The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, October 27, 1899, Image 2

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GEORGIA NEWS ITEMS Happenings In the TmporC~" State of Inter esting A JEsbtM* QuaujUIm. — On account of the alleged existence of smallpox at Richland and Ocilla, Anim pmn is still maintaining a strict quarantine against these towns and a guarcots all iflComiag trains/'"" New -Fartery; F«* A titans J? eottlk lit: is t*> jPhe li–ve a now soliciting $460,600 ill. work of stock Ij^gan Monday morning. Sev •aal leading financiers of Athens and men of experience in the cotton millfifilbiesa will head the list of swb sen WilNo the Capital stock. It 1# believed that the necessary $?QQ,000 will be raised it) the city. ^‘i '• * ‘ • It M<-v. n*' K*tliiint« l,ow«rwl. Coiumissitmer O. B. Steven?, pf thd state aeintrtgiaiit of agriculture, has low tv* mlhe dO lii# esltmate of tbe cotton crop esUmhi fOnth^to 1^ 9,009,000. ^slea. The on Octbbfei' report upoMi^ oNfti* gdyjlrnWnt, b^W.cnjrly and accurfijt?. pan be relied Commissiftacf seveW^ Sif *viAjfjhst yeiia lias beCh’ sat isfied for that the crop of 10,000,(tW WldMr ±he depart meut predicted realxfecTiuJ)?^, klkb I 'season would not be i before making a second estltnatjjlte 8 preferr ed for the Octobjr I port, and soutlf )|X«ou Imild be condition! better gangl thi’j ghout th £| tho Klootlon* . connty Tli fjjpQhiliition resulted in fight majority in if, li: a votes s in favorjwf the uiNtais . Th jorit hibition Griffi try vote wa about ns large as expected, as was also to mentioned, came the m gtut-mm ioned, giving giving then!' tb tbe county by vot$B 1 | 0* WWtt‘ triniifomi £ «i% ill The f ba|>e^ cqttrts^ Thi lettio#) l.f? is am Th give seven reasons why the elec m i m«iM be ew.itested, k brief aynop of which follow: 1. Because there w as not an accur count of the votes ^ast in ’thi Grif-’, precinct. 2. Because the county registrars parties to qualify after the books had cloBed, who not qualified when they regis i. 3. Because parties were permitted to who were convicted of crime that 4. BecMteo thqm* parties iii permitted ft ^ were vote who had not resided in the or byflaw. efipnty the length of time pre- 5. Because minors were premitted vote. 6. Because persons were permitted personate others. 7. Because the board of county com end clerk of county com illegally relieved per fronji \ paying certain due taxes. BilV . * * ♦ > From Vanderbilt. The fine Jersey bull, which was by Mr. George Vanderbilt to Georgia dairymen ard awarded to LaGrnnge Creamery Company as a for the highest scoring butter, been Blalock, received in that city by Mr, E. B. one of the owners of croainciy. lirr The bull is ong of th© finest- over ought to this state. Gnorgia I lay I'fomotetl. , A Georgia boy, .phaylea Perry Bvtrtj has recently been promoted in the navy t irfjpmmrind yf chief engineer -. of the tresffipOii-go'L Engineer Burt MauilalEijuyijig i*(V' absent with tho Oregon at Spawstant. been assigned to com maud engineer before the departOh^Mithe battleship from New York October. At the age of twentjjt'ur, WpAfisible lie occupies and enviable oue of posi- tho most tions naval (C^tlljtlef wjsyicd, and the'younger liis friends men in in Geor- the gia w prcilirof'him. hjJOiavekept track of his progress are U IttvTori^i Cliart«*r» .Sugg«>f«t<*(l. anunnlj–qiort Secr^jfery of make State the Cook suggestion will in bis to the le^Hjstffre of kinds that charters of com- and panies' all be uniform that 8eoretary*cii they lyT'iSeUed through tl^e office of stafisf As it 5#, mniiy courts'au4%bere are issued bp the judges of superior is no record of them whatever in any state office. tmrsmrjuw*mnuut Gi-nrria Syrup ltutre. Gecygi# pjrup has scored a good point.