The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1887, August 19, 1887, Image 7

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SOUTHERN CROPS. Official Report of the United State* Depart* inenc of Agriculture* The report of the department of agri¬ culture at Washington, D. C., is as fol¬ lows : Cereals—The prospect a month ago the was for a very heavy crop of com, and rate of yield about the average. Its condition in all the states of the Atlantic coast is now unimpaired, and of a very high promise. In Texas and the condition has declined materially, The 1 past month has been favorable for ' cotton, . that the rainfall has been ^ except, unequally distributed m point of time—a drouth eu.. threatoned . 4 . a at one „ period • i and 4 damaging floods following. In the east ern Ciu holt belt the me pvcpcr excc. S nf 01 moisture inoistuie nrpdnmi pieaomt a factor of the depreciation. The weed is, therefore large and sappy, and the fruit fall appears in some fields seri¬ ously, and in some cases rust appears. In Louisiana similar conditions have pre¬ vailed, and cnly very partially in Missis¬ sippi. Texas has been too dry, though the drouth has not as yet been disastrous or severe. The prevalent status of the crop is very good for the first of August, while reporters recognize this as a criti¬ cal time, and fear the effect of subsequent droutb upon the green and succulent con¬ dition of the plant. In a comparison of ten years, the August condition is only exceeded by that of 1882 and 1885, one producing a large crop, the Other undei a medium yield. "... A. The ocneral average ° - condltion . 93.3, which , . , lower , by three IS IS •nnintu points than man that inai of OI .Tnlv OUI). The lnesuue state aver- uvei acres are: Virginia, 94;®North ■* Carolina, 96; c South ,, Carolina, AC 95; Georgia, . 94 ; Florida, x 96 ; Alabama, 93; Mississippi, 96 : Louisiana, * 94 : Texas, 87 ^ Arkansas, a i ary 97 5 rn Tennessee, rve- 95. The first brood of caterpillars has ap peared in several states, but is not gen¬ erally mentioned in the returns. It is reported in Orangeburg and Berkeley, South Carolina; in Calhoun, Taylor, Dooly and Laurens, Georgia; in Hall and Dallas, Alabama; Starkey, Newton, Is¬ saquena and Oktibbehae, Richland, Mississippi; Natchito- in Red River, Bossier, ches and Therville, Louisiana; and in Stephens, Camp and Jackson, Texas. The boll worm is much less frequently mentioned. Tobacco—The tobacco crop is in high condition in seed, the leaf state averaging nearly 100 Except in Wisconsin, the shipping and cutting dis¬ tricts of the West make an unprecedented report of low condition; Tennessee, 70; Kentucky, 59; Ohio, 55; Indiana, 56; Illinois, 52; Missouri, 60. In view of a heavy reduction in acreage, only a small fragment ot the usual crop may be ex pected. The official investigation of area now in progress, will determine authori¬ tatively the breadth cultivated the pres¬ ent year. NEGROES BARRED OUT. The twelfth subsidiary high court of the Ancieat Order of Foresters has con eluded its labors at Chicago, Ill In the closing session the most important ques¬ tion before the court was the framing of an answer to the supreme court of Fores¬ ters in England, anent the cablegram colored re¬ ceived ordering the admission of men into the association. Gardner Washburn, chairman of the committee, appointed to consider this question, handed in a voluminous report. This took a strong stand against the position of the English high court. “We would give the high court of Eng¬ land to understand,” said the report, “that this American branch will not be controlled contrary to the general laws of the order and best interests of the Foresters as a body. Any coercive act, such as the admission of the negro into the order, will be fought tooth and nail, and we warn the high court of England that if they continue to claim powers not granted them by the constitution, we may separate and sunder ourselves from such supreme court, as our fathers did from the all-claiming English ministry in the reign of George III.” buried together. The remains of the widow of the late Col. Benj. Stiles, of Savannah, Ga.,were taken to