The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, May 26, 1899, Image 5

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A rahl Items. Miss Amanda Bedgood is ing some. Misses Willie Dudley, and New, with Mrs. E. J. Dudley to Cordele Saturday shopping. The Sigma Pi Zeta Society ed an interesting programme afternoon. Walter Patterson left Monday Columbus. He will take a course in Massey’s business college. Mrs. Patterson, of Doles, is spend ing this week in Arabi. Dr. V. O. Harvard was in Vienna Wednesday. James C. Ray was in Arabi Thurs day representing the Americus Gro. Co., as salesman. The Arabi people are glad to see Jim making such a success. The Cordele School has closed, from what we can hear the com mencement was the best they have had lately. Russel Fenn, of Warwick, was here Wednesday. Mrs. W. W. Nace and son Willie, are spending serval days in Atlanta. Rev. J. E. Powell filled his regu lar appointment at Elko Saturday and Sunday. K. M. Patterson was in Cordele Friday on business. G. H. McKenzie, of Cordele, was m Arabi Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bedgood with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Royal left Thurs day morning on a fishing excursion Rev. R. T. Culpepper, of Asbburn, was in Arabi Friday. Mrs. Lou Wrye spent Saturday •and Sunday in Ashburn with her son, J. A. Wrye, and returned Mon day with her husband, J. D. Wrye, and little daughter Lou. Austin Williams has moved his grocery store to the old racket store. We are glad to see him getting along so well. Col. J. T. Powell, of Ashburn was in Arabi Saturday attending court. J. M. Cox was attending to busi ness Wednesday. ' We lost one of our girlg last week and will lose another one this week, but there will be more beaux for the other girls. August Flower. “It is a surprising,” says Prof. Houton, “that in my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, I have met more people hav ing used Green’s August Flower than any other remedy, for dys pepsia, deranged liver and stomach, and for constipation, find for tourists and salesmen, or for persons filling office positions, where head aches and general bad feelings from irregular habits exist, that Green’s August Flower is a grand remedy. It does not injure the system by frequent use, and excellent for sour stomachs and indigestion.” Sample bottles free at City Drug Store. Purify the sewers of the body and stimulate the digestive organs to maintain health, strength and energy. Prickly Ash Bitters is a tonic for the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels. For sale by Cash Drug Store. a Narrow E -cape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs ; cough set in and finally terminated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight boo ties. It has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at all the drug stores. Regular price size 50c, and $1.00. Guaranteed or refunded. Planters CUBAN O I L cures Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents Sold by J B Ryals – Co. Hypnotism Taught by Mail. Large lesson free. Address, with 4 cents to pay postage, S. J. Page, Secretary Southern School of Hyp notism, Double Springs, Ala. [3 31 ly gjtSTDn. Cone makes full sets of teeth at $7.50; gold filling $1.50; amalgam 50c, and Crowns $3.50; ex tractions 50c, and other work rea sonable. Gallon him. Office. Bolton Building, Cordele, Ga. 11 Do you want to learn Hypnotism ? to cure disease? to influence others? If you do, address, with 4 cents to pay postage, S. J. Page, Sect. South ern School of Hypnotism, Double Springs, Ala. 3 31 ly Mr. H. Nichols , thd photogra pher, is making the very best pho tos to be had. See him in the First National Bank building. $15,000.00 in Premiums. The premium list for the Georgia State Fair is now ready for distribu tion and every enterprising citizen of Georgia should send for a copy. The premiums offered in the various departments aggregate $15,000.00. Agriculture is, of course, given first place. The premiums in this de | “ tert with *'' 000 00 ,or the best county display and cover the entire list of farm products, offering really handsome prizes for every imaginable article, Live stock interests and the dairy are generously treated. Some especially handsome premiums are offered for fat stock and for dairy products. For thefirst time in the history of State fairs education comes in for generous recognition. A number of especially interesting contest have been arranged, and every boy in the State will be given a chance to com pete for prizes offered for declamav tion. and every girl in the State may compete for prizes offered for com position. These contests will first take place in the cities and countries, and the winners will go to Atlanta and compete with tlr; winners from other cities and countries. Poultry and pet stock come in for nearly $2,000.00 in premiums. This guarantees the finest show of fowls ever made in the South. Liberal premiums are offered in the depart ments of art and woman’s work. Every imaginable class and charac ter of work in these departments has been generously recognized. In fact, the entire list has been com piled with a view to encouraging worthy enterprise of every charac ter. A copy of the premium list will be mailed upon application to T. H. Martin, Secretary, Prudential Building. Atlanta. “What’s in a name?’ The “bit ters” does not always indicate something harsh and disagreeable. Prickly Ash Bitters is proof of this. It cleanses, strengthens and regulates the system thorough ly, yet it is so pleasant the most delicate stomach will not object to it. Sold by Cash Drug Store. which they are able to fill with water from the hose. If the between the two layers overfilled the water escapes through a valve at the top of the helmet. Sour stomach, fullness after eating, flatulence are all caused by imperfect digestion. Prickly Ash Bitters corrects the disorder at once, drives out badly digested food and tones the stomach, liver and bowels. For sale by Cash Drug Store. Good "Eating^> Is a Joy in Life. -SaHST It is not possible for the cook to prepare something good to eat un less the cook first lias something good to prepare. <^B. F. SHEPPARD – BRO.. Sell Staple and fancy Groceries—the kind you want—at prices to suit reasonable customers. gr0F “We sell Tinware, canned geods; in fact you can find anything at our store that is usually kept in a first-class grocery store. We treat our customers right; “FAIR AND SQUARE.” B. F. SHEPPARD – BRO. THE HONEST GROCERS O’Neal – Baker Bld’g. Cordele. Georgia. r DO YOU FEEL • • r> .V-V. i r DROWSY, PRICKLY i m v 7 BILIOUS, A $5; LOW SPIRITED, BODY AND BRAIN WEARY? m • w • •', fi ASH BITTERS RELIEVES INVIGORATES. It cleanses the liver and bowels* strengthens the kidneys and aids digestion, thus the system is regelated and the body fortified to resist disease. if |k A VALUABLE REMEDY TO KEEP THE HOUSE... A ... a* || m: >-FB Sifj^ SOLD BY ALL DRUCSIST3. ■w Price $!.co Per Bottle. *33 WfiBflEBjBja m pm* * w ■ - CASH DRUG STORE, Special Agents. A Marriage Last Sunday. Miss Gene Roberts and Mr. Luke Hines were married last Sunday morning at 9 o’clock at the home of the brides parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Roberts on eighth street ill this city. The marriage was quite an agreeable suprise to the many friends of this happy young coup le. The bride and groom are well known in Coulele, both hav ing lived here for several years. Miss Roberts was one of Cordele’s most charming young Indies and Mr. Hines is to be congratu lated in gaining her heart and hand in marriage. Mr. Hines is the popular conductor on the A. – N. railroad, which position he has filled for sevens! year?. CloHiiiK' of Cordi u: Moftonl. E. B. Barco. principal of the colored school po.-tpoued the closing exercises of his sclmo] from last week until Sunday ami Mon day last. On Sunday morning i.t* eleven o 4 clock, Rev. A. J. Morris, of the second Baptist church, prmudied the commencement sermon. At 8:80 Sunday afternoon Prof. R.J. Prentiss, superintendent of the Cordele Public School, delivered a very tine leetu e on “con tracts” Monday was the ex amination day and Monday night there was a public exhibition, which was the >\U>3ing entertain ment. Planters CUBAN RELIEF cures Colic, Neuralgia and Toothache in five minutes. Sour Stomach and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents. Sold by J B Ryals – Co. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of preferred. Address r, , ' e J- Marcus Co.. 12 S Fourth St., 11 i ace pm, a. FOR SALE - A number of tine milch cows witli young calves. Drt. A. B. McRae, Seville, Ga. Street Tax Notice. All male residents between ages of 18 and 50 years who have resided in the city of Cordele, Ga., 30 days from date are subject to wont the streets ten days, or pay a street tax of $3.00. By order of Mayor and Council. W. W. Shipp. April 1st, 1899. Clk. – Treas. The Coming Century. Judging by the progress of inven tion, the coming century will give to life all of the material comforts and happiness that any reasonable mortal oould ask. At leust the workers in natural science are doing their part nobly. All of the forces of nature are being subdued to the nse of man. The Patent Record, the mouthpiece of modern invention, told in its last issue something of the vast possibilities of liquid air. Now it has to tell of wireless tele graphy, and an invention by a French savant, Mr. George Joubert, capable of restoring to vitiated air its original life-giving qualities. With four pounds of it a man could live for twenty-four hours in a box hermetically sealed. With this sub marine navigation would be easy. Firemen in' metal helmets could walk through fire and smoke un harmed. Miners imprisoned thou sands of feet underground could breathe as freely as in the open helps. It is one of the great dis coveries of a century wonderful in invention. More is promised in the future. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not. cured. Sold at all Drug Stores. A man’s hands may be very busy in your service, while his mind is at work for others. lODIvl TEA cures Djspep I V sia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. Sold by J B Ryals – Co. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt’s Liver Pills keep the bow els in natural motion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con stipation and kindred diseases. “Can’t do without them” R. P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va. writes I don’t know how I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt’s Liver Pills A TEXAS WONDER. Hall’s Great Discovery. One small bottle of Hall’s great discovery cures all Kidney and blad der troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emission, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. E. W. Hall, Sole Mgr. P. O. Box 218, Waco, Tex. Sold by J. B. Ryals – Co.,, Cor dele, Ga. READ THIS. Covington, Ga., July 23, 1898.— used This is to certify that I have Dr. Hall’s Wonderful Discovery for rheumatism, kidney and bladder roubles and will say it is far superi or to anything I have ever used for the above complaints. Horton. H. I. Planters CUBAN OIL cures Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. Bold by .J B Ryals – Co. i Sheriff’s Tax Sale, i Will be sold before the court bouse | door, of Dooly county, Ga., on the First ' Tuesday in June, 1899, the following (city lots in the city of Cordele, Ga., I more fully described by lots and blocks, the same being unreturned for taxa tion, and the owners thereof being un known. Levied on by virtue of tax ti. fa-, issued by J. B. Scott, tax col lector of Dooly county, Ga., for the year 1898, for the amount due on each lot for said year. Levy made by R. II. James, L. C M arid turned over to me for advertisement and sale. Apr. 1, 1899. J. W. ROBERTS, Sheriff. Lot 6, block 6, Cordele, Ga. block35 i interest in lots 14, 15 and 10, Cutts – Kenedy returns other half. Lots 11, 12, 13, Block 40, Cordele, Ga. “ 1, 5 8,9,10 15,16, blk.48, “ “ “ 1 to 3, block 110, Cordele. Ga. “ 1 to 3, “ • 128 6 137 “ 18, 19, 20, 159 “ 5, 6, 7, 17, 175 1 to 20 180 u “ 11 to 20 185 U 4 210 (. 13 228 “ 14 and 16 “ 266 44 “ 1 to 20 337 (4 “ 1 to 20 342 “ 2 to 4 47 11 “ 8 159 l ( I If Y06 WANT T9 SAVE MONEY And be Satisfied, Come to see Me. I have lately come from New York where I purchased FOR CASH the largest stock of goods ever brought to Cordele. I have the prettiest line of gooda, and the nicest and largest stock.and I bought cheaper than anybody in this section. My store and storage-room are packed with choicest goods. The stock contains Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Men’s and Ladies’ Hats OF ALL KINDS-THE LATEST STYLES. Largest Line of Gents’ Furnishings——*. Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Rugs, Carpets, Matting; Lace Curtains, Sheneal Hall Curtains and Covers. ddf Musical Instruments—Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, Accordeans, Mello-harps, autobarps, harmonicas, violins. rfdf Trunks, Valises, Hammocks. Ladies’Underwear; Ladies’ Silk Skirts and Brillian tine Skirts; Duck Skirts, Serge Skirts, Silk Waists, P ercal Waists, Cloaks, Fine line of Window Shades. ^MF'Watches and Jewelry of every description. In fact, you can find anything you want at my store, from the m cheapest to the best. 1 can sell you a Man’s nice light wool suit, worth .$7 for $2.00. Boy's Suit for 95c worth $2.00. Nice Prints 3 1-2c. Muslins3 l-2c. Men's Shoes$ 1. Ladies-Shoes 70c. You’ll find everything so cheap, you won’t want it cheaper. All I ask is for you to come and price them, and I know you will buy. When you see my large stock, you will know that I am anxious to sell. Come to the Flag Store ! I Respectfully, I —— A. ROOBIN. A. K. SOUMPERT. J.T. STALLINGS. Schumpert Shoe Company. (Successors to Arthur Rvlandsr.) ==• IIS, rn < =• The only exclusive Shoe and Hat store in Americus. We handle only the highest grade goods. Quality High ; Prices Low. S CHUMPERT_ HOE (Successors COMPANY, to Arthur Hylander). Corner Lamar Americus, and Jackson Sts. Ga. $ Southern Dental Parlors, 30 | 22k GOLD CROWNS, $4.00. We don’t do anything we can’t 30 BRIDGE WORK, Per Tooth, $4.00. guarantee. 30 4 We defy competition. |> SET of TEET on RUBBER, $5.00. We challenge comparison. 36 Set of Teeth on Rose Pearl, the prettiest and <$ 30 best plate made, $8.0Oi Wo invite Investigation. 30 ? # Gold All other Fillings, work from at charges $i. 00 up. that We prove will all please claims made. you. I X ^ ^ OUR REFERENCE—A TEETH Ten Years’ EXTRACTED Record In WITHOUT Macon. PAIN. W A 30 Originators and Leaders of Low Charges for High Class Dentistry in 30 Central Georgia. 3? , A THERE ONLY IS ONE (I Southern Dental Parlors. Ill 614 Cherry MACON,GA. St., <$> 3>; Wm. G. Long, D. D. S , 30 <£> Proprietor - and - Manager. <– MOVED! New Goods ar riving for my New Store. JJj 1 it is an elegant stock of goods you want to see in a pretty, new store-room, you will find these two doors below the Hol land House. == WESTBROOK. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Gents’Furn’shings. Having moved from Suwanee Block to my new place of business, I respectfully ask that my old custom= ers come to see me; and new patronage is solicit \ Remember the new place BS = 2 doors below Holland House. Jo T. Westbrook CORDELE, GEORGIA. T