The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, April 21, 1899, Image 8

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. .... SEND WO MONEY mH $ fffADE DROf CABINET BURDICK SEWINQ MACHINE w, fralthtC. 0. D. .aCjrei to aioofi.i »*ti on. You can examine tint your nearest freight ue|>ot and if ftoimi perfectly Mtlafactorr, exactly as represented, TH t ffsXMp. i *n^u*I ftXlUTKHT to machlnra others hell hh high as fflO.OO, and HAKGAIN YOU KVKK IIKaKD OP, pa j r<T*ru»icnii Our Special Offer Price " $15.50 -—T2 <Mui freight charge*. Thu machine weighs 500 miles. IX pounda and the freight MONTHS’TRIAL will average 75 cent* for each home, and CIVE IT THREE In your own m will return your 115.50 any <lay you are not satisfied. m ,.n 4lf. 19 ►«*! Mates sad frsSes of heelag Sseklaas al BH.64, SHI.00, SII.OO, *13.nosed up, all fully described In Our Free Neele, Machine iatalocue, TM. *•* *15.50 for this CHOP offered DESK by CABINET BURDICK la the greatest value ever any nouse. .'is BEWARE OF IMITATIONS wrtinmcntH, offering «r.known machine* under various names, with various inducements. Writ* some friend In Chiesgo nod learn who ore a ?r IBBJL1ABLK and who am not. IBPROYIMBTT, TUBT DIIDmnif DUnlill/IV Am *OI>«RS *■ Ml (US MSI I flK iykry good MAlHIMt iuim RADS, or ktkky WITH mono TH* I J,-, ■■ GHADK II sutrieraorNoiB. mai>k by thk beat maker in amekioa, material riiOM thk beht f/Stlte SOUP QUARTER SAWED OAK i PIANO POMHHKD, one illustration shows machine closed, (head drop mm ping from sight) to be used as a center table, stand or dmk, the other jjgfittft open with full length table and head in place for sewing, 4 fancy HE Rsfa drawer*, latest IH98 skeleton frame, carved, paneled, embossed and [ BRpI decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer Smyth pull*, Iron rest* stand. on 4 caa IS ■■■*■ tern, ball bearing adjustable treadle, genuine feed, self threading vibrat Finest large High Arm head, positive four adjustable motion tension ing shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, bearings, patent shuttle 1 liberator, improved loose wheel, adjustable pfesscr foot, handsomely improved decorated currier. patent needle bar, patent dress guard, head is and ornamented aad beanllfall/ NICKEL TRI1VIXVIED. durable aad nearest nolscle** machine GUARANTEED the light***! running, most Book tell* tin H made, £ver; known attachment lu furnhhed and our Free Instruction just how anyone can run it and do either plain or any kind of fancy work. A20-YKARS’ BINDING GUARANTEE is sent with every machine. !L£2§ILI21L!t2I”l!l® if'convinced witTthu?.V^”^L™«“»n«f* saving $‘2–.00 to $40.00, io!‘oo 1 pay to $80,00, and then you arc month* you aro ywar freight a*e«i» the $15.50. WK TO UKl’I KN YOUR #15.iO If at any tlma wiihla three you .ay *n( lilted. OR |>KII TO day. DON’T DRLAY. (Sears. Roebuck Ac Co. are thoroughly reliahle.--Editor.) Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK – CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. The Monarch of Strength is O COFFEE o M (ABSOIJJTELV PURE.) Its strength comes from sold its purity. It is all pure coffee, freshly roasted, and is only in one-pound sealed packages. Each package will make 40 cups. The pack age Is sealed at the Mills so that the aroma is never weakened. It h >s a delicious flavor. Incomparable all. strength. !t is a luxury within the roach of Insist on “Lion” Coffee Never ground nor rc.d In bulk. Mono Ccnuino without Lion’s head. V p (low not hnyo Mon Coffee In his store, IT XJ’/’hlH VUill 9° 3 'UaUvCfi 1 *"' mt ,1N hl * " a “ a '“I address thet we II eujfsubstitute D " ,Jo not acce P t “ WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. i’.v aaig>: < i) M i ra»6-, TT g - i.:—— iSLeuMMi au.TnlJte ' o , S EIMPJIS om DOLLA R Cuf ilil* nd. mil and H*>nrl to iin with $1.00, ami wo wUIflonri you ihlaNKYY JJHPKOVKO ACHK ylJKKN FAKLOH OIUJAN, byfrolghtC. O. !»