The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, June 09, 1899, Image 4

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The Cordele Sentinel. .i. w. nivt««i* W. A. Snow. BIVINS – SNOW. Ndlmrs - and Publishers. Ttiff MS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One Vesr...... 8 Six Months. 3 Three mosStis S Friday, June 9, 1899. OislOptfCiiyiWi IlS–ilQpofitaMytfM?. Mr. A. J. Tisoti is authorized to ■solicit mid collect subscriptions, advertisements and [job work for The Sentinel. Fitzgerald’s new Methodist church is to cost Spain haw sold her last job lot of islands to Germany. The North isopposed tolynchings: the South is opposed to the cause. Pope Brown has called for a Con vention of wheat growers in Macon June 12. This country resumed business re lations with .Spain at J1 o’clock on the 3d day of June. Sumter superior court lasted only two weeks this time. It generally lasts from four to seven weeks. An Indiana woman is accused of killing her fifth husband. »Slie finds it easier Gian getting a divorce. The Georgia Weekly Press Asso ciation will meet in Dublin, July, 11, and go on a pleasure trip to Tybee. Wilt Thornton was not hanged in Americas Saturday for the murder of his wife, but was commuted to life imprisonment. Charlie Fields, a negro section hand at Unadilla, fell from his car Friday evening, was run over and had his leg broken. Two white men in Rome ran over t he jailer Sunday night and escaped. They are John McCollum and Green Ifsom, both far burglary. The Lumpkin Independent is ,on the scramble for water works. That town lias am artesian well, but it benefits only those who live near it. Ocilla 1tas a barber pole 30 feet high. If tlie price of wool gatiiering in that town runs as high according ly, you better get sheared in Cordele. A Florida legislator wants to stop kissing in that state because it spreads diseases. He might also try to stop the ecM because it kills the roses. The county •commissioners of Cof fee forgot to advertise the county bonds for sale and had to suspend work on the new courthouse for eight weeks. Macon sent out an alarm of small pox one day last week, and the next day she antiouinced that no alarm need be felt. Macon should not joke so rough. Stores in Havana are now closed on Sunday, for the first time in 400 years. Yet Americans will witness a Sunday base ball game and bet on Hypocracy does not kill. The voice of the mocking-bird is heard in the land, but sweeter music comes from the sweet girl graduate as she solves the philosophy of life in the glory of her white dress and prett y pink ribbons. The Georgia Car Manufacturing Company of Savannah has shipped a -sample car to South America for a Brazillian road. This is the first of 11 large contract with South America for cars. Ministers in Atlanta have tried to pass resolutions denouncing lynch ■ingF but failtxl to agree. They ap pointed a committee, however, to draft resolutions to present at the next meeting. On the committee is R. G. Flynn, formerly of Cordele. It is said that the hard wood mill if Abbeville is one of the largest and tmosfc promising of the many indus Itries that make South Georgia hum. Iren thousand feet of lumber a day lure sawed from sweetgum, tupelo, |jish, I"umber cypress. oak and pine. The jponverted is shipped north, where it is ; into furniture and then *°Id back to the Georgia merchants Dispatch and News. John Hannawny’s Ca*e. John Hannaway goes to the gang for 20 years. On the the evening dt 'May 27 near Vienna John saw three little girls on their way home from school. Beau tiful little creatures-as pure as the morning dew and as innocent as the birds that sing.abwe them. The lion lurched in the 'bosom of the burly man whose idle brain had devised a plan to destroy the honor of one of God’s fair creatures. Like the tiger from the bush he sprang upon the largest, .probably the fairest, and j proceeded to disrobe her in the vilest form to commit a deed too black to bo mentioned on civilized tongue. Hannaway is a beefy specimen of human form with an intellect too dim to shine outside of his own soul. No learning; no training; no home or shelter for him, he drifted about as a vagabond on the the face of the earth apparantly without an object but the fullness of his stomach and the warmth of his body. Tutored by men whose Bibles are neglected, he hus been the victim of rude jokes in black alleys that probably led to the crime for whichihe now suffers. Not thoroughly responsible for his deeds, he did what was taught him and that led to another step. He knew not his limit, and probably has not yet realized the enormity of his crime. But the law must take its course. A hyena cannot be let to run at large among ten thousand girls grow ing into womanhood, even though his crimes be the result of practical jokes by intelligent men. The coun try is rid of John; girls of tender age may go merrily along to school with out a fear of meeting this particular specimen of human degradation, while his trainers are unknown to the civilized world. The men whose jokes poisoned his mind did not ap pear at his trial to defend him, and John goes to the state farm for 20 years. Is there another like him? Take him into moral training and teach him that there is a God to fear and a law to obey. Give him employ ment and deprive Satan of a work shop in his brain; point him to a source of higher respect for man aud