The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, June 16, 1899, Image 7

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Th* Eminent Divine’s Sunday Discourse. Subject: “Moral Expansion’’— Our Duty to tlie Heathens In the Philippine Island* —SuKRestiOBs a* to XVhat We Should Do For Their Religious Welfare. [Copyright, Louis Klopsch, 1899.] Washington, D. C.—In this discourse Dr. Taltpage steers clear of the political entanglements of our time and recom mends that which will meat the approval of all who hope for the perpetuity of our republic and the welfare of other lands; text, Genesis xxviii., 14, "Thou shalt spread abroad to the west and to the east.” Sincethe Amerlenno-Hispanic United war is con cluded and the States Embassador is on the way to Madrid and the Spanish Embassador people is on country the way to Washington the of our are divided into expansionists and anti -expansionists. From a different standpoint this than that usually taken I discuss all-absorbing theme. I leave the political nspect of this subject to statesmen anc'. warriors' and pray Al mighty God that they may be enabled rightly to settle the question whether the islands in controversy shall be finally an nexed or held under protectorate or re signed to themselves, while i call attention to the fact that a campaign of moral and religious expansion ought to be immedia tely opened on widest and grandest scale. At the close of this war God has put-into the hands of this country Heretofore' the key to the worlds redemption. in the re ligious movement pagan lands had to precede the educational. After in China and India and the islands of the sea the missionaries have labored over fifty or seventy-five years the printing press and the secular school came in. Now to better advantage than ever before religions and secular enlightenment may go side by side, and so the work be accomplished in short time and more thoroughly. Cuba Starting with the fact that in and Porto Bico and the Philippine Islands int least three-fourths of the people opportunity can neither for school ’read nor write, what un and print ing pressl Within five years every man in those islands maybe taught'to read not only the Bible, but the Declaration of In dependence and the Constitution of the United States and the biography of George Washington and of Abraham Lincoln. It seems to me that the Government of the United States ought by vote of Con gress afford common schools and printing presses to those benighted regions. Our National Legislature by one vote appro priated $50,000,000 to give bread an'd med icine to Cuba. Why not by a similar gener osity give $50,000,000 for feeding and heal ing the minds and souls of those ignorant and besotted archipelagoes. In the name of God I nominate a school for every neigh borhood of Cuba, Porto Bico and the Phil ippines. As soon as the gavel falls at 12 o’clock of next December 4 on the table of Senate and House of representatives and the roll has been called and the . prelimin aries observed let some member of our Na tional Legislature, with mind and soul and voice strong enough to be heard not only through those hails, but through Christen dom, propose a measure for the mental and mor:d disenthrallment of the islands in 'controversy. What has made American civilization the highest civilization the world has ever seen? Next to the Bible and the churcff, schools, common schools, schools reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from British America to Gulf of Mexico. Five years under such educational advantage, and this whole subject that keeps our pub lic men agitated, some of them to frothing at the mouth, will settle itself. Give those islands readers, blackboards, spellers, arithmetics, his tories, Legislatures maps, geographies, globes. Let the State at their next meeting, some of them assembling in early autumn, take parts of those islands under their especial needed is educational and National patron age. What is State action in this matter of schools. xThen let the editorial associations of the United Spates, as many of such organiza tions'as therfi are States, resolve at the next convocation to establish in every re gion of those islands a printing press, sup ported by plople self-supporting. of this country Each of until these it can become State Editorial Associations sending out to those islands at least one editor and two reporters and enough typesetters, down will go the ignorance and superstition of those islands as certainly as the Spanish pound fleet under Cervern sank under the ing of aur American battleships, and into and their every port will go intelligence love of free Institutions as certainly as into the harbor of Manila went Admiral Dewey on that famous night when he was not ex pected. Hoe’s printing press! Nothing A’an stand