The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, April 28, 1899, Image 8

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From TI|>|H*ttvllle. Mr. J. D. Tippett lias just ginned tils last bale of cotton and is making preparations to put a more complete ginnery for next season Sheep-hunting * season is here. Next week , the sheep owners begin . . penning . and sin aring their sheeo. 1 understand that Mr Ben nett Holt and Mr. E. T, 'Tippett have Just purchased a big lot ■of sheep, "hich when added to ti e large In i'tl they own already, will ■make t<>ui c«r live thousand head that the«e gen lemen own. We have ■several la ge sheep owners in our •comma in i Mrs J . < i McKinney and son Oscar, from in .'ordele, visited Mrs. Me Kinne) ’ lighter, Mrs. It. It. Scar 'borougt t Sabbath. Rev. 0 . Jennings lias one of the largest ols in the country. The .people ui ,d Tlppettvllle are always ,up-t<w vhen it comes to a school. Sageu. 3. r 3XJDS, LAWYER. <Cordk: - - - - Georgia. Wit dice in all the courts .of 1 h< ,te, and the Circuit Court of til ’ ted States in Georgia, ■Comi il law is my specialty. •Office First National Bank. jaii J. J. SHIPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW PrtN* ItiiilcliiiK* (>\ »v«ortrin. SEND HO MONEY S» cut tills 15 us, and - ife Mira - 1 Cvond perfectly .Ml.feetory, exactly *1)0.00, as represented, and THKa, mvsI <0 maehluee other* sell as high IIKAKD an OF, your” milAATKOT IUBUSIN YOU K7KR pny frvtehi ngant our Special Offer Price weighs .T-.r;. $ 15.50 m*d freight charges. The machine for each 500 miles. lt> noun ds and the freight will average 75 cents and CIVE IT THREE MONTHS’ TRIAL in your own home, i*,p wil 1 return your $15.50 any day you are not satisfied. We sell d ir- flS'i If^eol makes and grades of Sewing machines at $8.50. $10.00^ $11.00, *3 *Mrt 2.00 313.50 and up, for all this fnllj DROP described DESK In Our Free CABINET Sewing machine BURDICK Catalogue, for Thlg t3 BEWARE tho greatest value OF ever IMITATIONS offered by any mouse. u$r. lllnttradon various with 3 wrrtlxroentK, offering unknown auehln.n under names, who -Vain various inducements. Write some friend In Chiesro and lean are BBSS c SIgLIABLK AND DIIOnirE WHO ABK NOT. has HODIRN IHPROTKHBNT, ■““* s vuc lllb DUlfUlWlV KVKRT every GOOD POINT OF IT2RK HIGH* , dhows 1 "I 1 -::::—:............'a; gradr hachihr had*. with tub ORFSCTS OF NONE. MADE BT THE BEST MAKER IN AMERICA, MATERIAL ---- FROM THE BEST SS9SSK ► net SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK •m I PIANO POL18HKD, one illustration shows machine closed, (headdrop- the other plng from sight) to be used as a center table, stand or desk, 4 faney > open with lull length table and head In place for sewing, embossed and I drawers, latest 1S#9 skeleton frame, nickel carved, paneled, pulls, rests 4 cas HH; decorated cabinet finish, finest drawer stand. on I IS INH ters, ball bearing adjustable treadle, genuine self Smyth threading iron vibrat Finest Urge High Arm head, positive four motion feed, bearings, patent tension inf? shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable foot, improved shuttle liberator, Improved loose wheel, adjustable guard, presser head is handsomely decorated carrier, patent needle bar, patent dress ll and ornamented and beautifully KICXEL TRIMMED. and nearest nolseUss marblao ii GUARANTEED Ike llrhteal running, most durable Book tells made. Every known attachment Is furnished and one Free Instruction kind of work. just how anyone can run it and do either plain or any lancy is A flO-YEARS’ BINDING GUARANTEE is sent with every machine. Cfl«TC Vnil NflTHINR to see ard examine this