The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, June 02, 1899, Image 8

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FREE OF CHARGE. Any adult suffering from a cold settled on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any Store, nature, who will call at City Drug C. R. Smith, proprietor, Mrsll be presented with a sample *»ottle of Iloschee’s German Syrup, free of charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and none to childrep without order from parents. * No throat or lung trouble ever iiad such a sale as Boschee’s Gor man Syrup in all parts of the civ ilized world. Twenty years age millions of bottles were given away, and your diuggists will tell .you its success was marvelous. It is really the only Throat and Lung Remedy generally endorsed bv physicians. One 75-cent bottle will cure or prove its value. Sold by dealers in all civilized countries. Last Sunday afternoon Miss Anuie Graves of Uuadilla was married to Mr. W. T. Stewart of Oordele. Mr. Stewart brought iiis bride homeSuuday night. FOR SALE- A number of tine milcli cows with young calves. Db. A. B. McRae, Seville, Ga. The milk of human kindness is •often like cow’s milk—it has to i>e squeezed out. You assume no risk when you buy Ghana ber loin’s Colic, Colera and Diarrhoea Remedy. J. B. Ryals – Co., Druggists, will refund your money if you nre not satisfied a fter using it. It is everywhere admitted to bo the most successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one that never fails. It is jiieasnnt, safe and reliable, til nov. Treasury Department, j Office of i he Comptroller Currency of ) : Washington, D.C.. Apr.5,1899 Notice is hereby given to air per sons win may have claims against “The First National Bank of Cordele, (Georgia,” presented that James the McDowell, same must Re- be to ceiver, with the months legal proof this thereof, date, within three from or they may be disallowed. Charles G. Dawes, Comptroller of the Currency. Your Patronage (Rtispectfully Solicited. iex. The City /r< j Barber rs g r»g Shop Rear of Peoples' llank. R. D. LAW, Proprietor, Cordele, Georgia. Sheffield-Huntington Company. We desire to increase our business more and more with the people •of Cordele and surrounding country, and to this end we propose to furnish you with better grades of goods at closer prices than you have over known before. In fact we offer every inducement that an enor mous stock and cash purchases can afford. We would like for you to see our stock, but our mail order department is in good working order, and orders or inquiries for prices and descriptions will have immediate attention. We carry everything usually kept in a wholesale and retail Hardware Store, and we also have specialties. One of our specialties this season is Building Material and Paints. We have a full assortment of Sash, Doors and Blinds at extremely low prices. Locks, Hinges, etc., from the cheapest to the finest. White Lead. Linseed Oil and Heady Mixed Paint cheaper than anybody, and guaranteed strictly pure. We also carry “Gurney” Refrigerators, “Gem,” ‘‘Blizzard,” and “Automatic” Ice Cream Freezers. Palmer’s line of Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, etc. Write ns for prices on Buggies, Harness and Wagons. SHEFFIELD-HUNTINGTON CO M AMERICUS, GEORGIA. JOBBERS OF HARDWARE, STOVES, ETC. The Monarch of Strength is LION jo. COFFEE (ABSOLUTELY PURE.) Its strength comes from its purity. It is all pure coffee, freshly packages. roasted, Each and is sold only in one-pound sealed is sealed at package the Mills will make 40 cups. The pack age weakened. so that the aroma is never It has a delicious flavor. Incomparable strength. It is a luxury within the reach of ail. Insist on "Lion" Coffee Never ground nor sold in bulk. None Genuine without Lion’s head. i If your Grocer may any rend iloes substitute. place not us his hare it on name sale Lion and there. Coffee address Do )r r r ot 'that accent \ve p WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo Ohio. Cv At • ;iv\ “Harnlvnl of Komnierue.” Mb. Editor :~ Allow me to suggest un attraction (bat can be put before the public during Chautauqua week with some energy and little cost. Why can’t our business men get up a “Knrnival of Kommerco”? If it can be proper ly arranged (and I wee no reason why it cannot) the carnival would not only lie entertaining but would profit those who participate in the exhibit. I think one night, during the week cun lie used to advantage in this suggested way. What do others think abont it ? Citizen. Bismarck’* Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and King’s the success they bring, use Dr. develop New Life Pills. They every power of brain and body. Only 25c. at drug stores. The corpse of Mrs. W, A. Cherry, the