The Hamilton journal, published semi-weekly. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1885-1887, December 11, 1885, Image 5

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lm. The Best Newspaper in America, and by far the Most Readable. Agents Wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Sun’s Pre¬ miums. The most interesting and advanta¬ geous offers ever made by any News paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for ali. Beautiful andSub« ran list Premiums in Standard Gold and otlierB’atches.Vainable Books, tho Best Family Sewing Machine known to the trade, and an unequaled list of objects of r#ai utility and instruction. Rates, by Mad, Postpaid: DAILY, per Year (without Sunday) $6 00 DAILY, per Month (without Sunday) 50 SUNDAY, per Year I 00 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year . . I 00 Address, THU SUN, Xew jot!; City. T5y ’ V> V > > vie ^ ; .e* * - IS.;?MS N * C* P ?•>, ••si *V. V. i, r (4 j?SI ■» ti i* t-ic'x s*r Tbxj F Jj.’v Tried w Vi-nrtcitsr*' ■ H©l fib Renewing #ie»T>Ostle t SiWS SANATIVE ALLS h- ^VTT,.: > i ivi r Co mpl jno. ite, the j,rev, :• i'n.vyh': Ihe Blood, Cl T from .'•inwiiu.l. i his. . - jivr. <e«t <*r C.-c* Wek !£«•• juut.-.tu C*.u,v$iy IViltf I 11 'MIMKI >. } i U ( LU i vAAL t Gi..*- op«t-ii i ti? fvIteumsstiMn. Insure healiuy » <--. dii'M* j;>u, n gulfiiity of rue bctvvls. A 3 »*-e«iort« b<u* I *s ueiieat o t-t;t:s!;‘s. soothiiur ;• mi bracim; the i.-rvous systv<m. at.ii giving vigor and nealtli i<- evc-vj (*>»•,! ;k the bs.dy. Sold by Drncgistn. F< T Pamphlets -N.V.C.U «U; . ■ dilress C. E. It Cl.u d 4.'Ox. \& C.dar r,s I m m 1-fT .H£kV ! n i a ^ I m to? w ®S1 #~v YST.i'slS ^ i - \yzs.+’-j x -rr~ The Greatest Medical ‘iiiurm b of tie Jiroi a ■’ .€&•£ LSir SYWP'i DNiS GF A , ORPIB L 5 TEt?. 'iPWKftf. nevr'-b, : ■ ;n Pn t i*‘ i.r tj e. i' , \i it.i s. liutJ u.iu.. a.a ( .(t Back yuihi i'uLi v.uuvr t;:c r imuluei* BSade. Fuliaecfi iiiwr eutirr;. with auis*' i mu!R ation t« exertion ot body rv mind, i rsutabiUty of? eiupcv : er-t rit with ; ftKrliag afi.ia.wfps nefetocted »aau.* duty, Y, 7 «atn»*»n«, liiv.xiue.ei,, '£iuttwins af tho Dot/ beforef«« er«K, licaaocho c?<•;• j{jo i jgfcf, eye, i-tesi'.JtrSKness, vvitlr i.; fsb. v.b. D iy!tly eoloi'e-il L-riue? uud COfO ST.F ATrOM. adapted •y——aru c.ttpcmclly ejects eucli i.i rfiMts, OU3 u<v,e a i.'.viar M y, f. .uri.v,!, t w.i sufferer. The. Infti’MiJ :im .iTTictii fv mid causath3 i .1 v t i Ta U -a Kicah .tii: A U;e system is * iinrisdae*^. : •Tmjic i,'i.vsitoclsare Action. o:i ' ■ s»p. c < 'c'.- fft..lV.Y. 1 ollU' i. i P >y >rvoy r — rri "TP. ’ _, '"SWW r MJ .. mi. e<J t U s* pr*W? Li tii " exTi- (i. r . v tCw’iKERS upplictUion.of changed to a L j:> , .;:s. bv ti fiuerle , • «(. i.-oparfs: uatuth;.! color, acts , 's-biTab^o'iiTV. nt! receipt liv of Druggists, $1. or . , n t u .• i*.;xnn-. oo •-■-.y,. , f/t.rrrsjV St-, New York. m F r E E f m BEL1ILE SELF-SORE, A favorite prescription of one of the ia< 1 st, noted and successful specialists in the U. B. / now reiia’d) for the cure of IVcnwi* Strbiliif), X*>«t 3 ianhoofl, If cofcJscaA ami 4>« ciij/. Sent inplain walcdenvelope/cc*e. Druggistscan fill it. Attdress DS. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. - ^^SfeKERVOUSDEBILlTY % 9 foiwcurediseasas, bai fsBiB&ik '*\|«:ous Ti'ineaiea CJet for Free car Brafc Weakness , Hi-?,!gs««ssti sfkysicaj. aJiyURE tiECAY. Remeuv that has &. R»ICO RED, coas In Young A ged We n. ggh ;»t-rfere buair.eas, ir:.h *Ucr. Jivti tu or etuse j ipsinot iDconveniencc in TrSTED FOR OVER auv -«uy. Foat.ded on Yf AR3 av use IN MANY s icafihc nieciral praet Thousand Cases. ^33 5?jplpe. the By scat direct of application :t* to is felt ■^•ce© thial "Siwithout ®ar^i specific fuurriov* delay- influence of TheraU the nn ir»cii organism is r^sf»>rr{i. R The animating vhT.fvt# of life, which have beers T PFATMJEXT. E wasted potient c re g become* ivrn na H cliff .£. s! d One ifoath, - S3 CO me ! th r Two 21onthB. - o.OO R ful and rapidly gains ■ yjircc HonthS) 7.00 strength aou aexuai vigi.