The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, June 16, 1899, Image 5

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an f r J earnestly W E n ° invite W have 0Ur ,arge and assorted stock of goods opened and marked and ready for your inspection, and most l 11 you to come and witness THE BIGGEST DISPLAY OF BARGAINS EVER OFFERED to the people of i Cordeie ; and when we make this assertion we make it as people with a full knowledge of business. This is not a new I venture with us; though we are young in years we are old in experience, and come to Cordeie to do business on strictly f up-to-date business principles, and as “the longest pole gets the persimmon,” we intend to reach the furthest, sell goods the cheapest and win the trade and confidence of the people by strict attention to business, square dealing, and by giving more goods for the money tnan can be bought elsewhere. Our whole aim will be to please our customers, as we know that a pleased customer is the best advertiser. Here are just a few of our prices Examine them. « Coffee Mills,....... 15c. Box Pepper,..... 5c. Men’s Suspenders, 7c. Shoe Blacking, per box, lc. Curry Combs,...... 4c. Ladies’ Aprons, 10c. “ Laundered Percale Shirts,19c. Toilet Soap, .......... lc. . Hammers,........ 9c Finishing Braid, . 8c. Standard Nickle Watch, 98c. Table Oil Cloth, per yd. J • ..J2*c. Hatchets,......... 9c. Mattress Ticking, 5c. Counterpanes, 48c. 10c. Bottle Machine Oil 3c. ........ Figure Printed Lawn, 2*o. Set Tea Spoons,... 2c. Good Calico,..... 3c Lace Pillow Shams,..... 15c. Ball Thread, per dozen, . 5c. 25c. . “Table ” 4c. Dress Crash,..... 5c. Men’s Overall Panis,. . Men’s Full Size Handkerchiefs, '2c. “ Knives – Forks, 29c. Whisk Brooms, .. 3c Hair Brushes, ........ 5c. Boys’ Pants, 10c. EVERYTHING ELSE CHEAP IN PROPORTION. All goods New and Fresh From New York City, and of the Latest Styles and Patterns. Remember the place—Next door to Coney – Co’s. Hind – Churchwell, Cordeie Wedded in Vienna. At the home of her pareuts at Vienna, was married yesterday, piss Mamie Leonard to Mr. J. P. pall. This was qnite a swell pair and many valuable presents rere presented by relatives and riends. PARKER’S BALSAM HAIR wH it* the halt. CtaBwes wad V c growth. Promotes • hunuMot Oray Kever Pails to Beatore Hair to its Youthful Color. I Cures jOc.sndti.OOst scalp diseases St Druggists hair felling. T..N? 'V It’s their crooked ways that nables some men to make both tads meet. To the People of Cordeie And Surroumting Country. We desire to call your attention u the fact that now since the |shoo-fly” Abbeville train has and been Ameriotis put on ©tween re shall endeavor to make it to our interest to come to Americus i do your trading. The exceptionally fine schedule ow in operation, leaving Cordeie a. in., arriving at Americus at 0 a. m., gives you an opportunity i» come to Americus at a nominal ost and spend practically the en ire d ly, as the train leaves here t 5 p. m„ giving you plenty of line to attend to a full day’s buei ess. Without a”y boasting whatever ife |e the are largest unquestionably wholesale recognized and retail House Goods, Clothing and Carpet in Southern Georgia. In ■adingwith uayou can do so wit3a ■tat feeling of confidence that you ■ways get the latest styles ot ■erything, ■rgest the best, quality, from and the stock to select ■e lowest prices consistent with ■>od. desirable merchandise. Our ■ ethods of doing business are ■uducted on straight-forward ■west principles and all goods Haight ■ed of us are always guaran ■ I as represented. old rider the operation of the we had a very large pat from this and all the ad lining counties. We hope now to pn have the pleasure of renew fd g all these old acquaintances also to make a great many new tes, [ople and we cordially invite the at large to come to Ameri N, see what we have to offer, and pn will surely go home convinced jat there is no better place any jat arters we are for the Dry recognized Goods, Clothing, head kpets and Gents’ Furnishings Southern Georgia. ■A-s an extra inducement for you ■ cjine here to do your trading ■h us for tlie month of April will pay your railroad fare one ■y on all bills of Twenty Dollars except wholesale Express prepaid on all lers Irdfi. of Five Dollars and up Very respectfully, Wheatley A Ansley. The city tax books are now open for receiving tax returns for 1899 ' and will close June 14th, 1899. W. W. Shipp, Clk. –Treas. Eatonton, (iA., I January 30, 1899. \ Messrs. H. J. Lamar – Sons, Macon, Ga., Gentlemen—We herewith enclose you order for one gross “L. L. L.” Lamar’s Lemon Laxative. Our sales on this preparation are rapidly in creasing. I have used it. in rny fam ily with entire satisfaction, and take great pleasure in recommending it to my customers,and consider it the best liquid preparation for the liver on the market. Chas. F. Tatum, Very truly;, Druggist. For sale by all