wife of W. A. Cherry, a prom inent druggist of Abbeville, pass ed through Cordele Monday en route to Macon for burial. Mrs. Cherry died of apendicitis at Ro chelle, after four or five days ill ness. PARKER’S BALSAM ClMDMf HAIR bMottflu St bill. , and growth. Fromotss _______ ■ lai «ri*nl A V . New Store to be Opened. Hind – Churehwell expect to open a large Racket Store at an early date in the Heard block be tween Coney and Lasseter. We aie informed that Mr. O. L. Jones, of Abbeville, will be in charge of the business. Mr. Jones is a young gentleman of unquestionable qualifica- char acter, and his business tions are unsurpassed. The new firm with Mr. Jones at its helm will receive a welcome into our midst. OjOLfll Bears tire Till Kind You Havi Always Bought Signature of DiKSohitliin. Cokoklk, (la.. Mav. 25,18W.—This day rs® limns dissolves by (I. It. Williams retiring from the firm. It. l>. Hearn assumes all indebtedness and responsibilities, and G. B. Williams is released. !t. 1>. Hkarn, G. B. Williams. GEORGIA— Dooly County, It appearing from the tax books of Dooly county that tlie lots of land described below, being unreturned for taxation and the owners thereof being unknown and that tlie taxes for the year of 1898 are now p i st due and unpaid. Therefore these lots will be sola to the highest and best bidder for cash on the 1 st Tuesday in Auguest next, 1899, to satisfy the taxes due on each lot. Lots Nos. 17, 30. 49, 63, 68, JOT. 112. 117, trict. 135,188, 141.149, 153, 201, in the 2nd dis Lots Nos. 32, 79,98, 101, 110. in the 3rd district. Lots Nos. 20. 33, 54, 56. 90, 93, 112, 113, iu 146, the 147. 6tb 152. district. 163, 176, 179,193, 205, 200. 212, Lot No. 82, in the 7th district. ioih’lURtri^’ ou ,00 ,07 ,oo 1 ,-u >H l8 •’35 inthP ’ “’ ' ’ “’; ’ Lots Nos. 3, 30,31, 34 , 42, 53, 57, 58 . 6C, 113,126, LOta Nos. ill the 1 1thdistrict. I : the 13th district. 25,72, HH>, 141, 1S5. 207 , 232. in Lots Nos. 16, 62. 147, in the 14th district J, W. Roberts, Sheriff. Any one desiring lots to pay the taxes on any of tin se ol' land will call lion. M. E. Bushin at Vienna, who is j the committee from the Giand Jurv . to hunt up these un returned land lots. 1 Respectfully Yours, ; J. B. Scott. T. C. D. C. ; Rev. Elam Culpepper is m Ma con this week with his family. He also witnessed the commence ment exercises of Wesleyan Fe male College where his daugter graduates. The world is awakening to the wonderful revelations of Hypnotism. Every one should learn this science. Do you want to learn it? Obrtninly. Then send your address, with 4 cts., to pay postage, to S. J. Page, Sect. Southorn School of Hypnotism, Doable Springs, Ala. 3 31 ly Cards are out for the marriage of Col. J. A. Comer to Miss Alma Jessup at Ashburn next Sunday evening. Mr. James McDowell left Mon day last for Washington. D C. and will be gone for about two weeks. Aad still the boys get married. Information comes from Savannah that a house over in South Carolina last week burned down on nine hu man bodies. Jacob Soloman, with his wife and seven children, lived in the country and built fires on an old circular saw propped up from the floor. Ban th« The Kind You Haw Always Bought Signature of The man who saves his strength for some great effort often finds that his muscles have become weak from disuse. A Word to Doctors We have the highest regard for the medical profession. Our preparations are not sold for the purpose of antagon izing lay it down them, but rather established as an truth aid. that We as an internal remedies are positively injuri ous to expectant mothers. The distress and discomforts experienced during the months preceding childbirth can be al leviated only by external treatment—by applying a liniment that softens and re laxes the over-strained muscles. We make and sell such a liniment, com bining the unknown, ingredients in a manner hitherto and call it Mother s Friend We know that in thousands of cases it has proved more than a blessing to expectant mothers. It overcomes morn ing sickness. It relieves the sense of tightness. Headaches cease, and dan ger from Swollen, Hard and Rising Breasts is avoided. Labor itself is shortened and shorn of most of the pain. We know that many doctors recom mend it, and we know that multitudes of women go to the drug stores and buy it because they are sure their physicians have no objections. We ask a trial— just a fair test. There is no possible chance of injury being the result, be cause Mother’* Friend is scientific ally compounded. It is sold at $i a bot tle, and should be used during most of the period of gestation, although great relief is experienced if used only a short time before childbirth. Send for our il lustrated book about Mother’s Friend. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. J. O. JONES, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Cordele, Ga. I $3,000 DEPOSIT ; l To Redeem Our ! Guarantee o! Positions. 1 R. R. Fare Paid. Fret Tuition to One In Each County. Write Quick. t GA -ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE' Macon, Georgia. Also at the same time and place, will be sold, the following real estate, to-wifc: Eighteen hundred feet front and run ning back one feet of the east side of lot No. three in block ten in the city of Cordele, Dooly county, Georgia, the same being a part of homestead of Ira Akin. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Ira Akin and the hands of William Akin and J. T. Akin, executors, to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of Houston county, in favor of Amanda Davidson against William Akin and J. i’. Akin as surviving ex ecutors of Ira Akin, deceased, Also at the same time and place will be sold city lots No. one to five in block No. fifteen as appears from the naap of the survey of said city of Cor ^ *■' e , lev e 'P ’ 1 ® d ® aic °P? * Dooly n .£ n< *-J*, county, S0 said M proper r,r pperty ol J. E. and i ; J. Bivins to at ex poutaon issued by J. B. , the'yea/1898 y Also at the same time and place, be sold, a one-half undivided in- _• ■ ^ I A i Hr; The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in for over 30 years, has borne the signature of use made under his and has been per s/ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of j and Children—Experience against Experiment. I Infhnts What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of . > The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC e.MT.uw «»■«■*. TT .U»M» «T»rr. W.W CITV. , SHERIFFS ADVERTISEMENTS GEORGIA— Dooly Cuonty. Will be sold before the court bouse door in Vienna on the first Tuesday in June next, between the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following real estate to wit: The east half of strip of land lying between Ninth and Tenth Ave nues and the Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, the same running Twelfth 100 feet north and south on street and runnit g east and west 209 on Ninth and Tenth Avenues in the city of Cordele in said county as shown by tin: map of the survey of said city of Cordele. Said property levied upon and to be sold as the property of the Green Creek Baptist Association to satisfy a justice court fi fa issued at the De cember term 1898 of the 1451 District, G. M., in favor of Creek B. F. W’indham against the Green Baptist As sociation and Niles Perry, President. Written notice given tenant in pos sessi on. time and place, Also at the same will be sold, city lot No. seventeen in Blk. forty-six, as shown by the map of the survey of the said city of Cordele. in Dooly county, Ga. Said property levied upon and to be sold as the prop erty of the defendant B. W. Scott to satisfy a county court fi fa issued out of and from the county court of said county, in favor of the Standard Sewing Machine Comany, against B. W. Scott. Written notice given ten ant in possession. Also at the same time and place, will be sold, forty acres of land, more or less, said land lying and being in the southeast corner of lot of land, No. thirty-nine, said and Dooly in the fourteenth Said district of county. land levied on and to be sold as the property of S. M. Kennedy, to satis fy a justice court fi fa issued out of and from the justice court of the 945th distrct. G. M. in favor of I. N. Ridley against S M. Kennedy. L. and Levy made by R. H. James, C., turned over to me for advertisement and sale. Written notice given tenant in posses, sion. Also at the same time and place, will be sold, one-half acre of land and all improvements thereon, situatpd and being in the southeast corner of the northwest part of lot of land No, nineteen in the original seventh, now the Findlay said district of said Dooly county land levied upon and to be sold as the property of the defend ant I. L. Bowen, to satisfy a county court fl fa issued at the April monthly term, 1899, in favor of B. M. Wood, against I. L. Bowen. Written notice given Also tenant in possession. at the same time and place, will be sold, the live interest in 150 acres of land, more or less, of Mrs. Georgia Thompson, the same land ly ing and Dooly being in the 2 nd land district of said county and known as land lot No. 218. Said land levied up on and to be sold to satisfy a county court fi fu issued out of and from the county court of said Dooly county, Ga., at the April term, 1899, in favor of the Americus Guano Company against Mrs. Georgia Thompson. Tenant in possession notified in writ- Also at the same time and place, fifty acres in the southwest corner of lot of land No. 223 in the 13th district of Dooly sold county, Ga- Levied on and to be as the property of W T Logan to satisfy one tax fi fa, issued by J B Scott, tax collector Dooly county, for the year 1898, vs. WT Logan. Levy made by R F Yoeman, L C., and turn ed over to me for advertisement and sale. Tenant in possession notitied. Also at the same time and place. 