Newspaper Page Text
And come to the Big Store of
Hind – Church well
And See the Great Bargains We are Daily Receiving in Our Fall Line.
These goods are being bought and sold cheaper than ever before. Just think of it--
10 yds. Fancy Calico for................ -...............35C
Yard-wide Sea Island, only 4/4c
... .....—
Yard-wide Bleaching, at_______________ 5c
Splendid Percales, pretty patterns..............8^c
Best Ticking, A.C.A., Feather proof, only I2^c
Plaid Worsted, at just_....... 7C
The best 10c Bleachings, at...................................8%c
Ladies’ Corsets ____________________________ 25c
Ladies’ and Children’s Hose... 5C
Men’s Socks ........................................ 5 c
Men’s Handkerchiefs —_l.. 3 c
Men’s 50c fleece-lined Undershirts,_______ 38c
Best 40c Undershirt known, for ladies 25c
Men’s fine Madras top Shirts, the 75c kind, 48c
Men’s Collars, cheap at 10c, going at_____ 5c
Men’s heavy blue and brown Overalls.............. 39c
Men’s $1 .50 wide-brim hats, any color, 98c
Men’s Nobby Crush Hats, assorted........ 68c
Boys’ Overalls _. _______ 25c
If you are not a customer, a visit to our store will make you one. So come early, it is to your interest to visit
The Birth place of Low Prices,
Cordele Georgia.
Personal Points and Lo^il News
Mr. A. Peacock, of Rhine, was
in Cordele Wednesday.
Mr. C. M. Killian visited Mont
gomery, Ala. this week.
in Buy groceries from Dunaway,
south corner Byne Building.
Claud Bateman, of Quincy, Fla.,
spent Sunday with friends in Cor
Fire insurance written by J. W.
Rev- J. D. Winchester spent two
or three days m Atlanta this
Mr. Fred Harder was severely ill
last Sunday but is about straight
Mr. C. B. Parker, a wealthy
r'itizen, of McRae, was in the city
Miss Beatrice Geiger left Mon
r a y to enter the South Georgia
pollege at McRae.
| punday Mr. Bud Perry was killed last
aftei noon near Coney by
Unknown parties.
h. L. Roebuck, of Richwood,
in the city Monday on
ess connected with the Parrott
Mrs. Sam Felder who has been
her sister, Mrs. J. S. Shipp
Tifton has returned home,
by Mrs. Shipp.
’I B. Scott, real estate, renting
collection agent. Some choice
property for sale. Good bar-
\ CLEARANCE SALE NOW ONL In order to make room for oar iall stock which will
°on begin to arrive, our summer furnishings will be sold at a great sacrifice for CASH only for the next
W days. Some time yet before cold weather and why not take advantage of this opportunity of buying
r our hats and other furnishings at and below cost? A moment^at our store will convince you. '
R. E. HARRIS – CO. Cordele’s Up-to-Date Furnishers.
Mr. B. F. Bache, who formerly
lived in Cordele and who is now
one of the best life insurance
agents, was among old .. friends , . , m
the city the early part of the
week. The Sentinel now reaches
him at Dawson.
The China Cabinet at Ryals’
drug store is a beauty. If you hold
a coupon ticket you may win it.
Several Cordele lodgeinen went
down to Seville Friday night to
organize a Masonic lodge-Seville s
T Lodge, , Lo. 3< 4. Among . those ., who ,
went were: Messrs. S. C. Weisiger,
W. C. Hamilton, J. G. Jones, R. B.
Scarborough and W. B- Mathews.
Mr. J. F- Smith, of Unadilla, I
who lias been in ill health for some
time, suddenly died last Saturday,
He leaves three brothers and sev
eral relatives to mourn his death,
The burial took place at Upadi),. -
Sunday afternoon.
That beautiful young lady and
handsome young gentleman, from
Cordele, who visited Macon this
week and had friends congratu
lating them upon their marriage
got back home all right—not
married, Guess who.
The editor of the Sentinel and
some 200 ox 300 other Doolyites
“took in” Buffalo Bill in Macon
Tuesday. One of the most pleas
ant features of the day to ye edi
tor was that a half dozen friends
voluntarily subscribed for the
Dizziness, spells stomach of blindness,
ache and soar are caused by (
torpid liver and constipated bowels.
Pricklp Ash Bitters and removes the
cause of the trouble puts the
system in perfect order. Cash Drug
Boys’ knee Pants, any size -...........25c
The*best $1.25 Shoe on the market, for
Man or Woman,...................... _______________98c
Good Drilling, only.......................... 6y 2 c
Men’s all-wool Pants ...................... 98c
Galvanized well buckets........ 19c
Galvanized foot tubs ................. 25c
Mucilage. Ink and Vasalitie, per bottle, 3c
Box paper and envelopes.......... 5 C
Pins and Needles,per paper........................................ Ic
Hair Brushes 5C
Whist Brooms ...................... 5 C
Good Cologne .......................... 5c
Children’s Straight or Rocking Chairs, 48c
Children’s Dining Chairs 48c
................. .....
Oak Chairs, split bottom,.......................................... 48c
Oak Chairs, cane seat_________________________________________ 69c
Stoves cheaper than the cheapest,
Bedstead, complete, for................................................ $1.98
Messrs. T. A. McElreath and L.
( >- McKenney returned Tuesday
night from a business trip to At
lanta. They were accompanied by
Mr. P. H. yvillis, but the latter
gentleman stopped over in Macon
for a day on business, returning
home Wednesday.
Tobacco — Tobacco at prices
never before heard of, at R- B.
Mr. T. A. McElreath, on the
first of November, will open a
gents furnishings business in the
store occupied by Mr. A. L Powell
in the Bolton Building. Mr.
j> 0 we jj ) a9 previously stated, will
move into the store in the new
postoffice building
-Mr. R. B. Scarborough, the
hustling grocer, will open on the
first of November or a few days
thereafter, a general dry goods
business in the brick store oppo
site the new postoffice. The meat
market will move from this store
“ e oA°h
R. B. Scarborough sells flour
cheaper than anybody.
The Hutchinson Lumber – Sup
ply Co. will, after November first,
occupy the store room now occu
pied by the Seninel as a reposi
tory for buggies, except twenty
five feet in front to be occupied by
Weisiger – Co,, who will retail
cigars, fruits, etc. The Sentinel
will, as stated, move to its new
and commodious quarters over
new postoffice,
100 syrup barrels for sale by It.
B- Scarborough.
GENTLEM E N . Get the new novel Discovery
Cures Gonorroea and Gieot in 1 to t days.
Its action is maeall’revents striket, Prevents
stricture. All complete. To be carried in
mail vest in pocket. plain package Sure preventative. Sent by
price. $1,00 box prepaid for on receipt ot
per ; 3 For sale at
Stead’s Case Drug store, Cordele, Ga.
FRESH FISH— All kinds
fresh and salt water fish on
hand at all times at Artesian
Well Fish House.’ Phone
123, O. B. Parker,
9-20 tf Cordele, Oa.
Rock=a=Bye Baby
These are sweet words, but how much
pain and suffering .they used to mean. It’s
different now. Since Mother’s Friend has
become known expectant mothers have
been spared much of the anguish of child
birth. Mother’s I fieri J is a liniment to be
applied externally. It is rubbed thoroughly
into the muscles of the abdomen. It give,
elasticity and streng'h, and when the fina*
great strain comes they respond quickly and
easily without pain. Mother’s Friend i»
never taken internally. Internal remedies
».t this time do more harm than good. If a
f ME
m piP\
woman is supplied with this splendid Uni
ment she need never fear rising or swelling
breasts, morning sickness, or any of the
discomforts which usually accompany pro ’
The proprietor of a large hotel in Tampa,
Fla., writes: “My wife had an awful time
with her first child. During her second
pregnancy, Mother’s Friend was used and
the baby was born easily before the doctOi
arrived, it’s certainly great.”
Cet Mother’s Friend at the
drug store. $1 per bottle.
the bradfield REGULATOR CO,
Atlanta, Ga.
ts Write Born.” tor our tree illustrated book, “ Before Bab
Oak Center Tables ............ 48c
Dish Pans ................................................ 10 c
Good Dippers, wooden handles 5 C
Oak Rockers, worth $2.00, we sell at $1.23
Bed Room Suits.................. ......$16.98
Woven Wire Folding Springs,...... $1.98
We have just received a beautiful line of Mat
tings; these goods were bought cheap for cash,
and we can show you a line never before
equaled in this section, for prices that are a
song. For instance. Heavy Jap. Cotton Warp,
regular 35c goods, beautiful patterns — 25c.
A good Matting for only...................... 10c.
We have just loaded our Bargain Counters
with a large line of useful articles in Glass
ware, and it will pay you to look at them.
Butter Dishes. Cream Pi tellers. Water
Pitchers, Stands, Sugar Dishes, Syrup Pots, Cake
Lamps, etc.—useful articles for a verv
small price.
Mr. John Hyde made a trip to
Tifton this week.
Mrs. E. Avant, ot Oconee, is vis
iting Mrs. J. W. Bowers.
Mr. K, M. Paterson, of Arabi,
was in town Wednesday.
Judge D. L. Henderson was in
the city Wednesday afternoon
Col. J. R. Williams, of Ameri
cus, was in the city Wednesday.
Mrs. W. K. Beaman, of Albany,
is visiting Mrs. W. H. McKenzie.
J. I. Cofield and Col. C. J. Shipp
visited Vienna Wednesday on bus
Mr. J. F. Cobb returned Wed
nesday from a weeks trip in South
Mr. C. 2. Turner, of Quitman, a
former Cordelean spent a few days
in the city this week.
State op Georgia ) V
Executive Office, ) October 17th, 1901,
The Cordele National Hank having
been appointed a State Depository, and
having on the 7th, day of October 190L
executed a good and sufficient bond in
the sum of One Hundred Thousand
Dollars, with the United States Fidel
ity and Guaranty Company of Balti
more, That Md., as guarantor, it is ordered:
the tax collectors of the coun
ties of Dooly, Irwin and Wilcox Vie and
they are hereby instructed to pay into
said bank all monies collected by
for and on account of Stai 11 taxes,
cept such as may he paid by them
directly that into the State Treasury, and
notice of this Older he given by
publication I in some newspa; or publish
e( in the city where said bs;:k is loca
A. 1). (Janot,kb, Governor.
by the Kxccut: vnovornor. G. II. 1. itch, Sec
rotary . e Department.
Uue f) ClarK , , , ,]j
Day UOISL , ;ne medium um
SIZE*! dark mane find lull little
white on end of nose,and one white
hind foot. Shod ail arou: . Good
q The'return of this horse, or any
information, will be rewarded.
Address, A. B. Hollingsworth,
Oct. 18,1901- Ruby, Ga.
Sunday School Convention.
Houston Association at Warwick,
Nov. 8th, 9th, and loth.
Friday— 2:110 p. m-, song, pray
er and addresses, by pastor and
others. 7 p. m., sermon.
Saturday —10 a. m., devotional.
10 :B0 a. m., address, deacon U. V.
J. Whipple. J). 11 a. m. sermon, Rev.
2 p. m., devotional-
2:B0 p. m., paper, Miss Willie
Dudley. 8 p. in., How to promote
true worship in the Sunday school,
Prof. C- H. J. Jackson. V p. m.,
Christian education, Profs. L. E.
Brown and C. II. S. Jackson.
Sunday—10 a. in., devotional.
10:15 a- 111 ., address, Walter F.
10:45 a. m., paper, Miss Pearl
Rogers. 11 a. in., sermon.
1:80 p. m., Sunday school in
session. 2 p. m., benefits of a
Sunday school convention. 2 :30
p. in., How to promote missions in
Sunday school. 7 p. m. sermon.
J. J. Hyman, Pres. S. S- C
Houston Association.
r* m
JMA.(jrdN nxrc'rnrn ih-LlO jXItli viunnv V LfN u ill
j g go i(j with a written guarantee to cure
Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria,
Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, Semi
mil Losses, Failing Memory—the result
of Over-work, Youth Worry, Sickness, Errors
of or Over-indulgence. Fi ice
$i, 6 boxes .$5. By mail in plain pack
age to any address on receipt of price,
For sale only at Stead’s Drugstore, Cor
dele, Ga.
™vsician AND SURGEON,
Calls answered tit all hours- 1
can be found at home, I V miles
northwest of Coney, Ga.