Hamilton visitor. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1874-1875, December 24, 1875, Image 4

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<&;e uni) Saus^olih Drying Fkctt.—Mr. T. J. Cook dried the peaches on one tree on his place. They turned out forty-three I'dunds. He sold them at ttiim-et rents per poui.il, thus realizing fiv. r’ollsrs and 'fifty-nine im. Will our roaders think of this result and l proSted thereby ? By invd%lig:it the ma-.ter it will be found that over two hundred trees wi.l grow and pro-per on one acre of land. Should each one turn out this amount of fruit, it will be seen that over one thousand dollars wld bo realized from one ;fcfe oflnud'e ;ch yearwhen there vrns a good crop and p:ice for d.ui jwatlitii. One might safely t alcu'a'.e on a half crop every year. A similar result would grow out ol having an apple orchard, a vineyard and other fruits. I>et this one ex ample point out what can be done, if we wi.l bat tarn onr Hewo to something else than cotioj. -A’t/.> vi ’fife Gazette. Tube) Cbow a Yeah.— How easy it is to raise abundant food in the southwestern States with thoughtful management and a little labor. A eeinpoi.i: “Mr. J. NY. Board, Torrebotmc, T,a , planted Irish potatoes on an acre of ground, the la>t of November last year; bs took off a large yield tho lust of inn'll, then put the gi ound in sweet potatoes, which ho is now dig ging and burying the vines, and will immediately manure; put tho same ground in cabbages. This Will give, \ illiout injnry to the soil, three Gnc fo-d crops a vear. On another piece ho planted liiah pout* • n ’April, and not liking the Rtand when they came up, planted six weeks corn ev ery two feet in the rows. He hail a good yield from both crops, and is now manuring and putting in a good garden on tbe same ground." . i —i >• 1 13T* D. F. C. Renner, of Freder ick county, Md., writes to the depart ment of agriculture thueeter and years ago he collected some pol e-root for -nedioal purposes, and hung it in var —* about the house to dry. he observed that * 'oachos lying *’-'nrd Auknth—2o elegant 0:f Chromris mounted, “* * 9*ll. f'r $t ■ Koveliice and Chromes of ■lvery tit-script ion. Kslinml Chromo Cos,, Philiulelphia, Pa. $25 a dy guaranteed lining our Well Au ger and Dri’l*. $10(1 a month pai Ito good apflit*. A'ltrr book free. ~'Uz Aufb.-r ('■ • . St Ismi*. M ■ AOKXTs Wamtku lor Holman' re lo- , dal Itibles -lAIWI illustration*—medals nU| and plomas awarded. Address for new rinti 'urs, A J Holman A Cos. ti"o A<<h at. I'ldia Tits *S<UM) UoSssza —ss lo #SO invent*! in W .ll street often loads to afo tunc. Full par Sculas* mmf foe. Addnw Pendleton A 1 H a i, ') Wall street. New Y. rk i’rvi iiOMAxi v, or Soul Channfruc—How ei th r yx may fiwciuatc an I gain Hie love and a recti'm of any person they choose instantly. This simple lnnal acquhc-ixint all c.m | o * ■'. free liy mail, for 2V, together with a mjrriajre a idri’, Kgypthin Onu-lc, dream* 4 , lit its to ladle.*, etc—S ipu.-cr hook. Addis T William & (’o, Publishers, Pliilarlulph'a. W Wanted, aeon's for the l>c t soiling i'rtz.