machine, compare it IT II LUalo TUU WUInlHU nh those your storekeeper eellsat $40.00 w (35.011 to *40.00, poy to $60 OO. and tlieu If convinced yo« are saving tho $16.60, "« TO KKrl KN TOUR *15.50 If at any time wllhta three monlht ynu nay yon aro ■so frolckl agent DON'T DKLAT. (Hears, Roebuck A Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.) . msAooUoflod- ORDER TO DAT. ROEBUCK 6t CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. Address, SEARS, The Monarch of Strength is V LION K COFFEE (ABSOI.EJTELY furs.) fre^iiy’roast^l’and^Ys Each 1 s<a J’onlyln'Vn^-pound 40 The *se’a^j pack packages. sealed package the Mills will make that the cups. is age is at so aroma never weakened. It It has a delicious flavor. of Incomparable all. strength. is a luxury within the reach Insist on "Lion” Coffee Never ground nor sold In bulk None Genuine without Lion’s head. If your Grocer WOOIaSON'SPICK CO., Toledo, Ohio. RH SIHD_U$ OWE DOLLAR I'N'Dah..,!. mil anil ,i>nd In an whli *1.00, <M or will mad f>., you Dili BUUf r*emivi\i> uit (ji kkh fahuih ohuan, h, e. ©. sui.j,-t» w miamiaatloa. You can examine It at yournearast equal freight depot, tlmt •■'V' l f you find it exaelly an represented, to organs entiiil at ttf,.IHI to *100.00, the value youoror saw and >»«-ll.»uer than organs advertised by others at mom money, i pay pri ~ ( ” - 76 « $31.15 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 PAYS’PRICE iSUZ o^.Lofkefi Such o$rr made before. Pr * Ce **“'*• nn wan never IfJEACM rOBRD iattrunifntft E OUEEN .... -.*!•. irone From of the the -o.lDllUBLKilU) illurtratton thown SWUltTWl whir* ° f ft< u»k, iinaJquD llnish, handsomely decorated and ornamented high! fl| iti THK ACRK la 6 feet 5 luvhoa Coni ♦SmcheslenK, S» Inchon wide anrfv»»iKhs S50 pound*. IB tollw i octaves, II *topn, an S f el low*.: «*» Diapason, Prinripal, Trrtli wi tt, Oetn.e Coupler, • '"H’ltt', Ton* DUpuonFon. nail Vox liumamK Hate * Onhontml Couplen, Unnonatorr I Snell, l«rnn**r*nn Swell, 4 Pure Toned Pipe Qnnllty **ed», 1 Set of 87 Sweet Helodlt Snfci'w of „* ! V*nm.i*ffly Dl.pi.oo Brllllnal, Celmd 1MKII Rwedn, Pleasing 1 Set at nrlodlon. Prinripal Heeds. THE ACME «BEEN ao consist of the celebrated Hewel I Keeds, are only M> the highest grade instrument*; Attend! with Haa- p n* Q B.Tox liuuAnt, lH»et Dol»efelts, cloth, M JNithers. etd.,-Mipiri of the Jh‘s* rubber a-ply fl i>ellows stock and finest leather -'‘a v/Uves. the ^ M MK QI KKN in furnished with a beveled plate French mirror, nickel plated peda» fanxls^ frame*, ^ree nnd every modern improvement. We • hand *»mf ortran stool and the best organ Instruction bool published. GUARANTEED 25 YEARS. , iK*me nd written conditions bindi njr of which 25-yt‘ar if guarantee, part (fives by or* s any ytb re feX4M.*' 32 are'mvt’perfeotiy M1,6 '- . Wg! JTkdeh r T |i |::^wT*ucn» OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED » you m .............................. n^rlV^^l^rr N f f ' ®“ k ’ or Ovrman Exchange Bank, New York; or any railroad or expreso ft SEARS;:R 0 EBUCK* CO. (Inc.). F u I to 8.0«s p Ixinex *naW ay m* CJH ?C A c‘o 7 u^- • Bargains ! Bargains!! h- COFFINS, at W. M. Bryant's under Opera House. Will ship U-) Evprpss t<' any Railroad point. All orders given immediateatten Jti JO.iy or Night. Prices from $2.