Hamilton visitor. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1874-1875, November 13, 1874, Image 4

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£!}? ,fnri:i aitii Bourrrfjoß. Grangers. No order has ever sprang np witli the rapidity of that we are jnt now witnessing- in the Patrons of Husban dry, and composed, as it is, of the very best class of the community, its power cannot but be felt in the land. It is composed of .a class of men who feel that tbr-v have some interest in common. They seem to feci that they have somebody besides them selves to live for. They give each other a warmer grasp of the hand, and salute one another more cordially. They bury the partisan, sectarian and other prejudices that have hereto fore tmde them strangers and almost enemies. They meet one another as friends and brothers, and talk over their matters, their prospects and hopes, in the most confidential man ner, They talk more than formerly, read more, think more. They learn that it is necessary to cultivate their brains as wolf as their crops. They feel that what is for the interest of one farmer is for the interest of another, and that it is only by mutual co-operation that they can protect and advance their own interests. Knowing they have controlling num bers in their county, State and na tion, they feel that they are masters of tlie situation, if they act with wis dom.—Dalian Commercial, Texan. KuitP'JiTic Faint and Hour Tiny. —Somebody wroto the following ad vice years ago, lint, like other good things, it comes to the surface occa sionally, and will bear repeating: If you* get a moment to spare, spruce np ; put a little paint on the picket fence you built last year; triin up 1 lie door yard; make it cosy and in vitin';. Do not say you can’t find time to attend to these things. The fact is, yon have no light to be slov only. It can do you no good ; on the* contrary, it will mar your poace, wound your self-respect and impair your credit. Then, by all means, sprue© up a little, at odd times, and at even times, -too, for that matter. It will make you feel vastly better, xuul, may boa, trifle proud of your •pretty homestead. Your wife and children will lie made happier for it; your .neighbors will lie enriched, boavftrfeed and blessed by it; and yoT farm wilt bo worth moro money }u the market and he of greater value to you at home, if you spruce up a little bow and then. Uimcken Cum. t.t.a.— This cltsenso ♦worn* to st-i4c to tlie South, an.l it is <kortod l>y many. 1 feared it for yenrs; now Ido not, though I made many experiments, and lost both stock and money, before I found out how to keep lhis disease away from my fowls. My way of feeding is, ev ery morning, to make a feed of about two thirds of wheat; bran and. one third corn meal, and to about a peck of feed, I put a largo handful of salt, twice a week; nnd if you want to get. plenty of eggs feed bran daily. M hat suggested it to me was, that feeding bran to-cows caused them to give plenty of milk, ami as eggs an.l milk j are very much alike in tlicir qualities, 1 thought ii ought to have a good ef fect on my hens. It did. I had eggs all the winter, when nvy neigh bors had none. My feed in the even ing is corn, or oats, every other day, and t wice a week 1 poor coal oil on the corn, just enough to coal each grain with the oil. 1 have used coal ; oil for several years with good effect, j I keep my chicken house clean, white washed inside and out. 1 get a gal lon of crude carbolic oil, costing 7$ j cents, and scatter a little of it around j the house, about twice a month; also, a little in the whitewash. I leave the jug of acid uncorked in the chicken house, so that the odor is always pros out. I have lost no chickens from clioiera tliis yew; hit I would ad-1 viso all who keep chickens to exam ine the hen house every morning, end ( aee if there is any green, slimy drop- j pings on the floor ; and if there is, look for the lien ; lmr rear feathers will be soiied, and comb turning dark. Separate her at once and try some cholera remedy. Camphor and whis- ky is good.