Druggists. The professional musician works while he plays and plays while he works i i HEADACHE, FOUL BREATH, NO ENERGY, CONSTIPATION. These symptoms mean torpid liver and a clogged condition in the bowels. They also mean the general health is below par and disease is seeking to obtain control. Quickly removes these Symptoms, Strengthens the Stomach, Cleanses the Liver and Bowels and Promotes Func tional Activity in the Kidneys. A few doses will restores Health and Energy L in Body and Brain. i % j ^ SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price $1.00 Per Bottle. A. «• CASH DRUG STORE, Special Agents. Good Eating_^> Is a Joy in Life. It is not possible for the cook to prepare something good to eat un less the cook first has something good to prepare. p p. SHIlPPAFyD – BPO., Sell Staple and fancy Groceries—the kind you want —at prices to suit reasonable customers. gj–’We sell Tinware, canned goods; in fact you can find anything at our store that is usually kept in a first class grocery store. We treat our customers right; “FAIR AND SQUARE.” B. F. SHEPPARD – BRO. ? THE HONEST GROCERS, O’Neal – Baker _ Bid g. Cordeie, Georgia. Mr. Jno. S. Pate’s store was found fo be flooded with water last Sun day morning;. By accident a faucet was left open on Saturday night in a room above the store. Quite a large quantity of goods said to be damaged. Save Your Money. One box cf TuU’s Tills will save many dollars in doctors* bills They will sur ely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT’S Liver PILLS The colored people’s camp meet, iug convenes .text Sunday out at the springs. sasK ED. Sheffield Co. E. D. Sheffield Co., of Ameri cus, want the people of Cordeie and surrounding country to come to see them when they are in Americus. We have the best line of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Furnish ing Goods, Dry Goods and notions to be found any where and price lower than any one. Write for samples if you can’t come. We will be glad to show you. Very Respectfully. E. D. Sheffield Co. J. G. JONES, Attorney and Counselor at Law, CORDELE, Ga. The Sentinel was preparing an article foi this issue, which would I have said that an attempt was made by a negro man to assault Miss Verna Smith at Rich wood last Tuesday afternoon, and that the negro who made the attempt | is being chased with dogs, but ! a telephone message from Rich wood, just before going to press, I states that the report is without j foundation. The man,who was “born tired” should use Prickly Ash Biiters. It makes work a necessity to give vent to the energy and exuberance of spirits generated by functional activity in the system. Sold by Cash Drug Store. Wouldn’t it be delightful to have one of the streets leadiug to the cliautauqua grounds sprinkled frequent enough to keep down the dust during next week—while the cliautauqua is in session ? The city can do this with little expense. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A. K. SCUMPERT. J.T. STALLINGS Schumpert Shoe Company. ( Siiei'cssorS to Arthur llvlantlur.) \ m ) ■ J ) The only exclusive Shoe and Hat store in Americus. We handle only the highest grade goods. Quality High ; Prices Low. 8 CHUMPERT HOE COMPANY, Arthur ttylander). Corner Lamar Americus, and .Jackson Sts. Ga. (.Successors to ■K'i -- — <$> Southern Dental Parlors. % <$> 22k GOLD CROWNS, $4.00. We don’t do anything we can’t <s> X BRIDGE guarantee. WORK, Per Tooth, $4.00. We defy competition <§> SET of TEET on RUBB ER, $5.00. We challenge comparison. <$> <§> Set of Teeth on Rose Pearl, the prettiest and <§> best plate made, $8.oo. We invite investigation. ^ Gold FlllingS, from $1.00 up. We prove all. Claims made. <£' v ^ All other work at charges that will please you. ^ teeth extracted without pain. V OUR REFERENCE—A Ten Years’Record in Macon. (♦) Originators and Leaders of Low Charges for Higl» Class Dentistry in (♦> Central Georgia. <§> THERE IS !i! Southern Dental Parlors. ID Cherry kt <£ ONLY ONE MACON, GA. <S> Wm. G. Long, D. D. S , # <$> Proprietor and Manager. vCv /X A A Mr. Lewis Roobin left for Indian .Springs last Saturday, and he will remain there for ten days or two weeks. Lewis has lost no time selling goods at the store ot Mr. A. Roobin for a long while, and will doubtless enjoy the rest he is now taking. Last, fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism.. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommend ed me to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. 1 tried it and one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends.— F. A-Babcock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by J B. Ryals<fc Co., Druggists. J ^ Up-to-Date CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS From MISS PICKETT. of Americus, For $2.50 per dozen. Only the Uent class ot wrok done at my jrallerv. I do n.yown work, therefore I guarantee it. Mims Pickett, Americus, Ha. 1