The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, March 31, 1899, Image 1

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weekly Has the cifcula- largest tion in Dhow 7 . VOL. 0. DEATH OF MISS NANCY PATE The Demise of This Young Lady Oc o|rretf Monday at 2-30 A. M. Perhaps 'thel saddest death in the history c/^Cordele was the death ->f Miss y Pate, which occurrAS parent| at, iY A v home of Mr • a-old Mrs. J. g. last Mon da >> / Turning at 2:30 o’cloc Somi III eigh| week s ago while in her usial with pijbture of health she wastajjftn la grippe which later flet*lowed hi to a complica tion •'XpecJteiialXut cifWtiejlses. three Her weeks death was ago, fk’ut she fa,lied and it was thought for sjbme +V ue that she might re COVl Knvever, sorqe three or fouflLdays previous to her death herValmosf superhum/a exhibiteDfcuring strength an 1 vitaliy, all hei|- illnes,!* began to % l \her. She .-oil Id ho f out no IWbAJj and Prou’/tf^cl by relative^ and loved - es. shej quietly yielded lier con serrated (fe to her Creator who diji-w allpings for our good and afori. |HM ir •jas 21 years old. She graoHuafd at Wesleyan Female Coy* 1ie'a8«â€“f fifteen i| and led her classes. <he joined the IVIeth odist church nbout three ears ago, and beg? hving a .iVoreat hWipy, Christian life art devoted ^ Ep deal of time to w \orlft Learie, Sunday-scbfjVk 1 ’* othfeY Christian work. ? / Iqiv. Elam Culpepper, a lw Sundays ago, gave a true i.nsigf Ae s£® lo hjr Christian life when 'hat after hey conversion. *’ 7 lie ‘U'jed to atte| fheairesuiM Wl!1 - ,:o oi | indeed to take part in ,'nytliingl shat would detract from her re : igion or influence her fqends in me wrong direction. appropriately The home was wa* decorated; the casket covered with white brocaded plfsh, and hagy kind friends caj 0 ^ ^ ur_ ng Monday to pay their^ as f re " pects. The funeral servic 5 were onducted by the past r > Rev. b \V. Weston, at the A jthodist 'hurch Tuesday mornm at | 10 .’’clock. The church was croVr e( l vith people and many tear 11 ! yes could Iqe seen in the auclien» e * :’he minister preceecled the«ask*L vhich was laden with beautr. 11 ! loral offerings, up the isle of D© .•hurch. The casket with i|s co fL 1 fonts was borne by Messrs.,iC. McKenzie, H. B. Palmer, W. lL omith and A. M. Stead ; six youig tidies dressled i-a white acted jS honorary pa,11 bearers. They were Miss Susie Blue, Mias Lillie Ray Miss Belle Watson,. Miss ViolN Bush, Miss Louise Killian, Essie Harris. The remains were interred in Sunny Side cemetery. Rip Vtin Winiclf. Last Saturday night at the opera house the Dobson – ling company presented audienci “Rip fan Winkle” to a good reselling Mr. Samuel, W. Glenn rep “Rip” is inimitable. Tjhe enked <4 ; re perfomance, in fact, wa , by those who were in at em aice. The company went from C^r.ele to Americas. I k. !> Nervous weakness jcolpf TV* tion or of the heart indicates disonler iu the stomach and chgestion. 1’rficklr Ash Bitters is a wonderful .«emel;r in such snd regulates cases. li the cleanses, stomaoh, strij'n jjiv'ir thens and bowels, heart removes the causil of the and symptoms and buiiAls I up a strong vigorous body. Bdd by Cash Drug Store. -1-------A Tralde. For;Sale or ,20 lots in Cordele, Ga., u^nimproved, east of G. 3. – F. Railroad Will sell cheap for casfi. Will or exebant part ca In balance ffind good terms locality. i ii house Gall lot in jjood iwrite, J. IE.. , Kifittv. on or Vienna, Ga. entine 11# S' 1 W. 15. Munifoi'd Com in it. W. E. Mumford, president of the Georgia Industrial Home for friendless children, will lecture in Cordele on next Sunday. His subject will b°, “Poor Folks.” We are not iuformed where his lec ture will take place, but suppose !,o will be at one of the churches. ' Stockholders’ Meeting. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cordele Com press was held here on last Tues day, 28th inst., one hundred and niifilty shares being represented. The following directors were elected: G. W. Dwelle, M. M. Stewart, R. G. Daniel, W. B. Folmar and Edward Stallings. Mr. Geo. W. Dwelle was elected president, Mr.M. M. Stewart vice president, Mr. R. G. Daniel sec retary ai!d treasurer. The compress has been thor oughly overhauled and is now in first-clast condition for next fall’s work. President Dwelled head quarters is at Savannah, Ga. No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will.always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep hqr