— Our Home Journal tinti Southld'nf„ Tomatoes were first used in this country as an edible in the year 1819, by the late Hon. Bailey Bartlett, of Haverhill, but the'- did not come in to general use until more than twenty years subsequent to that date. In a letter to Joseph llarrod. Esq., ot Portland, Maine, Sheriff Bartlett said, “ Cut up and dressed as yon would a cucumber, the tomatoe makes a very good salad.” Ci.kvstsa Stocks.—Stove lustre, 1 when mixed with turpentine and ap plied iu the usual manner, is blacker, -e . j,t, 2 more dure hi® than when mixed with any other liquid Idle Uirpemmt prevents mat, and 4 ' “4V *♦ .’ •. V, : • ft ■ jJI GRAND GIFT CONCERT i w ill be given in the city of ! Greensboro, N. December 31, 1574, i for Hie purpoa* of ereeting an ODD FELLOWS’ TEMPLE. The Grand Gift is the Eon Dow House, WORTH SOO,OOO. O-ra-nci Oa,£?ln G-lft ©IO,OOO. Real Estate Gift#, 81,5500 Cash “ $88,500 Ahily 10C),000 Tickets to be issued. Price of Tickets, $2.50. Agonta Wanted.- TT.'Y' l-'nr further parti ilium, n'ldrcss the .'.lmager, Ui.si M, (ireengtioro, N T . novC, (’. MENDKSIIAI.r., Manager. HARRIS SHERIFF’S SALES. i Will be koM before the Court-house door in II mail ton, within tlio lentil bourn of Hale., on the first Tiieiul-ty in I4#>ceral:x;r ru*xt, the property. [ J Lot of laud No l<)4, known a* the lot on wli.ujh uho brick bou-c is located; ml*o the north half of I'd No 105; alno 142 1-2 acres of lot No 10H, and half interest in Lie mill or Kin privileges, contain in# 20 or 21 acres, owned jointly hy 8 8 Jen kina, conLi filing in all 4.00 1-2 fM’f (.'> of laiyl, more or lens, known ;is tliT ftlfo plantation and r< sidenee of J II Ffeuiii *on, in the —■ — district ol Harris coun ty. Levied on as tin* property of NII Heal, trust o, etc., to satisfy afi fa issued from lUMw-in Superior Court In favor of .1 il Har rison \*h. N II Heal, trusteo of Mrs Juliet K Hriffm and her children; for tin- balance of the pimoney of said land. Property pointed out hy pl.iintilf’s attorney. Also, at ilie same time and place, part of lot of land No 122, in the 21st distiiot of Harris county, known and distinguished in the |>l n and survey of (lie town of Hamilton as follows, to wit: Parts of lots Nos 14, 65 and L, enclosed as u giuat'-n, and lyintf hack of the Masonic I/id ire, and running hack to the alley in front of the stable lot; also Nos 42''and 42. containing halt an acre each, and known as the stable lots; also lot No 00, lying east of said stable lots, containing one acre more or less; also lot No 85, lying broadside to and due east of said lot No 00, and c >n laininp one act * more or hss; also lot No 41. known as ihe (Jorham stable lot, east of the hack street, one hundred feet in fiont and rnrirdn.; hack two hundred f et, and joining a lot of James M Mobley on the ronth; also lot No OK, joining said Mobley on the west; also lot No 82. lying east of said lot No 08, each containing about one acre more or less, or two hundred feet square; also a ceitnhi other lot, No 11, formerly known as the Gor ham lot, fVonting upon the main street- one hundred feet and running luck two hundred feet; also part of lot No 12, fronting the pub lic square, about 25 feet in front, and running* hack east, to the back street, the same form erly known as Murphoy k Crook’s store lot; also two other lots, known as lots Nos 22and 22 ail of said lands being in the town of Hamilton in said comity of Harris. Jyvied on and Hold as the property of 8 U & 11 A Morph* y under a mortgage ii fa in favor of John W Murphcy vk. 8 U k U A. Murphoy. Property, pointed out in said mortgage. Abo pouth half of lot of laud No lilt, in the 2.Ut ilislri< tof Hitrris onunly, levied on k tint property of John C Ht*A;h, to Hiitiufy a fi fa itvUU'tl from tho Suporior Honrt of UarnH eounly. in favor of Kilwin \\ illimuH vh. nit id Ikbtrh Hohl tV*r hahtnee of parclmur nioiicy. I’ropfitv pointed out hy plaintilf. AK'o 122 aTOB off went side of lot rtf land No 8, and 40 aca-es otf southeast corner of lot No 25 said lhid*b ing in the 2d district of originally Troup, now lliutih comity. Lv ied on as the property of (leo. M *v Heo. II