., aul.jeet depot, to ffixiicatnatlon. You can oxamine it at your nearest freight that end if you find it exactly a* represented, value equal to organs and retail at to $100.00, the greatest you ever saw far better than organs advertised by others at more money, $3I«75« pay the freight agent our special 90 days’ offer price, less the (1.00, or $80.76, and freight charges. DAYS’PRICE Less than S3I.75 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 oii^hair price charg- ti»o ed by others. Such an offer wus never made before. t IP j-vjr - THE ACME QUEEN is one of the moat DI’KAHLK AND HWKKTK9T 4 < TONKO InRtriimcnTH ever made. From the illustration shown, which is engraved direct from a can form some idea of its v A beautiful appearance. Made from solid Quarter sawed ^ «ak, antique llnish, handsomely decorated and ornamented, . 4,. ACHK <|(7KKN is 6 feet 6 inches high, ( lit • • Intent. 1H99 style. T11K J 4* inches long, 2:i inches wide and weighs 360 pounds. Principal, Oon- j tains 6 octaves, 11 stop*, as follows; Diapason, HiJldana, Mciodla, Celeste, €re*>ona, Bass Coupler, Treble X » tktupier. Diapason Forte anu Vox Humans; % Octave Couplers, • t Tone Bnell, 1 Grand Organ Swell, 4 Seta Orchestral Toned s i: * : JtcKonatory Pips Quality Heeds, I Set of (7 Pure Sweet Heiodl* m •4 Heeds, HoftMelodloua oflod Mond Hon Rich cons In Coupler* 1 Mellow the Set 1st highest of of Principal and Smooth 8 the 7 Vox Charmingly celebrated grade Diapason Humana, Heed*. lnstrumente; Brilliant beat Newell Reed*, THE also best 1 Celeste ACME Ur 1 da, Set lilted Dolge doth, which of Heeds, QUEEN $4 with felts, 3-j>ly are Pleasing 1 8et Ham- only Ac- of U s feather*, etc., bellows of the rubber bellows stdek and finest leather in valves. 10x14 beveled THE ■ 1 ir ACME QUEEN i* furnished with a pedal plate French mirror, improvement. nickel plated YT* famish frames, free hand and every modern published. a MH organ stool and the best organ instruction book CUARANTEED 25 YEARS. ACHK N wo team- a written binding which SLyear if guarantee, gives by ou* the ^--_n. WwsM terms and conditions of any part V*B1 me rcnalr it free of charge. Try It one month and .(t ‘ lljWe we will refund your money if you are uol perfectly Bi n^nrBMI' li MtlHlIed. 600 of these ergans will b.. sold at $81. 76. J I NsmornilHH tfltllKK AT ONCE. DON’T DELAY. ir OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED li ii not dealt wltli us ask your neighbor Metropolitan about National us,write 1 .............................................................. f: IF «he Mank, publisher or Corn^Exchange of this paper Nat. or Bank, Chicago; or German Exchange Bank, New York: or any railroad or express eompany in Chlcsgo. W# ks.