before its bombardment. Ed lishers itors'of of American newspapers books! Take and the pub American or dination for such a magnificent service. Eloquenee’on yonder Epigrams Capitol of hill political cannot meet the exigency. Legislatures will not platforms or in State hasten the desired consummation one week or one hour or one moment. When Cubans and Forto Bican and Fili pinos see the morning and evening news papers thrown into the doorways and hawked along the streets of Havana and Santiago and Manila, those who cannot read by the force of curiosity will learn to read, so that they may know what infor mation is being scattered, and that which may be missionary effort at the start and carried on by Americans sent forth to do the work will soon be done by educated na tives. Porto Bicans editors! Porto Bican reporters! Porto Bican typesetters! Porto Bican publishers! It was a great mercy to take these islands from under the heels of despotism, but it will be a mightier mercy to emancipate them from ignorance and degradation. The expansion of the knowl edge and intellectual qualification of all those islandy regions is the desire of all in telligent Americans. Awake, all you schools and colleges and universities and printing presses, to your opportunity! wide door for Still further, here is a open Christianity. First of all, we have the at tention of those people. The heathen nations are for the most part soporific. had The American missionaries heretofore great difficulty in getting heathendom to listen. They excited some comment by their attire, so different was the parting of the hair and the shape of the hat and the cut of the coat and the formation of the shoe of the evangelizers, but the questions mission constantly arose in regard to the ary: “Who is he?” “What is he here for?” And then the interrogator would relax iuto the previous stupid indifference. But that condition of things has passed. The guns of our American navy have awakened those populations. They do not ask who we are. They have found out. They are now listening to what American civiliza tion and our Christian religion have to say on any subject. Now is the time, while their ears and eyes are wide open, to tell them of the rescuing and sulvabie and in spiriting power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. The steam printing press which secular educa tion plants there may be used and will'be used to print religious newspapers and tracts and sermons and mighty discussions pf questions temporal and eternal. . Tne comfortable homes of those popula- side by tions, when Christianized, standing who side with the degraded huts of those remain pagans will be revolutionary for good. The Porto Bican and the Filipino will come out from this uncleaned and low roofed and uninviting kennel and say to bis neighbor o Z beautiful household, “Why cannot I have things as you have them?” And when he finds that it is the Bible, with its teachings on family life and personal the purity and exalted principle, and church of God that proposes the rectifica tion of all evil and the implantation of all good, he will cry out, “Give me the Bible, and the church, and the earthly allevia tions, aDd the eternal hope which have wrought for you such transfiguration.” it*tm’nif Whap l coming. ther , e ma >' *» Here nothing Is a dntln- like snirinS epiring. The millions Is most ot dollars hol P f,li Riven for i !ir d T P ti0 u of th « w«tld and the thou sands of glorious , , missionaries who have gone forth among barbaric nations were Riven and enlisted under a great and im measurable idea. But when they come to th ® H reat ,U11 ' Immeasurable idea tu tne ii idea of definiteness . will infinitely we augment the work. More than three huu dred million of heathen in India, more than three hundred million of people in China and more millions of heathens than enn be guessed outside of those countries some times stagger and confound and defeat our faith. But here in these islands Of present controversy we can farm out the work among the churches and in five years, under the blessing of God, not only fit the peo ple for the right of suffrage, but pre pare them for usefulness and heaven. The difference between the general idea of the world’s evaugellza tion and somo particularized field of evangelization is the difference between the improvement of agriculture a mong all nations and the improvement of seventy five acres put under one’s especial care and industry. By all means let the gen eral work go on. But here is the specific field for religious concentration and de velopment. This is not chimerical or im practical. I read tills morning that the American Missionary Association of the Congregational Church has already begun the work at SnnJunn, Utuado and Albou ito, nnd all denominations of Christians in six