Hamilton visitor. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1874-1875, November 27, 1874, Image 4

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(&\)i /amt anii Boiiaffjoli). Hon to Make Vinegar. A correspondent, with ’.lie premi ses that to make good vinegar you must have good pure cider, and see to it that, the barrel into which it is to be put is entirely frea from any taint, proceeds with the process of making as follows: Cider once properly made and put into sweet, fresh barrels, the balance of the process in vinegar-making is no tmek at all. It is a chemical pro cess, to'be sure, but nature will be a gnoi! manipulator of it. The chemis try of the thing consists simply in the oxygenation of the cider, and if the air is allowed free access to it the on slowly through the winter and more rapidly in u,c summer. The process may be accel erated by keeping the eider in a v-arm room, and made more rapid Still by trickling 11 10 < i.icr ibrougtl tl j hogshead or large cylinder perforated with holes ou the side uud Ailed with birch shavings, so an to allow the air to uouie iu direct contact with it. A little yeast added to the eider gives it a good start On its fermenting course. f ■$ . , Our custom is to await the slow process of nature, and to admit air to the eider only through the bong-hole. In the summer wo take tlit* ban dy out if the cellar Anil place them in a sunny place, nailing some wire gauze over the bung-holts to keep out (lies ami straws.. This mode of making vinegar requires about twelve mouths. Early-made eider "ill sometimes go through tho vinous and ncctuous l’er mentations the same fall, but it, forms a poor article, sud we prefer to wait ;lgl4 the latter part of October or the first t,f November before wo start tlie aider-mill for the supply •of the vinegar cellar, llewane of all nostrums in the man ufacture of vinegar. The simple, tin adulterated juico of ripe apples—if s nail ami knotty, no mat ter—makes ilie best thivsred vinegar. Brown .•sugar, molasses, mustard-seeds and all flavorings and medications are a •damage. Homo recommend adding ithe “ mother of vinegar ” from some •old vinogar'burnl. TJiis “mother” iis a fungus growth on 0111 vinegar, .-oiid will doubtless hast,*ll tho ace* rtous ferrnentation r in eidor,, ah .it con ttuina within itselt the seeds of alecay. lbnt it is very apt to contain -*ls6 bad Havocs and too much corruption. Putting 41 mother” with now cidoi is too much like bringing up a little cKiM to iHseoaate atnl sleep w ith it* aged and inikm gi undmother. The child grtt old fast enough with out such. 10 unnatural catalytic inllu ence. If any 'tmo has old yidcr in his od lar wlii'st he wishes to double in val ue, l% is tho time to put it outin- U the sunshine. It will “'mshe ” twice as last in tho warm out door air as it does in tho cellar. Sweetening the Dueath.—From p'x to ten drops of concentrated so lution of ch'oride -of soda in a witu glassful Of pun* spring water, takei immediately after tho .ablutions o! ‘&*inrr srP completed, will ’•'•Mifecting GRAND GIFT CONCERT I will be given in the city ot Greensboro, N. C. f December SI, 1874, *'t r the* purpose of erecting an ODD FELLOWS’ TRIPLE. The Grand Gift is the iOonToo-w House, WORTH $60,000. Or<ancL Catli Gift SIO,OOO. Real Estate Gu ts, 81,8500 : Cash “ £88,500 I Only 100,000 Tickets to be i.-sued. j ice of Tickets, s2.!>o. Agents Wan tool-J For further p 1 ti* ulai“. fuUlrt ss the i ?-I.*cu.u,i*r, Jox H, (jlicflinhoro, N. (-. novfj I'. MK.VIMhNHALD, M*n(rcr HARRIS SHERIFF’S SALES. Will ItcMill before tlie Court-hoime floor in llainiitou, within tho hours of sto on the tirnt Tumi .y in December n xt, the following property: Lot of land No 104, known us the lot on which the brick hon e in hcalel: nl-o the north half of Jot No 10/>; a\<> 1 12 1-1- n< ■!