101 i acres being south half of lot of land No. 217 in the 13th district of! Dooly county, sold Ga. Levied upon and to be as the property of C J Thompson sued J B to satisfy one tax fi fa. is by Scott, tax collector Dooly county, for the year 1898. LeVy made terest in fifty acres of land, more or less, the same land lying and being in the southeast corner of lot of lend No. 209 in the old 2nd , now the Pine hurst district of said Dooly county, Ga. Levied upon and to be sold as the property of the defendant R. H. Cau sey, to satisfy two justice court fi fas issued out of and from the 535th dis trict C. M., of said Dooly county in favor of J. E. Dorough, against R. H. Causey. Written notice given tenant. Also at the same time and place, the buildings Compress and machinery Company. of Levied the Cor dele upon and to be sold as the property of the Cordele Compress Co. to satisfy one tax fi. fa. issued by J B Scott, tax col lector of Dooly county. Ga , vs. the said Cordele Compress Co. for the year 1898. and turned Levy made b} RF Yeoman, L 0 . over to ire for adver tisement and sale. Tenant in posses sion notified. Also at the same time and place, 202 -i acres of lot of land No. 96 in the 13th district of Dooly county, Ga. Levied upon and to be sold as the satisfy property of John fi. T. fa. Musselwhite issued by J to B one tax Scott, tax collector of Dooly county, Jr. for the L year made 1898, vs. R J T Yeoman, Musselwhite, C, 3 vy by F L and turned over to me for advertise ment and sale. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, twenty-five acres of lot of land No. 221 in the north-west corner of said lot. Levied upon and to be sold as the property of J. Bouchain to satisfy one tax fi fa, issued by J B Scott, tax col lector of Dooly county, Ga., for the year 1898, vs. said Bouchain. Levy made ed by R F Yeoman, advertisement L C., and turn over to me for and sale. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, fifty acres of lot of land No. 196 in the 13th district of Dooly county, in the north east corner of said lot. Levied upon and to be sold as the property of Nich olas Pier to satisfy one tax fi. fa., is sued by J B Scott, tax collector Doolv county, Nicholas for Pier. the year Lev? 1898, made vs. the said Yeoman, L C., and turned by RF over to me for advertisement and sale. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, fifty acres of lot of land No. 201 , in the 13th district, Levied in the northwest corner. upon and to be sold as the property of McDonald – Coddy to sat isfy one tax fi fa. issued by J B Scott, tax collector Dooly county for the year 1898, vs. McDonald – Coddy. Levy made by R F Yeoman, L C., and turned over to me for advertisement and sale. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, fifty acres in the south-east corner of lot of land No. 221 in the 13th district of Dooly county, 6 a. Levied on and to be sold as the property of J E Close to satisfy one tax fi. fa. issued by J B Scott, tax collector Dooly county, for the year 1898, vs. the said J E Close. Levy turned made by R F YeomaD, L 0., and over to me for advertisement and sale. Tenant in possession no tified. Also at the same time and place, fifty acres in tlie north-east corner of lot of land No. 221 in the 13th district of Dooly county, Ga . Levied on and to be sold as the property of C. Boynton to satisfy one tax fi fa issued by J B Scott, tax collector Dooly county, for the year 1898, vs. the said C. Boynton Levy turned made, by R F Yoeman. L C., and over to me for advertisement and sale, Tenant in possession notified. by R F Yeoman, L C., and turned over to ine for advertisement and sale. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, lots 4 and 5, In block J55 in the city of Cor dele,'Ga. Levied upon and to be.»,,id as the property of Clarke Parker, to satisfy one tax ti fa., issued by .1 jj Scott, tax collector Dooiy county, for the year 185)8, for his state and county taxes. Lew made by R F Yoeman, L C., and turned over to me for adver tisement and sale. Tenant in posses sion notitied. Also at the same time and place, lot .