The Cordele sentinel. (Cordele, Ga.) 1894-????, March 07, 1902, Image 8

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IN BUSINESS AGAIN. I wish to announce to my friends and old customers in Cor dele and Dooly county, that I have just opened up in business again—this time a different line of goods. Am located now in the Bolton building, next door east of Cash Drug Store. My stock consists in Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions, Gents’ Hurnishings. All of which are new and stylish goods. |Wy Line of Shoes Wear easy and wear a long time. They were made to fit the foot. A nd the Drices are not high. Come around and look at them, any how. The public generally is invited to call and inspect these goods in the differ ent departments before you bay. iVe will make it to your interest to do so. Yours for mutual interest, L. J. BUSH. Cordele, Georgia. FROM THE SEVENTH GRADE. (Continued from 1st page) and ascend the pulpit and preach the gospel with ns much vim, as lie ever conjugated “amo,” The cousin of Rev. S. M. Jones (that is to be) will be a school teaclief in some village of South Georgia. Miss Lois Tinsley, another of our most attractive young ladies, who can do anything from cake walking to praying in public, pos sesses an over amount of original ity, For instance, in contradic tion to all of the dictionaries, she nave as definition to “friar”—a Tying pan with grease in it. Mr. Herbert Williams, one of he most fascinating of young man, ami one that can cast such expressive glances, will be a f ess or in some university. With the nickname of ‘‘-Puttie,” Mr. Alvah Jones hails from It la’s sunny skies, lie will spend his winters in business, while in summer, he will be content to en • joy the refreshing baths in the cool springs at White Springs, Fla. One of the smartest boys (in his own estimation) in school is ter Dennard, of Hawkinsville In solving algebraic problems and geometric propositions lie- has equal. His college career will one of unalloyed success, and he will be, in after years, a most prominent lawyer. One of the smallest girls in her class is Addie Braunau. Intellec tually, she is great; mentally she ia great; physically she is small. She will teach music m her native town, and sing in the village choir. Bertram Morgan, a rather di minutive specimen of manhood, and one whose future is so dim, we do not attempt to foretell it. Howard Reese, (who by-the-wav ;s very fond of peanuts) will fol low in the footsteps of his father and he a minister. « Mr. J. Haywood Poole, a de scendant of Longfellow, will be a commercial gentleman of great re nown. His conceit is almost as as bis heighth, but perhaps lie will overcome this in the futuie. Mr. Willie Parker will be a far He will also be a fine pene if’it is true that practice makes perfect. Mr. Ernest Wellou will be a and a deacon in the Alonzo Cox will be a man of wit and genius, almost a second Mark Twain. Mr. Floyd Chamhbliss will be a farmer on that plantation in Marion county. His brother Wade, will also be a farmer. Honold Snmorford will be a re- Gents’ Furnishings. Most any man looks well wticn he dresses weil. The very latest up-to-date goods in this department. It doesn’t cost you a fortune to get what you want here. nowned mathematician. His text books will be used in every school. Richard Bowen will live and die on a farm far from the place where he studied algebra and geometry. Last, comes Gussye Hatcher, who will in some future time have “The chair of English” in some college. Warranty Deeds. Tile Sen tinel has just, printed and now has for sale Warranty Deeds—the correct form. Foley’s Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. The Sentinel ami Semi-Weekly News Loth for $1.50 a year, WANTED ! Reliable man for Manager of a Branch Office we wish to open jj-j this vicinity. Here is a good opening for the right man. Kindi v give good reference when writing. The A. T. Morris Wholesale House, CINCINNATI, OHIO. (F#-!llustrated catalogue for 4 ots. In stamps —. MARK A. CAUTILER, ATTORNEY AN1> COUNSELOR. Douglas, Georgia. t\ cl! ('quipped collection department. Stenographer and Notary in office. Reference : Union Banking Oo.