The Hamilton journal, published semi-weekly. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1885-1887, December 11, 1885, Image 7

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Suppressing Jlntlny. William H. Lytle, the author of thi poem. “The death of Anton}’,” that be¬ gins “1 am dying, Egypt, dying,” was the man for mutineers. At one time during command the war 1 was sent under his with several pieces of light artillery, among them two or three howitzers, in a brigade that went out on a raid some place near Shelbyville in Tennessee. When we started out the wagons were used to carry the soldiers’ knapsacks, etc., and when we had gath¬ ered together what fo: age we wanted, the w’agons had to be used to carry it. Of course the soldiers then had to carry their baggage, and when the order was given to do this, one regiment refused to obey, and said they would not touch their knapsacks. Colonel Lytle marched the men over to where the knapsacks were, and again ordered the men to take them up. Again they refused. I was stationed on a little eminence a short distance away, and presently here came Colonel Lytle galloping over to me, with liis sabre out and his eyes flashing. let Captain have Edgarton,” said he, “will you me those howitzers?” “Certainly,” I answered, and gave the order for the guns to move. Coming over right in front of the mutineers. Colonel Lytle gave the order, “Attention! load with cannister! Take aim!”—and then in an undertone bid¬ ding the gunners await in readiness the word “tire,” spoke to the mutineers, saying: I’ll “Take up your knapsacks, or wipe you off the face of the earth!” Not a man in the regiment moved, and Lytle waited fully a minute. “Now,” said Lytle, “I’ll give you one minute to pick up those knapsacks!” Slowly, tirst one and then another, and then a third, picked up his knapsack, and before the minute was up there was not a piece of baggage on the ground.— St. Louis Re¬ publican. St. Master Frank Rodenberg, of South Louis, is a genuine lover of pigeons. Recently his favorite pair of “blowers' began hatching, and Frank naturally awaited the result with keen interest. One day his attention was attracted by a peculiar sound issuing from the pigeon loft, and, immediately concluding that the young pigeons had made their ap pearance, Frank hastened upstairs to in¬ vestigate. Cautiously peering into the box he beheld instead that which sent a cold chill through his entire frame. Snugly ensconced in the box and occupy¬ ing three fouths of the narrow apart¬ ments lay a strange old cat with tw r o newly-born kittens,while the old “blow¬ er” sat contentedly hatching and seem ingly obvious of the proximity of his most deadly enemy. The female pigeon was serenely perched on the back ol her feline friend, which seemed not in the least disconcerted at her familiarity. The pigeons and cats continued in their strange and unnatural relation until the arrival of the young pigeons, when Frank deemed it advisab.e to remove the felines to other and more comfortable quarters. Why a Drunken Man Escapes. One sometimes sees a drunken man pitched violently from a horse, and when the bystanders rush to the spot, expecting to find him dead, they are as¬ tonished to discover that he has been Little injured. In his “Scrambles Among the High Alps, ” Leslie Stephen tells the story of a guide who, while drunk, fell over a precipice so deep that a fall over It seemed almost death, and who yet sus¬ tained little injury. The reason of this immunity is that the nerve centers are so much paralyzed in the drunken man as not to be affected by the shock of the fall, which, in a sober man, would have acted -upon them so violently as to stop the heart, arrest the circulation, and cause instant death .