The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, December 29, 1899, Image 1

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Has the largest weekly c rcula tion in Dooly. VOL 12 LOCAL \ PERSONAL POINTS. Contest Close>>. The voting contest which has been going on for six months at J. W. Francis’ soda water parlors, closed last Saturday night at l0:o’cloek. Miss Kate Colwell received the diamond ring, her vote being6S,231, while Miss Sallie Mac Smith received the next highest vote. The thirty-five dol lar suit of clothes was won by Mr. J. C. Ledbetter, he having re ceived 68,281 votes. Mr. J. H. Shipp received the next highest vote to Mr. Ledbetter. Call and inspect the nice Lauu dry Baskets at J. B. Ryals <fc Co. Dixie Optical Company. A new company, known as the Dixie Optical Company, will be gin business in Cordele next Mon day, January 1. The headquarters of the company will he in Cordele, with offices in the Bolton building, in charge of Dr. G. W. Shook. The general public is invited tA call for free examina tion and to investigate their system of testing the eyes and fitting glasses. The officers of the company will be Dr. H. D. Reese, of Abbeville, S. C., president ’, B. Reese, of Ab beville, S. C., vice president; Dr. G. W. Shook, of Washington, D. C., and who will have charge of offices in Cordeb-, secretary and general manager; Col. W. A. Hawkins, treasurer and general counsel. A large assortment of crepe aud tissue paper at J. B. Ryals – Co. Dr. Maury M. Stapler, 506 eye, Mulberry ear, and throat Macon, specialist, l-l-ly. street, Ga. CASTORIA. Always Bought Bear* the The Kind You Have Signature of NOTICE. The city registration books are now open until the secoud Wed nesday in January, next, when they will be closed. W. W. Shipp, C. – T. B. B. POUND. . B. POUND. I B- B. POUND. . B. POUND. VONDEKIFTBEUe! * > have experienced this fall the greatest advance in the price of cotton, wool, wheat, etc., IN FACT the advance Ithough we to 300%., and yet B. B. Pound is offering has been from io 5c. calicoes, 1000 yards, at 4c. 6c. calicoes 100 paterns, Simpson Prints at 50c. Cotton flannel, that is good, to 10c. Best Hamilton stripes none better. 10c. Sheet lightening is one thing; Light sheeting is an other, but CHEAP SHEETING is the correct thing. Save money and buy of me cheap sheetings* Bleeching 5c. worth 7 % c * Bleecliing 7 i=2C worth ioc. Twilling, best linen, icc. Towels at 5c bumpers. Towels at ioc. dandies, towels 12 1 -2c. are extra values, iable Damask, 61 in. $ 1 value, now 75c. table damask 58 inches 75c. value, now 60c., table damask 56 inches 35c, value, now 25c.; table damask in Turkey red 58 inches goint now at 15c. 25c. 35c. and 45c. Could we not strike you in a hungry mood far a nice counterpane and offer one at $3 worth $4.50. f have only a few left that will be closed out at that exceptionally low figure. PERCALE. They are in my stock in the newest designs; latest effects in stripe and plaid 7 s=2C, ioc and 12 i=2C. Ginghams, galore, 5c. to IOC WINDOW DRAPERY. Ifyouarein need of this line of this line ______ of goods I can sure sell you. Why? Prices and quality will do it. Just opened a few select pieces. To keep you warm: Buy a cloth or fur cape at prices ranging $1 25 to $10. Suspend your suspense. Buy the best pair of suspenders for 25c. never sold before for less than 50c. ^TT^fl in Cordele Sentinel. Supper. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Prentiss, on 18th avenue, Thursday evening. December 21, at 8 o’clock, the entire board trustees, Dr. H. B. Roberts, Mr. R. L. Wilson, Mr. S. D. RaveneJ, Mr. J. K. Smith, Mi. G. M. Bul loch, Mr. T. H. Johnson, Mr. J. W. Bivins and the entire corps of teachers, Prof. J. T. Saunders, Miss Maggie M. Bass, Miss Julia McDaniel, Miss Rosa Lee Mar shall, Miss Belle Watson, Miss Annie Smith Also present. Mrs. J. T. Saunders, Mrs. J. W. Dowman aided Mrs. Prentiss in serving supper and in entertain ing, and the two succeeded in making the occasion a very happy and enjoyable one until 11:30 o'clock, when the whole party re turned their thanks for the occa sion, their regrets that Prof.Pren tigs would no longer be our super intendent of the public schools, and then departed to their homes. Nice line of Stationery just re ceived at J. B. Ryals – Co. To Oar Customers. After dim deliberation and long business experience, we have come to the conclusion that business must be done on a cash basis. Therefore, on the 15th day of De cember. 