••*; of lot No 105, aial half ink-test in the n.iil or gin prfvihgeK, (fuitalning HO or li I ;i< n owned joint y- by D H Jenkinii, containim', bi ail 400 1-2 acffK of land, more ov Icpj>. Known am the kite plantation and rtuidi rit eol .J 11 If i,rrir.oii, in the - district of Harris eenm ty. Lericd on n the property of Nlf De.v, trustee, etc., to Httim'y afi la in- ’ I from Jhldwin Superior (’ourt in favor of .1 il )l >r ri.ion V:L N II Ileal, 1 1'UMOC of Mr-t JlllM It (iriflin arid her cbililivn, lor lb* balance of! the purebme money of hiM land, i’: it i!y pointed out by plaintiff d nt .orm y. i Also, nt the Fame time ami place, part of Jot of land No 102, in tie 21.-t disttiut <d i-Juri'i* connly, known and < 1 i>tin '.uisljed in the pl*n and survey of tin? town of lb.mill, m as foliowH, to wit: I'ar-s of Juts Nos 11. 55 and D, encloHcd an a e.attlen, an ! lying ba< U of the Masonic i-odee, and running back to •be alley in front of the ht ibJe lot; abo Nos 42 and 44, containing hall an acre ach, and known ns tin stable lids; ul. o Jot No GO, j)ing cant of h. i'! Hlablo lot*, containing one acm more or IchhJ also lot No 85, lyim; brofnlfMe to jiirJ due ctibl oft; i.i lot No O'i, ami cn tnininp om? acre more or le>; ulp< lot No 11. known as tlie (Jorlittm stahJe J>4 east of the l acJ; street, one hundrctl fe< t in f:out anti limiting back two l>im<h'*<l (' et. and joining ft lot of J'.tincs M Mold y n llio rowtli; aDo lotNoUH, jo!?l!n^’buhl the west; uJgn Itd No 8:1, lyin.T eont of mi.l lot No 08, e-uli aheut cue aere vim re or less, or two hundred feet mjn: rc.*; a!o i icitain other lot No 11, forineify known n> the (|or hatu lot, fronty upou (fie maiu itrect <ie hundreU l et and imminu: luck U liundied feet; aJ.:o part of lot No 12 fiontitiM D e jnth lie about *25 lief in front, an r hack <ad to the hack street, the Mime l\ rin eil) known its Murphey Si Crook’s ►tore lot; also two other h h, known na lots Nor 52tn.d all of Huhl landa heinj? in the town of IluiniltoD in said county ol II .nD. lAvie<l on ami noli! iih the property of Slt& li A Murploy under a iiiotfC i, K'e <i fain favor of .hihn W Murphey vs. S it & K A Muvpliey. I’roj * rty pointed out in H*il mortgage. Also south half of I tof land No 29, in the 21ft district of Hanis comity, levied on ns the propnty of .h*hn (' Heivt h lo Hiflsly at\ fa Ijwvicu from tbeSni evior Court of Han s county In favor of Edwin Willianw vs. said Dench sold for balance of purchase money. Diopcrty pointed out by plaiulilf. AI o 112 acres off west side of It.t of hmd No 8, and *lO acres off southeast corner of lot No 25 Mniil land b ing in the s**l district of uigindly Tit up, now Iburrlß county. Lev ied (n as the property of Geo. M *v Geo. II j'ryan, to satis I y a li fa in my ham's issued Item tin? Snp.ni >r (Joint <f Iroup county in fa \ or of John W Hr p t crd. A’so 171 acres off hit of land No 65. all of hit No <>(, containing 20*2 1-2 acres. 50 acres off lot No 01, 75 wren off lot No tit, 5 acica off northwest comer of lot No OH- said lotw au<d pa ltd of lots of land hciiw known as the Isaac dohneon plucc. in dsituahd in the 21st dldtktof Ihnris comity. Levied un to sat isfy a li la Irstn and fiom the Kupetloi Coin ' oi said county ill favor of .1 H l/ovchi-'e vs Isaac .Jolimvm. It. il. WILLIAM nmdbtd Sheriff. 