« srapli.l of otov •700,000.00, oct'upy entire one of the largest business Chicago, and employ nearly 8,000 people in our own building. WK SILL OBOANS AT 000.00 sad apt FIAH08, SI IS.00 iano aad apt musical also everything instrument In catalogue. musical instrumei Address, (S**r* Hoebueh A Co. thtroofhl/ rouble. -Mu..) and t or* Was aw- V a—a mm mm a a mm aw as mm mm , ILL. ■ — ? - Bargains ! Bargains!! In COFFINS, at W. M. Bryant's under Opera House. Will ship by Express to any Railroad point. All orders given immediateatteu tion, Day or Night. Prices from $2.00 to $75.00. W. M, BRYANT, Proprietor. SHIPP bROS.. FIRE INSURANCE, Cordele, Ga. PALACE BARBER SHOP. Eighth Street, South of Artesian Pump. Stop here and have your work done, First class work guaranteed. Shave, hair cut and shampoo. U. R. Moore. Nov. 26. Prop. S. K. FIELDS, LAWYER, Cordele, Georgia. Will practice in all the courts of the State, and the Circuit Court of the United Stales in Georgia. Commercial law is uiy specialty. Olfice over First National Bank, janl-tf C. J. SHIPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW Pate Building, Cordele, Georgia. The Kennesav Restaurant, ”24 Washington St., Albany, Ga. Good Meals, 25o. Shilo Rodgers, Proprietor. Wilbourn House, Opposite Union Depot, Macon, Georgia. R. A. STEWART, Proprietor. Rates Reasonable. Fare the Best to be obtained in the market. Porters meet all trains. Best accommodation offered the Traveling Public. E. F. STROZIER, AITORNE Y-A T- LA If Cordele, Georgia. janl-tf BUCHANAN’S 7th Street, Opposite Byne Buildnng, + Mattresses made and r repaired holstering notice. All to done order kinds to on order. of short up A few all-cotton mattresses for sate from $3 up. 2-2 HENRY BUCHANAN aneuieiuMiumingion u>. Americas, (la. Sbeffleld-Huntington Co. have the largest hardware store in Geor gia, and this is not all: we have the most complete line to select from, and the closest wholesale prices. If you want a cook stove or housefurnisbing goods of any kind, a buggy and harness, wagon, or anything in our line, a postal card addressed to us will bring a prompt reply giving de scription of articles wanted and our very closest prices. Our specialties at this season are: “Gurney” refrigerators, “Gem,” “Peerless,” Blizzard” and “Auto matic” ice cream freezers; water coolers, tin water sets, etc. We also carry an enormous stock of builders’ hardware of all kinds. Also sash, doors and blinds; ready mixed paints, white lead, Linseed oil. colors, etc. When in Americas we would be glad to have you call on us, and make our store head quarters Sheffield-Huntington Co., Americus, Ga. Jobbers and Retailers of Hardware Treasury Department, ) Office of rhe Comptroller Currency of ) Washington, D. C., Apr. 5,1899 Notice is hereby given to all per sons who may have claims against “The First National Bank of Cordele, Georgia,” that the same must be presented to James McDowell, Re ceiver, with the legal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they may be disallowed. Chap.les G. Dawes, Comptroller of the Currency. A Weird Grave Yard. In an old family burying lot alone in the woods of Sumter county, there is the grave of an old woman buried some 40 years ago. It is a weird, lonely looking place, calculated to inspire the superstitious with fear. It is said that whenever anyone steps up to this particular grave and asks the question, “What are you doing here?” that the woman always and invariably answers “nothing at all.” CA.STOm.IA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of By pinching off many buds a few very large flowers are obtained. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: “I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yel, low, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides no appetite—gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunate ly, a friend advised trying “Electric Bitters;” and, to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a de cided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim.” No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cts., guar anteed, at The City Drug Store. 