health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and ir ritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruption and a wretched com plexion! Electric Bitters is the best mefiicmffi stL-jjh, in the world to reg ulate liver and kidneys and tof,.iri/ 0 “>t 'Wdfiod, It gives strong vety’i'Lt:ocomplexion. riofV write. njjft%yes smooth, ve 1 It wilTraake a good-looking, charm ing woman of a run-down invalid, Only 50 cents at the City Drug Store. Get Rid of The Ground Mole. v gentleman in Dooly ,‘A county Inf; discovered a way by which th\ ground mole—pests to the — can be exterminated. Th(Ufarmer in question had a number of post holes dug, and as they had remained some time before “.hey were filled with the posts, lie was looking into them moles, and discovered many contained Ame dead, others alive. This ga\\ him an idea. So now he says tlL very best and cheap est way mf exterminating the ground m4 ( es is to first find the direction oytheir run then dig a hole 2 or 5$ feet deep and the little pests will imprison them selves. \ Hypnotism Vaught by Mail. Large lesson p^tage, Lee. Address, with cents to pay S. J. Page, Secretary DoubleSpVings, Southetti School of Hyp- 3i notism, Ala. [3 ly Raines items. Corn planting is going on ir. this section. Mr. and Mrs. B. Jt Wival Stripling are re 3 oicin S °v er the of a fine § irl b aby at theft home, Several of our you – people at ;e ” ded a sin 8 ili e at ^ rid S es In ‘ last Sunday. '-’he singing was collected ? r *l A “ F “ Bfcrr ^ " ith assist - ^ of Messi ; s “ Carsou Ban,es a " d B - B Bridges. il ese are g idjlemen of fine traits. I T^ere is a great deal sick niss through this sectiori. ' Mrs. F. M. Stripling ' ai: her lifclw son, Johnnie, are viliting M;s. Stripling’s son, Mr. 3. J. StlpHog, near Wenona. jlder P. G. McDonald wil be at is regular appointment next firs Saturday and Sunday befere. An* we expect to meet. our very bee girl there with that Easter hat'll. M. S. rfekly Ash Bitters cures diseases stUthenfSHer^sSSch sale by Cash Drug aSd bowp. Ivor i CORDELE. GA., FRIDAY. MARCH 31 . 1899. SCANDRETT AND CUTTSCASE Quo Warranto Occupied Most of 5th and Last Week Dooly Court. Vienna, Ga., Mch. 30, 1899. ' Special to The Sentinel: The famous quo warranto case has taken up the week in superior court at Vienna this week, his honor Judge W. B. Butt of Chattahoochee circuit presiding. Some 200 witnesses frqm Cordele have been here and Vienna has been alive this week around the court house. The case has been hotly con tested. Cols. Jones and Hall made speeches for contestant* Scandrett, while'Cols. Hawkins and Sheppard re plied for contestee Cutts. Tax Col lector Scott swore to many tax fi. fas against Cutts’voters but good many receipts were shown against them. City Clerk Shipp swore to many steet tax fifas against Scandrett’s voters but Judge Butt, ruled most of them out. The case has been an expensive one. The cases of the aldermen will not be taken up this week. At 3 o’clock p. m., the jury had pot agreed upon a verdict. Street Tax Notice. All male residents be tween ages of 18 and 50 years who have resided in the city of Cordele, Ga., 30 days from date are subject to worn the streets ten days, or pay a street tax of 13.00 By order of Mayor and Council. W. W. Shipp. April 1st, 1»99. Clk. – Treat*. The G. – A. Shoofly. The authorities of the G. – A. railroad have at last consented to put on a shoofly train, and nex 4 Sunday the new rA,«dal» will commenced. It will be tween Abbeville and Americus. This will be a great convenience to the people along its line, and is something the citizens of Ameri cus—and more especially the merchants of that place—have worked hard to get in operation. The merchants of Cordele will now have an opportunity to gain new shoppers, if tliey will offer the right kind of inducements. Editor of The Progress. Rev. J. M. Kelley, editor of the Vienna Progress, has personally taken us by the right hand and tendered us his best wishes. Bro. Kelley has already so im proved the general appearance of his paper that one would personally hardly know it, and. while we returned our best wishes, here is publicly extending the same hand both to Bro. Kelley aui the Pro gress. Ready For Grinding. We have re-built the Mill for merly known as the Dick Smith mill, on Gum Creek, and are ready fer grinding. Your patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3-24-4t Gum Creek Farm Mil! Co. <§> Sheriff’s Notice. <$> 4> Notice is hereby given to all concerned that ^ from and after the 23rd day of March, 1809, <– <§> the advertisements of Sheriff’s Sales for the <§> <^> County of Dooly will ho published in THE # CORDELE SENTINEL, at Cordele, Ga., in said county, instead of the Vienna Progress X <$> in Vienna, Ga. This March 23rd, 1800. <$> 1 J. W. ROBERTS, <$> Sheriff* Dooly County. ^ 4> 1'f-lcrs – Walters Comedy Co. Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights of this week—with mati i ! nees Friday and Saturday—our people will bn entertained at the opera house by the Peters – Walters Comedy Co. The com j P aQ Y comes well recommended j and 0Ur P e ° ple eXpect to 660 S ° m f ^ performances. I 15 uil<!in” Notes. Alderman J. M. Davis is build ing a handsome two-story resi deuce on Eleventh Avenue, Mr. McEachin will at once be gin the erection of a nice dwell ing house on Eleventh Avenue. Mr. J. P. Hughes expects to build a, beautiful house at an early date. j Mr. W. A. Webster has pur chased 25 leet front, next to and adjoining the Holland House, on the east, and will at once erect a j new brick store house, Mr. J. A. Laseeter is having his house remedied and enlarged. When completed it will be a pret ty and comfortable residence. Kheuiniitism Cured. Uiy wife lias used Chau berlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism with great re lief, and I can recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which we have found it valuable.—W J Cuyler, Red Creek, N. Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading merchants of this yillage and one of the most prominent men in this vicin ity.—W G Phippin, editor Red Creek Herald. For sale by J B Ryals – < o, Druggists, (opr) A Man of Pluck. “Mrs. Grimes, the wife of a very poor man, |>ecame the mother of twin boys on Sunday evening,” said last week’s Telfair Enter prise. “She was taken with con vulsions and came near dying dur lin K the ni « ht - Next mornin * tile °> d lived caught on fire and the hus band picked her up and carried her out into a field, with the twins and two other children, where lie left them while he returned to the burning house and succeeded in extinguishing the fire, after it had burned a third of ihe roof off. He soon nailed boards over the burned place and brought his family in, and all are doing well.” Eatonton, Ga., I January 30, 1899. ( Messrs. H. J. Lamar – Sons, Macon, Ga., Gentlemen—We herewith enclose you order for one gross “L. L. L.” Lamar’s Lemon Laxative. Our sales on this preparation are rapidly in creasing. I have used it in my fam ily with entire satisfaction, and take great pleasure in recommending it to my customers,and consider it the best liquid preparation for the liver on the market. Very truly, Chas. F. Tatum, Druggist. For sale by all Druggists. All this talk about the girls rav ing over the boys is bosh; they think more of one Easter hat than they do of ten boys, The world is awakening to the wonderful revelations of Hypnotism. Every one should learn this science. Do you want to learn it? Certainly. Then send your address, with 4 cts., to pay postage, to 55. J. Page, Sect. Southern School of Hypnotism, Double Springs, Ala. 3 31 ly We learn that Bill Wallace is g^j^^tending schc ' ifil- 111 led f ^ ille aad Bas be<i ’ J te pneumor’- f POINTED PARAGRAPHS PENCILED FOR PEOPLE TO PERUSE Short Squibs Telling About Polks You Know and You Don’t Know,—Other Newsy Notes of Interest to The Public, Only a baby ‘Thout any hair, ‘Cept just a little Fuzz here, and there. Only a babyl ^Nnme you have none; Barefoot and dimpled Sweet little one. Exchango. Vienna had lots of visitors this week. Rev. II. C. Hyde was in Albany last Saturday. > Judge Butt spent last Sunday night in Cordele. Mr. S. C. Collins was up from Ashburu Tuesday. Col. Woodward, of Vienna, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Jesse Clements, of Arabi, was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Loam Brown returned Sun day from a visit to Vienna. W- A. Hawkins has moved in bis handsome home on 14th Ave. Mr. J. L. S. Brown, of Arabi, made Cordele a visit one day this week. Everybody should work for the Chautauqua. Let’s make it a suc cess. Dr. A. R. Royal, a prominent physician at Abbeville, died last Friday. Miss Cliff Whitehead, of Vien na. has been visiting in Cordele this week. August Myers has moved' his tailoring outfit from Tifton to Cordele. Mr. H. W. Campbell was over in Irwin county on a business trip last