> in block 216 in the city of Cordele; levied upon and to be sold as the prop erty of Jell Martin, by virtue of a tax ti fa issued by J. it. Scott, T. C. I). O., for his state and county taxes for the sear 1898. Levy made by R. K. Yeo man, L. C., and arid turned over to me for advertisement sale. Tenant in possession notislied. Also at the same time and place, 80 acres of land in the north-west corner of lot land No. 4f> in the 14th district of Doolv county, 6 a.; levied on as the property of Mrs. M. A. Clement'', by viitue of one tax 11 fa issued by J. B. Scott, Tax Collector of Dooly county, vs. Mrs M. A. Clements, to satisfy said tax ti fa for tier state and county tax for the year turned 181)8. Levy made by R. H, James and over to me for ad vertisement and »ale. Tenant in pos session notiiied Also at the same time and place, lot No. 15 in block 110 in the city of Cor dele, 6 a.; levied upon and to be sold as the property of Cora Hughes to satisfy one tax ti fa issued by J. B. Scott, T. C. of Dooly county, for her taxes for 1898- Levy made bv R. F. Yeoman, L. 0 , and turned over to me for ad vertisement and sale. Tenant in pos session notitied. Also at the same time and place, lot 11 in block 21(5 in the city of Cordele, 6 a.; levied on and to be sold as the property of Wade Wood, Jr , hy virtue of one tax ti fa issued by J. It. Scott, Tax Collector of Dooly county for the year 1898. Levy made by R. F. Yeo man, L. C.. and turned over to me for advertisement and sale Tenant in possession notified, Als<?at tlic same time and place, lot 2 in block 133 in the city of (Joraele, Ga.; levied on and to be sold as the property of Allen Nooly to satisfy one tax fi fa issued by J• B. Scott, T. C. of Dooly county for the year 1898- Levy made by R. F. Yeoman, L. C., and turned over to me for advertisement and sale. Tenant in possession noti fied. Also at the same time and place, 50 acres of land in the north-west corner ot Jot of land No. 199 in the 13th district of Dooly county, 6a.; levied on as the property of C. I«. V. Nichols, to satisfy one fl fa issued by J. B. Scott, Tax Collector of Dooly Co., Ga., made for by his R. taxes F. Yeoman tor the and year turned 1898. ’Levy over to roe for advertisement and sale. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, 101^ acres of land in the east half ot lot of land No. 199, levied on. and to be sold as the property of M. Nobles, by virtue of a ti fa issued by J. B. Scott, Tax Collector of Doo ly county, for the year 1898. Said land to be sold to satisfy said fi fa. Levy made by R. F. Yeoman and turned over to me for advertisement and sale. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, lot 1 in block 137 in the city of Cordele, Ga.; levied on as the property of Corine Williams, to satisfy one tax fi fa issued by J. B. Scott, T. C. of Dooly Co., tc satisfy her Levy state made and county tax for the year 1898. by R. F. Yeoman and turned over to me for advertisement and sale. Tenant in pos session notified. Also at the same time and place, 101}i acres, being the west half of lot of land No 199 in the 2nd district of Dooly county, Ga. levied upon and to be sold as the property of A. H. Thompson, to satisfy one tax li fa issued by J. B. Scott,T. C. of Thompson. Dooly Co., for the made year of K. 1897, vs. Yeoman A. H. and turned Levy by advertisement F. and sale. over to me for Tenant in possession notiiied. Also at the same time and place, lots 1 to 10 in block 146, and one undivided one-hall interest in lots 16 and 17 in block 18, all in the city of Cordele. Ga. Levied upon and to be sold as the property of C. J. Shipp , to sotisfy tax ti fas issued by ,J. B. Scott, Tax Collector of Dooly Co., by Ga., R. F. for Yeoman 1898, vs. and C. J. Shipp. Levy made for advertisement, and turned over to me sale Tenant in possession notified. A1sq,M, J9 In the same time and place, Cordele, lots 17, 18 and block 51 in the ci.y of Ga.; levied on as the property of Silas Powell, to satisfy a fi fa issued out of and from the superior court of Dooly Lumber county, –■ Ga., in favor of the Hutchinson Supply Company, against Silas Powell. Also at the same time and place will be sold city lot No. 105in block No. 119 in the city of^Unadilla, Ga., as appears from map of survey of said city of Uuadilla, Ga., in said Dooly county. Said property levied on and to be sold as the property of the Al liance Warehouse, for state and county taxes for the vear 1898. This May, 10, 1899. J. M. ROBERTS, Sherifl. WIVES FARMER’S i or to any work, other can ladies earn lots who of wish J ( MONEY working for us in spare time - at home on our cloths. We of fer you a good chance to make plenty of spending money easi ly in leisure hours. Send 12c for cloth and and full directions at for J commence once. . ^ Cloth sent anywhere. Address, (( WlfiOQSKET CO., /HASS. (an-cj- <| BOSTON , -ly Mfg. VW'Vk.'Wt/'i Department. A 1 > fl o CtduertigiFig ] r iff? ifjosted 1 ) . which interests v the people you are after. The Sentinel will reach ’em. • Can’t you interest them? Mb^ not trie it ? ) —________