The Hamilton journal, published semi-weekly. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1885-1887, April 06, 1886, Image 7

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rr The Ever-Green Pine. 0b, a valiant tree is the ever-green pine, That grows on the bleak mountain side: fear , does , it ....... feel of the wind . , or the ,, \ot * >ul a storm, As it stands like king . its pride. a m The lightning may flash ’round its tall wav ing crest, And the wind ’mid its branches may rave; But it stands mite strength . ..... like a lion .. at ,, bay, a hero, who 11 ne’er be a slave. Oh, a sorrowful tree is the ever-green pine That grows in the sweet smiling vale, It murmurs forever a low, plaintive song That resembles a lorn lover’s wail. It stretches its strong, shady branches abroad And it sighs to the flowers below, And it tells of the sorrow' corroding its heart To the breezes that merrily blow. Oh , ... . tree , . the ,, ever-green pine . a is That grows on the hill s slodpmg side; It shelters the woodbird. gives shade to the ueer, And makes cheerful our house, far and •yyjdg Then honored and loved be the ever-green pine That fears neither lightning nor gale, And cherished still more be the sorrowful tree That sighs in the sweet smiling vale. — M. J. Riorclan. HUMOROUS. “Ahem !” exclaimed the needle. Justifiable homicide—Sleighing- girls A roadbed is for the convenience of wheels when they are tired. ‘‘No,” said the hack-driver, “I can’t stop; my business is driving.” The home rule question—Who is to get up and light the fire ? “All flesh is grass,” but some people display more greenness than others. Human efforts to achieve certain aims, arc very much like a cat trying to catch its tail. Just as we think we are about to succeed, away goes the tail. A taste for painting ? I don’t know; He may, perhaps, be full of it; He did his best to paint a cow, And— well i He made a bull of it. A fashion exchange tells of “new wrinkles for men.” It seems to us that what is most wanted is not new-wrinkles, but some method of getting rid of the old ones. “This is a most trying situation,” spouted the little whale, when he was cut up and put in the boiling vats. * ‘I’m afraid it’s oil over with me,” and he be¬ gan to blubber. “Why do all the cold waves come from the northwest, my dear ?” asked a fond husband. “Oh, because there is so much coolness between St, Paul and Minneapolis,” was the reply. “It may be,” soliloquised an afflicted old lady, “that my troubles are blessing in disguise, as my friends are all the time telling me, but I do wish they’d throw off the disguise once in a while.” Thoughtful Young Lady (to college graduate)—Who, in your opinion, Mr. Muscle, was the noblest Roman of them all ? College Graduate—I used to think Hanlan was, but I wouldn’t bet a cent on any of ’em now. Spiders for Agne. Spiders were formerly considered to be a cure in rural districts for ague. Some years ago a lady in Ireland was famous for her success in curing people thus affected. It appears that the only medi cine she employed was a spider rilled up in treacle. The patients were ignorant of the contents of this novel bolus, so that imagination had nothing to do with the .natter. In England, also the spider hflS been called in as an agile doctor. In Lincolnshire the creature was treated very much after the above-mentioned Irish fashion, being rolled up in paste and swallowed; but elsewhere the animal is put into a bag and worn round tl# neck. The old stone mill at Newport has been repaired, every effort having been made to preserve the roughness charac teristic of the structure. The stones r® at tlie top of the wall ,, reset , in . Port land were cement, and where new stones were required they were selected from those 011 ^he seashore whose sufaces had been worn by the waves. It is claimed that perseverance can do nil abou things, but the unvarnished truth the matter is that it keeps it hump¬ ing to run down a scandal. Faithfulness is always necessary; especially so in treating a cold, to procure the best rem¬ fully edy, Allen’s Lung Balsam, and take it faith¬ according