for woman and a moral respect for himself. S. S. S. GOES 1 TO THE BOTTOM. Promptly Readies the Seat blood remedies. It matters n«t how ob TO oo TO CO co era stinate the case, nor what other treat ment or remedies have failed, S. S. S. Cores n the Worst Cases. d, always promptly reaches and cures any K h „rwt e WSfsssSrSa blood diseases knows that there are no ail ments or troubles so obstinate , and difficult to cure. Very few remedies claim to cure such real, deep-seated blood diseases as S. S. S. cures, and none can offer such incontrovertible evidenceof merit. S S. S. is not merely a tonic—it is a cure 1 It goes down to the very seat of all blood diseases, and gets at the foundation of the very worst cases, and routs the poison from the system. Itdoes not, like other remedies, dry up the poison and hide it from view temporarily A SEES 8 - *• s Mrs.T W. Lee, Montgomery, Ala., writes: “Some years ago J was inoculated with poison by ^ babe with blood a nurse who infected luy taint. I was covered with sores and I__ ^ ulcers from head to foot, and in my great extremity I prayed to die. beveral prominent physicians treated me, but all Ww*' to no purpose. The mercury ’and potash which they Ha T; fm gave me seemed to add fuel to the awful flame which was i devouring me. I was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift’s Specific. I im proved from the start, as the medicine seemed to go direct to the cause of the trouble and force the*poison out. Twenty bottles cured me completely.” Swift’s Specific— s. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD is the only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no –?S^ mercury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It never fails to , <£hS 3 «,.aSS; 1 5 u Eh ’ ,m “ ,tom ' Conta8,OU8 Blood p ° i>on ' \ aluable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. WE MANUFACTURE AND SELL Engines, Saw Mills, J3oi Id's M .and . . . " ’ < * Cotton everything in Si . . the . . Presses, Line... * « • Seed Cotton Y J Get our Elevators, Si m prices before Grist Hills -m buying. weo PERA te Machine S Hops $ FOUNDERY. WE HANDLE Full Line MILL Supplies. MALLARY BROS. – CO. Macon, Q-eoxgria,. Room* View*. Charles Broadway Rouss, the great New York merchant, makes the fol lowing assertions: Buy for cash and sell for cash. If you buy bargains, sell bargains. Learn when, where and how to buy. Quick sales and small profits maxe more sales and greater results. Large profits aud few sales mean, In time, no sales and no profits. Credit and partnership are the scourge of commercial experience. Merit is the trade-mark of success, and quality the true test of value. Notin time, place or circumstances but in man lies success; and the lar ger the field, the greater the results. Industry, integrity, economy and promptness are cardinal requisites to certain and honerable success. Beware of the gifts of the Greeks; they allure that they may destroy ; credit is tempting, but ruin surely follows in its path. Bargain purchases without bargain sales is an ambition which overlaps itself and is as unwise as itis unprof itable. Long credit with large profits tempt both buyer and seller, but they awaken the siren song which is ever chanting the funeral dirges of disap pointed victims, both buyer and sel ler being chief mourners. August Flower, “It is a surprising,” says Prof. Houton, “that in my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, I have met more people hav ing used Green’s August Flower than any other remedy, for dys pepsia, deranged liver and stomach, and for constipation. I find for tourists and salesmen, or for persons filling office positions, where head aches and general bad feelings from irregular habits exist, that Green’s August Flower is a grand remedy. It does not injure the system by frequent use. and excellent for sour stomachs and indigestion.” Sample bottles free at City Drug Store. Looking forward is the best of fife. There is more pleasure in anticipa tion than in realization, more happi ness in desiring and hoping for, than in having ; more joy in pursuit than in possession—of everything except a wife. Woman knocks these rules higher’n a kite—like she does most other rules, says the Dalton Argus. The Marietta Journal has solved enigma of life in the following paragraph : “If a man you, cease to deal with him ; if he is abusive, quit his company; if he slanders you, take care to live so that nobody will believe him. No matter who he is or how he misuses you, the wisest way is to let him alone, for there is nothing better than this calm, cool and quiet way of dealing with the wrongs we meet with. Lies unheeded will die ; fires unfanned will die out, and quarrels neglected become so dull as the all but extinct volcano.” Red Ho. From^the Gun Was the ball that hit G B Stead man of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ul cers that no treatment helped tor 20 years. Then Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him. ' Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. We are in receipt of a season ticket to the Cordele from June 18th to 24th aud return sincere thanks to Col. J. T. Hill, secretary of the Chautauqua Exposition Association for same. The Chautauqua is in of a corps of enterprising men and the high class of tions secured by them will large crowds and insure the cess of the County Citizen. Don’t Stop taking Scott’s