- The dealers iu south Georgia have (declared for a year or more that if they could only get ns favorable rates o*i eyrup as the Louisiana ship pers eHjoy, ftn immense industry could be bupt up in this state. This conn try iimports §20,000,000 worth of sugar and total sugar and molasses bill is §10^,000,000 a year. It has bben arranged for tbe roads and Sjyrup manufacturers and deal ers to* meet in Savannah Tuesday, November.Oth, when the traffic offi cials wdl endeavor to work out a sehed'file of rates which will encourage the production of Georgia syrup. fJ A » * * Tlilwar UeoiRia Kivers and Harbor,. iftnpufcpa- d^'artment has made public the of the engineers in charge of ibe various river and harbor improvements throughout the country On these estimates the next river and harbor bill will be framed. i^Fhe entire a*n<>n##- exper ndedon the Savannah barRor hom >tp IcommenCe rJfM, June, 1«9H, foots #p t« #r>,70*,- 776.15. The balance unexpended is 8481,820, an it t h p - m ifinran’ report recommend# that $90,000 be expended during the next fiscal year, ending Jnne30, 1901. For completing. the. improv e ments on the Savannah river below Augnsta, the reporta say $250,000 is necessary and recommends $65,000 to bo f*‘ pepde.1 next fiscal year, | mtar clearing Savannah river abov* Ipgusta $13,000 is necessary and $2, 0 fecommended for for next completion fiscal year, bf fmiiount necessary W’l ii harbor, $–o,‘l99. 'to be ei* einded next fiscal year Altanjaba $0,000. 161,000 For completion o! rivef, fiscal e necessary For next y«fr, Sio.gooi i Necessary for completion pf im on Oofliiiul^cd i-ividv 000. Aiho'nnt which can fiscul 1'he ywiwn-t recommends tiiat (fail wpi}k b%.4pne,by hired labor und tlpit; “ 11 ini in;; contract for the cum potion of the work bo entered into. 1 , Mb:wtHrote fblC the covnpTelfbh of I5B|hswick. eridfi ffifat lity-bor 'I^lO.tKtO is given, tie but erpendod.;' it. re-*' c< d % rrfijifimn^'iriltfdei iTjb'ncxt fiscal'year. fioWS ’frMif : H nah to*’iwA'Ahlffiltrtr, n memleA to W* expended 1 -duringS rri m tluHifxt d t 1 VtUrmi.iffOT o Tib fipentofi'Flint riyeFaur-jj i * in e next fiscal yefft tiaAi'4S6f.()()0 ort, recoiiuuenda b<pt oxSIi! led Chattal|ooc]MMb.'t»wl#ittmiw during the 6 (^1*fi scal vearii Co*?i o: i amt| ItiHras. All Between .'•xboeinSSSKled ¥ fteBkpended. in, $10,869 m „ J -kiMW IsKoo-IFidli^idlhe ooHf which i ex peKed durii Ar* ffid ! G6 –iifa ^ ''iBVcEy ear s islffilmproveini iMilpt estimi kO'UB–d thja/ #p«sa to fin- be ^ - / t — ----VuK* V jF'ij M 1 * 1 »♦> —ll t’ 6 >J Hr+mM u. if i V H I iinrani ■eau.l T,|.,.*.i talWk ount re qu^rsd^hw^onipiet^on of ' em ° 1 f.. , , uni us U KJkU..AIJUMt - . ..-.-i i* L The Georgia synod of the English itz honrtted' by nuvihg tire privilege entertaining such an able body of workers. '■ !■* While the Lutherans are much numerically in Georgia than several other denominations,- they have a very honorable and useful re rd, w'hicli entends back to the coi hization of Georgia. 