Newspaper Page Text
Good Crops Assured—Social, Religious and
Temperance Gatherings—Boiled Down
Heins—Country Generally Healthy.
Small-pox has appeared at Union
Springs, Ala., aud some of the adjoining
towns have quarantined against ir.
The Methodist Church at Conyers, Ga.,
has been badly damaged by being re
moved from its foundation by the flood.
The First Baptist church at Osyka,
Miss., was struck by lightning, tearing
the whole of the north side of the steeple
to pieces.
Milledgeviile, Ga.. is suffering from
scarcity of provisions on account of the
flood, the railroad freight trains hav¬
ing stopped.
Gov. Knott, of Kentucky, has ordered
a detail of seventy-five soldiers to go to
Morehead City in Rowan county during
the sessions of the court.
A flue of the ammonia chamber of thf
Central City Ice works blew out at Ma¬
con, Ga., creating a great deal of conster¬
nation among the employes.
Charles R. Jones, proprietor of the
Daily Observer at Charlotte, N. C., made
an assignment for the benefit of his cred¬
itors. He places his liabilities at $9,500.
Hon. E. W. Robertson died at Baton
Rouge, La., aged sixty-four. He served
three terms in Congress and was elected
in November last a member of the 50th
Margaret Davis, an old and well-known
colored woman of Atlanta, Ga., who was
injured at Preacher Clemmon’s funeral at
the time the floor gave way in the church
from the crush, died of her injuries.
Deputy United States Marshal High¬
tower raided and destroyed a blockade
still at the foot of Glossy Mountain, near
Greenville, S. C. The still was an
eighty-gallon one, and 150 gallons of
beer were destroyed also.
Gen. George S. Black died at Rome,
Ga. He was one of the early settlers of
Floyd county, and was for a long time a
prominent figure politically and other¬
wise. He was over eighty years old, had
led a blameless life, and was universally
The Chattanooga, Rome & Columbus
Raiiroad have located its line and work
will be begun on the road within the next
ten days. The line will be 142 miles long
and will pass through a rich country.
The capital will be furnished by New
York and London bankers.
By the breaking of a brake beam on a
freight car on the Georgia Pacific Rail¬
road, near a station called Henry Ellen,
several cars were derailed while on the
Cahawfoa mountains. The cars went down
the mountain side and were knocked
about badly. Conductor Dooley and
Brakeman Tucker of Atlanta were badly
Dr. W. H. Saunders, the physician of ap¬
pointed to make examinations locomo¬
tive engineers and other railroad em¬
ployes, under the new law which went
into effect recently, abandoned his work
at Stevenson, Ala. He was arrested on
a writ of mandamus, which requires him
to complete his test as to color blindness.
His reason for abandoning his ’work is
said to be trouble with railroad men, 20,
000 in number, who dislike the new law*
Billy Moloney, the man who acted as
Jake Sharp's tool in bribing the New
York aldermen, while out in his yacht
with a party of friends at Montreal,
Canada, saw two men struggling in the
water just above Lachine rapids. Their
boat had capsized on account of the
strong current, and they were in great
danger. Moloney headed liis yacht for
them and succeeded in getting them
aboard and landing them at Lachine.
An anti-prohibition state barbecue was
held at Fort Worth, Texas, and was the
occasion of bringing together the largest
gathering of people ever seen in Texas
w ■since the Mexican * war. Thirtv thousand
. . the , barbecue . . grounds dur
people the Visited day. After all the special trains
ing pulled into the depot, procession
had a Ross,
was formed headed by Gen. W. id.
the venerable father of Gov. Ross, in a
handsomely decorated carriage drawn by
four horses, and proceeded through the
city to the barbecue grounds. Speeches
were made from two platforms by Con
gressman Rogers Q. Mills and Seth Shep
ard. of Dallas.
Liver Disease Mrs. Mary A. McClure. Columbus, Karts.,
writes: ** I addressed health, you being- in November, 1884,
in regard disease, to my .afflicted with
liver heart trouble, and female weak
„ ness. I was advised to use l)r. Pierce’s
HEART liLAn IRHIIRIP I nuUDLb. Golden Medieal and Diseovery, Favorite Pre
i Bcription Pellets. I used one bottle
111 of the *Prescription,’ five of the ‘Discov¬
ery,’ and four of the 4 Pleasant Purgative Pellets.’ My health be¬
gan to improve under the use of your medicine, and my strength
came back. My difficulties have all disappeared. 1 can work hard
all day, or walk four or live miles a day, and stand it well; and when
I began using the medicine I could scarcely walk across the room,
most of the time, and l did not think I could over feel well again.