Emulsion be cause it’s warm weather. . Keep taking it until you are cured. and It will heal you* blood lungs give you rich in sum mer as in winter. It’s cod liver oil made easy. 50c. and $ 1. All druggists. | Open... For I Business HI To our. • • • A 1 Old Friends m I and Patrons. | SjuL W–k You Seventh will find Street, us * j |1 on opposite Coney – te US H Co's, in the old p || Balt] more Department Ip store—below Hutchin- fH |§ P son Supply Co., Just opened up with a U t New Line of Goods H New, Fresh S3 | .Doing business as we # £ did before, selling goods || W m cheaper than any one || iU 1 else in town. II II I We have the same Si f 1 Low prices for Cash mi m Store. as Ave did . at the Cash pi 1|1 U I We heartily solicit iH Iff m |j your patronage, and Iff l i will do our best to tf §f HI please you. I Respectfully ask you 1 to get our prices be fore you buy. a We have the same $80 u–a If 1 ARBUCKLE 10c. pound ggj Jegf J§S| K"v COFFEE. jHgft fflS jif 1 will Come to see us ; we jg m save you money. j|| | YY>urs respectfully, j m ' v. R. D. Hearn I Grocery Co., I Cordele, Ga. TEACHERSWANTED FOR COROELE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. • Applications for the next scholastic year commencing first Monday in September, 1 1889, for nine months, as follows: . One Superintendent, salary $90.00 per month, for nine months. for'nhfe months. Two Teachers first and second Primary, $40.00 each per month, for nine months. One Principal colored school, $25.00 per month, for nine months. Two Teachers colored school, $15.0) each per month, for nine months. Applications will be received at office of Secretary until noon June 12th next. All applicants are requested to file thei. credentials with Secretary and after election of teachers they will he duly leturned. By ordei'of the Bourd. S. D, RAVENEL, JNO. E. HOWELL, Secretary. President. You are invited to visit u tara Delia. Mors! THE BEST EQUIPPED IN THE SOUTH. Leaders in High-Class * * Dentistry And Low Prices. Gold Crowns and Bridges, .. $^.00 per Tooth. Gold Fillings, $1.50. Silver Fillings, 75 Cents. Set of Teeth on Rose Pearl Plate , 48.00. Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate $5.00. Drs. Yeung – hanier. 410 Second St., Corner Cherry St., Macon, Ga. Teeth Extracted Without Charge and Without Pain. MALLARY BROS *5 MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR • ' ) 1 J in ao it SUPPLIES. We Handle the Complete Cotton Ginning and Baling System, Manufactured by F. H. Lummus Sons Co., including the Celebrated Latest Improved Lummus Combination Cotton Gin. Special Attention is Called to the Star Sickle and Tool Grinders which we can supply promptly from Stock. These Grinders are indispensable to Mowing Machine Operators, Farmers and Machanics. Or323/t© Any Lenght and Style; for any kind of fuel and at prices lower than can be made by local foundenes. We carry in stock a Complete Plugs, Sight Assortment of Injectors, Ejectors, Jet Pumps, Fire Feed Lu bricators, Butter-fly or Sawyer’s Valves, Steam Gauges, % Glass Water Gauges, Beltings, Lace Leather, Babbitt, Steam .mj and Garden Hose, Packings, including Genuine Garlock Packings of all kinds. Mowing Machines and Rakes. Re member we represent the Factory direct on Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Wind Mills, and Harvesting Ma ceinery. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders. M ALLARY BROS., Mfgr’s. Agts, 92 Broad St •» ALBANY, GEORGIA. GO TO THE For Pure Drugs, Patent medicines, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Tobacco, Cigars Stationery, Glass, Putty and everything kept in am up-to-date Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED —BY— Dr. W. S. Virgin. A graduate in both medicine and pharmacy. We guarantee no r mistakes in this department. Garden Seed just arrived, C. R. SMITH, Proprietor. jan!7-tf. The “Exclusive” Liquor House. Fine Liquors For Family and Medicinal Pnrposes, Red Cross Rye!.. Hye per gallon. $1,50 Holland Gin.......... per gallon, $2.6(J Mcrapole Capital “ “ 2 00 Tom Gin.................... “ “ 2.00 California Rye. .•............... ri Hose Gin.................... 2.00 Rye................ -i Rock anil Rye............ 2.00 Old Kellar Rye.............. co Peach and Honey........... 2.00 Beaver Run Rye, Sour Mash 3.00 Apple Brandy.............. 2.GU Old Baker Rye................ 4.0(1 Apple Brandy.............. 2.50 Century Okolona XXXX Rye, Sour Mash .... 4.00 Peach Brandy............... 2.00 Western Corn................ Rye.......... 5.00 Peacn Brandy............. 2.50 North Carolina Corn........ 2.00 1.50 Cherry Cognac Brandy............ 2.00 – 2.50 Old North Carolina Corn 2.511 New England nrandy...........,. 4.00 ... Ruin.......... 2.00 White Rye.................... 2.00 New England Rum......... 2.80 Holland White Rye................... ilia.................. 2.60 Jamaica Rum.............. 2.00 2.00 Jamaica Rum............... 2.40 ^-“^•loney 9entmeby Imported Cognac Brandy, Gin, Porj. Sherry Wines, etc. Express, Money Order or Registered Letter will have my prompt H. SOLOMON, Agent. North Broacl Street. Albany, Ga. If. Duid’g Denial Parlors, No. 370, 2d St., MACON, GEORGIA. gjBr Low Prices a Specialty. ......Gold Fillings, $1.50 up..... ......Silver Fillings, 75c. up....... .....Sets of Teeth,l$5.00 to $8.00..... The Kennesaw Restaurant, 224 Washington St., Albany, Ga, Good Meals, 26c. Shilo Rodgers, Proprietor