—New York Sun. A Noted Ladies’ Seminary, In no institution of learning in the country is a more complete education given than in the celebrated Notre Dame, near Baltimore. Maryland. The Sisters in charge say they find Red Star Cough and Cure successfuly removes all colds throat troubles among their pupils. and It is absolutely free from poison, costs but twenty-five cents. Mr. J. W. Gran-ade, of Rockdale. Ga., £ia 9 an old hen that is now fifteen years old. It is estimated that she has laid 2,000 eggs and raised over GOO chickens. She now has a brood of chickens follow¬ ing her. and promises to live many years yet. If the surplus eggs had been sold at ten cents a dozen they would have brought #90, and the chickens at fifteen 5 would have amounted cents apiece of #180. to g90. making a total - For Gambling months uf this T.ouisvillr. question in Louis¬ has many discussed, and the ville been actively probability is that it will be for some time to come, viz.: “Shall the gamblers stay in Louisville, or shall they go!” There are two sides to this question. Many people might suppose that there is but one side* and that in the name of the law, good order and virtue, the professionals would be compelled to leave town, or else conduct their traffic so lar gely “on the sly - ’ that it would not be a pu iblic offence to those who disap proved of it. dealers The other side is that of the who say that they make money out of the gamblers. The gamblers are liberal buyers of a good It many said things, and their of custom is sought. have is that a number our merchants written to the mayor, asking that the gamblers maybe protected, in the interests of trade, and not driven out of town. It is said that these merchants urge that if the gamblers are driven out, the best class of country’ merchants will go elsewhere to buy their goods, so that whenever they’ “make a trip to town,” they’ can have some fun in gambling. This has brought into print of the some country merchants, who declare that they are not that sort of folks; and that when they come here it is to buy goods ami not the to gamble. They protest against having gamblers kept in town simply for their ac¬ commodation. The alleged city merchants and dealers who are said to have besought the mayor to let gamblers stay, have not a; yet come forward with a list of their names. And after all, the great question is, “How to make the gamblers go?” question So there has been the great as to how to drive out of the human sy’stem cer¬ tain evil agencies which were working ail manner of mischief and doing incalculable harm. Dyspepsia, malaria, and rheumatism, for instance. Sometimes people suffer these ills and would like Here to get.rid point of them, in regard but don’t know hew. is a to which the experience of two valuable. well-known citizens of Louisville may prove One of our correspondents called on J O. Campbell, Esq.. of the old and well-known machinery house of J. O. Campbell & Sons, which was established in 1852, on First street. “As to that dyspepsia of yours, Mr. Camp¬ bell?” “Yes; I had dyspepsia. I suffered badly with it for years. 1 suppose it was from over¬ work. Yes, 1 fought against it and kept my¬ self up by hard work. But I got rid of it at last, by taking Brown’s Iron Bitters. I took several bottles, and it served me well. My wife was troubled with debility, and was very week and ailing. She took two bottles of the Bitters, and regained her strength. We think it is the best tonic we ever hud.” From Mr. Campbell's establishment our E. correspondent went to the office of R. Miles, Esq., the real estate dealer, on West Main street, No. 214. In answer to queries, Mr. Miles remarked: “I had boils. They were very troublesome boils too, and there were a good many of them. Vitiated state of the blood, 1 suppose. It was about two years ago I took two or three bottles of Brown’s Iron Bitters, and the boils went away. I cannot attribute their going away to anything but the Brown’s Iron Bitters, which did the work most effectually. blood, and her “My’ wife, too, had bad digestion was much impaired. She took Brown’s Iron Bitters, and it did for her as much as it did for me. It is a splendid tonic for ladies. I have known of its proving very valuable in other cases.” Now there are a great many people malaria, to whom indigestion, dyspepsia, boils, backaches, kidney troubles and liver com¬ plaints are as great nuisances as the gam biers are to the good citizens of Louisville. Perhaps there may be some advantage of al¬ lowing these evils to remain and hold possession of the human system. If so, we cannot see what it is. Better drive them out as speedily as possible, and so effectually’ that they are not likely to return. The bests thing to drive them out with is Brown’s Iron Bitters. And be sure that you buy of your druggist the one, only genuine article