Hamilton visitor. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1874-1875, February 05, 1875, Image 2

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C§fliaMrtitsisitov BY T>. W. I). BOULtY. FRIDAY MOBNINfi, FEB. 5, 1876. The Ilailroad Extension BiU. The following in tl>e Aatrly in troduced by our Senator, Ilwn. W. I. Hudson, in regnrfl to riie evtcnrion ot the North & South railroad to Ham ilton : A hill to le entitled mi act to authorize and empower the Governor to com- tiie North -South railroad to tlte -town of Hamilton, in the ■ooul}>f Harris, and for other pur poses. ■ • ■ -■> < Where** the State of Georgia here t* Afore ■ doraed the Loud a of the North fc South railroad Colum lus, Georgia, to Kingsboro, to tlie amount of two hundred ami forty thousand dollars. And whereas said railroad Company foiled to' pay the interest upon said bon-Is so endorsed ly the State as the some been me due, and , whereas the Governor of the State, in accordance with the terms, condition* and stipulations upon which raid 1 Kind were endorsed, has seized and taken posse sion of aaid road, so far as the same lias been completed, together with its property, rolling stock, etc., and whereas said road iabdtnplete and in mmiing order from the city of Columbus to within three miles of the town of Hamilton, in the county of Harris, a di.-tanco of twenty miles, ami whereas said three miles between the present terminus ud Hatnil on is already graded, and whereas the business of said road voold be largely increased by the completion of the same to Hamilton, thereby affording butter security to the State ng dust loss on account of said endorsed bonds, and whereas the said railroad is now l>eing nut and operated in the name of tlm State ami without expenso to tho State, and would, if completed to Hamilton, un der proper management, p*y expen se* of running, keeping up, etc., and tho interest upon the bonds endorsed as aforesaid. Therefore, See. 1. licit enacted, that tho Gov ernor be and ho is hereby authorized to employ such portion of the con vict force as may be necessary to enable bint to complete said North <fc South railroad from its present ter minus to the town of Hamilton, in Harris county, or to make such con tract as he may deem proper with any person to whom such convicts may be loaned or hired for tho com pletion of said three miles: and for tho purpose of completing said road to Hamilton ss aforesaid, Ilis Excellency the Governor bo and he is hereby au thorized and empowered to place said road in the hands of tho Superinten dent of Public Works, or such other person or persons ns ho may think proper, who, under tiio direction of and instructions from the Governor, shall proceed to prepare said three miles of road for laying the iron upon the same. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, that *0 soon as said additional three miles of road is oompletwl and ready fojr the superstructure, the Governor bo and is hereby authorized to purchase iron and other material neeeessary for tho equipment and completion of said three miles of road. Sec. 3. Beit enacted,that upon the completion of said additional three miles by the State, the same shall bo deemed and held to be the property of the State, and should said North & South Company hereafter redeem said road, tho expense of the comple tion of said three miles of road shall first bo repaid to the State by said Company, and in tho event that the Governor should hereafter have to sell said road, then the title to said three miles shall pass the same ns if it had been bnilt by the Company. llobbiblk Death.— Crissy Hock or, of<Pt nntylvauia, lately made an “ al tar * out of a set of quilting frames, with a piece of carpet attached for a pillow, and during the absence of ail from the house, laid down ou it, act it on fire, and was burnt to death. She wag a religious fanatic, and was mprrannd with the conviction that ahe had committed a grievous sin against “her Immanuel," for which ■he could only atone by offering op her life on an altar. tsr A disposition is being mani fested to bring the price now charged for sleeping-car berths down to reas onable figure*. At present rates, it is said a Pullman car ]>nys for itaell in fifteen months. This is extortion of the worst kinjl. If the price was reduced about one-half, the charge would be high enough, ami the re ceipts would bo greatly increased. py We are in, receipt of the pros pectus of the Georgia University Magazine, to be issued the latter part ot this month by the Demos', henian and I'Ui Kappa Utcrary societies. Consolidate the (Bikes. Goodman’s Distbtct, ) Harris Cos., Ga., Feb. 2, 1875. f Emroa Visito*.