The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, March 07, 1902, Image 5

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CLOSING OUT SALE Of WINTER GOODS at Actual New York Cost ! W'e have put on this sale, and the Goods MUST Go. We intend to Close them out At Once, and offer yo i. the Opportunity to buy our heavy goods at prices that will be Aston'shingly Low. A lot of Clothing-big values at regular price * cut to Cost price. Ladies’ Capes, Jackets, etc., the same way. Come at once and see for yourself. tLe Following S^-jna.-plo of HESstirg-ctiias* WE Offer Checked Homespun, at 3§c * Dress Calico, for 3fc 10c Percale, only 7|c Bed-Ticking, 5c Yard-wide Sea Island, 4%c 25c. Embroideries, at 5c Men’s Overalls, heavy goods, 39c Men’s 50c value Shirts, 39c Coats’ Thread, per spool, 4c Lot of men’s $1 Hats, to sell at 48c Come to us for anything in our line, at prices LOW ! FRESH GARDEN SEED. Best variety in town. $13.50 given away to our garden seed custom ers. Come buy from us and save money. Ask for the "Tree Tomato — none of its fruit ever touches the ground ; no sticking, and no grit . Fresh lot of Forward Corn--Garden and White Dent. CASH DRUG STORE, Stead – Whipple, Proprietors, CORDELE, GEORGIA. What a language is ours. If you call a man level headed, he will ^mile, but if you call it flat he gets mad. Bloating after eating, indigestion, flatulence or water brash, may be quickly corrected through the use of brick ley Ash Bitters. It strengthens digestion, cleanses and regulates the bowels. Cash Drug Store. Landreth’s Celebrated Eastern b>eed, sold only by J. B. Ryals Drug Co. fc OUR \ MEN’S f FURNISHINGS will not only prove serviceable, but suitable ANY MAN. Hats, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Shirts, Mufflers, Hose, Cuff blziO Buttons, Collar Buttons, Scarf Pins, Watch Fobs, –c. Call and inspect our line of new goods. – 9 ka ....... Lot of boys’ 50c Hats, going at 25c Yard-wide Bleaching, at 5c Ladies’ 25c Undervests, for 15c Lot of Children’s Hose, per pair, 3c Men’s Undershirts, at 15c Men’s Suspenders, for 9c Men’s Handkerchiefs, at 3c Large Lot of $2 Pants, to go at $1.33 Fascinators, only 22c Ball thread, 10 for 5c 8 flind – Church well, The Big Store, Cordele J Georgia. SHORT PARAGRAPHS, LOCAL, PERSONAL Mr, James Mitchell, of East man, was in the city tjiis week. Mr. L. C. Averett make a busi ness trip to South Georgia this week. Landreth’s Seed of all kinds, for spring planting, sold only by J. B. Ryals Drug Co. Cols. M. P. Hall and W. F. George, of Vienna, have formed a law partnership. Prof, R, J. Prentiss, of Fitzger ald was among friends in the city this week. The announcement of Mr. Jas. A. Williams, of Pinehurt, for tax collector, appears in this issue. Dr. J. A. Ward has purchased the Frank Williams farm just be yond the school building. The friends of J. A. Littlejohn, of Cordele, are urging him to make the race for tax collector. Mr. T. J. Murdock has accepted a position with the Hawkinsville – Florida Southern railroad has moved his family to Pitts. Miss Maggie Barfield, of Una dilla, returned home .Monday from a visit here to her sister Mrs. R. L. Wilson. Dooly’s efficient treasurer, Mr. D.A. Taylor, lias his announce ment for re-election to that office m this weeks Sentinel. Fo/ey’s colds, Honey prevents pneumonia. 3,d cures Col. W. S. Thompson, ot Greens boro, N. C., formally of Cordele, spent part of this and last week in Cordele and in attendance upon Dooly superior court. Foley*s Honey and Tar for children,sate, sure. No opiates. The announcements of Col. S. R Fields, Messrs. J. S. Pate and D. W. Harvard for representative ap pear in the Sentinel this week. Popular John Rains is now clerking at the hardware store of the Hutchinson Lumber – Supply Co. John’s many Cordele friends welcome him back to the city. Mr. L. J. Bush has opened up for business. His stock consists in dry goods, notions, shoes and gents’ furnishings. Read his double column advertisement on last page of Sentinel. Landreth’s silver skin and onion sets, sold only by J. B. Drug Co. Spinsters are scarce in but after diligent search a have been unearthed. They can be seen at the opera house night, March 11th. Pictures of Kansas Spinsters are on exhibition at Ryals Drug Co’s. Col. J. T. Hill has moved into the S. J. Hill residence and Mr. W. C. Hamilton into the J. T. Hill residence, both having purchased eaa ,, ?Tr ,, rcs .. 