(X> to $75.00. W. M. BRYANT, Proprietor. IGinnkabk- Rescue. Mrs. Michuel Curtain, Plan hold, ; III. makes the statement, that she | caught colb, which seltted on her ; lungs ; she was treated for a month *>y her family physician, but grew ; 'worse. He told her she was a hope , (pss ylotlm of consumption and that no m0(lioine cou ld cur e her. Her j p rU ggi 8 tsuggested Dr. Kiuffs New j Discovery bottle for and Consumption; her deligqt she bought a to ( found herself benetitted from first does. She continued its use and "tier | taking six bottles, found herself sound and well ; now does her own i and is well she housework, ns as evary was. Faee Trial bottle^ of this Great Discovery at The City Drug Store. Only 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle, every bottle guaranteed. j ____. spun (1$ ONE DOHA QC “n«i™i »’i*"SlmSU E ia,ntnot•» , 5«|ot «3% lyMtwficvwy bak?‘** H sMg H 1 jB mo,. «vlr^«w a frE^T' T ACME BIRD, mitK, $13.00 — less the *1.00 WHITE FOR CATALOGUE. OUR BIO FREE sent with or- 8 TOVE 2nd freight charges. Is 42x23; Thie made stove from Is best site pig No. iron, *, oven extre is HKxUxll, top hears heavy linings and grates, large flues, corers, tin-lined door, handsome large oven shelf, ornamentations heavy and oven trimmings, extra nickel plated genuine porcelain Heed reservoir, hand large deep, ornamented base. Best eoal hamer wads, and come large HIM extra wood grate, making It a per we furnish an WI I88U* A BINDING DLAKA.NTKIt with feet weed boraer. guarantee aafe delivery to your rail every stove and dealer would charge you *25.00 road station. Your local only about ( 1.00 (or for such a stove, the freight la each 600 miles, so we sate you at least *10.00. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK – CO.ONC.)CHICAGO,ILL (tears, BosbueY A Co. are thoroughly reliable,-ltd!ter.) ■ A Letter From Mr. Brooke. Mr. T.J. Brooks writes from Darien and among other things congratulates The Sentinel upon its neat appearance. Says it is a pleasure to live where hot munic ipal politics are unheard of. The following is the letter: Euitokh Sentinel : 1 have been thinking for wee ks of writing you and con ir ra tul a tiiig vou upon the neat appearance of The Sentinel and tl t,ie ie aomiy ability with wun wmen which the tlie news news is gathered and commented upon by you. No one can rejoice more than I over your apparent pros perity, an 1 I hope that the people will give you the support which I know the paper merits. I am glad official to note that of you are now the organ the coun ty, “ s w e J1 as the city of Cordele. quite I find my new duties pleasant. The people of Darien know full well how to welcome the stranger within their gates. j have never met a more bospit- I find that Fred Harder had as many friends, in Darien him. No wonder Fred thinks Darien is the finest place on earth, they seem to think so much of him. Among those who have made inquires after Fred’s wel fare are Mr. Paul, secretary and treasurer of the Hilton – Dodge Lumber Co., Mr. Willie Swam, Mr. Juo. M. Fisher, Dr. Kenan, Mr. H. T. Long and the colored barber. They speak in the high est terms of this genial Cordelean and seem genuinely delighted with my good account of him. Mr. Trezevant Holmes, I learn, was also raised here and have many friends who speak highly of him. Darien is quite an old town, next to the oldest town in the United States, I think. It is a town of boats and ships and oys ters and shrimps and quiet, cour teous people. pleasure live It is a great to for once in a place where hot municipal politics are unheard of, but at the same time Cordele has a warm place in my heart and I have many friends there whose kiudness I van never forget. T. J. Brooks, Darien, Ga., Apr. 26, 1899. CASTORIA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Telephone 118 for "Wood. Ball – Vrieze will furnish any kind of wood—pine, oak—any kind, any length. Send us an order; we give satisfaction. Phone 118. Subscribe for The Sentinel and be