent, C- H. D. R K. Cincinnati, <>., on rc«eij*t of tea cents in stamps. EDUCATE fci PROFIT -BY AlTENliVti MOORE S BUSINESS COLLEGE.*TL»NT*.G* A Mgik-GrwU Fusings* framing Schocl Hsr .» placed over *JU> bus’ BPtis Tbd In'si Bualiiraa »b»Plh*od counw in exittteuee th** only *uLool u» the i . Soalh coiatucus! oh lb»* Acr» *L Bwxwt plan Sludenta enter auy t»cu«*. Send .or I circulars. ____ Scientific American Acency fsr i m. t<k \ > 0 ^ DtSlCt TT? ADE CAVEAT*, PATEWTJk COPTRtCHTS, etcJ For trf^rrr^tlnn «M frwi Baolbook wrriM tn MtNN W CO-. 3»a Bkhadwat, >'kw Ycrtx. Oldest W'vsa ior seowr-.r^c paten :4 tn Atwncjk Frerw ^at tf 9 Crew * brr»u(rfc« tbe tiie jv h.. 'j « uu«i fTrro of v^&rgw ta s-urutific Smtrifait Larewrt ot mr nctrvtXAc pmprr ta tfe? wood. fbouM iUwsuatsea. No *P, Tan be wltbook .0(1 \ r ax: r^sTtth*. a -N A PcausatTk, 961 3ro%. 4 -aj. New York air. CURES ALL 5KIN AND BLDBD DI 5 EA 5 E 5 . Physfcianii **nJ"rs« P. I*. P. combla »tlon. pMttib* :t with Mtisf«ctlon for th« turni of ail Ii* k CS-tcc',j that hsva reil.tcd all T-atnent, GmUrra,^ P.P.P.B& CcopiKk-t*, nrL\t Police, Tclur, J.-a 1J sir., el*. P. P. P. U * twresiel iotii*’. »h-l *a *»cellwi> »pp*t!«tf, I i tMut cg tip ».*te #; * !*ci rsoiuif. w>.-** t '»d ia Ladle* wboaa ivittai »r* r>cinit»i ar d ira ac te pui* coad’itioa, fo nvostroAl irr*q^s^r .las, P.P.P.kS T^To^iy r^-jef:‘bT ~ *wc t p°' 1 7 a* d - »*; u' n___ > •c-. - T' ^ > - (}- SO UJRES-DYSPEPSlA * Jb • . « Jtm • * 1 w.- - - LIPP2AJT E3C3-, Pnptletcrs, Druggisai, *s Block, SAY AS 3 AH, 4A* PITTS FA H MI NATIVE Is an ii stai-t i« lit f ff*> 4 «lie «t ii f; rts c«re> Dysr-nten. D'srrlw spi, * hoi ere. In san turn or a by other dt*ran£**tne*iit of th<* tomacb andlx-we’s: 1 , F«t wliolesale by i am r I*r i's For - dany,A: art i, an*l Maco^i, •H’ -B ■J BOTAXIC BLOOD BALM A tho< nughly tested Remedy roe all BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES, This standard remedy has been tried, and not found wanting, for forty years by an wrth eminent certain and rtevsiciaa, unvarying who has used for it success ai) diseases for which it recommended. 1 % never fails to benefit from the first dose, disease quickly germs and effectually from the system driving through out ail the meainna of the skin, liver and kid effects. neys without It is any the unpleasant result of or ignorance injurious cot ©r superstition, but it Is founded upon corsanon sense medical and a science. thorough It knowledge effectual^ of modern it is without a rival, and in it its analysis of SSS3SSS health-giving properties is absolutely ished blood—the current of life; quickly cures Scrofula, Ulcer*. Emma Skin sessssE?. Bladder Female Weak Dlneases, new, Nerroas Ubcwes, etc. INVCSTIUATE FOR VOOnS5LF. Send for our Free Book of Valuable Inrormatloa. together witi, » wonder fat array of certificates of remarkable EiaH^VSSiSs^Hi Botanic Blood no uncertain sound, that quickest, great Balm and is the best,cheapest, powerful Blood Purifier ever est most theWd. known to Price—|1.00 per bottle ; tf.OO for f bot.^-a. For sale by druggists; if not, send to ur AddreuSLOOD BALM GO , Atle-la. Ga. jlH 0mnE/& E great ! IfSHILOH; A CURE. I !25^5D=8%A Cures Consumption, Coughs, Cronp, Throat. Sold by all Druggists Chest Shiloh’s on a riaster for a Lsose UI S^e, give Back satisfaction.—25 or cents. m great SHILOH’S VITALIZES*. trouble it excels. Pnce tacts. Sv HI LOH’S/% Have you Catarrh t Try this Remedy. It ,t relieve and Cure you. Pr re SO c-s. Thts In lector for Itssuecossful treatment sold by free. Shiloh’s Remedies are us on •ruarantee to sri’-e satisfaction * <ji 1 u i i i i iM i i i rrn innii iii i i ROYAL a SEWING MACHINE! WARRANTED & 5 YEARS 1 — mmm .4 illy as & m @1 IlfliSfe, ■:A j; '7 1,1 ^ HafiaUrge selusotting High N»*edle. Arm. liaa a Shuttle, Han a Self-threading Construction. Has No Equal in Has a Mechanical Appearance. Has an KIeg*nt Finish, Has a Perfect Adjustment. Take-up. Has a Positive Has Stylish Furniture, Has Moie Good Sewing General Qualities Work ana does a Larger llance of than any Sowing Machine in the World. Examine THE ROYAL for points of excellence, and you will buy no other. ROYAL S. M. CO., Rockford. III. THBO. —Ma^ncfae^arcr *t- — GRANITE and - MARBLE MONUMENTS, and STATI1AR -Import Kit Dit-rct.- tomit ri.R tor Butldtiig stone. — mgest ron - CHAMPION IKON FENCEM.O., t^-TheBtit in Die World. few Designs! Original Designs!! LOW PRICES Send for thorn. j j Cffwr and Steam AlGqSTA.flJ Works, 529 tri 31 Broad St., All Work G uar jutecl. xer-LV i • • • « & icA*. rMm sr:_«?VV^%iT c£i WE WANT YOU to act - - onr - -—It' W* furnWi an rx ;* outfi; Hii-t .Wi )'*a n- J fr—. It costs uo-iuog to try tl*— Wr wt:I tr*-*- vou n-H, m.d ti.lp vo* r«i -a.-!, >n time- ordinary wajrvs. Both s of nil ac-a l-siu iia- iionir shc work is spar am--, or Sit Un- :im*. A nr oat? an» where m Two ‘•5**.) *ia.r<>u’ Hoia :**a »f in n» Mouth Siaur, .VJ havejn*. , | pi *q>:- i*. • ■* w 1 inakrni; «« ;«u« h :ntowr wr..‘tt»ti: -»■ ..I i* :tio-o* a; work for u*. Ba*;u*e 4 pira-.uit, «!rvi . *»d p«r* b-jr^r rm othe-r *>lf*-rf**i so Yob hsvf a #’.*■« a v r;*h no woir HT vow will* beg.*., r» n»D S ; >Vy »4 * wj. - im hru»c i\*r ^ :ii»* 1 I mor- inoi»**T will suy o*h-r tou«4fte»> I in pf.jx.> rotir pf**^p**ct* VT^v f a ! •«— * m work for a*. K* ' indn«wv »•» for atisu-viu** «arr*««. !Nm; “ r wrwr-r »&rt)cal»r b hN fo’ r> i iei.iv in for it. OLOKliK a ro., tox No .*'ortUnd. Mt ^