‘ Peoples Bank, 1 Ouglas. All business sent me will receive prompt , personal attention HAWKIiiSViLLE k FLORIDA SnUTBEKN RAILWAY. Pine Belt Route. LOCAL TIJVCJ3 TABLE 3STO. 5. In effect January 27, 1902. ________ _ NORTH BOUND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOUND First second First- Second class class class class Daily, Daily Kx. Daily Daily sun Kx. Sun. Train Train Train Train No. 1 No. 8 No. 2 No 4. 3 CO p in i 40 a ni OLv ........Worth, Ga....... Ar 1 00 p m 8 10 p m 3 02 p m 7 42 a m 1 ........ Donier, Ga..... 12 55 p m 8 05 p in 3 tO p in 7 55 a m 4 ......Stiiuglers, Ga....... 12 45 p m 8 00 p m 3 25 p it) 8 15 a ni 8 .........Amboy, Ga....... 12 40 p m 7 50 p m 3 35 p in 8 30 a ill 10 ..... DavisyilleGa....... 12 27 p in 7 40 p ni 3 50 p ni 8 45 ,1 ill 15 ......... Rush. Ga........ 12 15 p m 7 25 p m f>7 p in 8 55 a ni 17 .... Allapahii River, Ga.... 12 10 p m 7 15 p m 4 00 p m Si 00 a ni 18 ........Steele, Ga........ 12 07 p m 7 05 p m 4 02 p ni si 05 a ni , 11 Q Ar ) 12 05 p m 7 00 p in 4 10 p m Si 40 a m Lv t •••,” ’ Pitts, Ga...... ) 12 00 m 6 30 p m 4 IT p m 9 50 a m nil25| 21 .......Auslev, Ga...... 11 52 a in 6 23 p m 4 4 30 30 p m 10 05 a 27 .....Pope .....Rocky City. Point, Ga .... 11 38 a in 6 10 p in p in 10 10 a m Ga...... 11 30 a m 6 00 p m 4 42 p in 10 20 a m29 ..... Barton, Ga........ 11 20 a m 5 50 p ra 4 47 p in to 30 a m 30 .......Pmeview, Ga....... 11 15 a m 5 40 p m 4 54 p ill 10 40 a m 32 .......Peniel, Ga....... 11 10 a m 5 30 p in 5 10 p in mil 10 56 a m)37 m|39 .....Wallace. Ga........ 10 55 a m 5 12 p m 5 15 n l 05 a ...... Chancy. Ga ...... 10 50 a m 4 45 p m 5 30 p m l l 20 a in 44 Ar .. Ga .... Lv 10 35 a m : 4 80 p in lETitizigreraAcL Biancli, Train No. 5. — Stations - Train No. 6. 7 30 a m. — Lv. Isaacs. Ga. Ar. 8 25 p in. 7 7)0 a m. w* Luke. Ga. 8 00 pm. 8 15 a m. C Ar. Davisville, Ga. Lv. 7 40 p m. Trains No's. 1 and 2 have absolute right of track. -CONNECTIONS.- ilawkinsville—With Southern Ry., and Wrightsville – Tennille R. R. Pitts—-With Seaboard Air Line Railway. Worth—With Georgia Southern will only – Florida Railway. Mondays, Trans and No’s. Fridays 5 and 6 on Fitzgerald P. Branch ,T. DOMER, Superintendent, riuj on Worth, Wednes- Ga. days H. 11. STEELE, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Ga. Ladies’ Goods. These goods in this de partment have been selected with ladles e-pecial care. The are sure to be call pleased and when they look at this line. You are invited—come! Candidates' Notices. [Announcements of candidates will bo inserted in this column for $5 each. They will be limited in space to 1 % inches, and will be inserted until the date of primary. They must be paid for cash in advanck ; no deviation from this rule for anyone. J FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the voters of Dooly county: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for representative for Dooly county in the next general assembly of Gt orgia, subject to the coming demo cratic primary. I promise if nomina ted and elected to use my best efforts to do my full duty in every respect. I will appreciate the support of every one. Very Respectfully, S. R. Fields. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. The friends of Mr. J. S. Pate will actively Democratic support primary him at the for approach- office ing the of Representative of Dooly county, and and earnestly ask the support co operation jf the voters of Dooly county in his behalf. FOIt REPRESENTATIVE. After being earnestly solicited by many of the good people of Dooly county to again enter the race for representative of the general assembly. I have after mature delib ration con sented to stand for re-election, subject to the democratic primary With grateful thanks to the good people of my county for past kindnesses and the honor they conferred on me. I assure them that if again chosen to represent them, I will ever be faithful to their trust. Respectfully, D. W. Harvard. FOR TREASURER. 1 hereby announce mvself a candi date for re-election to the office county treasurer subject to the demo primary. Thanking my frieods for their support in the past and solic iting a continuance of same, 1 am, Very Respectfully, D. A. Taylor. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce mvseif a candi date for the office of Tax Collector, subject t > a nomination by the Demo of – evfl4ffid"aiid ^felStcd^iiKve ability! ail to the best of my Respectfully, .Tas. A. Williams. Rock=a=%e Baby These are sweet words, but how much pain and suffering they used to mean. It’s different now. Since Mother’s Friend has become known expectant mothers have been spared fhuch of the anguish of child birth. Mother's friend is a liniment to be applied externally. It is rubbed thoroughly Into the muscles of the abdomen. It give, elasticity and strength, and when the fina' 1 great strain comes they respond quickly and easily without pain, Mother’s Friend i» never taken internally. Internal remedies at this time do more harm than good. If a m AN n\ v J m A, L I ^ . 51 woman is supplied with this splendid lini ment she need never fear rising or swelling breasts, morning sickness, or any of the discomforts -which usually accompany pro nancy. The proprietor of a large hotel in Tampa, Fla., writes: “My wife had an awful time with her first child. During her second pregnancy, Mother’s Friend was used and the baby was born easily before the doctoi arrived It’s certainly great.” Get Mother’* Fri-oc! at tile dm g itore. $4 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO , Atlanta, Ga. Wri^forour ^ musing u>° k , -Beior.u.b Are you superstitious ? If you have a horse-shoe, hang it the door, and if it doesn’t fall you, you are lucky. Subscribe for the Cordele tinel. Only $1.00 per year. Warrantv Deeds. The Sen ' TINBL has just printed and now has for sale Warranty Deeds—the correct form. MONEY TO LOAN. We are headquarters for loans on improved farm lands in Dooly county, payable in 5 years time, 7 per cent, interest. No 10 per cent, commission, only small fee for abstract and closing loan. Money obtained promptly. Write to or call on J. H. Woodward – Son, Lawyers, Vienna, Ga. BI© CLEARANCE SALE i •mma iwrar-; In order to make room for our immensi Spring and Summer stock, we are compelled to move a great deal of our present stock. Fo a limited time we will have our GREAT SL AUGHTER SALE ON Goods will not be charged to any one at these prices—no tickets made, but for Spot Cash only For the convenience of many, we will charge goods at regular prices: Yard-Wide Sheeting, 4c Good Checks, 3%C Good Calico, 4c Needles, per pkg., lc Pins, per pkg., lc lc Thimbles, at Good Lead Pencils, per doz., 5c 25c packages of Needles for 5c Shirts that sold for $1.25, now 85c Shirts that so]d for $1.00, now 75c Shirts that sold for 75c., now 60c Shirts that sold for 50c., now 35c Men’s and Ladies’ Heavy Under shirts Avere 50c., now going at 35c Suspenders Suspenders that sold for 10c, now 5c that sold for 15c, now 10c Suspenders that sold for 25c, now 15c Suspenders that sold for 50c. now 35c Suspenders that sold for 75c, now 50c Suspenders that sold for $1, now 75c Hats, stamped by the manufac turer, formerly $3.00, $1.50, now $1.00 Hate we sold for now $2.25 Hats we sold for $2.50, now $2 OO Hats we sold for $1.00, now 80c ... We . have small lot ^ of Clothing. . a Full suits, Coats and Vests, odd Pants,and Overcoats, that MUST go. WE HAYE POT THE KNIFE INTO ALL PRICES IN OUR DRY GOODS STORE. We also carry in stock FURNITURE of all kinds, MATTING, WINDOW SHADES, Etc. * T. C. BARGE – CO. OQ M b^IPJ=JTi C3-_trjOIE3 When You buy, Bn; Something Good to Eat. My stock of '^« S e5^8*. Staple and Fancy Groceries FRESH AND Come and see me, or telephone for what you want. J. S. SHEPPARD, 8th Street, Bolton Building, CORDELE, GEORGIA aching kidneys Urinary troubles, talnttation of the heart. Constipation and stom ach disorders, yield at once to Prickly Ash Bitters It is a marvelous kidney tonic and system cleanser, strengthens the tired kidneys, helps digestion, regu y lates the bowels. PRICE, *1.00. SOLO OV ALL DRUG0I8TS. CASH DRUG STORE, Special Agents. SHOES 1 W. L. Douglas shoes, stamped price $4.00, now $3.65 W. L. Douglas shoes, stamped price $8.50, now $3.20 W. L. Douglas shoes, stamped price $8.00, now $2.75 Men’s oil grain Creole shoes, we sold at $1.35, now going at $1.15 Berkshire Tie shoes sold at $1.25, now95c Old Gents’ shoes, sold at $2, now $1.50. Ladies’ Dongola, button or lace, formerly $2.50, now $ 2.00 Ladies’ Dongola, button or lace, formerly $2, now going at $1.65 Ladies’ Dongola, button or lace, formerly $1.50, now $1.15 Clay Davis, the $2 kind for $1.50 Women’s glove-grain, worth Jfl., for 85c. Women’s glove-grain C i $1.25, “ flpg^Children’s and Misses Shoes, all solid, at a Great Reduction.