The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, May 05, 1899, Image 5

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prevention better than cure, Tutt’s Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT’S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. IN MEMORIAM, Death has again thrown his mouth over a home and, with his icy fingers, plucked a flower from the Makers’ great bed of roses. On the 17th of April, 1899. Die spirit of of from Mrs. Alma M. McWil liams fled earth to the Mak er who gave it. She was 82 years of age, and lived in Sumter county until she moved to Arabi. She is not lost, but gone to the glory land. When we shall go to meet her, she will be arrayed with all the beauty, grace and glory of spiritual womanhood. There are many precious thoughts connected with the resurrection of the dead; when Jesus will gather up his jewels, the reunion will be sweet. Her remains interred in Antioch Cemetery, Dooly county, amidst a host of mourning relatives and friends. Mrs, McWilliams was a mem ber of the Methodist church, un-I til after she married B. T. McWil liams in 1886, then she joined the Baptist church at Lebanon, Plains, Ga., in 1890, which w%4 her faith. She was a faithful member and a consecrated Christian, She was a most devoted christ ian and zealous worker, always at her post ready at duty’s call; and denying herself for the happiness of others. In losing her the ■church sustains an irreparable 1088. Sweet tempered, courteous and amiable, with a kind word and pleasant smile for all, she was loved by all who knew her. Her friends have lost a kind and lov ing associate whose place cannot be filled. Although she will be missed from among us and her bright smile will be seen no more, her merry, ringing voice never noble hoard on earth again, her deeds gladden the hearts of her associates no more, yet her mem ory will ever he fresh in our hearts, and fond hopes of meet ing her in the bright beyond will arouse us to renewed efforts to meet her where there is no pain, no death. Lilies will bloom at her feet, the sun will linger to kiss the turf that wrap lie ? clay: the stars will come out to keep vigil over the sleeping dust of her whose soul has gone to that fair land upon whose stand, no winds of winter moan. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her death. The community extends sympathy to them. “E’en now to her eternal home The happy spirit fly, And we are to the margin oome. And soon expect to die. Draw us,Q, God, with sovereign grace, And lift our thoughts on high, That we may end this mortal race, And see salvation nigh.” A Friend. Planters C U BA NOIL cures Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents j Sold by J B Ryals – Co. When one is in a hurry there is nothing more aggravating than to have the train he has boarded back up and switch off two or three times—unless it might be getting on the wrong train. street Tax xotic-e. All male residents between ages of 18 and 50 years who have resided in the city of Cordele, Ga.. 30 days from date are subject to wonc the streets ify 1 MayoVSa^cn'. $3 '°°' order of w. w. shifp. April 1st, 1899. Clk. – Treas. Possession is a great thing, but temporary use of the other fellow’s possessions often gives from more pleasure than the owner gets them. a Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. 4ta\Sra'b 0 ^o r S°w^h D ' M on Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was' advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumntion “ H Coughs and Colds. 1 it , trial, took in all , T eigm. . Vinr^ out gave a thank t , . 3 God I am saved and now a well and refunded. GEORGIA— Dooly County. fTOm t,ie tax b«)ks of ( t tlie lots of land . ehciiued . .