I have a little baby girl eight months old. Although she is a lirtie
delicate in size and appearance, she is healthy. 1 give your reme¬
dies aJi the credit for curing me, os I took no other treatment after
beginning their use. I am very grateful for your kiudness. and
thank God and thank you that I am as well as I am after years
of suffering.” Mrs. I. V. Webber, of Yorkshire, Cattaraugus
N. Y., 1 Co.,
writes: “ wish to say a few words in praise
of your ‘ Golden Medieal Discovery ’ and * Pleasant
Disease. Purgative Pellets.’ For five years previous to
taking them I was a great sufferer; I had a
severe pain in my right side continually; was
---------unable to do my own work. I am happy to say
I am now well and strong, thanks to your medicines."
Chronic Diarrhea Cured.— D. Lazarre, Esq., ?75 and ?77
Decatur Street, New Orleans, La., writes: “I used three bottles of
the ‘ Golden Medical Discovery,’ regular.” and it has cured mo of chronic
diarrhea. My bowels are now
"" Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which is the fountain of health, by using Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medieal Discovery, and good
digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, and bodily health and vigor will be established.
Golden Medical Discovery cures all humors, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or blood
poison. Especially has it proven its efficaey in curing Salt-rheum or Tetter, Fever-sores, Hip-joint Disease, Scrofulous Sores
and Swellings, Enlarged Glands, and Eating Ulcers.
Indigestion Rev. F. Asbitry Howell, Pastor of ‘‘I the M. E.
Church, of Sttverton, N. J., Buys: Boils was af¬
B O ns, flicted with catarrh and indigestion. and
blotches began to arise on the surface of the
Blotches. skin, aud 1 I experienced began the a tired of Dr. feeling Pierce’s and
dullness. use
Golden Medical Discovery as directed by
-------him for such complaints, and in one week’s
time I began to feel like a new man, and am now sound and well.
The * Pleasant Purgative Pellets ’ are the best remedy for bilious or
sick headache, or tightness about the chest, and bad taste in the
mouth, that I have ever used. My wife could not walk across the
floor when she began to take your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery.’
Now she can walk quite a little ways, and do some light work.
HIP -JOINT . Mrs. Ida M. Strong, of Ainsioorth, with Ind., hip-joint writes:
uii vuini “My little boy had been troubled
disease for two years. When he commenced the
njorfejr UluLnuC. ‘ use Pellets,’ your he ‘Golden confined Medieal to his Discovery bed, and ' could and
ml was
mh'ii■■■ not be moved without suffering great pain. But
now, thanks to your ‘ Discovery,’ he is able to be up all the time,
Golden Medical Discovery cures Consumption Spitting (which is Scrofula of the Lungs), Breath, by its wonderful Bronchitis, blood-purifying, boughs, invig Asti ora
ting and nutritive properties. For Weak Lungs, of Blood, Shortness or Severe strengthens the miu,
aud kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. While it promptly cures the severest Coughs it system
and purifies the blood. standard , of . , health .... by
It rapidly builds up the system, and increases the flesh and weight of those reduced below the usual
Consumption.— Mrs. Edward Newton, of Harrowsmithi
Out-. wrif\pja- “Von will ever tie reduced ernicoR that r,, a r m* friends tiio nirnfirl-n. had an
bie cure in mv case. I w;is so my I then
given me up, aud I had also been given up by two doctors.
went to the best doctor in these parts. He told me that medicine
was only a punishment in my case, and would not undertake to
treat ine. He said I might try Cod liver oil if I
„ „ liked, that the only thing that could possi
[JM/jTIa II lip as was consumption
ur bly have any curative power over liver oil 1 so
far advanced. I tried the Cod as a
to I U IllC If it. treatment, stomach. but I was My husband, so weak not I could feeling- not satisfied keep it
on my he had bougut for
to give me up yet, though complaint, procured me
everything he saw advertised for my only four a bottles, quan¬
tity of your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery.’ 1 took
and, to the surprise of everybody, am to-day doing my own work,
and am entirely free from that terrible cough which harrassed mo
night and dav. I have been afflicted with rheumatism tor a number
of vears, and now feel so much better that I believe, with a con¬
tinuation of your‘Golden Medical Discovery,’ I will be restored
to perfect health. I would say to those who are falling a prey to
that terrible disease consumption, do not do us T did, take every¬
thing else first; but take the‘Golden Medieal Discovery m the
ortvlv stages of the disease, and thereby save a great deal ot sul
i -ring and be restored to hoakffi at once. Any person who is
otiii in doubt,, need but write me, inclosing a stamped, eelf
addrossed envelope for reply, when the foregoing statement will
be fuiiy substantiated by the.”
rieer Cnrcd.-lPA.AC E. Downs, Esq., The of Spring Golden Valley, Medi
Rockland Co., N. Y.( P. O. Box 28), writes:
Golden Medical Discovery is Sold by Druggists. Trice $1.00 per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $5.00.