months will be in those islaudy fields, and we all need with our prayers and contributions to cheer them on to take for God and righteousness those regions which our American navy has captured from Spanish perfidy. It has been estimated that this Americo Spanish war cost 1is $300,000,000. It would not cost half of tlnit^to proclaim and carry on ami consummate a holy war that will rescue those archipelagoes will from Satanic domination. Who volunteer? I beat the drum of a recruiting station. Who will enlist under the one sparred, blood striped banner of Immanuel? Cuba and Porto Bico and the Philippines are stepping stones for our American Christianity to cross over and take the round world for God. We need a new evangelifeal alliance organized for this one purpose. In all de nominations there are those with large enough hearts and who have been thor oughly enough advanced converted to join in such an movement—men who, putting aside all the minor differences of opinion, “believe in God the Father Almighty, and in Jesus Maker Christ of His heaven only and begotten earth, Son,” and who would march shoulder to shoulder in such a Gospel campaign. The result would be that those islands, after such a scene of gospelization, would assort themselves into. denominations to suit themselves, nnd some would be sprinkled in holy baptism and others would be im mersed in those warm rivers and some would worship in religious assemblage silent as the Quaker meeting bouse, and others would have us many jubilant ejacu lations as a backwoods camp meeting, and some of those who preached would be gowned and surpliced for the work, and others would stand in citizen’s apparel or in their shirtsleeves preaching that Gospel which is to save the world. Mark you well that statesmanship, how ever grand it is, and wise men of the world, however noble, cannot do this work. Mere secular education does not moralize. Some of the most thoroughly educated men in all the world have been the worst men. Quicken a man’s intellect,while at the same time you do not make his morals good, and you only augment his power for 9vil. Geo graphy and mathematics and metaphysics and philosophy will never qualify a people to govern themselves. A corrupt printing press is worse than no printing press at all, but let loose an open Bible upon those islunds and let the apocalyptic angel once fly over them, and you will .prepare ibem to become either colonies of the United States Government, or, as I hope will be the case, independent republics. God did not exhaust Himself when He built this nation. The islands will yet have their Thomos Jeffersons, qualified to write for them declarations of independence; and George Washingtons, capable of achieving their liberties; and Abraham Liucolns, strong enough to emancipate their serf doms, and Longfellows and Bryants, cap able of putting their hills and their rivers and their landscapes into poems; and the Bancrofts and Preseotts, to make their his tories; and their Irvings, to write their Sketch Books; and their Charles O’Conors and Bufus Choates, to plead in t heir court tbeirDaniel Websters # and John rooms; and J. Crittendens, to move their Senates. The day cometh-digar it all ye who have no nope for'thosS islands of be-dwarfed and diseased illiterates—the day cometh when those regions will have a Christian civilization equal to that which this coun try now enjoys, while I hope by that time this country will be as superior to what it now is as to-day Washington and New York are better than Manila and Santiago. Do yon see in this process of gospelized intelligence those archipelagoes will as a nation Be protected from the two woes prophecised in regard to this country—the one woe prophecised by prophecised the expansionists by and the other woe tbe anti-expansionists? It is said by those who would have us take ail we can Jay our. hands on as a nation that, unless we enter the door now open for the enlargement of our national domain, we will decline the mission which God in I-Iis providence will has assigned us. But surely no woe come upon us or upon them it we Christianize them as we now have the opportunity of doing. The political tech nicalities are nothing as compared with the importance of this movement. I im plore all political expansionists moral nnd to relig- aug ment us in this work of ious expansion, for unless those islands are moralized and elevated in intelligence and habits we do not want them, and their annexation would ba political damnation. On the other hand, I implore all anti expansionists to take a hand in the gos pelization of Cuba, Porto Bico and the Philippine Islands. The only way to is pre- to pare them to take care of themselves give them the Ten Commandments that were published on Mount Sinai and let them hear the groan of sacrifice