The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, June 16, 1899, Image 4

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The Cordele Sentinel. * •!. W. liivins. W. A. snow. BIVINS Si SNOW. tCdllofN - and 1‘iildlf.tiein. Ttil?MS OP SUBSCRIPTION. < me Veer.......... 5 Six Month*........ 5? Three month* ■ Friday, June lb, 1890. Oidal Organ tf Ciij of Cordele. id–l Orgui of the Oousty of Dooly. ------------------------------------------------ Mr. A. J. Tison is authorized to solicit, and collect, subscriptions, advertisements and job work for The Sentinel. Struck a Breaker. The journalistic sea hns a broad expanse; its depth is unknown. There are times when its surface floats the editor’s canoe on a calm and serene voyage, hut the breakers come by and by. Once upon a timon little sheet was born—the kickers’organ—and it was named Bug (of the tumble variety)— no, not Bug—the Bee—no, not Bee— well, you can call it any old name. It left the station Press six times each week. Some of its baokers be lieved it was plying smooth waters. The columns of the aforesaid sheet teemed with paragraphs advocating the damnable practice in Cordele of Drs. Accusation – Kicker, and en deavored to hold them up on a 8 *^ e ky side, with Col. Right.; hut lo and behold they failed to he identified ns an acquaintance much less akin to Truth. On and on it went until finally this Jeaky canoe of journalism drifted ‘upon a rough sea; stormy billows raged, the canoe was lost from sight and its occupant was picked up in an almost unconscious condition. t 'The unfortunate was too weak to but kind-hearted city officials oamo to the rescue and landed him dusty earth, leaving him there all alone that he might have an op portunity to cast a faint recollection hack to the Holy Writ that is so full of truth, and more especially to a particular paragraph that says : The way of the transgressor is hard," Pity, but true, that he ventured ; uto the treacherous deep and heeded |iot the warnings of his fellow men THKKE ADVICE PARAGRAPHS : It is foolish lo lake passage with |i CRptflin who is not competent to Ms owh bold. I Don’t attempt to cross the deep vhteYB unless you can swim or have 1 life preserver in reach. ; Don’t tamper with the lirm of fl-’ruth – Right; they possess nnglit y ower. Did you hear anything drap ? Keep lour eyes open and you’ll see some hing ere long. I The advertising patronage of Tin: as our readers can plainly increases each week; the sub ipeription ‘hank our lisi friends is growing for their rapidly. patronage. We m hoard business man say and e a 1e is a man that puts much money * printer’s ink—that every time ffl 0 put a dollar in an advertisement ffie counted t ripple receipt ns a result. §|nt!y fl The Montgomery Monitor appa has little faith in the sineeret.y H politicians. The Monitor says: There was a day when southern UJatesmen advocated a thing because Bey believed it was right, but now flo many of our leading men preach they think will push their 'Sent 1 interest forward. ■% feAe Macon Telegraph has told this He on the weather: “The culmina Ja. •n was reached yesterday in front B. Small's on Second street, filen the contents of a barrel of pop ■n began to pop. blowing the head : m the barrel, and foaming bravely 1 like a tankard of bromo seltzer.” Vayeross Herald : Wheat can be Iwn successfully in middle and ! ■th Georgia but it is simply throw away time and labor to attempt Jjiraise it to advantage in South ;I 'lirgia. There are plenty of other jpgs, however, that we can raise ! I* buv wheat. lihis country Has started the ship ■^Philippines. °f canned beef ami eollir.s te •loin Hearts and Hands in Education. The members of our school board have named teachers for another year. This was no easy task. The members did the best they could and were conscientious in their se loetions. Practically all the pilcants will be disappointed, as the board could only select seven teach ers out of about 75 applicants for a jiosltion as teacher. Probably some patron will feel disappointed that some favorite teacher was not elec ted, or some will be disappointed i that some teacher not a favorite was elected, and yet that one should be the first to acquiesce in the wisdom of an honest board, first to begin pull ing for the good of our schools, and should be very guarded against ut tering words which may cause sorrow and may work some detriment, to what would otherwise prove to be the best school in the history of our city, county and section. Words of ap proval, praises of a successful school last session have been heard from within our city and from many sec tions without our city, which have rejoiced our trustees, teachers, pat rons and pupils. This inspires to a nobler, grander and lietter school for next. year. Grumbling may be called “a safety valve,” through which one gives vent to pent-up forces within and allows to escape one’s ill feelings and words of disapproval, but educa tion is too sacred to be tampered with and mere grumbling to hear grumble, mere gossip, rumor, talk without foundat ion, and all with no other mission than to impede the onward movement of this great , ftUse s j l0U tq fluff escape in Gum ( . ree k ra ther than on the streets ot our ] )e l 0 ved city. Matters of importance will receive prompt, proper and polite eonsidora tion through the proper channel, the Board of Trustees. Without a dis senting voice the board has elected teachers and has selected good teach ers. Give the board, the teachers and school your aid and sympathy and the prediction follows that mini bers yet unheard will sound the praises of the best school next year ever known in this town or section, ; The electric fans are creating quite a stir in public circles. ONLY ONE CORE A ! r FOR SCROFULA. 