The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, May 12, 1899, Image 5

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I! i Say Mr. Perry Only Wants to Inj ure The School. Others After Him. We the undersigned pupils of the Cordele Public School, wish to in form Mr. Perry of the Hornet, that not only is he badly mistaken, in the article that was published on the 9th day of May, in the morning’s issue, about our school and its Superentendent, but he is unwise and a traitor to the best interest of the town, if he in any way aids an at tack upon the school, which is the best that Cordele has ever had, in management, system and good con scientious work. These are facts which Mr. Perry could have known, if he had ever visited our school instead of listening to idle street talk. If Mr. Perry is really interested in the Public School, which is edu eating the boys and girls to a higher position in life than that of critici sing and trying to pull down the town’s best institution, he will in form himself and apologize for his unwarranted and unmanly attack. Mr. Prentiss does not need our praise, for his work speaks for him, but we wish to say that he has tried in every way possible, to fully and properly discharge his duty to each and every pupil in our school, and we wish him a long life, and to be our teacher and guide. Mr. W. C. Williams, Mr. Perry Coney, Mr. J. Wesley Smith, Mr. J. D. Lowe, Mr. Prat Mingledoff, Mr. Ray Marshall, Mr. Wooten Shipp, Mr. Oscar McKenny; Miss Lydia Wheeler, Miss Emma Zellner, Miss Mattie B. Samples, Miss Estell Col well, Miss Mary Nell Smith, Miss Euna Hunt, Miss Bertie Crow, Miss Sallie McKenney, Miss Inez Gray, Miss Berdie B. Bulloch, Miss Rosa L. Fenn, Miss Susie Littlejohn, Miss Annie L. Hughes, Miss Idolene Ray, Miss Gertrude Culver, Miss Olevie Johnson, Miss Mary Lee Clark, Miss Hettie Morris, Miss Min nie B. Fussell. The ladies wonder how Mrs. B. manages to preserve her youthful looks. The secret is she takes Prickly Ash Bitters; it keeps the system in pef-ect OTdeT. For f urther particulars call on Cash Drug Store. Master R. IX. Summer*! 'Wins. The guessing contest that has been run by the Sentinel has closed. The question “Into how inanj’ states does The Sentinel circulate?” was guessed by the twelve-year-old son of Mr. D„ P. Summers, at Senoia, Ga. His was the only correct guess—17 States. A few guessed just a lit. tie under this and several above the correct number. matiem and Bores. Price, 25 cents Sold by J B Ryals –Co. Dogwood is blossoming and fish are biting ia a hurry. Hypnotism Tanght by Mail. Large lesson free. Address, with 4 cents to pay postage, S. J. Page, Secretary Southern School of Hyp notism, Double Springs, Ala. [3 31 ly E. D, Sheffield Co., Americus, Ga, When you are in Americus be I sure to go to see E. D. Sheffield Co. They have just received their spring stock of dry goods, notions, j clothing, shoes, hats and gents’ j furnishing goods. You are cor dially invited to make their place headquarters when you are in the ••ity, and you will find them ready | and willing to serve the you largest m and any way. They carry clothing be found best stock of to in the city, and you will find there [the best stock of shoes, as well ns I dry goods, notions, etc. They I have the exclusive sale in Ameri [cus I'fe Co’s, of the tailor-made celebrated clothing, Schloss Bros. and I also the Duchess Trousers - (10c. aa button, $1.00 a rip). will most E. D. Sheffield Co. [positively jthing that save you woman, money or on child any man, place, [wears. [Forsyth Remember street, just above the thepost- on | office. Mail orders receive prompt at jtention. Very Write Respectfully, for samples. E. D. Sheffield t Co. £^“Dr. Cone makes full sets of ■ teetfy at $7.50; gold filling $1.50; ■ amalgam 50e, and Crowns $8.50; ex sonable. tractions 50c, Call and him. other Office, work Bolton rea Dpbilding, on Cordele Ga. U . Continued from first page. The commencement, exercises are free to everybody. •fudge Allen Port was iu the city this week on business. An interesting letter from our Arabi correspondent is crowded out of this issue. TEA cures Dyspep ■ IMIIIVI 9 s ia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cU. Sold by J B Ryals – Co. President J. E. Howell, of the school board, wrote the Hornet a letter strongly condemning its arti cicle antagonistic to the Cordele pub lie school