2*o. 663 Main Street, Ul’FFALO, 2*. Y.
[Formerly, 1847,-1881, the University of Louisiana.]
Its advantages for practical instruction, and especia 1 r <
in the dis-ases of the South-west are anequaled,as the £reat th I
la-,v secures it superabundant materia]., from
Charity Hospital with its 700 beds, hospital-fees and 20,000 to patients and
annually. Students have no pay
special instruction is daily given ut the bedside of the
sick, as in no other institution. For catalogues or
information, address
Prof. S. E. C’HALT.lf, .11. !>., Dean,
tw P. O. Drawer, 261, New Orleans, I.a.
J3^“Before deciding where to send illustra¬ your
daughter to school, write for an
ted catalogue giving full particulars, to
ROBT. D. SMITH. Pres't, Co!i*fflbia. Tenn.
-.- Ceniral Uni
vc * SWI.I vers r v/» w.aji ty,
RICHMOND, KY. Next Sess.or. opens bep. 14,'87
Full Faculty, thorough for instruction, information healthy and location,
apply expense, H. Blanton, Chancellor. Catalogue
to E. I>. D.,
j big offer. s , i'v”rsr.?'ars'
Operating W ishing Ma^-hln^s. If you want
one s*nd u» your name.P.O.and express St.,N.\ om e
at on r 'p. THp \ si t f onff I T'o.* 27 1 >ey .
< Illustrated Hook
; ifjaauii'.iw lent A.JI. FKEE. Atlanta. BOCK, Address P. <ia. O.
|% PS,JJ&lLJ C? M T S! ft &2KSS£ff% ° bt * lned - Send itamp u for
General Mrs. Parhelia Prunpaoe, of 161 Lock Street,
Lockport, chills, A. I”, and writes: general “ debility, I was troubled with frequent with
Bebilitt. nervous
sore My throat, and my mouth I was badly cankered.
liver was inactive, and suffered much from
--- dyspepsia. I am pleased to say that your ‘Golden
Medical Discovery' and 4 Pellets ’ have cured me of all these
ailments and I cannot say enough in their praise. I must also
say has a word in itself reference most to excellent your ‘Favorite medicine Prescription,’ for females. as it
proven a weak
It has been used in my family with excellent results.”
Minn., Dyspepsia.— writes: “I James troubled L. Colby, with Esq., indigestion, of Tucatan. and Houston would Co^ eat
heartily stomach, and grow poor at the same time. I experienced heartburn,
sour ana many other disagreeable symptoms common
, to that disorder. I commenced tuking your
luutnnniTrn iNViSOna] 9 3 * ‘Golden Medieal entirely Discovery' from the and dyspepsia, ‘Pellets,’ aud and
to am now free
THE g. SYSTEM | P five am, years. in fact, I healthier weigh one than hundred I have and bet-u scventy- for
i m. wiui mr. r oue and one-half pounds, and have done as
1 much work the past summer as I have ever
done in the same length of time in my life. I never took a
medicine that seemed to tone up the muscles and invigorate
the whole system equal to your ‘Discovery ’ and * Pellets. ”
1 Dyspepsia. troubled — Theresa A. Cass, of Springfield, Mo., writes:
was one year with liver complaint, dyspepsia, aud
eeplessness, but your ‘Golden Medieal Discovery’ cured me.".
Chills and Fever.— Rev. H. E. Mosley, Montnmrcnei, S.
writes: “ Last August I thought I would die with chills and fever.
I took your * Discovery ’ and it stopped them in a very short time.”
and can walk with the help of crutches. He does not suffer any
pain, and can eat and sleep as well as any one. Jt has only been
ubout three months since he commenced using your medicine.
I cannot And words with which to express my gratitude for the
benefit he has received through you.”
----- Skin Diaeaao.—The “Democratand N<-w 8 ,”
A TERRIBLE of Cambridge, Maryland, says: “Mrs. Eliza
Ann Poole, wife of Leonard Poole, of H't'f
Affliction. liamsburg, Dorchester Co., Md., has been cured
of a bad case of Eczema by using Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medieal Diseovery. The disease np
-------------peared first in her feet, extended to the knees, then
covering the whole of the lower limbs from feet to knees,
attacked the elbows aud became so severe as to prostrate her.