85.000 TO SUBSCRIBERS OF 'l'll 10 A TJLANTA COXSTITU TlOX\ TDK SECOND ANNUAL l ISTRIIU I ION >f presents, which we have here! Con* an %**red, ami f t whl* l we p.iv umh r ohbga e suiiff i*>e4< will come off on tn xl those of lead **kiperHin two rih'd to A I?3W Idea,! WILSON SHUTTLE Cpwin nr fif Q plump uu hiilo kuuliiUu I _ Ijfril a pa Jf , ? tr FOR 50 Dollars i ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Guy the World-Renowned SMffiMlfiClilfl! TilK BEST IN THE WORLD! tSTTIie Highest Premium was awarded to it at "VIE TSTTST.A_; Ohio State Fair; Northern Ohio Fair; Amor. Institute, N. Y. j Cincinnati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition; St. Louis Fair; Louisiana State Fair; Mississippi State Fair; and Georgia Stuto Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the largest niul best range of work. All other Machines in the Market were in direct COMPETITION !! EWFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed . "Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Machino for tho price named above, at the nearest Hail Hoad Station of Purchasers. Needles for ail Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken in'Exehange. Send for Circulars, Frice List, &c., and Copy of the 'Viison Reflector, one of tho ■'Periodicals of the day, *•0 Sewing Ma " -ns, General '•*ny. SAVE $23 I j | By F>|y irg a 1 | FLU'CE SEIM SAME. 0 To meet the nrg r* ■ i.-'. >.? ihelimcbthe FLOiIEACE SEUl.'ii iiUliiSE CO, Have Reduced Hie Tri e X llitir .Uadiilies THIRTY RHI Ci XT. The IT.OBE3K, is t!ir -!y r.-'hir.e Uial •i*WK hi< -kwuicU and foiMurds, or To the lidht F.ad left, as the purchase may prefer. Tfi its cormtuutjon tie Fi.oiir.Nrj: is t!;<- most niuFLCT aud simdlk and any good Bewiug machine. i Always titk Best—kot the Ciikaoest. FLOBEKCE SEWJTG MAOIIIKi: CO., rna\22 B r ) Cotton Avinue, Jfaeon, G:i. ."V.' V r - .... ' ' ■'./ \?£v- .-•■■■' T • .-ay -- . ----- ,• '- + ••• •;,>>-■;'% If A ’ ■ A A ’G"'A;-' a TANARUS: A : , t ■ .' -V. ir- - - TIIE BROWN COTTON GIN. The attention of planters and others is again called to the above old and reliable make of Cotton Gins. They arc furni.-hed tliis year greatly improved, and nothing which an experience of thirty years in their manufacture could suggest has been h ft un done to make them the mod n liable and perfect Cotton Gin in marked. As the ic sulfc of our efforts we need only refer to their established reputation and wide-spread pop ularity. For Perfection of "Work man sine. Strength. Light Upxmng, and tg antitv and ovality of lint produced, we chtdletigc com petition. We are prepared to warrant to any reasonable extent n iu kct satisfaeiicD to evry planter or onendor. Mio (Ins art sold at the lowest possible prites for good nuubines, and ou veasonai’w terms. We in vite examinati on of the samples in the bands of our local agents who will cive all desired in lot mat ion, and furnish applicants with cir culars and copies of com mend at ory loiters from parties using the Gins in nil sections of the cot top planting country Circulars, LYicc Lists, and other information, may l*e obtaim and ol our sgonts or by addiessirpr the Brown Got ton Gin Cos., New London, Conn. .1 It. MCO'JT, Agent. We t Point, Ga. rnosPEcrrs of the NEW YORK Wi.bKJ.Y HERALD. James Goi don Ehxneit, Proprietor 'llie Weekly lie aid is published every Satur lav. at live c.iVs per copy. Arn:u .i subsetiption price: - ()no Copy ir- Three Copies 5 Five Copies 8 Ten Co]>loß 1 • l*i Gnv.o live cents per copy for tin* months. Any larger number, addressed to juim subscribes, $1.50 evud;. All o.xtia copy wiP be sent to every ten. Twenty copies to o’ c address 825 and any larger number a* pi ice. Two extra copies wili be ser twt nty. Ihvtc rates make: the \V' cl tea pi st pnblicidion ir> tlv Terms cash in odvavc uiai! will bo at thorisk A gemaous portkm be ppi'i>pt ia>dd •1U.1..A Stff U. S. PIANO CO. & 2 0 0- ;t <.,is haw than #:4) to imike any #COt- Pi , no , t |,| through f. nil of whor.i umki IPO pci* cent profit V.'e have no agents, hut al.i]) cliriet to families nt taetoiy price. We make only one style, anil have but one price—Ttyo ITvki>*bi> and Ninety Dollars not cast), witli no discount to dealers or coin missions to teachers. Our lumber is thor ought v seasoned ;<■ u r cus* s aie ( lot in... A K NLLii.