Bnd the superiutendant. Mr, Nichols made the photo graphs issue from which the cuts in this of the Sentinel were made. Planters Cuts, CUBAN Burns, Bruises, OIL Rhcu- cures Inatism aiul Sores, Price, 25 cents. Sold by J B Ryals – Co. The city tax books are now open for receiving tax returns for 1899 and will close June 14th, 1899. W. W. Shipp, Clk. –Treas. Mr. H. Nichols, the photogra pher, is making the very best pho tos to be had. See him in the First National Bank building. Mr. Lovic W. Ridenhour has accepted a position in Birming ham, Ala. Yon assume no risk when Cole'ra you anil buy Chamberlain's Colic, Diarrhoea Remedy. J. B Rjals – Go., Druggists, will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using it. It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable, til nov. M. E. Rushin, of Vienna, was in city writing insurance this week. Iwlllvl TEA cures Djspep ■ v 6 ia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. Sold by J B Ryals – Co. In this issue appears the adver tisement of the Asheville Summer School and Conservatory. Mr. Emil Gramm, Manager and pro prietor of the Scharwenka Conser vatory of New York, will be di rector of the school of music in the Ashville Summer School and Conservatory during its session in July and August of this year. Be sides being assisted by the lead ing teachers of this famous Con servatory, he will call to his aid for the Ashville School a number of the most prominent artists and musicians of New York. CASTORIA. Be*ri the The Kind You Have Always Bought Bigsatuw of ASHEVILLE hm Mod aid tamtr; Offers superior courses in Music Art, Literature, Expression and Physical Cul ture. Mr. Emil Gramm, Manager and Proprietor of the Scharwenka Conserva tory of New York, will he the Director ol the School of Music this season. He will be assisted by the leading teachers of the Scharwenka Conservatory and also New by some of the most prominent artists of York, h he rates in Asheville will be 2« percent, less than the New Y r ork prices from the same instructors. For circular and further particulars, Address Archibald A. Jones, President, N.. C. 46 Asheville , FASHIONABLE MILLINER! SprttiQ Season i 1899 ’ . All the latest novelties in Fine and Stylish Hillinery. A cordial invitation extended to call and inspect my stock. If you can’t come, write me what you want. Special attention given to all mail orders. Prices lower than all competition. MRS. BESSIE OJRTRfGHT, 317 Lamar Street, Americus, Georgia. -------------— --------------- _ SEND ONE DOLLAR CCT THIS AD 00 OUT end scad to co us, and if yon live 00 SSSSSS *p'sPFci/?L.^PHMPO E’$38l90.^ it CO co b'TT \//Z Wiihber HfifhGrade Heavily 8 fcIcrew6d Lined, B KJra full 1 side avrv0n and i B bock O p»ter^*^TopfM curtains. Painting,Guaran- oun’lgT^V^ V^V V WRIT* roll FREE BTOflY CATAMflCE. YOU CAN MAKE IT JS600.00 This Year Selling DELAY. OUH S38.90 M TUTQQIEfl Addr^6, ORDER ONE TO DAY. YOU CAN SELL FOB $60.00. DON’T ILL. 8DQ SEARS, ROEBUCK it CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, Doctors Say; Fevers Bilious and Intermittent which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels The Secret of Health. The liver is the great “ driving wheel” in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of older he whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result Tutt’s Liver Pills Core all Liver Troubles. — You certainly have steu ti.e bread rise, the butter run, aud a cake walk. Planters CUBAN rELiEF cure* Colic, Neun.iy.iUDd Toot hr cho In five rcfnuief. Four .‘■ tu-r and Summer Complaints, l uce, Cents. - . Bold by .7 B Ryo '<■ -C Co. Sheriff’s Sales. Continued from 8th page. block 137 in t,Ue city of Cordele. Ga.: levied on as the property of Corine Williams, to satisfy one tax ti fa issued by J B. Scott, T. C. of !)• oly Co., tc satisfy her r-t.ii.te and county tax for the year 1898. Levy made by li. F. Yromao and turned over to me for advertisement and sale. -Tenant in pos session n aitied. Also at, the same time and place, 10m acres, being tli • west half efiot of land No 199 in • he 2nd district uf in.jly county, Ga. to >»• -old the t >vo'|.erty ?■ “ tor the year of 1*97, v-. A. Thompson: Le\ v made b\ v . Yeoman ami turned over t • me tor advertisement and sale. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same timeaml undivided place, one-hall lots 1 to 10 in block 1 III, and one interest iu lots to and 17 in (dock 18. all in the city of Cordele. (la. Levied upon and to lie sold as the property oi <J -I Shipp, to soiisn iax li as issued bv .). It Sootl. Tax Colleetorol Doojy . (in,, lor 180.8, vs, C. •J. Shipp. Let \ made by It. K. Yeoman and turned over ot me for ad - el Us lit aud sale I euiim to po^s-tssioii notified. Also .-if tin* same time alid place, lots 17, 18 and IS) in block item ilrci.j oft o.deie, (in.; Iv.ied on :ts the j-ropetlv of Silas. Powell, to satisfy a li la issued out «>f and Iroin the supei im c im el Dooly Lumber county, – tin., in favor of the Hutchinson Supply Loin pa in. against Silas Powell. Also at the same lime and place will be sold eit( Im \<>. io.‘>in block so. II!) in the city of Uuudilla, Hit., as appears from map of survey of said oin of Uuadilln, Ga., in said Doo'ly county. Said property of the levied Al on and to be eoUl as the prope - ty liance Warehouse, for state aud county taxes for tlie tear 1888. This .May, 10, 1898. J. M. noHLIU'S. Sheri ti. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Real Bpring days have come at last and everybody feels easy. f f \PRICKLY ASH \ 1 IbittersI VI B FOB KIDNEY DISEASE, STOM- B m ACH TROUBLE,INDIQE8 OR UUTION. LIVER DISORDER CONSTIPATION, Cash Drug Store, Special Agents. IlItOOKH STKAI). Next Wednesday morning, May 17th. at 11 o’clock a. m at the home of Mrs. N. D. Brooks, Miss Corde Brooks and Mr. A. M. Stead will be joined in marriage by Rev. J. W. Weston. This is quite an agreeable surprise to the many friends of this popular young couple Owing to the recent i'lness of Miss Brooks no invitations will be issued and only a few intimate friends will be pres ent. Miss Brooks is one of Cordele’s most popular young ladies and she has a hosts of friends. Mr. Stead is proprietor of the Cash Drug Store and among Cordele’s best business young men. An account of the wedding will appear in next week's issue of the Sentinel. The most vigorous workers have spells of “tired feeling” caused now and by then. This feeling is liver derangement in the stomach, and bowels. A few doses of rects [Sickly the Ash disorder Bitters and quickly sends cor- the tingling through the veins, carrying life and renewed energy throughout the system. Sold by Cash Drug Store. Choir Organized. Last Monday night Rev. J. W. Weston organized a chorus to lead the singing during the series of meetings he contemplates begin ning on the 21st inst. The fol lowing persons have responded to his invitation to do this work : B. B. Found, P. H. Willis, J. W. Dowman, R. L. Wilson, F. E. Varnadoe, B. H. Palmer, E. A. Stead, W. A. Snow, W. I. Dick son, W. I. Marshall, J. C. H. Cor ley; Mrs. D. E. Kenedy, Mrs. J. J. Willis, Mrs. P. H. Willis, Miss Mary Lee Pound, Miss Gene Roberts, Miss Rosalie Marshall, Miss Susie Blue, Miss Birdie Bul lock, Mrs. B. B. Pound, Mrs. L. H. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. John Webb, Mrs. J. C. H. Corlev, Mrs. W. H. Marshall, Mrs. R. L. Wil son, Miss Nettie Benson, Miss Lizzie Fussell. Miss Mary Wes ton will preside at the organ. As Mr. Weston has given a general invitation to all the mem bers of his church and congrega tion to lend their aid, others may respond. They are practicing some excellent revival mu sic and they will no doubt add greatly to the benefit of the meet ing- _ I consider it not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effect ed in my case by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholora Diar rtioera Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procured a bot tle of this remedy. A few doses of it effected a permanent cure. I take pleasure in recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful disease.—J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W.Va. This remedy is sold by J. B. Ryals – Co., Druggists. _____ Sheffield-Huntington Co. Americus, Ga. Sheffield-Huntington Co. have the largest hardware store in Geor gia, and this is not all: we have the most complete line to select from, and the closest wholesale prices. If vou want a cook stove or housefurnisbing goods of any kind, a buggy and harness, or wagon, or anything in our line, a postal card addressed to us will bring a prompt reply giving de scription of articles wanted and our very closest prices. Our specialties at this season are: “Gurney” refrigerators, “Gem,” “Peerless,” Blizzard” and “Auto matic” ice cream