happy. CASTORIA. Bear* the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Advertise in The Cordele Sen tinel if yon desire to reach the city and county trade. Office Treasury Comptroller Department, j of vhe of - Currency ) Washington, D.C.. Apr. 5,1899 Notice 19 lierehv eiven tn nil nor sons who may have claims against “The First National Bank of Cordele, SSffi.o'5L2 Stb e SwT‘ite nwSf thAiJSf" ceiver the leml date! within three months from this or they may be disallowed. G. Dawes, I Comptroller of the Currency. SHIPP BROS.. FIRE INSURANCE, Cordele, Ga. Tlie .. Kennesaw _ Restaurant, Washington St., Albany, Ga. Good Meals, 25c. Shilo Rodgers, Proprietor. Sr. Daaiers Dental Parlors, No. 370, 2d 8t., MACON, GKORGIA. EM" Low Prices a Specialty^. ......Gold Fillings, $1.50 up..... ......Silver Fillings, 75c. up....... .....Sets of Teeth. $5.00 to $8.00..... ___ __ # $3,000 DEPOSIT To Redeem Our Guarantee of Positions R. R. Fart Paid. Free Tuition to One In Each County. Write Quick. GA -ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 t Macon, Georgia. It isn’t always the most modest man who keeps in the rear; a man’s great conceit may hold him in a retired place, when he be lieves that people will come to him. A TEXAS WONDER. Hall’s Great Discovery. One small bottle of Hall’s great discovery cures all Kidney and blad der tronbles, removes gravel, cures weak diabetes, seminal emission, lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys in bot h men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months' treatment, and will cure, any case above mentioned. E. W. Hall, Sole Mgr. P. O. Box 218, Waco, Tex. Sold by J. B. Ryals – Co., Cor dele, Ga. READ THIS. Covington, Ga., July 28, 1898.— used This is to certify that I have Dr. Hall’s Wonderful Discovery for rheumatism, kidney and bladder roubles and will say it is far superi or to anything I have ever used for the above complaints. Horton. H. I. Every time a man affixes a stamp to a check he remembers the Maine. GRANDMA HAD consumption and I am afraid I have in« herited it. I do not feel well; I have a cough; my lungs are sore; am losing flesh. What shall I do? Your doctor says take care of yourself and take plain cod-liver oil, but you can’t take it. Only the strong, healthy person take can it take it, and they can’t long. It is so rich it upsets the stomach. But you can take SCOTT’S EMULSION It is very palatable and easily digested. U you will take plenty of fresh air, and exercise, and SCOTT’S EMULSION steadily, there is very little doubt about your recovery. hypophosphites in it; There are they give strength and tone up the nervous system while the cod-liver oil feeds and nourishes. 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. »7N*w York. SCOTT – BOWNE, Chetr.; s Sale of Real Estate. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, on thel9thday of Septem- Bivins ber, 1894, Mrs. Theodore T. executed and delivered to the Ameri can Building, Loan and Tontine Sav ings Association her deed under Sec tions 1969, 1970, 1971 of the Code of Georgia 1882, to the lands hereinafter described for the purpose of securing a debt referred to in said deed; which deed is recorded in the Clerk's office of Dooly superior court in “Book P,” pages 467, 468, 469, 470. And whereas”, in said deed said grantor gave said Association the power to sell said lands in case of the default in the prompt payment at ma turity of principal or interest of said debt. Now, therefore, in by ylrtue undersigned, of the power so vested the which is more accurately shown by n / fer ence to said deed, said Associa hfdder t )U ^^ C 0UtCr ti whest mL f Vi 0D ^L ie flrs ^ ta^^bS2Sti.e ism u 5S5?SS , court house