7 A Merchant Murdered, v Lovengood, a pp ad/ofip/^^Alie Pistol, was week insjgi J§jfj.. Dillard past While LoV by one Herndon. aioHj<);Hern engood was in his store don walked in. A terrific iepciidfc was heard, and Lovengood was found ly iug on the floor, with a ragged \roig»d in his breast, from The which/ tj – 1 fifed was pouring. entire | a shotgun had been hiiApti^d right lung. saut~" f1i(ft® -. ^ji l tLcrigood ■> ’Herndon m knocked the gun oft’ the cowriter acci but dentally, and the gun,was discharged, Lovengood iu liis dying statement him. said-thnt Herndon had shot It developed lat.^r ibi\jLLQYpugQQ|i’s po^s-. Jfi me latter was i n immiMa jail, where he is charged with murder ,»i .aawaaifcWBi hospital,to .protect the to.w.nK manue m of south Georgia against the yelte' fever refugees- from Miami, Fla. A< chief to telegraphic,reports executive from Surge© rea©J y frig tho Wyman Si! General and the mayor of 'A vannah, the fever conditions Unveaui denly grown serious aud seven ne, case's wore reported in the Florida towy last Saturday.' Governor Candler was informed firq(f( bj Mayor Herman Myer, of Savannah; that the people of first- Miami were and leaving' that the place on the trains, it was contemplated running a refu gee train from the infected place ty Atlanta. .... v , Governor Candler at once wired Surgjfcou hitn Vo Iitke^ .Gkm.^r|f"Wyniau charge of the requesting refugee trains and see that- the tpwqs «f aonth Georgia were fully protected froni the, refugees. The occasion is ofid of the first in the bietory of-the state - where the authorities of Georgia have eallod upon the federal, government. T-his case, however, in the opinion of Gov emor CaudlPr^ was. one that would brook lio de^ay. 'He deplored the fact that Georgia liad no state board of health to refer the matter in band tb, and fouud himself impotent under the existing law to act for himself, ti * * Prison CommUnion Report. The members of the prison cornmis sion are at work on a report which promises to be one of the most irnpor taut of all the documents submitted by state officers to the governor and legislature. The reason for this is obvious. The past year has brought a Notable change iu the prison system of Ibe state, and the report ff0\v iu.prep aration will tell of the-change aud how fli works. _____-,, e . WE ARK READY To ENTER YOXTR °T0 U °WILL Xofuf/s "jBE SVM JfECKSiLUil TO BECOME OUB CUSTOMER. BOERS AVENGED AT 6TENG0E ao British Loss la the Engagement Was Nearly Two Hnndre<L * MANY OFFICERS WERE KILLED List Includes Two Colonels, Three Captains and Five Lieutenants. Tho war office at London has issued « N of casualties in the battle be tween Glencoe and Dundee received from the general commanding in Na tal, Sir George Htewart White, dated Ladysmith, October 21st, 4:20 a. m. j n addition to Sir William, Penn Symonds, who is piortaily wounded, two colonels, three captains and five lieutenants were killed, and a colonel, three majors, six captains and ten lieu tenants were wpuudqd. .. fi . : This heavy-loss among the officers tbe the front shpw, to thgir vahqmt but in sen sate conduqt British ifi sticking .tij the tra ditions of the coyer;oi army and refus ing to use themselves the which, the .mp-a availed ip, stprnring the Boer position on the ,sunraiit of the Kopje. rank and .file the Hus Among bad tho wounded; artillery sars seven the one, killed and three wounded; the Leicestershire rifies, regiment, one wounded; the King’s eleven killed and sixty-eight .wounded; the .Irish Fgsi-: leers, fourteen Dublin killed,..and fiisileers, thirty wounded; the four killed and forty-ope wounded, and the Natal police two woguded.., , •: I Anxfety In liondoli. Despite the fog Sunday morning,the London newsboys found a ready sale continued extras announcing , the news, AfrlcA. of The victories skilled m 1 south and. losses in wdhnded were the subject ehuritihsi v 6?