The Hamilton journal, published semi-weekly. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1885-1887, May 03, 1887, Image 1

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL. VOL. XV. For the Hamilton Journal. ANOTHER TRIP. Again on the wing and the western part of Harris county is the objective point. have her Shake Troup county may sh« always Rag, but Harris beats as Nigger N Y^:^iV Heel. a er S Shakespeare Yakesnearesaysha says ir at a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, so the excellence of Nigger Heel is not to be abated. With good tv n ^nd marrs^he a hosDi r t S alk^a S re a abundanL S One fact picture: most farmeis throughout Harris as well as else where have cotton on the brain and the acreage in food crops is not suffi cient. If the seasons be particularly propitious enough corn will probablybe made,but if rain be withheld watcn the rice of bread,for it must come from the ^.TSrsr;.».°“„ b 5£;: ty. Oh, what a magnificent country culture originally . was, and if wise had prevailed, no section of Georgia would compare with it. As it is,with idly restored and the vision of the fu tureis good and lope u . is observable everywiere la land-owners are land-poor, in other words almost every farmer owns too much land. If three parts of hispos session was disposed of and invested even at a small interest and his farrrr ing operations concentrated, he would be happier and more prosperous. It cannot be wise to pay tax on dead caoUal in land paying no in terest Careful observation shows that thatsma small farms pay vy best and it is true that Harris county couId have more than four times her present farms to great advantage, The farm ing outlook in the region of Wisdom’s Store, Whiteville, New Hope, Moun¬ tain Hill and Nigger Heel is promis mg. The farmers seem to be well up with their work. Corn in most places has been sided and though small looks healthy. Cotton planting is over and some up, rye, oats and wheat medium, but with good good sea sons from now on will make a yield, but—the cotton craze is doing its work. This section is inhabited by a thrifty industrious and intelligent population and famed for their hos¬ pitality. Whitesville, in ante-bellum times, was a prosperous village, with several stores, two churches, good school and a hotel. Now the hand of desolation appears conspicuous. The C. & R. railroad took another direction and made prosperity impos¬ sible, and though a fine neighborhood of excellent citizens surrounds it Whitesville is numbered “with the things that were.” Viator. CHIPLEY CHIPS. Mrs. J. D. McGee is quite ill. Can you sleep these lovely nights ? Mr. J. E. Jones went to Columbus Sunday. Mr. C. G. Flournoy was in town Thursday. Mr. Jimmie White went to Colum¬ bus last week. Remember that fire proof oil 30c. gallon, for sale only by jlass Bros. SEMI-WEEKLY. JOSEPH L.DENNIS, PROPRIETOR. The ladies came out in large nura bers Friday buying up spring goods. Mrs. S. A. Hunt, Mrs. Dr. Ldles pie and Miss Ola Gillespie, of White Sulphur Springs, were in town Triday shopping. Mfs L L Hardy and Miss Bertie Hardy after a pleasant visit to rela tJves an(J f nen( j s in west Point, re turne o . h nome puna Sundav ____. BLU E SPRINGS BUZZ. Mr. M. M. Hadley is expected at Blue Springs oil a visit to homefolks next Saturday. New Hope, we are glad you have begun “hinting” again. We have a “new hope” of hearing from you often, A ; 0 u y i ass 0 f our village received ^ acka(Te a few fa ys s j nce w hi c h she SU pp OS ed to have been sent di ^ststssSHJn s ^ „ The near” , [ creamed> but nS ^ . " was ' Miss Fannie Johnston, of Colum- ^ 5. l SBSiS,W vVe were glad to see our friend, Mr. W. J. Robinson, who left these parts about four months since and went to A Uj an y where he met splen ^ g U{ , cess ^tjcg as clock agent for > ] f Columbus. Having g eat eman 0 g n j s j ie( j hj s duty, Will returned to his home near Hamilton last Thurs * * Mr. J. J. Hadley, of Hamilton, is visiting homefolks at th.s place. He made one of the merry party who picnicked on the Mulberry to-day. VVe enjoyed our ride to the creek very much, our ride up and down the creek much more and the nice, plen teous table the most of all. We re ceived genial hospitality from our friends who live near that place, and hope to have many happy returns of the day. Sabbath school was organized at this place on last Sabbath afternoon with thirty pupils on roll Prof. W. B. Smith will superintend, also teach the Bible class, which lesson is 7th chapter of Matt. We cordially invite all who can to join our school and be benefitted thereby. “Robie.” Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world we live in! Nature gives us grandeui of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of enjoyment. We can desire no better when in per¬ fect health; but how often do the majority of the people feel like giving it up disheartenc-d, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that Green’s August Flower, will make them free from disease as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy-five per cent, of such mala¬ dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its w r on derful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cts. ] Try it. ; HAMILTON, GA., MAY 3,1887. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Dr. L. W. Stanford was in the city 3 j) Mrs. W. W. Arnold returned home , yesterday from a visit to LaGrange. „ district Grimes ronoressman frora lhil was in town Sa.ur day . Mrs - J- L * .... Wh atley . spent . Saturday c . . in town, the guest of Mrs. G.R Cope >"“>• A number of communications are ett out to-day, but will appeal m our next. ^ r - C- A. Brooks, of Americas, after a pleasant visit to his parents left f° r home this morning. A pressure of job work and a sore foot have caused a slight delay in the publication of the Journal. r* sr visaing among ” friends Our little mountain city is now wear j n g its most attractive garb, and £i " ■ Mr. E. M. Fuller, the clever agent 0 f the Central railroad at Bostick, was i n c ity ] ast n ir»ht the guest of p ro f t \y Dozier, Judge J. F. C. Williams has re¬ ceived from the Governor commis¬ sions for the Notaries Public appoint¬ ed at the last term of Harris Superior court. Come to Hamilton and buy your millinery. Mrs. It,. B. Gammel las a nice assortment of Summer hats at the Turner house, md would be pleas ed to have her friends call and see them. Mrs. J. U. Brawner, of Cataula, has been in the city several days the guest of Mr. J. M. Parker. She has charge at present of of his little babe which we are glad to state is healthy * and thriving. Rory Westwood, a negro about 30 years old, was yesterday adjudged a lunatic by a jury before Judge Wil¬ liams. He left this morning in charge of Sheriff F. M. Talley for the asy¬ lum at Milledgeville. Dr. S. G. Riley is prepared to serve a thirsty public with cooling drinks of sodawater. One glass is just half the price of a drink of whiskey, and you can take it and retain a clear head and clean conscience. Prof. McComick,vvho has been teach¬ ing a class here in vocal and instru¬ mental music for the past month, did not succeed in making up a class for another month’s instruction. He will leave for Columbus Thursday. The unmusical note of the rain crow was heard yesterday in the land. It’s plaintive croak is said to be a sure prophecy of rain, but the sun shines down serenely to-day, and we base little faith in the prophetic intu¬ itions of this bird. The committee appointed by the Sunday schools to arrange for a pic nic have secuied excursion rates to Kingsboro from the railroad authori ties, and the picnic will take place Friday week. Round trip tickets for adults 25 cts; children 15c. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, STRIOTLY IN ADVANCE. A change of schedule went into effect on the C. & R. railroad Sun day. the freight has been discon tinued and a Sunday passenger which leaves Columbus in the morning re turning in the afternoon has been put on - The schedule will be found in an other column. Therc , s n0 do «bt about it! The Flertrcwranh Lltctrograph Oil Oil Portraits t ©mails are arc the the most beautiful and lifelike pictures XfX do,re" iToST S cofo^s' 0 n a metal base, and are therefore p ermanen t. Prof. Dozier is taking orders for them at very reasonable figures. Give him a call, Rev. W. A. Farley preached a good, practical s rmon Sunday from the text, “Fear God and keep his com - mandments, for tins . the whole duty is of man.” The application was fine, snu|s t ) th have been faithfully warned that for every act they shall be brought into judgment, p .• nt the *’** <,t3v; pleasant place to to spend the even ing, and some word or sentiment con tamed in verse or song may take root in your heart and unconsciously make you nobler and better. It is step by step we attain to any excellence,men¬ tal or spiritual, an I we believe that the tendency of these meetings is educating and elevating, Let us have a full attendance. The Hams County Sunday School Association meets to-morrow at Union church Arrange me„to have been mlde there for the entertainment of a jj l } ie delegates, and all the Sunday schools in the county should be rep resented. 'The hospitable people of that neighborhood have expressed a desire to have the association meet there permanently. If other schools object to this monopoly they must speak through their delegates. Ham¬ ilton yields the palm to no other part of the county in hospitality and her doors are always open to welcome the association. Shii.oh’s Vitalizer is what you need for Constipotion, Loss of Ap petite, Dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Glass Bros, Chipley. And S. G. Riley, Hamilton. Will vou suffer with I)y.-pepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh’s Vi¬ talizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by Glass Bros., Chipley, Ga. And S. G. Riley, Hamilton. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sbiloh’sCure is the remedy for you. For sale by Glass Bros., Chipley, Ga. And S. G. Riley, Hamilton. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by Glass Bros., Chipley, Ga. And S. G. Riley, Himilton, For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by Glass Bros., Chipley. And S. G. Riley, Hamilton. NO. 35.