door at Vienna, Ga., the to wi^'^Lote ’ Dots 1 Nos Nos. h< 12 12 and and 8 ^ 13, llfock Block g!’v ^ „ mnSSS. Sabive m ° P SUrVer * referred to was ex ecuted and delivered to secure a loan of one thousand dollars together with all interest, dues and flm s that might accrue thereon according to the stipu lations of said deed. The principal debt aforesaid is now past due by the terms thereof and so declared to l e due for default in payment of interest, dues and fines for more than six con secutive months. The total amount of principal, interest, dues and fines and cost of this proceeding. Dated this April 1st, 1899. American Building Loan and ; Tontine Savings Association. E. F. Strozier, Att'y. * FARMER’S WIVES or any other ladies who wish to work, can earn lots of MONEY working for us in spare time at home on our cloths. We of fer you a good chance to make* plenty of spending money easi ly in leisure hours. Send 12c for cloth and full directions for work, and commence at once. Cloth sent anywhere. Address, WlfiOOSKET CO., (3«i-C). BOSTON, /NASS. A 12-23-ly Mf|?. DeDartment. lUwfflranimiillii»MiilllllllHlllllllllillHllil'liiitllllllliliiii.............. 1 CASTORIA For Infants and Children. 3= 1 i The Kind You Have b Always Bought AVegclablePreparationforAs- thfFood andRegula slmilaUng omachs and B owels of Bears the ting the St Imams Children I Digestion,Cheerful- Signature Promotes Hest.Contalns neither of ness and Mineral. Not Opium,Morphine Narcotic. nor JkdfaofOldltSANDIlPtrCMB Pum/Jon SmJ KmMUSJh- AlX.Stnrut* jtnutJntf* % Jhfrrmmf <WSr$w«$r*/>« , perfect Remedy for Constipa- Iff CD A Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms^onvulsions.Feverish- tion. Sour r For Over oess and LOSS OF SLEEP. Yac Simile Signature of Thirty Years NEW YORK. At b month-* old }5 Dost s - j jCr ms EXACT COPT OF WRAPPEB. THC CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. Georgia Southern and Florida Railway Co. Time Tables—In Effect January 22d, 1899. S-u/bJect to diangre "Witlicut ITotice. NO. 5 NO. 3 NO. 1 SOUTHBOU D NO. 2 NO. 4 NO. 6 I I -7:25 p m 1:20 a m tH ?88S3SSS9S$ r_ Lv.....Cordele.... Ar p m 2 a m 2 a m oc —I :47 “ U Arabi......“ u 1 (» .. oc :11 “ <N r Ashburn “ u ; 1 4; --I .... «© -.00 “ to CO y 44 Tilton.....“ *4 1C r Ck Ci 50 :42 “ CO (4 CC y 4. , Sparks_____“ a m M ^ K 44 V* 10:35 “ vt*. 44 ^ : 44 Valdosta “ *4 H p m 44 O' . ... Zi' 44 r *4 Jasper......“ 44 o *4 O 44 ZQ r “ White Springs.. “ 4i o 44 ZD . C- 44 CO r “ Lake City.... “ 44 .4 50 .... —4 4* ZC r 44 Hampton “ 4b -4 44 C5-J ... CC 4a CC r 4. ...1’alatka.....•• 44 C 44 Connects at Palatka with Florida Fast Coast Railway, J. T. – K. IV., and Plant System, and with Sr. Johns and Ocklawaha River steamers. NO. 6 NO. 4 NO. 2 NORTHBOUND NO. 1 NO. 3 NO. 5 *-o®^®ccce :25 a m 2:20 am 1C in Lv.... Cordele. . Ar p m 1:30 a ni 1:20 d m -4 44 2:34 “ bC :25 “ Vienna ,, .. 1:12 “ 1:02 44 wt ... ... it tCJ ii >; Pinehuist.. ,, “ 12:57 .1 Cl .. 12:42 Ci :22 :15 “ 2:55 “ to :48 “ . Unadilla. “ 12:49 i. .i CO .i ” ....Grovania... “ 12:31 ii :40 “ 3:55 •’ Co ii ,Sof kee ,, ami) :4l p m 11:45 t. ... :05 *• 4:15 “ 4- t» Ar. ..Vlacon. ...Lv “ 11:20 “ 11:26 ii 4*- 3:30 p m 7:35 am 7:35 p m Ar.... Atlanta ... .Lv a m 7:50 p m 7:50 p m 12:05 1:25 p m 1:00 am ” ..Chattanooga.. ” ” 3:05 ” 2:55 0 55 ’’ 0:40 ’’ .. .Nashville.. ” p m 9:30 a m 9:10 7:16 am 7:32 p m ’’ .St Louis....” ” 8:55 ” 8:46 ... Trains l and 2, and trains 3 and 4 carry Pullman Buffet Sleeping cars between St. Louis and Jacksonville, Fla. Trains 3 and 4 also carry local sleeper between Macon and Palatka. Trains 5 and 6 are shoo-fty trains. V. G. HALL. General Agent, C. B. RHODES, Florida Passenger Jacksonville, Agent, Fla. 8 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. A. MACDONALD, 6 Hogan Gen’l St., Pass. Agt., R. K. BARTON, General Agent, G. Ga. 4 Noel Block, Nashville, Tenn. Macon, WILLIAM CHECKLEY SHAW, Vice-President. GEORGIA – ALABAMA RAILWAY PASSENGER SCHEDULES, Effective Feb 26, 1899. No. 19* No. II* MAIN LINE. No. 18* No. 20* 7 30 p m 7 25 a m Lv Savannah !