—l am not accus tomed t-writing for the press, but you wiß pk*ae bear wi ll me, while f tm a iTiought or two on county if sirs. It is an undeniable fact that our taxes are onerous, and are annually growing more so; and in view of this fact,, I think some steps should he ta ken in that direction. I would suggest that our repre sentatives introduce a hill to abolish some of the county office*, or reduce their salary; one man could fill (he office of both tax receiver and collec tor, and that, too, Tor half the salary that one gets; thereby saving die county about #I,OOO in these, two offices. There ate pi nly of good, disabled men iti the county, who ; onM gladly devote a few weeks in -the spring to taking tux returns, and a few again in the fall to collecting the tax, for *4OO, Meu, too, who are rs Responsible and could make ns good a bond,, as under the present ay stem. Likewise other offices, such as or dinary, treasurer, comity school com missioner, etc., might he consolidated. Was thin the case, the offices would hunt the men, and tiierc would not be so many “ wild hunts for office,” and so many disappointed candidate; l . Especial/ won't! I urge these suggestions, wketr able bodied men anil men of means are elected to some of these lucrative positions, agnimt the needy, and those deserv ing meu who lost their limbs in the “ lost cause.” M, IIaKUIK CotJJtTY, Jan. 24, 1875. Ei>. Visitor. —Concluding yester day morning to tnko a fox hunt, I jiuose and started to the Oak Moun tains, where I arrived about half past ten o’clock, and was joined by a friend. In a half an hour afterwards we had “jumped a red fox," which we chased only three quarters of an hour before caieliing him. 110 measured four feet and u half. Not being content with such a •short race, we'again put off,mid in a quarter of an hour, jumped another “ red.’’ Running him about an hour, ho w as treed in a log. We jumped another one, and run biin under a rock, from which safe retreat wo dyl not succeed in dislodg ing him. So, you see, wc caught two red foxes, and run another one in nbont three hours and a half. Wo hud seven Maryland dogs and two Bird song’s. Respectfully, J. T. Kilpatrick, Mottn. Pigs.— We advertised for four or five pigs U-t week, for a friend, and a party who saw the notice, said lie had two for sale, which tee bought —thus getting ahead of our friend.— So wo will have to advertise for him free this time. Therefore wo again state that any one having live or six shouts in fine order, from two to five months old, can hear of a cash pur chaser by applying at ibis office. Wo won’t “go back ” on our friend this time. 25??“ There was a heavy rain Inst Tuesday night. Sunday night was very cold, and milk was found to be frozen at the editor’s residence next morning, 00 ■ ■ ■ —- The Superintendent of the .Methodist Sunday school will award a prize, on the first Sunday in May next, to the scholar who shall have said the best lessons, behaved tho best, and been most prompt in atten dance, up to that time, dating from uext Sunday week. ITA prayer-meeting is now held at tho Methodist church every Wed nesday night—something we have not had here before in tho last two years. isrl I'ho Atlanta Constitution’s : gift distribution came off last Satur day night. The wt iter held two tick ets, but drew nothing. We have not learnt who were the fortunate holders of the prize tickets. - ———— More of thh Uadioal Saints is Titov hi. k. —“Wahoo” Bradley has been deprived of the right to practice law in Georgia. Joel R. Grfun, of Houston county, bound over to the Superior Court for swindling a negro woman. And these are two of the leading lights in the God and morality party. What ft comment on the part y ! May the good Lord have mercy ou them —for honest judges wont. To advertise honestly is to advertise twice. pg- The Sunny Smith will only be published scmi-motHhly for the ! present. Advertisements labor while | the advertiser sleeps. The Louisiana Situation in Brief. [New York HersM] The report of the New Orleans committee proves beyond a doubt— First. That the last election in Louisiana was, in the words of tire committee, “fu l, fair, free and peace able.” Second, That it resulted in the election of a Democratic majority of twenty-nine in the lower house of the Legislature. Third. That the report of the re turning board was fraudulent, unjust and contrary to the very law under which it acted. This carries us to the assembling of the Legislature. Here we find these facts undisputed: First. The returning board had prepared a list of one hundred and six members, of whom, tinker its manipulations, fifty-three wejs Re publicans, as was supposed, are?fifty three Democrats. Thus this bojfrd attempted to aet aside the will'of tKk people of the State. Second. One hundred and .