The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, September 22, 1899, Image 1

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Has the weekly tion in Dooly. 12. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Joint Meeting of School Board and City Oonncil.—A. N. Davis Resigned. Cordele, Ga. Sept. 9, ’99. At a call meeting of the City Council at 3 o’clock, p. m. Pres ent, Mayor C. C. Cutts, and Al dermen Lockett, Nelson, Davis, Marshall and Weaver. Object of the meeting: to consider the res ignation of A. N. Davis as police man. Carried that the resigna tion of A. N. Davis be received, all the council voting affirmative ly. The following resolution was then carried: Resolved, That in accepting the resignation of A. N. Davis as member of the police force, the city loses a good, competent and faithful officer, and we accept with reluctance his resignation. Meeting adjourned. C. C. Cutts, W. W. Shipp, Clerk, Mayor. Cordele, Ga., Sept. 12, ’99. At a meeting of City Council and Board of Trustees; a quorum of each body being present. Ob ject of the meeting being to con fer with Council in regard of funds to ascertaining amount available for the repairing of a proper i school building for the city. The following resolution was offered, and upon motion and second the same was unanimously adopted. Resolved that the Mayor, Clerk and Treasurer, with the ap proval of the chairman of Finance Committee of the city of Cordele, be and the same are hereby author ized and empowered to negotiate a loan for the City of Cordele to the amount of two thousand dol lars, and to make and execute such papers as will be necessary to secure the payment of same, said funds to be used in repairing building or building a suitable for Public School purposes on ac count of damage sustained by the storm. Meeting adjourned. C. C. Cutts, W. W. Shipp, Mayor. Clerk. Cordele, Ga., Sept. 18, 99. At a meeting of the City Coun oil, 8 o’clock, p. m. Present, Mayor Cutts, Aldermen Lockett, Bailey, Nelson, Davis arid Weaver. Read and approved all former minutes—both regular and call meetings, Committee to see about block at Springs continued. Water Works committee requested to report at next meeting in re gard to water supply of Ice Fac tor v. Carried, that Dr. Thompson be paid $3 for attending pauper. the Committee to look after loan to repair the public school building was continued, to report as soon as some action was taken Meeting adjourned. C. C. Cutts, W. W. Shipp, Mayor. Clk. and Treas. To my Customers and friends ^ In the Country -w and in Town Again I call your attenton to the straight facts that I. am going to move away from Cordele, and 1 want to sell my stock before I do move. In order to save a terrible expense in packing and moving- J will let my goods, consisting of -—---- Drv Goods, Shoes, Clothing, etc., go at almost nothing, I need some —----; money, an d if you wish to trade at my store pri ces will not be in the way. g[MF~Come in and he con vinced that I mean just what I say, j Jake Roobin, Next Door to Express Office, Cordele, = = Georgia. The Cordele Sentinel. To California and Return, Dr. F. R. Wallace has returned from an extended trip of two and one-half months in the West. While away he visited all the im portant cities and points of inter est along the Great Southern Pa cific Railway until he reached San Francisco on the Pacific coast. Returning over the Grefit Northern Railway, the main points along this line as far as Ogden being the Rocky Mountains, the Black Can yon in which the doctor was amaz ed to find himself in a hollow with side walls 3,000 feet above and. Cu ricanti Needle piercing the very sky. Yellow Stone National Park was visited and many other points along the Great Northern Railway to Chicago and return. Dr. Wal lace is very much improved phys ically, having gained nine pounds in fourteen days, and 25 pounds while away. He traveled some thing over 8,000 miles, and talks interestingly of his trip. The great success of Chamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy in the treatment made of bowel complaints has it standard over the greater part of the civilized world. For sale by J. B. Ryals – 'Co., druggists. s Photographs. Good Photo work. Cofield is in Cordele. Gallery two doors below postoffice. Those who think before they act don’t act very often, but they do a good deal of thinking. A TEXAS WONDER. Hall’s Gkeat Discovery. One small bottle of Hall’s great discovery cures all Kidney and blad der troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emission, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr E. W. Hall, Sole Mfgr. St. Louis, Mo., formerly Waco, Tex. Sold by J. B. Ryals – Co., Cordele, Ga. READ THIS. Temple, Tex., April 16, 1899.—I have used Hall’s Great Discovery for bladder and kidnev troubles, and would not take a thousand dollars for the benefit received from using one bottle. I feel that lam permanently cured. W. R, Tyler, D. D. S. Formerly of Barnesville, Ga. Mother — Your penwiper has never been used at all. Little Johnnie—Don’t need it; my new pants are black. A Word to Mothers. Mothers of children affected with croup or a severe cold need not hesitate to administer Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy. It con tains no opiate nor narcotic in any form and njay be given as confidently to the babe as to an adult. The great success that has attended its use in the treatment of colds and croup has won for it the approval and praise it United has re ceived throughout the States and in many foreign iands. For sale by J. B- Ryals – Co., druggists. s A New Firm. A new ntercantile firm will open for business in Cordele at a very early date. We are not at liberty right at this time to. give the names nor the kind of business, but somebody will have to hustle when this new firm starts. p> r Tjdhenor’s Antiseptic is the most wonderful healing compound 0 f the nineteenth century. Preserves flesh, preventing inflammation and heals like magic. Ask your druggist for it. s The strong arm of the law has no funny bone. ^ STO R I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1899. WIND-MILL AT THE PARK. The Sentinel Hears it Prom a WhispeT. On the 0. S. – F. Right-of-way. To use a slang expression, “we’re on to their intentions,” and glad we are to tell it. A Sentinel man has, by inquiry, learned that just as soon as the new, handsome union depot is built (and wehavecause to believe that time is not far dis tant) the G. S. – F. Railway au thorities expect to enclose with a neat iron fence the 50 foot strip of land extending from their freight depot to the new union passenger depot that is to be situa ted south-east of the roads’ cross. Within the fencing, grass will be planted and a pretty park ar ranged. As the artesian well (a well without a natural flow) is on the east boundary of the park site a suggestion has been made that it the city gives consent the rail road might attach a wind-mill to the pump at the well. If the rail road authorities do not feel dis posed to put up a wind-mill, then the city should have one erected. The new depot, the park, and the wind-mill would ornament the north-west portion of the city and we trust and believe that these will be realities in the near future. He Fooled The Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffer ing 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly opera tion was performed; but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by all druggists. A “well” known son^y r“The Old Oaken Bucket.” Eatonton, Ga., ( January 30, 1899. ( Messrs. H. J. Lamar – Sons, Macon, Ga., Gentlemen—We herewith enclose order for one gross “L. L. L.” Lamar’s Lemon Laxative. Our sales this preparation are rapidly in creasing. I have used it in my fam ily with entire satisfaction, and take pleasure in recommending it to my customers, and consider it the best liquid preparation for the liver the market. Very truly, Chas. F. Tatum, Druggist. For sale by all Druggists. Death of a Little Girl. Little Mary Johnson, a grand daughter of Judge Willis Johnson, of near Williford, died at the home of its mother at Fenn last Friday which was its birthday, just four years old. Judge Johnson informs us that the deceased was a pet of his and death is a sad blow to him and relatives, to whom we ex sympathy. i ( It’s no joke” when we say that Tichenor’s Antiseptic is superior anything offered the “dear people” a dressing for wounds, bites and of insects, “poison oak,” etc. cleanliness, pleasant odor and cures makes it a universal fa wherever known. Price 50c. that it is guaranteed to satisfaction. s Nobbiest hats ever before seen Cordele: and those new Ties beauties, too. At Westbrook’s. Do You Read The Sentinel ? If Not*. Why Not ? Fresh Fish and Oysters. Pearch, Red Snappers, and Water Fish. Fresh Oysters. — O. B. PARKER,— Yesbik’s old stand. ’Phone 68. Photographic Notice TO THE PUBLIC : 1 have purchased the gallery of Nichols, formerly of Cordele, am now in shape to do the Photo work at moderate Call and see me. Gallery old National Bank building— doors below Postoffice. J. I. CoVIBLI). NEW BANK OPENS MONDAY. Located at Same Place Occupied by First National Bank. The Citizens Bank of Cordele opens next Monday, Sept. 25th inst., in the same location recently used by the First National Bank. The new bank opens with a paid in capital of $25,000.00 and the stationery which has arrived shows the following well known, gentle men as officers: J. O. Prest.; W. C. Hamilton, Prest.; L. C. Edwards. ,Jeshter, and J. T. Hill, Atty. President J. O. Hamilton will not move from Vienna to Cordele, but Vice Pres ident W. C. Hamilton will move here and devote his time to the new bank. The stockholders will meet tomorrow and name a board of directors when the latter will meet and formally elect the above officers. Cordele already has the Bank of Wight – Weslosky Co. and The Peoples Bank, both of which are doing a good business,and with the addition of Tire Citizens Bank will have the bes't banking facilities of any town its size in Georgia. Glorious News. Comes from Dr D B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. Ho writes: “Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of Scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doc tors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is ex cellent. ” This shows what thous ands have proved— that Electric Bit ters is the best blood purifier known. It’s the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisuns, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold at all Drug Stores. Guaranteed. 4 In his business the scissors grinder succeeds best in dull times. Don’t throw away that sample bottle of Dr. TichenOr’s Antiseptic because it cost you nothing. It is too good to be wasted. Nothing like it for cuts, burns, nail punctures, in flamed eyes, sore throat, etc. In ternally it cures colic, diarrhoea and flux. ’ s Next to air the freest thing in the world is advice—except when given by a lawyer or a doctor. FREE OF CHARGE. Any adult suffering from a cold settled on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any nature, who will call at City Drug Store, C. R. Smith, proprietor, will be presented with a sample bottle of Boschee’s German Syrup, free of charge. Gnly one bottle given to one person, and none to children without order from parents. lung trouble No throat or ever had such a sale as Boschee’s Ger man Syrup in all parts of the civ ilized world. Twenty years age millions of bottles were given away, and your druggists will tell you its success was marvelous. It is really the only Throat and Lung Remedy generally endorsed bv physicians. One 75-cent bottle wiil cure or prove its value. Sold by dealers' in all civilized WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO VIENNA ? Everybody in the county goes to Vienna occasionally. When you come bring with you a memorandum of what you want in the way of Drag:, PUnt Medicine:, Paint:, Oil:, Slips, Perfumery. M Ms, k Paper, Tablet:. ‘ All Other Stationery. • Toilet Goods. Dr. Stovall’s Liver Pills (best on earth); Rubber Goods, Lamps, Jewelry, Tobacco, Cigars; . Anything in the way of Medicine, including Anti-malarial Pills— -keeps chills and fever broken, and longways better than all Tonics. I have a very large stock, o lower than anywhere to . Mail orders solicited ai to and delivered by mail. Send Me Your Orders, DR. C. T. : GA. Will He Return? Ex-Editor Jno. Perry, of the Ex-Daily Hornet, it is said, left the city rather unexpectedly on Saturday afternoon of last week, promising to return by Tuesday of this week. On the same after noon in Vienna Judge Littlejohn dismissed a certiorari from Mayor Cutts’ decision fining him $50 for disorderly conduct. Judge Little— jphn had fined him $50 earlier in the week for carrying concealed weapons. Messrs. Burton – Son , .. ,d '>■"> , . tar the .t.t.on.ry P“ ® m e * over, It is said, however, that Perry’s printers were not paid, and that they are interested in the question, “Will he return?” We know not whether his bondsmen are asking the same question. Willie Powell, 17 years old, son of Silas Powell, stole away in Val dosta the other day and was mar ried to Miss Beulah Finch. Will I**'ol>ably Move to Dooly. Mr. Alfred Lee, who lives at Guy, Indiana, wrote the Sentinel a letter this week asking that a few copies of this paper be for warded to him. He said that it is his intention to move into the South, and contemplates coming to Cordele. If ha should decide come to Georgia he would be lo in the best state in the ; and if he comes to Dooly will be in the best county in state; and if he comes to Cor he will be located in the best in the county—yea, the best in South Georgia.^ The Appetite of a Goat envied by all poor dyspeptics Stomach and Liver are out order. All such should know Dr. King’s New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach aud Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appe tite, sound digestion and a regu lar bodily habit that insures per fect health and great energy. 25c. at any drug store. Hind – Chuichwell have a of advertisement in this of the Sentinel which will interesting reading whether wish to buy or not. Read it see if we are not correct. ’ BAI) BLOOD—CUKE FREE. Eating Sores, Tumors, Ulcers. Can are all cured by B. B. B. (Botanic Balm),, which is made especially cure all deep-seated, obstinate Blood Persistent Sores, Biood and Blemishes, Scrofula, that resist treatments, Blood are quickly Balm)- cured Skin by B. B (Botanic Boils, Itching Ca Pimples, all due to Rheumatism, etc easily , are cured by blood, and hence B. B. Sypholitic Blood Poison, Ulcerated Sore Throat. Bones, Painful Swellings, Falling Hair, etc.,[literally by B. B. B. from the system Blood Balm), in one to five B. B. B. does not contain or mineral poison. For sale druggists everywhere. Large bot $1, six for $5. Send 2 stamps for on free sample bottle, which be sent by return mail. When write, describe symptoms, and free medical advice will be Address Blood Balm Co-, At Ga. 8-1-ly Dr. C. T. Stovall, the clever in Vienna, who sells and other things he has in at wholesale and retail, has display advertisement in this of the Sentinel. Read it; when in Vienna call and see elegant stock. Organ of Dooly County and NO. 13 LOCAL \ PERSONAL POINTS. Short Squibs About People Going and Coming. — Other Newsy Notes. Knox Hats at J.T. Westbrook’s. Mr. W. R. Cornell has maved to Macon. Eight more days before the sea son will be in for shootftig par tridges. Have you seen the beautiful dis Go play of new goods at Westbrook’s? and see what he has. Miss Pearl Ridley, of our sister town, Warwick, left for Monroe Femalb College this week. The early morniDgair was quite winterv yesterday. It was so keenly felt because the day before was of a summer temperature. Misses Maggie Tracy, Mary Lee Pound, Ethel Hall and Florence Pate left Tuesday for LaGrange where they have entered the Fe male College at that place. Mr. W. E. Cody and family, who have spent several weeks at Cusseta, Shiloh and other points, have returned to Cordele. I make aristo platino prints. J. I. Cofield. Mr. Jack Clements gave the Sentinel a call last Saturday and us a dollar on subscrip Mr. Clements raised four of cotton on seven acres of Bind without the use of fertilizers. good I Stacy-Adams – Co’s. Shoes and Hess – Bros’ Shoes- -the best— J. T. Westbrook’s, Cordele, Ga. Startling Cetificate. By the President of the Macon News Publishing Co. The Number of Applications Recsived by The Ga Employment Burt an Proves a Revelation. Macon, Ga. To Whom Concerned: This is. to certify that Prof. E. L. Martin, President of the Georgia-Ala- Employ bama Business College and ment Bureau of this city, has exhibit ed to me applications from business firms, companies and corporations du ring the one week just closed for twen ty-three of his graduates, and mention of two others, thus making a total of twenty-five Included 1 applications in this list are from three states and seven cities be sides Macon; and while knowing some thing of the rapid growth of the Geor gia Employment Bureau and the mag nitude of its business operations, 1 must confess i;hat the exhibit made proved to me a revelation. Having satisfied myself of I the genu fully ineness of the applications, only is am risk ta convinced that not no ken by any young man or woman who accepts a guaranty of position at Prof. Martin’s hands; but that he himself incurs'no risk in giving it, and backing it with a deposit of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) which he has so long done. I wouid state that I have no propri- kind etary or other interest of any whatsoever in the Georgia-Alabama Employ Business College or Georgia disinteres ment Bureau, and give this ted certificate solely to verify the facts as they exist. II. L- McKENNEY, Prest. and Mgr. Macon News. Note.—Although not included in Mr. McKenney’s certificate, it is a fact nevertheless, that not having gradu ates or undergraduates for two of these vacancies, the Bureau had to fill them with persons who had never attended the Ga.-Aui Bus. College a day.