-n with I'osowood —have front round colliers, reipentine bottom and carved legs We use the full iron pi itewi h overstrung bass ---French Grand Acte n with top damp er:-', and our keys are of the he.-t ivory, wilt, ivory fronts. Our Piano lias seven oi taves is ti feet 9 inches long, 3 feet -1 indies wide, and weighs, boxed, 905 pounds. Every Piano is fiillv warranted for live years. Send for Illustrated Circular in which we refer to over one thousand J!takers, Merch ants, etc (some of whom you may know), using our Piano in 47 States and Territories. Pica-.- state wiiere you saw tics notice. I NITED STATES PIANO CO.. juliO-ly 810 Broadway, New York. ,2 . •> .... jia., i£.Pty jaiiMFt>yUi. -ed'-V-.-s. 'iITT-: PKEWfAW ' .. ~>v : l jiv !' \ itui./vA • - \ X fi.l Knr:cb..-.i tho ~• • • X T \ iiii -f’i'o.ps up f.J ■ \ !< in.Jiiii.’.Ji tij) UiG •V ' *. "• limkt ii-dfv. n. < F,. y .... ■- rj h'f-.siio (o!npia:nt.% ; " tv,l!u* V “t :•*• ; I ••'• &c . ■F'-.’b v Thousands havo £' A r/X:■. J been vliuE/rcd by tho V~, K -.7^ -yZ nso of this resnody from weak, sickly, ~. suffering creatures, to ftfrone. healthy, and happy nu-n and women; and i-v.did3 cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial, Caution. —Bo euro you get tho right urticlo. See that “Peruvian t vrup' 1 i:> blown in the glass. l*a:nphlcts free. Send fir on<3. SKTII \A FOWLT3 SDIS, Pi-oprictora, Mass. For Eulo by druggists generally. TH F R5p;MV# 9T M Sy So 1 3 Ltw its. c'l iis fii PORTABLE Family Sewins SSaeMn®, ■p-iir-a i ff’-an iiiU. uiU U, ’ „ * s -' :<v 'j-;../ ; j-r’/vv Will. K.rearss,.|; ' C ?avlcy JL’ .'vpovrl w 1 to any, •*?- Kmiil'.‘* or A-o.!. A3r ' Wilhboml-G Feed, ; Beauty, Utility and Strength combined. ami Automatic Stitch Fastener. All other Machines require the movement o*' from 25 to 30 pieces to eve. y stitch—this require* hut Two! Hence it is a symbol <>f simplicity am! strength. For lullpartic liliirs.send for Circular—then buy no other until you see the iVi ichlne, for ‘‘seeing is believing.” Agents wanted in eno ti horn in the count.//. If $5 are sent w:;h the < rder tho balance cun be C. O. D. Agents )>•!; ;t pay full price forsinglc Machines, percentage r i lost to be deducted when six Machines are paid lor. Terms to agenw, cash with order, or C. O. D. t.ECKV/ITIS S. K. Cos.. BS2 Broadway. N. Y. Vv 1 N3 J MACH < Nl- 5 Rank the highest fc r Durability, Tcrfect Work, and Ease of Operation. They are the most silent, light** running and serviceable, the easiest to sell, and most" -willingly paid for, am. answer every requirement in ‘ Die family and manufactory,. Liberal terms to Agents. Address, 44 Domestic ” Sewing Machine Cn., Nevr-Ycrk. Comprise a large and varied assortment of Patterns for Ladies’, Misses’, and Children's Garments of foreign and domestic designs, by the most accomplished tiloilistea. They tire the most perfect fitting, most elaborate, and yet tlie most simple patterns ever pre sented to the public, and ta!:e the lead wherever intro duced. Aj’-n's icon ted. fc'cnd for illustrated Cata logue. Address, 44 Domes!ie ” Revrinsr 3laeliine fo.. New-Tork. l>KvoTri to Fasihox, Litfrvrtip.n am> Abt. A thoroughly rcliabte, r**ruul ju<l pi;uiic;l ii.foruiaiit cont’orehig inMter.s 01 Fashion in all its Uvpertinents; a ivposUorv <>t* choice nwl entertaining liteniture. haiul some ilh’.otrations, urt criiicisi!is,etc.. et.,e.ntl