The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, June 02, 1899, Image 5

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X-jOCSlIs. Continued from first page. Read the Sentinel. But, people will get married. The banks observed legal holi day Tuesday. Only one negro killed at Ander sonville Tuesday. Mrs. S. A. Perry, of Tifton, was in the city Tuesday. C. E. Martindale, ofOcilla, was in Cordele Wednesday. Mr. Rufus Hearn visited the city of Americus Monday. Mr. J. M. Davis has moved his family into his new house. Do you see the new ad. of the Racket Store in this issue? Judge Whipple made a business trip to Valdosta Wednssday. Judge D. L. Henderson, of Vi enna, was in Cordele Tuesday. Fob Rent—T he home of Mrs. C. B. Carson, neatly furnished. See her or J. W. Bivius. Mrs. W. S. Howell, of Vienna, was in the city this week visiting. W. T. Christopher, of Arabi. paid the Sentinel a call Tuesday. If your stomach is disordered, bowels irregular, and you don't sleep well, you need Prickly Ash Bitters. It is very effective in removing this condition. Sold by Cash Drug Store. Col. B. H. Getsiuger, who used to live here, recently died at his home in Charleston, S. C. Misses Abba and Cela,daughters of Mr. R. V. Bowen, of Bowen’s Mill, are the guests of Miss Etta Daugh try and Mrs. Holloman. Nothing equal to Prickly Ash Bit ters for removing that sluggish bil ious feeling, so common in hot weather. It creates strength, vigor, Sold appetite and cheerful spirits, by Cash Drug Store. Rer. W. W. Stewart, a beloved minister and former pastor of the M. E. church here, was shaking hands with his numerous friends here this week. TJuadilla correspondent to Tele graph : The commencement ex ercises of the Unadilla high school with begins Sunday morning next a sermon by Rer. C. W. Durden of Montezuma. Monday and night, exhibition by primary inter mediate classes. Tuesday night, musical and elocution recitals, Wednesday morning, literary ad dress by Hon. C. W. Lane of Ma con, and delivery of diplomas Cordele. by •Judge U. V. Whipple of The sheriff’s advertisement of forty odd lots in Cordele to sell on the first Tuesday in June has this month appeared in the Sentinel and in no other paper in Dooly county. Nearly a half column of sheriff ad. that appeared in this pa per four weeks ago, but which was taken out three weeks ago, was cop ied by another paper and has since been running in that paper as if it will sell. If you want to know exactly what is properly ad vertised for sale, and if you don’t want to go all the way to Vienna to buy what is erroneously adver tised, read the Cordele Sentinel and get the official information. If we could buy salvation Through the money we give for ■charitable purposes, not many of us would be saved. Hypnotism Taught by Mall. Large lesson free. Address, with 4 cents to pay postage, S. J. Page, Secretary Southern School of Hyp notism, Double Springs, Ala. [3 31 ly Quite a large and representa tive body of lumbermen held an important meeting in the Suwanee house parlors Tuesday. Do you want to learn Hypnotism ? to cure disease? to influence others? If you do, address, with 4 cents to pay postage, S. J. Page, Sect. South ern School of Hypnotism, Double Springs, Ala. 3 31ly , and will close June 14th, 1899. W. W. Shipp, Clk. – Treas. For Sale Une storehouse and lot at Dakota, Ga. —near the depot—at 18x33, a in good price. Storeroom is fine business con dition, place. the Apply same being a to W. H. Dorris, Cordele, Ga. Mrs. R. L. Betts of Ashburn, nee Miss Emma Dasher of Fort Valley, died Saturday. W. W. Shipp has purchased a home in Gainesville and his fam ily left for it Wednesday. Mr. Shipp will remain in Cordele. Rev. W. H. Btidd, of Moultrie, is assisting Rev. J. W. Weston this week in the meeting at the Metho dist church, and much good is be ing accomplished. Mr. F. E. Varnadoe and Miss Susie Rlue were united in mar riage last evening. Both parties are well known in Cordele and a host, of friends extend congratula lions. Are you in the habitof cutting your self when you shave? Then you shou.d keep Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic con venient. It stops bleeding, prevents soreness, rids your face of pimples and heals cuts before you know it. Pleasant as perfume and cooling as a breeze “from Greenland’s icy mountains.” Sold by druggists. J Mr, Mike Pritchett, the unfort unate soldier of the Third Ken tucky regiment who had his leg mangled under a train about two weeks ago and had it amputated, left for home "Wednesday. Mr. H. Nichols, the photogra pher, is making the very best pho tos to be had. See him in the First National Bank building. Mr. E. Colwell Jr. will leave for North Carolina on the 18t,h of June and on the 21st. he will be joined in marriage to Miss Lucy Bonv. Congratulations, Gene. Rochelle New Era: We ac knowledge receipt of a compli mentary