nryan, to satisfy a fi fa in my hands issued from the Bupeii ‘r (’ourt of Troup county in favor* of John VV 8h .pjerd. Also 171 uept h off lot of land No 05, all of lot No tO, containing 202 1-2 acres, 50 acres off lot No 02, 75 acres oil lot No <l4, 5 acres otf n n thwest corner of lot No 02 said lots and parts of lots of land being known as the Isaac Jhlmsoik place, and tituaM in tho 21st district of Hau ls county. Levied on to sat ! isfv a fi fa issued from tin* Superior Court of I said county in favor of J II Lovelace vs Isaac j Johnson. It. il. WILLIAMS. novG-td * Sheriff; J $5,000 T<> SITftH'IMRKRS OF TUB 1 TLA NTA CONSTITUTION. THK SWOXP WiNUAI, riSTKIRUTIOH of presents, which wc hnve heretofore an - noimud, amt for '.vtiu li we srv under obbgn ttons to some aubscrihcni will come oIV on the loth of November next Our distribution <tilfers from those of lend ins; Noilhern and Weston newspapers in two particulars: lirst. onr presents are awarded to both daily and weekly subscribers ; and sec ondly, to both new and old subscribers. Mv. 'y drtiy subscriber paying $lO for ono* ycar’f subscription, will lvuiive u registered card entitling him to participate in the dis tribution; ttvery da ; ly subsoiibw paying $- for six months, will receive a caul entitling: him to a half interest in the cash presents awarded. A club of five weekly sulwtiliCTß sending *lO for one year’s su* script ion will receive onr leglateied curd: one weekly subscriber can get a registered card by advancing MO subscription, or a card entitling him to one half interest in the cash presents by advanc ing ris\ibcc4ptiQn. . eff-i,, out- la-t distribution a clui> of weekly svilweilbers obtained Twtxvi: neumutD and rim dou.au* in gold, which was paid to Mr. fico. F.berlimt, l'aoli,. Madison county. Ha , iu the presence of ex- Mavor HAmmoek. The Weekly Constitution is a mammoth eight-page sheet, containing forty-eight eol only siagwtar Asa family and farm ioumal II is unsurpassed in the Ifnited States tit' Thephin is the sameastiie fust, whiel, anvo such nnivorsnl AirishioHon. The dis tribution will be in public, and superintended by commissioner*. rv*-. All the presents distributed without s,aliog. and to lama tide subscribers only. rye-Subscribe at once before tlie distribn tkiu comes otV, and you are too late., for it is the last. Simple copies of the Constitution, and cir i ntlars giving full particulars, sent free on ap -1 plication. Ijheral tn< ncement* and a speehtl list of pr, ini,mis oiler, dto local sgents. Address W A HKMI'HH.I. k CO.. Atlanta. (a.* r As tliis. ntuy )>e vn by some unacquainted with it-, "c r ‘r, tv pe, mis.-.,- i n. to ex-May or Ifsn.mo k. 00l li W Adair. Col .1 it Wallace, leading eitiams, vtlto superintend, M l onr fiist distiihut'on. and also to the present Mayor of Atlanta. Col S P Spriivr. sepll GEORGIA Habt.is CotxTT. B-lai-ob C Meftehce applies for letters of ad ministration cum test.ameuto annexe upon the estate of Saimh Mac s, late of said county AH poisons concerned are hereby notified I to show cause, if any they have, by the first 1" . b. P.cean 1 ' r~, v t why said applica ,ti ’ ScVd not bo ’rsiP sl. :;na.- ,u hand and o:*v-ial :gna itm NaviKi A Hew Idea! WILSON SHUTTLE Sawing Made 50 Dollars J ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned SlitllfiSswiiMacls! TIIE BEST IN THE WORLD I E3fTlic Highest rreniinm was awarded to it at ■VIE IST :N" A.; Ohio State Fair} Northern Oiiio Fair; Anier. Institute, N. Y.j; Cincinnati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition; St. Louis Fair; Louisiana State Fair; Mississippi State Fair; and Georgia Stato Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the largest and best raugo of work. All atliap JUucliines in tiio Market were in direct COMPETITION!! tSTFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. "Whore we have no Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named above, at the nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken in Exchange. Sand for Circulars, Price List, &c., and Copy of the Wilson Reflector, one of the best, Periodicals of the day, devoted to Sewing Ma cninos, Fashions, General News and Miscellany. Agents Wanted . auduess, Wilson’ Swim Marti® Cos. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Till: SAVANNAH ADVERTISER, I'GRUSHBD DAILY ANl> WEEKLY AT SAVANNAH GEORGIA Gec X Nichols. F. W. Sims. Proprietor. Business Manager. 'l'lte Advertiser Fa live, comprehensive new .-paper, publishing the latest news and market reports from ail parts of tb** country, particular atbntion Kdng given to Savan nah's local and commercial affairs. In Politics the Advertiser will be a bold and fearless ex ponent of the Hcmocvatic otnservativc crveil. To Advertisers unexcelled advantage.* are olf. red our large and intTCAbitiii civul*tit>n rendering the Atl vertuer a.valuable advertising medium. Tvtums, Daily, one year .. 0 months H months f Weekly, one year - • I ***' Acents wanted in every town. Sample copies fr v on application to tiiisoftiee. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. Wo have oporol at Dr. I'edcll’s old stand, and now offer to the 1 adits of Hamilton and vßinltv. 'iwtP *ct and <’f V: fh>T>- . Kh'wc.s, THbhr! aod other £o*.d !’ihy k* ot it* a miUisirrf rtahlihrao!:t •and! of whkh w# off*- o'w for cash. ~ - 'rn;Ni:tL SAY.’3 $25 I J' - f J*’o FLOREICi' S'Wnii iUCEIJE. .’ ■ t. ■ -r-i the Imres the FLOBEMF, Slim ICfIIXB CO. Have Mil . ; heir Macliiiics THIRTY PI CENT. The j- i.miENi:n is tic only machine jliat Rcwt. backwards and forwards, or to the ligl-t and left, as the pu: chaser may prefer. In its construction the Fcobknce is the most pkbeect and simple of any good sewing machine. Always tiie Best—row the Ciieatlst. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE CO., may 22 15 Ootlon Avenue, Macon, Ga. Nil ' s*§§[ i ■ VV;-' S', h 4 ; - - .--Av , • ' - •f .-;-- .ri.. il •; r;. j: ; I- . . •' - A ' T i- ' • - 4 •; - • • ,V a. ■ ■ t-. ; : I-..- c \ . ■ . H.J— .*• - .•/, - - ' ■*••' - ■ if .... THE BROWN COTTON GIN. Thu- attention, of planters and others is again called to the above old and reliable make ol Cotton Gins. They are furnished this year greatly improved, and nothing which an experience of thirty years in their manufacture could sm-ge-t has been left un done to make them the most reliable and perfect Colton Go:-bi market. As the 15- t Hr .-rr-iflirYlf LVC*Tr. 1 *trtj Trfx-t tu w*rtiT csLihlishcd rcpuWmn and widc-spvend pop ularity. For Pepfi'.ction < f s\'orkmanship, Sxbkngtii Light Lcnmno. and (ji'AM iTY and quality of i.inf l’Bi'Bi’Ci-D, wc challenge com petition. We are prepared to waruant to anv reasonable exieiit uekfeot satisfacti*n to every planter or onerator ’\ he ti us are sold at the lowest possible p’ l for pood . machines, and on lenr-oiitode terms* \N e in- ( vite examination of tho samples iu the hands j of our local agents who will give all desired j information, and furnish applicants with cu- ! culars and copies of commendatory letters fi did parties using the Gins in all sections of j the cotton planting country Circulars, Price Lists, and ottier information, may he obtain* dof our agents or by addressing the Brown Cotton Gin Cos., New London, Conn. .) 11. SCOTT, Agent, West Point, Ga. PROSPECTUS OF THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD. James Gok{>o-Bknnett, Proprietor The Weekly Ileiald is published every Saturday, at live cents per copy. Annual subscription price:—it One Copy $2 Three Copies 5 Five Copies 8j Ten Copies 15 Postage live cents per copy for three months. Any linger number, addressed to names of subscribers, SI.OO each. An extra copy will he sent to every club of ten. . Twenty copies to one address one year, sL’o, aud any larger number at the same price. Two extra copies will be stint to clubs of twenty. These rates make the Weekly Herald the cheapest publication in the country. Terms cash in advance. Money sent by mail will be at tho ink of the sender. A generous portion of. the Weekly Herald will tie nppropiiatcd to agriculture, floricul ture, pomology am! the management of do mestic animals. Particular attention w ill be (raid also to reports of the markets. The aim will bo to make the Weekly Her