The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, May 26, 1899, Image 4

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The Cordele Sentinel. J. W. Bivins. W. A.Snow. BIVINS – SNOW. Editor** - and - Publishers. retfMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One Year...... I Six Months B .. Three months –• Friday, May 26, 1899. lEdal Orgaa cf Cii^ of Cordele. Cfficial Organ of the Douaiyof D00I7. Mr. A. J. Tison is authorized to solicit and collect subscriptions, advertisements and job work for The Sentinel. Wm J. Bryan still talks to the peo pie. The governor of South Carolina is critically ill. Some men spend life just like they thought it would last forever. Many mistakes made by trying to do things before we learn how. The Hines shoe factory is to be moved from Gainsville to Atlanta. Charley La than. 10 years old, died of hydrophobia at Buchanan Monday. The Georgia Bankers will meet in convention at Warm Springs June 9 th Don’t go daft over praise from a man to-day; he will be abusing you tomorrow. A negro at Pa vo last week didn’t know the gun was londed 1 and now he is gone. The failure of a man, in a degree, should be respected. A slow team seldom breaks down- Don’t forget that when you shuf fle off this mortal coil,the world will go along just the same. Advertise in The Cordele Sen tinel if you desire to read) tbe city and county trade. It is said that man was once n vegetable. Some of them are a vegeta ble now—if a “heat” is a vegetable. Tho body of a negro woman with t he head cut entirely off was fovmd last week in a creek near Fitzgerald. At Jacksou Tuesday evening light ning struck J. T. Lancaster and his wife and stripped them of all their garments. They are not expected to live. Diaz, Mexico had a lynching of seven negroes on the 22nd. The yankees can put this case on file to go daft over after they recover from the Sam Hose case. A party of fishermen near Valdos ta found a dead rabbit in the bottom of tho creek and raised a mighty howl that it was the body of a child. Imagination somtimes kills. Time spent in idleness is lost and cannot be regained. The sun goes down to rise on another day, and the moments passsing by us will never pass by us again. The Governor of Mississippi and Congressman John Allen met Satur day night in joint campaign, when Allen laid charge at the governor’s feet that the governor denounced as lies. Now the two have gone forth to prove their assertions, and prob ably to get their guns, as both talk rough like they were mad. I consider it not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the won do 1 cure effect ed in my case L. the timely use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholora Diar rlioera Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procured a bot tle of this remedy. A few doses of it effected a permanent recommending cure. I take pleasure in dreadful it, to others suffering from that disease.—J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W.Va. This remedy is sold by J. B. Kvals «£r Co., Druggists. The <*id Fellows of Georgia are in seestoft at Rome. Queen Victoria celebrated her 80th birthday Wednesday. Mrs. Chalea Putnam was instantly killed by lightning In Americas Tuesday evening. An effort was made, without avail, in Minnnpolis this week to unit* the Presbyterian church North and South Two candidates in Atlanta were assessed $250 each for the expenses of i he primary. Such a proceeding down here would curtail tho contest courts. Adjutant General Corbin has made the following report of the lives lost in the war with Spain : In Cuba, 1,399 ; in Porto Rico, 287; at Honolul, 45; in the Philippines, GOT; in the United States, 3,872— total, 6,209. Some one has suggested that white women teach negro children in the public schools. This may work in the North, hut not down here where we know each other. E. R. Carter, colored preacher in Atlanta, comes out with a statemen that negroes will tcachnegroes. At a picnic at Rowland’s landing on the Ohoopee river near Wrights ville Tuesday two young people, Mr. Pebley Hall and Miss Harvey Atkinson, were capsized in a bateau and drowned. It is said that they were engaged to be married. Miss Lizzie Rowland was with them, but was rescued in the last stage. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Sd; ain, spends his winters at Aiken S. C. W eak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Ritters, America’s greatert Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him, lie says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones the stomach, strengthens the neryes. puts vim, vig or and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guarahteed, only 50c. Sold at all drug stores. WE MANUFACTURE AND SELL EngineS, Saw Mills, Boilers, .. and .. Cotton everything in . . the . . Presses, Line i • • • • • • Seed Cotton Get our Elevators, prices before Grist Hills buying. WE OPERATE Machine Shops # Foundery. WE HANDLE Full Line MILL Spplies. MALLARY BROS. – CO. Macon, O-oorgla. NEVER TOO OLD B S. S. S. is a Great Blessing to "3 Old People. It Gives Them SnS eo C y te 8^ d ^i,i. M S t ?nS: but it is wholly unnecessary. By keep Now liDn Plnnri DiUOU onrl flllu I LIIoi ifo in S their blood pure they can fortify themselves so as to escape three-fourths of the ailments from which they suffer so generally. S. S. S. is the remedy which will keep their systems young, by purifying the impart- blood, thoroughly removing all waste accumulations, and ing new strength and life to the whole body. It increases the appetite, builds up the energies, and sends new life giving blood throughout the entire system Mrs. Sarali Pike. 477 Broadway, South enjoyed Boston, good writes: health Sr 2 “ I am seventy years old, and had not for twenty years. I was sick in different ways, and in ■ _ addition, said had Eczema account terribly of on one of I would my legs. The be j ! doctor that on my age, never ' well again. I took a dozen bottles of S. S. S. and it cured me completely, and 1 am happy to say that I feel as well ns 1 ever did in “Fo^ iuv'life.” AT* _ Mr. J. W Loving, of Colquitt, Ga„ says: eruption eight- ^ cen years 1 suffered tortures from a fiery but on K V mv skin. I tried almost every known remedy, they ^ _ L tailed one by one. and I was told that my age, which is sixtv-six. was against me, and that I could never hope jSg't- ALA."’ Vjtvwa to be well again. I finally took S. S. S., and it cleansed my blood thoroughly, and now I am in perfect health.” m jdwigMx S„ S. S. FOR THE BLOOD ri m is the only remedy it which is the only can build which up and is guaranteed strengthen f f ; old people, because one free from potash, mercury, arsenic and other damaging minerals.© Jt is made from roots and herbs, and has no chemicals whatever in it. S. S 8. cures the worst cases of Scrofula, Cancer. Eczema, the Rheumatism, 1 Tetter, Open Sores, Chronic Ulcers, Boils, or any other disease of blood. Books on these diseases will be sent free by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga. j The speech of ex-Govrnor W. J. Northern in Boston on “The white ma^s view of the negro of the South, ” cannot be excelled. Nelthor can Boston furnish as big, broader minded man as Northern. A negro-went to the home of Mr. James Wood, who lives in Esom Hill district,near Cedartown, the oth er night and undertook to enter the bedroom. Mr. Wood was absent, but his wife, who had learned to use a winchester, sent a ball ^crashing into the brain of negro and thereby escaped the clutches of a negro as sailant who was seeking to enter her bedroom. A few more women with the nerve and bravery of Mrs. Wood will make others less inclined to attack women who are alone. Dr. Maury M. Stapler, 506 eye, Mulberry ear, nose . and throat specialist, 1-1-ly. street, Macon, Ga. GEORGIA— Dooly County. It appearing from the tax books of Dooly county that the lots of land described below, being unreturned for taxation and the owners thereof being unknown and that the taxes for the year of 1898 are now p i st due and unpaid. Therefore these lots will be sold to the highest and best biddei for cash on the 1st Tuesday in Auguest due next, 1899, to satisfy the taxes on each lot. 112. 