Winchester, Va., and buried in ^0 same grave with that of her husband, in accordance with a request made before her death, Co!. Stile-, aged 28, fell at the head of his regiment, the 16th Geor¬ gia volunteers, of Wofford's brigade, Longstreet's corps, at Guard Hill, near Front Royal, on August 16, 1664. This was the first burial of a woman ever made in Stonewall Cemetery, at Winches¬ ter. Children Mnrvmg To DealU On account of their inability to digest food, will find a most marvelous food and remedy in Scott’s Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. Very palatable and easily digested. Dr. S. W. Cohen, of Waco, Texas, says: “I have used your Emulsion in Infan¬ tile wasting with good results. It not only restores wasted tissues, but gives strength and increases the appetite. 1 am glad to use such a reliable article.” In Germany the law forbids the sale of to¬ bacco to youths under 18 years of age. The Morning Dress, It is said that a lady’s standing in society the break- can i easily be determined by her dress at fast-table; an expensive, has showy costume learned mai- the eating that the wearer not yet proprieties. But no one need be afraid of being called “shoddy” if her loveliness is as apparent by daylight as at the hops. Perfect beauty is never the attendant of disease; above all, of those diseases peculiar to women, and which fiud a ready cure iu Dr . Pierce's “Favorite lTe scription.” Price reduced to one dollar. By druggists, The French people will erect next year a bronze statue of Mirabeau at Le Bignon. it Is a Fact, That Dr. Harter’s Iron Tonic is cooling to the blood, controls excessive perspiration, and will safely tide you fainting over that spells, period exhaustive charac¬ terized by headache, give strength spasmmodic affections, and will and new life to the entire system. Daughters, Wives aud Mothers Send for Pamphlet on B. Female Marchisi, Diseases, Utica, N.Y. free; securely sealed. Dr. J. Dyspepsia Makes many lives miserable, and often leads to self destruction. Distress after eating, sick headache, heartburn, sour stomach, mental depression, etc., arc caused by this very common and increasing dls I ease. Hood’s Sarsaparilla tones tiic stomach, creates au appetite, promotes healthy digestion, relieves i sick headache, clears the mind and cures the most obstinate cases of dyspepsia. with dyspepsia. I had but “I have been troubled distressed mtie appetite, SS and what i did cut me, or ^“‘f e g< ^ntuc,ss In an hour after eating I would Hood’s e Sarsaparilla a did or tired, immense all-gone amount feeling. of me an good. It gave me au appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously red •*« expert Sai.'“a‘l'p , ii“waSSw f r^ - Hood’s Sarsaparilla Prepared onl/ Sold by t. all druggists. $1; six for $5. by C. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Low ell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar Lectu;e on i 14 "ROUGH ON RATS.” JvT i •V. ✓ ®UG! , 4* This is what killed ycur poor father. Shun it. Avoid anything containing it throughout your ob¬ future useful (,?) careers. We older heads ject to its special ‘Rough’ncss,’ DON’T FOOLS™, with- insect 0 in futile efforts pow¬ der, borax or wbat not, used at random all over the houEe to get rid of Roaches, Wa ter-bugs, Beet¬ les. For 2 or 3 nights smiukle _ _ __ “Rough on Rats’ drypowder.L , § Mr r V about and down the sink, drain ▼ ▼ pipe. First thing in the morning wash it all awav down the sink, drain pipe, when all the insects from garret to cellar will disappear. The secret is in the fact that wherever insects are in the house, they must Eg 18IS« ft & 5»O j drink during the Mice, night. Bed-bugs, Flies, v Beetles. SB Clears out Sat s, all around the ‘‘Rough on Rats,” is sold i wo r Id, in every clime, is the most sale extensively of advertised aud has the largest any article of its kind on POTATO the face of the BUDS globe. DESTROYS Bugs,Insects Ymes etc., a table¬ For Potato on well shauen, ; in keg spoonful of and the applied powder, with sprinkling a pot of water, whisk broom. Reep it well spray syringe, or 25c. and $1 Boxes. Agr. size. stirred up. 15c., etDBUci, Kgs? CSP» FLIES. Roaches, ante .water-bugs, moths, rata, mfco, ffP&rrows, .1^*^ rabbits, squirrels, gophers* 15c. (£!