/pnl^it' o'Wiiig rafer fipces in all to the disasters that imfell the Iri^h Fu ill The. vicinity of the war office was Iroivdjed all day by anxious inquiries for the,latest information. < The great est anxiety and suspense exists regard, ing the losses at Elandslaagie and as to the fate of the Hussars who pur, sued th? Roere from Glencoe. THIS ONE HANGED*.* , “f .L,, L el *ra Another of the CJaiiibrell Vays I*enalty of Crlini® m A dispatch from Car Of Miss., says: For the fiendish jf^.fder of the members of the Gambrell family at St. A ones, in this (Leake) county, two men have paid the death penally—one by burning at tbe stake, the other by hanging. Two negroes are under arrest beyond the confines of this county, and a posse is said to be in pursuit of two white men. This last statement, however, is contradicted from another point and developments must be awaited. Saturday Johu Oliver Gray, a ne gro, was captured after being chased for miles in the. swamps. He finally confessed tfiat he was one of the party that did such thurderous work and the made short work of him. He was hanged aud his swaying body was 1011 Wlth » n ! , «. ts * Ct 7- v 111 lus con - fession implicated two , white men. ‘‘DRIVE OUT THE FRIARS.” General Fnnston Say? They Are Causing All the Trouble. A special from Stanford University, Cal., says: General Frederick Fun ston, of Kansas, lectured to student body of the university on the Philip pines.^ Ho. blames the friars as being at tlie bottom of the insurrection. The general unmercifully attacked the church, jot not as lie iusistoiT, because it was CuOn.-lio %^iOT3aftfSnon, : l but' for thatjel–ss Sic influence it maintained, upon “ifcougcpS /' (\l ©ut I waubLMriyo ‘And the friaiip,” he said, confiscate every inclv of ;cburcjh property, tbe the bottom would dfop o'ub of insurrection within <4__‘ a week. ” deWky Home puruhased. U The fitch Place on Rhode Island Ave nue, VTuuhlngtot*# Selected By Admiral A Washington dispatch says: The Dewey house committee which has in chargo tbe purebnse of a home for the admiral from the moneys received by popular subscriptions, has selected house No. 1747 Rhode Island avenue, N. VT.. known as the Fitch house. *' T^e house of is Connecticut one door removed from the Corner avenue in wha| is regarded as the most desirable section of the city. It ^understood the jtmouut qf popular subscription Was sufficient to cover the cost of the houae, its furniture and all incidental expenses. BRYAN’S OHIO TOUR. Nebraskan Made More Speeches Than (Were Scheduled for the Week. • Saturday night Colonel W. J. Bryan closed one of the most remarkable weeks in his eventful career of cam paigning at Sandusky, O. He was scheduled for six speeches daily, the first three days of the week, in Ken tucky, aud for the same number tli o lastthree days' ih Ohio, He c– many more th»D the thirty-six speech es on the schedule. BI PNH* ai STa'se. • Seqttal 40 Mutdet of a Woman and Her FourChihlwL ) A FEARFUL CRIME AVENGED. ■b • i Arcotnplice* M»jr M««t Saule Fate-*-Crline the Moil Horrible on Kecord i In Mississippi. V I The little town of Saitit Anne, twen ty miles east of Canton, in Leake connty, Mississippi, was the scene*of a tragedy Thursday night, a seqiiel to the burning