After being treated by several physicians for a year or two she
commenced the use of the medicine named above. She soon
began to mend and is now well and hearty. Mrs. Poole thinks
the medicine has saved her life and prolonged her days.”
Mr. T. A. Ayres, of East New Market, Dorchester County, Md..
vouches for the above facts.
cal JJis Discovery’ JMw has cured my tfm&smx. U a i very M i
on jy r w »: <,RS » W ?
perfectly.” Mr. Downs continues:
Consumption and Vtvnrt »l*ea*«.—“I also wish to
thank you for the remarkable cure you have effected in my case.
-------For three years I had suffered from that terri¬
Wasteo ble disease, consumption, and heart disease.
tg Before skeleton; consulting could not you sleep I had nor wasted rest, and away many to
h Skeleton. a die tie out of misery. I
times wished to to my
then consulted you, and you told me you had
---hopes of curing me, but it would take time. I
took five months’ treatment in all. The first two months 1 was
almost discouraged: could not perceive any favorable symptoms,
but the third month I began to pick up in flesh and strength. I
cannot now recite how, step by step, the signs and realities of
returning health gradually but hundred surely developed themselves. well
To-day I tip the scales at one and sixty, and am
and strong/’ reliance in curing „ Mr. ^ Downs’ , terrible , disease ..
Our principal “Golden Medieal Diseovery.”
was the
Bleeding Joseph F. McFarland, Esq., Athene, La.,
writes: “My wife lmd frequent bleeding using from
the lungs before she commenced your
from Lungs. ‘ Golden Medical Discovery.’ She lias not
had any since its use. For — some six mouths
she has been feeliiig so well that sue has
discontinued it.”
sreWAiySSWrlSl ILestobf the HKAI.TH andVIQ
OR Appetite, of YOUTH LidigeriiOB.Lack D/apopaia.Want of
of Feeling ab
L Strength and Thed Bor.cs,
so.ately cured. ««*!»• ux ut*
aBk. ciee end nsiwea S^UvSMWySHMl n*w
fores. tuppbea Frain Power
LADIES Buffering Turing iroi *ro«n compiainw
. -
‘ / r H A RTER’8 WI- heal
TOXIC a safe and^.poed __ _________ y fore . _Gije_s Give* acleaL a connterfeit- clear,
thy complexion. Frequewt attempts the at Inal. Lo
ingonly add to the popularity of ortg ~ ~
not experiment—get the OxiorsaL AND BI.6T,
/ Dr. HARTER’S LIVER P, LL8 8tck
f Care Conatlpatton.Llver Complaint , and
I 1 Headache. Sample Pom cents and In Dream pottage. Book ■
mailed on receipt of two
8t. Louis. Mo.
Education a specialty at TJOOKE’H BI'MI\E88
schools UNIVERSITY, in the Country. itliiuta, Send f or tJa. Circulars. One of the best
/JI. Can get the most Practical Business Edn
'yfLerH/tv/J u/V/T ZJS cation inraa,38)iB atfloldemit Broad 8t. h’s Atlanta, Hchool Oa. of Bos. Send
* for CircuArs A of Penmanship,
Specialists for Thirteen Years Pa***
il V ve treated wonderful Dropsy and use its veg-table complication* reroji.iea, w;tt» tas ao
in C st succes*; all symptoms of Dropay Id
tirely harmless. Remove
eight to iwenty days. pronounced hopeIe*« , by t*ve . Deft OK .
Cure patient*
physicians. . ..
Remember? cry humbug with mt pt nowing anythin*
it does not ■- ■t A y -1 anythin* In to
the merit.»f our treatment for wlUl, v ;r:«df. two
of breathing o the pula. tUoir
f. ^ular <J tbs urinary organ ji mad* to dischwgft
f ‘ u ,y „ lw . p r ..., ,r<- i, the we hog ah or neariy good.
t f is *tr-n*th increased and of appetite l lUndm*. made caw*
are con-tant y curing cas«s ,ng and tne
hare been tapped a number .f times, ps
0 7pf n M< i where, water? ar,- bowels Send «Ai«\ for free have pamphlet, i.-ws bu con¬ rat¬
ed taining arid dripped testimonials, questions, etc.
Ten day*’ treatment furnished free by mail.
If you order trial send I Oct* in at amps to pay postage.
Epilepsy (Fils) Posiilrely Cured.
.IlarletiH Sfrrel, Allantn. Ga.
CTS .♦ 1 : sz
25 SlJ
A, ^i. U... .#••••»•••• ••••• s.sats ..Thlrty-one,’8T