ald superior to any other agricultural and lamily newspaper in the country. Every number of the Weekly Herald will contain a select story and the latest and most important news by telegraph from all pans of the world up to the hour of publica tion. During the session of Congress tire W eekly Herald will contain a summary of the pro ceedings and the latest news by telegraph from Washington. poKlieal, religious, fash ionable, artistic, lit.raiy and sporting intelli gence ; ebituirv notices, varieties, amuse ments, cditoiia! articles on the prominent topics of the day. a review of thy cattle and dry goods markets, fmanci and and commercial intelligence, and accounts of a'l the impor tant and interesting events of the week. The Herald employs no agents in the country nor in distant cit es to canvass lor subscribers, as none are necessary. Any per son pro*ending to le an agent for the \\ ,vk!y Herald should be treated as a common .-win dier. The. club system lias abolished the agency svstvm. It ’- -me and cheap. The price of suK-eviption. whenever prac ticable, should bo transmitted by posT-oftice orders. It is the safest mode of transmitting money by mail. At small p st-offi-es in the country where post-office oidels cannot be obtained, money may be remitted in registered letters. Advertisements, to a limited number, will be inserted in the Weekly Herald. Price of the Daily Herald, four cents a I copy. Annual subscription price pi-, al !ways in advance. Write the address on letters to the New York Herald, in a isrld and l-gitile hand. ,! t*>* name o£ earn sutu*',Hx-r. of ■ ••• > plainly tlm' ers iu a V and ' be i.able to U.S. PIANO CO. 6 2 9 0- It costs less than S3OO to make any SOOO Piano sold through agents, ail of whom make 100 per cent profit. We have no agents, but ■ihin direct to families at factory price. We make only one style, and have hut one price—Two Hundred an- Ninety boiLS net cash, with no discount to dealers oi com missions to teachers. Our lumber tj thor oughly seasoned ; our cases are Double \ e neereo with Rosewood have front roun corners serpentine bottom and carved legs We n’.- the full iron pl-.te with overstrung bass French Grand Aetr-n with top damp ers and our keys are of the best ivory, with ivory fronts. Our I’iano has seven octaves- - is 0 feet ( J inches long, 3 feet 4 inches wide, and weighs, boxed, 955 pounds. Every I lano is fullv warranted for five years. Send for Illustrated Circular in which we refer to over one thousand Bankers, Merch/ nnts, etc (some of whom you may know/, using our Piano in 47 States and J erritin icS. Please state where yon saw this notice. UNITED STATES PIANO CO., jullO-ly 810 Broadway, New Yoik. Iroiii £22 i'll© illopdl rr’.rr- jvp T> r \ X \ t*v pYiiri* Vitalizes / ' i" -- X n-.u KmMtm the X"J -'‘'.i.'i'" . ' ’ ’ J'.e.o up the - -hup the p!’ yirNY f: -rF % female I'mcplahits, F..-V Pebaitj-.Hu f'• -:. -ft ' ' l'.suT,sia. c- W? ' : r iron 4 Jthy, nnd hnnj>y mon and women;, ni.u juv-J. roasonalii v h a-tate to give it a trial, r.. ~ i'o sure you get the right arlirlo. Bee tnat “P'-rtivian tSyrup’’ is blown in tiio glass, ramnlilo’ s free. Bend Hr one. ?-KTH W'.FOW'LK & SONS, Proprietory Boston, Maas. For sale by druggists jroLoraUy. p* * JT r ; r " ‘T i k3 e-l wif a ii si PORTABLE Family Gbyplh™ MaeMne, 1 Fries, S2O. | § J- ;* ° I ' I K -f % MmL. i s | , TTlth Sti*ourfls fd-viAcr®. H r;cofi 3 3 equal to nay, rv- % ca With bemi-Gulding Feed, . ® and Automatic Stitch Fastener. All other Machines require the movement of from 25 to 30 pieces to every stitch—this requires but Two 1 . Hence it is a svmbol of simplicity and strength. Fur lull partic ulars send for Circular—then buy no other until von see the Machine, for “peeing is believing.)’ Agents wanti-d in ecf.rt/ tarn in the country. If §5 are seni with the order the balance can lie C. O. I). Agei*s mii't pay full price for single Machines, percentage on fir-t to be deducted when six Machines are paid t. r. Terms to agents, cash with order, or C. </■ !