0 C C |p fit a flnlv There are dozens of remedies recommended for Ut Ui 1)1 Id 1110 Ulllj Scrofula, afford some of relief, them no but doubt S. S. S. being is absolutely able to n Remedy , _ Equal . to , this aartartts- temporary fthotiiiA+A riinnAAA blood diseases, and is beyond the reach of the UDSIllidlB Uisease . many thing so-called than purifiers tonic and tonics is required. because S. some- S. 8. more a mere is equal down to any blood trouble, the disease, and never fails permanently to cure Scrofula, eliminating because it goes to the seat, of thus every trace of the taint. The serious consequences to which Scrofula surely leads should impress upon those afflicted with it the vital im portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can not treatment possibly has effect been a cure. relied In upon, many complicated cases where the glandular wrong swellings have resulted, for which the doctors insist that a dangerous surgical operation is necessary. liad Mr. Ii. E. Scrofula Thompson,of Milledgeville, Ga., writes: “A ^ case of broke out, on the glands of my neck, which treated had to for be lanced long while, and caused but the me physicians much suffering. I % was a were un able to cure me, and my condition was as bad as when I began their treatment. Many blood remedies were used, % « but without effect . Some one recommended S. 8. S., and 4 I began to improve remedy, as soon as I had taken a few bottles. Continuing and have the had I of was soon disease cured permanently, never a sign the to return.” a Swift’s — Specific— S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD ' S dcT° n * y rem ly Cftn P r 9 m ptty reach and cure obstinate, deep-seated 11 p can^Le so-called tonics, etc., nil sufferers from blood troubles promptly cured, instead of enduring years of suffering whicli gradually but surely undermines the constitution. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails to cure Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Boils, 1 et tor, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers, etc. Insist upon S. S 8.; nothing can take its place. Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. WE MANUFACTURE AND SELL Engines, Saw Mills, Boilers, m . and . . . Cotton f 11 everything the in . . . . Presses, i » ...Line... Seed Cotton Get our Elevators, nHrec prices before Dciorc —— Grist Hills ftk buvino * ‘S' WE OPERATE Machine Shops t Foundery. ’"“““Full Line MIL L Supplies. MALLARY BROS. – CO. . Macon, o-corgria.. ■■ Editorial Squibs. There is to be a convention of ho boes in Danville, Ill, June 15. Nobody has yet been able to move the capitol of Florida from Talla j bassee. under a new law in Florida you mUgt not ttttempt board a moving tra i n After July 1st Florida will have two first-class postoffices—Jackson an< * Tampa. Racing barn No. 1 at Macon Cen tral City park with nine horses wus ! burned Saturday night, | O. E. Mattox took bromo cloral in j I’elliam Friday night and was found dead on the street Saturday morn. The mayor of Bowling Green, Ohio, b aft sentenced a youthful criminal to four weeks at church and Sunday j school or 30 days in jail, The Adel News knows of a Mr. Brice in Hahia who is white man> but remembers when his brother sold , j,j m an( j b j g s i g te r a8 slaves, A billion dollar combine, a beer trust, is about to be formed to buy up all the breweries in the States. The price may go up but the drinking will continue. There’s no telling what the “devil” can do if you Will only give him time. South Carolina's new execu tive, Governer McSweeney, was once a printer’s devil. A late Florida law : “Whoever sells any intoxicating liquors, wines or beer to any husband or parent after notice to the contrary from any wife or child, or to a minor or, an intoxi cated person, shall be punished as if he had sold without a license. > J Newspapers, when considered from an advertising standpoint, have everything in their favor. They reach both the masses and the classes and they reach them with a frequency that, commends itself as a shining virtue to the man who has something to sell. Moreover, a favorite news paper cannot be supplanted in the hearts of its constituents by any other sort of publication, which in sures it a permanency of circulation that cannot be duplicated.