The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, March 07, 1902, Image 4

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The Cordele Sentinel. J. W. BIVINS, Editor and publisher. TEH MS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One Year......... ..$wo Six Month*...... 90 Three Month*. . 'lb ' . . Friday, March 7, 1902. — ■ The Jlawkimville Dispatch and News has declared for Prof. W 11. Merritt, of Valdosta, for State School Commis sioner. Tillman art the name! which should lie blotted out from memory and South Carolina should remember it by reward no more forever. It’s a knotty problem to convince the public that a real partisan newspaper can fgive the other fellow equal and exact justice nt all times. The grand jury has ordered the last of the court house bonds paid off and has lowered the tax rate in Dooly county to three mills. It’s coming—dispensary or anti-dis pensary—here in Dougherty county. The issue hasn’t been formally raised yet, hut there is lots of talk about it.— Albany Herald, “This is tough luck,” said Hain, mournfully, as lie leaned over the side of the ark. “What’s wrong now?” queried Shorn. “Why, all this water to fish in,” replied Ham, “and only two worms on board.” The Georgia Baptist Convention will meet in Rome March 26to 30, inclusive, and the railroads have given a rate of one and one-tenth fare for the round trip from all points in Georgia within 300 miles of Rome. The Augusta Chronicle states a fact and then asks a pertinent question in the following: “The new'spaper is called on to help every interest in the community, but does every interest in the community think about helping to support the newspaper?” A Kansas editor pays the following tribute to his “girl -.” “There is glad ness in her gladness when she’s glad— there is sadness in her sadness when she’s sad—but the gladness of her glad ness nor the sadness of the sadness is nothing to her madness when she’s mad.” It is estimated that the value of land along rural delivery routes has increas ed from $2 to $5 an acre. Then, too, there is an educational value in the rural free delivery, in that thousands more magazines and periodicals are finding their way to people’s homes. According to Uncle Sam, the best authority, Cordele shows the lowest death rate in proportion to number of inhabitants of any city in Georgia, and yet we know of some up-the-country people who believe Cordele is a veri table death hole, instead of being the healthiest city in Georgia. Many of Mr. Terrell’s friends are criticising him for not replying to Mr. Guerry’s attacks, replete ns they are with sarcasm and ridicule, and they express the opinion that he should hit back, even if ho does not enter joint debates, a decision in which they have heartily concurred.—Atlanta Cor. to the Savannah News. Fro o Blood Cor. . f> , Balm (B. b. B.) for all b , ()tnI troubles, such as ulcers, eating sores, »erofnlla, eczema, itching humors, pimples, hoi’s, carbuncles, blood po'son, achtnff bones, fostering KiS nant Wood nr .km .liseaee*. especial. ly advised for old, deep-seated cases It cures when all else fails. Heals every s >re by or pimple, stops all aches ( Mill pains Riving a he.llby Wood supply. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Thousands cured. At drug! stores, $1.00 per large bottle. Oar readers will receive a trial treatment free by writing Dr. Gillam, 213 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice given. Medicine sent at once, pre J. B. Ryals Drug ^o. 'Flic Sentinel i« indebted to Prof. Fleming,the efficient superintendent our public schools, for bis valued page article this week on “Cot-deles wonderful growth within the past three months.” It will prove quite interest ing to all who read it. - That ‘politics make strange bed fel lers” is fully illustrated by the present line-up in Doo'y county, The candi date of even two years ago would hard !y recognize the situation should he meet it in the middle of the road in the broad-open daylight. 'The Skntinkl has repeatedly an nounced that it would take no stock in county politics further than treat all candidates fairly and impartially and we trust that any candidate who feels himself slighted by the Sentinel will call and explain the slight so that we may say something nice about him too—provided there is anything nice to he said—and we guess there will be. There is a newspaper in Kansas whose motto is‘‘Lie, steal, drink and swear,” and it is thus explained by the editor: When you lie let it be down to pleasant dreams;when you steal, Jet it be away, from immoral associates; when you drink, let it be pure water; when you swear let it be that you will patronize your home paper, pay your subscription and not send your job work away from home. I. ost Kstrayed from my place at Bich wood last Thursday about dark a bay horse (Texas pony) about 10 years old; has long mane, scar on left hind foot between hoof and first joint, “N” brand on left hip. I offer $5 reward for the return of the horse to my place. R. F. Ferguson. Receiver’s