- rac'iagn in the world. It contains lo sheets paper, 15 envelopes, golden pen, penholder, jieni i', patent yard measure and pV.ce of Jew elrv. t ingle package wl Hr elqgwt prize ]x>i't l aid, 25e—tin ular free. fSIJe A C., tVJ llroadway. New V' rk. For COIKWS, COLDS, TIOARSKNESS ANIi AIX Time VT UIBEASES, Use wkl r. s’ aan Bonn tat: re ts tut up only in m.’fi; r,tvxr A tried sml rare rmne. lv y r i, v drue Crl-ts generally. add John ton Holloway & (Jo, Philadelphia, Pa. An Oiitvit Kit**—We want someone in everyOi-unty to take orders and deliver cowls for the ol I and original CO D Hoii-e. Large cash ivages. Splendid cliatice in every much borhood fnr the right person of eliliirr sex, younst or old. Kaiup’es, new lists, .iri ulars! terms, etc—a complete on*At- sent free an I Jiostp.iid. Bund for it at untie and make mon ev at Tour homes. Address If J Hall & Cos, 1(5 N Howard et. Bultimo'c, Md. Aaraes * Illustrated Horne Magazine- the “Household Magazine of America.” Two ferial stories in 1876—“ Kaglescliffh,” hv M-s J!IC* I! Uorr, and “Mirian.” I.y TS Ar thur Du tt crick's newest pattern in evtvy number. Towns $2 !>0 per vear ; 3 eopie- for s’i 60. Spli ueli 1 Isiok offers an I prerrimn . Specimen nmnlur 10c. TANARUS?! Arthur & Hon Pldlailolplili, Pa. A wariM tfxu H : gkt Mudal at Vienna. E, & JL % UTiiO.W & CO., (0; J>. Mu Ire |nlitmi ITotul) .Ihmiifflrtunr*, Inipartcn* & Dnlm In CHROMOS AND FRAMES, Stereoscopes and Views, Albums, Ora; hcMF'-JjHifi tub fixll iHc Virus, THDTOGRAPIIIC MATEIWALfL. . is i"i i W;. nfr In flip vnr of GOVEiINMKNI OF GEOhGIA. ■xzctrrivz okpautksnt. James M RmHli governor P W Alexander and J W Warren secretaries execut vc department. Thomas C Howard and B amuel C Williams . a. ('X-*' r.tive department. .1 P. ffimii’ml 1 warrant Icl k. W H Grigsby in - ssenifi r and recording clerk stats Mouse oyrtesus. V c P.arnc t -caret .rj of stale. J K Jones cVrk . * W L flold-rnith eomfftml'er T-m r I. J W Kenfn>e and IW ti Id-ur tii clerks. John Jones treasurer. Vliller GHeve i lerlt Joel Horn he in lilmnian. K A K ewellen gup’t of puhlic hnildings, efc. (1 I Or state school com mi smi.ir. DrTlmtnas F Green sup’t.of lima ic nsvlnin. W ll Williams sup’t ariulemv li r the blind. W O Connor sup’t deaf an I dumb asylum. hui'kkmr cornr Hon Hiram Warner chief justice* Hon H!\ Met'a.V JluUe. lion It P Trlppe jn ice. N J Hammond attorney-genera’. 7, D Hurls'-n clerk. Homy Jackson reporter. The Kuprun" Court rifs at seal of eov-rn merit., he r nnine on the third Monday in Jan unrv an I first Mon lav in’ .July in each year. “ (11 Vi i All •;( !li i: Jt' 11(11 L CIKCI IT. Ja in' s T ' ii on W A Little solicitor genera Oliattaiioof’icc th Moiulayo m ilurch arf TTfirilij 2<i Mond iyh in April nrl October. Miuhtn - 2d Mond ivw in Ap*i! find October. Af'iHCDKOF—2 I Monday? l in Mav an I Nov'bcr ( 'U 4th Vlorhday;- in ArirU nif October. '!*■:Ilot 2*lM‘ ii'lhvk in Marfli and ‘ •; t’her. lavlor —lt MondavH in Ami! ..;i i October IvIN GSKOItJD’S ~ o:;\v K‘ ;o PL i:rs and SILVER GLOSS STARCH, Foil THE liAUNDHY. JHilriif.il lured I.y T . KINGS F()It D Sr, SOX. Til K BKST SlAltiat IN TUB Well I.I). G'ves a beimliful liiii li to the linen, and the differei.ee hi eost between il in il common Hi arch i- nearer ly half a cent for an orJinary washing. Ask > uargrovel fur it. KINGSFOIID’S OSWEGO CORN STARCH Foil PUSDIKOH IIW.NO MA.MiK, U'K CIrKAM, &C., Is the O'l'irinl * esta lislml in IHltd -and |reserves its'"pulalion a-purer , stronger and more delleate 'lorn any other artielo ot the kind offered, either of the same 4 name, or willi oilu r titles. STF.VK.NsriN Macadam, Ph. I>., etc., the high est chemical authority of Europe, carefully anal used this 0> rn Starch, and says it is a ino-t excellent aiticle of diet, anil in <4teini cal ninl feeding propel