**£«*** SHIIa Great English Gout and {Half S I llISs Rheumatic i*BU. Remedy. Oval Bo x, 34; round, l FINE Blooded Cattle, Sheep, Hogs. Poultry. Dogs for sale. Catalogues with 150 enKraviiigs frtre. N. P. Boyer & 1 o. t Coutesvtlle, Pa. . - { BA CI iTTlLS WANTED 7 k KPT EMBER Session. | | Al>DRE88, with stamp, SiMIllllT'l ’IVfU'ltrr*’ .‘, S F «•>•„ P O. Box 410, Bibminoham, Ala. J j "aaaasgi PP||ffll Morphine to XO days. Habit So pay Cured till cured. In lO ! * ¥nB Dr. J. Stephens, Lebanon,Ohio. j Qp|!3^ Habit Cured .»ti»f»ctorT b-iwe »nr p*y. VroT. i. E. IIAKTOS. 2ith Wsrd. Cincinnati. O. - \r* v y- 5 km As ^ & 4 & * A .. x W' 9- zr* . •* r ■ This repre'ents a healthy life. Justsurhalife as they Bile enjoy Throughout its various scenes. Who use the South's Beans. hi™ jsf-s “ lion, Malaria, aud Dyspepsia, and are a safeguard DlEi: BEANS, against all forms of fevers, chills and fever, gall stones, Ht. 1-ouia, Mo. and Brlsrbt’s disease. Send 4 cents postage for a sam- -— - ■ f pie package and test the TRUTH of what we jay. Pric^ 25 cents per bottler fcaiKit to any address, postpaid. DOSE ONE BEAN. Sold by druggists. J, 3 f«. SMITH cb CO., PROPRIETORS, ST. I 1 OUX 8 , MO t. THE ONLT TRUE I 4 'IRON \ TONIC ; Will purify th# BLOOD regi ulate the LIVER *nd KIDNEYS aud Restore the HEALTH and' VIOL OR of Appetite, of YOUTH Indigestion,lack Dy*p*i«ia,Want of j K Strength *01111*1/ and cured- Tired Bones. Feeling *b mu* L AD IBS JisFl’JteFS ing only add to th* popularity of th* original. D* not experiment—get th* OaiarsaL and Best, Dr. HARTER’S LIVER Complaint PILLS stoxl V ! Cura Conetipationxwer and Book! ; Headache, flample Doe* and Dream ; mailed DR.HARTER on receipt of two cent# in poetege. f HE MEDICINE COMPANY. St. Louie. Me. 2 5 ‘CTIS, iiiizsxcrsf EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Work for Young and Middlo-Agoi Men. 'men i or life m KNOW THYSELF. Consulting Physician. More than one million copie# ■old. It treat* upon NervouM and Phrelcai Debility, Premature Decline. Exhausted of Blood, Vitality, and the Impaired untold Vigor, and Impurities the miseries consequent thereon. Contains 300 pages, ■ubetantial emboss d binding, full gilt. Warranted the best popular medical treatise published In the English language. Price only $1 by mall IUuttrutiw postpaid, and concealed in send a plain wrapper. Address above. Bumple/ree It you * now. as Same this paver. One Agent ( Merchant only) wauted in every town for WAwiS'd ISilSP m We are selling four times as many "Tauslll’* 1 Pu-ch” against any other cigar and have only had them in the cas awek. J. A. Tozier, Druggist, Brockport, N. Y. Address R. W. TANMLL & CO.» Chicago. SO’5 CURE F CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Uso In time. istri Sold by druggists. gf 1 >? a 1 san r^igai FO El HORSES. U VILLA, W. Va., ) ^ov. 17, 1886. j Recently I bought a young horse. He was taken very ill with Pneu moma. i tried to think of something to relieve him. Concluded what was good tor man would be good for the horse. 80 I got a bottle of Piso’s Cure and gave him half of it through helped the him, nos¬ trils. This aud I continued giving same doses night and morning until I had us d two bottles. The hor^e has become per¬ fectly sound. I can re¬ commend Piso’s Cure for the horse as well as for man. N. 8. J. Strider. PISO’S CURE FOR CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use iu time. Hold by druggists. r2553: : 25 «21‘s,: IliVer* The Origiatl ’®®v' evvets pills. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ALWAYS ASK FOR HR. FIERCE'S PELLETS, OR LITTLE SUGAR-COATED PILLS . Be ill g entirely vegetable, they op tnout disturbance to the system, diet, c . ____pinion. Put up in glass vials, hermeti¬ cally soak'd. Always fresh and reliable. As a laxative, little Pellets alterative, give the or purgative, perfect these most satisfaction. SHHMiLE. 