Sale. Georgia -Dooly County. rendered By virtue of Third a decree National in the case of the Rank of Atlanta et al vs, Naval Store – Lumbermans Bank in Dooly Superior Court at the February Term. 1902, thereof, 1 will sell at public outcry, before to the highest bidder, for cash, Cordele. the Cordele National Bank in in said county and State, between the legal hours of sale, on Wednesday, April 9th, 1902, sixty (60) shares of capital Company. stock Right of the Cordele Compress and all to ft ject any bids reserved. This March 3, 1902. IX L. Henderson, Receiver, Wanted —Light set of books to keep at night, by experienced book-keeper whose time is not fully occupied. Address, Book-Keeper, care Sentinel. Nature Help Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi cine. If they do not thrive : on their food something is wrong. They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly. S C °EMIll£P! OIL j COD LIVER \ WmtttYPOPHOSPWTESofLlMESSODA will generally correct this difficulty. lf J™ Wi “ P ut fr0m ° nC - fourth to half a teaspoonful m baby s bottle three or four times 3 day you Will SOOH SCe a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to * Msnoftn f,,l sf'-n-dinff their to age, dissolved in milk, j) y0 J „ so desire, will show , . its great . , SOOI1 DOUriSfl' {ng power. If the mother’s i|h docs „ 0 , „ ourish thc baby, she needs the CfTUll* sjon< | t w j|| $how an c ff ect 3t , both , mother ,, Once Upon and child. Joe. and $1.00, *11 druggists. SCOTT – BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Report ot The Condition —or— TnE COUDELE NATIONAL HANK, AT COUDELE, IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, FEBRU ARY 25 th, 1902. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts * 189,210.24 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ................. 750.75 U. 8 Ronds to secure circu lation ................... 12 500.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 953.13 Banking bouse, furniture, and fixtures.............. 1,346.02 Due from National Ranks, (not reserve agents) ... 6,746.95 Due from State Banks and Banners.................. 7,437.17 Due from approved reserve agents............... 8,825.15 Checks and other cash items— Exchanges for clearinghouse 5,664.89 Notes of other National Ranks 500.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents........ 17.36 Lawful money reserve in bank: Specie 2.647.05 Legal-tender notes........ 1.445.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5% of circulation) 625.00 Total $238,674.71 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in...... $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund .............. 5,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid.... 2.711 89 National Rank notes out standing................ Banks 12,500.00 Due to State and Rankers................ 161.94 Individual deposits subject 143,305.27 to check................. Deman I certificates of deposit 4,518.71 Time certificates checks of deposit 20,469,48 Cashier’s outstanding 7.42 Total $238,674.71 State of Georgia, j-ss: County of Dooly, I. B.H. Palmer, Cashier of tlieabove named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. II. Palmer, Cashier. U. V. Whipple, [ , II. J. Maddox, Directors. Dave Browder. ) Subscribed and sworn to before me 4th day of March, 1902. W. T. Douqiitry, Notary Public, Dooly Co., Ga. SUSF* Purchase money notes mortgage attached. For sale the Sentinel. TELL THE PEOPLE IF IT’S FIRE, LIFE UlMirailU;, InciiffltirA y° u are not OR ANY KIND OF provided with If it’s a RESIDENCE they wish to rent or buy, If it’s CITY PROPERTY, FARM PROPERTY, SAW HILL TIMBER or TURPENTINE privileges they are in quest of, <^_ 77/5 PLACE TO GO, IS^ Room 6, over Stead – Whipple’s Drug Store And the undersigned will serve them promptly. Property owners will please see us when having any Realty they wish to sell or let, and we will endeavor to bring Good Returns for You. Truly, Hughes – Ethridge. All the New Things In Purses and Bags. In Endless Variety, KENNEDY, the JEWELER. Hew line Fine Umbrellas. Resolutions, Adopted by The Teachers Insti tute of Dooly County, Upon the Death of Miss Nora Ingram She was born November 9, 1878, an d was taken from this world of sorrow October ]6, 5901. She joined the Baptist church at Ml Vernon under the pastorage of Rev. G. T. Jennings. In the death of this young lady the Institute loses one of its best members, and we feel this sad loss. She was a Christian lady and her friends were numbered by her ac quaintances. She was a good worker in the school-room and institute. May we all imitate her example, and live nobler, better things and the vancement of His cause and the enlightenment of our country. Therefore be it Resolved, — That the Institute has lost one of its most worthy members. Resolved, Second, That we strive to carry on the work she began, to where it is most needed. Resolved, Third, That we extend our sympathy to the bereaved families, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Cordele Sentinel, the Vienna News and Vienna Progress. Rev. G. T. Jennings, Rev. J. M. Walters, Miss Maud Butler, Committee. IF A MAN LIE TO YOU, And say some other salve, ointment, localion. oil or alleged healer is as good as Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years ot marvelous cures of Piles, Burns, Boils, Corns, Felons, Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, Bruises and Skin Eruptions prove it’s the best and cheapest. 