■six' ( members met on the 4th of Jam li y and proceeded to choose a Speaker, the Republicans present actually tak i ing part in the proceedings by notni i noting a candidate for Speaker and I voting for him, by accepting appoint- I merits, as part of a Committee on Cre dentials, and organizing with this ; ; committee, and hy their votes in the I House on the Speakership, giving a I quorum, which iho Democrats then J present would not alone have had. i Wiltz received 55 votes, Hahn (Re- I publican) two, and one was blank; and fifty-six is the constitutional quo rum. When the members were sworn in fifty-one Democrats and five Re publicans took the oath, making an indisputable and regular quorum of the House. Third. The Legislature was there after dispersed by United States troops. Fourth. The Republicans pro ceeded to organize, but—here is the important and vital point—they had and have no quorum, and cannot, therefore, act ns a Legislature. They may adjourn from day to day; but, un dor the Louisiana constitution, can do none of the acts of a Legislature. Fifth. Hence Louisiana has to-day no regularly organized and compe- tent lower House of Legislature. It cannot have a quorum, even on the report of the returning board. Sixth. Ilenco the preteuded elec tion of l’inchbaek is a fraud and void. Seventh. And, finally, nothing is it) the way of tke assembling and con stituting of a legal House except Federal bayonets. If Congress will remove them the Wiltz House, the only regular one, would at ouoc as semble. Lost Titi.es Found. —The Enqui rer states that the litles to the prop erty of tho late Judge Wellborn, for which a reward of SSO was otiered, were found on top of a book-case in Mr. Downing's ofiiee, in Columbus, by a bqv, ns ho was cleaning up. Judge W. formerly occupied this office. £ri?"A peddler in Pennsylvania lately arose from his bed while asleep, at a house where he was spending the night, and in only his under clothes went to the lot, mounted a young horse, and galloped around like mad, until the barking dogs aroused the farmer, when he, with the assis tance of the hired man, caught the horse, and dismounted the rider, who was very startled on being led into the house and awakened. Severs Coi.d. —During the lale cold spell, a flock of geese at West Bond, Wis., wore frozen fast to the ice on tho river. The owner went to their rescue, but was frozen to tho ico herself, and had to he cut loose by a man who cauio to her relief. In Montana, persons were frozen to death, and whisky, and mercury in thermometers froze. Many persons and cattle wore frozen on the borders of the Western States. In New Hampshire the thermome ter was thirty degrees below zero. tST In the year 1832, Catharine MoCanll, aged 22, of Geueseo county, New York, ceased to speak, and had been ever since utterly voiceless un til December 20, 18T4, nearly forty two years after, when her speech re turned, and she now speaks moder ately, but distinctly. No reason is given or kuown for this wonderful re covery. * —i ■ i*—' |jgy“The rest worn by Israel Put nam when he escaped from the British soldiers iu his ride down the stone steps at Stanford, Conn., in 1779, is in tho possession of W to. 1 uiri, of Kenton county, Ky., the grand niece of the revolutionary hero. Like “ Old Grimes,” the vest is all buttoned down before. Late News Items. Scarlet feyer is reported iu Sa^in. nak t A man who was lately hart by the giving way a plank on one of the sidewalk-bridgea in is suing the - city for $>4,800 damages. "J The Thoirmston Iftrald sjtys four whiles and tfye negrocook were lately poisoned at Red bone, Talbot, cbmity, j by drinking’mil* which had been ! poisoned iu tlie shurn. ‘ Thu perpe ! tratoris The whites were 1 recovering, at uaet accounts, but the cook’s condithia .jvas dangerous. A man at iioustqn, Tela° r lately died of liaart fdJsCase * while at the the theatre. Ifcjthe same city, a ne gro woman cue,-her throat with a ra zor. Her husband aid;clijjdren were sick, a*d had fuel, food or medi<- ciiio. jv y- A man in Maibaolnsetts latfly Car ried a barrel of Hot**, weiglijtig over 212 pounds, a dtstat e of oyer a mile, •The