•, below, . being unreturned for taxation and tlie owners thereof being unknown and that the taxes for tlie year ofl8i»8 are now pist due and unpaid. Therefore these Jots will* be uu-day in A uguest next ’. isqq "’ ^ t, ’ Hatls . fy the taxes due on . 1 1 «« N°S. 17,30. 43, 68, 08, jo;, 112. in, .>•>,' 8, hi, 14(), 153, 2oi, j n t | )e 2nd dfs- 110 ' Lots Nos. 32, 73,08, 101, 110, in the 3rd dl f trict> Lots Nos. 20,33,64, 56,. oo, 03, 112, 113, l«s, 147, 152, 163, 170, 170, 103, 205, 20(1. 212 ia the . Otb district. Lot No. 82, in the Till district, Lots Nos. 88, 122, 127, 128, 120, 150, 182, 235, in the 10th district. Lots Nos. 3, 30,31, 34, 42, 68, 67, 68, 00, 113,126, in the 11th district. LOts Nos. 25, 72, 100, 141, 185, 207, 232, in the 13th district. Lots Nos. 16, 02, 147, in the 14th district’ J, W. Roberts, Sheriff. Any one desiring to pay the taxes on any of tin se lots of land will call Hon. M. E. Rushin at Vienna, who is the committee from the Grand Jury to hunt up these unreturned land lots. Respectfully Yours, J. B. Scott, T. C. D. C. Planters Cuts, CUBAN Burns, Bruises, OIL Rheu- cures matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. Sold by J B Ryals <fc Co. Curious people lose respect for a painted face when it is washed, but no man loses respect for a buzz-saw when he lias put his fingers on it to see if it is really going round. TEA cun s Dyspep • iMlIIvi v sia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. Sold by J B Ryals – Co. If you are not already taking The Sentinel, send your name with $1 and try it for a year; HEADACHE, FOUL BREATH, ISO ENERGY, 'yft CONSTIPATION. 1 These symptoms mean torpid liver and a clogged condition in the bowels. They also mean the general health is below par and disease is seeking to obtain controL PRICKLY ASH BITTERS i Quickly removes these Symptoms, Strengthens the Stomach, Cleanse; the Liver and Bowels and Promotes Func tional Activity in the Kidneys. A few doses will restores Health and Energy L in Body and Brain. j SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price $1.00 Per Bottle. CASH DRUG STORE, Special Agents. ■ Season i 1800. 1 AH the latest novelties in Fine and 5 tylish nillmery. A cordial invitation extended to call and inspect m y. Stock. , ,, WTlte • , WHSt « . Wailt. i y J QU Can t COIlie, me VOU J Special attention given to all mail orders, Prices lower than all competition. r MRS. BESSIE CURTR1GHT, 317 Lamar Street, Americus, Georgia. R. L. BARTLETT ^ -j- LllVely • -a il–CK r T. SUllCl J1 drayman. Cheap I meet all LI dillib. -L-UCct T V C OT- wj. r UerS l pvc j ebL f UL'JG- Tt p SnW–- fcJU.wai UtJU TTnt.£»1 XiULCfi. t? *»• T BARTLETT. ■ * - 1 ■■ —' —____—___— -- J. , W , , OIIV/IMC ESltVIlNo. . Have moved my office up stairs, Schools In Cuba and Klaewhert*. prof. J, F. Draughon, who recent ly visited Cuba with a view of in vestigatiug the outlook forestab fishing a school in Havana, Cuba, nex * on h* 8 return vistited Savannnh > Georgia, where he ar mn – ed t0 °P» n H wel1 equipped business colleges located in Nashville, Tenn., Galveston, and Texarkana, Texas. These colleges have sups rior courses of instructions, and special facilities for securing posN lions. See Prof. Draughon’s ad. elsewhere in this issue. Special rates will be given all who enter either of his colleges soon. 2-t People who stand for hours wait ing for the head of the procession usually get tierd and go home be fore the most interesting features come along. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of r# Pleasure is like a cordial, a little of it destroys. is not injurious; but too much Tax Receiver’s Notice. Carlisle Precinct A pr. 1, 18. May 6 8 C Lindsay “ •’ 3, 19, Findlay “ •• 4, 20, 9 Pinehurst “ “ 5. 