The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, February 21, 1902, Image 1

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OFFiCIAL ORGAN THE C.TT OF VOL. 14. NO. 34. Property Changes. Scarcely a day pas»es but there are mce or less real es'ate deals in Cordele, thereby evidencing life and activity. We note for the pa*t, week that Banker Hamilton has purcha-ed iIn elegant residence of Col. J. T. Hill corner 6th street and 13th avenue, and Col. Hill in turn bought of his bio'her, Mr. S. J. Hid, his magnifi cent home on 13th avenue. Mr. J. M. Nelson bought of Col. W. TI McKenzie the | Lee on 12th avenue, the former home of Mr. Frank E. Williams. We also gather that carpenters are at an early <1 ty to begin the erection of a residence for Mrs J. A. Bell on 7tii sueet, an I teat the dwelling of Mr. K. E. Harris corner 5ib sireet a d 14 h avenue l- about ready for occupancy. To Be Married Next Tuesday. The following marriage invita tion has been issued: Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Johnston Jones request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their sister, Mrs. Francos Esther Harris, to Mr. Benjamin Franklin Boon, at their residence, Tuesday morning, Feb’y. twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and two, at half past eleven o’clock. Albany, Georgia. Mr Boon is a prominent cotton buyer in Cordele and his friends are extending congratulations. Peavey Did Not Hang John Henry Peavy, colored, who was under sentence to hang at Vienna last Tuesday, Feb. l8th., has been respited by the governor for thirty days, until March 21st. next. Counsel for Peavey had a petition pending before the prison commission asking that death penalty be commuted to life im prisonment, but Gov. Candler based his respite on the fact that Peavy’s testimony was greatly de sired in a case pending in Dooly superior court, which convenes next week. In the meantime the pardon board may pass favorably upon Peavj^’s case and he may not after all. TELL THE PEOPLE IF IT’S FIRE, LIFE insurance, Incmrntina >' ou are not OR ANY KIND OF provided with If it’s a RESIDENCE they wish to rent or buy, If it’s CITY PROPERTY, FARM PROPERTY, SAW MILL TIMBER or TURPENTINE privileges they are in quest of, THE PLACE TO GO . IS ^ __ Room 6,over Stead – Whipple’s Drugstore find the undersigned will serve them promptly. Property owners will please see us when having any Realty they wish to sell or let, and we will endeavor to bring Good Returns for You. Truly, – Ethridge. To The General Public ! Mr. C. Z. Turner,having recently purchased the en tire stock of General Merchandise of S. J. Hill, he will conduct a general mercantile store AT THE SAME –TAND, on 7th Street, opposite T. C. Barge – Co., and will keep on hand everything to he found in a general store of like character. For the next 30 days, N. until L. Hall, I can,wind of i’ennille, up one my business at Quitman, Mr. will have of the very best salesmen to be found, Cordele charge of this business, and, upon arrival in I shall add to tins already immense stock. Your Patronage Solicited, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. C. Z. TURNER, General Merchandise. Cordele, Georgia. Ll ScnlmeS TERRELL AT VIENNA. Will Address the Citizens Dooly at the Court House Next Monday. Mr. Terrell will Spend Monday After noon in Cordele Shaking hands with Friends, But He Will Make no Speech Dur ing His Visit to the Magic City. Hon. Joseph M. Terrell, candidate for the demootaiic nomination for governor of Georgia, will address 1 he citizens of Dooly c unty at tin court house in Vienna next Monday at 11 o’clock on the public issues in volved m tlie- gub material campaign. Mr. Terrell will arrive in Cordele on the 2 o’clock tram from Vienna and will spend the afternoon here shaking hands with friends, but he will make no speech duiing his slay m Cordele. It is un le but d that Mr. Terrell wi’l a> live in Vienna at least by nine o’clock Monday rnornit g, and that eoltri will take a rece-s piomptlv at the 11 o’clock hour when Mr. Ter r» ll will speak. Du'iug Mi-uday aiVmoon, in C 1 r d*-le, Mr Te rell will be tendered a public reception at the Suwanee Ho tel parlors, and as many as will are cordially invited to meet him. Ii is confidently expected that a large crowd will be on hand at Vi em a to bear the speaker and that while in Cordele that friend and foe will call to give Mr. Terrell a hearty shake of the hand and a cordial wel come to the Hub City. When the heath is foul and the appetite disordered, Prickly Ash Bnters is the remedy needed. It purifies the stomach, liver and bow el3, sweeten the breath, promotes vigor and cheerfulness. Cash Drug Store. CORDELE, GA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1902. St. Valentine Masquerade St. Valentine’s Day was appro primely celebrated ill Cordele, closing with a masquerade party at the Suwanee, at which a large number of both old