5 Seed Rice For Sale. I have about eighty bushels of fine Seed Rice for sale at $1.00 per bushel. Call at my residence three miles east of Cordele, on G. – A. railroad, before it is all sold. 34-8t J. B. Mathews. For Sale One storehouse and lot at Dakota, Ga. —near the depot — at a reasonable price. zn 33, in good business con dition, trt- a fine place. W. Apply fi. Dorris, to Cordele, Ga. Subscribe for The Sentinel and be happy. CASTORIA. Always Bought Bean the The Kind You Have Signature of Telephone 118 for 'Wood. Bull – VriezC will furnish any kind I of wood--pine, oak—any kind, any I length. Send us an order: we give • satisfaction. Phone 118. Dr. Basisl’s Dental Parlors, No. 370,2d St., MACON, GEORGIA. £*p~ Low Prices a Specialty. ......Gold Fillings, $1.50 up..... ......Silver Fillings, 75c. up....... .....Sets of Teeth, $5.00 to $8.00..... $3,000 DEPOSIT To Redeem Our Guarantee of Positions. R. R. Fare Paid. Free Tuition to One In Each County. Write Quick. GA -ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE t Macon. Georgia. A JL1Y Hall’s Grkat Discovery. One small bottle of Hall’s great discovery cures all Kidney and blad der troubles, removes gravel, cures weak diabetes, seminal emission, and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months' treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. E. W Hall, Sole Mgr. P. O. Box 218, Waco, Tex. Sold by J. B. Ryals – Co., Cor dele.Ga. . READ THIS. Covington, Ga., July 28, 1898.— This is to certify thfft I have used Dr. Hall’s Wonderful Discovery for rheumatism, kidney and bladder roubles and will say it is far superi or to anything I h"ve ever used for the above complaints. H. Horton. I. Go the the Atlanta Millinery Parlor, at the residence of Mrs. Bell on 12th avenue, for newest styles and cheapest millinery. 3-31-41 If we could see ourselves as others see us we’d probably look the other way. ! scorn i f ¥ EMULSION! ¥ ¥ 5 y 5 is baby a food that medicine is thin and for not the J ¥ J well nourished and for the M § mother whose milk does y g § not It nourish is equally the good baby. for the J J ¥ U boy or girl who is thin and gf pale and not well nourished $ jj by their food; also for the ¥ 5 § anaemic adult that or is consumptive losing flesh V g § and strength. 8 In fact, for all conditions ¥ f of medicine wasting, that it will is the nourish food J ¥ J ¥ f and build up the body and ¥ give new life and energy ¥ J when all other means fail. | ¥ Should be taken la summer as ¥ ¥ ¥ well as winter. ¥ ¥ 5 oc. and $ 1 00 all druggists. S W . , m- SCOTT – BOWNE, Chemists, New York, w Sale of Real Estate. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, on the 19th day of Septem ber, 1894, Mr«. Theodore T. Bivins executed and delivered to the ’Ameri can Building, Loan and Tontine Sav ings Association her deed under Sec tions 1969, 1970, 1971 of the Code of Georgia 1882, to the lands hereinafter described for the purpose of securing a debt referred to in said deed; which deed is recorded in the Clerk's office of Dooly superior court in “Book P,” pages 467, 468, 469, 470. said deed said And whereas, in grantor gave said Association the power to sell said lands in case of the default in the prompt payment of at said ma turity of principal or interest debt. Now, therefore, by virtue of the power so