barrel wupit|e<i*i bb* back. lie V - t'i the; 4XO ; &* are m. - , A French ISdV 'attended a m-wVel half afldLdran* too much chan-pag’ve. A Lohcetnan put his hand on her shoulder, gnd'siie sank to the floor, lioriKied 'at the idea of being taken to the Station-house. When they pickeq her up she was dead—dead from fright. A little girl in Coweta county was lately drowned l>y falling into a spring. Tlte Khedive ofjEgypt has given Gen. Sherman’s daughter, Mrs. Filch, a necklace and safe-drops valued at $300,000. There is a misuflderstaeding be tween the city council anrl gas com pany of Macon. Meantime the citi zens grope their way in darkness. “ Sister Clarke,” one of the nuns in the Convent of Visitation at Georgetown, D. C. ( Is reported to bo dangerously ill. She is over seventy years of age, and lias been in the Convent since a child of six years. She has never sect), during her life, either a railway car or a steamboat. A dead baby was recently found in the streets of Macon. Mr. J no. Ilarvin, ofThomas county, lately killed nine hogs that weighed 2,404 pounds—none of them over two years old. A Macon negro stoic a Bible the other day. We hope that it will turn him from the error of bis ways. A large number iu the vi cinity. of Richmond, Va., have recent ly died from what is supposed to be trichina. A gentleman has ridden in a top buggy, drawn by a single liorse, all the way from Kansas to New Hamp shire, a distance of 1,529 miles, in 59 days. Tlte government owes the farmers of Georgia twelve millions of dollars of illegal cotton tax. A Dooley county cow recently gave birth to two calves. The Supreme Court opened at At lanta on Monday. There are 265 cases for tho term. The son of the judge of Bibb county court, about twelve years old, has boon detected in stealing valuable letters in Macon. A large number of letters were found in his posses sion, containing eight, or nine thous and dollars in drafts. lie has been at this for three or four months. The farm house of Pierre Dulude was burnt in Canada, on the 24th, and his wife and eight • children per ished. lie was seriously burnt in his efforts to save them. The female insane asylum at Que bec, Cahada, was burnt last week. Three lives were lost. Twenty of the inina'e* are missing. Only two bodies have beeu recovered. There w’ero frightful sceues. Many were removed by force, after hiding in the enpola and cellars, ' The recent burning of a woolen i mill at Manayunk, Ta., throw 300 persons out of employment. Several were hurt by the falling walls. A railroad conductor at Pittsburg, running ahead of his train to turn a switch, got his foot caught in a frog, and before he could get it loose, the train struck him, mangling him iu a terrible mauuer, aud killing him in stantly. At the recent session of the State Grange, the Master, Col. T. J. Smith, and “ Ceres,” his wife, were dressed throughout in apparel made at home. A hairless horse has been on exhi bition in Savannah. The Talbotton Standard says a dog was lately found iu an old well. She had been missing nearly a mouth, and when taken out, could hardly stand alone. There is said to be a baby in Dela ware three weeks old who already has whiskers. The hair of Miss Mary C. Haskins, of Danbury, N. 11., is fifty-two aud a half inches long. x>. IST. GII3SO^s T . mUMjgs CEOBGI^i [Nearly opposite the Planter's Warehouse] | * * *7 '' Wholesale and Retail Dealer in t GROCERIES, Provisions, Liquor, Tobacco, SEED POTATOES, And all articles in the Grocery Line and its branches. We sell as lots as any other House in this city. per No charge Tor delivering goods at the depots. Luke IT. I.igon, of Harris eoTtntv, is With nie, and will lie pleased to see his many friends, aa 1 take pleasure in servinv them, febs-3m 1). N. GIB-ON. GEORGIA-t-Haruis County. Whereas the estate of Fel’x lewis, deceased, is unrepresented, and nut likely to he repre sented— All persons conceined are hevebj not Tied to show cause, tf any they h ive, by the first Monday in March next, why letters of admin istration should not he granted to the Clerk of the Rnpe'ior Court, or some other fit and proper pi rson, upon said estate. Given under my hand and official seal, den. 20, 1875. feho-td J. F. C. WILLIAMS, Ord'y. Iho New York Weekly Witness, piving news, market-, stories, pictures and live edi torials at $1.20 a year postpaid, lias reached 75,000 circulation iu 3 years Sample free. Constant employment at home—male or female —$3o a week warranted —no capital required. Particulars and valuable sample sent free. Address