* CX> IQ 3 oc O 3 8 16 p m 8 08 a m Ar . Cuyler . 1 cct- -si (M B t- a 3 9 55 p m 9 4 am Ar .Collins.. Oi Ol B zo ro o a 11 55 p m 11 45 a m Ar .Helena.. O B ^ co o 3 I .Abbeville.. Lv 3 15 1 12 36 p m Ar p m 111 40 p m Ar } Cordele.. j Lv 112 10 pm; nil ||2 10 p m Lv . j Ar 111 40 p pm! 3 10 p m Ar .Americus.. Lv 12 34 4 04 p m Ar .Richland.. Lv 11 35 a m 5 58 p m Ar Burtsboro.. Lv 9 37 a m , I 7 55 Ar.........Montgomery Lv 7 45 a m p m No. 3.t No. I * Columbus and Albauy Division. No. 2.* No. 4. t 5 20 pm 10 00 a m Lv Columbus Ar 520 pm 100 pm 8 25 pm 11 35 a m Ar...........Richland...........Lv 4 04 pm 10 50 am 10 05 p m 12 34 pm Ar Dawson. Lv 3 03 pm 8 25 am 11 15 pm 1 25 p m Ar Albany. Lv 2 15 pm 7 00 a m Trains Nos. 1 and 2 carry through coaches between Atlanta and Albany in connection with Southern Railway. No. 11.? No. 9.* No. 7 f Fitzgerald Branch No. 8* No. 10. f No. 12.? 8 45 a nt 3 20 p m 7 00 am Lv Abbeville Ar 12 10 p m 00 O', 335 6 35 p n> 9 40 a m 4 20 pm 9 05 am Ar Fitzgerald Lv 11 10 am Cb 4^- O' 5 85 p m 1015 ain:4 50 pm 10 00 amiAr.. Ccilla... Lv 10 45 am Qt l—A Ox 5 10 p m * Daily. t Dally, except Sunday. jj Sunday only. || Meal Station. i^NOTE—Trains 19 and 20 are arranged so as to make direct connection at Helena with the Southern Railway for all points in the North, Northwest, West and Southwest, carrying Through Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars be tween Savannah and Atlanta. East-bound Passengers for Atlanta can remain in sleeper d until at 9 7 a.m. - sleep er will be open for p assengers in Atlanta e pot p.m. __ CONNECTIONS. F. C – P, rail Trains 19 and 20 make connections at Savannah with Plant Sysiein, road and Steamers. Connects with other lines at Cuyler, Collins, and Helena. P. Trains 17 and 18 make connections at Savannah with Plant System. F. C. – railroad and Steamers. Connecting with other lines at Cuvier, Collir.a, Helena, Ao beville, Cordele. Richland, and Montgomery. and "Elegant Buffet Parlor Cars on Trains Nos. 17 18. Pullman Buttet Sleeping Carson Trains Nos. 19 and 20. E. E. ANDERSON. * A. POPE, Agent. Ass’t Gen’l Pass. Agent, General! Passenger CECIL GABBETT, Vice-Pres’t and Gen’l Mgr, SEND ONE DOLLAR CFT THIS AD M OiT and aval to co nn, an* if rnnlhn CO Vitkin 700 BllH of Chicago, wn will ml yon thin TOF BCSOT *1 FRBIHUT C. O. 9. >. ftCBAKCT TO Xlill.HnON. yon on cuaii* It at ynw froifUt depot ml If found A CO FEHrBCIXT SITISF4CT0RT, EXACTLY AS RIFBS8BNTCD, EQl'AL TO aCOeiKS THAT RETAIL AT (SO. OO tn *7(.*Onn4 THt MAMDIST MMUM Y8UIVCR SAW, «. F«y tkniMtht **vnt our SPECIAL PRIC ES38.9Qn “““V™* •nd freight chargee, leee the(1.00 eent with order. ^ to p Build, fcd s»rlu«. u lUutnted. or Brewster Bide Bar. WhMta, Vj X[i> Ii High Grade Screwed Rita Barren 1 * Patent. Top, *4 onnee, Daily Vdot XAY V teed Rubber equal Heavily to any Lined, HMM full boggy side and work. back Body curtains. black, r-'-Hng. Geardar Sun*. kgreen or Red. Cphelstnlnge MR WiClli grnon rSICE Freath hr Andy nlotk e^pltle, nr Iran’. wide LnMker. trsek. Bell tafik tide and beak snrtnlna, ,l*nn $38.90 rn^nl^wrneefc, IS fend-rniilrn and tap aknfta. CUAIANTEED TVS nr nnrmw YtAIS will last •lifetime. Fur Bnfghnnlfl*.** ••* sprnn, Addrecs, SEARS, ROEBUCK It CO. (Inc*)* CHICAGO* ILL.