1899, we will change our present system of doing business aud sell all goods strict 1> for 1 he CASH. By this method we mean to give our customers the advan tage ot the very lowest prices possible, saving them from ten to fifteen per cent, on all goods bought. We appreciate your patronage in the past, amt hope to have a continuance of the same under our new method. Kindly thanking you for all past favors, and hoping to ‘see your smiling faces often in the future, we beg to remain very truly yours, McMillan – co. B. B. POUND. CORDELE. GA., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 29, 1899. Fain, Jones and McElreath Were NmnliiMiisl ft>r Oily Last 8a*urtlay.—Quiet Flection. The primary held last, Saturday to nominate three aldermen Cordele and to elect a city tive committee was perhaps the most quiet municipal election ever held in Cordele. A total of only 208 votes were polled, which wag much below a normal vote. Six candidates were in the race for aldermanic honors. Mr. J. B.Faiu, Col. J. G. Jones and Dr. T. P McElreath received the highest vote, as the following count shows: J. B. Fain. 121. J. G. Jones, 117. T. P. McElreath, 102. J. M. Cox, 95. W. B. Marshall, 90. Z. A. Bolton, 85. For executive committee, Mr. C. B. Bowen led the race, receiv ing 200 of the 208 vote* polled. The following are the names of the new executive committee: C. B. Bowen. Col. W. 8. Thomson. J. A. Lasseter. B. H. Palmer. W. H. McKenzie. The newly elected aldermen said in their announcement card that “if elected to serve the city as aldermen at the regular election to be held for that purpose in January, 1900, we will endeavor to work for the best interests of the city, knowing no special class or faction, but for the good of the greatest number and for the pro gress and upbuilding of our city.” It is also stated that the newly elected executive committee were selected from among those who have taken little or no stand in factional differences heretofore existing in Cordele municipal affairs. The significance of the election, if any, ia therefore said to be favorable to no more dis graceful factional differences in Cordele, and that the majority of our people favor those who an nounce that they “will know no faction” in discharging their duty. The nominees will be elected on the 2nd Wednesday in next, without opposition, will not be repeated this year least. Eatonton, Ga., ( January 30, 1899. ) Messrs. H. J. Lamar – Sons, Macon, Ga., Gentlemen—We herewith you order for one gross “L. L. L." Lamar’s Lemon Laxative. Our sales on this preparation are rapidly in creasing. I have used it in my fam ily with entire satisfaction, and take great pleasure in recommending it to my customers,and consider it the best the liquid preparation for truly, the liver on market. Very Chas. F. Tatum, Druggist. For sale by all Druggists. VIENNA BURNED. We received a telephone mes sage yesterday morning just on going to press from the Vienna Progress, saying that a very des tructive fire occurred there Wed nesday night. We could not hear very plainly over the telephone, but understand that the Vieuna hotel,, grove’s the postoffice, Judge Har two-^i ory dwelling, bar ber shop and probably a store or two. All total, v destroyed. A TEXAS WONDER. Hall’s Great Discovery. One small bottle of Hall's sjreat discovery cures nil Kidney and blad der troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emission, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months' treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr E. W. Hall, Sole Mfgr. St. Louis, Mo formerly Waco, Tex. Sold by J Ryals – Co., Cordele, Ga, READ THIS. Temple, Tex., April 16, 1899.— I have used Hall’s Great Discovery tor bladder and kidney troubles, and would not take a thousand dollars for the benefit received from using one bottle. I feel that I am permanently cured. W. R. Tyler, D. D. S. Formerly of Bamesville, Ga. YOU, US ANI> OTHERS. We trust you have had a merr^ Christmas. We wish you a happy and prosperous new year. We thank our subscribers for their patronage. We also thank our merchant adver tising friends and others for their advertising patronage. We assure DRESS GOODS. I invite you to come and see for yourself, can’t give you prices and style of goods here. Come, the very latest, of course, are JUST out and I’ve JUST gotten them in to show you. A glance through this line will convince you the truth of this assertion. Some very late stripe and plaid effects both in cotton and woolen fabrics cheap as the cheapest SHOES No stock is cleaner or more free from old stock than mine. I boast that I have the very latest, up-to-date shoe department in the county Ladies’shoes made of heavy Dongola, good, substantial wearing quality, $1. Better grades of the above at $1.35 and $1.50. School shoes! Your boy or girl needs them. Made of heavy Dongola or best pebble grain, solid, substantial shoe that look well, $1,25 value, $1 a pair Gents! An enormous trade on an enormously good shoe has left me with a 6 6 '/ 2 8 8 y 2 and 9* A shoe manufactured of box , , , throughout, $6 values, for $4.50 calf heavy extension soles and kid lined if I can fit you up. CORSETS The guarantee kind; not a humbug guar antee but a guarantee that guarantees, 'thirty days trial; if not satis factory you can get your money back. The war in Africa cuts no ice with my prices you see. Don’t you? Come and glance through, no trouble to show you; sell you dozen pair socks for 60c., better and cheaper than knitting them. B. B. POUND. all that as advertisements have paid when placed in the Sentinel during 1899, they will pay even better dur iug the year 190th Incidentally we apologize to yon that our paper does not contain this week the usual amount of reading mutter, this is due to two or three facts. We are tilled up this week with good, live, paying “ads.” Then again, it is Christmas week, and as you know, most weekly papers only get out a half sheet, but we present you with our regular full size paper. W# ask vou to read every advertise- GEORGIA – ALABAMA RAILWAY PASSENGER SCHEDULES, Effective Dec 24, 1899. No. 19* No. 1»* MAIN LINE. No. 18* No. 20* er-aoo 5 = 53 11 8 7 9 09a 25 45 45 a a a m IQ iq m Ar Ar Ar Lv Savannah .Helena.. . .Collins.., Cuyler . >k>> oo co O.O.O.O. S 5 S a 4 6 7 8 40 35 40 57 a a a am m hi ib 12 36 p m Ar .Abbeville cvj ft d # No. !•* 8 00 am 12 36 p ni Lv .Abbeville Ar 3 15 pm 7 05 p m 9 00 am ||1 40 p m Ar I .CORDELE S 1 Lv H2 10 p m 6 05 pm 9 00 am ||2 10 p m Lv Ar 111 40 p m 6 05 pm 10 02 a ju 3JO p m Ar. .Americus. Lv m 5 00 w ■53-3*53*0 3 ^ Americus... Ar 12 34 pm 4- 5 -1 .Richland.. Ari 11 35 a m C" B H Hurtsboro. Ar Lvl 9 37 a m -1 5 1 Montgomery 7 45 a m No. 3.f No. 1* Columbus and Albany Division. No. 2.* No. 4. f 4 30 aw 10 00 a m Lv Columbus Ar 5 20 p m 600 pm 7 40 am 11 25 a m Ar . Richland Lv 4 04 pm 3 50 pin 9 20 am 12 34 pm Ar Dawson.. Lv 2 56 pm 130 pm 10 30 a m 1 25 pm Ar .Albany.. Lv 2 15 p id 12 01 p m Nos. 1 and 2 carry through coaches between Atlanta and Albany in connection with Southern Railway. No. 11.* No. 7 ,t Fitzgerald Branch No. 8. t No. 12.* --I = 8 00 a m Lv Abbeville Ar 2 55 p m 7 55 a in QC B3 10 20 a m Ar Fitzgerald Lv 12 55 p in 7 03 a m OC 11 00 a ra Ar.. Ocilla... Lv 11 30 a m 6 40 a m * Daily. t Dally, except Sunday. $ Sunday only. || Meal Station. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah with Florida Central and Peninsular railroad and Plant Sy»r tem for Washington, Baltimore, New York , also for other points in Florida. With steamship lines for Baltimore, New York and Boston. At Cuyler with Savannah and Statesboro railroad for Wood burn and Statesboro. Line for Stillmore and Swainsboro. also with At Collins with Stillmore Air Collins and Reidsville railroad for Reidsville. At Helena with Southern Railway for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta and points beyond. with Georgia Southern and Florida Railway for Macon, Valdos At Cordele and points beyond. With Albany and Northern Rail ta, Lake City, Palatka way for Albany. Central of Georgia „ . Railway. _ At Americus with Railway and Southe. Railway. At Columbus with Central of Georgia Railway. n At Dawson with Central of Georgia Plant System. At Albany vith Central of Georgia Railway and At Hurtsboro with Central of Georj ia Railway. railroad Mobile, New Or At Montgomery with Louisville ana Nashville for leans, Birmingham, Nashville, Cincin»ati, Evansville, St. Louis and beyond. With Mobi'e aud Ohio railroad for Columbus, Corinth. Cairo, St. Louis and points oeyond. With Western Railway of Alabama for Selma and beyo:»d. Elegant Buffet Parlor Cars on Trains Nos. 17 and 18 between Savannah and Montgomery: CECIL GAHBETT, Vice-Pres’t and Gen’l Mgr. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. Official Organ of Dooly County and City of Cordele. tfO. 27 ment in the paper this week, for if you do and remember what you read it will do yon good during 1900. We ask yon to remember that dol lar you owe us on subscription and send it, in, for it, when combined with others, will go a long way in helping us to give you, oven a better paper, and it will do you good to know that you have paid it . Agsin wishing you a happy and prosperous new year, we remain yours to serve, The Cordele Sentinel. OA touia. B Mil the > The Kind You Haw Always Bought Sigutam of