21, “ 10 Unadilia “ “ (>, 22, “ 11 Zoar “ “ 7, 25. “ 12 Byrotnville, “ “ 8, 26. “ 13 Drayton “ “ 10, 27. “ 16 Vienna “ 11, 28, 17 Coney “ 12, 29, " 19 James “ Apr. 13, May 1, “ 20 Arabi u » i4 ! “ 2, “ 22 Cordele “ “ 15 “ 3, “ 24 Lloyd 17, “ 4, “ 25 Locker man School house, Apr. 24. Tippettville, May 5th. Fuqua, May lath. 23rd. Dakota, May A. M. ^ie^nnaa ^ Books close June 1st. J. C. DUNAWAY, T. R. 1). C, us one dollar r, COAL MOOD n( W , 800 pattern high-grade RKSKRVOlIt AND COOK STOVK, by freight C.O.D., Bubject to examination. |our" lr nei*ht sss EJ§ ACME r,l $13.00 " K ' BIRD. ! WRITK FOR CATALOGUE. OUR BIO FREE «™% STOVE der » ThIg etnve j8 8lze N , g 0Ten „ ftrKes . , lorne oven shelf, heavy tin-lined oven d‘Kir, handsome nickej-piated ornamentations and trimmings, extra large deep, genuine Ht«nakh|mrc.l«In lim'd r.6er\olr. hand iomc large ornamented base. Best co»l born.r aade, and wYisscbjubiSditoSukaIwk JSSh Sheffield’Huntington Co. Ainericus, (in. the Sheffield-Huntiugton Co. have largest hardware store in Geor and this is not all: we have the most, complete line to select from, and the closest wholesale prices. If von want a cook stove or kind, housefurnisbing goods of any. a buggy and harness, or, postal wagon, or anything in our line, a card addressed to us will bring a prompt reply giving de of articles wanted and our very closest prices. Our specialties at this season are: “Gurney” refrigerators, “Gem,” “Peerless,” Blizzard” and “Auto matic” ice cream freezers; water tin water sets, etc. We also carry an enormous stock of builders’ hardware of all kinds. Also sash, doors and blinds; ready mixed paints, white lead, Linseed oil. colors, etc. When in Americas we would be glad to have you call us, and make our store head Sheffield-Huntington Co., Americus, Ga. and Retailers of Hardware if you can’t sing, whistle. Don’t and growl. The most vigorous workers have spells of “tired feeling” now and This feeling is caused by derangement In the stomach, liver and bowels. A few doses of Prickly Ash Bitters quickly cor- the the disorder and sends blood tingling through the veins, carrying life and renewed energy throughout the system. Sold by Cash Drug gtore. Take up the little things of duty; they will shortly grow to greatness on your hands. Eatonton, Ga., i January 30, 1899. J Messrs. H. J. Lamar – Sons, Macon, Ga., Gentlemen—We herewith enclose you order for one gross “L. L. L.” Lamar’s Lemon Laxative. Our sales on this preparation are rapidly in creasing. I have used it in my fam ily with entire satisfaction, and take great pleasure in recommending it to my customers,and consider it the best liquid preparation for the liver on the market. Very truly, Chas. F. Tatum, Druggist. For sale by all Druggists. The smallest man who ever lived was probably the dwarf Bebe, born in France in 1740. He was just twenty inches tall and eight pounds in weight when full grown. -*-—- Planters CUBAN RELIEF cures Colic, Neuralgia and Toothache in five minutes. Sour Stomach and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cento. Bold by J B Ryals – Co. Sheriff’s Tax Sale. Will be sold before the court house door, of Dooly county, Ga., on the First Tuesday in June, 1899, the following city lots In the city of Cordele, Ga., more fully described by lots and blocks, the same being unreturned for taxa tion, and the owners thereof being un known. Levied on by virtue of tax fi. fa«. issued by J. B. Scott, tax col - lector of Dooly county, Ga., for the year 1898, for the amount due on each lot for said year. Levy made by R. II. James, L. C., and turned over to me for advertisement and sale. Apr. 1, 1899. J. W. ROBERTS, Sheriff. Lot 6, tyock 6, Cordele, Ga. 4 interest in lots 14, 15 and 16, block 35 Cutts – Kenedy returns other half. Lots 11, 12. 13, Block 40, Cordele, Ga. “ 1,5. 8,9,1015,16, blk.48, “ “ “ 1 to 3, block 116, Cordele. Ga. “ 1 to 3, “ 128 • .