which has crossed red lines and trademark on wrapper. words of praise for Brown’s Iron Bitters from those we know. Mrs. M. Willie Watson, principal Barks¬ dale Academy, Highland Home, B. C., says; I used Brown's Iron Bitters with great satis¬ faction and profit. I heartily recommend sick-headache. it to all sufferers of indgestion and Ga., 1 Mr. J. M. Field, Adaissville, says: used Brown’s Iron Bitters for impurity of the blood with most decided benefit. The famous Petit Journal of Paris, has a press that prints 100,000 copies per hour. “lalttle, but Oh JIv.” Dr. Pierce’s “Pleasant Purgative v Iff rippp t >» ti n mnst'i i*fi Vint tlipv of the liver, stomach and bowels they act like a inclosed charm. in Purely vegetable, Pleasant, sugar-coated, and glass vials. sate and sure. By druggists. Positive, chick ; comparative hen ; super lative, chick-hen. Prevent crooked hoots and blistered heels by wearing Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffeners. It is a doubt whether the refinements of modern times have or have not been a drawback upon our happiness, for plain¬ ness and simplicity of manners have given way to etiquette, formality, and deceit ; while the ancient hospitality has now almost entirely deserted our land, and what we appear to have gained in head we seem to have lost in heart. The bulk of winter stuffs, both wool and silk, are striped horizontally as a rule, but frequently vertically. ---— The number of florists in the United States is put at 8.000, who produce 00, 000,000 plants yearly. UedStar TRADE VId/ MAR K. loUGrilURE Free from Opiates, Absolutely Emetics and Poison. SAFE. 259 SURE. * PROMPT. AT DacooisTa ahv*. BALTIBOIUB,MD. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., GErm 17 Paiiflm SR For Cures Rheumatism, Toothache, Neuralgia, Backache, Headache, Spralnt, FIFTY Rrnleee, etc., CENTS. etc. PKIOK. OKALKJUL AT DRUttUISTS AND THE CHARLES A. VOGRLER CO.. BAlTIBOUR, ■!». IMMEDIATE RELIEF! Gordon’s King of Pain relieves pain of whatever na¬ ture, the moment it la applied, ami is a household remedy wherever known for Rheumatism, ctirat via, Headache and Toothache, Burns and Scalds, Sprains and Bruises, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Sore Throat, Ulcers, Fresh Wounds, etc. Burns will not blister if applied, and Bruises will heal iu r day that would require a week by any othei method, ‘he ,'emedv is furnished in powder, with labels, etc., and W sent by mail, postage paid. It i* put up In M)c.. $1 and 45 packages. liquid The klc., or trial 2o«. package, bottles, which "hen reduced to form, will fill 24 are worth at retail, $6. Agents can coin money sell Ing it It Is worth ten times its cost for burns aloue. lend postal notes or tw-o cent stamps. Address E. G. RICHARDS, Sol® Proprietor, Toledo, 01ilo._ msm ill HOME MAGAZINE SnlfflLdfl is just wlmt its name indicates, for a magazine for Homes. Write a Free Specimen copy before subscribing for any other magazine. T. S. ARTHUR & SON, Philadelphia, Pa. I When CURE 1 fifty care 1 Co iu»t mftftn fits; merely to »top ilium lor • time and then have them ictur* mg al n, Iw « *» “ I eal cure. I have modo the <ll»e»«e of J ITS, El ILEP.sY or FALLING SICKNESS a life long study. I warrant mf remedy to cure the worst case*. Because others have failed Is no reason for not now receiving a cure, bond at Ooth.n^or^trlal^idl c; Kesris: £^“ r *»/pearl St, Newtork. A8THSVSA CURED German Asthma Cure novc rfail.v togi ve *»< mediate, rel irf in t he worst can’s,insuren coirfort ablo Bicep; effects cures where a 1 others f;iii. A trial convinces the rn/mt tkejitien I. ^ Price -"jOc. » T 'd .00,otl>rui--'-ri>;> HCIIIFFMA sor bv jmii. N, Sample BE Paul. J» i< Minn. Eli form>ifnp. Dr- R. * ’« K s « j BITCn Al. active Man or Womar- lfievsrr MEjK fu SMI 1 I C^county and to Expense*. sell our good* Expense* BnlarylG#. ad iffa iSM p«r Monte Particulars in vancc t-anvassin* outfit ERICK! W W tree. atandurd btlver ware Co. Beaton, Mae*. A BIG arfCD OFFER. To Introduce them, we wul UIVK AWAY 1.000 Sou Operating Washing Machines. It yon want one THURSTON'S PEARL IV0KY TOOTHPOffi Keeping Teeth Perfectjuuft tiaoie Healthy, n « aw mm «■ Obtained. Send stAinD for p* g H li I WaskiUKlon. O litventori'Guide. D. C. I,. Binu HAM, Pateui.Lawyer, C has taken the lead la the sale* of that cla-.s of A MBBtjr a peri TO < DAYS.