that was breathed out ou the heights of Golgotha. What they most want is the Gospel, the pure Gospel, the omnipotent Gospel, the Gospel that helps heal the wounds ot the body and irradiates the darkness of the mind and achieves the ransom of the soul. But on this platform the so called ex pansionists and so called anti-expansionists I will yet stand side by side. Though am not a prophet or the son of a prophet, within’five years, if this religio-educational will be work is properly attended to, there a Cuban republic, a Porto Bican republic and a Philippine republic, one of them ou a large scale, but they will all have their schools and printing presses and evangeli cal churches, their Presidents, their Senates and House of Representatives, their Mayors and'their constabularies, and as good or der will'be observed in their cities as now reigns on Pennsylvania avenue, Washing ton, or Broadway, NeW York. Christ has started for the conquest of the nations, and nothing on earth or in hell cun stop it. The continents are rapidly rolling into His dominion, and why not these isl ands, which for the most part are only fragments broken off from continents, the interval lauds having been sunk by earth quakes, allowing the ocean to take mas tery over them. Each mother continent has around it a whole family of little conti nents. If the continents are being so rapidly evangelized, why not the islands? If America, why not Cuba and the Baha mas? If Asia, why not the Philippines and the Moluccas? If Europe, why not the Azores and the Orkneys? If Africa, why not Madagascar and St. Helena. The »ame power that broke them off the main land can lift them into evangelization. An Argument. Mamma—“Buy you a Billygoat? I couldn’t think of such a thing.” Johnny—“Oh, mamma! It would be so useful to eat up all the old papers and things!”—Puck. The United Staten a Power for Good. A distinguished historian writes, while referring to this nation's advent as a coloniz ing power, that we represent the “century's political conscience,’’ tmd that our Influence for good over Kuropean spheres will he im mense. This result was Just as inevitable us Is the cure which follows the use of llostet tor's Stomach Bitters, the great remedy which Is found In every home and drug store thrcgighout the overworked country. It cures Indigestion, constipation, kidney and liver, allays nervousness, and tones up the whole system. The words of a silent man are never re peated in court. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it.- Caseurets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the'lazy liver and Begin driving to-day all im purities from the body. to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cnscnrets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. A boy grows up stratgbter if he is bent over his mother's knee every now and then. His Little Daughter Was troubled with a painful skin eruption, nnd after all other remedies failed, the father writes: “Send mo four more boxes of Tetterine for my little daughter. It docs her more good than anything we ever tried. Yours, etc . Jas. S, Porter. Lynchburg. S. C.” At druggists 50c. box, or postpaid by J. T. Shuptrlne, Savannah, Ga. Chinese, from the viceroy down, worship lizards, turtles, horses, pigs, bulls and in.-octs. Educate Your Bowels AY 1th Cnscnrets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. G. C, fall, druggists refund money. You can buy a suit for less money, but you can’t buy a cheaper suit. 44 Evil Dispositions Are Early Shown/' Just so evil in the blood comes out in shape of scrofula, pimples, etc., in children and young people. Taken in lime it can be. eradicated by using Hood’s Sarsaparilla, cAmerica’s Greatest Medi cine. It vitalises and enriches the blood. » Never'Disappdmts PILES “I suffered the tortures of the damned with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion with which I was afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS In the town of Newell. Ia.. and never found anything to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man." C. H. Keitz, 14H Jones St., Sioux City, la. CANDY ' CATHARTIC j* TRADE MARK REGISTERED Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 25c, 50c ... CURE CON STB PATIO N. ... Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago. Montreal. New York. 312 NO-TO-BAG «SV^S a E n ¥o e b d aMa d b r ir $3,000 DEPOSIT TO REDEEM OUR GUARANTEE OF POSITIONS. R. Ti. Fare Paid. Actual Business. Free Tuition to one of each sex in every county of your state. WRITE QUICK to GA.-ALA. BUS. COLLEGE, flacon.Ga. A U A IM im. I J2 T HA OI MAIN For INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA. “I have found immediate relief In evory in stance.’’