vested in the undersigned, which is more accurately shown by reference to said deed, said Associa tion will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in May, 1899, during the legal hours of sale before the Dooly county court house door at Vienna, Ga., the land: described in the aforesaid deed, to wit: Lots Nos. 12 and 13, Block 153, according to map of survey of said City of Cordele. S lid deed above referied to was loan ex ecuted and delivered to secure a of one thousand dollars together with all interest, dues and fin< s that might accrue thereon according to the stipu lations of said deed. The due principal by the debt afoiesaid is and now past declared terms thereof so to i e due for default in payment of interest, dues and fines for more than six con secutive months. The total amount of principal, interest, dues and fines that is due and oweing upon said debt is $916.98, besides $91.68 attorneys’ fees and cost of this April proceeding. 1899. Dated this 1st, Loan American Building and Tontine Savings Association. E. F. Strozier, Att’y. r FARMER’S WIVES SSiHr:. or any other ladies who wish to work, can earn lots of MONEY working home for us cloths. in spare We time of- J at on our fer you a good chance to make plenty of spending money easi ly in leisure hours. Send 12c for cloth and full directions for work, and commence at once, Cloth sent anywhere. Address, WlffOOSKET CO., (361-0. BOSTON , /ItASS. . i 12-23-ly Mtg. Department at. mm\; 1 X* A I A The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of , and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Gastoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of m * The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRECT. NEW YORK CITY. Georgia Southern and Florida Railway Co. Time Tables—In Effect January 22d, 1899. Su. "eject to distsig-e ’Witlicat i-Totlce. NO. 5 NO. 3 NO. 1 •SOUTHBOU D NO. 2 NO. 4 NO. 6 | -7:25 10:35 oc zo zz :11 :47 :42 ;00 p “ “ “ “ “ m 1 C5 4- C5I li w« :’20 :Z0 :00 :43 a C4 44 “ u in 5irfaCCWtwtteM wCCC5C5 (4 44 44 *4 4. t. m Ly.....Cordele.... 44 . 44 “ *4 4 “ w 4 . ... White . . . .. .. Ashburn Valdosta Sparks_____ Jasper Tifton.....“ Arabi...... Springs.. .... ... Ar 4k k. “ “ 44 “ p a *4 44 41 ». *4 m m n ti O si’sssiis p a u *4 4 a m k in 05 O 2:20 1:00 H 1:30 :11 :30 :30 :41 a 44 44 44 is 44 —3 —J C7 (X Ct —j :05 :40 u u it 4* “ “ ... .Lake Hampton.... City... “ “ 44 4* CD -3 151 44 .4 cu-- :52 :18 ... GC m5 u It l; Palatka..... •• Ci 41 O 35 Connects at Palatka with Florida Fast Coast Railway, J. T. – K. VV., and Plant System, and with Sc. Johns and Ockiawaha River steamers. NO. ti NO. 4 NO. 2 NORTHBOUND NO. 1 NO. 3 NO. 5 MOOO^OCQO :25 a m 2:20 a m 2:08 p m Lv.... Cordele. . Ar p m 1:30 a m 1:20 :08 ;45 “ 2:34 “ 2:25 “ ?? Vienna .... ” “ 1 ;12 “ 1:02 44 C :49 . :04 “ 2:39 “ yy ■Pinehuist. ” “ 12:57 » 4 c: . :15 “ 2:55 “ 2:48 “ ” ... Unadilla ... ” “ 12:49 12:42 • 4 C. :40 “ 3:05 “ ...Grovania,... ” “ 12:31 44 O . :40 “ 3:55 3:53 “ -----Sofkee . yy a m 11:41 U m 11:45 4 . ^ :05 “ 4:15 r 4:15 “ Ar......M aeon. .Lv “ 11 :-i0 “ 11:25 44 4^ .. 3:30 p m 7:35 am 7:35 p m Ar.... Atlanta ... .Lv a m CCOMh p m :50 p m 12:05 1:25 p m 1:00 a m ” ..Chattanooga..” yy :05 v> :55 0 55 ■> 8:40 ’’ .Nashville.... ” p m :30 a in :10 .. :46 7 :ll) a m 7:32 p m ’’ ...St Louis ... ” a Trains 1 ancl 2. and trains 3 and 4 carry Pullman Buffet Sleeping cars between St. Louis and Jacksonville, Fla. Trains 3 and 4 also carry local sleeper between Macon and Palatka. Trains 5 and 6 are shoo-tty trains. x>. G. HALL, General Agent, C. B. RHODES, Florida Passenger Agent, Fla. 8 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. 