freezers; water cooler^, tin water sets, etc. We also carry an enormous stock of builders’ hardware of all kinds. Also sash, doors and blinds; ready mixed paints, white lead, Linseed oil. colors, etc. When in Americus we would be glad to have you call on us, and make our store head quarters. Sheffield-Huntington Go., Americus, Ga. Jobbers and Retailers of Hardware Sheriff’s Tax Sale. Will be sold before the court house door, of Dooly county, Ga., on the First Tuesday in June, 1899, the following city lots in the city of Cordele, Ga., more fully described by lots and blocks, the same being unreturned for taxa tion, and the owners thereof being un known. Levied on by virtue of tax fi. fas. issued by J. B. Scott, tax col lector of Dooly county, Ga., for the year 1898, for the amount due on each lot for said year. Levy made by It. H. James, L. C M and turned over to me for advertisement and sale, j Apr. 1, 1899. .T. W. ROBERTS, Sheriff. Lot <5, block 6, Cordele, Ga. i interest in lots 14, 15and 16, block35 (; u tts – Kenedy returns other half. Lots 11, 12, 13, Block 40, Cordele, Ga. 1. 5. 8.9,10 15,16, blk.48, “ •• 1 to 3, block Cordele. Gu, “ 1 to 3, “ 6 “ 18, 19, 20, “ “ 5, 6, 7, 17, “ •• 1 to 20 11 to 20 16 “ “ 1 to 20 1 to 20 •• 2 to 4 “ 8 < t If YOd WANT T2 SAVE MOKTEY And be Satisfied, Come to see Me. 1 have lately come from New York where I purchased FOR CASH the largest stock of goods ever brought to Cordele. have the prettiest line of good-, and the nicest and largest stock,and I boughtcheaper than anybody in this section. My store and storage-room are packed with choicest goods. The stock contains. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Men’s and Ladies’ Hats OF ALL KINDS— THE LATK8T STYLES. Largest Line of Gents' Furnishings Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. IP^-Rugs, Carpets, Matting; Lace Curtains, Sheneal Hall C urtains and Covers. i0' Musical Instruments—Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, A ccordeans, Mello-liarps, autoharps, harmonicas, violins. iM' Trunks, Valises, Hammocks. Ladies’Underwear; Ladies’ Silk Skirts and Brillian tine Skirts; Duck Skirts, Serge Skirts, Silk Waists, P erea 1 Waists, Cloaks, Fine line of Window Shades. M0 _ Watches and Jewelry of every description. In fact, you can find anything you want at my store, from tlie cheapest to the best. I can sell you a Man’s nice light wool suit, worth $7 for $2.00. Boy's Suit for 95c worth $2.00. Nice Prints 3 1-2 e. MusllnsS l-2c. Men’s Shoes$l. Ladie^Shoes 70c. You’ll find everything so cheap, you won’t want it cheaper. HMT*A11 1 ask is for you to come and price them, and I know yon will buy. When you see my large stock, you will know that I am anxious to sell. Come to the Flag Store ! Respectfully, A. ROOBIN. A. K. SCUM PERT. J.T. STALLINGS. Schumpert Shoe Company. (Successors to Arthur Rylander.) \\ f The only exclusive Shoe and Hat store in Americas;. We handle only the highest grade goods. Quality High; Prices Low. S CHUMPERT HOE COMPANY, Arthur Uylander). Corner Lamar Americus, and Jackson Ste. Ga. (Successors to t Southern Dental Parlors. (ft (ft | f 22k BRIDGE GOLD WORK, CROWNS, Per Tooth, $4.00. $4.00. We guarantee. don’t do anything we can’t x We defy competition. SET of TEETH on RUBBER, $5.00. We challenge comparison. (At Set of Teeth on Rose Pearl, the prettiest and <$> aft best plate made, $8.oo. We invite investigation. (ft Gold Fillings, from $i.oo up. We prove all claims made. (ft x All other work at charges that will please you. J TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. (ft OUR RKFEKKNCE—A Ten Years’ Record in Macon. (ft (ft Originators and Leaders of Low Charges for High Class Dentistry in Centrul Georgia. (ft THERE IS ft Southern Dental Parlors- III fill Cheeky St., V®’ s*. (ft ONLY ONE MACON, GA. (ft (ft Wm. G. Long, D. D. 8 , <4t> Proprietor - and - Manager. w MOVED! New Goods ar riving for my New Store. JJP it is an elegant stock of goods you want to see in a pretty, new store-room, you will find these two doors below the HoL land House. 3C SX WESTBROOK. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, f Gents’ Furnishings. Having moved from Suwanee Block to my new place of business, I respectfully ask that my old custom ers come to see me; and new patronage is solicited. Remember the new place = as ss 2 doors below Holland House J.T. Westbrook CORDELE, GEORGIA.