25c at J. B. Ryals Drug Co. Large line of Watches all sizes. Prettiest Store and best kept stock in the South. Mexican Mustang Ll lliment ws mutes and cattle. Farmers try it. ft **i i c i=r\ 1 )v s ID- 1 i i] V n i L St, ' fes! i' 8] .. I "*?3 *77. J'fl 7 A toad under a harrow suffers no more than the faithful horse that is tortured with Spavins, Swinney, Harness Sores, Sprains, etc. Most horse owners know this and apply the kind of sympathy that heals, known far and wide as Mexican Mustang Liniment Never fails—not even in the most aggravated known cases. Cures caked udder in cows quicker than muscle, any skin remedy. Hardly a disease peculiar to or joints that cannot be cured by it. Moviran is the best remedy on the marlteo for iUCAltdll -wind Galls, Sprains and Skin Lumps. Mustang Liniment It keeps horses and mules in condition. DOOLY SUPERIOR COURT - Reconvened Monday And Has Been arindj Away on the Crimlnal Docket. Dooly Superior Court convened Monday and Judge Littlejohn took up the criminal docket. The first case was that of state vs. Chas. Thomas, charged with rape. A verdict of guilty was re turned arid a sentence of five years was imposed. General Green entered a plea of guilty to charge of cheating and swindling and was fined ten months or $50. Charles Kinehen charged with murder was found guilty of man slaughter and got 12 years in the penitentiary. Chas. Atkins charged with burn ing barn of A. J. Fenn was found not guilty. Joe Hollon, colored, entered a plea of guilty of shooting at an other and received a sentence of 12 months or $60. The case of John Davis, charged with burning barn of Jordon Bros, consumed guilty. all of Wednesday, found not s I <$> OF <$> IJftCIiRHVIED XPRESS. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that unless previously called for. and charges paid, or otherwise disposed of, the Southern Express Company will sell to the highest bid for cash, at public auc tion at the city office of the Company in Cordele, Ga., m WEDNESDAY, APiliL 2nd, 1902, Commencing All at 9:30 a. 51. the articles described in printed lists to be seen in Southern Express Company’s office, Post Office, Court House, and other places. W. T. ELDER, Route Agent. C. C. CUTTS, Auctioneer. For Sale, Cheap. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 164, with two good houses on property; good fruit orchard. Must be sold in the next 60 days. Known as the Nancy Burk property. Apply to CL CL CUTTS, Bolton Building, Cordele, - Georgia, 2-28-6t i m wm The SENTINEL wants to bid on your work. Petition for Charter. GEORGIA, Dooly County. To the Superior Court of said County. The petition of S. J. Hill, It. L. Wil son, J. T. Hill and J. Slade, Jr., most respectfully shows the court: 1. They desire for themselves, and such others as may hereafter become associated with them, to be style incorpo- of rated under the name and “Spring Hill Lumber – Naval Stores Company,” for the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of such time, and with the principal office and place of doing business in Cordele, Georgia, and they desire the privilege of establishing an office at Spring Hill, Leon County, Florida, and at such other points as may become necessary, 2. The capital stock of said corpora I tion shall be $100,000.00 divided into one thousand shares of $ 100.00 each. and is already sawmill, paid up planing in property, mill, con- rail sisting of a road, locomotive, teams, turpentine accounts still, timber leases, notes and and chosen in action. The said saw mill and turpentine business and prop erty in connection therewith is located at Spring Hill, Leon County, Florida. 3. The purposes and. objects of the Company is to manufacture lumber and Naval Stores, to buy and sell, mortgage and convey directly or in trust, lum ber, naval stores, general merchandise, live stock, real and personal property of all kinds, issue and sell bonds, and to do all things necessary to the com plete and successful operation of a Lumber and Naval Stores Business. Wherefore they pray that they may be granted a charter conferring designated, upon and them all such powers such other powers as are usually granted and conferred in like cases and as are not contrary to the laws of said State. Petitioners will every pray, etc. S. .T. Hill, R. L. Wilson. J. T. Hill, J. Slade, Jr. J. T. HILL, Attorney. Georgia. Dooly County. I, J. Frank Powell, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Dooly County, do certi fy that the above and foregoing application is a true and correct copy of the for charter filed in my office. This the 19th. day of February, 1902. J. Frank Powell, Clerk.