>• BECKWITH 3. M. Cos., 862 BroadwsV. N. Y. : H ts ' Rank the highest for Durability, Per feet an cl Ease of Operation. They are the most sHent. light running ami serviceable, the easiest to willingly paid for, and answer every requirement in the family and manufactory. Liberal teiins to Agents. Address, ** Domestic ” Sewing Macfclno Cos., New-York. PAgif^ljH^ONS. Comprise a large and varied assortment of I’atterift for Ladies’, Misses’, and-Cidldrei*s Garments of foreign and domestic designs, by tho most accomplished rented to the public, and take the lead wherever intro duced. Aden's wanted . Sehd for illustrated Cata logue. Address, 44 Domestic 99 Sewing Machine Cos., New-Yorh. Devott:d to Fashion, Literature and Art. A. thoroughly reliable, refined and practical informant concerning matters oi Fas’.iion in all its departnients-;- a repository of choice ami entertaining literature, hand gome illustrations, art criticisms, etc., etc., and a Journal specially adapted to the wants of the home-circle. Terms, t>l.UO per year. .Specimen copies free. Onf Dollar given Away to every subscriber In the celebrated “ Domestic" Paper Fashions as pre mium. Canvassers wanted everywhere . Address, “Domestic” Monthly, “Domestic” Buililing v New-York* waters’ mmmp mm ®are the most beautiful lit style ait*l perfect in tone (is crermailc. 'J SSfiCON r.AI CEBTO S'fi'oe* Is the best taer placed in any ° r S au - It is produced by wrtl©iliaS%Sslirt an e vtca set cf reals,pc cnliarly voiced, the jVJvCJLo-.-. • :■%- LEll XT of which is r?wrafegiaag '■:!? most im h ti , , (Sf- L •• u\*i end sot i.. ’ i", ..-b e S’i’l RUIN ii.uhile NsT : f ! STu2i'.- Wifc.-i'ifK its MlI i ATIOSi as 4 IlSfSfl Of the 18 I'M AN iP'SJ i ‘i.'.l.'f VOICE i sc. WfJ ißß'MLliiifelilmK PERU. Terms liberal. jm pMI|l WATERS’ Upf - Philharmo p- ' -Kir-" nie, Vesper and Orchestral ORGANS in IUNTQPE PKENCHCASES,*’<(nnmj the best itiude, anti combine I’tßl'S’l' cf VOICING teiih great volume of tone, Suitable f-.r I’ SItLOK, UiClU'll, or JtIUSBC HALL. Waters’ Mew Scale Pianos kare great power and a fine singing tone, Ki.ha.ll modern improvements, mid are the HISS I*t A AOS MABE. These Organs ant I‘ianos are warranted/it'6 years. PRICES EXTREMELY LO for cash or part casti.d balance ta tstont li ly or quarterly payments. Second hand iisstrn tnents taltcn t-evtliango AG ENT 8 WASTED in every County in the It. S. end Canada. A liberal dis count/', Teachers. tliniders.Churches,Schoots,Li<tges, etc ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES MAILED. IIOItACE WATERS .V SON, 4Sl3roudvny, New Vork. l’.O.BoxooGJ. THE PARKER GUI!. - STAMPFORCIRCOIA. PARKER BRO’S WEST MERIDEN,CT, POSTPONED ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Harris county, I will sell before the Court lion door in Hamilton, between the ieaal hours of sale, on the tirst Tuesday in IVretnber next, all the lands belonging to the estate of Tobn McKay, deceased, except the widow's dower, to wit : Lot No 110 lot 10d. lot No 83. east half of lot No B*2. 10a acres of lot No 78, in the 18th district of or u nally Muscogee, llow Harris j county, containing I*- all 865 acres, more or : le s. Terms*half cash, loanee due in twelve months with 7 per cent interest nov6 T. J. NHAL. Adm’r. STOP AND REFLECT A MOMENT. rv> you owe TV. Riuce? If you do. for the sake of humauity, tat rum, or you may not _et liisservices k : tin. T\> p y a!', or a part, as in* is in fr*eat ned of money to pay his own miebl-Cji- sS. novl Mf IsrißßiiM Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters the most wonder ful Invigoraut tlutt ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Hit ters Recording to directions, and re main long unwell, provided their boues are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or gans wasted bey oni repair. liilious, Remittent, and In termittent Fevers, which are so nrevTilent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United Slates, especially those of the Mississippi, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colo rado, Briuos, Uio _ Grande, Pearl,. Alabama. Mobile,‘Sav.mnah, Ro anoke. James, ami many others, Wit+j *'.,yir vrjflf-Arihie Mass, ‘A.vifgi- . out our entire country during the Summer ar.i Autumn, and remarka bly so during seasons of inusual heat and dryness, arc invarially ac companied by extensive derange nc-ts of the stomach and liver, and t’ler abdominal visusra. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these vari ous organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily removo the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating tho secretions of the liver, and generally rastoring the healthy func tions of Ute digestive organs. Fortify the body against dis ease by purifying all its fluids with Viseoa* Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus I'ore-armcd. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ao],i, Fain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tion of the Heart, Inflammation of the Bungs, Fain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bot tle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or jung’sEvil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations,. Indolent Inflammations, Meffcnrial affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these., as in ail other constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vin egarßitters have shown their groat cur ative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.— Persons engaged in Faints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Tvpe-setters, Gold-beaters and Miners, as they advance in life, are sub- J-.c t f<' ptUTtilfir' of <bo DrtH'oi*-., To gnwtl. against, tiii--, titleo a closo o Wa’-l&j&R-'s V iNiSviAil Bitters occasionally.. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches,Spots, Pim ples, pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring worms,. Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipe las, Itch,. Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Humors and Diseases of. the Skin of. whatever uaiiio or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system iu a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tup?, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thou sands, are effectually destroyed and re moved. No system of medicine, no ver mifuges, no anthelminitics will free tho system from worms like these Bitters. For Fenialt 1 Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, ortho turn of life, these Ton ic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sor-sp cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in tho veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health ut the system will follow.. n. H. KcDOSALD cfo CO., Druccists & Gen. Acts., San Francisco. Califor nia F cm-. ofWasliiiii;ton nmlCharlton Sts.,N.r. Sold by all m-iismsis and Dealer s. The recent ter* of Fire*Proof Safes by the English Government proved the superiority of Alum Filling. No other Safes filled with Alum and Plaster-of-Paris. MARVIN <& GO.? 265 Broadway, ft. Y., 721 Chestnut St., Phi!a. ®^p® 8 i/4 fe£L 20(i Papes: ‘<oo Engravings and Colored Plate. Published quarterly, at 2oc a year. First number for 1!574 just issued. A Ger , man edition at same price. Address, Jaass Vick. Rochester, New York. R- El RAHWAY’S utADY RELIES CW'tS.s* TISK IFCTSWf ” *>UNS In fr om One to Twenty Yinotes ’’ ?UOT ON& HOLSf re* • Lulh ft lvei t;e, •-la SUFFEt! WITH PAIN. EaOWAVS *KAl>k '.rtIKF is A KVKRV.fA JN. It wFui the Drat and i Tho < *lx 8 Pa I n Xi-- mr , thft* in.stanily B’ops st >■-:*ia..Uu• u*, r ’ Inllxi . . in i, nnd cures liewllethar” ■ liU'G' ’ -via b, jJoweU, Of o'.h-v /laailsor ur - r ' OL6U ini * ur -• RDM ONE TO TWENT7 MINJTI*. nr vtr h violent <<• excruciab u tht D .’u H . MAT,,;, i[-ridden, Inririn,Onp,-i,,i At tralgic or jipastnued vvilhdlsyusem•.> m 4 14 • RADWAY’S READ : REU ( * WILL AFFORD INSTANT EAiffiL II INFA>i>iATION Oh THE KIDNEYS. TXFLA MMAT I N O F THE a INFLAMMATION OF TH DOWELS. '*• OONli . ION OF SPHK Lt’i m ■ SORE Tni OAT, 1)1 K 1 r t,T BllifiATHlN.d * ■ PALPITATION OF THF, HBA&T H HYSTERICS, CROUP, Dj. HTRIA. K U' AOAt.IH Tool,l ”"<■ I KRUR A i .GI A, AHEC Mai ISM. ■ COLD CHILLS, AGUE Cil.'.XsT *• ■ The apyillcation of tbo Re ady rtß’.ef'cLhepvltf 9 parts wiiCi-fc \\t pp-.u or dihioulty will lauriem ■ anflOomiort. ■ Twenty drops-lnhnlfa iumbhr of v*;tter vlii !