a Jourual. specialty r.tlapte.l to the wa;.td of the l.o:ne-cii - ele Term.j, tj>l.so i>:*r year. fcj>ecinu;u copies tree On/. Dollar oivr.N Away to cvfry sute the celcbrutoil “Domestic" Diver Fueb uilura. Canvassers wanted cveryich' “Domestic” Mont’ Domestic ’* T mawW ,j. are fa - : . r .v^a F PM Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegab Bitters the most wonder ful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. No I’erson can take these Bit ters according to directions, and re main long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or gans wasted beyond repair. Bilious, ileiiiittent, and In tenuitteht Fevers, which are so prevalent in tho valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States', especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colo rado, Brazos, Itio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ko anoko, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarka bly so during seasons of unusual beat and dryness, arc invariably ac companied by extensive derange ments of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon tlicso vari ous organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dm J. Walker's Vixeuau I-hTTiais, us they will speedily remove tUodark-eulured viscid mutter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of tho liver, aud generally restoring the healthy func tions of tho digestive organs. Fortify tho body against dis ease bypurifying all its fluids with Yix'Hgar BiTTuas. No epidemic can take hold of a system tints fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Fain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Bruetations of the Stomach, Bad Taste iu tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tion of tlie Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Bain in tho region of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bot tle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King’s Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers. Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial alfec tions, Did Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. Ju these, ns in all other constitutional Diseases, Walkku's Vix i;oAitßlTTKiiS have shown their great cur ative powers in tho most obstinate and intmgtable cases. Far IhlJiiirUDaioi’y and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tout and Intcnniltont Fevers, Diseases of the Flood, Li ver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters liavo no .equal. Kuch Dis eases. are caused by Vitiated liluod. Medhiuikrl DlsCßSfiS.—Persons engaged in Paint:; u:ul Minerals, such as Plumber.- 1 , Type-sc '.civ. liokl-l-.-aters and Miners, as they advance in life, are sub ject to pami 1\ .-is of the Bowels, 'i'.i guard against this, tuk.r a do-o of Walkß Vf.NK.i.'.u Bcn’i-ms occasionally. For Hklu i.Ahfriisj'.s, f Totter. Salt lflmum, Biotc 1 ' pics, Pastilles, Ih.iis. ' worms, ScaiJ-hcR 1 la-;, U;h, S' Skin, lle whats dr With no Toilsome Tread of the Treadlo. R. R. R, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF CCBEB THE WORST PAINS lln from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after readtnj'tk!