—P. B. Louden, Philadelphia. A cure for a try. 25c. a hex. Ask your drug gist, or write for free sample to Springs, Fla. TIZAKUjRE CO., Tarpon M0RF General A gents wonted In your state. We eraleonmils*ion. l Nocnnvas*ng Perm a wrae.givfng tfidg, Cincinnati referen ccs. lyonsBros. co.. TXrANTED-Cass of bad health that B'l'PA N I Vf will not benefit. Send 6 cts. to Ripans Chemical Co., NewYork, for 10 samples and louu testimonials. rtL,4.-n'LL,n Al FSMFN SSOperweek tee d; goo( j men and expenses stamp for gMaran- replv. Zero Machine Co., 9S Nelson St., Atlanta, Ga Tlie Bumboatmen of Ike Orient. There is probably not a port at which ships ever Touch where the busi ness of bumboating does not exist. In China it is especially active as well as at the various pens of Indo-China and British India. The bumboatmen of Alexandria, Egypt, are said to be the laziest Of their profession. Too indo lent to make an effort to get alongside rt Ship, they sail aimlessly up and - down among vessels in the harbor, tying monotonously, “Ebryting! ebry- j ting!” This is intended to describe the j extensiveness of their wares, but it is ; deceptive, for they usually have next | to nothing to sell. Sometimes they themselves , , just , . _ before _ ship _ . is rouse a about to depart, and come alongside, j offering pigeons and other birds and animals, which the sailors often buy ! for „ pets. , , In far-away - Madagascar the ' natives are enthusiastic bumbont. trad ers, and frequently swarm about the ship in great numbers.—New York Tri bune. Mule* for Ike Fiji Islands. Forty mules have been sent to the Fiji Islands from Rnn Francisco, Cal. They will be used on a large sugar plantation. This is tlie first shipment of the kind, and is regarded as an ex periment, which, if successful, will re sult in many others of the animals be ing sent to the South Sea Islands. Plantation Chill Cura is Guaranteed f ■ -< -I*■7< H• .i*r> To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? .Price 50c. TO CUBE CONSUMPTION. l'hl» Scourge In Mankind’s Most Dan« Kernua Eneiuy. Dr. George P. Keene, of Howard, Tt. I., read a paper on "Municipal 'Respon sibility in the Spread of Tuberculosis” before the twenty-sixth national con-’ ference ou charities and correction at Cincinnati. Lively Interest was taken iu the paper and the discussion which followed ii. "Every new case of. tuberculosis,” Dr. Keene said, "must be derived from another case of direct or indirect infec tion. The disease can only be trans mitted to the tubercule bacilli. “This is a disease which has claimed more victims than all the wars and all the plagues and scourges of the human race. Even since the few short years since Koch’s discovery over 2,000,000 persons on this conti nent have succumbed to its fatal infec tion. The annual tribute of the United States to this scourge Is over 100,000 of its inhabitants. "Each year the World yields up 1 005,000; each day, a,000; each minute, 2, of its people as a sacrifice of this plague. Of the 70,000,000 Individuals now peopling these United States 10, 000,000 must Inevitably die of this dis ease if the present ratio is kept up. “The underlying principle in any warfare against tuberculosis must be the universal knowledge and recogni tion of the fact that we are to deal with a disease that is communicated from one individual to another, and where there are no germs of the dis ease there it can never originate de novo. A house, a neighborhood, a coun try, in fact, can become infected with this disease, and this fact has been re peatedly established by historical data. “That meat from the tuberculosis animals is capable of producing tuber culosis has been demonstrated by scientific experiments. We cook our meat, but the lovers of rare roast beef and rare steak, or even Bologna sau sage, will probably often take into their stomachs many tubercle bacilli whose vitality Iras been unimpaired. “But what are we to say of the thou sands of infants that die annually from tubercular lesions as a result of taking milk from tuberculous cows? Whose is the responsibility for feeding them upon a diet whose results are as surely fatal as slow poison if they be long to the large majority of the sus ceptible? Milk is one of the chief in fected foods which we obtain from the lower animals, and it is the only ani mal food which we consume uncooked. The milk supply of a municipality should be as carefully watched as its water supply. “The people must know just what this disease is and just how it is con tracted. They must be taught that the chief agent of contamination in the human family is the sputum. How important, then, are those newer ordi nances which many cities are now making, prohibiting spitting in public places, public buildings and public conveyances? “Consumption is an indoor disease. Where sunlight and pure air are boun tifully enjoyed there tuberculosis can find but little lodgment.” Ccnfnsion In