The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, March 15, 1901, Image 1

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See our Clubbing Offer on Editorial I’ago »t foji of Flr»t Column. VOL. 13. NO. 37. Court Business. Super! r court reconvened last Monday morning, with Judge Little john on the bench. The civil dock et was taken up and several cases dis posed of up to Wednesday night, when the court took a recess until next Monday morning 9 o’clock. Next week will be the fourth week of court for this session. The crimi nal docket has several cases yet, and the court will be continued for the purpose of disposing of these cases, or as many as possible. Judge Lit tlejohn is determined to try as many cases as possible at this term of court. The same jurors who served this week have been summoned for next week, thirty-six additional names have been drawn as follows seventy-two jurors being required during the trial of criminal business: H M Williamson, James Ray, J R Horne, C B Bowen, J C Fore hand, B B Parker. W H J Car mack, W A Greer, G M Hickman, W C Ingram, B P O’Neal, J Q, Adams H D Wood, S J W Nipper, J H. Cross, J S Morgan, S J Ad kins, W G Gunn, J F Williamson, Thos Thomson, C W Johns, S J Hill, Miles Gooden, R L Wilson. L H Webb, C J Lewis, W H Cun ningham, R E Harris, J F Butler, N H Stevens. W D Muslewhite, Sr. A A Pearson, Jas D Stevens, Geo W Lewis, G W Fullington, J M Spears. The following cases were disposed of this week by jury: Frank Binon vs. G S and F. Ry. Verdict for plaintiff of $3,000. Mrs P A Schofield vs. A A Scho field. Total divorce granted both Anna Gaskins vs. Edmond Gas kins, (colored). Divorce granted for both. Cordele Sash, Door aud Lumber Co., vs. Bullock – Co. Verdict for plaintiff for whole amount sued for. Dwight Gibbs vs. L. A. Shaw. Verdicfcof $250.00 for plaintiff. ' '—n Has --- Changed Hands. . C. M. McKenzie has purchased The Cordele Morning Gall and assumed active management of the little daily Monday morning of this week. Messrs.* R. S. and A. M. Burton, former editors and pub lishers have closed a deal for The Eastman Times-Journal, and with their families w r ill make their fu ture home at their old home in Eastman. It is the occasional privileg of The Sentinel to salute a new man agement of our morning contem porary as well as the new mana gers privilege to write a salutatory and we know of no more genial a spirit to whom we would prefer fellow-1 to extend the right hand of ship and “blackberry sympathy,” than to “Editor Tannie McKen zie. Editor Tannie has a great ad vantage in that he has lived in Dooly all his life and knows every blackberry patch in the county. He also has an an advantage of knowing all the pretty girls in this section of the country, and we predict that his local colums will prove bright and spicy. By way of a simple suggestion we know of no better selection than “Robin Red-breast for a sporting editor, and by way of a simple prediction that The Call will prove bright, newsy and prosperous under the above stated new management. General Gomez has become a grandfather, and will suspend the revolution for the christening. Artificial Digestion? Is that all that you want? It is not all that you can get. T. – P. Stomach Tablets contains the best digestive agents. These di gests the food} but if this was all they would not and could not cure you. these digestive They have combined with ferments tonics that act directly on the organs of digestion and laxative that regu late the liver and bowels, putting the systen in condition to perform its own work. This means that if you will half way take care of your stomach a cure is certain. T. – P. Stomach Tablets are for sale by all druggists; 50 cents a box. Free sample by mail if you will write for it. Taylor – Peek Drug Co., Macon, Ga. (Tnfcldr Sentinel Death of rtrs. Hayn. s. After a protracted illness, Mrs. Fannie Haynes, the mother of Mrs. W. R. Williams of this city, died at the home of the latter last Sunday. The remains were interred at Bethel church Monday afternoon, Rev. J. C. Brewton conducting the funeral services. Mrs. Haynes was a good woman and her death simply re moves her from this world of suffer ing and sorrow to a higher reward. The Sentinel joins other friends in extending sympathy to the bereaved relatives. An Excellent Showing. There is not a town the size and age of Cordele that can show such an increase in the amount of mail han died as Cordele does. The amount is now over eight thousand dollars per annum Which assures that the of fice will now be placed on a second class basis, the postmasters salary will be increased and his assistants will be furnished him instead of his having to furnish his own help. The increased and increasing business of Cordele can be shown in no better way than in the increased amount of mail bandied by our postoffice. Postmaster Hall bandies the mail with the greatest ease and makes us a postmaster entirely satisfactory to the whole people and equal to all requirements of our growing post-of fice . Big Mortgage Filed by the B. – B. Railroad. Brunswick, Ga., March 10.—The Brunswick – Birmingham railroad has filed a mortgage in favor of the Knickerbocker Trust Co., of New The bonds are run for fifty years' at five pe ir cent, interest, pay aljje semi-annually in gold. The to tal amount is six and three quarter million dollars. These funds will be sufficient to build and equip the road all the way to Birmingham. Work is being vigorously pushed at this end. A report from Birmingham to-day states that the recent combi nation of the St. Louis and San Fran cisco lines with the Kansas City, Memphis – Birmingham system, will join in with the Brunswick – Bir mingham company, affording the shortest route from Kansas to the Atlantic seaboard, with Brunswick for the terminus. President Machen is in New York and therefore could not be interview ed about the matter. McDuffie General Manager. Brunswick, Ga., March 11.— (Special)—Col. J. A. McDuffie was appointed general manager of the Brunswick <fc Birmingham railroad to-day. He will arrive shortly from New York to assume his duties. Col, McDuffie was at one time general freight and pas senger agent of the Brunswick – Western railway, and has held several other important positions with railroads both north and south. Shot Boy Getting Well. Henry Anderson the 14 year old boy that was shot by Roy Martin, another fourteen year old, is on the road to recovery under the medical treatment of Dr. H. B. Roberts. It will be remembered that over in the third ward last Sunday week, Roy Martin had an old rusty pistol, and when his com panion, Henry Anderson, came on to him with a bluff, Roy deliber ately pulled the trigger to his pis tol, remarking at the time, “I guess that will stop you.” The ball hit Henry in the breast and rang ed downward towards the region of the stomache, inflicting a sup posed fatal wound, He was boundover under bond not know ing whether the charge would be “murder” or “assault with intent to murder.” Now that the wounded boy is about to recover, if tried at all, it will be for the latter offense. Both the boys are colored. COKDELE, GA., FHIDAY, M.' lit’] I 1901. lu Memoriam. To the worshipful master, war dens and brethren of Warwick Lodge No. 895 F. <fc A. M. We, your committe, appointed to draft resolutions on the death of our friend and brother, A. A. Collier, beg leave to submit the fellowing: Whereas, The Supreme Ruler of the Universe in His dispensation of providence lias seen fit to take from among ns our beloved broth er, A. A. Collier, who was born Ju ly 80, 1847, and departed this life January 27, 1901 to join that Ce lestial Lodge not made by hands eternal in the heavens, we are again admonished that we are all travelling upon the level of time to that bourne from which no trav eler ever returns, therefore be it resolved, First, that in the remov al of brother Collier from our midst, bv the Supreme Grand Master of the Universe, to whose will we most humbly bow, this Lodge has lost one of its most faithful members, his family a loving husband father and his country a true and loyal citizen. Be it resolved. Second, That in token of our appreciation of his labors among us that the Lodge be draped in mourning for the pe riod thirty days, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the Minutes of the Lodge and that a page of the same be dedicated to his memory. Resolved, Third, That a litho graphed copy of this memorial be presented to the family of our ceased brother, in token of our cere s ympathy r with them in sad , . berea\ ement, , and . that ., . a copy be furnished the Worth County Local, The Cordele Sentinel an. 1 The Masonic Herald of Rome, Ga., for publication. J N Ridley, l Wm. Clements, Com. C A Castellaw, Think of This. If a doctor writes a prescription for you it costs two (2.00) dollars If your druggist fills it he wants fifty (50) cents or one prescription (1.00) dol lar. We offer you a filled and ready for use at twenty five (25) cents a box, that is guar anteed to cure Eczema, Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheum, Barber Itch, Itching Piles, Scald Head and all Skin Diseases. Fatts’ Eczema Ointment, Twenty-five cents a Taylor box. All druggists. – Peek Drug Co., Macon Ga It is a Nuisance. The ringing of the flrebell for the purpose of collecting the fire companies together for the simple purpose of holding a meeting is a nuisance, and the authorities put a stop it, remarked a citizen the other day. “The very sound of the fire bell causes a chilly sensation to through me and I start to the to see if some one’s house is fire.” But, said the reporter, these of the fire bell for company are of such slow taps that would know there was no “That does’t make any differ > 1 replied the speaker, “for I said the sound of the very stroke of the