to directions. It will cure a Prkef^M^ind'iTper bottle, atDruggista. The oldest and largest tree in the world is a chestnut at the foot of Mount Etna. The circumference of the main trunk , w0 hucdred „ nd twelve fee t. ------____ Consumption Frightful off Waste. thousands of . carries its vic tints every year. Yes, thousands of human lives are being wasted that might be saved, for the fact is now established that consump¬ Pierce’s tion, in “Golden its early Medical stages, Discovery” is curable. will, Dr. if used in time, effect a permanent cure. It lias no equal as a remedy for bronchitis, coughs and colds. Its efficacy has been proved in thousands of cases. All druggists. No man is horn into the world whose work is not born with him. _ A positive guarantee is given by the manu¬ facturer of Dr. Jones’ Red Clover Tonic that a 50-cent bottle of this remedy Contains mors curative properties than any dollar preparation. It promptly cures all stomach, kidney and liver troubles. Why is a dog’s tail a novelty ? It was never seen before. The Flowers Wither. The chilling blasts of winter wither the flowers and the fall. So does it effect the hu man family, and if precautionary followed measures by evil are not taken, being chilled is re¬ sults. Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum e*nd Mullein will cure coughs, colds and consumption. A young lady wrapped up in herself is a delicate parcel.— Chicago Telegram. The purest, sweetest and best Cod Liver Oil tu i. he world, manufactured from fresh, healthy liver-., upon the seashore. It is absolutely- pure a:i.: sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians the other have de¬ cided it superior to any of oils in market. Made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. _ pimples _ Chapped hands, face, and rough skin Caswell, cured Hazard by using Co., Juniper Tar York. Soap,made ny & New There is no disease so dangerous as the want of commo n sense. _ The huge, drastic, griping, sickening pills are fast being superseded by Dr. Pierce s “Purgativ e Pellets.” _ The devil can never be entirely crushed while the mule lives. ___ Relief is immediate and a cure sure. Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh. 50cents. _ Paynes' Automatic Engines and Saw-Mill, OUR LEADER. with ,. v Mill, We offer an B t# 10 H. P. mounted Engine complete 60 in *oiid Saw, 60 ft. belting, oaut-hooks, FW. pVvNfe** rig KSl-’KSS-C.lsaJrViS!- all styles Automatic En¬ SONS, Manufacturers of I in e«, from 2 to 300 H. P. ; also Pulleys, Hungers and miftnir. Elmira, N. Y. Box 1 850. No Rope to Cut Off Horses' Manes. SStBRlDLE horse. Sample be Slipped by any free, A Halter to any part of U. S. on f receipt of $1. Sold by all Saddlery. Dealers. yC/tfL Hardware and Harness .V Special Send for discount Price List. to the Trade. /Y, Jig J. C. LIGHTHOUSE, W* Rochester, N. Y. w... i* LIST OF DISEASES ALWAYS CURABLE BY USING MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. HUMAN FLESH, Stings and Bitea, Cuts and Bruiaea, & s.l.che., Btiff Jointa, Backache, Er «pG<ms, Forfencraluseinfamily.MtAbieandgtock-j^nlgltis THE BEST OF ALL LINIBIENTS * OF AKIMAIS* I Spavin, Cracka, Screw Worm, Grabs F„„t KM, Hoof Ail, Swinny, Founders, Sprains, Strains, i-eet, The color produced by Buckingham’s Dye for the Whiskers always gives satisfaction. The dangers of Whooping Cough are averted by the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. An easy way to find a lost relative—Make a will in his favor. “Be wise to-day; ’tis madness to defer.” Don’t neglect your cough. If you do your fate may be that of the countless thousands who have done likewise, and who to-day fill con¬ blood, sumptives’ graves. Night-sweats, spitting of taken in weak time lungs, be and consumption the itself if Pierce’s “Golden can Medical cured Discovery.” by use of Dr. This wonderful preparation has no equal as a reme¬ dy for lung and throat diseases. All Druggists. The two cars of civilization—pion-eer; f ront-i er. —Ph iladelph ia Call. Get Lyon’s boots Patent Heel Stiffeners applied y ur new and shoes before you wear them out. The Doctor’s* Endorsement. Dr. W. D. Wright, Cincinnati, O., sends the sub joined professional endorsement: “I have proscribed Dr. Wm. Hall’s Balsam for the Lungs in a great number of cases, and always with success. One case in particular was given up by several physicians who had been called in for consultation with myself. The patient had all the symptoms of confirmed consump tion—cold night sweats, hectic fever, harassing coughs, etc. He commenced immediately to get better, and was soon restored to his usual health. I also found Dr. Wm. Hall’s Baisam; for thk Lungs the most valuable expectorant for breaking up dls tresslng coughs and colds.” Thk chicken thief is an annex-hen trick fel¬ low —Marathon indryemlent. FOR COUCHS, CROUP AND CONSUMPTION USE A RE OF SWEET GUM AND MULLEIN. The Sweet Gum from a tree of the same name crowing from in the South, Combined with a tea made the Mullein plant of the old fields. For sale by all dr uggis ts at 25 cents and 11.00 per bottle. WALTER A. TAILOR, Atlanta, On. EPITHELIOMA! OR SKIN CANCER. For seven years I suffered with a cancer on my face. Fight months ago a friend recommended the use of Swift’s Specific, and I determined to make an effort to procure it. In this I was successful, and began Us use. The influence of the medicine at first was to somewhat aggravate the sore; but soon the iuflauiatlon was allayed, and I began to health Improve has after the first few bottle*. My general and able to do greatly improved. I am stronger, am any kind of work. The cancer on my face began to decrease and the ulcer to heal, until there Is not a vestige of it left-only a little scar marks the place. Urs Joicik A. McDonald. Atlanta, Ga., August 11,1885. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Thk Swift Snccrnc Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. N. Y., 157 W. 23d St.__ A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever. DR. T. FELIX GOTJRAUD’S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL lEAOTUm I Removes Tan, Moth-Patches. Pimples, PURIFIES tS Z Freckles, Rash and Skin diseases, and rv .u every blemish on beauty, and defies detection. It has stood the test of 30 years and ia sv mo harmless w# £ taste it to be sure CO X c the properly preparation ia made. Accept no counterfeit of similar name. The ed Dr.L.A.Sayer distinguish¬ said to a lady of ■is the haut ton, (a patient;: “A* mm you ladies will use them, I rec¬ V. ommend ‘(lour aud’x Cream ’ os the least harmful of all the Skin preparations.” day. One bottle will last six months, using It every without Also Poudiv Sub ! Mr* removes superfluous hair injury to the skin Kino. N. B. T. UOIKA1T), Sole Prop., *H Bond SI.. Sew tort, t or sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers In tie U. S., Canadas, Reward for Europe, arrest and ty proof Be ware of of base selling irnitulionr gl/WO any one HJ.itie PAY WHEN CURED s denee Having in sufficient our ability oonfi- and tbe willingness of mankind to pay when the cure is i made, we cure all chronic diseases and ask no pay for oar professional services until after the cure g effected. Describe your case fully and send stamp for instruc¬ 104, I tions. Address UR. II. 1>. BAKEil, Box Buffalo, N. Y. w ANTED Ladles and Gentlemen to ■UmasUi take light work at their own homes. #1 to B’J a day easily made. Work sent by mall. No canvassing We have good demand for our work, ana fur nish steady employment. Address, with i stamp, Caowar Mr g.Co., 2»4 VineSt..Cin.O. ft Water Wheals, Millstones and PORTABLE MILL8 JSA»uf»*tur*d b 7 | A.A. DeLoacR k Bro., Atlanta, Ga. Prices wonderfully low, Sena for large catalogue. Mention this paper. PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH." Tbe Original and Only Genuine, gafs sal alwsys Reliable. Be w»r* ef worthies* ImUfttlons. Iadls pen sable to LADIES. Ask your Draggist for •‘Chlehe.trUs Eagllsh” and take fto vther, or inefoss 4a (stamps, to as for particular* in Uttar by retnni » »IL NAME PAPER. Chlehestep Chemical Co., *318 Madison Ho ware, Phllada., Pa Mold by I)rs|fl«ts everywhere. Ask for “Chleh tar’s English” Pennyroyal PIU*. Tak* as other. 