Telepathy. A very remarkable occurrence has been brought to my notice. Recently a well known lacly, who shall be called .Tones, dreamed a ridiculous dream, as inconsequential as most dreams are. Mrs. Jones dreamed that a dog of hers had died and that she received an offi cial communication ordering her either to cremate the remains or to herself skin the animal and throw the body into the river. Mrs. Jones chose the latter alternative, but having half skinned the body and becoming tired threw it as it was into the water. The dog disappeared for an instant and then reappeared on the surface alive and, Swimming across to tile Opposite bank, trotted off, evidently in great suffering. There ends the dream. The next morning the postman brought sev eral letters. The first one was ad dressed to Lewis Jones, Esq.—there being no such person—and ran as fol lows: “Sir, your dog crossed the riv er last night on to my property, but being very severely injured it was found necessary to kill it. Should you wish to have the collar, which bears your name and address, I shall be hap py to send it to you.” No dog belong ing to Mrs. Jones had died nor had she lost one!—London Truth. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away, To quit tobacco easily ami forever, ho inse " etic ’ fuU of llfe ’ lie f ve a ' ld vte °[' Ulke No ' To ‘ liac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men gtrong- ah druggists, soe or«. euro guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York, Fear is the deadly foe of success iu every legitimate undertaking. I ''nukl not tret wlontr without Piso’s fhire for Consumption. It always cures.—Mrs. F,. C. -' Io l’nTO.N, Needh am. Mass-. Octo ber 22, 1894. J. S. Parker. Fredon'a, N.Y.. says: “Shall not call, on you, for the $100 reward, for I be Jieve Hulr* Catarrh Cure will cure any cage of catarrh. \V a * very had.” Write him for par. ticulars. Sold by Druggists. 75 •. -Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children fee thin softens the purnp. reduceainflamma tlon.allays paiu.oiires wind colic. 25c. a bottle. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous, ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. trial bottle nnd treatise free. Dk. li. 11. Kune, Ltd., 931 Arch St.. Phlla., Pa. "A drop of ink makes millions think,’’ but don’t be afraid of getting a drop too much. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, bleed pure. EOc, #1. All druggists. While exaggerated statements may make a sale, they never make a regular customer. Freeing a Domestic Engle. A friend of mine, who told me the story, had an eagle. He onught It when It was young, and had brought It up, as far os. he could, like n domestic fowl. Having to go to the other side of the world, he was selling off every thing. He wondered wluit he should do with the eagle, and the happy thought enino to him th; t he would not give It to anybody, but would give it hack to Itself—he would set it free. And he then opened the place in which it had been kept, and brought it to the hack green. How he was astonished! It walked about, feeling as if this were rather bigger than ids ordinary run, hut that was all. He was disap pointed, and taking the big bird In his arms, he lifted it up and set it. up on his garden wall. It turned and looked down at him! The sun had been ob scured behind a cloud, but just then the cloud passed away, and the bright, warm beams poured out. The eagle lifted its eyes and pulled itself up. I wonder what It was thinking? Can an eagle recollect the cliffs and crags, the reveling in the tempests of long ago, the joyous thunder and the flashing lightnings? Pulling itself up, It lifted one wing and stretched it out and it the other wing and outstretched it. Then it gave a scream, nirtl soon was a vanishing speck in the blue of heaven.—Presbyterian Banner. Are You Using Allen’s Foot Ease? It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Tired, Aching, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns nnd Bunions. Ask for Allan’s Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoos. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE- Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeBoy, N. Y. Antwerp is the principal market of Bel gium for paints and colors. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Caseurets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. if 0. C. C. fall to cure, <lrogglBlsrefund money. Silence may be golden but gossip gains currency. 