of the Gambrell family the night before. in Joe Leflore, a confessed negro, who. that was cap-, tured by a posse, he, in comprtfiy with other negroes, had tied Mrs. Gambrell and her four children to. the fioor of tbe bouse, saturated the surroundings with kerosene oil' and' burned the helpless people alive. The negro, after a confession of the crime, wp,s promptly roped to a stake and burned to a crisp while the citizens looked on in grim silence, Auother negro, Bob Smith, was saved rn the nick bf guilt; time, as' theta was doubt' as to his The Gambrell tragedy Thursday morning. . It was; thought at first that the fire was the result of an accident, and was so reported: and revealed published, but a casual investigation circumstances so suspicious that a more searching investigation was made, and it Was soon established beyond doubt that the family had been murdered and thehonse fired. * • Possess were immediately formed to scour the country, and followed every .possible clew. Before the posse left 8t. Anne it was discovered that Joe Leflore,a negro and who lived in, heretofore the neigh borhood, who had bbrtie a good reputation, had disap peared. Early Thursday evening Le flore whs captured several miles from the scene of the murder. Ati first tho murderer , . denied. , . , . any knowledge of the crime, but he finally broke down and confessed that he and Bob .nd Audr., Smith, hvo oth«r »e groes, were guilty. He hoped fpr no •mercy, and told with' fyeferfM a brutal frank- % ness al 1 the details of GaribrS the yard where the dence hail stood Leflore whs tifefi' to "a 1 stake and burned alive. No one L seiJt - a merciful bullet into his body to kill him. Andrew Smith escaped from the mob while Leflore was being burned. Bob Smith was tied to another stake and a fire started, though he was finally released, as there was a possi bility of proving his innocence. ‘‘ ; If Anhjw Smith thSri.T'^ind is xpeaptured, Mother and it if pitoven his Bob are guilty, it is thought no power can save them from a similar fate meted out to Leflore. The sheriff of Leake connty went at once to the scene of the tragedy and took the negro Robert Smith and three negro w r omen, who were impli cated by Leflore, and started to Car thage, the county seat. PROCLAMATION ISSUED By Barnesvillo’g Mayor Offering Reward For Lawless Characters. The mayor of Barnesville, Ga., issued the following proclamation Wednesday: “Whereas complaint has been made to the mayor and council of Barnes ville that deeds of violence have been done by unknown persons, lying in wait for innocent and unsuspeoting victims, it is therefore “Resolved by the authorities of Barnesville, That, suc.h violent acts shall 1 e stopped at once. “To this ehd, I, ,T. L. Kennedy/ mayor of said town, by special in struction of the council, hereby offer a reward of .'350 for the detention and arrest with proof to convict of any person or persons who may hereafter commit any such deeds of mob violence i within the town of Barnesville. 