>-.*.* R moments' lire OH K M PS.hP ■\>’VS,SOUR BTOMa(-IL K HK.t RTDitK'. ‘ - G, . -n v -&.*• ■ , > • Ut/. m-isu j: ih" f<> i. H ’’.J* ■ b A frftv an. ;at* K v. . ■ .-.111 .'■"■*}s Tb a ■ (if H Vi iitsr. \ 11., fttst -k Io; ; ihi.-e U* ■ hint. ‘ ■ 17- £V CS| AM -• AftlHß. I "•" ■ns v.Wiife-tslfoeflOy o*l ix 1 r'k I Rb- i.x -at •*• ■4U ifaU fid th:*t Wil* .r._ ■ nr Ttr'D- •- idJi., ‘ l -!••• -s i' : . wifi ■ W ’• ■> 9oqVi'f.ka.-t FA -‘VYA.V iA> ■ kL t-1' 1 eats i'er IbmU*. ■ HI ST*PUB* RICH iih- N-ih< : API ■ il ANI> WBICHT-. • f-s \ *Ki m AM) ■ j; iTFULOMIPLEAIONciECI dGttTOA’d, ■ m. 9Jk JV/AY'E Sars-pilM Eenoßsif TH % CRixAT BLOOD PURITIER, DA MAD: m ASTON r SUIN' [Or. 'O ®APID AJRR T3E CHANOKS. THf ii- )l)Y i .’®KRWB UNDER THE INFI.OKXCV OF THUS TRULY W- •>DEBFLL MEl'/KTffS. I THAT Emißaj as tease ii M ml Feiiil ttSeei asiM Rvary drop of the SARSaPARILUAN • : 't. .iiiiunieaies tbrw ghihe Blooct,Swe*t, Uimi. i .-..•r Fluids and joitßs cf the the' "irsf ) r - rs tho, • - 3 of ,v *t cty .vithu i : ;al scrofula. -j. i.. u-uDip-wii, ‘ m. n!.r cine, Ulcers in tae PumaU Mouth, In rrmrs, No loslnthe Glands and Othei >- - ria of system, .re iil-yas, F(rO/lorouadtochurge fr in the Rw. ’.J v.c. .forni forms of Skin discuses, Eruption*', rerer * Fore*, Sc il lil •and, Rlsir Worm.uaU Bhe era Rtt*;. <bcoe Bl>--.k spots, Wdi-matn tho F’.est, uinors, Gan or ►■sin the W-imh, and ail weak- ling and pn inful dis* -/•*?. .Vjgr.t s woats. I.oss ofKpurm au.iallWastesof ■ tbri HD r.nuple. are withia the curative range of tint w ule l Modern G'hfimistry, am'/ftffcw d-ijs' Tsoviil pi ve' my pt*r- • v-.using it forcuher oftlese fonu ’ dIF.-As- s potent p vrr to cure them. It V. ■’ dttiiv DecomiT.g reduced ' -thf-v fc.n>”. dear-no</ 41011 that is cumin,uaily processing, sue cee-is in arrest tngth. -o v.-rstes, and repairs the sar;*: wi’h ’ -Dial-.•l'ialmado from health.Fblood—and Ufa th .-;.V liB.%PAdtILLIAN will and does reenre—acurs i- riivuin; fr a ben once th/trem -dy cimunmceg id ivoi ic of purifier. Vi on, and Miocseds in diminishing ihe i o of wastes, iw* repairs wiil be rapid, an vrer/ddy tho oaGo-it wiHfoel himself;/rowing t-citer nnd stronger,, m id riist-r : better eppetito improving, aad liesh : id iveikht imiri’.isiDß. Sii 1 mlv A o-s 1 Salsav ailu ak Rrsoi.v t exesla ■ j; ow.'i i iiediHl acetifsin the core ■ 't-hi 'vt.Scr l G-oi; cuu.onal. and Skiu disease* ; b ;it Is the v dy posmys cure for IxidiK v <C Madder Cotnp'ri’rta, Urinary n. i'V >tab diseases,(?ra vel. FMabe , , Props/, S opoft-'C < i V V'jUr, lucontmenceof L'rtne, > 1 M l;. •*., A MmAiuiuna, and in all ca*es whore -hr9 .*•• in i.-.t d.-posits, or the water in .hick, clonty, w tin s-i. K-. luces like toe white of a1; ear;, or l tirtiad Hk aitosik , or there is* * morbid, dark, Hlinus aprfaf fcjica and White boned ust do is* tails, aud w'-.-r. uetK a pricking. bifninß sensation when passing wr- •. pain inlheMnall of the Back au.i along ibuLouui S’ti.tto> of l‘i Year*' Cr- "< . Cured by. lladway's Itenol! I- r*R. RAD WAY’S Fofest furgitin l perfectly 'nsieless. elegantly coated with r ,.;r . purify, cleanse a’udiiren.':h ■-a wa* a i'll;; .-r ih-’ cure cf-d! disorders of. in- A Li-er, He,vois, Hbidder. NcrvonH Hen&v-ib iiAUpatlon.Gostivene.ss, Indigesdon, Pr*' pops'2, l>. louftnea-j, Billon* Fever, Inflanm -tion o'ae Boi -ftla, Pi c and all Dorangemer.ts of ih -l iiteccal Yla-.-era. Wiirvaatwi to effioct a positive cure V* -etabie, contam.ng no mercury, mineralaot deJwwv ° U \ few doses of nA nW AY'S FILLS will free the sy tom from all the above r.lers. Pi :cc. r.rr Bos. SOT;!’ HY iB®GGISTB. iI R AD “rUNKANTt fIt V”N Seno OM. \di* etampt*R .U>WA Y CO .VoS2 W - ** *•, NBW York- Information worth thousoaids will ho ret. yoti- BEST TE€a lOS Ao-uitAa \ w >Vv‘ r ' SEND FOR ITS RECORD* BICKWIT S2O. Portable Family Setriog vac< g POMJL*? of &ny v tba arket. Makes? the 5. Stitci .uttiS; ngth, Cspse ••. and * EqruU to any, re^ar• -a of c B< Kuith Sfwlr? : -,t*h -e I{| 86** BROADWAY f ORK tgi tts sated wrer,wi>ei*. 6v - at tad Circai&n.