-r. HARRIS REW1EDYCO., M'FQGke.VISTS EOSH ^ ‘"C R U P T ^fPo pIeB TRIAlt. -fcV'Xh ITIV SI OPEN FIRE STOVES VENTILATOR PATENTED. Bum any kind of Fuel! SOFT OR HARD COAL. They keep tl*e air in « room pure by Perfect Ventilation * SAVE IN FUEL JB a 1 MORE THAW THEY COST WM* I Keep other fire kind longer of than stove. any GIVE NO GAS ^ r BUT BURN IT ALL s !• !.i THEY SECURE tiir Ilealdifulnens By Perfect Ventilation. Economy. Perfect Combustion. Chcerlulaess, By a By Open Fire Comfort, Equable Warmth. By Uniform, A g low in price as the cheapen. Illumination as front &n opep-Grate Fire. Worth more than the moat costly. See an Open-Fire Ventilator Stove, with fire in it, before buying any stove. Ask your stove dealer to show you eae; if he has none send to us for catalogues and testi* moni&ls. GOLD’S HEATER MF6. GO. 624-642 East I4th St., Now York. \ tan 11 b KANUFACTUKKRS OP BUGGIES, SPRING WAGONS, Two-wkeeled Village Phsetons, afd two akd three spring piletqns. to b" T.l jj i. a lb *S6B*iS=l 1« it. MULH0LLAND BUCXPOARD, No. 21. 7 SPRING BARS ; are suitable for either city or country roads, and superior to all others now in use for speeding, pleasure or business vehi¬ cles of any description. Send for catalogue and prices. TVagcn Co.- r" 'nnati, 0. Standard AV,E Rv a m Y gas -,-T |::‘ m-mmw r. SWIFT | R SURE SIMPLE § | SIR0MG SILENT /I | Hi ■ s y ? , T euy imvroR-^ -F? 7 'd^ l~e w and Rotary J/Rc ""'men:?. i./ A.uio~ matio, JDirec v. V and Perfect A * f Cylinder ,ui C P.J* ZlOTl. . , tiny 1 Reals, Po. <)*•> TP ‘V 'O Springo, Few Par • ' Weight, ITo 1 /*> HO Wear, 17d 1' ,. rx » “ FT-y LA// -/-I V&’ t Y *1 *Atl J Trn / vl»j f» w -f na": j V • t. tr - ec£, A Yxa; - ,, ' y w ?- r x ■*, v * / Ornamented, J r: r 'ZlRtini' . \ and Gives Perfect o -n < L Send " . rt. 7* *f' • ' 1* J — Address— AVERY MACHINE CO. 812 Broadway, Nev/ York. Evans Anti-Friction Roller Skate Perfected on tl:o Lad Lcurin;; iYiacipie. T!ic Ai'.o Devolve* or. Sietl Kollerr. W- ' P. | elf jiH we* jgi* . ' nr* 1* fm --—I *p. -f ',■>« til ^-..Tir ! :ll i*i . ' A rue M ■Wi _ mv p< •< *& (Hal wm JMKl ■di y pS - m m FT Tie Xeatest, Geanest and Swiftest Running Roller Skato Ever Made. UBEIJAli DISCOUNT TO 1UNKS AND TIIE T11A.DE. Evans Skate Co., Manufacturers, 177 W. 4th St., Cincinnati, O ~6 SJP 3 H. 1 Q.TG- OAET CO., Cut shows No. 3 ready to get iirtjp. >• **• V ; Ih 11 $ ii IV r- ■ s. - \ TETs' STYLES OF HARNESS. READER! DO YOU OWE ME ANYTHING? Please refresh your memory ami see if the note or account is due. If so, need please it come and let me hare the money; / and l want it. Jf you hare the cotton and don't like to store it, 1 trill bay it and pay yya more for it than any buyer in Voluut bus. If you ott'c me as much as $•701 will buy two bales; {five if the debt is $100 I trill buy I (tales, and above the market the price, debt. paying dm you all over the amount the times, of and I selling goods to suit while I prefer to collect for those already sold, I am prepared to do either or both. Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, lower than ever sold before. Resp’y, J. A. WALK El »/V , Next to Rankin House Office, Columbus, Ga. ¥ sk bV i ■ * INSON*ANODYNE ■JNIMENTH <JP .#* Yi H 1 iari % ASONS 1 SPILLS cure or S >7 For Sale by Luckie Lovelace, Hamilton, Ga ' f ! M Ye' Klffi ^ 7 . is 1 $ |L, Wffl *. / IS 3 1 K ff £°c*ar-> Esaitby C 62 A* g* i ^ V.TT W A tXJnud 'aAiojito ti.eldv«i * r^Utive all bil d t .lane- txcuol^a. •- c*/ lirzHa: C:Cr.;te?. Ill . jimivrixr, im>. YTLolosnlo 3".rnnfa.;tnrcr3 < r Trro-WiiGeled Vehicles, ^ L;uln - BUCKCOARD?, Best 7:ake. 0 IY\ / 'X V * v" t^aiBr MRM££feA?t - Folding Scotch Harrors» with Handles, Farry’a Fat. Aeljustablo Augrcr Handles, AfiESTS WASTED *«? 82 £.W 2 SZw. Do not f«'r^et to write for Prices and CaUilogttes. HPI8IMffhSlKRMtt III IUIII 1 .?a» — P. ic. WOOLLBT. k. Atu«t*.o». Mi MRt« WW€Rf AU (LSI FAILS. Best Cough Byrup. by Ta«ten druggists. good. Uee in Urne. Bold