9TW A A rz ► \ |fDoes , Head Ache voer ?l ► < * - ► ► < weak? 4 Are nerves ep well? Pain < in your back? Lack energy? ► Appetite bad? Boils poor? Digestion pimples? ► . or ^ These are sure signs of ► u poisoning. From what poisons? u From poisons that are al- y ways found in constipated bowels. ► If the contents of the bowels are not removed from ► t j the body each day, as nature ►J 4' intended, these poisonous substances are sure to be w J absorbed Into the suffering blood, and al ► ^ ways causing ►t ^ frequently causing severe disease. ► Is There is a common sense i cure. – 9 -T.' m m. 1 ► They daily insure an easy and natural movement of * r ► 4 j -the bowels. thatthe of > > You will find use Ayer’s ► ► ► ► 4 < wsaparilBa ► I 4 ► with the pills will hasten < It cleanses the > recovery. , 1 blood from all impurities and , is a great tonic to the nerves. < 1 Write the Doctor. ► < ^| Our Medical Department hao one L of tbe most eminent Teli physicians tlie doctor in i . r ju»t the United States tales. suffering. You how you are medlcar advice y > will receive the best , wtthcutcost. A-dre.. dArER ► < ► Lowell, Mass. ,r 7 r T T T T r v ”T 7P – DR. MOFFETT'S Aids Digestion, ■ Regulates tlie Bowels, WULMAjJ i [ Mes Teething Easy. : r I TEETHINA Relieves the | Bowel Troubles of Children of Any Age. TEETHING POWDERS | 'Ask Costs Yoilt Only Druggist 25 Cento. for it* l \ * SUCCESSFUL SHOOTERS SHOOT WINCHESTER Rifles, Repeating Shotguns, Ammunition and Loaded Shotgun Shells. Winchester guns and ammunition are the standard of the world, hut they do not cost any more than poorer makes. i V All reliable dealers sell Winchester goods. FREE : Send name and address on a postal for 156 page Illustrated Catalogue describing all the guns and V ammunition made by the WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., 173 WINCHESTER AYE. 1 NEW HAVEN, CONN. A Story of Sterility, SUPFERINQ AND RELIEF. [LETTER TO M*S. rlNXHAH NO. 69,186! “Dear Mrs. Pinkham—Two years ago I began having such dull, heavy dragging pains, in my back, mensea were profuse And painful, and waj* troubled was leucorrhcea. I took patent medicines and consulted a phy sician, but received no benefit and could not become pregnant. Seeing one of your books, I wrote to you tell ing you my troubles and asking for udvice. You answered my letter' promptly and I followed the directions faithfully, and derived so much benefit? that I cannot praise Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound enough. I now find myself pregnant and have begun its use again, I cannot praise it enough. ’’—Mrs. Coka Gilson, Yates, Manistee, Mich. " Your Medicine Worked Wonder*.” “I had been sick ever since my maf^ . riage, seven years ago; have given birth to four children, and had two miscarriages. I had falling of womb, leucorrhcea, pains in back and legs; dyspepsia and a nervous trembling of the stomach. Now I have none of these troubles and can enjoy my life. Your medicine has worked wonders for me.”—M rs. S. Barnhart, New Castle, Fa. GOLDEN CROWN i LAMP CHIMNEYS Are tlie best. Ask for them. Cost no more than common chimneys. All dealers. PITTSBURG GLASS CO., Allegheny, Fa. Malsby – Company, 39 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. Engines and Boilers Steam Water Heaters, Steam Pumps and 1’enbertby Injectors. iCEr -c ■N m < ; .j Manufacturers and Dealers In MILLS, Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Cotton Gin Machin ery and Grain Separators. SOLID and INSERTED Saws. Saw Teeth and Locks, Knight’s Patent, Dogs, Blrdsall Saw Mill and Engine Repairs, Governors, Grato liars nnd a full of goods lino of guaranteed. Mill Supplies. Catalogue Prlcq nnd quality free by mentioning this paper. The Greatest United Railway Systems ot the States Use CARTER’S INK They wouldn’t use it if it wasn't good. Costs you no more than poor ink. Insist upon having it. SALESMEN wanted. CRAM’S MAGNIFICENT TWENTIETH CENTURY M AP OF UNITED STATES and WORLD just, completed. Largest, latest and most accurate map ever printed on one sheet Sells In the world. Shows all recent changes. at sight Price low. Exclusive territory given. Big profit to salesmen. Also Handsomest Line of Low-Priced, Quick-Selling Bonks HUDGINS and Family PUB Bibles everoffered Address LISHING CO., Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ga. 'ELF REFRIGERANT IS over used perfect in 20 refrigerators degrees substitute colder for Just Ilian like ICE a AGENTS WANTED. SEND .., FOR V,. CIRCULARS REFRIGERATING CO., UNIVERSAL Avenue, Avenue, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 2!)2 •> Flanking Flunking nOADGV fiu# ITv || ■ quick NEW relief DISCOVERY; and cures worst K ive* cases. Book of testimonials and IO dot vnd trentmont Free. Dr. H. H. GREEN’S SONS. Box D, Atlanta, Ga. no and Whiskey Habits cured at home wtth out pain. Book of par- 13 HI ttcularssent FREE. M MHMIlMa B.M.WOOLLEY, M.D. tUintn, Ga. Office KM N. Pryor St, CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Use Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. In time. Sold by druggists._ n gar USE CE RTAIN CHILL CUBE. THIS PAPER In writing to adver tisers. AND 9i)-24«