'Tki 8 the 19th day of October, 1899. “J. L. Kennedy, Mayor. “KOBERT HoIiSIEK, “Clerk and Trersurer.” REBELS DRIVEN OUT. But, Three Americans Were Killed and Two Wounded. A Manila special says: Major Cheat ham, with a scouting party, while pro ceeding along tbe west shore of the lake Thursday, encountered a force of rebels strongly entrenched at Muntin lupa. Major Cheatham reports that he drove the rebels from their position and that in the engagement three Americans were killed and two were wounded. Rumors are in circulation in Manila that Major Cheatham discovered thrt>o American prisoners, who bad been bound, gagged and shot by the insur gents. These rumors, however, are , not confirmed. HOBART REPORTED DYING. Vice-President Seized With Severe Attach of BTeart Disease. Saturday^nTght" tha^Vice-Prlsident koine Hobart was dying at his in Pat terson, N. J, It is said he was' seized with a severe attack .of the heart late "Saturday afternoon, -which ■ seemed to be the culmination pf his IfBg ailment. The family has about- given up all hope aud a message from Paterson says the spd tpay any 'moment. President McKinley was notified of Mr. Hobart’s alarming condition. Q®oEaaiii.j AMA RAILWAY ___............ Effective Feb 20, 1899. No. 19* No. 11* MAIN LINE. No. 18* No. 20 * ^ OO m 8 7 25 08a a ssss Lv Ar .....*... Savannah Collet .Lv .Ar -3. 8 25 42 p pm m 8 7.57 40 ; a m’ m .Collins ; ... » t . . f . .. . u m CO 9 4 a Ar ........ .Lv e'en p m 6 30 a m (LI M Ar,. . .1**4*.. H .Helenavmf * b: ••{it 4 1 / 4 3o am .. f l f- - .i . I 12 Ill 36 p m Ar .........Abbeville.. | Lv 112 3 10 15 j) m 40 p m Ar ; COKDKLE p m ||2 3 10 p hi Ar*,.........Americus.,.'.,..... Lv . ... f ,«.... ^Lv Ill'fijWp aiiin; 8 3 10 p m ..Rlchland.f.f... .tf*L'v 21 4 04p tii Ar cn m Ar... * , Hurtsboro.... Lv 9 37 a m -r Ar Montgomery.. *, j.. , i. Lv n7 45a>m ! i til No. 3,t b No. 1* Coin mb us and Albany Division. No. £*' ; No.'4.t IU * Vx E2SS 10 00 h . m Lv i Columbus At 5 201 p in 1,00 (JC 11 35 « ni Ar Richland rt Lv 4 04 10 so pm Ar.ii.O_____il hDaWson. Lv 03 p m a m O 12 34 pm 3 ‘p'naf 8 25 a ni T3 125. p m Ar.... ijdlbany. 215,fin>h7QO am Trains Nba- ' l 2 carry/through cpnnectk),n .wttb .m Siojuthern Railway, nta at^ivlbShyih , ~~ l 1 ' • r /** H,,* ,7* ~ /;■•. i-> .!.) ,’i ^itzgeralaDrnrtcn . ... ti')Ni<>*;i2,f No. IL? ‘^Noi'O.* ii u ’ Np./i.f 1 : No. 8.K;No. 10i i --— - -- ; -* '- ; -----—-— 7.00i , I–ID 8 45. a m 3 20 pm: a ni LV* Abbeville Ar :p m S lfi p m, fif85'ip tn JLiP ^ mf4,5p m * ,2 R m ' §§- a m Ar Fitzgerald Lvl045 Lv 11 10 .3, mfS hi ^ i4fp: p : m ;5<35,m 1 2*5 a p m 10 00, .q in AT rr pfiUla. ■. a 15 pm 5 Sfatipn^ 10 p m * Daily. ;| t .Pf^tly^ e.XjCept^ Smad^yc..; . -l^n-fiday ^nty; at Helena i^rNOTE—Trains,19 w}th.the ^putlicruilrtilwav aqd,2Q ar« : arranged fdr so as to'iiikkfe Hirfeiifc c6nriet ! t!i6n Southivestt, cii?ry 'Bniioughj Tulfman all pciiyts tg the-NiOrthi. Sleeping" Nor.thwPBt, West and ihg. Palace Cars-be tween Savannah and AtTilrita’.' *'" , 1 1 ' '' • Rasshngers for Atl–nta can remAin in .sleeper dej)ot^t. uptil tr ; {X. ^i.—; ^as,t-boi,incl s le^^v^^PBffl:lQC:P , »fise^ge^.jn:Atlanta : .0 p ^ : ' Snvo-Qii: iOOISS'KirffiONS. ....... pt" o' L ; irajnsjj and zngia e copncctmn?.gxv–6»«h jvetMi^lantiiMneiuJfl'. .Ct– IP, jfifi. I. Elegant BuffetiPlirloCOaVs oii T^aiii's^’os. 17 ahd.*10i Ui:> oibbio't friU o'entir Tulfman Bnget SleeplngDarsaa Trains Nos. i 19 f apd 20. ##i, HfliinismH .lit! S. E, ANDERSON, ,. 5 :-, :.T - i i; ‘ 0 A s AsS’t Geri’l Pass/Agent, ; nhsmiT herabVteseiigoriAgc^ti.; i . i ! i i*-. n.,u -oijeiL GABBED•V–j^Prek't r , .v and Gen>* Of Mgr. - • .11! fill f fi.n.i;«tv aiiifiigall ,A ,W .Ip;) Georgia Time Southern Tables—Iii and fiffebt piorffia [234l jlgiiw^yi i$99v%v C– ‘ SW-Fjefet: teh.a,hag-e ( sUr41:«jqi i !Wltlic-u.t XTotico. V£:: n ) f ITT 4 » • 'll il f N O. p, NO, 3 m 1 I SOUTHBOUND NO. 2", NO. i NOi ; 6' 7:25 1:20 1:47 Lr....'X'ordele.. 