1> relieved atid permanentlj curl'd bv the use of Dr. Eierce’s Pleasant Purgative „ Relief*. In explanation of the remedial power of these Pellets over SO great a variety of diseases, it may truthfully be said that their action upon the system is universal, not a gland or Sold tissue escaping their sanative influence. by druggists, 25 cents a vial. Manufactured at the Chemical Lalwratory of Would’s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. m & 1 $ 500 ™ is offered by the manufactur N ers of Dr. Nage’s Catarrh - i $ Chronic Remedy N , asnl for Catarrh a case which of pv? they cannot cure. SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH. Dull. heavy headuche, obstruction of the nasal passages, Into discharges falling from the head the throat, sometimes tenacious, profuse, watery, and acrid, nt others, thick, the mucous, purulent, bloody ami putrid; there eyes ringing: ai» weak, watery, aud inflamed; coughing is In the ears, deafness, harking or to clear the throat, with expectoration sealm from of ulcers; offensive the matter, together nasal twang; the voice is changed aud has a breath is offensive; smell and taste are im¬ paired ; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a bucking cough above-named and gen¬ eral debility. Only a few of tbo symptoms are likely to be present annually, in without any one case. Thousands of eases manifesting half of the above end symptoms, the re¬ sult in consumption, and in grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, or less understood by physicians. properties. By its mild, soothing, and healing Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy cures the worst cases of Catarrh, Caiurrbal “cold Headache. lit the head,” Coryza, and 50 Sold by druggists everywhere; cents. “Untold Agony from Catarrh.” Trof. W. Hausnkh, the famous mesmerist, of Ithaca, N. Y., writes: “ Some ten years ago I suffered untold agony physician from chronic nasal catarrh. My family gave me up as incurable, anil said I must die. towards My case was such a bad one, that every day. bourse I could sun¬ set, my voice would become so barely speak above a whisper. In the morning tuy coughing and clearing of my throat would almost strangle me. By the use of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, in throe months, I was a well man, und the cure has been permanent.” “Constantly Hawking mid Spitting.” Thomas J. Rushing, ”1 Esq., tws great Pine sufferer Street, St. Louie, Mo., writes; was a from catarrh for three years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constantly eight hawking month* and spitting, and for the last oould not breathe through the nostrils. I thought notiiing could be done for me. Luck¬ ily, 1 was advised m try I)r. Page’s Catarrh Remedy, and I art now a well man. i believe it to be the only euro remedy for catarrh now manufactured, trial experience and one astounding has only to results give it and a fair to j a permanent cure.” Three Bottles Cure Catarrh. Eli Robbins, Runyan P. 0., Columbia when Co., Pa., says: “Aly daughter bad catarrh she was five years old, very badly. 1 saw Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy advertised, and pro¬ cured a bottle for her, and soon saw that it helped her; a third bottle effected a perma¬ nent cure. She is now eighteen years old and sound and hearty.” J.P. STEVENS A BR9. JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. Nil for CauIhm* OPIUM and WHISKEY HABIT* cured nt home without pam. Book of particulars sent FREK B. M. Woolley, M.D.. It hint n, (la. OFFICE Whitehall Street. Mention this paper. Central University RICHMOND, KY. Next Sessio opensbep '4 87 Full Faculty, thorough inntruction, healthy Oatalogus location, inf^derate eiponne. For inforinstion and apply to 1,. If. Blanton. II I-*., Chan cellar gals, Packages HIItKH’ of del 25c. cions, Improved Mnke- spark¬ 5 ROOT BEER ling. wholesome beverage, S.'S >id by drtjggi«t»; Pilila., mailed for 26c. O’. E. HIRES. 4» . De:a. Av«.. Pa. PENSIONS to Soldiers and Heirs. N-'n l tor cir ! ctilare. No fee un*»»s sao cc s ef ttl. ■ E, I!. G EL “TON dfc CO., Washington. U. 0. OPIUM Habit Cured. Treat it ent sent on trial. Hr M A Nr »t r. v E r> Y Cr«.. I, n Fayette, I rid. 1 Beet, Piso’s Easieet Remedy to bee, for Catarrh and Cheapest. is the ■ CATARRH .Sold by druggists or by maii. fll 50c. E. T. Hazeltme, Warrea, Pa. A. N. U Thirty-two,'87^.