—Albany Herald. “An Open Letter,” President Jno. E. Howell of the Chautauqua Board of Directors lias sent out “An open letter to the people of Cordele” in which he asks that all Cordeleans interest themv selves in making the Chautauqua a success next week, to “open your doors, • » ii invite your friends’’ and “let's have a gala week,” etc. Mr. Howell shows himself broad minded, impartial, non-partisan, takes the correct and sensible view— a view taken by The Sentinel in several recent articles—when he says to the people of Cordele, “Our city needs your help. There has been so much strife and divisions, so many charges and counter-charges until we need to forget all these and join in one grand movement for the upbuilding of our city. Show the great crowds of visitors that will come among us the best of ourselves and our city. The chautauqua is for all—for our entire city—and the encouragement we give it is the measure of our love for Cordele ” Now that Uncle Sam is running all over Cuba with a search warrant for a handful of Cuban souldiers, Spain and her brave military com manders should blush with shame to think of the ten years war they car ried on against this phantom army. —Columbus Ledger. Tifton shipped 170 crates of fruit, mostly peaches, June 7. coNSdFm 1 ft : never stops because the weather ft. .§. is warm. i Then why stop taking simply Keep SCOTT'S taking because it EMULSiQM tt it’s will summer heal your ? I I lungs, and make them strong for another winter. 50c. and #1.00; all druggists. m wmmumm 0 it Open... 1 I For | Business m I I I H To my • • •• Old Friends I and Patrons. I m .... m s k on opposite *—* <rt“ Coney me – m Co’s, in the old II jp fl! store—below Supply Co., Hutchin- Just son (§{ opened up with a Eft New Line of m IU New, Fresh Goods Doing business as I did before, selling goods §1 pf cheaper else in town. than any one Sj I? I Low have prices the for same 1 pf Cash §J p Store. as I did at the Cash I I heartily solicit m I your patronage, and jjj I will do my best to please you. – Respectfully ask you if to get my prices be y fore you buy. !' if ts I have the same -– ft | 10c. pound J . 11 ARBUCKLE COFFEE. | Come t0 see me ; i # fSl will save you money. f–j : ‘ $ v I ours respecttully, M > jfcf jM Id n HPARN 'i 1 ’ ( ! it g 1 CO Cordele, Ga. jH| v–f “ S.3 1 To Friends and % my of City Acquaintances Surrounding Country and I have recently bought out Hamilton – McDonald and will continue business at same old place. 1 expect to keep on hand for sale a full and complete stock of Fancy and F am, ly Groceries. CHIPLEY BUTTER. COMB HONEY. Prices at Bottom. »;« Quality at the Top. ft®P*Goods delivered Free to any part of city. I want your Country Produce—such as Hams, Eggs, Chickens, Etc., and will barter or pay cash for same. Your Patronage Solicited. Yours to Please, R. B. SCARBOROUGH. You are invited to visit ifiAirici Mill Parlors! THE BEST EQUIPPED IN THE SOUTH. ! Leaders in High-Class * Dentistry ♦ And Low Prices. Gold Crowns and Bridges, $1^.00 per Tooth. Gold Fillings, $1.50. Silver Fillings, 75 Cents. Set of Teeth on Rose Fearl Plate , 48 . 00 . Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate ............... $5.00.. Drs. Yeung – Lanier, 410 Second St., Corner Cherry St., Macon, Ga. Teeth Extracted Without Charge and Without Pain. MALLARY BROS *5 MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR * 1 5 1 i$r SUPPLIES. We Handle the Complete Cotton Ginning and Baling System, Manufactured by F. H. I/ummus Sons Co., including the Celebrated Latest Improved Lummus 4^ Combination Cotton Gin. Special Attention is Called to the Star Sickle and Tool Grinders which we can supply promptly from Stock. These Grinders are indispensable to Mowing Machine Operators, Farmers and Machanics. GrlSl/t© IE3SIXS Any Lenght and Style; for any kind of fuel and at prices lower than can be made by local founderies. We carry in stock a Complete Assortment of Injectors, Ejectors, Jet Pumps, Fire Plugs, Sight Feed Lu bricators, Butter-fly or Sawyer’s Valves, Steam Gauges, ~ Glass Water Gauges, Beltings, Lace Leather, Babbitt, Steam m and Garden Hose, Packings, including Genuine Garlock Packings of all kinds. Mowing Machines and Rakes. Re member ws represent the Factory direct on Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Wind Mills, and Harvesting Ma ceinery. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders. MALLARY BROS., Hfgr’s. Agts q 92 Broad St •* ALBANY, GEORGIA. GO TO THE For Pure Drugs, Patent fledicines, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Tobacco, Cigars Stationery, Glass, Putty and everything kept in an up=to=date Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED —BY— Dr. W. S. Virgin, A graduate in both medicine and pharmacy. We guarantee no --mistakes in this department. Garden Seed just arrived, janl7-tf. C. R. SMITH, Proprietor. - ------------ — -------------- ----------------- . “Exclusive" Liquor House. Hm Liquors For Family and Medicinal Purposes. Monpole Rye................. “ “ 2.25 California Kellar bye................ Bye.............. “ “ “ “ 2.50 3.00 Old Sye, Beaver Bun Sour Mash “ “ 3.00 Old Baker Rye................ “ “ 4.00 Okolona Rye, Sour Mash .... “ “ 4.00 Century XXXX Rye.......... “ •* 5.00 SsSts.:; .;: : SSi8^v:;::.:r.v.v.v.v. ■■ as Holland Gin.................. “ “ 2.00 attention. SOLOMON, H. Agent. North .Broad Street. Albany, Ga. 7 ;"if "'l'. 1 "”- ‘S . Rose Gin............ 2.00 Rock and Rye...... 2.00 Reach anil Honey........... 2.00 Apple BranUy............... Brandy.. ........... 2.00 Apple Peach Brandy............... 2.50 2.00 I’eaeri Brandy............... 2.50 .“ 2.00 – 2.50 4.00 2.00 2.50 2.00 Jamaica Rum.............. ■ 2.40