< “ 6 “ 137 L' “ 18, 19, 20, “ 159 “ 5, 6, 7, 17, “ 175 I to 20 186 u II to 20 185 (l 4 216 13 228 i l “ 14 and 16 “ 266 it “ 1 to 20 337 u “ 1 to 20 “ 342 a u ;. 2 to 4 47 u “ 8 U 159 i 4 For Sale One storehouse and lot at Dakota, Ga. —near the depot—at a reasonable price. Storeroom is 18x33, in good con dition, the same being a fine business place. W. Apply Dorris, to Cordele, Ga. H. E. F. STROZIER, A1TORNE r-jT-LAW Cordele, Georgia. janl-tf isis 11111 , Z. V. ENNIS, Proprietor Macon, Georgia. 5554 Fourth St. (Basement). PALACE BARBER SHOP. Eighth Street, South of Artesian Pump. Stop here and have your work done, First class work guaranteed. Shave, hair cut and shampoo. U. R. Moore. Nov. 26. Prop. i IF YOG WANT T2 SAVE MONEY And be Satisfied, Come to see Me. 1 have lately come from New York where I purchased FOR CASH the largest stock of goods ever brought to Cordele, have the prettiest line of good-, and the nicest and largest stock,and 1 bought cheaper than anybody in this section. My store and storage-room are packed with choicest goods. The stock contains' Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Men’s and Ladies' Hats OF ALL KINDS—THE LATEST STYLES. Largest Line of Gents' Furnishings ——^ Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. flMT*Rugs, Carpets, Matting; Lace Curtains, Hall Curtains and Covers. dM Musical Instruments—Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, Accordeans, Mello-harps, autoharps, harmonicas, violins. M^^Trunks, Valises, Hammocks. Ladies’ Underwear; Ladies’ Silk Skirts and Brillian tine Skirls; Duck Skirts, Serge Skirts, Silk Waists, P erea 1 Waists, Cloaks, Fine line of Window Shades Watches and Jewelry of every description. In fact, you can find anything you want at ru/store, from tin* cheapest to the best. I can sell you a Man’s nice light wool suit, worth $7 for $2.5)0. Boy's Suit for 95c worth $1. $2.00. Nice Prints B 1-2 c*. MusiinsB l-2c. Men’s Shoes Ladle “-Shoes 70c. You’ll find everything so cheap, you won’t want it cheaper. dM All I ask is for you to come and price them, and I know you will buy. When you see my large stock, you will know that I am anxious to sell. Come to the Flag Store! Respectfully, A. ROOBIN. A. K. SCUM PERT. J. T. STALLINGS. Schumpert Shoe Company. (Successors to Arthur Rylander.) « " I i 7(1 1 M M RM AS. The only exclusive Shoe and Hat store in Americus. We handle only the highest grade goods. Quality High ; Prices Low. S CHUMPERT HOE COMPANY, Corner Lamar Americus, and Jackson Sts. Ga. <$$><$><$ € #<^<$><^3><$><^<$><§><§> <$*$*§><§x^<§><§><§><§> <§> $ Southern Dental Parlors. <§> f> Y 22k GOLD CROWNS, $4.00. We guarantee. don’t do anything wo can't BRIDGE WORK, Per Tooth, $4.00. We defy competition. * <|> SET of TEETH on RUBBER, Pearl, $5.00. We the challenge prettiest comparison. and <$> <$> <$> Set of Teeth on Rose best plate made, $8.oo. We Invite investigation. <§> Gold Fillings, from $I.OO up. We prove all claims made. #■ Jjf All other work TEETH at EXTRACTED charges WITHOUT that will FAIN. please you # ^ OUlt REFERENCE—A Ten Years’ Record in Macon. Originators and Leaders of Low Charges tor High class Dentistry in $ Central Georgia. <♦> THERE IS I Southern Dental Parlors. 1 (lit Chkkby St., <«'' , 2 s ONLY ONE MACON,GA. Wm. G. Long, D. D. 8 – , Proprietor and Manager. <§><§><$>#<§> <$>#<$> MOVED! New Goods ar -27 riving for my New Store. JP it is an elegant stock of goods you want to see in a pretty, new store-room, you will find these two doors below the Hol land House. - WESTBROOK. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Gents’ Furnishings. Having moved from Suwanee Block to my new place of business, I respectfully ask that my old custom ers come to see me; and new patronage is solicited. Remember the new place--*=2 doors below Holland House. J. T. Westbrook CORDELE, GEORGIA.