1 >d° which they 'T have moved. "““ B Ladies’ Corsets, at 25c Ladies’ Hose, 5c Men’s Socks, 5c Shoes, worth $1.50, for 98c Elastic or Lace Brogans, at 98c Infants’ Moccasins, for 13c Large Family Bibles, 98e Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 98c Straw Matting, for 10c Japanese Mattings .pretty patterns.23c. Mr. R. L. Persall has moved his and harness shop into the Willis-Wilson building. Mr. P. J. Willis will run a grocery in store room vacated by Mr. Persall in the Citizens Bank building. Landreth’s Seed will mature and are true to name, sold only by J. B. Ryals Drug Co. Some men are so dignified that they never unbend until they are broke. Judge M. H. Hickson, of Cor dele, has concluded to make the race for county treasurer, so if Jake Roberts runs and Drew Tay lor is already announced, there willbe a three-cornered race, unless another offers and makes it four. Sour stomach, fullness after eating, flatulence are all caused by imperfect digestion, Prickly Ash Bitters cor rects the disorder at once, drives out badly digested food and tones the stomach, liver and bowels. Cash Drug Store. The Spinsters’ entertainment is easily worth $1.00, but in order that no one may have excuse for failing to see these bewitching maidens, they will be placed on the market for one evening only at the low inspection fee of 50c. This barely covers cost of extra teeth and hair necessary for the occasion, Bachelors especially welcome. NEED MORE HELP. Ofteh the over-taxed organs of digestion cry out for help by Dy spepsia’s pains, Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches, liver complaints, bowel disorders. Such troubles call for prompt use of Dr. King’s New J.ife Pills. They are gentle, *»!« <*». a* at B. Co. Famitupe To suit you, at prices to please you. We have a line, that is attractive in every way. Take a look at it if you want to buy Builders, Contractors in terested in buying Sash, Doors, Blinds and Paints will do well to consult Ph M. Berg, Cordele, re presenting R. C. Wilder Sons Co. Macon. From $500 to $1000 for cottage in Cordele located in first ward. It must be a bargain. J.W. Bivins. BANNER SALVE the most healing salve In the world. Big Boll Prolific Russell cotton seed for sale at 50 cts. per bushel, by J. G. Dokough, Cordele, Ga. FRESH FISH—All kinds fresh and salt water fish on hand at all times at Artesian Well Fish House.’ Phone 123, O.B Parker, 9-20 tf Cordele, Ga. It is always unlucky to play cards with a woman w .o has win ning ways. ' ' Gsa JeEiie: pres jtylv i .tod pichioM, h* -ad f a liu n co’AULg of Ii 9m mkfmn \Viil k< <m> th--:n absolutely moisti. ml and u;\'\ '/>. Pu ro Refined Paraffine so ns'• nil . .. dOLca oilier way a t the hou; . direction:-* Li each pu :»go. Sold everywhere. Vi STANDARD OIL GO. K Sjgu' um-. ffiWfc Si See our Bargain Counters, they will interest YOU ! There are Candies And Candies, But Our Candies Are Candies as is E=S We sell the Best or not at all. If you try our Nut Bon-Bons and 1 ruit Tabletts, you will be con vinced of this fact. Almond, Walnut, C'o coanut, Brazil and Pignolia Bon-Bons. Lemon, Lime, Cherry, Hore Bananna, Orange, hound and MintTabletts Stead – Whipple, Peoples Bank Stand, CORDELE, - GEORGIA. XIF 1 You are in possession of something you don’t want advertise it in the Sentinel and it goes. XIF 1 You want something you haven’t got, advertise for it through the Sentinel, and it comes.