117. Lots Nos. 17. 30, 49, (13. 68, 107, 2nd 185, 138, 141, 149, 153, 201, in the d.s t.rict. in the 3rd Lots Nos. 32,79,98, 101, 110, district. 93, 112, 113, Lots Nos. 20, 33.54, 179,193, 56, 90, 205, 206, 212, 140, 147, 152, 163, 176, in the 6tL> district. Lot No. 82, in the 7th district. Lots Nos. 88, 122, 127, 128, 129, 159, 182, 235, in the 10th district. Lots Nos. 3, 30,31, 34, 42, 53, 57, 58, 66, 113, 126, in the 11th district. LOts Nos. 25, 72, 106, 141, 185, 207, 232, in the 13th district. Lots Nos. 16, 62, 147, in the 14th district J, W. Roberts, Sheriff. Any one desiring to nay the taxes on any of tin se lots of land will call Hon. M. E. Rushin at Vienna, who is the committee from the Grand Jury to hunt up these unreturned land lots. Respectfully Yours, J. B. Scott, T. C. D. C. The city tax books are now open for receiving tax returns for 1899 and will close June 14th, –Treas. 1899. W. W. Shipp, Clk. OASTORIA. Bern the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Married couples in Norway are privileged to travel on railways at a fare and a half. Planters NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep sia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. Sold by J B Ryals– Co. Dewey says he is coming home for rest and not for entertainment. This statement may save his life, as he is too old to undergo the kisses that are in store for him. 0 You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain’s Colic, Colera and Diarrhoea Remedy. J. B. Ryals – Co., Druggists, will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using it. It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable, til nov. •00 !l Docs the !: Baby Thrive «► If not, something must be <» ‘ * wrong with its food. If the ■' ] | mother’s milk doesn't nour- ], - * ish it, she needs SCOTT’S < ► ] ’ EMULSION. It supplies the ] ’ ] I elements of fat required for <. < 1 the baby. If baby is not<► \ l nourished by its artificial <! o food, then it requires < > :: Scott’s Emulsion i: ]! Half a teaspoonful three ] ' ’ or four times a day in its ■ < > bottle will have the desired < > • | effect. It seems to have a ’ ’ 11 magical effect upon babies ! > < > and children. A the fifty-cent < * • ’ bottle will prove truth 4 ■ !, of our statements. !! * * Should be taken In summer as ° < > well as winter. < * 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. <• SCOTT – BOWNE, Chemists, New York. , , S Open... I 1 Por I Business To our • ••« 1 Old Friends ? s and Patrons, i m i i S–- m on You Seventh will find Street, us opposite Coney – j Co’s, in the old ; I PI Baltimore Department j Ip store—below Hutchin- j 00 : pi !§? son Supply Co., Just j 1 i opened up with a f| New Line Fresh of Goods f§ H New, t|| jp did Doing before, business selling as goods we pj [|ff cheaper than any one – B§{ H else in town. pi ■ If We have the same 41 If H Cash Low prices for i did at the Cash || as we 8 1 s *"\ ... ft fey your Will do patronage, OUT best and to gj n please | P!KP yOU. > Respectfully ask H yOU L ! gCt OUT {H1CCS D^. j-gs e r§ff tpf foi*e VOU btiy. J 8 ! m ... WP. , , teaf [jflVft Illfi hy. 181 j An Tifllinf! |§S i:<y > lot/. puuiiU fcgl M nliBUU]\.LIj A DDHUFI U PflUCUL l/UifUL 1 1 . m jMf fnmp C ?.” ,e to t0 cee See tIC Ub . » u;0 We M Will SSL VC yOU UlOnCy. ffej YoiirS respectfully, 1 J ’ m ^ wj m • Grocery Co P mi Pi vUiUClfc, /-» Via. 