with 0 cert re'urn stamp, 0 Itoss, Williamsburg, New York. ‘ Psychomancy or Soul Charming ’ —How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affection of any person instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess free try mail for 25c, together wjth marriage guide, Egyptian oracle, dream l , > -inis t<> la dies, &c. A queer book. T William &Cos, Pliila Try the Christian, a large, live family pa per, full of stories and good reading. No sec tarianism, politics, pills, puffs nor advertise ments. Only 75c a year. Send ten cents for three specimen - before you forget it. Splen did map premium. Agents wanted every where—big commissions paid. HLII stings, 638Wasli’n st. Boston, 808 Arch st, Pliila. For COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS AND ALT. THROAT DISEASES, Use WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A tried and sure remedy. Fr sale bv drug gi -ts generally, and Fuller & Fuller, Chicago Have you tried JUR UB EB A ? Arc you weak, nervous or debilitated? Are you so languid tint any exertion re quin s more of an effort Ilian you feel capable ot making ? Then try Juruhelia, the wonderful tonic and invigorator which acts so beneficially on the secretive organs as to impart vigor to all ttie vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimu lates for a short time, only to let the suffer, r fall to a lower depth of misery, hut it is a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and spleen. It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole system as to soon make the invulid feel like anew person. Its operation is not violent, hut is cliarac terized by great gentleness; tlie patient ex peuence* no sudden change, no marked re sults, but gradually his troubles Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away.” Tills is no new and untried discovery, hut has been long used with wonderful remedial results, and is pronounced by the highe t medical authorities, “the most powerful ionic aud alterative known.” Ask your druggist for it. For kale by WM. F. KIDDER & CO., N. Y. SHOUT POSTPONEMENT—DAY FIXED— FULL DIcTRI BUTION. FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Montpelier Female lluinaue Association, AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. MAUCII 29th, 1875. LIST OF GIFTS. I Grand Cash Gift slor>,ooo I Grand Cash Gift 50,000 1 Grand Cash Gift 25,000 10 Cash Gifs slo,ooo each. 100,000 15 Cash Gifts 5,000 each . . Vo.ooo 50 Cash Gifts 1,000 each. . 50,000 100 Cash G'fts Coo each. . 50,000 1,000 Gifts 100 each.. 100,000 1.000 Cash Gifts soeach.. 50,000 20,000 Cash Gifts 2o each.. 400,000 22 ITS Cash Gifts, amountin'/ to. ,$1,0u0.000 NUMBER OF TICKET’S 100.000. PH ICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets $20.00 Halves... 10.00 Quarters 6.00 Eighths or each Coupon 2.50 Five and a half Tickets for 100.00 The Montpelier Female Humane Associa tion, chartered by the Legislature of Virginia and the Circuit Court of OrangeCo.. proposes hv a Grand Gift Concert to establish and en dow a ■ • Home for the old, infirm and desti- : tute ladies of Virginia,” at Montpelier, the former residence of President Jarnts Madi- • son. Governor’s Office, Richmond, July 3, 1874. j It affords me pleasure to say- that I am well acquainted with a large majority of the officers of the Montpelier Female Humane Association, who reside in the vicinity of my home, and I attest their intelligence and their worth and high reputation as gentle men. as well as the public confidence, influ ence and substantial means liberally repre sented anmne them. JAMES L. KEMPER. Gov. Virginia. Alexandria. Va., July 8, 1874 — a c I commend them as gtnts of honor and integ rity. and fully entilled to the confidence of the public. 0 0 0 0 0 0 R. \V. HUGHES, U. 8. Judge East’n Dist. of Va. Further references by permission: His Ex cellency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Governor of Va.; Hon. Roh’t E Withers. Lieut.-Gov. of Va. and U. S. Senator elect; Senators and Members ot Congress from V* Remittances for tickets may be made by exprefs prepaid, post-office money-order on Washington, D. C., or by registered letter. For full particulars, testimonials, etc., send for Circular. Address. Hon. JAMES BARBOUR, Prb t M. F. H. A.. Alexandria, Va, Reliable agents wanted everywhere. 4w N. H. BARDEN, Jpo-u-tli side or tiao l=>ixt>iio Sq.