* a t vort>* ia- n t need any on* SUEFKIt WITH PAIX. EAD WAYS U£ADY RELIEF IS A CURB F0& K VKRY PAIX. It ffag tho first and is 4b The Only Pain Remedy tbnt ins'nnllvs'ops thr*mnßtPX<iroiattag pain*, allavt Inll immaiii in. mi 1 ntrerf (hmi'esiious. whether ot tKa Lungs, Sroin tcli, liowois, ot otboi? t; hinda or or Sana h. oue iipplic.iti .n. ’ Djr IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter bow violent or exerueiating the pain tha KIIKIJM AIIG, Be.l-r i len. In'lrm, Prippleit, Nor?oua° Neuralgic, or proatraie J vvith iineae may suffer, * RADWAY’S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE*/ INFAMMATIOX OF TII KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION t)F THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF TIIK BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNQR. SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT IiRK.VTIUNU. OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS. CBOUP, DIPHTERIA. o TA&EH, INFLUENZA. II FAD ACHE, TOOTH ACU B. N liU R A LGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. TkeappUoUtbnofthe Ready Relief to the part or wiiere the pain or difficulty exhiU will afford eaa9 aud Cum in r t. Twenty drops In tumbler of water will In a few moments curs Oil K A M A SMS, SOU R STOMACH, IIWAItTBURN, SL K HEADACHE, DIAKUIIOKA, DYSUNTERV. CoLD?, WIN’D IN THE BOWELS, an t ;il 1 I ■' TLitN A L P A i NS. Travel ora should iilwnyx cjtrry a bottle of Rad way's Ueadv Rolir P wnbOienr. A lew drops in v..tier wilt prrvtti.t s.cki c-s or p.ijns from change of vraier. 1 1 is belter than Froa- h Brandy or Bitters aa a stimulant. FEVER AND AGEE. F EYUR A Nt) AGUE cured for fifty cents. There' la Xjo u remedialay'uitintits world that will cureFevea an.l At;no. a-.d all oilier Malarious, Btloua, Soarlek Typhoid, Yel-ow, and o iler Fevers [aidr.d by RADw Wa Y’rf PlLLS|Toqnilw as RADWAY’SREADY R£- LIEF. F ii'ty cents per Louie. HEALTH! BSAUTYI! STRONG AND PU RTOFT BLOOD-INCREASM OF FLKSIi AND XV El if 11T —CL EAR IN AND BE AU TIP U L COMP LE XI ON SECURED TO ALU THE CHEAT ETLOCD PURIFIER. II AS M U>T: THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES : SO yriCK.SO RAPID ARK THE CHANGES. THE ]j. /*) V UNDISivGt >ES.U NDERTIIK INFLUENCE OF Tlilo TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Bay an Lcrease in Ilesii aMISiEMis SM ail Fell. Every drop of the SATIS VPARILLIAN RTSSOL- V L , 'f {•omnutuieaie'S through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and util r Fluids and juices of the system the vigor of lit , for i.; G'xurs the wastes of the bo<Sy with new and HO'iad ut iteriai. Scrofula, Syphilis. Consumption, Ci .n In! .r disvatter, Ulcers iu the throet, Mouth, Tu rn ir i, No.leg iii the (Slar.iia and other parts of tt“system. Fora :oos, stromoroi8 discharges tr im tho Ears, and toe worst forms of Skin diHelteea, Eruptions, Fever Lore-, Sc’il-t H a-1, Rim< Worm.!sU RhewnJCrywpeJae, Ac’ie. tla k.-tp .H, W-.rmsiu the Flesh, Tumor*. Can cerain the W.- nb, .nd a’.l w* uUejntnu and painful die chtrges, XL'lii Sweats, Luka r.fSperm slidall wastes of the hiWpioDvple. sire witiiiu the curative range of thia wo-idemt Mo I-*.rn Chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove i<:uiy iierson u>iog it lor either of theae forma of disc ise its potent power t. cttreUiem. II• il • (I .;iy I ceoniing reduced bythewaftee and decompositioii that is continually prepressing, suo coh is in arresting th<-so wastes, and repairs the same with new m ucrialmade from healthy blood—and this thoS A ESAP A RILLI AN w <ll and dues secure—a cure Isocrmin; f>r w hen once this* remedy commences it wo kofp tri'i'-ation. m. t succeeds in diminishing the lus; id' wi.Ktee, its repairs will be rapid, amt every day the \r.v. eoi will feel himself growing letter and stronger, the fo •tl'lij'KKth.a better appetite improving, andfieeu and weight iitcrtMsing. N* *t ■•n!v •I • s tlv S a its ara u i u.t a * Rksoi.trxt exeow all < own remedial admits in the cure of chronic, t>cro fuf.ui*. Con.tit ti Sms!, aud bkin diseases ; butitistha only positive cure for Hidnt'ij A- ~ Urimry on l W.-n: .Stoppage .)f VFrtth! O-.Si*. AloUUtiHUri Lrit:ri-*ju?i and pf*' - wii.ti a*t : ’st-u* ■ white ail*' Httce r. r-