week. Miss Fuqua has returned to her home at Fuqua, accompanied by Miss Pet Whitsett. Rev. J. W. Weston went down to Tifton this week to attend a missionary meeting. Mr. O. M. Killian, one of Cor dele’s prominent citizens, was in Albany last Saturday. Mrs. B. A. Wood, of near Rich wood, went down to Arabi to visit relatives last Tuesday. Messrs. W. J. Whitfield and J. I. Hatfield, of Hardinsville, were in the city Tuesday. Cols. Thomson and Whipple have been in attendance at Wil cox Suprior court this week. Messrs. Mason Doughtrv, Sam Felder and Will Snow spent last Sunday afternoon in Vienna. Miss Clyde Heard, of Vienna, lias taken the place of Miss Ellis in the telegraph office, the latter being sick. Messrs. W. R. Harris, H. R. and J, C. Fenn, three substantial farmers from near Warwick, were in the city Tuesday. Our people receive the news with pleasure that a shoofly train will be put on the G. – A. road next Sunday. Have you noticed the show win dow at the R. D. Hearn Grocery Company’s store ? A pretty dis play of things good to eat. Mr. D. T. Doughtry lost by fire lastSaturday afternoon twenty five or thirty cords of wood. The fire originated from burning woods. The Southern Hotel at Vienna, run by our genial sheriff, and other nice eating places in Vien na for the Cordele voter to strengthen the physical man that he may better withstand the con test, have done a thriving busi ness this w r eek. “It’s an ill wind that blows no good.” Hirst Class Job Work done at the lowest prices. . NO. 40 . Mr. Z. Hardin, of Hardineville, was m the city Monday. He says he has 1,000 pounds of meat, 150 pounds of lard, and a lot of other home products for sale. Miss Annie Sheppard has re turned to her home in Vienna, after a visit here. While in Cor dele she was the guest of the Misses' Lasseter. Rev. J - J. Hyman and Miss Amanda Be Igood, of Arabi, spent Wednesday morning with friends in the city. Tliey were eii route to Savannah to attend the State Baptist convention. Miss Annie Hamilton came down from Vienna last Saturday to see “Rip Van Winkle” at the opera house Saturday night. She returned home on Sunday morn ing. Miss Belle Watson and CoJ. W. H. Dorris are delegates from here to the Epworth League convention at Columbus, which convenes on April 18th. Have you seen them? Those big soda water glasses at Jim Francis’ fount hold enough. His place is VHE place—but go around to the Suwahee block, and he’ll tell you the rest. Mr. H. D. Smith is pushing the manufacture of his plough fender. Messrs. Rugely – Jones have formed a partnership with him. They expect to sell a large num ber to the furmer-crtniV ke'fsbnT*"^ A call for meeting of veterans at Vienna Mch. 81st (to-morrow) has been issued by Mr. I. S. Las seter, commander Dooly County camp. The purpose of the meet ing is to select delegates to the Charleston convention. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Waits, of Rich wood, were guests of the fami ly of Mr. B. P. O’Neal last Sun day. They returned home Sun day afternoon, accompanied by Mrs. Waits’ mother, who had been spending some time here with Mr. O’Neal’s family. One of his friends told us that Alvin Roberts is down in Berrien county driving a 2:40 horse and “elocuting”. One thing peculiar about Alvin’s fast horse—he never has to hitch him. Alvin carried all his musical instruments along, and the mocking birds dare not chirp in his hearing. i Last Friday afternoon many patrons and friends of the public school enjoyed the rendition of a very creditable program by the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. The exercises were held at the school house and consisted in reviewing and discussing English and American authors, recitations, vocal and instrumental music. For Sale —Good top buggy with good set of harness, worth at least $50.00; or will exchange for an iron safe. Cordele Sentinel. Mr. J. C. Mingledorf received the report of the examiners for license to practice law Saturday, and now lie is a full-fledged colo nel. Mr. Mingledorf finished his course in reading last July and has been waiting until the present time for his admission to the bar. Mr. F. H. Graves opened his new restaurant last Friday even ing with a free supper, Hal knows exactly-how to set a table that is tempting to the appetite and that which he sets before his guests is sufficient to appease the most rapacious appetite. Hal had so many good things to eat and drink, we cannot “beer” to enumerate.