6 Hogan Gen’l St., Jacksonville, Agt., R. K. BARTON, General Agent, G. A. MACDONALD, Macon, Pass. Ga. 4 Noel Block, Nashville, Tenn. WILLIAM CHECKLEY SHAW, Vice-President. GEORGIA – ALABAMA RAILWAY PASSENGER SCHEDULES, Effective Feb 26, 1899. No. 19* No. 17* MAIN LINE. No. 18* No. 20' X— CO OiOiQO 'dV'o'd 3 7 25 a m Lv Savannah 8 25 p m 8 40 a m oo m 3 8 08 a m Ar . Cuyler . 7 42 p m 7 57 a m th S 9 4 am Ar .Collins.. 6 09 p m 6 30 a m yi 3 11 45 a m Ar .Helena.. 4 05 p m 4 30 a m 12 36 p m Ar .Abbeville.. Lv 315pm ||1 40 pm Ar I .Cordele l Lv ||2 10 pm; ml II2 10 p m Lv . .. l At ||1 40 p 3 10 p m Ar .Americus.. Lv 12 34 p m . 35 4 04 p m Ar ..Richland.. Lv 11 a m 5 58 p m Ar . Hurtsboro.. Lv 9 3iam 7 55 p m Ar Montgomery Lv 7 45 a m 3.f No. 1.* Columbus and Albany Division. No. 2.* No. 4. f No. 5 20 p m 10 00 am Lv Columbus Ar 5 20 pm 100 pm 8 25 pm 11 35 am Ar Richland Lv 4 04 pm 10 50 a m 10 05 pm 12 34 pm Ar. Dawson. Lv 3 03 pm 8 25 a m 1115 pm 1 25 p m Ar. .Albany.. Lv 2 15 pm 7 00 am Trains Nos. 1 and 2 carry through coaches between Atlanta and Albany in connection with Southern Railway. No. 11.? No. 9* No. 7 t Fitzgerald Branch No. 8 * No. 10. t No. 12.£ 8 45 a rn 3 20 pm 7 00 am Lv Abbeville Ar 12 10 pm 00 BBS S53 9 40 a m 4 20 pm 9 05 am Ar Fitzgerald Lv 1110 am 05 1015 a m 4 50 pm 10 00 am Ar.. Ccilla... Lv 1045 am Wl 15 * Daily. t Daily, except Sunday. 'i Sunday only. || Meal Station. fi^NOTE—Trains 19 and 20 are arranged so as to make direct connection at Helena with tiie Southern Railway for all points in the North, Northwest, West and Southwest, carrying Through Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars be tween Savannah and Atlanta. East-bound Passengers for Atlanta can remain in sleeper until 7 a. m, - sleeper will be open for p assengers in Atlanta depot at 9 p. m. _____ CONNECTIONS. F. C – P, rail Trains 10 and 20 make connections at Savannah with Plant System, road and Steamers. Connects wi'.h other lines at Cuyler, Collins, and Helena. Trains 17 and IS make connections at Savannah with Plant System, F. C. – I*, railroad , and Steamers. Connecting with other lines at Cuyler, Collins, Helena, An beville, Cordele, Richland, ana Montgomery. Trains Nos. 17 and 18. Elegant Buffet Parlor Cars on Pullman Buffet Sleeping Carson Trains Nos. 10 and 20. E. E. ANDERSON. A. POrE, Passenger Agent. Ass’t Gen’l Pass. Agent. General , Vice-Pres’t and Gen’l Mgr. CECIL GABBKTT. SEND ONE DOLLAR CUT THIS 4D OCT and lead to w as, and Ifyoallve CO within 700 Mile* of Chicago, we wilt send yoa this TOP SCOOT BT PBB10UT C. O. D» >4 CO TBIT BSTAU AT (00.00 te tit.OO »»* THE HAHDEST IARGAIN100 EVER SAW, ,4 CSB - M7 tk. freight ef.t OUR SPECIAL PRICE $38.90, W7 •nd freight chargee, leee the $1.00 sent with order, ^ WE MAKE THIS TOP BUGGY \//c, makers put in $ 16.00 boggles. LatMt Stylo For That 1899. Mom Bear, Can h V iixM from the Best Seasoned Wood, gear. Best Bide Bar. oner WkMlt, G Jt, Build. M Bptiafs, as illustrated, or Brewster V High Grade Screwed Rim Barren's Patent. Top, M ounce, Dally J V Rubber Heasily Lined, full side and hack curtains, rsisUag, Ouaran teed equal to any 6160.00 buggy work, Body black, Gear dark green or Red. Cpkslsterteg. hsary pass nrnek M; slsth sr Asa’s Leether. Z–ZXZ'.X:* ryMuij^i >«« Ti * 38 - 90 Address, 8 EARS, ROEBUCK ft CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILL.