The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, April 05, 1901, Image 1

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See out Clubbing Offer on Editorial Fage at top of First Column. YOL. 13, NO. 40. THE CONTEST LAST SATURDAY. Mr. Burrows of Unadilla and Miss Hatcher of Arabi Were Successful. Last Saturday was Dooly coun ty’s Teacher’s Institute day and a rousing meeting was held in Cor dele. Practically all the teachers in the county were present and a large number of children, parents and friends were present. It was understood that the oratorical and elocution contest would take place and this fact attracted more than the usal number of visitors. Pre cisely at 10 o’clock the teachers and visitors assembled at the pub lic school building. Rev. E, H. McGehee offered a fervent prayer, after which Dr. H. B Roberts President of the Cordele school board, delivered the address of wel come . There was quite a number of entries in the contests and all the boys and gills who entered did exceedingly well. It was hard for the judges to make a de cision. but after consideration it was unanimously agreed that Mr. James Burrows of Unadilla had • won out in the contest in oratory, and that Miss Gussie Hatcher, of Arabi, was the successful contest ant in elocution. They were con sequently awarded the medals offered by Col. J. T. Hill, of Cor dele, and their expenses will be paid to the Albany Chautauqua where they will enter the contests for tha Walters medal in oratory and the Laura Clementine Davis medal in elocution ; it is conce ded that they will stand an excel lent chance to win there, also. After the exercises wore over at the school building the teachers were entertained at dinner at the Suwanee Hotel. All in all every body had a delightful time and went away perfectly satisfied, ex cept, perhaps, those boys and girls who did not win out in the con tests; but even they have the con solation of knowing that perhaps their parents and sweethearts thought they ought to have had the prize. The largest delegation came up from the Houston High School, at Arabi, there being about sixty in the delegation from there. This delegation honored The Sentinel with a special visit in a body and were shown all about how to run a successful newspaper, and how to turn out neat job work. They were highly pleased with the Sentinel office, and The Sentinel was de lighted with their visit. The Teachers Institute of Dooly county is one of the best organiza tions in the state, and Cordele is always delighted to entertain the excellent teachers that compose its membership. special attention is called to the fact that at Vienna, on April 18th, at 10 o’clock there will be a con test in instrumental music, to be held under the same conditions as the above contests. Mr. R. L. Wilson, President of the Peoples Bank of Cordele, has offered a gold medal to the successful contestant, the expenses to the successful one will be paid to the Albany Chau tauqua where she will contest for the medal there in instrumental music. Glorious News Comes from Dr D B Cargile, of Washita. I. T., and writes: “Four bottles of Electric Bitters has ured Mrs Brewer of scrofula, which has caused her great suffer ing for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give her no relief. But her cure is complete and her health is ex cellent.” This shows what thous ands have proved—that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It’s the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, It ulcers, boils and running sores. stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,expels tion poisons, helpsdiges- strength, and builds up the Only 50c. Sold by all druggists, and guaranteed, Crtlelc \ .Sentinel A Pleasant Affair. Last Monday evening at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harris, on Twelvth avenue, Miss Essie Harris entertained a few friends, complimentory to her friend Miss Epsie Campbell of Mc Rae. The young people were highly entertained, and the evening of pleasure will linger long with those present as among the most enjoy able occasions of their memory. Carom and dominoes were the principal games of the eveuirtg, and were highly enjoyed. Miss Marie Momtfort delighted those present with a few vocal se lections. Miss Momtfort is a sweet singer, and her contribution to the pleasure of the evening was chief among the many. Late in the evening varied and delicious refreshments were serv ed, consisting of two courses. About 11 o'clock the guests de parted voting Miss Harris many thanks for the evening cf pleasure. Those present were Misses Marie Momtfort. May Hayes, Epsie Campbell, Mattie Lawson, Messrs. C. M. McKenzie, Thos. E. Jennings, L. J. Bush, E. B. Mann. G. A. Ballenger. Caught a Dreadfull Cold. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M. Thompson, a large importer for fine millinery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, says: “During the late severe spell of weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made me un fit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was taking Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to relieve her so quickly acted that I bought some for myself. It like magic and I began to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel very much pleased to ac knowledge its merits.” For sale by J. B. Ryals – Co. Trustees Elected. The election for three trustees for Cordele public schools was held Wednesday at the council cham ber and only a small vote was polled. The successful candidates are as follows: Dr. H. B. Roberts 59, R. C. Har ris 65, W. C. Hamilton 50. The other votes were as follows; Col. Pearson Ellis 35, J. C. Tracy 15. D J Williams 28. U. V. Whipple 1. R. E. Harris 1. There seemed to be no special candidates, and no lectioneering going on during the day. Three good men have been elect ed—men who are intelligent and fully capable to discharge every duty devolved upon them as school trustees. Our schools have been a decided success in the past, and the Board was a harmonious one. We believe that the new members will prove worthy of the trust imposed and ever have the greatest interest in the welfare of Cordele public schools. We congratulate Cordele upon the selection of her new trustees. A negro man had an epileptic fit in front of Stead’s drug store last Monday and fell upon the iron sill of the door inflicting an ugly wound and causing the blood to flow freely. He soon recovered and went •his way. A Life and Death Pieht, Mr W A Hines, of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miracu lous escape from death, says: “Ex posure after measles induced seri ous lung trouble, which ended in consumption. 1 had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, which completely cured me. I would not be with out it even if it cost $5 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my rec ommendation, and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles.” Regular sizh 50c and $1; trial bottles free at any drug store. CORDELE, GA., Fill DAY, APRIL 5, 1 1901. Cordele Loses—Valdosta Gaines. The Hutchinson Lumber anti Supply Co. of this city, have es tablished a wholesale hardware and lumber business at Valdosta, and in a few days Mr. A. Kirkland, the business manager of the branch here, will leave for Valdosta, where he will assume active management of the wholesale business of the firm at that point. Not only will Cordele lose Mr. Kirkland and his excellent family but other highly esteemed citizens by this change in business. Mr. J.W.Byrdand family, R B.Solomon and family and Mr. Godwin will make VaMosta their future home, the gentlemen being employed by the firm. In this transactirn Cor dele loses and Valdosta gains. Wo regret, exceedingly, to part com pany with such splendid citizens, but can congratulate Valdosta on her good fortune. By the establishment of thii wholesale business at Valdositt does not mean that the business of the firm here will be discontin ued . A large stock will be kept here but for the retail trade only. Mr. O. J. Lloyd who has been the popular and efficient secretary and treasurer of the firm here for sev eral years will be general manager of the business here * Mr. Lloyd is a most excellent young man and a man of exceptional fine business qualifications. This firm has enjoyed an exten sive trade ever since its establish ment here, and it is quite likely that they will establish another wholesale busiaess here in the fu ture. A Testimonial from Old England. - “I consider Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the best in the world for bronchitis," says Mr. William Savory of Warrington, England, “It has saved my wife’s life, she having been a martyr to Bronchitis for over six years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well.” Sold by J. B. Byals – Co., Druggist. Be Sure to Go. We would call attention of the people of this entire section to the coming Chantauqna to be held at Albany. The program is one of the best if not the best, we have ever seen of any like affair. Some of the most prominent speakers on the American platform are booked for the occasion. The Chautauquy will commenoe April 21st and continue until the 28th. Wednesday, the 24th, is gov ernor’s and military day. Governor Bob Taylor will deliver his lecture on “Sentiment” Thursday April 25th at 8 o’clock, p. m. This lecture of Gov. Taylor’s has proven to be one of his best, and if you want to hear something that is real fine hear him on “Sentiment.” On other days throuhout the week there will be such speakers as Hon, Alf Taylor, Hon. Joe Terrell, Ho mer T. Wilson, D. D., Hon. W. M. Hammond, Hon. Jas. M. Griggs and a score of others just as prominent. □ Then on Saturday the oratorical contest between the young ladies and young men will be an important event. Much has been said about this contest and great interest mani fested by the different schools in the different counties. Each nounty will bg represented and a strong follow ing will be there from each school. This feature promises to be one of the greatest drawing cards of the week. Neither pains nor expense have been spared in securing attractians consonant with the high aims and purposes of this benefieient institu tion. Don’t forget the date, and prepare to go. You will not regret it. bott'sCOTTON ROOT P ENNV ROYAL P ILLS Original and Genuine Always reliable and safe. LADIES ! always ask for Dr. Bust's Cotton Boot and Pennyroyal Fe male Pills. They never fall and never Injure. Mailed to any address on receipt of $1, For ■ale at Stead’s Cash Drug Store, Cordele, Ga. DR. WOOTEN TAPS A NEGRO. Last Monday afternoon while Dr. L. O. Wooten was settling an account with a negro in a store at Unadilla, John Felder, another ne gro, li' gan to talk to the doctor in a wav that was not altogether pleasing or in order, and the doc tor so informed him, ordeiing the negro to leave, as he didn’t want any trouble with him, but Felder continued t<> talk and his remarks became unbearable to the doctor who drew his pistol and struck the African on the cranium. By the blow the pistol discharged, the bullet stricking the ceiling, bounc ing hack and falling behind the counter in the store. This de monstration upon the part of the doctor caused the negro to make a hasty retreat. The negro has a bad reputation, and his extermination would be the proper thing. Real Estate Looking Up. A prominent real estate dealer stated a few days ago that within the past few months real estate had shown a decided upward move ment. He says he has succeeded in making several sales at prices much higher than could have been se cured a year ago, and that there is considerable demand for real es tate. He believes firmly that a better day is yet to come. Only a short time ago lots quite a distance out from the centre of this city were sold at a handsome price at public outcry. Any one who is at all familiar with Cordele and its bright future knows that it will only be a matter af'tiroe when real estate here will double in price. League Organized. Quite a goodly number of young people met at the Methodist church this week and re-organized the Epworth League. The young people have took hold with renew ed energy and zeal and judging from the splendid start they have made and the splendid list of officers, it will continue to grow both in interest and number. The League will hold their meet ing every Sabbath evening from 7 to 7:45 o’clock, adjourning in plenty time for the regular preach ing services. The following officers have been chosen: B. H. Palmer, president; Mrs. J. B. Spencer, first vice president; Miss Lizzie Fussell, second vice president; Miss Bessie Walters, third vice president; Mrs. A. M- Stead secretary and tersurer. We wish the young people much success in their League. It is a good work. The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King’s New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid and appe tite, sound digestion insures a reg ular bodily habit that perfect health and great energy. Onlv 25c at drug stores.' A BEAUTIFUL PLACE. If you have not been there you should go at once. If you live in the Twentheth century you must be up-to-date. Mr, Claude New comer realizing this fact has just finished remodeling his barber palace and now has one of the pret ties, most inviting and well equip ped tonsorial parlors to be found in the south. Everything is strickly up-to-date, and if you want to get the advantages that can be offered a man in this respect you have only to visit this shop once and you will be conivnced. Lets mention a few of the ad vantages : There are three extra heavy cushioned automatic barber chairs; three large elegant French mirrors, encased in a handsome mirror case the floor carpeted with heavy carpet the walls have been papered painted, and an elegant fountain put in. Together these improvements, he lias completed two hath rooms, have been elegantly fitted up, has put in a tank and heater, prepares him to give hot and baths any time while the shop open He has all the modern con venience of a barber shop, and ploys white barbers The reading room is always open, the latest papers and being kept on hand always. If you want first class work in a first class shop visit Newcomner’s, next to People’s Bank.—ad. Locals and Personals. Mr. Walter George was in Cor dele Wednesday en route to Macon, lie has many friends here who are always glad to see him. The Sentinel Job office is the best equipped in this section. If you want satisfaction in your job work give the Sentinel office your order. Mr. J. E. Joiner, a prominent planter of Drayton was in Cordele shopping Wednesday. He had his name entered on the Senti LNE’sroll, for a year. Frank S. Ledbetter returned to Cordele last Saturday after an ex tended trip to several cities in South Africa. Frank says there is no place like Cordele. Misses Maggie Williams of Una dilla, Annie Whitehead of Vienna. Lizzie Harvard and Nettie Wood of Pinehurst, were in attendance at the Oratorical Contest here Sat urday. “ I had piles so bad I could get no rest Dor find a cure until I tried De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, After using it once, I forgot I ever had anything like piles.” E. C. Boice, Somers Point, N. Y. Look out for imitations. Be sure you ask for De Witts. McMillians Pharmacy; J. B. Ryals – Co. We are informed that Col.W. H. McKenzie has sold the Peoples’ Bank Building, which property he owned, to Mrs. G. M. Feagm. This is a valuable piece of proper ty and is finely located. Mr. Tom Bason, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Parker, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Barton, Miss Annie Ed wards and Maj. G. 8. Davis spent a short while in Cordele Monday enroute to their home at McRae. The party had been in attendance upon the State Baptist convention at Valdosta. “Last winter I was confined to my bed with a very bad cold on the lungs. Nothing gave me relief. Fi nally my wife bought a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure that effected a speedy cure. I cannot speak too highly of that excellent remedy.” Mr. T. Houseman, Manutawney, Pa. McMillians Pharmacy; J. B. Ryals – Co. See us when you want firstelass ob work, at city prices. WOMANLY