'Ll iSsl V f TEACHERS WANTED FOR CORDELE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Applications for the next scholastic year co mmencing first Monday in September, 1890, for nine months, as follows: One Superintendent, salary $90.00 per month, for nine months. One Principal, salary $50.00 per month, tor nine months. One Teacher of Oram mar School, $40.00 per month, for ulne months. Two Teachers Intermediate Grade, $40.00 each per month, for nine months. Two Teachers first and second Primary, $40.00 each per month, for nine months. One Principal colored school, $25.00 per month, for nine months. Two Teachers colored school, f 15.0» each per month, for nine months. Applications will be received at office of Secretary until noon June 12th next. All applicants are requested to file thei. credentials with Secretary and after election of teachers they "’*11 he duly let timed. By order of the Board. 8. D. RAVENEL, JNO. E. HOWELL, Secretary. President. You are invited to visit__«r-\ f f lie American Dental Parlors THE BEST EQUIPPED IN THE SOUTH. Leaders in High=Class Dentistry * * And Low Prices. Gold Crowns and Bridges, ...... $4-00 per Tooth. Gold Fillings, $1.30. Silver Fillings, 73 Cents. Set of Teeth on Rose Pearl Plate , $ 8 . 00 . Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate ............... $3.00 . Drs. Yoang – Lanier. 410 Second St., Corner Cherry St., Macon, Ga. Teeth Extracted Without Charge and Without Pain. C. L. MALLARY. C. D. MALLARY MALLARY BROS •9 MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR Maim, Maclinists’ id Mil SUPPLIES. Albany ■ We carry in stock a full line of American, World and* Excelsior Injectors. A complete stock of Ejectors and Jet Pumps. Garlock Packiugs, Beltings, Lace Leather, Sight Feed Lubricators, Steam Ganges, Pop Valves, Whistles,. Butterfly Valves, and in fact we can supply your wants for almost anything in our tine Remember, We are flanufacturers* Agents, representing the factory direct, When in the market get our prices, then we will get your orders and save you money.. MALLARY BROS., Mfgr’s. Agts, ALBANY, GEORGIA. GO TO THE For Pure Drugs, Patent medicines, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Tobacco, Cigars Stationery, Glass, Putty and everything kept in an up-to-date Drug Store. PRESCRIPTION ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED —BY— Dui. W. S. Virgin, A graduate in both medicine and pharmacy. We guarantee no i mistakes in this department. Garden Seed just arrived. jan!7-tf. C. R. SMITH, Proprietor. The “Exclusive” Liquor House. Fine For and Medicinal Red Cross Rye...... .......per gallon, $1,50 Capital Rye......... “ “ 2 00 Monpole California Rye....... 2.25 Kellar Rye...... 2.50 Old ltye.............. 3.00 Beaver Run Rye, Sour Mash “ 3.00 Old Baker Rye................ “ 4.00 Okolona Rye, Sour Hash .... “ 4.00 Century Western XXXX Corn................ Rye.......... “ 5.00 « 1.50 North Carolina Corn........ “ 2.00 Old North Carolina Corn . . “ 2.50 White Rye........ 2.00 White Rye....... 2.5H Holland Gin...... 2.00 „ imported Cognac Brandy, Gin, Porp Sherry Wines, etc. •ittenUon^ . SeJt . n eby EXPreSS M ° rder Re is ered Letter wfll have ' ' ’ ° ney ° r S - my prompt H. SOLOMON, Agent. ortli Broad Street. Albany, Ga. I. M’s MlMn, No. 3T0, 2d St., MACON, GEORGIA. Low Prices a Specialty-. .. .Gold Fillings, $1.50 up..... .. .Silver Fillings, Toe. up....... Sets of Teeth, $5,00 to $8.00..... Holland Gin................. per gallon, $2.50 Tom Gin............... “ “ 2 00 - Rose . Gin.................... 2.00 Rock and Rye.............. 2.00 Peach and Honey........... 2.00 Apple Brandy ............. 2.00 Apple Brandy............... 2.50 Peach Brandy............... 2.00 Peac.i Brandy.............. 2.50 Cognac Cherry Brandy........... “ 2.00 – 2.50 New England »randy..... Rum..... ....... 4.00 2.00 New England Rum......... Jamaica Rum.............. * 2.00 Jamaica Rum............... 2.40 The Ke.nnesaw Restaurant, 22A Washington St., Albany, Ga. Good Meals, 25c. Shilo Rodgers, Proprietor.