Ties is full) cqu.,l to the l e t arrow root. Diiei Lions for making Puddings, Uustarils, etc., iu coin pan V eai h one poiind p, l .' k ige. For sale hy all first-ela s gioicis, trial43m VINh'GAil and SWKKT Cliii.K. The mid r-ihjtii'd propo es lo fernish to the trade and for family use a superior article of rareWhiteWwe <m<l Cider 'Vinegar, and Sweet Cider , at prices that defy competition—all things conaldered The: o articles an: superior to any made in the Houtli- having received the (hot premium al onr last State lair as the bust. fh'ders so icited and -a'isfaction guaran j t, DAtaVIN (I JONES, | in CL Atlanta On. THE SUE NY IsOU tH. The Largest and Handsomest Lit erary / auer in America. BRILLIANT ANNOUNCEMENTS. I'- ft- S1 ’l* r IM1: Ns F R EF,. A The following new sti ries will soon be lonin cn e.d, and will he the m-v in'fnHrly tin tiling ol ehy rornftmei yet published in an Amer'eati ioulTuil: Hilia lloacoe, or North and Sontli- thrill Ii t 1 .H u.ill romance, haned on the "ilrT.inis tr.it sof Prerldefits l.hico'ti and -I dinson, and i io execution of Mrs Surratt ill 1806. Written hy a distingn.i hedstitesm n. Written i ■ Illood. or The Mi 'night Pledge a s’Ory of the last Napoh.-oii’rt re gn. Py M Qua 1, of the Michlgm pro.;-. I’ighting Against Fate, or Alone in tie World— a brilliant s-ciety serial, mov run ning, hy Mrs Mary K Uriah, who is the finest utoi) -writer of lire age. Edith Hawthorne or The Temrtafav s• _ a Factory Girl—by ap p lav novelist ( i jteminlHeenccs of the Confederate Govern ment —hy Col 11 ft Capers, chief clerk of the treasury department under Ml' Memmingcr. Tins will he a deeply interesting series of i-hctUns. giving Hit' rarly rinds, (iirta, 1 vanta <r, ,i, and many am:.sing incidents ot nur pen ile in their effort* lo establish an indepen dent gove.nmimt. Ainiinlii Tot ruiiisual'y brilliant sliorl r'es appear in e n ii issue, w-lh a gren' varii of sparkling mitec'l mcoUs matter upon all Sllbjel ts. Huhscriptlon -3 a year. Clu v s of tour and upwards $2 60 ea h ; c 1 ill-s ut twenty and upwards $2 25 e i 11. Extia gi py lieu one year for a edub . f live at $3. Addle's * J H SEALS, Atlanta, 0. | SCRIBNER’S MONTHLY for 1876.' The publishers invite attention to the fol \ lowing list of some of Ihe altraclivo artielcs i secured for Scribner's Monthly 'or tlie com ! jug year. In the field of lie*loll, he-idt-s nu [nu r..us novelettes and sin rtcr stones, th-ie ] will he two iVmarkalde serial stories by Am ■ i riean an hors. The liist of tin se, now rom jdete in our h'liid- 4 , Gabriel Conroy, hy i’ret j ]| nte. begins iu the November number, and i will run twelve months, 'lies is Mr Hartc s i first extended work. The wem * anil cbm nc i trs, whi h the author has chosen from his I favorite fielil* Cah.ornai, are paint I with characteristic vividness and power, and tlie wi rk is ilountlibs the most graphic record of early Gali.oiuia life that has yet appeared. We shall ids i begin. in the January num her, Pin ip Nolan’s Fiends, or .Show Your Passports, by Edward Ev-rclt, Hale. '1 lie Scene of this story is laid in th- Soiithvve.siern territory now forming tin; S ales of Louisi ana and Texas a' L.e time ol Aaron llnrv s j Irei*on. The characters lived in a section j which was now Ann a lean, now French, and j now Hp.n ish, anil tlii- r cord of their adven turous lives makes a s'oiy ol intense and un .Hugging interest iAruii-U.n.c. A secon 1 Farmer’s Vacation, hy Col Geo E War