ticket to the Third an nual session of the Cordele Chau tauqua and Teachers Institute, which will be hdd at Cordele, Ga., beginning Sunday, June 18th, and closing June 23, 1899. These Chautanquas have always proven a grand success in every particu lar heretofore. A complete and interesting programme has been arranged, and the Chautauqua this year promises to eclipse all previous ones. We will try to be on hand, besides most all of our people will no doubt attend. His Life Was Saved. Jlr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citi zen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a fright ful death. In telling of it he says : “I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak 1 couldn’t, even sit up in bed. Noth ing helped me. I expected to heard soon die of Consumption, when I of Dr. King’s New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can’t say too much in its praise.” This marvelous medicine is the surest' and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. Every bottle guaranteed. 2 ,, Mr. Jonathan , Williams, a tur- . pentine operator of Sumter county, was among relatives and friends here yesterday. He expects to visit his old home in Carolina about the middle of June. A SLUGGISH BRAIN .... 4 | PRICKLY Is caused by in Imperfect the ASH Liver Digestion and Bowels. BITTERS and Disorder S> i, IS A BOON TO BRAIN WORKER?. I It purifies the bowels, strengthens and regulates the liver, aids digestion, promotes vigor of body, » 4 cheerfulness and mental PRICE activity. $1.00 PER BOTTLE. CASH DRUG STORE, Special Agents. Good Eating^> Is a Joy in Life. It is not possible for the cook to good prepare something good to eat un less the cook first has something to prepare. F. SHEPPARD – BRO., Sell Staple and fancy Groceries—the kind you want —at prices to suit reasonable customers. t •\Ye sell Tinware, canned goods; in fact you can find anything at our store that is usually kept in a first-class grocery store. We treat our customers right; “FATR AND SQUARE.” B. F. SHEPPARD – BRO • *. THE HONEST GROCERS O’Neal <fc Baker Bld’g. Cordele, Georgia. Bowen's Mill. Bowen’s Mill is situated just twelve miles from Abbeville and ten miles from Fitzgerald, and u delightful place it is for a picnic party outing. Mr. S. B. Reid, a genial gentleman, has an elegant home near by; Mr. R. V. Bowen’s homo is only a few miles away, nnd Messrs. Beall Bros, run a first-class store of general mer chandise and the postoffice within a stone’s throw of the mill, which is less than 100 yards from the depot. An elegant natatorium has recently been built there, and at this pleasure resort the boating on the pond, fish ing, and various other amusements are accessible. One of ye editors attended a picnic there last Thurs day and remained over on Friday as a guest of Mr. Reid. Too much can not be said in praise of Bowen’s Mill as a pleasure resort; and the hos pitality of the Reids, the Bowens and the Bealls is without limit. A TEXAS WONDER. Hall’s Great Discovery. One small bottle of Hall's great discovery cures all Kidney and blad der troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emission, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail On receipt of ,$1. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W Hall, S >le Mfgr. St. Louis, Mo., formerly Waco, Tex. Sold by J. B. Ryals – Co., Cor dele, Ga. READ this. Covington, Ga., July 23, 1898.— used This is to certify that I have Dr. Hall’s Wonderful Discovery for rheumatism, kidney and bladder roubles and will say it is far superi or to anything I h p ve ever used for the above complaints. H. 1. Horton. Dr. Maury specialist, M. Stapler, eye, Mulberry ear, nose and throat 506 street, Macon, Ga. l-i-iy. Mr. N. Gregertson, the big hearted lumber dealer, was at the Suwanee the other day a id in structed us to state that on the 15 of June Brunswick will have the grandest coucatanation of Hoos yet known m that order. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of FOR SALE—A number of fine milch cows with young calves. T>r. A. B. McRae, Seville, Ga. Street Tax Notice. All male residents between ages of ]g a nd50 years who have resided in the city of Cordele, Ga., 30 days from elate are subject to worn the streets ten days, or pay a street tax of $3.00. By order of Mayor and Council. W. W. Shipp. April 1st, 1899. Clk. – Treas. Arrest disease by the timely use o! Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTT’S Liver PILLS Necessily is said to be the mother of invention, but is not oftentimes invention the mother of necessity? Most inventors go broke. OASTOniA. Bean the The Kind You Hare Always Bought Signature of The time when a man always takes y<»u at. your word is when you tell him he can pay you what he owes you at his own con venience. Eatonton, Ga., I *H. January 30, 1899. ) Messrs. J. Lamar – Sons, * Macon, Ga., Gentlemen—We herewith enclose you order for one gross “L. L. L.” Lamar’s Lemon Laxative. Our sales on this preparation are rapidly in creasing. I have used it in rny fam ily with entire satisfaction, and take great pleasure in recommending it to my customers,and consider it the best liquid preparation for the liver on the market. V ery truly, Chas. F. Tatum, Druggist. For sale by all Druggists. W E.D. Sheffield Co. K. D. Sheffield Co., of Ameri cus, want the people of Cordele and surrounding country to come to see them when they are in Americus. We have the best line of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Furnish ing Goods, Dry Goods and notions to be found any where and price lower than any one. Write for samples if you can’t come. We will be glad to show you. Very Respectfully, E. D. Sheffield Go. yjSBS. Sheriff’s Tax Sale. Will be sold before the court house door, of Dooly county, Ga., on the First Tuesday in June, 1899, the following city iots in the city of Cordele, Ga., more fudy described by lots and blocks, the same being uDreturned for taxa tion, and the owners thereof being un known. Levied on by virtue of tax ti. fas. issued by J. B. Scott, tax col lector of Dooly county, Ga., for the year 1898, for the amount due on each lot for said year. Levy made by R. IT. James, L. C., and turned over to me for advertisement and sale. Apr. 1, 1899. J. W. ROBERTS, Sheriff. Lot 6, block 6, Cordele, Ga. i interest in lots 14, 15 and 10, block 35 Cutts – Kenedy returns other half. Lots 11, 12, 13, Block 40, Cordele, Ga. “ 1,5. 8,9, 1015,16, blk.48, ” “ “ 1 to 3, block 116, Cordele. Ga. “ 1 to 3, “ 128 “ 6 “ 137 “ 18, 19, 20, “ 159 “ 5. 8. 7, 17, “ 175 " 1 to 20 186 “ 11 to 20 “ 185 4 216 • 13 228 ‘ 14 and 16 “ 266 “ 1 to 20 337 1 to 20 342 ' 2 to 4 47 1 fl 15!) I IF YOU WANT T2 SAVE MONEY i ? And b Satisfied, C me t see Me. 1 have lately come from New York where I purchased FOR CASH the largest stock of goods ever brought to Cordele. have the prettiest line of goods and the this nicest and largest stock,and I bought cheaper than anybody choicest in section. My store and storage-room are packed with goods. The stock contains' Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Men’s and Ladies’ Hats OF ALL KINDS-THE LATEST STYLES. Largest Line of Gents’ Furnishings—— Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. l*r*Rugs, Carpets, Matting; Lace Curtains, Sheneal 1 Hall Curtains and Covers. ; ddf Musical Instruments—Guitars, Mandolins, harmonicas, Banjos, Accordeans, Mello-harps, autoharps, violins-. ^FTrunks, Valises, Hammocks. Ladies’Underwear; Ladies’ Silk Skirts and Brillian* tine Skirts; Duck Skirts, Serge Skirts, Silk Waists,, P ercal Waists, Cloaks, Fine line of Window Shades ®(F“Watches and Jewelry of every description. In fact, you can find anything you want at my store, from the H | | cheapest to the best. I can sell you a Man’s nice $2.00. light wool suit. ■ worth $7 for $2.00. Boy s Suit for 0.5c worth Nice - II Prints .‘J 1-2c. Muslins# l-2c. Men’s Shoes$l. Ladie^Shoes 70c. ! I You’ll find everything so cheap, you won’t want it cheaper- ; I ffW“All I ask i3 for you to come and price them, and I know you will buy. When you see my large stock, you will know that 1 am anxious to sell. Come to the Flag Store ! I Respectfully, A. ROOBIN. A. K. SCCMPERT. J.T. STALLINGS. Schumpert Shoe Company. (Successors to Arthur Rvhunter.) *. s= i •3 The only exclusive Shoe and Hat store in Americus,.. We handle only the highest grade goods. Quality High; Prices Low. S CHUMPERT HOE COMPANY, Corner Lamar Americus, and Jackson Sts. Ga (Successors to Arthur Uylunder). Southern Dental Parlors. % | 22k BRIDGE GOLD WORK, CROWNS, Per Tooth, $4.00. $4.00. Wo guarantee. don’t do anything wo can’t RUBBER, $5.00. We defy competition. <S> I SET of TEET on " ° challenge comparison. I Set of Teeth on Rose Pearl, the prettiest and # best plate made, $8.oo. Wo invite investigation. # Gold Fillings, from $i.oo up. We prove all claim* made. X All other work at charges that will please you- ^ TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. i OUR REFERENCE—A Ten Years’ Record in Macon. m Originators and Leaders of Low Charges for High Class Dentistry in Central Georgia. THERE ONLY IS ONE (I Southern Dental Parlors. I) 614 CHEltltY MACON, ST «A. ^ <$> Proprietor Wm. G. Long, and D. D. Manager. S , <3> - MOVED! New Goods ar- 37 riving for my New Store. [Ji 1 it is an elegant stock of goods you want to see in a pretty, new store-room, you will find these two doors below the Hol land House. - WESTBROOK. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Gents’Furnishings • ’ Having moved from Suwanee Block to my new place of business, 1 respectfully ask that my old custom ers come to see me; and new patronage is solicited. Remember the new place~--2 doors below Holland Mouse., J. T. Westbrook CORDELE, GEORGIA.