^U iu Almost remedies, universal and has satisfac¬ given ^^BwGuaranteed 5 tion. tfiEFi unt * MURPHY BROS,. c * ule Strioturo. Paris Tex I Mfd only by the G has won the favor of Ch*Ei£*l Co._ the public and r.ow rank . amont; the leading Medi¬ Cincinnati,OHBBI cines of the oddom. m. Ohio. A. L. SMITH. Sold by Drupgisti. Bradford, Pa. Price * I OO. Jf 3k 8 BFa COINS ^ ^ I r*”* oGDfl u IUC. nn II ■■ cit te n ? s<-H L.ncbr-rt. H boston Hirhlmd-, M a YFR. 13 ■«*. ~ *7 GrENTS — = = b ^ A &nd h Blbl t M. *Wr ? FA I Wl L*°B? BLES a specialty. Very lavpneet. B-F. JOHNSOM k CO., Pube.. 1Q13 Main Stre et, Richmond, V*. AillS f SaB^' ‘Z(t PiUn* day*. Habit No Cured till cared. I* HI ISb’ lWI to pay US Da- J. BTKriiitu. JLebaneo. Ohla The Mirror is no flatterer, Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm¬ er that almost cheats the looking-glass. o o DROPSY TREATED FREE! dr. h. h. green, A Specialist for Eleven Years Past Has treated Dropay and Its complications with tU moat wonderful success; uses vegetable remedies, entirely harmless. Removes allsyuiytoms of dropsy “cures pa tisnts pronounced hopeless by the best of P Fromm* first dose tbe symptoms rapid!* di*»P poar, and in ten days at laast two-thirds of all symp Bom%^vTi^mbu* kemember, it does without not knowing coat you anythin* anythin* about It. merits of treatment for yourself. to realize the difSculty my of breathing is relieved, Iu ten days the urinary made to dis¬ the pulse re*ular, the restored, organs the swelling charge their full duty, sleep is nd all or nearly gone, the strength increased, a ap pe^ tile made good. I am constantly curing tapped cases o. long standing, oases that have been a num¬ ber of times, and the patient declared unable to live a week, feemi for 10 full days' history treatment; of case. directions Name and terms tree. Give swollen and whsrsL sex, bowels bow long afflicted, how badly bursted and dripped is costive, have pamphlet, legs containing teett water. Bend for freo moni&ls, questions, treatment etc. furnished . free . .__ by mall. Ten day*’ in stamps for postage on medldna. Bend 7 cents wrflrjj- r.d. K„U.p., tu S B „ AA Jones Avenue, Atlanta, Aa, Mention this *»»»"*• Prize Holly Scroll Saw. All Iron and Steel, Price, $3.00. GOOD FOR BUSINESS. GOOD FOR AMUSEMENT, COOD FOR ADULTS. GOOD FOR YOUTH. SEND FOR CATALOCPBTO SHIPMAN ENGINE MfG. CO., Rochester, N Y. raynts Automatic engines and Saw-Mill. 36s We offer »n S to P. mountod^Ylnglne c»nt-hooks, rl* with complete Mm, fl) -im. Kolid Saw. fid ft. belting. Kncine eklda, ®Wi for operation, on ohm, $1.1tfi. (BE B. \V. on PA1 N*f <fc lew. A nd for circular nil Automatic Kn NONN, Manufacturer* of styles *inc*« from U to 8 0 II. P, • also IM50. Policy*, Haugen »aJ Miaftug, Klutira, N. Y. Box _____ t U.5 STAND i AKUj 5 TON JONES'; WAGON SCALES, lr*B L*v#r», Steel Bearing., H. us Turn B?»m sud Boon Bax. o I ^'W'vM/vMTON JONttSh»p«y*tb» A»lgS>t—far f"e Ptic* List maalloa tbU JMiper '*•* ■' *i* »■ - eddr.M Blu|btBiUi| JONES OF lINgHAM/OM, ».*• V I your Oyster Offline, Abells, weak auU torn fittATt A !M Flour in the HAND aftlliX. iF\ Wilson’* Patent). lOO per rent, move made In kecniou: FARM pom* try. Also POWER HILLS and FJCEIJ MILLS, Circular* rind Testimonial' ***. seat en application. WILNOX Kino. otf ©Sia “25 YEARSnfiPOULTRY YARD” 23d Edition. 103 pages. Tci:h:: Ycutho Bcr.ras*. -rffn wffl’ 25cte. iu Stamp*. AW papa IH'dC’lr. FliEJE. K. M. I.\ Yf», rove Dale, liy._____ bme-msm' r i fA»;jM iaNEgnrBE^tr.«aigat:fc.. era Pensions to Soldiers it Uw«. tErndstamp lor Circular*. COL I* BliNti ilAlU, Att’y, Washington, D^O. T =9 CL f l^-arn iier* end earn go >d pap « Situation furiiish*ul. Write V . ItltOs , JaBesvlile. Wis. ■ - - PENNYKOYAL ENGLISH” "CHICHESTER’S The Orlginnl and Only Genuine. Safe and always rellabte. Beware of WertHleM luii’afioafc *‘(’hiche*ter'a K-.-igUeh” are the best made, li.dis-'.mabla =t“ksfe^P|LLS! TQ LADIES. Tpeloie 4e. (stomp s) fo r particular*. teslL •Bofltadiaw. Ha-.PNtloda.Pa l I Sain V ■ fSS HI Pino’s Bernf-dy Use, for Catarrh i Cheapest. is the H| Best, Kosiesl to au & k t Also croofl for Cold In tiic Head. Headache, Hay Fever, Ac. 50 ceata. m A.N. U. .... Fortv-Mvrn, ’S.» ■ All Sorts of L harts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment.