The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, May 11, 1900, Image 1

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THE CORDELE SENTINEL. VOL. 12. LOCAL \ PERSONAL POINTS. Short Squibs About People Going and Coming. — Other Newsy Notes. h’dgar B. Baughn of Arabi, gave ,is a pleasant call Tuesday. Dr. G. W. Shipp paid Americas a profecsional visit Tuesday. A. V. Bowen and 'Will Perry visited Vienna Sunday. W. C. Hamilton of Seville, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Webster are visiting Mrs. Webster’s pa rents at Whitesville this week. Solid car of Corn, at wholesale cost. R. B. Scarborough. Mrs. W. V. Wardell of Kramer, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis, here this week. Miss Minnie Fussell has re turned to the city after a protrac ted visit abroad. Try R. B. Scarborough-for feed stuff. He will sell cheaper than anybody. Mi«ses Mattie Mosley and Louise Hall, of Penia, were visitors here last Saturday. Bennett Scarborough, Leaderof Low Prices. Dr. Tupper, the Episcopal min ister, preached an able sermon at his church in this city last Sunday. One thousand pounds of Tobacco B. Scarbor- to be sold at a low price. R. ough. Master John Oberrv, of Valdos ta, is visiting Dr. and Mrs. A. L. McArthur, of this city, for a few days. Scarborough buys Four by the car load and sells it dirt cheap. Buy of him. Low Cash Prices at Scarborough’s. Rov. J. C. Brewton visited the Houston High School at Arabi, last Friday, where he lectured to the B. Y. P. U. Mr. F. V. Peterson, traveling passenger agent of the G. <fc A. R’y, gave us a pleasant call last Friday. Capt. Vonesdoff, connected with the Marine Hospital corps, and his wife, passed through the city Tuesday. Rev. W. J. Barton of McRae, was in the city Wednesday in the interest of the Monroe Female College. Our lines of farming implements and harness are complete. Cordele Hardware Co. Miss May eston, a >-ra C“F er spend tti C5 © CP r+- 2 friends. Investigate the bargains we are offering in Tin ware. Cash prices save 50 per cent. Cordele Hardware Co, New subscribers are continually coming in and if makes ye editors feel good to know that their efforts are appreciated. Plow shapes of all kinds, 5 cts. per pound at the Cordele Hardware Co . F. J. Bivins and wife, after an obsence of several months from the city, have returned, much to the delight of their many friends. Mrs. C. B. Parker and Mrs. C. G. Goff and son, passed through the city Tuesday en route to Pine hurst, where they will visit rela tives. We regret to chronicle the se rious illness of Mrs. Percy Ketch um. Mr. Ketchum took her to Atlanta Monday for medical treatment. Dr. W. E. Edwards accompanied them. Dr. T. P. McFlreath left Tues day afternoon for Baltimore, Md., where he goes to confer with the Fraternal Building and Loan As sociation of that city. He will be absent for about ten days. Mr. T. A. Culpepper, of «a, gets the Sentinel and Twice a-Week Atlanta Journal for one year for $1.25, beginning with this week. Presiding Elder Cook preached two elegant sermons at the Meth odist church in this city last Sun day. Large congregations were fur present and fine music was nished by the choir. ATTENTION, Farmers and Ginners! Change your Gin boxes to 24x54and thus 25 cents a bale premium lor vour cotton. For fall particulars, address Jas. T. Stew art – Sox, Alay 0. 2t Savannah,'Ga. Mrs - J - R-‘Horne aud grand daughter, Jessie Baifield, returned to her home at. Pinehurst. Friday last. Her two grand-children, Clyde and Harold Beachani, of this place, accompanied her home. The following nine receipts for making drinks will lie sort you for 25 cts. in silver: lo make rye and corn whiskey, gin. apple and peach branch, ginger ale, oberrv. peach and apple eider. Address 1!. C. Rowland, Cordele, Ga. 5-11 2t I wish to sell my entire stock of goods, and will begin now to sell out at cost., for cash, anything and everything thing in my store. Every in my store going at prices not beard of before in millinery. Come and price and be convinced. Respectfully, Mrs. L. E. McEach in. Mr. Jack Clements, of near We nona, was in the city Saturday and gave us a pleasant call. Jack is one of the many well-to-do and clever gentlemen of his section— a farmer who utilizes the soil up on improved principles. I consider it not only a pleasure but. a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected in my case by the timely use of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux, and procured a bottle of this remedy. A few doses of it effected a permanent jure. I take .pleasure iu recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful disease.—J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. This remedy is sold by J B Ryals – Co., druggists. Mr. J. T . Whitley, of Kerns, was in the city Saturday. Mr. Whitley is a former citizen of our city, but recognizing a good thing when be sees it, he engaged in the poultry and dairy business, and is meeting with fine success. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain’s Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will reMeve the pain. It also cures sprainshnd bruises in one-third the time re quired by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frorstbites, quinsey, panis in the side and chest,grandular and oth er swellings are quieklv cured by ap plying it. Every bottle warranted. Price 25 and 50 cts J. B. Ryals – Co., Druggist. » The handsomely displayed ad. of Kennedy the Jeweler, will not fail to attract attention. Com mencing Monday, 14th inst., he proposes to offer at auction some rare bargains in his line. Read the announcement and remember the date. The ancients believed (hat rheuma tism was the work of a demon with in a man. Any one who has had an attack of sciatic or inflamatory rheu matism will agree that the infliction is demoniac enough to warrant the belief. It lias never been claimed that Chamberlain’s Pain Balm would cast out demons, but it will cure rheu matism, and hundreds bear testimo ny to the truth of this statement One application relieves the pain,and this quick relief which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by J. B. Ryals – Co., druggists. A specimen of May wheat is on our table. It was brought in from the B. B. Pound’s place, one and a half miles from town, and was grown by Mr. R. T. Smith, the man who makes fourteen bales of cotton to the plow. We find this wheat to have heads three and one-half inches long, and there are three graines to the mash, An acre of wheat of this kind will produce fifteen bushels. Mr. R. C. Simmons, of Sibley gave the Sentinel a call on Friday last, advanced his subscription a year and had his paper changed to St. Paul, Minn. We only re gret to chronicle the fact that Mr. Simmons, after living in the south three years, concludes to return to old home at St. Paul, but we are glad to say he leaves with a good opinion of our people and of the south Mr. Fleming Moore, of Rich wood, spent last Sunday with friends in Cordele. Flem can on ]y come to see us on Sunday, as he has entire charge of the large planing mill department of the Parrott Lumber Co., which posi tion requires all his time during the week days. His Cordele friends are always glad to see him at any time, and only regret that lie is not with U3 every day. CORDELE. GA., FRIDAY, MAY 11. 1900. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council Chambek, Cordele, Ga., May 1st, 1900. Regular meeting of citv council of Cordele, Ga., 8 p. m. Present —Mayor C. C. Cutts; aldermen— T. P. McElreath, J. B. Fam, J. G. Jones, J. B. Ryals, R. W. Lockett. Absent—J. S. Weaver. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Under head of unfinished busi ness bill of Southern Industrial Publishing Company read and or dered paid. Bill of R E. Harris, chairman of auditing committee for books of city for the sum of $250, and which had been ordered pam for the amount of $110, was called up, and upon the refusal of Mr. Har ris to accept, the amount of $110, the settlement of said amount was referred to a committee consisting of J. G>Jones, .1. B. Fain and T. p McElreath n Petition ... of , Cordele „ , , Telephone . Company, ,, asking , to , be relieved of , special tax of . $20, which , . , was re terrecl . , to ordinance .. committee . at , . meeting, , was taken , and , ' up petition lejectec. . t .tse of G. B. Bray, charged with conduct unbecoming an officer, was called, and no evidence ap pearing the case was dismissed. J. S. Weaver appeared and took faisseat - Returns of election held May 1st, 1900, for three trustees of public schools were presented, showing the election of R. L. Wilson, ,T. W. Bivins and G. M. McMillan for the term of three years. Vote as follows: R. L. Wilson, 50; J W. Bivins, 48; T. H. Johnson, 37; M. T. Lanier, 40; G. M. McMillan, 48; W. C. Hamilton, 89. Returns signed bv J. B. Smith, J. P.; A. J. Webster. F. H., H. C. Hyde, F. H. Communication of J. L. J Bul lock to furnish 100 cords of wood to waterworks station was referred to waterworks committee. Petitions of R. C. Gibson and Frank Slade, asking to be relieved of street tax for 1900, was refused. G. B. Burton was relieved from street tax for 1900 on account of paralysis.’ Clerk was instructed to draw deed for cemetery lot to J. J. Waits. Letters from Cotton States’ Building Company and Quaker City Rubber Company, asking’for remittances, were read, and clerk instructed to write them that re mittances would be made in short time. G. R. Sims, of Cordele Ice Com pany, appeared before council and asked to be relieved of part of water rents. Referred to water works committee, with power to act. The following ordinances were introduced: Be it ordained by the mayor and city T council of the city of Cordele, Ga., and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that from and after the passage of this ordinance that a license of ten dollars, to be known as a spe cial license tax shall be levied and collected in the city of Cordele on all sign painters, making a busi ness of painting signs of any kind and charging for same". Read, rule suspended and read second time and adopted. Be it ordained by the mayor and city council of Cordele, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this ordinance, each opera troup, minstrel troup, or other company, organization, per son or persons, giving any exhibi tion, play or entertainment in any opera house, hall or other build where any entrance fee is charged, si mil !»• required t<> ;..... a license to lie known as a special license tax of $10.00, same to be collected by the city marshal iu advance of each performance; be it further ordained that nothing in this ordinance shall lie con strued to prohibit, an entertain ment given for a charitable or ed ucational purpose. Read, rules suspended and read second time and adopted. Be if ordained by the mayor and city council of Cordele that on and alter the passage of this or dinance it, shall be unlawful for any person to keep, maintain or occupy in any capacity what ever a house of ill fame iu said city. Section 2d. Any person found guilty of a violation of the above ordinance shall be lined not less than $25.00 nor more than $50.00, or be forced to work the streets not more thau thirt v nor le ^ 8 tliatl - ^ eu s ‘ Skc ’ An V owne1 ' or ,lliver of an/hack or vehicle, licensed by said city, who shall haul any per to . ,. trom . house ot ill sou or anv , tame, or carry any occupant . of c ' ‘ such , , houses on anv street . ot said , city, .. shall be deemed , guilt,v . ot ,. maintaining . . . . a house , ot ill tame, j and shall be punished as prescribed j j u gecticn 2 of this ordinance, *Skc. 4. AH laws in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repeal et j, Read, rules suspended and r(?a( q 9ecoU( j time aud adopted. ORDINANCE. An ordinance prohibiting the sale or giving away ef intoxicating drinks in the city of Cordele: Section 1. Be it ordained by the mayor aud city council of Cor dele that on and after the passage of this ordinance, That it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, barter, trade, (or give away for the purpose of controlling votes or trade) any intoxicating liquids— vf brandy, whiskey, beer, win e) bitters, or called by any ot’ie name. Sec. 2. Any person found guilty of a violation of Section 1 of this ordinance shall be fined not less than $25.00, nor more than $50.00, or be compelled to work the streets of said city not less than twenty (20) nor more thau thirty (80) days One or both of the above punish ments may be imposed, in the dis cretion of the mayor. Sec. 8. All laws in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed Case of S. T. Riles, policeman, charged with neglect of duty, was called. A motion was made by Mr. Hill, counsel for Mr. Riles, to dismiss for want of evidence to convict. Motion was not enter tained. Final discussion on case was deferred to night session of council. Report of committee on artesian well with contract and agreement of J. D Cole to bore the well,was read, as follows: To the mayor and council: We, your committee, appointed the arrangement and perfect plans for the boring of an artesian well for the city of Cor dele, and moving the water station of said city from its present loca tion to the location selected for the well, and to connect water mains of said city with the well, as proposed by the city council, beg leave to report as follows, tl.e work done by. this committee : We have contracted with John E Cole to bore for the city an 8-inch well, located in 10th avenue, on strip No. 291, as will appear by the contract hereto attached and made a part of this committee’s report. We further report that the wa terworks plant be removed from its present location to the location of the well, and that a suitable •building lie erected as will meet the requirements of the city, and be of credit to the city. We ask furthur that the council appropri ate the sum of $1,500 to be used > ii the moving of the water sta- tion to said well, and erecting the said building, We further show that we have had subscribed by citizens of said city, the sums of $1000.00, which we recommend be paid back to them as redeemable in the city taxes in the year 1900. Respect fully submitted, J. B. Byals, R. W. Locketi. J. S. Weaver, Msy 3d, 1900. Com. To the Mayor and City Council : Cordele, Ga. Gentlemen—I hereby to your body the following propo sition : 1 will drill for the city of Cor dele an eight-inch well at. any point designated by you, in the city—commencing the same eight inches in diameter and finishing the same eight inches in diame ter, if possible to do so—going deep enough to cause the well to furnish a sufficient, supply of water for a 5# inch cylinder. I will do the work upon the follow ing terms: The city to furnish all necessary casing, fuel and water for boiler aud water for washing debris from the well. You are to pay me at the rate of $2.00 per foot for that part of the well measuring eight inches in diame ter; and when forced to reduce the diameter (which I do not think will be the case) you to pay me at the rate of $1.50 per foot for balance of the ivell to bottom. You to have pump ready aud to pump the well as early as practi cable after completed. I will start this work as soou as I finish a well I am now boring at Rochelle, Ga. If this propositioli meets with your approval, please signity same by accepting through your proper authority. Very truly John E. Cole. Accepted. This May 8, 1900. R. W. Lockett,') ' For City r J. S. Weaver, of ~ J. B. R\ AT,8, j Cordele,Ga On motion the clerk and treas urer was instructed to prepareand present to the council at next reg ular meeting a list of all bills pay able of the city. The finance committee tendered their report, as follows, which was accepted. April 28, 1900. We, the finance committee, act ing for the city couucil of Cordele, having examined and checked all of the accounts of said city, as kept by J. M.Davis, find same to be correct, and proper balances appear for each account, and here by render this as his receipt for the amount of sinking fund in Citizens’ Bank, $ 1 , 000.00 School fund in Oitz’s Bk, 88.70 Cash. 70.99 $1,159.09 J. S. Weaver, J. G. Jones, J. B. Fain, Committee. On motion the clerk and treas urer and finance committee were instructed and empowered to ne gotiate a loan for the city of $2500 on the best terms possible. Council here adjourned to 8 p. m. Mayor Weaver pro tom., in the chair. Following bills ordered paid : Elbert Blackwell, $3.65; H. C. Hyde (2) $4.00; J. A. Littlejohn, $1.25 and $2.00 expense; Jim Shades (2) $8.00; A E Dukes, $2.00; R W Lockett, $37.00; R. Lockett, $1500; A. H. Killian, $30.00; Ned Wise, $ 2 . 00 ; Frank Tuber, $5.65; VV II Wilcher, 60c; Andrew Threet, $20.00; Gun by Denmark. $8.60; IT. Davis, $8.60; Dallas Brown, $8.00; Homer Brown, $3.60; Hen ry Fleming, $8.60; Ike Munay, $8.60; Bivens Bennet, $3.60. C. L, Prince, $85.00; C C Cutts, $20.88; Ellen Garter, $8.00; Thomson – Whipple, $,10.00; W. ant. $4.00’ Geo. Purnell, $19.09; Dr. Howard Smth, $44.00; Joe ‘ Hardaway, $9,00’ G W. Shipp, 42.09; Taylor Pros., $, : NO. 40 Bartlett, $19. 95; II. H. Hhipp, $50.00; .Tanie Johnson, $18.10, J. A. Littlejohn, $18.00; B. B. Pound, $40.80; VV. E. Edwards, $22.00; Wess Harris, $9.80; J. B. Smith, $2.00; G. B. Bray, $50; A. J. Weston, $2.00; R. 0. Gib son, $5.00; S. T. Riles, $10.00. The superintendent of water works, Mi. A J. Comer, failing to render his report, as was required, by ordinance', lie was on motion suspended indefinitely. Mr. J. B. Spencer was placed in nomination for Ihe office of superintendent of waterworks, and on motion he was elected. The appeal case of Lee Bartlett was called, and fine reduced from $5.00 to $2.50. The appeal case of Will Everett, was called, and no witness appear ing, case was dismissed. The case of neglect of duty against S. T Riles was on motion dismissed. Report of A. H. Killian, super intendent of street and sidewalks, was read as follws; To the Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen— 1 beg to submit to your honorable body my monthly report: At the request of the Honorable Mayor, I report 100 feet of 12 inch sewer pipe necessary to re ceive and convey water from Gun boat Hill at G. S. – F. crossing on Fourteenth avenue. Same to cost $80.00. I recommend that this sewer be put in at once. I rind it impossible to put the Streets in proper shape with the present equipment. I recommend the purchase of onecart, one mule and one Dixie plow. I recommend the laying of a brick pavement on sidewalk from Wilkes’ 1 store to connect with pavement, at J. B, Ryals – Co. Also on sidewalk between Web ster Bros’ store and City Drug Store, and around the Suwanee Hotel. Respectfully submitted, May 5, 1900. A. H Killian, Report of street superiutende was referred to as follows: That portion relative to sew erage was referred to street com mittee That portion relative to pur chase of cart and mule, was, on motion, referred to Dr. T. P. Mc Elreath, with power to purchase. R W Lockett voting nay. The clerk and treasurer was in structed to notify parties owning property to pave that portion of sidewalks as v recommended by street superintendent or city Continued on eighth page. Mali’s Lite | 0099 is hard enough that as it is. It is to her we owe our world, and everything should be made as easy as possible for ( her at the time of childbirth. This is just what MOTHER’S A Friend /K, will do. It will make baby’s coming and easy that without tak and painless, dangerous drugs into the ing is simply be applied sys- to tem. It to the muscles of the abdomen. It penetrates through the skin carry ing strength and elasticity with it. . It strengthens the whole system and,, prevents all of the discomforts of ■ ' V pregnancy. The mother of plumb babe in a Panama, Mo., says: “ l have used Mother's Friend and can praise it highly.” Gct Mother’s Triend at the Drug Store, SJ per bottle. The Bradfield Regulator Co., ATLANTA, A. Write for our free illustrated book, “ Befo:e Baby is Born.”