BEAUTY Sparkling Eyes and Bright Faces Are the Fruits of Sound Nerves. HINDIPO The Great French Nerve Tonic and VI TALIZER Cures Nervous Exhaustion, Hysteria, Dizziness, Headache, Back ache and Female Weakness so common attending the Monthly Periods. GIRLS Passing through Womanhood the trying will change find from Girlhood to in it a wonderful relief and benefit. It Quiets and Strengthens the Nerves, Cleanses the Blood, Clears the Brain and Tones up the whole System. It MAKES A WOMAN LOOK YOUNG AND FEEL YOUNG. PRICE 50c,- 12 Boxes $5. A Superb Grip Cure. Johnson’s Tonic is a superb of Grip Gripcure. Poison Drives out every trace from the system. Does it quick. With in an hour it enters the blood and be gins to neutralize the effects of the poison. beyond Within the a day point it places of danger. a Grip victim Within a week, Tuddy cheeks attest re turn of perfect health. Price, 50 cqnts if it cures. Ask for Johnson's-Chill and Fever Tonic. Take nothing else. float Equipped office In South Georgia for Neat, Quick Job Work. $1,00 A YEAR. I What has become of the Cordele Lyceum? We were in hopes this organization would continue to give the public an apportunity to hear something real good occasion all} r , br.t. it has been a long while since we have had a lecture or enter tainment under the anspicies or ganization. You will waste time if you try to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starving yourself. That only makes it, worse when you do eat heartily . You alwaps need plenty of good food properly digested Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure is the iesult of years of scien tific research for something that would digest not only some elements of food but every kind. And it is the one remedy that will do it. Mc Millians Pharmacy; J. B. Ryals – Co. Can’t our city fathers devise some way whereby they can im prove the condition of our streets? We heard a party of prominent visitors to the city not long ago say that if the streets were put in better condition it would add more than could be estimated to the appearance of our little oity. We do not “kick” but simply urge immediate action along the line indicated. SORES AND ULCERS Sores and Ulcers never become cbronie unless the blood is in poor condition—it sluggish, weak and unable to throw oil the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter life would through follow the sore, should and it great danger before to heal the blood has been made pure and healthy and all S.S.S. impurities begins eliminated by from first the sys tem. the cure cleans ing and invigorating health the blood, building up the general and removing from ill® effltemltter. Zm a constant THE SYSTEM. dram When this has been accomplished the dis charge gradually is the ceases, tendency and the sore old oi ulcer heals. It of these indolent sores to grow worse and worse, and applications, eventually while to destroy soothing the bones. and Local to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no mattei how apparently though hopeless const’tution your has condition, even your broken down, it will bring relief rich, when nothing else can. It supplies heal the pure blood necessary to the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J. B. Talbert, Lock Box J4S,Winoua, Miss., says: “ Six years ago my leg from the knee to the foot was one solid sore. Several physicians treated me and I made two trips to Hot Springs, but found no relief. I was induced to try S. S. S. t and it made a complete cure. I have been a per fectly w ell m an ever since." MM MM fflta is the only purely veg ^ WgV gjjP'f known etable blood contains purifier no — kA® kASa uoisonoua minerals to MRr '•r Ajin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary son is apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and write our charge physicians for this about service. your case. We make na r THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 6A. Mileage Tickets Reduced. Seaboard Air Line Eailway one mile tickets are sold now from all points on its lines at rate of $25.00, including those pre sold in the State of Florida $80.09. These tickets are good over the entire Seaboard Air Line Railway Richmond System and are Washing- honored between and ton, by the Richmond, Fredericks burg – Potomac between and Pennsylvania Railroads, Portsmouth and Baltimore by the Baltimore Steam Packet (Bay Line) and be- S. tween Clinton and Columbia, C., by the Columbia, Newberry – Laurens Railroad, All tickets which have been sold at $25.00 and endorsed “not good in the State of Florida” will be honored over the entire system, including lines Florida regardless of such endorse ments. JAPANESE PILE CORE A New and CoinpletoTreatment consisting of SUI’POSITOBIE, Capsules of Ointment and two Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing cure for Piles of nature and degree. It makes an operation with the knife, which is painful, and often results in death unnecessary. Why endure this terrible disease? Wo pack awrit ten guarantee in each $1.00 Box. No cure, no Pay, 60c. and $1.00 a box, 6 for $5. Sent by mail. Samples free. Olntm nt 25c, and 5oc. CONSTIPATION" Pellets, gS–JB anii Japanese Liver the great LIVES 8TOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURI FISH. Small, mild and pleasant to take; spe cially adapted for children’s use. 60 doses 2S cents. For sale only at Stead’s Cash Drug store, Cordele, Ga.