0^ "-ft Tie Best t 'o VaterBroof fi Coat. P TheFISHBBATOSLTCkeRls wsrrxr.ird «-st-rT.roof, and will ke'P you dry In the hardest storm. The n.-w l O.M.tlF.I BI.KTKK Is a ridius coat, and |coT€r« (Brand” tnuic-TTilJk. entire e&d*2*.*. IHsstrolfd lirwato C-t-iG^ao frru;.*;>>o». I None A. J- r*"** Tower, 51 * 1 *'- Boat* o, ino NiM.___ n» tf. tpW$ 25 IW# 26 CENTS ^CEHTS for f for Cough!/ iSJW&sproBi THE REST AND CHEAPEST GOUGH or CROUP AS AN E^CTORA’NnT’^A^Nb EQUAL It Contains no Opium In Any Form. ALLEN’S LUNG BALSAM Osits £ Thra* Stas Bottles, Price £5 Cants, 50 and SI Par BotUs. The 35Cent Botuea are pot up for the awommodettha ef all who deulro remedy simply a Cough or Croup Itemed?. Those desiring a for CONSUMPTION er ea? LUNG DISEASE should secure the large $1 be talas. Prlos, 250 ., 50 o. and $1 psr Bottle SOLD BT ILL IEDICIHE DEALERS. DROPSY TREATED FREE! DR. H. H. GREEN, A Specialist for Eleven Years Past, Hu treated wonderful Drnpay and Its complication* vegetable remedied with the most success; usos entirely harmless. Removes allaymptoms of dropsy in eight to tweuty days. by Cures patients pronounced hopeless the best of physicians- From the first dose the symptoms rapidly disap¬ pear, and in ten days at least two-thirds of all symp» toms ara removed. Home mi u <t □ About it. Remember, If doea treatment not cost you for M 3 » to realize the merits of my >v C In ten days the difficulty of breathiug is relieve^ the pulse regular, the unitary organs made to dis¬ charge their full duty, sleep Is restored, tho swelling all or nearly gone, the strength increased, and appw tlte made good. I am constantly ettnug cases of long ber of standing, times, and cases the that patient have been declared tapped unable a num¬ to live a weok. free. Bend for 10 days’ treatment; direction! nd terms Give full history of case. Name sex. how long afflicted, how badly swollen and where, is bowels costive, have logs bursted and dripped water. Bend for free pamphlet, containing testi¬ monials, Ten questions, etc. free by mail. Bend days’ cents treatment furnished medicine. 7 positively in stamps for postage on Epilepsy fits cured. H. II. (iRKEN, 1*1. !>.. A5 Jones Avenue, Atlanta, Da. Mention this paper. DEBILITATED i be Y<ra are allowed a free trial of thirty/ days of the of Dr. Dye’s Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Si pensory Appliances, for the speedy jrrllet and i manent Manhood, cure of Nertwu Debility, loss Also of Vitality tor i and all kindred troubles. Health, Vis< ma other diseases. Complete restorat ion to and Manhood guaranteed. No risk Is Incurred, fui dressing t rated pamphlet VOLTAIC fn tea BELT led envelope CO.. Marshall. mailed free, Mlel tjr a Salvo CORES DRUNKENNESS sod Intemperance, uot instantly, €0 dote but effectually for The only scientific anti¬ the Alraho! Habit and the 3 only bottles. remedy that dares to send trial ical profession Highly endorsed prepared by the med¬ wafl. CP known and by Xew York physicians. Bend stamps for circulars and references. Address "SALVO REMEDY," No. 2 West Wth 8t., New York. CONSUMPTION. I bsve positive remedy for tbe above disease; s ■•e thouMun’.i a of ol tbe kind and of by loa Its cases worst : standing have been vursd. Indeed, i o strung Is my fait la Its efficacy, that 1*1.1 send T WO BOTTLES FKHB, together with ft VAI CA ItLK TUBATISK on this disease tsany sufforer. Oiveexpress snd V O *<ldr ss. DR. T. A. 5LOCUM, 111 Tearl 3t., Kew York. MUM ASTHMA CURED! German Asthma Cure never failt to coni-| give m S immediate retie/ In the worst c»»es. Insure* fortnble sleep; effects cure* where all others fail. A Itrial convince the moat tkepllcal. Price 60 eta. and 41.00. of Druggists or by mail. Sample FKEfC for stamp. DK. K. KCHIFFM AN. M. Paul, Minn. 1 Blair’s Pills. G R"'^!“dr Ovnl Uo»,SI.00j round, .>() cts. FRE jgBRgmi Q |* KAllCinnC s to Soldiers A Heirs. Boudstam? B1NCL I 6II9IUII9 for Circulars. COL. L. HAM. Att’y, Washington. D. 0. Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh is the ifo fssaasBl 90 Best, Easiest to Use, aud Cheapest. |jg| gE Headache, Hay Fever, 50 cents. A. N. V. Thirteen. ’SC