and young of the city's best citizens were in attendance. Those v h attended in full masque were: C. T. Whipple with Miss Mae Lang, .1. J Heard with Miss Ethel Hull, \Y C McKenzie with Miss Annie James. t j. p. Rn buck with Mies Allie Elder. Ii. T. Long with Miss Nettie Rugely, Do9ter Mims with Miss Cul Isom, George Harris with Miss Mattie St, wart, F. R. Ryan with Miss Mabel Shipp, Wilson Rice with Miss Mamie Winn, Ed Fenu with Miss Luela Shipp, Dick Taylor with Miss Nannie Benson,-Leo Marshall with Miss Alma Mingle dorf, C L. West with Miss Jennie Blackwell, J. P. Lilly with Miss Vae Rooney, Bob Dixon with Miss Calla Lilly, J. W. Edwards with Miss Edna Killian, Ed Black with Miss Jewell Powell, G. B. Morgan, R. S. Davess, W. B. Perry, W. T. Stewart, Norman Thompson,Rome Sheppard, E. L. Brown, Don Hawes and Mr. Scott. Chaperons, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunt. Letter From Hr. Davis. In a private letter from Mr. R. B. Davis, Dooly’s representative in the soldiers home in Atlanta, written last week to Mr. D. A. Pitts, of Cordele, he says: “I have just received the Sen which Mr. Bivins has been kind enough to send me all along, the first page contains a very interesting write up about “Jolly Old Uncle Josh” in which a num ber of the more prominent busi ness men take a part and among others I see your name in a very favorable connection with th e trade of the city. Did he catch j you for as much as that show-man ' who was going to print and dis- i tribute 20,000 copies and give you a free ticket to the show, all for a five? But, if you gave Bill Bivins that much in this instance your returns will be more ample and,' D- A. Pitts, the furniture man,” take in addition a big in the Sentinel, and you can telli Bivins I say so if you like. Cordele is really assuming . proportions . and I; glad to see it, for I count Cor my home and, of course, this my interest in her] ; I was out at Sullivans Saturday <“ Jordel. t VVe knocked at each and door and finally resolved j acquit Cordele of hiding within her gates anything that was not a live principle. The remainder of Mr. Davis’ letter is more private and per sonal, and the Sentinel is in debted to Mr. Pitts for the above The people of Cor dele have the highest regard for Mr. Davis and know him sincere in what he says about his home city. It’s a pleasure to the Senti nel to visit such a man free of charge, and for li is information we will state that the Sentinel did not “pull” his friend, “D. A. Pitts, the furniture man” for quite as much as the show-man “pulled” him for. For Tax Collector. Mr. Jas. t A. * \\ Tir Ilhams, .... of „ Pine hurst, writes the Sentinel that he will be in the race for tax col lector of Dooly county; that hi lias arranged his business so as to give his whole time to the race, and that he will run to win. Wanted— Bight set of books to keep at night, Ly experienced book-keeper whose time is no; fully occupied. Address, Book-Keeper, care Sentinel. City Council Proceedings Meeting of citvcouncil 8 o'clock P- m -> Eeby. 14th. Present—Mayoi Cutts, Aldermen Kennedy, Smith Harris, Lockett, Cox. Bill of National Meter Co. fo» $1*48 75 principal and $8.53 inter est, total $252.28. was presented by Mr. Voss,representing thin com pany. Ordered that clerk pav Mr. $50 on this bill. Finance-committee granted fur ther time to get. up financial re port. Motion to reconsider city attor ney’s salary, carried. Motion to go into election of city attorney, carried, which resulted, E. F Strozier, 4: W. H. Dorris, 1. Col Strozier's election made unani tnouB. Waterworks committee granted further time to make report. Mr. Voss, of the National Meter Co., made a statement on ihe management, of city waterworks and how expenses could lie re duced. He urged the importance of getting on the meter basis. Clerk and Treasurer erderrd to present a bill for $185 plus freight, to the G. S. – F. Ry-, the cost of the crown water meter used by this road—their contract with city being to furnish this meter. Ordinance prohibiting display of goods, etc-, over 2£ feet from building read and passed. Petition of fire companies re ferred to fire committee. Bill of Mr. Ed Builey for $57.95 for services on right of-way of A. – B. railroad ordered paid. Reconsidered election of officers by the fire companies and set aside the said election. JURY L15T. Drawn For February and March Term Dooly Superior Court Which Con venes Next Monday. GRAND JURY. VV IIj den R C Harris j r p Br<* wn J II Morgan M T Lamer J II Henderson 1) T Man-hbum J T Westbrook J W B Seymore Z T Penney j »\j eit . t ., Z Hardin Bridges W R Harris Allen Owen John R Barfield H M Williamson A J Dm away R H Davis W F Bvrom John S Pale T II Gregory W J Mussel white C P Swearingen H VV Campbell II W Powell J M Ward J R Horne traverse jury—first week. DI King J A Story W rJiSSr 11 Low<,r J J G M d“ P«f»vy W j 0 f, n \y p eaC ock R Whitehead II L Lewis I! II Liggin Joel H Page Jr Geo O Lupo C S Brown Wm Short J A Peavey J P Sr.rad ley W A Forehand T A Royal Jerry Slade J W Lemon J S Sheppard T J Slade E R Bryan G R Sims Thomas Butler J J Laddey J F Pearce J E Boss J 1> Kuffington L W Moore W H Wright T J Jointer Lewis Graham John H Calhoun TRAVERSE JURY-SECOND WEEK. J F Moore land Jr VV 7 B Lock I M Powell .1 II McCorvey P C Patrick 11 A Smith J J Weldon S B Jenkins J H McGlamery J L Bullock A M Knight J F Champion A II 'I horn peon J Ed Sheffield T T Morgan J II Forehand J E Joiner Will Ward R W Wilkes S D Uavenel VV 7 O Sanders A It Brown W II Page Sr B L Parham W A Coleman A M Bailey j \y j j 0 ( .k<.tt A U Buffington John J Willis J J Coppedge .1 Ii Carroll .1 A Lasseter II H Shivers li P Sentell C C Duncan J L Powell 1 A Littlejohn A S Goodwin W E Wells ,1 W Broadway J M Lane li B Scarborough ,J W Griggs J 1. Southwell ■I T Mash burn W H Liggin F E Liggitt W II Page Jr Foley 9 s Honey pneumonia. and cures colds, prevents CITIZLNS’ MASS MEETING. 3 jard of Trade Organized a Good Paying Basis 'enu'inent Organization with Secre tary Who will be Paid a Fixed Sal ary and Must Devote Mod of His Time to the Office and Ttattei.s Con cerning the City At a citizens mass meeting held at the city* council chamber Friday afternoon at 8 o’clock board of trade was organized. Mr. R. L. Wilson was elected chairman of the citizens meet ing, Judge U. V. Whipple vice chairman and Mr. D- Ed Kennedy secretary. A motion was made to ••rganize a board of trade for Cor dele which was unanimously car ried. Motion to fix a membership fee of ten dollars per year and em ploy a secr< tary at a fixed salary who must devote most of his time to the office and to matters per taining to the best interest of the city, was unanimously carried, A call for members was made and of the twenty-odd present practically everyone joined. The organiza tion of the board was then per fected by electing Mr. R. L. Wil son president, Judge U. V. Whip ple.vice-president and Col. W. H Dorris secretary. The president appointed a committee composed of J. G. Joues, J. W- Bivins and R. E Harris to draft a constitu tion and by-laws, after which the meeting adjourned to meet again Monday afternoon at 8 o’clock. At the Monday afternoon meet ing the list of membership had grown from twenty-odd to forty four, with a report from several members of ot hers who would wish to join. Chairman Jones present ed the constitution and by-laws agreed upon by the committee and the same were agreed to and adopted without dissenting .. vote . a An election of a board of direc tors was then held, as provided by CUT-PRICES ON LAMPS. All of our big line of Decorated Lamps for sale at Greatly Re duced prices. CORDELE HARDWARE CO. J. C. TRACY – CO. INVITE THE FARMERS To buy Supplies * Fertilizers FROM THEM. We carry a full line of DRY GOODS. SHOES, HATS; PLOWS. FARMING IMPLEMENTS O-rocerles, Etc. Come and See XT s. J. C. TRACY – CO., Cordele, Ga. WE PUBLISH ALL THE I.IOAL Advertisements. $1.00 A YEAR the by-laws, which resulted in the unanimous election of R. C. Har ris, C. M. Killian, C. C. Cutts, J. VV. Bivins and T . A. McElreath, Under the by-laws the president, vice-president and secretary are members of the board of direc tors . President Wilson announced that he would name the different commmittt-es under the by-laws at the earliest possible moment and call a meeting of the direc tors to approve the same. The following is a list of mem bers as shown by the roll Monday afternoon: C. C, Cutts. R. E.Har ris, Fred Harder, R. C. Harris, U. V. Whipple, T. A. McElreath, R. R. Harris, Perry Clegg. W. H, Dorris, A. M. Stead, J. W. Bivins, R. W. Lockett, R. L. Wilson, J. M. Cox, A Roobin, 1). Ed Kenne dy, J. O. Jones, S. It. Fields, J. B. Smith, M. G. Hall, J. C. Tracy, L. A. Parker, S, C. Weisiger, C. M. McKenzie, W. D. Wilson, A. L. McArthur, W. li. Tripp, W- F. Markert, J. J. Willis, W. H. Mc Kenzie, C. P. Rouse, J. A- Wilson, S. I). Ravenel, C- M. Killian, C. T. Whipple, Hughes A Ethridge, W. E. Aycock, J- W. Byrd, G. Miller, li. R. Toole, J. A. Bishop, E. F. Strozier, J. A. Ward, P. IT. Willis. SAVED FR >M AN AWFUL FATE. “Everybody said I had consump tion,” writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambershurg, Pa., “I was so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by Hay Fever and Asthma, that few thoughts I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, used it, and was com pletely cured.” For desperate Throat and Lung Diseases it is the safest cure in the world, ai d is infallible for C' Ughs, Colds and Bronchial Affections. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at J. B. Ryals Drug Co. For Sale —Three Horizontal Return Tubular Boilers, thirty five horse power, forty-eight inches ' n diameter, sixteen feet long, with . twenty-four iew inch flues: coin p i et e Wltll fronts and grate bars. Vinton Lumber Co. 1-10-4t Cordele, Ga.