2:08 hrrr ' . 2:20 '101. Uii r'i , ♦ p m a ro p m Ar P m axn am «;Q5 7:47 ‘‘ 2:08 -6 “ .....Aratii... 4fc “ 1:5C • ■ r ' ivti 8:11 “ 2:30 “ “ Aftblnii'n i. ! . . T $ij'ton . 9:00 t* ti jao »* '3;05 “ “ ■ ii “ 12:55 i. 1:00 “ 6:35 ... SparksI'a l‘^;il 9:42 “ 03 :2l “ 3:54 “ “ tn 11:54 »»*: in ii - 5:52 . 1(1:35 “ *66, -AiJO-.W., . SciwfefccS .^-..ywjdosta.-ii.iifi il'i'hullfifi p.rajU:3f) ,?^.5iC0 j : rr : i : Q O ± –Ob'«5 .ft . g 6:43 8:18 : i ‘t vV ,, t‘9:Q.Q “ .,..I^m.RtpM 1 ^* • A “ ‘S ^^^5^ , ;‘., “ • “'TinS'i, 3 ‘5$ 9 ( :18. lournf:)! t r. ' i ■ 1 ConuebM 'at Wlitka with' ‘Pknfdti'EWhi; Dckl **»b) e3caafli .Mtlem,, and-With Bt::Jnkns and lai vali K1 !■ cr steamers. t i obi- eJT ‘j 1! l ■ i > • i 9 * ] a ,; ,-j to >10.OT IflrtV U ; ii NO. 6 NO. 4 NO. 2 NOKTHBOUND , Vi NO. t..*e 8:25 a m 2:20 a m »o Lv. 1;. Cofdele.... Ar pm 1:30 aim, 1:20 r- 8:45 ‘ 2:34 “ us it •M .:• ATeoiva.. it 1:12 U 1:02 at c 9 ;04 ‘ 2:5S : io m “ Binehurst. >? • ib :12i57- : ;o-l.L lUii » 9:15 ‘ u re u . Uiiadiilai... ” a "12:34 .-12:49 ... »«*•. 12:42 u 6 4 -j 9:40 .Orovan-ia.. • mnl:45 c-r 10:40 ‘ 3:55 .b ..Sofkee .. amlltlt p C. ‘ , " 11:05 4:15 ** • 4:15 Ar. ..Macon... ..Lv “ 11:20 “ 11:25 ii - ....... ..... t 3:30 A m a m 7:-35p tu At.. •• Atlanta ... .Lv a'm 7:5(r p. in 7 :50 pm 12:05 1:00 a m r ..Chattanooga,.” ; «i 3:00: -h- 2:55 ca 6:40 ” r. :..'.qNashviUe,.a pm 9:39 a ra9;19 -4 a m 7:32 p in r .... 8c Louis..... ?’ 8i55. 8:40 Trains 1 and 2. and trains 3 and 4 carry Pullman Buffet 81eepjn? cars between St. Louis and Jacksonville, Fla. Trains 3 and 4 also carry local sleeper between Macon and Palatka. Trains 5 and 6 are shoo-fty trains. D. G. HALL, General Agent, C. B. RHODES, Florida Passenger Jacksonville, Agent, Fla. 8 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. 6 Hagan Gen’l St,, Pass. Agt., R. K. BARTON, General Agent, G. A. MACDONALD, Ga. 4 Noel Block, Nashville, Tenn. Macon, WILLIAM CHKCKLEY SHAW, Vice-President. Albany – Northern Railway. To Take Effect 5 A. M. Monday, June 19, 1899. Centra! Time Standards off 1. Between Albany and Cordele. South Bound North -BoutkI First Clap.8 >1 Firrt Class i ' 21 11 17 Stations,.,.. •i GO 12 Daiiy 22. Daily Sun- J ii u Sum eXc’pt day Daily it,,* I I-LLrVvi bite llliii Daily Suntl’y only. Pas. ’’i no-rffdK .M p«^.r lm>si Mxd. Mxd. Fas. e tj i. Jo ITT ■ A. M. A. M, * M. Arrive DUB a .Leave P„ im M, IN V4 M,)?. 8 M. 45 10 80 9 40 CC 20 . . Albany • t .» i> 99 4 XI 9 58 9 19 C4 58 .", *.. . Beloit .......... 12 mH™. 22 4,21 9 40 9 04 C-V 41 ‘C- ........Pbilema:'.. V/A' n 4 85 9 27 8 56 CM ^ MV. . Oaklield r:// n 46 i’4-44 : 4 48 9 07 8 46 CM i 22 • r ...... ..../. Warwick ,. Ii -i 12 5S 4 -54 A'08 ., q . 8.43 8 34 CM -OS Kuines....... 1 12 5 C6 5- 32 . .CorieliB..... 8 15 8 15 r-i 50 Lv,./,.. f,;*7 . icq. ia .Ar r,! ilr 30 <fc85 9 h u'lOBsdfo T /ill' nadv/-M't’-'o - ■ J. S. CREWS, GenlTmina^rT * lii You are invited to visit Don II r jT T i THE BEST EQUIPPED IN THE SOUTH. i Leaders in High=Class «§< Dentistry >§3 And Low Prices. nhfiTUi ’U!' ST. bn fioiioq-: r-. piiqefsMxiA s'-a' 1 Gold Crowns and Bridges, $:O0 “pe? Tooth' Gold Fillings, $1.50. Silver. Fillingsf^SvCents^ ii Im-LJ Set of Teeth Rose Feai’T/Flale^ cn ft.! 8 'jg a o q ^ F jbyj' u on ‘ Set of Teeth Oil Ftllbber Plate IMoo. kiO'l fi I yil tqOSrtnA rl'-.L od v r c u Dr-s. Yoang S lianier. ’ A." if ) eoY toi)i rtf i jrifluoS ffffwIA svsH ^ 410 Second St., Corper, CherryoSt^'da. Teeth Extracted Without Charge and Without Pain.