ng, Jr. Col Waring is now in Flu rope, visiting, in a row-boat tsile-of 26S miles, ' one of the most ferine and interesting of the ; vine-growing valleys of lair: p-. Tics suc ! ond series of papers promises to he even more interesting than 111 it wi ll w-icir our readcj's arc alioady f..mifiaa. Cmienuial fetters, edited hy Jidm Vnnce , , m-v A l ire ■: e. ■ ‘ Revolutionary |ln lei-, mainly from g.. - ni' ■ of 4 .: 1 d< mt ndants ol Cei -i.iseph VVanl. -1 will in) r-ad wifi a ' 1 - Centennial nix :'£*akxT l ' -- ■ - - .T.'-T i , -YZ/h \ ii -M B • ' v*‘ . * •' x'A * I I t'y ? v: : •'; Cr-' "i*-. i ! - 7He Ti nun 1C . l'olln “.ji is ‘ leading ngii cultural VeeUil f, l cho South Publishers anil iditois are ;,M houtliern men, and it is devoid’ wA ,.p;,ivtly to the ilitoie-tsof South ern audeulmru While it is not the paid or gan of the Patrons ot Husbandry , or of any society or set of men, it has been the most poveiful advocate h r the m-tnlnishmcnt of Graneis in the South, anil its influence has contiihiit* and greatly to tlm present prosperity of the order. l>. I! Jaiiicm, E.-ff , of Cbivile ten, B C., Edltor-iri-( ‘hit f. (TiA!t!.r.s K. Uonr.E. Esq., of the Depart mnt of ,\g: iia: 1 1" ic. V :u-u. Uc tC'ii, D. C., Eli tain: logical Editor. 11M1VI.AB Co.wkuh'tiu's- Col. 1> Wyatt Ai ken, \| sii liglon, ll C; lfetny W liavenel, F, ,!, A ken. HIT it vl'Yv' IJotvaid, Kings ton, Gn ; Cos! X 11 Davis, Groi.viLe, S 0. ItumH’ar-liniun S2tsrnnniuii. Address WALKLiI, EVANS ft COGSWELL, janlotf 1 'lllriis 1.01 s, I lmiieston. SC. BUILTCS JIALB iAStITITIT Tlii.- In.-timtii'ii, nn]( r Uio care of Pr<>f. La H ate, a | ractical tesiclß-r <*f twelve yunr* t'xpeiitiiicc. it low open for flic re<ej lion ot Hti.d' nts. P.itren-'t't*. is Kliciw-d, "ith tliin in^c: Teat Lo}s iiirii learn if the)' coaifc to lliis rieliuol. \ KATES J'KU MONTH it ii i nit t J 2 j J'linro) clarS'C-i 3 j I nt< rniediate chu ses 4 {loiit eaate !; *(>’ Pookki eping hv <louh!o entry mpleted) 30 liiciiieiiuil CsYpeiiseH pro rat* STUDIES CLASSIFIED. Pbimaby—2d Header, h i Geocraphy, SpeU ir g, Primary Aritlin:eti<? ant! Wiilinp: or 3d Keadtr, 3d Geography, Spelling, Piimaiy Grammar, Arithmetic and Writii g. Intkkmediatf- 4tli H ader, English Gram nur, Primal v Geometry, Aritrrietie, PhiUso phy, Dictionary and Writing—Composilions; or stii Header, Latin Grammar, Latin Reader, Elementary Geometry, Philosophy, Eierm Di ary A!tre!ra, Phetciie, Dictioijury and Writ ing -Compositions. Collkoiate (eleeHve) —Elocntion, History, tCteometry, Classical 1.-itin, Greek, Tirgotiom etry, Surveying and EmjiiK'trrmtr, Chemistry, Holany, Physiology, Geology-, Evidences .of Ch'istianity.,-&c.. tic. Extras—Pookht e| ir.g. Drafting. Coloiing. Students charged from day of entrance to close<qf except in cases of sickness jn-oinieted or-r oiic month. Tuition due at close* of f-esidons. I'Mrst ve>."!on six mor tl s ; 2d four months. P> uuding from 50 to *ls per month. 'Every student al'so'.uuly requirnt to kep tI4C rules and l egi.lal i- >n> of the s< hm I. For lurther particulars npo! v to ttu* Princi pal. fehs C P> LA I-lAITE. support fifi i®li Pims, THE HAMILTON VISITOR /y iF’.ta.TUEiij'sr axrE'v\7'®ip^.r3S!n. IS ri’BLISHED KVKItY FRIT-AY AT HAMILTON, HARRIS CO., GA.. -A T S2 PEE AMNUJI, * ASU TJIK IFfiLB <-F EACH ELK CBKTAIK* foetry, interesting stories, news items, agricultural MATTERS, AND OTHER INTERESTING READING. Especial attention is giykn to thb LOCAL DEPARTMENT,