fire bell, and es at night, startles me, and others as for that are just I am, and I don’t see why, anyway, it is any more necessary for them than for other numerous organizations, and for my part and for the sake of many others whom the fire bell always unnerves when they hear it ring, I wish that the fire boys would get some other way of calling themselves together or that council would pass an or dinance prohibiting the ringing of the fire bell except in case of fire.” “I doubt if the gentlemen who compose the membership of the fire companies, or the council, have thought of this matter in this light and for that reason 1 wish you would call attention to it in The Sentinel.” TO DEATH WITH AN “8.” Watt Little Took the Pistol Ball Route t<> The Golden ('lime; and Vanderbilt to The Wood*. ^ ienua, Ga., March 13, Special to the Sentinel: Watt Little and Vanderbilt Davis, belli of prominence in the colored no cial world, became involved in a “ru kus” Sunday afternoon jn-t in front of the white Methodist church, over one fair Sallie of the African tribe, which resulted in Watt Little taking the pistol ball route to the golden dime, and Vanderbilt to the woods or to some other country heretofore unknown to him. Watt and Vandy were both suit ors of the dusky “Sallie” Watt being the most favored had announced the happy day for their nuptials which the was Sunday week from the day of demise. Vandy, the vanquished suitor, was inconsolable, threats and counter threats flew thick and fast until this world became too small for both Watt chose the razor route so it is said for Vandy to travel to an unknown country, but Vandy de creed that VVatt should travel the “8” rdute, which route he took Sun day the aboat 4 o’clock in the afternoon. So farmers are short two good hands and the world one. Vandy ia in hiding and may never return unless Uncle George Shep pard fetches him hand-cuffed-wise. LOCALS CONTINUED j G. Miller is applying a fresh of paint to his newly pur dwelling house, j t j 8 a g ne g i r i that arrived at the of Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Williams last Tuesday night and although it tjie third daughter and the fourth baby m the home of this estimable f arn ||y the doctor smiled as brightly jf jt v|pA the first born. j r,nt _ of Morn Editor * ing CalI? Tannie, under suspended raanage . blication Thursday mornwg until >xt Tuesday when it will again ap ^ car issued from new quarters. The dwelling of Judge M. T. Lanier which is now nearing com pletion will be one of the hand somest, when finished, to be seen in the city. Dr. T. N. Baker came up from Higgston Tuesday in order to be present at a trial of his case against the railroad in Dooly Su perior court this week. The work at the pumping sta tion under the supervison of super intendent of water-works, Bradd, is progressing rapidly and the new furnace wiil soon be ready for use. An election has been called for Wednesday, March 20th. to an alderman to fill the va causd by the resignation of Jones. W. T. Doughtry jr„ arrived in at 11 o’clock last Sunday, nine and a half pounds, W. T. Dougherty, Sr., is the man in town. The contract for the new union has been let to contractor Griffin, of Macon, subject, to the approval of SAL, is usually quite slow to give consent. Everybody who were in Cordele Sunday will remember that it yes, poured. It was possibly heaviest rainfall in the history of city. It was a lightwood knot after the old style. A Night of Terror. “Awful anxiety was felt for the of the brave Gen. Burnham Machias, Me., when the doc said she could not live till writes Mrs S. H. Lin who attended her that fear night. “All thought she must die from pneumonia, but she for Dr. King’s New Dis saying it had more than saved her life, and had cured her of consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use com pletely cured her.” This marvel ous medicine is guaranteed to cure dis all Throat, Chest and Lung eases, Only 50c and $1; trial bot tle free at all druggists. * Monday afternoon numbers of little children were swarming the streets of Cordele seeking a nick i !e or a penny for Bro. Mumford’s Georgia Industrial Homo and nearly all of them made nice col lections, consequently their little hearts were made glad to know that they had helped some to aid Bro. Mumford to take care of his eighty little children. Mr. Dwight Gibbs and Miss Hat tie Moore of Penia. were married last Saturday by Judge J. B. Smith of Cordele. Mr. Gibbs was grant ed a divorce at this term of court from his first wife ami was legally married to the woman who has been at his home the past ten or twelve years, Rev. W. E. Mumford delivered a lecture at the The First Baptist church in Cordele last Sunday after noon at 3-30 o’clock on “Religious Common Sense” to a large audience considering the inclement weather. Brother Mumford organized the Georgia Industrial Home just two years ago, and now has two hundred