-u.a-r©, - Keeps constantly on hand, Cheap for Cask, All grades SUGAR, best Hyson TEA, Rio COFFEE, from fine to choice, Best Florida SYRUP, Early Rose, Early Goodrich and Pink eye POTATOES Best Okeam CHEESE, PICKLES, gallons, half gallons, quarts and pints. TOBACCO, choice lot CIGARS, PEPPER, at 30c. per lb., French PRUNES fnewj, London Layer RAISINS, NUTS and CONFECTIONARIES of all k ids, lot of fresh Garden SEED Good assortment of NAILS, Brant! Peaches, Chow Chow, Soda, Soap, Powder and Shot, &c., <fcc., ailUj msAip jf®ib sphiib ©iksmo C. H. Cook always on hand, and will take p’eisure in waiting on fcts-;im J. H. HAMILTON, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER Junction Franklin, Warren and Oglethorpe Sts., Columbds, Ga. I Leg leave to inform my fiiendu and the public that I have on hand a large stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Consisting, in part, of FLOUR, of all grades, at $6.25 to $8.50 per barrel. Bacon and Bulk Meats, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Florida Syrup and Molasses! Salt, Oats, Corn, Meal, a choice lot of Planting Potatoes, Liquors, Wines' Shoes, Tinware, <fcc., &c. From this date my terms will be strictly cash, except to prompt paying customers, and prices to suit. No charge for drayage. Respectfully, J. 11. HAMILTON. AT AND BELCW COST! NOIV IS YOUR CHANCE TO BUY SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS and COLLARS, of every description, And all other goods usually kept in a First-class Saddle and Harness Establishment, At Greatly Hcduced Prices- I buy for cash, and manufacture nil my Harness, Bridles, and a portion of mv daddies, which enables me to sell lower than any other house. In order to reduce my stock , now too large, I am offering much of it at and below cost. A call will convince you of this fact. Best Machine and'Hainess Oils on hand. All kinds of Saddles, Harness and Trunks re paired at short notice, aud new work made to order. A large variety of Trunks, Valises and Satchels on hand. Respectfully, jan2-lm W. R. KENT, 102 Broad st., Columbus, Ga. N. B. —Any one wishing to buy me out ettn do so at ten per cent below New York cost. My stock is fresh and well selected, and I also have a good run of custom. ,My store can be rented for S7OO. It is well arranged tor the business, and one of the best localities in the city. I, L. POLLARD, E. T. HARRIS, * Formerly of Virginia Store. Of Harris county, Ga. KEW GHOCERY STORE POLLARD & HARRIS, Old stand of J. K. Redd efi Cos., next door to Chattahoochee Nat. %Banh. A Full Line of FRESH GROCERIES and STAPLE DRY GOODS Just Received. Having bought our goods for cash, we shall sell tjipm on a cash basts, guaranteeing our prices to be as low as any houße iu the city. Give us a call, and we will do our best to please. Terms Strictly Cash. No Charge for Drayage. octlO-Gm POLLARD & HARRIS, Columbus, Ga. A- WITTICH- C- M- KISSEL WITTICH & KINSEL, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS, IIWILEIS MSB BliaiVlfis, NO. 67 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. t* ? nrn iND i MM'S® h All oftHe latest Manufactures- An entirely nw stock of the best goods and the latest styles has been recently bought is New Yoik. and is hereby offered at the Lowest Cash Pbices. Diamonds, gold and silver Spectacles and Eve-Glasses, gold and silver Thimbles, ladies an* gents’ Chains, plain and fancy Gold Rings of beautiful workmanship, and every variety of article found in a First-class Jewelry Store. Stencil Plates of everv description cut at short notice. Sole Agents for the celebrated Diamond Pebbled Spectacles and Eye-glasses, and Agents for the Arundel Pebble Specks, which are slightly colored, and in high favor with every body using specks or eye-glasses. . _ . Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing in all its branches. Hair Jewelry, Society Badger, Diamond setting, or any new work made to order at reasonable charges. 3£S~ Engraving promptly executed. oct-4-lyr DRUGS! DRUGS!! My friends and patrons will still find me at my old stand, 135 Broad. Street, Columtous, with a frill stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Pest Kerosene Oil , Pump Goods, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Fine Teas, Spices, Potash, Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Imported and Domestic IT7es and Pure Liquors, for medical purposes, and in fact everything in the Drug line. lam offering great inducements to Trade. Physicians will do well to c.^a r i ine my_stock. I propose to sell at a small profit, and must have the cash for these good-- Thanking yon for putt and soliciting future patronage, I am respectfully, n ovl3 6m • A. M. BRANNON, Columbus Ga