acres of land, five houses and there are 80 homeless children being cared for in the Home, four of whom are from Cordele. Cordele Bhonld con tribute at least $250 to this Home each year. Brother Mumford raised about one hundred dollars before leaving. He is always a welcome visitor to Cordele and our people al ways respond liberally to the cause he represents. A prisoner who was tried last week in Dooly Superior court for the crime of having a plurality of wives, mustered up as a defense, that he had received a letter sta ting that his first wife was dead, and although his first wife lived only twenty-five miles away h^re lied upon the letter without furth er effort of investigation as to whether she was dead. He began his statement with “gentlemen of the jury, I received a letter from my first wife in which she stated that she was] dead, and believing it to be true I married the second wife,” This awkward break was immensely enjoyed by jurors and spectators but the jurors not be lieving in spiritualism gave Judge Littlejohn the privilege of “penn ing” the gentleman for three years. The prisoner and his two wives are prominently connected in this and an adjoing county. A Vllage Blacksmith Saves His Lit tle Son’s Life. Mr. H. H. Black, the well-known village blacksmith at Grahatnville, Sullivan county, N. Y., says: “Our little son, five years old, has bad always been subject to croup, and have so feared have the attacks been that we many times that he would die. We have had the doctor and used many medicines, but Chamberlain’s It Cough Remedy is our sole reliance. seems to dissolve the tough mucus and by giving frequent doses when found thecroupy symptons appear, we have that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled. ” There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently sale to J.B.Ryals a babe as to an adult. For oy – Co. Marion Butler should have made most of his one opportunity. Lightning never strikes twice in the same place. Mileage Tickets Reduced. Seaboard Air Line Eailway one thousand mile tickets are sold now from all points on its lines at rate of $25 00, including those pre viously sold in the State of Florida at $30.09. These tickets are good over the entire Seaboard Air Line Railway System and are honored between Richmond and Washing ton, by the Richmond, Fredericks burg – Potomac aud Pennsylvania Railroads, between Portsmouth and Baltimore by the Baltimore Steam Packet (Bay Line) Columbia, and be- S. tween Clinton and C., by the Columbia, Newberry – Laureus Railroad, All tickets which have been sold at $25.00 and endorsed “not good in the State of Florida” will be honored over the entire system, including lines Florida regardless of such endorse ments. Bent Equipped office In South Georgia for Neat, Quick Job Work. $1.00 A YEAR. WEATHER SIGNS. When yer hoarde chicken sneeze, And de old goose turn up he eye ; You may then expect a freeze, As sure as yer born to die. Folks who knows the book laming, Can do just as they please, Rut we always take de warning, When we hear de chicken sneeze. Unci.e Bim.y . The Vassar girl who claims to havq discovered a new star insists that it does not belong to the the atrical variety. When a corporation doles out awaken water by measure, what the people will to they have lost. When the senate meets again Mr Platt’s rule will he found at the heel of the docket. The man without the appoint ment is a very dissatisfied indi vidual. The swelling bud gives promise of the coming peach. Senator Morgan may not see the canal built, but his work for it be forgotten. When the Cubans line up the in a political procession are perfoiming the baby act. A Monster Devil Fish Destroying its victim, is a type Constipation. The power of murderous malady and is felt on and nerves muscles brains. There’s no health till overcome. But Dr. King’s Life Pills are a safe and cer cure. Best in the world for Liver, Kidneys and Only 25 cents at all drug- The lingering Washington of Congressman Livingston in after the session always means some fhi n g- He knows \^,o to call-up on * * A Friglft?frl Blunder WilUofr.en caHse a hdlrible cut, burn, scald or bruise. Bucklen,s Arnica Salve, the best m the world, kills the pain and promptly heals it. Cures old soies, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, pile corns, all skin eruptions. Best cure on earth ; only 25c a box ; cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. ■wll < .r* \ ■ ; A i ; FB {ti /./j H! S3 i w > .V-.-.j THE SIZE OF THE HOUSE will depend upon the size of your family, but the value you eet will depend upon the reli ability of your REAL ESTATE AGENT. Our list of houses for Rent, Sale or Exchange is interesting. We can get you located in a “spot after your own heart” without calling for a large amount of cash or burden ing you with heavy pay= ments. 0. P. McKinney – Co% CORDELE, GA* Fire = = Insurance - -;;and - - Real Estate Agents.